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-   -   What in Merlin's Beard? Term 30 (2076-2077) (

demented_death_eater 12-27-2011 05:18 PM

What in Merlin's Beard? Term 30 (2076-2077)

A bit confused about the plot? Housemates talking about a mysterious something going bump in the night? Here's where you can catch up on happenings around the Castle, Diagon Alley, and Hogsmeade -- out of character, of course.

This means that unless your student character heard this stuff from other students or witnessed the actual event, your student character doesn't know about it.

Also, this is a reminder to everyone to only post updates on the school plot here. Please do not post the happenings of your student character in here - that kind of chat goes in the school chat thread.

Have fun!

demented_death_eater 12-27-2011 05:21 PM

Who’s Who – Term 30 (2076-2077)
:sort: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Headmaster - Prof. Gaellen L. Tate (Cassirin)
Deputy Headmaster - Prof. Maximus O. Vindictus (demented_death_eater)

:sort:School Staff
Ancient Runes – Prof. Oliver Jenkins (Mell)
Arithmancy - Prof. Josephina F. Hadley (PhoenixRising)
Astronomy - Prof. Edvard A. Roslund (Nordic Witch)
CoMC - Prof. William W. Williamson (BanaBatGirl)
Charms – Prof. Althea R. Schirmer (Tegz)
DADA - Prof. Medea A. Romanos (Roselyn)
Divination - Thereos
Flying - Prof. Maximus O. Vindictus (demented_death_eater)
Herbology - Prof. Seren Bentley (Hera)
History of Magic – Prof. Dash Scabior (Kaos.Doodles)
Muggle Studies – Prof. Gemma Cerulean (Lezleighd)
Potions - Prof. Hecate S. Lafay (Droo)
Transfiguration – Prof. Isabelle Magnus (MeredithRodneyMcKay)

Groundskeeper – Mr. Waylon A. Murdoch (Destiny)
School Healer (Nurse) – Ms. Cecilia Tillstorm (The1HBIC)
School Poltergeist - Peeves
School Ghost - Moaning Myrtle

Head Boy – Treyen Lockhart (Lockhartian)
Head Girl – Vashti Greenwell (AlwaysSnapesGirl)

:gryff: Gryffindor
House Ghost - Sir "Nearly Headless" Nick
Head of House - Prof. Seren Bentley (Hera)
House Moderator - Prof. Edvard A. Roslund (Nordic Witch)
House Prefects - Adam Burn (Team ronmione), Kurumi Hollingberry (sweetpinkpixie)

:huff: Hufflepuff
House Ghost - The Fat Friar
Head of House - Prof. Josephina F. Hadley (PhoenixRising)
House Moderator – Prof. Isabelle Magnus (MeredithRodneyMcKay)
House Prefects – Treyen Lockhart (Lockhartian), Arya Lovegoods (grangerfan8)

:claw: Ravenclaw
House Ghost - The Grey Lady
Head of House - Prof. Maximus O. Vindictus (demented_death_eater)
House Moderator - Prof. Gemma Cerulean (Lezleighd)
House Prefects – Eino Uronen (Starbreeze), Vashti Greenwell (AlwaysSnapesGirl)

:slyth: Slytherin
House Ghost - The Bloody Baron
Head of House - Prof. Prof. Hecate S. Lafay (Droo)
House Moderator - Prof. Dash Scabior (Kaos.Doodles)
House Prefects – Kennedy Escalante (Bubbles), Selena Zabini-Riddle (iBeJenn)

Gobstones – Prof. Josephina F. Hadley (PhoenixRising)

:snitch: Quidditch
Quidditch Official - Prof. Maximus O. Vindictus (demented_death_eater)
Gryffindor Captain - Selina Skylar (fanficfanatict)
Hufflepuff Captain - Keefer Marius (hpluvr037)
Ravenclaw Captain - Eliana Stone (HaRoHeGiNeLu)
Slytherin Captain – Kimalia Fanster (Kimalia)

Starbreeze 01-03-2012 03:48 AM

The Headmaster's speech:


Originally Posted by Cassirin (Post 10851347)
Tate stood. "Students. I'd like to welcome you once again to Hogwarts for another exciting term. For those who read the Daily Prophet, you may have seen that we are celebrating an exciting anniversary this term, and your staff has been hard at work with some events that will help us feel the true spirit of all that Hogwarts has to offer. If you'd like to help us celebrate or you have any additional idea, please feel free to share them with me via owl."

With a gesture, Tate pointed out the new staff members spread out along the table. "We would like to welcome some new faces to the staff table, as well as the new faces we are welcoming to each house table. Please do not inundate their office with greetings, but I hope you will make them very welcome in the coming weeks. Remember what it is like to be new and offer them all your support."

And now... almost time to eat? "I don't have much more to say this term, aside from the usual... don't die. Eat your vegetables. Write to your parents, because they miss you. And... be kind to each other. We're all in this together. As you begin your meal, I'd like to invite Nimma the house elf to speak to you briefly." He figured they could now eat AND listen.

The usual. You know, don't die, and such. For now, cue cute little Nimma. Let's see what she has to say. :whut:

EDIT: This is the Daily Prophet article Headmaster Tate mentioned. Also, for those of you who aren't familiar with last term's plot, Nimma is a house elf, and last term she took a baby elf under her wing. :)

sweetpinkpixie 01-03-2012 11:51 AM

Nimma the house elf has just made a VERY important announcemt :D


Originally Posted by Nimma (Post 10852040)
Nimma cleared her little throat.

"I have words for studentsies. A humble elf request for studentsies. Nimma and Tinka and Pips and Quirly and other elves have all worked very very hard this summer. Elf matters are important to elves and our elf matter is our Baby Elf. Our Baby Elf does not have a name, and our Baby Elf does not like names that Nimma and other elves have chosen! Nimma asks students respectfully to help Nimma and other elves name our Baby Elf. Nimma would please invite students to make name suggestions and Nimma and other elves shall make a big list of names and all names can be picked and chosen from a big list and studentsies can choose the name! This is a big special honor bestowed by elves, studentsies." She bowed furiously. "Nimma thanks studentsies for helping last year and Nimma would like help now too. Nimma says thank you and humbly asks for names to be put on papers and slipped under the kitchen door! Nimma thanks studentsies again! Nimma shall go now." She bowed and disapparated with a pop.

You can go HERE for more information!

Lezleighd 01-03-2012 06:19 PM

Founders Fandango

A link will be posted when the event officially starts! See you there!!!

RandomRaven 01-08-2012 04:35 AM

The Giant Squid appeared on HoM/CoMC class!!!


Originally Posted by The Giant Squid (Post 10862450)
Creatures that reside in the lake? Bartholomew Henry was one of the creatures which resided in the lake. Squiggling up to the edge of the lake, the Giant Squid raised one of his tentacles out of it in a friendly greeting.

As he withdrew his tentacle back to the lake, he accidentally smacked the head of brunette in yellow robes (FireboltAvis888). Oops! At least he hadn't knocked her into the lake with him.

Starbreeze 01-11-2012 05:49 AM

The Founders' Fandango is OPEN!

Celebrating Hogwart's 1000th birthday with games and prizes! Don't forget to read the rules.

TeafortheSoul 01-16-2012 10:23 AM


Originally Posted by ♦ Peeves ♦ (Post 10878967)
"Ain't it a glorious day
Peevesy is out to play!
I feel like I could flyyyy."

The sing-song voice of the one and only Peeves the Poltergeist could be heard echoing as he swoooooped out a window and headed for the grounds. Sotto voce, he addressed himself.

"Now Peevesy none of your larking about!"

His voice was muffled as he floated through a wall, then he reappeared again dressed in a red, orange and white striped blazer, a blue bow tie and white gloves, and of course a marvellous matching straw boater hat. He was dashing, he was.

"Its a jolly holiday for Peevesy!
Peevesy makes you scream in fright!"

The ethereal and incorrigible Peeves floated outside and, spotting a blonde lady sitting there doing nothing, he just thought he would do his poltergeistly duties and spice things up a bit.

"'e 'asn't changed a bit 'as 'e?"

He cackled and swooped in close, then off, off to see what all those children were doing.

It seems Peeves the Poltergeist is being a bit nosy out on the grounds. What do you suppose he's up to?

PhoenixAuror169 01-23-2012 10:32 PM

Bowtruckles in the Topiary Garden?!

Originally Posted by BOWTRUCKLES! (Post 10890890)
Fingers flexing, it scampered across the grass quicker than usual. It was exposed and not liking it. And so far from where it wanted to be.

A tree type thing had been spotted in the distance though, and it wanted to get there as soon as possible.

Only it wasn't a proper tree. It was a giraffe made of tree. But as the Bowtruckle pulled itself up the long neck, and started trying to dig for insects, it failed to notice this fact.

It seems that the Bowtruckle wandered out of the Forbidden Forest. :shifty:
Searching for food? :eyebrows:

Deezerz 01-25-2012 02:09 AM

Oh my! What's this at the Front Gate? O_____o


Originally Posted by THESTRAL! (Post 10892773)
Head down, ears pinned back, this lonely thestral made it's way across the not so familiar grounds of Hogwarts. Exposed, confused and feeling vulnerable, he moved toward the front gate at a glacial pace.

His skeletal frame jutted along, hooves clinking on loose stones uncomfortably. It was at this point he came to a halt, ears perking slightly, and nostils flaring. There was a gate in his way, technically though, there was nothing really keeping him here. He could always return to the forest, spread his wings and disappear like the ghost that he was to most people.

Feeling a little frustrated and out of place, he took to gnawing at the harsh iron gate, withers quivering as he did so.

PhoenixAuror169 01-25-2012 04:03 PM

It's getting closer to human life?!

Originally Posted by BOWTRUCKLES! (Post 10893573)
The Bowtruckle was still trying to dig away at the leaves of the tree with it's sharp claws. There had to be bugs there somewhere. It's usual tree had bark, why was this so different?

Pulling it's head back out of the foliage, it turned around and looked at the two children that had approached the giraffe. Fear started to cloud it's eyes, and it scrambled backwards, tumbling to the floor.

It's eyes darted around until it spotted something else. As the two girls walked back over to the bench, the Bowtruckle followed and began to chew on the leg of the white bench.

What is it doing now?! :whaa:

RandomRaven 01-31-2012 03:00 AM

Hippogriff in the Duck Pond!! :whaa:


Originally Posted by HIPPOGRIFF! (Post 10899354)

That's what he was, but he didn't feel magestic.

Quietly he inched towards the duck pond, making sure none of the kids were near him. He needed a drink of water, so he inched slowly and went to drink from the pond. A duck came quacking over, and the Magestic hippogriff moved back behind a nearby tree, frightened of what the creature would do next.

Jezabel Black 01-31-2012 08:34 AM


Originally Posted by THESTRAL! (Post 10899605)
The thestral slowly and cautiously followed the trail of scrap meat to the edge of the forest. His ears were pinned back against his head, and his large leathery wings were raised slightly. His milky white eyes scanned the edge of the forest nervously.

He could see he wasn't alone... he could see others in the shadows of the trees.

:whaa: A thestral now too! How many more magical creatures will be let lose on the grounds of Hogwarts?!

Other students may be more interested in the fact that nobody's closed the Forbidden Forest thread ... :shifty:

sweetpinkpixie 01-31-2012 02:41 PM

TADA! Thestral has a friend over in the Forbidden Forest:loved:


Originally Posted by UNICORN! (Post 10899850)
For a long time the black Unicorn watched the thestral in silence from behind a thick of tress. Then with the cautious grace of a deer it stepped into the open and trotted towards the threstral...not too fast but not too slow. It's deep black mane tossing like waves, it's slender, spiraled horn flashing against the sky.The Unicorns deep, wise eyes glanced around cautiously as it moved interested in what the thestral was doing.

When the Unicorn was within a few yards of the creature, it flared it's nostrils and with a shake of its head whinnied at the thestral as if saying hello.

The Unicorn could sense the children in the distance. It turned its head slightly towards the noise of their high pitched voices while pawing the soft dirt under its hoof.

sweetpinkpixie 02-10-2012 02:31 AM


Originally Posted by BLAST-ENDED SKREWT! (Post 10909524)
The Skrewt scuttled along the pathways, occasionally letting out farts of fire whenever he hit a root in the road.


The Pathways are going to BLOW!:whaa:

sweetpinkpixie 02-10-2012 07:24 AM

Someone get some bug spray in the vegetable patch?

Originally Posted by ACROMANTULA! (Post 10909749)
Eight very large and very hairy legs appeared on one of the pumpkins in the vegetable patch followed by eight beady eyes. The Acromantula whose name was Ranog watched the children run away through the snow.

A pity. They would have made a tasty feast.

Hello Ranog! Welcome to Hogwarts?

RandomRaven 02-18-2012 02:38 AM

Chimaera at the Vegetable patch! :whaa:


Originally Posted by CHIMAERA! (Post 10917769)
Driven out of his home, the Chimaera stalked through the grounds of this new strange place. His large tail swished a couple of times as he walked and saliva dripped from his jaws.

He was hungry. He was ALWAYS hungry.

As luck would have it, he spied some humans just up ahead and he quickened his pace, ready for an attack. But as he got closer, he saw one of the forest beasts lying upon its back and the humans standing around it. The chimaera did not like this one bit.

A low grumbling growl emitted from his throat to make his presence known.

sweetpinkpixie 02-21-2012 01:08 AM

We have already been told by Thereos that something is amiss in the Forbidden Forest....BUT....


Originally Posted by ACROMANTULA! (Post 10922706)
The adult human was definitely the most sensible one. Didn't mean that Ranog wouldn't eat him. "My name is Ranog." he said with four eyes on the human speaking to him and the other four watching the other humans.

"I know that!" Did this human think he wanted to be away from the comforts of his home? Being out in the open and having to put up with the likes of those silly children. "There is something in the forest. We do not know what it is but it feels...wrong. We won't go back until it is gone."

Could he eat now?

Spiders fear it?! LE GASP!!

demented_death_eater 02-28-2012 05:19 AM

Something strange is definitely going on at Hogwarts!

In the woods, Professors Vindictus, Scabior, Williamson and Roslund followed Thereos into the Forbidden Forest. Was it safe? Were there any dangerous creatures lurking about? No! The centaur led them to an area and that's where an orb was found. The task of carrying the orb was left to the Deputy Headmaster who pocketed the item to keep it safe, but on the way to the Castle it fell out of his pocket!

In the Great Hall at the Staff table, Vindictus and company are in a state of panic over losing the orb. Will they be able to get their act together and find the object? Only time will tell!

Meanwhile, the Narrator has given us a glimpse at where the orb currently is.

Jezabel Black 02-29-2012 08:14 AM

And a blissfully innocent (?) Ravenclaw girl has found the orb ...


Originally Posted by The Narrator (Post 10932284)
Still banging his shiny nut on the ground, the squirrel let out a tiny squeak and looked up, frightened by the shadow looming over him. He clutched the nut to his chest and eyed the tall creature making rustling noises and scattering something that smelled A-MAZ-ING.

"SQUEEEAK!!!!" the squirrel flipped out, recognizing the sight and smell of tastyliscious almonds. He quickly dropped the orb, which rolled toward the Ravenclaw's foot slowly, in favor of pouncing on the almonds. The squirrel continued to stuff as many almonds as he could in his bulbous cheeks, the bright, shiny nut already long forgotten.

So what'll happen to the orb now? :shifty:

sweetpinkpixie 03-05-2012 09:28 AM

dun dun dun!


Originally Posted by CHIMAERA! (Post 10938085)
Whatever the big human fired at him caused a funny sensation to run through his body but that was about it. He was really starting to get annoyed with the whole thing and out of the corner of his eye, he could see more of the small humans milling around.

He wanted to eat...someone!

Backing up a little, the Chimaera was just starting to weigh up his options of who was the best one to attack when he felt it.

It was the same feeling he'd had in the Forest. The thing was now out here. The Chimaera gave one last growl and sprinted off to head back into his home.

So, he returns home with an empty tummy and and the THING is out here now:whaa:

sweetpinkpixie 03-06-2012 04:05 AM


Originally Posted by The Narrator (Post 10938906)
The orb did not like being passed around hand to hand so lightly. It did not appreciate the male Ravenclaw attempting to blast it open, nor did it approve of being stuffed into a pocket like an old Chocolate Frog.

As soon as the orb was seemingly forgotten by the female Ravenclaw who had fetched it in the first place, the bright little bulb started to worm its way away. It twitched and wiggled in so subtle a motion that the girl most likely could not feel the motion of its movement. It also dimmed the light that lit it from within and, once it reached the seam of her pocket, it dropped right out and started rolling away.

Just keep rolling, just keep rolling, just keep rolling, rolling, rolling.... down the corridor and through the hall, to somewhere else it goes!

And the Ravenclaws no longer have the orb. Just where will it appear next?!

sweetpinkpixie 03-24-2012 07:39 AM

The orb has resurfaced

Originally Posted by The Narrator (Post 10956579)
Still rolling, rolling, rolling right out of the Ravenclaw Common Room, the darkened orb came to stop as it bounced into a Gryffindor's foot.

Sensing the presence of a new stranger - or two - the orb started shining bright, brighter than a full moon, in the hopes that either the awkward boy or the girl with the badge (preferably the latter) would pick it up.

Who all has come in contact with it? Is this what Ranog said the creatures of the Forbidden Forest were afraid of?

Where is the orb now? It is currently in possession of Gryffindor prefect, Kurumi Hollingberry.

PhoenixRising 04-02-2012 11:53 AM

Term 30
Gobstones Club
{ Overall Leaderboard }

Congratulations to these students on their incredible performance in Gobstones Matches
[number shown next to the name is the number of points scored]

1. Selina Zabini-Riddle: 11
2. Gideon Gert : 9
3. Alyssa Potter: 8
4. Kurumi Hollingberry: 7
4. Keefer Marius: 7
5. Ellie Stone: 6

demented_death_eater 04-03-2012 12:36 AM

Kurumi Hollingberry, accompanied by Emrys Bateman, brought the orb to Professor Vindictus. Upon the pair entering his office, the Deputy Headmaster began to act strangely and was soon elated that the orb was back in his possession. He suggested that they go outside and led the pair down the Pathways. It was here where Vindictus strayed from the path, tripped on an exposed tree root and dropped the orb. Kurumi and Emrys both came into contact with the orb during this time, but soon the trio were joined by two unsuspecting Hufflepuffs - Arya Lovegoods and Lewis Rasting. Arya handled the orb but it soon ended up in the hands of Lewis.

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