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The door is ajar, just waiting for you to open it and enter the classroom. When you do you notice that nothing is out of the ordinary. All the desks are lined up in the usual manner, each with a single piece of large paper resting on top, Professor Magnus' desk is still at the far end of the room, and the blackboard is to the side.
There is a message on the blackboard, however.
Originally Posted by Blackboard
Please do not use the paper on your desks for writing on, it is for your practical work later. Thank you.
Professor Magnus herself is sat on the edge of her desk waiting to greet you.
OOC: I'm opening a little earlier to allow people time to enter. The actual lesson won't start for another couple of hours or so. Please have your character enter, but DON'T chat excessively or points will be taken. ;P
Class has started - Please do not announce your late arrival.
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Minerva put her hand up. "Well Professor the words are Latin I think. I'm not that great at Latin but Statua means statue or image, right? Then Habitum means I think hold. So does the spell me to old an image?"
Autumn watched The professor so carefuly.
Damn! they won't be doing something horrible to the picture..But she had brought a back up.. she ripped her previous picture upped and dove into her bag for her other one. It was her best picture of her, she had it done professionally and they made her look so magical in a amazing garden full of roses!
She picked up her wand and the paper she traced a square on the paper, easy enough!
" 'Stat-UA HAB-itum' 'Stat-UA HAB-itum' "
she picked up the paper and placed it in front of her as she drew the square and simmiltanously said " 'Stat-UA HAB-itum' " It turned into the most beautiful frame! Gold with purple butterflies and ivy decoration, perfect for the picture! That was amazing!!.
Clapping her hands to get their attention, she waited a second to make sure all eyes were on her. Flicking her wand at the board the eraser removed the words already on it and replaced it with the spell they were learning.
Statua Habitum
"Now, as a few of you seem to be having trouble with the pronunciation of the incantation, I've placed it on the board for you. You need to remember to add emphasis on the UA and the HAB sections of the words." Perching herself back on the edge of her desk, Issy looked around at the various frames and bits of paper that were lying about.
"We'll just take a quick break from practice to look at the spell. Can anyone tell me what language they think it derives from and what it means?" With new kids around it was always worth asking these things, to make sure they understood the origin of spells. In Isabelle's opinion anyway.
Tayla stared at the frame on her table. It still didn't look as pretty as Professor Magnus', but it was a little nicer now. She heard the professor tell the other students to imagine what they wanted the object to transfigure to, so she tried that. Blue being her favourite colour, she wasn't surprised to see the blue frame on her desk.
She understood what the professor said about pronunciation. Tayla did struggle with it at first, and in fact still did especially when she wasn't concentrating well.
Hearing Professor Magnus' question, she raised her hand and said "Professor, I believe the words are in Latin. 'Statua' probably means 'statue'. While 'habitum'....I'm not so sure. Maybe it refers to the appearance or the shape?" Tayla was making a guess, but she hoped she was at least close to correct.
And more chaos. This lesson was certainly more...lively...than she had planned. So much for a nice easy start to the term.
As a piece of paper started attacking a Hufflepuff, Isabelle got her wand out ready to cast 'Finite' when another 'puff got there first. Nodding approval, she walked over to the girl who had cast the original spell. "Thank you," she said to the boy as she passed him, giving a a grateful smile. "Now, are you alright? You're more than welcome to take some time to compose yourself before carrying on."
"Now, as a few of you seem to be having trouble with the pronunciation of the incantation, I've placed it on the board for you. You need to remember to add emphasis on the UA and the HAB sections of the words." Perching herself back on the edge of her desk, Issy looked around at the various frames and bits of paper that were lying about.
"We'll just take a quick break from practice to look at the spell. Can anyone tell me what language they think it derives from and what it means?" With new kids around it was always worth asking these things, to make sure they understood the origin of spells. In Isabelle's opinion anyway.
"You're welcome!" Lewis replied happily, as the professor walked past and thanked him for his help. SCORE! One more professor who seemed to like him. Transfiguration was definitely going on his favorite-classes list now. Right there after Charms. And Potions. But then, it was RIGHT THERE at the top!
Back to the theoretical part of the lesson. Lewis quickly took a seat again, and realizing he was still holding on to his PINK picture frame, he put it on his lap. He would get rid of it later. Or you know, revert it back to its original state. As long as nobody saw it, he was good.
YESLANGUAGES! Lewis almost bounced in his seat as he raised his hand to answer the question. Almost. He managed to control himself a little. "It's Latin, Professor. I think, habitum comes from the word habere which means to have, possess or regard. And Statua means statue." Yes. He wasn't quite sure what either of those two words had to do with picture frames but you know.
He didn't quite manage to transfigure his piece of paper into photo frame earlier. So, Messer decided to give it another try. He traced a sqaure shape over the paper then began performing the spell. "Stat-UA HAB-itum'" Again nothing happen. He frowned. Once again "Stat-UA HAB-itum" And to his surprise the paper turned into a very simple photo frame. At least he managed to transfigure the paper.
The eleven looked up when Professor Magnus asked them a question. He raised his hand up in the air "Is it Latin, Professor?" Because most of the incantations were in Latin. "I think the word statua mean statue in Latin and Habitum mean..." Umm.. "Maintained perhaps." he shrugged.
All of the love for tomorrow______________________________________________ I know we're gonna be stronger than you'll ever known
Gryffie♥ | Disney DORK | Brittana | Mrs Kellan Lutz | I like Your Moves!
SPOILER!!: professor
Originally Posted by MeredithRodneyMckay
Taking her wand out of her pocket again Isabelle placed it against the paper and drew a square around all four sides. With almost a pop the paper changed into a gold picture frame that was slightly ornate. "The incantation is 'Stat-UA HAB-itum' (Statua Habitum)....and you trace a square above the object you are changing. Because this is a new spell you're trying I've given you something square to use, in the paper, but it can work on any object no matter the shape. I'll explain where your photo's come into the practice a little later when you have all got used to the spell. For now you don't need them."
Putting the frame down on her desk, Isabelle spread her arms wide and smiled. "Now I don't want you all to launch into changing things yet, please do refine each element of the spell before you try it for real. And don't be worried if it doesn't work first time. No one is perfect. Just revert it back to it's original state, using 'Reverto', and try again. And please, don't be afraid to ask for help!"
OOC: You can begiiiiiin! PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU HAVE READ EVERYTHING ISABELLE HAS ASKED YOU TO DO. No excessive chatter, and please don't blow anything up. lol This is my last post before bed, but Issy will be here the whole time. Remember that.
The third year tossed back her dark hair, getting annoyed. If this piece of paper didn't start cooperating, she was going to get aggressive. Bubbles had now began to emit out of her wand tip also. Face palming, Thea took a deep breath. After practising the spell and doing the wand movement in the air, she had felt ready. Now however, she was a bit unsure. The piece of paper kept moving for one thing, and she had no idea why or how it was doing this..
Looking up for a moment, she spotted Daichi getting frustrated across the room. Biting her lip, she looked down. He had help. The kid was fine.
Frowning, Thea went back to her practising. 'Statua Habitum..' the third year spoke clearly, but not too loudly. This seemed to do the trick. Before her sat a delicately decorated glass frame. Smiling slightly to herself, she ran a finger along the intricate designs of flowers and vines. It was a pretty frame. Not too bad for a third year.. Mwahaha.
Popping her wand down onto the desk, she looked up. Raising an eyebrow, she was disappointed when she had no clue what the answer was to this question. Boo. Raking a hair through her tousled mane, Thea settled down to take some notes.
A golden heart stopped beating, working hands went to rest.
He broke many hearts to prove to us, he only takes the best♥
LuLu's raised into the air, She knew Latin when she heard it and it was obvious it was mentioned in alot of classes and in every spell book there is! ''I believe it's Latin, Proffeser! The habit of the statue... To be exact,'' Which made sense statue and the habit of she ehh didn't get that part but still
She stared at her parchement again ''Stat-UA HAB-itum,'' It worked this time! Actully worked!!!! YAY!! She smiled at herself looking at the wonky frame.. Oh no..
Ira's first attempt had gone completely wrong. So she tried again. She wasn't the one to give up easily!
She looked over her notes once more:
SPOILER!!: Ira's Notes
Paper to Photo frame
Spell: Statua Habitum (Stat-UA HAB-itum)
Wand Movement: trace a square or any other shape above the object you are changing
Reverse Spell: Reverto
She closed her eyes and concentrated on the image of the photo frame she wanted, in her mind. Then, tracing a square on the paper in front of her, she muttered, "Statua Habitum" clearly.
And then opened her eyes to see the result. And Lo! there was her desired photo frame
There's some good in this world and it's worth fighting for| LOTR|Whovian|Sherlock Fan
Alyssa thought for a while repeating the words before she raised her hand,"Professor could the words 'Statua Habitum' be latin based? Could Statua mean image or statue, while Habitum means to hold or to possess?" Alyssa hoped that her interpretation was correct
I'm just one of those pretty little liars... | | I'm held down in this starless city...
Originally Posted by MeredithRodneyMckay
"We'll just take a quick break from practice to look at the spell. Can anyone tell me what language they think it derives from and what it means?" With new kids around it was always worth asking these things, to make sure they understood the origin of spells. In Isabelle's opinion anyway.
Nora was glad when the professor told them they'd take a break from the practice, no matter how short, because she didn't like that the spell wasn't working yet. She knew she'd just have to keep practicing.
"It comes from Latin," she said when she raised her hand, thinking of what it meant. She shouldn't have raised her hand. "I think statua might mean statue or... to stay?" Uhm... "I have no idea for habitum, though." Or at least nothing that would actually make sense.
Clapping her hands to get their attention, she waited a second to make sure all eyes were on her. Flicking her wand at the board the eraser removed the words already on it and replaced it with the spell they were learning.
"Now, as a few of you seem to be having trouble with the pronunciation of the incantation, I've placed it on the board for you. You need to remember to add emphasis on the UA and the HAB sections of the words." Perching herself back on the edge of her desk, Issy looked around at the various frames and bits of paper that were lying about.
"We'll just take a quick break from practice to look at the spell. Can anyone tell me what language they think it derives from and what it means?" With new kids around it was always worth asking these things, to make sure they understood the origin of spells. In Isabelle's opinion anyway.
Ira looked at the professor, as she suggested a break from practicing. That was good. But then she asked a question. No, that was not good!
Still, Ira raised her hand up, though not wanting to answer but having to since she had been quiet until now, "Professor, I think it sounds like latin.. And so if it is in latin, then 'Statua' in latin means 'Statue' in English" But what about Habitum? Ira didn't know what that meant. So she decided to say the same, "I don't exactly know what Habitum means professor!" But then she decided to at least guess it, she continued, "But I think it means 'to have or to hold'" Atleast she had tried, right? That was important!
She did it! She actually managed to turn the paper into a picture frame! It took her six tries, but she did it. Although, it still could use some work. The frame was a dark brown wood with a simple leafy vine pattern, just like she imagined it, not bad for a first year. Maybe transfiguration would turn out to be one of her better subjects.
Silvia looked up to the front when the professor called their attention. She raised her hand. "I think it's in Latin, though I don't know what it means. But statua sounds a lot like statue."
Lewis watched as his spell seemed to have a) hit target and b) actually seemed to stop the rogue piece of paper too. It had fallen to the floor and was now just lying there like, well, like a piece of paper. Which it was. He still hadn't quite got how in the world the girl had managed to make the paper do that in the first place.
"What did you DO?!" He voiced his thoughts before he could stop himself, his eyes still fixated on the paper. Finally looking up he glanced at the girl who was saying her thanks, still looking slightly shakey. But she wasn't only looking at him. Huh. Turning around Lewis followed her gaze and found himself looking at Kurumi who was also watching them with her wand pointed at the girl.
With a quick smile for the Prefect, he turned back and was already on his way back to his seat - trying to hide the picture frame behind his back - when his eyes fell on the Hufflepuff girl again. "You okay?" Lewis inquired softly, his brow slightly furrowed. She WAS in his house after all.
Nessie was eternally gratefull to this guy and if it wasn't for him should have been eaten by paper, it did sound pretty ridiculous but seeing as magic was involved anything was possible. She looked at the older boy again and sort frowned when he asked her what she did. Did he not care whether she was alright or not? Well he didn't really know her and she sort of didn't blame him if he after all didn't. "Um, I don't know I think I sneezed." she said with a completey serious face..if she wasn't as traumatized as she was she might have laughed, because it did kind of sound funny.
Was she okay? Her lips formed into a pout as they usually did when she started to think about anything. "I think I'll be fine" She wasn't exactly alright just yet, but she knew she would be in the end."...eventually" she added because it did feel like it was going to take her a while to recover. "I owe you big time" She honestly did, because he had after all saved her and so did Kurumi. "Actually I owe you both big time." she nodded at the two, she'd have to find some way to repay them.Now where were her manners. "Anyway I'm Nessie" she said and then turned to the older boy whom she hadn't met yet.
Text Cut: Magnus xD
Originally Posted by MeredithRodneyMckay
And more chaos. This lesson was certainly more...lively...than she had planned. So much for a nice easy start to the term.
As a piece of paper started attacking a Hufflepuff, Isabelle got her wand out ready to cast 'Finite' when another 'puff got there first. Nodding approval, she walked over to the girl who had cast the original spell. "Thank you," she said to the boy as she passed him, giving a a grateful smile. "Now, are you alright? You're more than welcome to take some time to compose yourself before carrying on."
"Now, as a few of you seem to be having trouble with the pronunciation of the incantation, I've placed it on the board for you. You need to remember to add emphasis on the UA and the HAB sections of the words." Perching herself back on the edge of her desk, Issy looked around at the various frames and bits of paper that were lying about.
"We'll just take a quick break from practice to look at the spell. Can anyone tell me what language they think it derives from and what it means?" With new kids around it was always worth asking these things, to make sure they understood the origin of spells. In Isabelle's opinion anyway.
OOC: We'll be moving on to a different sort of practice later, using the photo's. For now you can carry on a bit more if you haven't done much practice, but please try to answer the question as well.
Merlin, this just kept on getting worse. Nessie sort of hopped the Professor hadn't noticed, that was only because she didn't like getting all the attention over something so humiliating. Well at least she had permission to recover from the whole commotion. "Um..I think I'll be fine, I'll just need a few minutes if thats okay?" She wouldn't recover completely in that amount of time, but she would have been in good enough condition to try the spell again.
Pronounciation? Yeah that was definitely the problem in most situations, especially hers even though she didn't mean to pronounce the word wrong. She may have not been able to cast another spell just yet, but talking and answering she could do. She raised her hand "Professor, isn't it Latin?" most spell incarnations were right?
Feeling some eyes on her, Nessie turned a little and saw Tom. She gave him a little grin and then looked at the piece of paper on the floor once more. She was afraid to pick it up and so instead she climbed back into her seat and took a few moments to relax herself.
After having listened to the Professor talk, Gwen nodded. She actually felt relieved that the square shouldn’t be absolutely perfect. That isn’t so hard, after all…, the Ravenclaw thought. But I’ll definitely manage to do a better one, she told herself and remembered the last picture frame she made, which was rather plain.
Hmm… another queation- let’s see… ‘Latin, of course’, Gwen began saying. All the spells and charms had incantations in Latin, so why would this one make an exception? ‘Statua could be image… or statue... and habitum’, the third year said, and, after making a short break she added: ‘To have?’ Habitum- Habitus- havitus- Have… It made perfect sense to Gwendolyn…
Browncoat l Extra Syrup l Kita's Strong Confident Other Half l Lemon Patch
Leaning forward in her chair, wand weaving slowly between her fingers in a circular motion, she focused on the spell. She hadn't taken out her picture because she didn't need the added distraction, though it probably wouldn't be much of one. Not anymore, and no more that the students were.
The wand movement was simple enough, and didn't require her to practice, but she did repeat the incantation a few times.
"Stat-UA HAB-itum... Statua Habitum..."
When she was comfortable with the incantation, she carefully outlined the paper's square shape with her wand, "Statua Habitum." Her paper fluttered some before transforming into a thin silver frame. While it was bigger than it's original form, the frame was... thinner than what she was originally got for.
Arya wordlessly reverted it, brown eyes flicking up to the Professor. More incantation questions, huh? She assumed the same as the rest of the class, that or ancient Greek, and so left them to continue guessing as she went on with her practicing.
♥ I won't pass up on the danger ♥ I'd miss out on the fun ♥_____ ______________♥We'll live while we're young ♥ We'll chase down the sun ♥_________________________
Superfan of: Minerva, Severus, Albus, Hermione <3 Travelling/ History geek/ TV show addict
Transfiguration was one of the classes Ariadne genuinely enjoyed, ever since she had practised with Kurumi. This assignment was really interesting, so the girl did her best, being quite quick in nailing the wand movement. The incantation was pretty tricky, but that helped her with the next question: the girl knew she had problems with pronunciation of Latin words, so that must mean only one thing-the incantation was in Latin!
'I think it's Latin, I remember reading somewhere that habere is the verb to have, and statua...sounds a lot like statue or state.' the third year Gryffindor replied.
*Everything I Know I Learned* *Adding Silently To The Noise*
Vlimia had been practicing Statua Habitum, and she had gotten it on her ninth try. Well, that wasn't entirely true. She had gotten a frame that she wasn't entirely happy with on her third try, so she tried until she got a nicer one. Call her a perfectionist, but Vlimia was content with the lovely frame on her desk.
But now the proffesor was asking them to stop practising and talk about the spell's actual meaning. Most spells were in Latin... Vlim raised her hand politely, and when she was called on, said "Well, statua could mean statue," But what did that have to do with a picture frame? "Or maybe set up, or stood up?" Because photo frames had that thing at the back that made them stand up, right? "And Habitum might mean inside. Or even to have." Vlimia concluded, because habitum sounded like inhabit, and that meant to live in or to be inside. And have... started with the same letter. Vlim also had a little hunch that it was have.
Pam looked on the board, worried that she wouldn't be able to do it. She took a deep breath, and looked down at her paper, and then her wand. Before trying anything, she decided it would be a good idea to start by practicing the incatation. "S-AT-ua HA-bitum. Sat-UA HAbitum." Once Pam was satisfied, she took out her wand, and tried it. She pronounced it correctly, and made the square movement with her wand over the paper. She didn't think it was going to work, until the paper successfully turned into a golden frame. Upon further inspection, it was a little bronze-y, but she was satisfied.
Then the teacher spoke up. She thought for a minute. "Isn't it Latin?" It sounded a bit Latin at least.
Clapping her hands to get their attention, she waited a second to make sure all eyes were on her. Flicking her wand at the board the eraser removed the words already on it and replaced it with the spell they were learning.
"Now, as a few of you seem to be having trouble with the pronunciation of the incantation, I've placed it on the board for you. You need to remember to add emphasis on the UA and the HAB sections of the words." Perching herself back on the edge of her desk, Issy looked around at the various frames and bits of paper that were lying about.
"We'll just take a quick break from practice to look at the spell. Can anyone tell me what language they think it derives from and what it means?" With new kids around it was always worth asking these things, to make sure they understood the origin of spells. In Isabelle's opinion anyway.
OOC: We'll be moving on to a different sort of practice later, using the photo's. For now you can carry on a bit more if you haven't done much practice, but please try to answer the question as well.
Justin still was practicing the incantation when the professor began to address the whole class, so Justin put away his wand and paid close attention to what she was saying. Then as she had said they could practice a bit more to become more comfortable he tried it a few more times before taking notes on what some of the older students were answering with.
Isabelle had been walking around the room, making sure everyone was doing as she had asked and not just launching themselves into trying the spell. It was important to make sure you could say the incantation properly first, but some of the younger ones seemed intent on rushing things.
It was good to see the prefects helping with that though. Issy smiled as Kurumi went about trying to convince a young first year that she could do it. Moving over to the two of them, she smiled at the young one as she tried to do it - and surveying the slightly chaotic scene of broken glass. Returning the nod the Gryffindor gave her as she cleared up, Isabelle crouched down by Jezzabelle. "You know, Kurumi is right. Just relax your muscles and your mind to start with. If you get too worked up about things it won't work as well as you want - as you found out just then," she vanished one of the balls that was still bouncing down by her foot. How on earth that happened she didn't know. "And please, don't be afraid to ask me for help if you need it. I won't bite your head off for not being able to do a spell."
Giving her another reassuring smile, Isabelle moved on to the question the prefect has asked her. "Well the lines themselves don't need to be perfectly straight, I mean most people's hands falter a little when trying to draw a straight line, but for the spell to work accurately the wand movement does need to be a square, yes. Otherwise the frame will be deformed, or......be something else entirely..." How DID that happen?
Ahh, good question young grasshopper.
Isabelle moved off towards the other side of the room when Hades asked his question. "The wand movement remains the same, it's your intent and focus that changes. The end result is dictated by the image you fix in your mind as to what you want it to be. By all means try and produce a circular frame, the result doesn't need to be square."
As she was talking to Hades a piece of paper suddenly flew past her head, making Isabelle jump. Snapping her head in the direction it had gone, she flicked her own wand to stop it in it's tracks. Summoning it to her she looked around for a desk that was missing a piece, or a frame, and noticed just one.
"I think this belongs to you," she smiled, placing it back on the Ravenclaw's desk.
What on earth was it with students sending things flying in this lesson? No sooner had the piece of paper been dealt with than Isabelle heard the word DUCK. She turned to see what was happening and saw a student diving for the wand that had shot across the room.
"Are you alright over there?" Issy called.
Oooh, another question. Good.
"When you transfigure something you need a clear image in your mind of what you want to turn your original item into. That's why everyone will have a different end product, because they are thinking of different things. You run the risk of getting something you don't want if your concentration wavers."
And more chaos. This lesson was certainly more...lively...than she had planned. So much for a nice easy start to the term.
As a piece of paper started attacking a Hufflepuff, Isabelle got her wand out ready to cast 'Finite' when another 'puff got there first. Nodding approval, she walked over to the girl who had cast the original spell. "Thank you," she said to the boy as she passed him, giving a a grateful smile. "Now, are you alright? You're more than welcome to take some time to compose yourself before carrying on."
After making sure the Hufflepuff was okay, Isabelle moved over to the next person who asked a question. Smiling she shook her head. "The wand movement doesn't impact on the outcome of the spell in that way. It has to be a square, yes, but that doesn't mean the frame does. How it looks is completely up to you. Your concentration and intention are what changes the look of it. As long as you keep a clear final image in your head, and perform the incantation and wand movement correctly, then it will turn out the way you want."
Isabelle coulndn't help but smile at Daichi as she watched him try, and try, and try to get the spell right.
"Daichi, just calm down. Now, the spell is in two part, not all one word. Repeat after me...'Statua Habitum'," she said the words clearly and enunciated. "Don't panic. You will get it eventually."
"Square, round, even triangle - it really doesn't matter. As long as you picture what you want in your mind, and do the required parts of the spell correctly, you will end up with what you want." Isabelle smiled at the Slytherin as she moved up to the front of the room.
Clapping her hands to get their attention, she waited a second to make sure all eyes were on her. Flicking her wand at the board the eraser removed the words already on it and replaced it with the spell they were learning.
"Now, as a few of you seem to be having trouble with the pronunciation of the incantation, I've placed it on the board for you. You need to remember to add emphasis on the UA and the HAB sections of the words." Perching herself back on the edge of her desk, Issy looked around at the various frames and bits of paper that were lying about.
"We'll just take a quick break from practice to look at the spell. Can anyone tell me what language they think it derives from and what it means?" With new kids around it was always worth asking these things, to make sure they understood the origin of spells. In Isabelle's opinion anyway.
OOC: We'll be moving on to a different sort of practice later, using the photo's. For now you can carry on a bit more if you haven't done much practice, but please try to answer the question as well.
Jezzabelle smiled. "I'm just trying not to let anyone done." She never really had anyone to try and prove things to. "And Kurumi is proving to be more right than anyone I have ever met." If it wasn't for the older girl though she'd be a lot more stressed than usual. "I'll just try again later." Maybe after relaxing and getting rid of her stress she'll feel better.
"Statua Habitum is Latin and it means the habit of status," Jezzabelle said raising her. Though she wasn't sure as to how that pertained to what the incantation did.
She Can't Help Herself. Her Mind Won't Slow Down. Watch Out! There's A NEW Ravenclaw In Town.
A ship in harbor is safe — but that is not what ships are built for.
“Isn’t it Latin?” Victoria took an educated guess. Because most of the time, the spells are from Latin. Other than that simple knowledge, she doesn’t know anything else more about it.
"Reverto." She muttered, blowing the curly blonde hair out of her eyes in a sigh and turned to look at the other students progress. Sophie! No way!
Glenn looked over in her direction and winked at her. Gesturing to her work and shrugging. Well, she better get back to work. "Stat-UA HAB-itum!!" She did the same as she had before, except, perhaps overshooting how vigorously she needed to point her wand in order to draw the square in mid air. Her wand flew out of her hand and over the students heads, "Duck!" She cried and she slid from her seat and scrambled to pick it up again.
Sophie smiled at Glenn when her friend winked at her. She was having fun, even though her picture frame looked like it was burned. She actually thought that made it look cool! She then jumped on her chair when Glenn shouted and looked around just in time to see the girl picking up her wand again. That was close!
Originally Posted by EastonionNW
Picking up his wand from the desk, Nate traced over the square he had drawn and focused hard, saying, "Statua Habitum!" Sure enough, his focus payed off, as it usually did in magic. Before him lay not a piece of paper with a square on it, but a blue and bronze frame, decorated like the Ravenclaw common room and adorned with the house crest on the left and the motto, "Wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure" on the right, written in engraved calligraphy in the metal of the frame. As if Nate wasn't impressed enough by how the spell's results had outdone his imagination, the frame was also the perfect size for his picture, and he hadn't even thought of that much!
Sophie looked around the class and notice a reeeally cool picture frame. She did like details and stuff, and this boy's frame had tons of it! "That's really good!" she said in a low voice, smiling at him. She didn't want to lose any house points for talking, but she couldn't help it, she had really liked his picture frame!
She then heard the question that Professor Magnus had asked. Sophie listened as the other students were giving their answers, then raised her hand. "Couldn't 'Habitum' be 'habitat', professor?"
Last edited by jujune29th; 01-10-2012 at 10:01 PM.
Reason: Forgot to add my answer to the question... sorry.
What on earth was it with students sending things flying in this lesson? No sooner had the piece of paper been dealt with than Isabelle heard the word DUCK. She turned to see what was happening and saw a student diving for the wand that had shot across the room.
"Are you alright over there?" Issy called.
Clapping her hands to get their attention, she waited a second to make sure all eyes were on her. Flicking her wand at the board the eraser removed the words already on it and replaced it with the spell they were learning.
"Now, as a few of you seem to be having trouble with the pronunciation of the incantation, I've placed it on the board for you. You need to remember to add emphasis on the UA and the HAB sections of the words." Perching herself back on the edge of her desk, Issy looked around at the various frames and bits of paper that were lying about.
"We'll just take a quick break from practice to look at the spell. Can anyone tell me what language they think it derives from and what it means?" With new kids around it was always worth asking these things, to make sure they understood the origin of spells. In Isabelle's opinion anyway.
OOC: We'll be moving on to a different sort of practice later, using the photo's. For now you can carry on a bit more if you haven't done much practice, but please try to answer the question as well.
"I'm fine!" She breathed. Getting her wand and returning to her desk with a red face. She continued practising. This time, she was going to think really hard! "Stat-UA HAB-itum!" She said strongly, picturing her photo frame clearly in her head. Her piece of paper darkened and hardened, taking on a wooden sort of colour then the Professor spoke.
The badger lost her concentration and her piece of paper lay on the desk; a square piece of wood. Not a photo frame like she was trying for.
She honestly had no idea how to answer the question. She bit her lip and thought. Nope, no idea. Wait, yes! She had an idea! She raised her hand, "Is it Italian? Statua mean statue, right?"
Originally Posted by jujune29th
Sophie smiled at Glenn when her friend winked at her. She was having fun, even though her picture frame looked like it was burned. She actually thought that made it look cool! She then jumped on her chair when Glenn shouted and looked around just in time to see the girl picking up her wand again. That was close!
Glenn smiled sheepishly, returning to her seat and grinning at Sophie. She still hadn't managed to achieve a photo frame yet. But she would do it! She could do this!
Listening to the professor again, Louisa squinted her eyes at the board and nodded to herself, affirming that she was saying it right. However, just to make sure she recited, "Statua Habitum.. Statua Habitum.. Statua Habitum.. Statua Habitum.." Over and over again. Then she grabbed her wand and absently traced an imaginary square without saying the incantation.
Emptying the desk from everything except for the paper, just in case her spell went horribly wrong. Clearing her throat, she started tracing the imaginary square, "Statua Habitum." The paper turned from white to grey. Simply like this.
Furrowing her eyebrows at the paper, she held it and flipped it over several times. "Okay.. that is not a frame." Not at all. With a sigh, she murmured, "Reverto." And the paper was back to it natural color.
Clearing her throat, which seemed to be the hundredth time, Louisa spoke loudly, "Statua Habitum!" Tracing the square on the paper aaaaaand VOILA! A proud smile made its way on the girl's face almost immediately as she put down her wand and held the newly framed paper in her hands. "It's beautiful." Yep, she liked it.
When the professor asked the question, though, Louisa had to put down her masterpiece and ponder over the answer. She wasn't really the brightest in word roots and those stuff, so she just listened to what the others had to say.