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Warming up Post #2 Allowing the broom to ascend slowly, Dylan quickly noted more differences in his personal broom and this particular antique. One being...speed. Sweet Merlin...this broom had to be the slowest thing on Earth... Only going up about 20 to 25 feet...he attempted to handle it with the same grace he would his own...but really, it was hard. It was like relearning to fly. The handle felt wrong beneath his finger tips...and the seat was seriously hurting his backside... So...slow... He attempted a few tricks...but quickly squashed that idea. He was NOT killing himself on this relic. |
Warmin up Post #3 He was back in the air once again. Now he feel more comfortable than before since he didn't feel like he was about to flip from the broom. This time he just hovering in the air, feel the air. He was just like 10 feet from the ground but the air still feel good from here. He bet the air would feel really good if he flies higher but he doesn't want something bad happen, Vindictus said if they want to feel safe they need to fly no more than 10 feet. |
Post#3-- warm ups Quite frustrated with its responsiveness across the horizontal plane, Vickers proceeded with the altitude test. He started to lift himself up and will the broom to go up, struggling to take extra care that he doesnt pull too much lest it thinks it should got on a descent. It reacted just a tad faster than the steering left or right, but still, this didnt feel like flying to him, more like, floating on a really uncomfortable dead weight. Eventually he got his broom up to about 25 feet before he gave up entirely, turning it around sloooooowly before he wills it to make a descent. Funnily enough the trip down went by a lot faster, which got him wondering how much of it was more dependent on the Earth's gravity that a controlled descent. Guh he wouldnt want to be on this thing if it spirals out of control, if ever it was ever capable of doing that. |
Post 1: First attempt at collecting Lollipops Now that Alyssa had the bucket, she moved the bucket closer to her before slowly circling the lollipops down before her. She studied how low they were placed on the ground. This would be so easy for someone with Seeker skills and a fast broom. Unfortunately, Alyssa's position on her team was usually a Beater and she was used to flying her Firebolt which definitely flew faster this medieval makeshift broom she was on. But she knew that she had to at least try to get make an attempt at getting them. Alyssa leaned forward and pointed her broom handle down manoevering her broom until it was hovering only inches above the ground. Now all she had to do was slow it down enough for her to reach down and grab one of the lollipops. Once she was low enough, Alyssa slowly pulled back on her broom handle, slowing down the broom. As the broom began to slow down, Alyssa kept her eyes forward while slowly leaning towards the side with one hand hanging down. She felt the tops of the lollipop brushing against her finger tips. Alyssa knew that she had to get lower. Concentrating on keeping her broom flying low and slow, she quickly leaved over and reached down. Her fingertips touched something and she reached out and grabbed it before quickly straightening up and pulling up on the broom handle and leaning forward to move her broom upwards and away from the ground. She looked at what was in her hands. It was a LOLLIPOP!!. She had one. Now she had 6 more to go. |
Warming up Post #3 Not feeling at all satisfied with the speed aspect, Dylan decided to attempt basic maneuvers. Like agility and braking. The Professor had mentioned that these particular brooms didn't have braking charms on them...So, he was curious as to what that could mean for handling. Obviously the speed of the broom was a drastic problem...and as he attempted to pull the broom higher...it felt unstable beneath him. Shaky...Like the broom itself was afraid to be going so high. Not pushing it too much, the Slytherin attempted to switch directions...and he could...but it was not at all smooth or comfortable to do so. Getting a little frustrated, Dylan settled for doing a few laps...pulling his body closer to the wood. It did nothing to speed the thing up like he thought it might have. Sweet Merlin, his bum hurt! Broom agility...POOR...Broom speed...POOR...Broom comfort...POOR... *flail* Dylan just hoped riding on this thing didn't cause any permanent damage... |
When Messer was enjoying flying in the medieval broom. Yes, he's enjoying himself. Sue him. He heard Professor Vindictus gave them an instruction. Collect a bucket? Sounds easy? Wait. They have to slide the bucket's handle onto your broom handle? Challenge accepted! He maneuver the ancient broom toward where Vindictus place the bucket. As he got nearer from the grass, Messer pulled back his broom so he won't crashed into the ground. He flied toward the bucket. Its on his right so the Hufflepuff turned his broom to his right but unfortunately he was to late. He missed his target. Darn! "Come on broom! Show the bucket what you made of!" He turned back the broom to where the bucket was and its not an easy task but he finally managed to make it turn. The Hufflepuff was about to fly toward the bucket when he heard Vindictus gave them another instruction. LOLLIPOPS?! There's LOLLIPOPS on the ground. WICKED! Focus Messer. You need to get the bucket first! As he flied straight to the bucket, his gripped the broom tightly. He grinned widely when he successfully slide the bucket's handle onto his broom handle. Yay! Go him! Lollipops here I come! |
Post 2: 2nd and 3rd attempt at picking the lollipops Alyssa dropped the lollipop that she had into her bucket before she slowly leaned forward on her broom and pointed the handle down, slowing down her broom while at the same time lowering her broom closer to the ground again. As she flew slowly over the lollipops, Alyssa decided that she would get another lollipop the same way she had done earlier. 'Hey if it worked the first time, it should again.' she thought to herself. Once she saw that she was over a batch of lollipops, Alyssa kept her eyes on the horizon making sure that the broom was moving slow and low enough to the ground, and quickly leaned over to reach down and grab another lollipop....only this time, the broom moved in the direction she was and Alyssa realized that she was going to the hit the ground. She quickly straightened up and leaned forward on the broom while pointing the handle upwards. She breathed a sigh of relief when the broom slowly but surely ascended. 'Whew! that was a close call,' Alyssa thought to herself. She knew that she had made the mistake of being overconfident, and that had made her careless. Determined to be careful and more cautious this time, Alyssa first flew over the lollipops as she planned her strategy. She would do what she had done before, first lower the broom until it was flying closer to the ground, and then slow its speed down, just enough that she would be able to reach out and grab a lollipop but not too slow that she stopped flying altogether and end up head first in the grass. Once she had her strategy in place, Alyssa pointed her broom handle down and slowly leaned forward. The broom responded sluggishly but Alyssa could see that she was getting closer to the ground. Once she was less than two feet from the ground, Alyssa slowly pulled back on the handle and straightened out before leaning forward ever so slightly so that the broom was now flying horizontal with the ground. Now that she was flying horizontal, Alyssa leaned back, slowly pulling on the handle to slow down the speed of the broom as it flew. As she neared a group of lollipops, this time Alyssa headed for the biggest one she could see sticking out of the ground. When she got close enough, Alyssa removed one hand from the handle while concentrating on keeping her broom flying straight but slow at the same time. She reached out and made a wild grab...and her fingers latched onto something. Taking a quick peek at what she was holding, Alyssa was glad to see that she had another lollipop in her hand. Two down. 5 more to go. |
Post 2 still warming up Nerida was still in the ten feet area she did not want to go higher until she had control of the broom. The Professor meant it when he said this thing was slow. Just as the thought came on her mind a butterfly flew into her face. She lost control of her broom for a couple seconds and shooed the butterfly away. Beware of the butterflies... She attempted to go left and right. It seemed like it took forever for it to turn right and Nerida's whole body was leaned all the way towards the right and it practically looked like she was going to fall off. After making the right turn she decided on trying turning left though she partly thought that it was going to be exactly like turning right painfully slow and lean your body tell you almost drop off your broom. After leaning her body left and a long time past Nerida had succeeded in turning the broom left. |
Post 3: Another attempt at the lollipops Alyssa quickly dropped her second lollipop in the bucket before looking around as she she flew ever so slowly above the ground. She worked hard on keeping the broom flying the way she wanted it to because it was harder to control. It was frustrating for her because this broom didn't respond as fast and wasn't as easy to maneuver as her own Firebolt, but she knew that for this class, she had to learn to understand it better. Now that she had more or less figured out how to retrieve each lollipop, Alyssa decided that in order to make things easier for herself, that she was going to look for the darker colored, larger shaped lollipops she could find. Darker colored so that she could spot them better, and larger shaped so that it would be easier to grab. So she continued to fly around, until she spotted a nice large, red, triangle shaped lolly sticking out of the ground. This way all she had to do was grab hold of the pointed tip, giving her better chances of grabbing it. Alyssa headed towards it, struggling to keep her broom flying just low enough above the ground, but not too low either, that she would be practically walking on the grass instead of flying. As she got closer to the red triangular shaped lollipop, Alyssa leaned back on her broom to slow it down before she reached out to grab the lollipop. Just as her fingertips brushed the tip of the lolly, her broom swerved to the left and Alyssa's fingers missed the lolly by inches. Alyssa wanted to smack the broom but she knew that it wasn't its fault. She had forgotten to keep her eyes on where she was headed. So Alyssa leaned sideways on the broom and when it turned, she made her way back to the lollipop that she had missed a few seconds before. As she got closer to the 'target' Alyssa leaned back on the broom to slow it down ever so slightly. This time she kept her eyes on the broom handle to make sure that it was pointed in the direction she wanted it to go. Alyssa took her eyes off it just for a second to see where the lollipop was and realized that she was almost over the lolly. So while keeping her eyes on the broom and concentrating hard on keeping it flying the way she wanted it to, she reached down with one hand and felt for the tip of the lollipop. This time, her fingertips managed to grab it and she quickly snatched it up and dropped it into her bucket. Three down, 4 more to go. |
Post 1: Warm ups *ish so behind* D: Hmm...points. At this Nessie began pouting. She wasn't sure whether it was really worth just observing or not and she couldn't make up her mind. Something did for her. When she overheard the Professor saying her name to another boy, she listened more intently. Only to find out that this boy too wanted to observe too. It was the boy that had been rather rude to her the other day. Yes he was cute and all, but she didn't feel like having to watch the whole thing with him, it would be just plain weird. So hoping for the best, Renesmee neared one of these olden day brooms. Nessie then tied a pillow onto one of the brooms. It looked alright, and hopefully it wouldn't be too hard. The red head then lifted up her right leg and swung it over the broom so she could be sitting comfortable. It wasn't too bad. Just as long as she wouldn't end up with too many splinters. That would be terrible. One Two Three...go! Zoom! The fourth year's broom rised up in the air and she began flying around the pitch. It wasn't like her normal broom that she was used to, but it was alright. A bit lacking in speed, but she was too scared to fly any faster because of the fact that there was no brakes. That scared her...A LOT! So she continued flying at a steady pace, now beginning to make laps around the field like they sometimes did before quidditch practices. |
Post 3 last post of warming up Nerida sighed as she felt her thighs once again began to rub against the wood as she leaned towards the left. She had gotten the hang of turning but it still took a lot of work and a lot of time! How did ancient people ride these things they were horrid!! She leaned forward trying to see if that would make the slow broom move any faster...No luck it was still going slow and it still took forever to turn. She began to do circles...Very slow slow circles. |
Post 2: Warm ups This wasn't so bad after all. It was a bit like normal flying..or at least for now. After another lap around the field, Nessie began feeling funny. It felt something sharp was jabbing her thighs. "Oww." she said quietly hoping nobody around could hear. Silly splinters and silly broom in fact. It was just so slow and not even worth the ride. Nessie tried to zoom a little faster, but nothing happened. Her broom's speed just remained the same. Meh..boring broom. The fourth year tried to lean forward hoping it would help, but instead the broom just began going downwards towards the ground. Merlin..she was going to crash..face first and all. >_< Crash! The red head toppled over whilst still on the broom and hit the floor with a rough landing. She blinked and lay still for a few moments, then she sat up and made sure she wasn't injured anywhere. Once that was done she got up and got ready to mount her broom again. |
Post #4-- bucket pick up Vickers tried a controlled descent but was a whole lot more difficult than he anticipated, partly struggling to get it to slow down some more and ended up feeling some deep scratches on his palms. But now the Professor has laid out those buckets and explained what they needed to do. Was he slow enough right now? Well he knew well enough they werent supposed to stop, not with these brooms having no hovering feature. He pushed the broom and aimed for the handle but missed by mere inches. And not only that, his broom stalled and he ended up slamming roughly on his feet. His lips drew a thin, incredibly annoyed line. This was a challenge, he understood that much, but he found it so frustrating that he had to work on a broom wherein this challenge was excellent enough as an accuracy test. He kicked off from the ground and exhaustively made another loop in the air, just so he can eyeball that bucket handle at least from a distance. His figured his far-sightedness will come handy now, as he gauged the bucket handle's height and the velocity of his descent. Gripping the broom handle tightly and ignoring the pain, he willed the broom to lower near the ground and slow down just enough for the wooden stick slips through the metal handle with a slight plonk. He rose up into the air with a tired but satisfied smile, then tapped the bucket lightly watching it swing at the end of his broom. |
Lollipops Post #1 With the bucket on his broom handle, Messer was ready to take those delicious looking lollipops. Lollipops here he come! He flied straight toward where Vindictus place the lollipops. He played as a chaser in his house team few times so it won't be that difficult to grab those sweets from the ground, right? But he was SO very wrong. Apparently grabbing one of the lollipops was really difficult task if you're flying with an ancient broom. He was flying a few inches from the grass, he made sure that his feet didn't touch the ground. The Hufflepuff tried to make the broom little bit slower so he could pick the lollipop from the ground. But unfortunately he missed just a few inches from the lollipops. "Darn it!" |
post 2...ish With her bucket dangling off the handle of her broom, Kurumi found steering even more difficult now with the added air resistance. Not that there really was that much air rushing by her right now to be resisted in the first place, but the bucket certainly wasn't helping with balancing an keeping the broom's flight steady either. Veering a little to the left, Kurumi leaned forward on her broom to move forward once more while surveying the field of lollipops to find a strawberry one among them. AHA! There was one! Kurumi leaned a bit forward and momentarily forgot that the broom was not going to move any faster than it already was. Oh! Hello butterfly! NO! No distractions! There were strawberry lollipops to collect! Lowering her hand as she approached it, Kurumi leaned over the side of her broom with her fingers stretched out in eager anticipation when her broom responded to her shift in weight by veering off to the side quite dramatically and taking her away from her coveted strawberry lollipop. Furrowing her brow, Kurumi continued to lean to the side to complete a full circle so that she could try again. |
Post 3: Warm ups Feeling a little dizzy from her crash, it took Ness a little time to get back into the hang of things, but once she did she was up in the air and zooming off again. The more she flew, the better she got at it, and the more comfortable she felt with this broom. She could cope with this for now. It was a good thing they didn't have to use these in actual quidditch matches, that would be really chaotic for Ness. She probably would have had more injures then ever. The Hufflepuff flew three more laps around the pitch, and then felt completely alright with flying on the broom. She finally got the hang of it. |
Warm Up - post one Sarah was eager to try her luck on the old brooms, no matter the pain - no pain, no gain! She mounted the broom the usual broom and lurched up into the air. There was no pain yet, though she should not talk to soon. For the first ascension, to about a couple feet, Sarah was taking it easy. She was still trying to find a place to rest her arms, where there were no splinters. After a few close calls with some splinters she find the right place, now she can head for higher heights. She decided to fly to the other end of the pitch just to get a bit more used to the broom. |
Bucket Post. Now that she knew how to sort of fly this thing, it was tim,e to move on with the first task. The red head had listened to every word the Professor had said, and after she had let the instuctions sink in, she took of to the air again. Hmm..best to take Vindictus' advice right? Mhhm..she thought so, as strange as that man was he was rather bright too. The red head, began laping around the field again, making sure her speed was slowly slowing down. These brooms were just so annoying, and so much more difficult to control than normal ones. If Nessie had, had her real broom with her she'd had been flying at any pace she'd had wanted to. Taking her time, Renesmee continued to fly, she was on her fifth lap now and she felt she was ready to attempt to collect her bucket. She was quite close to the ground, it wouldn't be too hard for her to reach the bucket from where she was. The problem was more, getting the bucket to stay on the broom handle. She could do this. Nessie flew closer to the bucket below her and using every bit of concentration she had, she made her broom bend down a little and then carefully slid the handle onto the broom as she caused her broom to go straight again. She had done it! She had gotten her bucket with no hands used! Wow she was impressed with herself. |
Warming up -post 2 Sarah reached the end of the pitch sooner then she had expected. Now she was going to try climb to 10 feet, she could do more, yet safer does it –she going without the pillows as it is. She did it the way she was taught. Her smile turned into exhilaration as she looked down – she was double her height! Upon reaching the perimeter of pitch she decided to circle the pitch some more times, three for a good measure. She sped off. ‘Ow’, exclaimed Sarah as she felt a splinter screaming to make itself heard. She groaned, she was also experiencing ‘minor’ pains. |
Lollipops Post #2 Yes he still had zero lollipops with him and he need to change it. Okay let's do this again! Messer leaned forward on his broom heading toward the lollipops. He didn't care which one, he just want to get one of that sweet. He approached his target slowly because he didn't want to miss it again like he did earlier. This time he had to success! The Hufflepuff leaved over and reached his hand down to one of the lollipops. He got it! He got his first lollipop. After he put it into his bucket, he quickly straightening himself up and pulling up the broom handle. He need 6 more. |
Warming up -post 3 “Happiness is a state of mind” thought Sarah, despite her aching body feeling otherwise. She was going to be like the Sara in “A little Princess” – there are worse things than getting a couple of splinters. Her own splinters tried to protest. Sarah ignored them by using her imagination – she was a dreamer. Dreamers don’t let life circumstances bring them down. She imagined she was on her own broom –well her dream broom –she never had it yet. All was comfortable. She just had to continue on flying. From that moment on – Sarah made up her mind so that she was enjoying herself and was in no pain. Miraculously the pain ceased, and Sarah was enjoying herself once more. She finished her laps and began to feel that she had gotten it. |
Post 4: Lollipop attempt grab Alyssa glanced down into her bucket. She had 3 lollipops and needed to collect another 4. She was getting tired just trying to control her broom but she was determined to hang on as long as possible. Her head was beginning to throb again, but ignored it and concentrated on the task at end. Still struggling to keep her broom flying at least 2 feet above the ground and as slow as she could manage, without letting it stop flying altogether, which would be a disaster, Alyssa looked around searching for more Lollipops. Of course they were scattered all over the pitch, but she was looking for certain specific ones. Then she saw a cluster of them sticking out of the ground. This time Alyssa decided that she wouldn't just target just one lollipop, she was going to head towards a cluster and hope that she'd be able to grab at least one as she flew past it. So Alyssa leaned forward on her broom and pointed it towards the cluster of lollipops. She concentrated on keeping the broom flying as low as possible and once she got nearer to the cluster, Alyssa leaned back and slowly pulled back on the broom handle, slowing the speed of the already slow flying broom. Struggling to keep the broom flying the way she wanted it to, Alyssa kept her eyes on the lollipops and when she was almost over them, she concentrated on keeping the broom flying straight, slow and low, as she removed one hand from the broom handle, and reached down and made a grab...and caught nothing. Sighing with frustration, Alyssa leaned towards the left, pointing the broom towards the left and once she was able to 'convince' it to turn back, she made another attempt at flying over the same cluster again. Again, when she was almost over the cluster, Alyssa leaned back and pulled back ever so slightly on the broom handle to slow down her broom even more. Keeping her eyes on the broom handle and tightening her thighs around the handle, Alyssa stretched out her hand again and reached down and waited until her finger tips touched something. She quickly grabbed it and brought her hand back up. It was another lollipop. Dropping it in the bucket, Alyssa leaned forward to increase the speed of the broom and flew forward looking for another cluster. 4 down, 3 more to go. |
Wisteria listened as the new obstacle was announced. Lollipops, huh, sounds good to her. I wonder if we could eat them afterwards?she thought to herself. She mounted her broom wearing one of her slip grip gloves. She had no idea where the other one went off to. At least she'll only get splinters in one hand. She rose about twenty feet in the air. She searched for the lollipops. Left, right, Left, straight, left, down, and there was one. She gradually made her way in the direction and... missed, figures, she thought. She tried again. The bucket seemed easier than this. She made a mental not to try this on her free time for extra practice. She decided to try a bit lover to about fifteen feet and circled the area relocating where her next target will be. Her hand started hurting, but this is only the beginning so she made a point to forget about her hand and focus on the target. To her left she spots the lollipop. Again she swoops down, carefully aiming, and... missed again. She knew this was going to be harder but she kept going, making this her personal goal to accomplish for the day. |
Picking up Bucket post This was going to be interesting. She started slowing down as she descended, something she had learnt when on holiday with her muggle cousins – they all went rollerblading together, and they reached the top of a steep hill. Sarah, younger then was afraid of going down at the neck –breaking speed of the older kids, so her mother suggested that she go down zig, sagging, as that will break the speed and it did! Slowly Sarah did the same on the pitch, soon she was level with the bucket handle, she eased in there at snail pace and scooped the bucket before her up. This was going to be exciting! The decent had been rather hard for Sarah so she decided to acend only up to about 5 feet. |
So Behind... Warming Up Post 1 Nigel was of course disappointed that a butterfly could fly faster than him, but what can he do.Its not like he could ask for a better broom when the whole class was using the same one. And he did want participation points. So sitting out was not a option. He got on to his broom and kicked off. It was nice felling the air go across his fast even if he was going slow. But now he had to get use to the steering on this medieval broomstick. |
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