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Just down the corridor from the Transfiguration classroom is another room. When you enter you can see a long table against the wall on the right hand side, and several plush seats scattered around the room. In the far corner is an enchanted metal ring embedded in the ground - this is for those older students to practice 'Incendio' SAFELY. On the table are boxes, currently empty, but filled with various bits and bobs when needed. A sign hanging above the table reads:
Originally Posted by Sign
This is the room you can use to practice your spells. Please take an item from a box and proceed to a seat, where you may commence practice.
Professor Magnus will open the room for anyone that wishes to use it, and when she has free time. She will be present during any practising, if you want help, just ask her.
OOC: Please do as the description says - have your character practice any spell they need/want to learn. Don't go overboard with things that their age range might not be able to do, though, please. And any spell casting of a dangerous nature will just get your character in trouble, so no wilful setting fire to anything, etc. If the Professor is needed, just put her name in the subject bar and I will be there...She will be constantly watching.
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Well Butterfly this has been fun, but I need to get back to my homework. Minerva smiled and turned back to her paper. She put the picture in the middle of the paper and smiled at it. The picture was of last term, her hair was still brown, not the blonde she had to make it this summer. The boy in the picture looked just the same as he did last term. Minerva started making a square with her wand "Statua Habitum." The smile on Minerva's face grew bigger. The frame was perfect around the picture. She couldn't wait to give the picture to the special person in it. She placed it in her bag and looked at Butterfly. "Hey Butterfly I need to go give this picture to someone. I will see you later ok. If you ever need help with anything let me know I love helping." With that Minerva and her picture went to find Justin.
Glenn walked into the Transfiguration practise room and took a plain sheet of paper from the table in the middle of the room, she had a photo in her jeans pocket already. She was wearing muggle clothes because it was the weekend, they were free to wear what they wanted then.
Her photo was of her older brother, Thomas, and herself. It was quite recent, from the summer before they came to Hogwarts this year. They were sitting in a tree-house high in the trees of Sherwood Forest, their house resided just on the outskirts of it. The tree-house was a large wooden one with wooden path-ways in between the multiple houses in the trees and a wooden ladder to match. Her father had spent about a year creating it. He had decided to expand the small rickety tree house that they had already had in the trees after Glenn had written a letter about the tree-house that had been there in the Hogwarts Grounds last year. Her and Thomas' photo selves laughed and chatted happily, Glenn's photo self looked out of the photo at Glenn herself and winked before continuing what she was doing before.
She placed her picture on top of the sheet of paper and traced the square motion over the top of it, "Statua Habitum!" Her piece of paper and photo twisted and turned. Glenn held her breath as she watched. Finally, it turned into a roughly carved sort of frame with her picture behind a scratched plate of glass. It seemed okay except for the fact that it was MUCH MUCH rougher than she had meant it to until it caught of fire.
Glenn jumped up, shocked she called out of habit, "Professor!" While her eyes widened as she watched the expressions of her and her brother in the picture turn to terror. She thought quickly and clutched her wand tighter. That's it! "Argumenti!" A large jet of water sprung out of her wand and landed on her photo, dousing the flames and putting it out. Glenn let out the breath she had been holding in and knelt down by her frame again, it was a bit scorched but otherwise fine, along with her picture which was not damaged but the faces of her and her brother were gesturing to the edge of their frame and pointing, shocked. She pointed her wand at it, "Reverto." It transformed back into a piece of paper and her photo. The photo was fine but the paper, like her frame was scorched and crumbled into ash. Glenn found a bin and emptied the ash into it. Sigh. She got another piece of paper from the table and prepared her self to try again.
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿
Ella got another piece of blank paper from her bag and grabbed her wand. Alright, concentrate. Focus your mind on what you want the frame to look like.She made the square shape around the paper and said, "Statua Habitum." She looked down and felt immediate disappointment. "Well, that's not a squid..." The squid looked more like an awkward jelly fish. Okay, no worries. Just concentrate harder. You can do this. Ella pointed her wand at the frame. "Reverto." The frame turned back into paper and she took a deep breath, ready to try again.
||Delta Goodrem Lover || Emma Watson Lover | | RavenPuff || 1 of 4 Amigos ||
Harvey entered the Practice room to work on his homework that he needed to do.. now he had alot of free time he could take his time doing the homework. He took out some pieces of muggle paper and some coloring pencils as he pictured a frame in his mind and set to work on the frame. He first drew the shape of frame that he wanted.. he then carefully drew the flowers that he could in his mind hoping that the person that this was for would love the flowers that we was going to put on the frame. This was a little harder than he thought to draw as he closed his eyes and saw the frame in his mind again.. he then opened his eyes and carried on drawing the frame. he then got out some pencils and got ready to color the frame in
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Minerva walked into one of her favorite areas. She was so excited when she finished her last frame she forgot the other ones she wanted to do. She saw Ella and Harvey working hard and didn't want to disturb them so she waved and walked to an empty table. Pulling out her paper and the three pictures she had left to frame.
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿
Ella closed her eyes, concentrating hard. She was picturing her frame in her mind. When she was sure that she had a good image in her minds eye, she began making the shape of a square. "Statua Habitum." For a moment she was afraid to open her eyes, afraid that it wouldn't work again. Don't be foolish, you can practice it as much as you want. This is the practice room...Ella opened one eye first, then the other. "It worked!" She had yelled, she knew it. Her cheeks turned red as the other students working in the room looked at her. "Um-sorry!" She smiled and looked down at her frame. "Wicked." She whispered.
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Minerva giggled at Ella. Ella just reminded her so much of how she was last year. 'Your fine, great job." she said and then went back to her three pieces of paper that she brought with her. Pulling out her wand she decided to practice on the first frame "Statua Habitum" the paper turned into her frame. "Reverto" back to the paper. She then took her three pictures and put them each on the three papers laid out. Making sure they were exactly the way she wanted.
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿
Ella smiled at her friend and shrugged, glad to know she hadn't disturbed her with the little outburst. She reached into her bag and grabbed her picture of the lake. She smiled down at the picture, feeling a sense of pride at her budding photography skills. She then made sure that her wonderful frame turned back into paper. "Reverto." She placed her picture in the center of the paper and smoothed it down. Alright, concentrate.She picked up her wand and touched it to the paper, careful not to touch the photo. She began to trace the square shape around the photo as she said, "Statua Habitum!" With a gasp, Ella looked at her beautiful picture, now encased in the frame that she had designed. This is wonderful magic. She picked her frame up and smiled, proud of the work she had done. Ella planned on giving her frame to Logan so she gathered her things and decided to head down to the gardens. "Bye Min, happy practicing!" With that, she left with a smile on her face.
||Delta Goodrem Lover || Emma Watson Lover | | RavenPuff || 1 of 4 Amigos ||
Harvey then colored in the frame just the way he had seen it in his head.. he colored the petals pink but in different shades of pink to get the right effect.. he then added some orange in there lightly.. and he pressed a little harder in other areas so that the orange was more visible.. he then got out his green and yellow pencil and did the same.. light in other areas and a little harder in others.. he then added alot of lilac and purple to the flowery frame that he was seeing in his head.. he carried this on with various other colors until he got the desired frame that he wanted..
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
"Bye Ella, see you later." Minerva smiled as she positioned her three pictures the way she wanted. She glanced at Harvey to see how he was doing. He looked like he was really concentrating. Then she pulled out her wand tracing the square "Statua Habitum!" She did that for each of the pictures and smiled..
The three pictures:
||Delta Goodrem Lover || Emma Watson Lover | | RavenPuff || 1 of 4 Amigos ||
Harvey then worked on the two other frames that he wanted to work on. He closed his eyes and visualised what he wanted and he drew out the frames that he wanted.. he drew the flowers the way he saw them.. and colored them in using his pencils.. he used variations of green.. to get the right effect on the leaves. He then used the purples to get the exact shades and effect that he wanted and he was looking for.. he kept working on it until it was perfect.. as that was one that he wanted to be perfect... anything other than perfect was not good enough for the person he wanted to give it to.
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Minerva put those in her bag and pulled out another picture. She studied this picture for awhile. So much had changed the last few months and it just still kept changing. The people looking at her in the picture seemed to be so happy that it kind of made her a little sad, because it didn't seem as happy anymore. Some days she wondered if they would be smiling like that again together. She brushed it off and put the picture down on the muggle paper.
||Delta Goodrem Lover || Emma Watson Lover | | RavenPuff || 1 of 4 Amigos ||
Harvey then took out a third piece of paper and started drawing the third frame that he had in mind. Again it had flowers just as the other two frames had.. the only difference with this one was the color.. this was yellow with oranges and reds for the flowers which he colored in very carefully so that he could create it again when he did the spell. He then got out the green pencil and colored in the rest of his picture so that it would again look as perfect as the others.. these frames had to perfect so that he could recreate them again.
First things first. Treyen had already figured out which picture he was going to use for this...and to whom it will belong after he'd get the picture frame done. So, now that that was take cared of...he could come and get things done.
Granted, he forgot to bring some parchment of his own, but that mattered not, for Magnus had left them with a stack of papers for them to use. Good.
After he'd taken the piece of paper, he actually took two more, just in case, and went to the long table near the wall. His bag was placed on the floor beside him, and his wand was safely in his hands. He...was practicing first, before actually using the picture just to make sure he liked the picture frame that he was imagining in his head.
One of the papers was folded twice, and place on top of another paper. His notes were out of the bag too, because he had yet to learn the incantation for this, it's not like he went around making picture frames all day long.
"Stat-UA HAB-itum," he repeated to himself. Once or twice. He...seemed to get the pronunciation right...only one way to know for sure.
Mmmhmm. Focusing time. His eyes were closed for a moment before looking at the papers in front of him and...then he started to draw that square on the piece of paper...
Everyone was there and most already leaving she glanced around the room quickly.. Hm.... She sighed heavily and opened her sketch pad up! She wanted it to be perfect.. But it probably wouldn't! On the first try anyways... She took out a dark blue pencil and drew an oval.. Then she added some big blue waves coming out the edge, curly and all different lengths...
❄Suaviter in modo, fortiter in re❄| ⚕=equivalent exchange=⚕ | pinned ya!
Beatrice glanced at her watch and noted the time. It was still three hours before her next lesson so she decided to start working on the Transfiguration Homework given by Professor Magnus. Three hours is such a long spare time for her to just waste it doing nothing. That was why she was pulling the knob on the door of the Transfiguration Practice Room right now, she needed to commence with her assignment right away.
When she stepped in, she saw a few other students inside and they all seemed to be busy with something. Seems like I'm not the only one who decided to start doing the homework early, she thought. The eaglet decided to greet her classmates first, "Good day everyone." She said as she bowed then later headed to the long table and got herself a plush seat. After placing her backpack on the table, she walked around to find where the Professor had placed the papers they were going to use for that practice. She then saw Kurumi standing beside a box, she walked over, smiled at the Prefect and took a thin bundle of paper with her as she returned to her area.
Once she was settled, she pulled out her wand from its holster and she scanned her notes to have a review of the spell she was about to use. "Statua Habitum." she read from her parchment. Continuing silently, she read the wand movement that it required then she practiced it a bit with her own wand. Beezus repeated the incantation for a few times so she won't forget it. She was never good at memorization.
||Delta Goodrem Lover || Emma Watson Lover | | RavenPuff || 1 of 4 Amigos ||
Text Cut: Minnie
Originally Posted by Bazinga
Minerva put those in her bag and pulled out another picture. She studied this picture for awhile. So much had changed the last few months and it just still kept changing. The people looking at her in the picture seemed to be so happy that it kind of made her a little sad, because it didn't seem as happy anymore. Some days she wondered if they would be smiling like that again together. She brushed it off and put the picture down on the muggle paper.
Harvey watched as Minnie created another frame.. and he looked at one of his designs.. now was the perfect time. He had to make that one first.. he would make two of those. So he quickly set to work..
Text Cut: Beezus
Originally Posted by tomewitch
Beatrice glanced at her watch and noted the time. It was still three hours before her next lesson so she decided to start working on the Transfiguration Homework given by Professor Magnus. Three hours is such a long spare time for her to just waste it doing nothing. That was why she was pulling the knob on the door of the Transfiguration Practice Room right now, she needed to commence with her assignment right away.
When she stepped in, she saw a few other students inside and they all seemed to be busy with something. Seems like I'm not the only one who decided to start doing the homework early, she thought. The eaglet decided to greet her classmates first, "Good day everyone." She said as she bowed then later headed to the long table and got herself a plush seat. After placing her backpack on the table, she walked around to find where the Professor had placed the papers they were going to use for that practice. She then saw Kurumi standing beside a box, she walked over, smiled at the Prefect and took a thin bundle of paper with her as she returned to her area.
Once she was settled, she pulled out her wand from its holster and she scanned her notes to have a review of the spell she was about to use. "Statua Habitum." she read from her parchment. Continuing silently, she read the wand movement that it required then she practiced it a bit with her own wand. Beezus repeated the incantation for a few times so she won't forget it. She was never good at memorization.
Harvey looked up as someone greeted them and he smiled "Hey Beezus, How are you?" he asked her.. as he worked on his frames Harvey then added text to all 3 of the designs that he had just drawn out... as he wanted something to be written on those frames so that it was personal to the people that he wanted to give these frames to.. so he wanted to personalise them.. so he added text in matching colors to the frames.. in purple on two frames and yellow.. he then looked at his 3 designs and was satisfied that these were the designs he wanted.
But before he tried it for real he went and got some more muggle paper to practice on. He put two pieces on top of each other and he looked at 1 design and he closed his eyes concentrating hard on that design as he wanted to recreate that.. he then opened his eyes and traced the shape onto the paper "Statua Habitum!" he watched as the frame took shape from the crumpling paper to the frame that he had just designed.. well almost there were a few things not right about it.. but mostly it was correct as he referred back to his design.. "Reverto!" he said.. he knew he had to concentrate even harder if he was to get that design to turn into a real frame..
He then tried again "Statua Habitum!" again he watched as the paper took the shape and color of the frame he had designed.. and this time there were no problems with it.. it was perfect just the way he had designed it.. right now to the details he had put on the petals and leaves.. and not forgetting the text as well.. he just hoped that the people that these frames were made for would like them just as much as he did making them.. but now as he looked at the designs he wasnt so sure that they were good designs anymore.. something about them told him that they were the worse frames designed.. but he couldnt change the designs now. "Reverto" he watched as it became muggle paper again..
So he took out 3 pictures and placed them all in a row.. he then placed muggle paper on top of the 3 pictures making sure they were nice and straight.. he looked at all 3 and he picked up his wand... he looked at Minnie.. right.. here goes he thought.. he concentrated hard on his design as he traced the shape "Statua Habitum! he watched as the frame took the shape and color of the frame that he was concentrating on.. it took hold of the picture and became one with the frame.. and soon he had the frame that he designed with the picture he had in it.. he looked at Minnie and then the frame hoping that she would like it.. and not hate him for creating the frame.. he would give it to her once she had finished with that frame that she was creating. He put it to one side getting ready to work on the other two designs.
Treyen was trying this non-verbally, so, he took his time, though he wasn't exactly sure why, it's not like he was doing this once, after all, he was practicing with the folded paper first. And if he got it wrong, he could always reverse it...or start over with another piece of paper.
So, Statua Habitum, right? He practice the incantation a few more times in his head and was kind of hoping he could do this on the first try...not just because it'd be pretty cool if he did, but because he could spend less time in the practice room...and give out the frame soon enough.
He kept on focusing, drawing that square as he thought of the incantation. Soon after that, a pop let him know that it was done. Granted, it wasn't just the popping sound, but the frame in front of him as well. Nice. Now he was free to try that out with the picture, right?
Since Treyen wasn't planning on wasting any more paper...then the logical thing would be to reverse the spell, which is what he intended to do next...
||Delta Goodrem Lover || Emma Watson Lover | | RavenPuff || 1 of 4 Amigos ||
Like before he concentrated very hard on his design as he traced the shape "Statua Habitum!" he watched as the frame took the shape and color of the frame that he was concentrating on.. including every detail that he had put into his design.. it took hold of the picture and became one with the frame.. It was just like he had designed it on paper including the text that was with it.. it looked good, even though he didnt think the design was not good, but it had been created now so might as well deliver it
So he then swiftly moved onto creating the next frame. He closed his eyes as he did before and he looked at the next design etching it into his mind as he traced the shape onto the muggle paper that he had in front of him "Statua Habitum!" he watched as once again the paper changed its color and shape into the frame that he had designed on paper including the text.. he watched the final transformation not believing still what was happening right in front of his eyes.. No wonder people loved Transfiguration... he could now create unique frames to his own design whenever he wanted now.. this was a very cool spell.. just like the one that Minnie used to use on him to change his hair style.. He looked at all three of his frames that he had just created.. well they were not too bad.. well nearly time to deliver them as gifts to the people they were made for.
That was his first task as he didn't want to waste any more of those papers. Actually, his first task ended up being a different one altogether, why? Because he reached for his bag first and took out the picture that was intended for...yes, exactly, Hadley. He supposed he owed her something for carrying Tye to her office to be resorted.
Though, trustfully, he owed Tye a whole lot more for making believe that it was even possible.
Anyway, the picture was found, and placed on top of the current frame...he just wanted to make sure that they actually matched. Silly. For he could revert the effect on the paper, and he could always ask for a copy of this Muggle picture.
Since it did match..., "Reverto," and with one tap at the frame...the simple paper was back in place, along with the other folded one he'd used.
Treyen will probably leave the folded paper with the other papers in the room...
LuLu grimaced at the paper, a blue oval with frilly things around it, big waves , different shapes and sizes and, She had colored in half of some of the waves so some were left white.. It was nice.. and it would have to do, she sighed and took her wand out and then placed a practice sheet down.
Then she glanced at the other students practicing too...
At least..
At least, She was ...eh.... Catching up!!! "Statua Habitum!" she watched carefully as the frame instantly changed into a frame.. Not pretty yet, BUT it was practice so it was acceptable! ''Reverto,'' the frame instantly went back to a blank piece of paper! ''Statua Habitum,'' she looked at it.. ''Reverto,''
...but now was not the time to focus on what to do with that piece of paper.
So, back to the table.
The picture was now set on top of the piece of paper he'd used to practice on. And he wasted a great amount of time not really setting it straight on that paper. Granted, it wouldn't make much of a difference...but Hadley, like Magnus, deserved the best. Either that, or he was just a freak when it came to this particular spell.
The latter was most likely.
Focusing time again...which only meant that he managed to keep out whoever and whatever was happening in the practice room. If anyone needed help, then by all means yell for help. But on the corridor, that's what it was for.
Mmhmm. Focusing. He looked at the paper, and the picture, intently, as he thought of the picture frame again. It was easier to think of it this time, considering he'd already gotten a result he liked.
Non-verbally, of course. Statua Habitum. At the same time the square was drawn onto the paper again...
❄Suaviter in modo, fortiter in re❄| ⚕=equivalent exchange=⚕ | pinned ya!
Just as she was about to start working on transfiguring the piece of paper on the table, she heard Harvey talk to her. She turned around o face him, "Oh! Hi. I'm doing good." she answered his inquiry then she smiled and reverted back her attention to the piece of muggle paper she was about to work on.
She flattened the paper on the table then she stood up. She grabbed her wand and pointed its tip right just above the paper. She concentrated on a design. Something good to the eyes, a cute thing maybe. Or something that can be considered as plain attractive. Hmmmm..perhaps a pup? Like the Groundskeeper's dog Biscuit? Or maybe something with a good fur like her cat Davinci? She focused more, she was not satisfied with her imagination yet. She wanted a more unique and adorable looking design.
...then she remembered the time she won't home for the summer. Her cousin had brought home a very cute creature with him. And she became rather fond of it. Pity it had only stayed with them for two days for her cousin needed to return it to its owner. What was that animal? .....think.......think......
OH! She remembered. It was that animal.
Grinning, she then traced a square right above the piece of paper with the use of her wand. Then she uttered the incantation, "Stat-UA HAB-itum!"
The piece of paper crumpled and stretched as it should do. She observed as its texture changed and its color turn into something that sort of appeared as a shade of green and yellow.
"Koalas!" she exclaimed in a soft voice upon seeing the product of her newly transfigured piece of paper. Yep, a koala was there with them during the summer.
Beezus surveyed the frame for any errors. "Adjacent corners...simple leaf design...and adorable looking koalas," she murmured as her hand traveled through the frame's borders. So far, she was satisfied with it. It was simple yet she was happy with the outcome.
The picture frame from before, except much more detailed, and the picture inside it, just like he thought it'd look like. Or like he saw it'd look like when he placed it on top of the previous frame.
Perhaps the practicing bit had served him well, for the current and final frame looked pretty good, in all modesty. And...he was doing okay with the non-verbal stuff too. Which was a bonus, he didn't need to do it that way, after all, no one will ever know, but it felt good. A small form of accomplishment.
Aha. So, now that the gift was done...Treyen put everything back in place, and by everything we mean the pieces of paper that he never used. And the folded one as well. The only thing he'd taken out of his bag was the picture...and it wasn't just a simple picture now...but it still went inside the bag.
He...only needed to add a simple ribbon bow or something and go to Hadley's, where the reasoning behind this particular gift will be unveiled.