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The door is ajar, just waiting for you to open it and enter the classroom. When you do you notice that nothing is out of the ordinary. All the desks are lined up in the usual manner, each with a single piece of large paper resting on top, Professor Magnus' desk is still at the far end of the room, and the blackboard is to the side.
There is a message on the blackboard, however.
Originally Posted by Blackboard
Please do not use the paper on your desks for writing on, it is for your practical work later. Thank you.
Professor Magnus herself is sat on the edge of her desk waiting to greet you.
OOC: I'm opening a little earlier to allow people time to enter. The actual lesson won't start for another couple of hours or so. Please have your character enter, but DON'T chat excessively or points will be taken. ;P
Class has started - Please do not announce your late arrival.
Kurumi was a little disappointed that they were not going to transfigure origami, but there really wasn't any connection with the art and bringing an unframed photograph to class. Oh well.
Setting her picture on her desk, Kurumi was momentarily distracted by it. It was a picture that she had taken over the summer after being given a make over by Jonathan's mother. Her first moments with her new look had been really awkward, but nothing had made her feel more awkward than when he had seen her for the first time. The picture was from a small dinner party his family had hosted, of her and Jonathan of course, and she smiled because for perhaps the first time she did not look plain standing next to him. She had another one with her as well, one of her and Selina smashing chocolate frogs with Beater's bats in the dorms. Horrid things.
When there was a discussion about what Transfiguration was, Kurumi opted to be an active listener and refresh her notes on the topic should anything new pop up that she didn't already have written down from previous terms.
Kurumi was pleasantly surprised when class then immediately moved on to an activity. So soon?! Excellent! First things first though, Kurumi needed to practice the incantation and wand movement before diving right in and trying it on her piece of paper. She flinched a bit when Professor Magnus subtly hinted at not blowing anything up. She hadn't said it, but it was all in her eyes. She didn't say anything about melting things. So, Kurumi was safe. Yep.
First, Kurumi picked up her wand and practiced drawing a square in the air. "Professor Magnus," she asked with her hand in the air. "How important is it to draw a perfect square? If we were to trace a rectangle in the air, for example, would the results be the same?" For now, Kurumi would stick with trying to perfect drawing air squares.
Once she felt confident enough with this, she set her wand down on the table and used her index finger in its place. "'Stat-UA HAB-itum....Stat-UA HAB-itum....Stat-UA HAB-itum...Stat-UA HAB-itum..." she repeated as she drew much smaller and confined air squares with her finger. That sounded just about right. Time to put everything together.
Kurumi picked up her wand again and traced a square above her paper. "Stat-UA HAB-itum," she said. The effects were instant and, well, the result was what she suspected they would be. Her paper now somewhat resembled a mushy rice cake that had been rolled with a rolling pin and was now a gooey mess all over the table. She couldn't help but laugh. Somethings just never changed. "Reverto," she commanded, and her paper was back to normal.
Good, now that THAT was out of the way, her second go should be much more fruitful.
Kurumi glanced over at Jezz who seemed to be struggling a bit and flashed her a smile. "It helps if you relax your shoulders," she suggested. Jezz looked very tense, probably from being nervous which was to be expected when practicing a new spell. "You'll get it and probably won't have to melt your paper to do it. Don't call yourself a failure. Remember, there are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure."
Such as always having to melt your object before doing things properly.
Jezz smiled at Kurumi and took a deep cleansing breath and felt her shoulders release some, but not all of the tension. "I'm trying but this is all still so new to me and I really don't want to let anyone down." Especially herself. She decided it would be best if she just practiced the incantation. "Stat-UA HAB-itum. Stat-UA HAB-itum. Stat-UA HAB-itum," she said to herself almost as a chant.
She closed her eyes, probably not the wisest thing she could do while picking up her wand. She took a deep calming breath drew opened her eyes, drew a square over the paper with her wand and said, "Stat-UA HAB-itum." The paper below her changed, not into a picture frame but small bouncy rubber balls going all over the place. "Reverto."
She Can't Help Herself. Her Mind Won't Slow Down. Watch Out! There's A NEW Ravenclaw In Town.
Hit Wiz love | 1/2 of Bensky | Louisa's baby claw. <3 | kewe
Lily watched as some of the older students transformed their papers into frames. After watching for a while, she decided to practice the incantation first, then attempt to transform the paper. "Stat-UA HAB-itum..." continuing on until she felt comfortable to attempt the spell. Pulling out her wand, Lily drew a box over the paper with her wand while saying "Stat-UA HAB-itum." Poof, there was a frame, but it was lopsided and not at all looking like the professor's frame. "Reverto" Lily stated pointing her wand at her paper, making it return to it's original form. Now to try again until I get this. Lily thought. "Stat-UA HAB-itum" She said again forming a box over her paper. This time, she got an almost square frame that somewhat looked like the Professor's. Lily returned it back to the paper form and kept on trying.
This was the first lesson Hades hadn't speak even a word. He was busy writing down notes when other students were racing to give their answers. As he finished with his notes, Hades glanced briefly at the piece of paper, tracing a square shape on it with his finger. "Stat-UA HAB-itum..." he muttered. Weird incantation. Almost sound like something from pre-historic era, whatsoever. Suddenly, a question struck Hades' mind and he shot his hand up in the air. "Professor!" called the blonde Slytherin as he waved his hand to get the professor's attention. "Does it need to be square? I mean, if I want to make a circular frame, should I trace according to the shape I chose?"
||Delta Goodrem Lover || Emma Watson Lover | | RavenPuff || 1 of 4 Amigos ||
Text Cut: Professor
Originally Posted by MeredithRodneyMckay
Isabelle narrowed her eyes at this one. She wasn't sure if the girl was being serious, or just a naive firstie. "Urrr, no. You seem to be getting confused with transportation. Not the same thing." But you know, she was young. She could excused just this once.
"Exactly right, on both counts. Well done. A controlled wand movement, clear speaking and above all focus are extremely important." Isabelle was mighty impressed that a young one had picked up on such an important point. She gave the girl a broad grin for that.
Again with the eye narrowing. This time for someone that wasn't paying attention.
Walking over to the girl, Isabelle took the folded piece of paper out of her hand and placed it down on the table. Smoothing it out in a rather pointed manner, she cleared her throat. "The parchment is to be used for practice, not for you to distract yourself with when you should be paying attention to the lesson. Five points from Slytherin."
"Yes, understanding the physical traits of an animal, or person, you are going to transfigure is paramount so not to cause injury." Isabelle nodded approval towards Alyssa.
"Exactly. It's not just changing the appearance of something, but also being able to produce something seemingly from thin air." Oh yes, and Gamp's Law's, one of the very important things they all needed to remember.
"Gamp's Law's, as Sierra mentioned will all be listed in your textbooks, so please make sure you read that before attempting to do any spells outside of the classroom," Isabelle said, raising her voice to address the whole class.
Never use it on a professor? Did she hear that right? "Considering the professor is likely to be more skilled than you, it isn't a good idea to try and use transfiguration on them, no." Not that they were allowed to use it as a punishment.
"Concentration is a major thing to remember, yes. Good, August." Smiling as she passed towards the front of the class, Isabelle patted him on the shoulder lightly.
"Absolutely! If you drop focus and concentration for a second with this type of magic things you turn out in a manner that you don't want."
Getting back to the front of the class, Issy turned to face the kids and sum up what had been said. "You are all correct, well done. Transfiguration is, put simply, changing one thing into another. Although, as Sierra and a couple of you pointed out, you can also conjure, vanish and untransfigure things."
Picking up the piece of paper she had left on her desk for the demonstration, Isabelle held it in front of her. "Now the paper you have all been given will, hopefully, by the end of the lesson become a brand new picture frame for the photo's you all brought with you." She hadn't just asked them to bring them for her amusement. Although you never knew, some of them might be funny. Issy hadn't actually seen them yet.
Taking her wand out of her pocket again Isabelle placed it against the paper and drew a square around all four sides. With almost a pop the paper changed into a gold picture frame that was slightly ornate. "The incantation is 'Stat-UA HAB-itum' (Statua Habitum)....and you trace a square above the object you are changing. Because this is a new spell you're trying I've given you something square to use, in the paper, but it can work on any object no matter the shape. I'll explain where your photo's come into the practice a little later when you have all got used to the spell. For now you don't need them."
Putting the frame down on her desk, Isabelle spread her arms wide and smiled. "Now I don't want you all to launch into changing things yet, please do refine each element of the spell before you try it for real. And don't be worried if it doesn't work first time. No one is perfect. Just revert it back to it's original state, using 'Reverto', and try again. And please, don't be afraid to ask for help!"
OOC: You can begiiiiiin! PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU HAVE READ EVERYTHING ISABELLE HAS ASKED YOU TO DO. No excessive chatter, and please don't blow anything up. lol This is my last post before bed, but Issy will be here the whole time. Remember that.
Harvey had taken out his picture and was looking at it when he realised that he was supposed to be doing the activity.. so he took out his wand and started tracing the square on his page without saying anything just to make sure the wand movement was correct. He did this over and over and over again, he then put the wand on the table and practiced the incantation. "Stat-UA HAB-itum... Stat-UA HAB-itum...Stat-UA HAB-itum...Stat-UA HAB-itum....Stat-UA HAB-itum....Stat-UA HAB-itum...Stat-UA HAB-itum...Stat-UA HAB-itum..Stat-UA HAB-itum....Stat-UA HAB-itum" he then picked up his wand and tried the wand movement and incantation.. he traced the square on his page "Stat-UA HAB-itum" he said and saw his paper turn into a frame.. he was happy that he had got it right.. "Reverto!" he said changing it back and trying again.. traced the square and "Stat-UA HAB-itum" he chanted but it didnt change into the frame it was before.. but something else all together.. a circle type frame or something. well dented circle frame more like.. "Reverto" he said as he tried again and if it worked he was leaving it as it was.. trace the square "Stat-UA HAB-itum" he chanted as it worked and became a nice frame.. Harvey put his wand down he was going to leave it as it was..
"Statua Habitum..." Nate murmured to himself, his wand still on the desk. Instead, he was holding a substitute wand he had made for himself by breaking off about 14 inches of a tree branch on the grounds. It was for wand movement practice with the incantation, without actually doing the spell.
Tracing a square over the empty sheet of paper with his practice wand--which was obviously not his actual wand, especially since his real wand was sitting on the desk in front of him--Nate said, "Statua Habitum!" Of course nothing happened, but it felt right. He practiced a few more times, trying to get the feel for the spell. One didn't simply say the spell comfortably the first time...
Messer's eyes went from his notebook where he wrote all the instruction Professor Magnus said earlier to the piece of paper in his desk. He decided to practice the incantation first. Statua Habitum. Statua Habitum. He repeated the incantation in his head over and over again. "StAt-Ua Hab-itUm...StaAt-ua HAB-ituM..sTat-uA HAB-Itum.." That didn't sounds right. "Stat-UA HAB-itum..Stat-UA HAB-itum.."Better.
The first year reached up for his wand, he placed it above the paper and drew a square around all four sides "Stat-UA HAB-itum!" but nothing happen the paper didn't change into a photo frame. Maybe he did something wrong. The wand movement perhaps? Or the incantation? "Stat-UA HAB-itum!" Nothing happen again. "Stat-UA HAB-itum!" this time the paper turned into a photo frame but it didn't last long. Poof! It changed back into a paper. Well, he just need to keep on trying.
All of the love for tomorrow______________________________________________ I know we're gonna be stronger than you'll ever known
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Minerva made a square with her wand again, this time making sure it was a square "Stat ua Hab itum" the paper turned into a picture frame. Minerva smiled, she loved this class and it had always seemed to come to her after two or three tries. She beamed at her picture frame and then pointed her wand again 'Reverto" to try again making sure it wasn't just luck that did this.
BOOMBAYAH! | #PuedoPorquePiensoQuePuedo | Certified Blank and Random Person | Raventastic
Oh, now Raven understood why the students need to bring a photograph. They would transfigure a paper into a frame? Sounds cool. Raven took her wand out, then she tried the spell.
She drew a square around all four sides with her wand and mention the incantation clearly.
"Stat-UA HAB-itum." the paper now became a black frame
"Cool!" she said. "Reverto!" then the frame changed again became a plain paper.
AT THE HOGWARTS YULE BALL, YOU'LL BE HANGING OUT WITH....__________________ It's a fairytale evening, and you want the entire event to be totally dazzling and
a real experience with the friendliest people around you.
Sophie looked around the class as everyone started trying out the new spell. She got her wand and started drawing the square on the paper, without saying anything. Before she realized it, the paper started burning out where the wand was touching, as if someone was holding a light match under it. She jumped on her seat and started tapping the paper with her other hand to stop it from burning more. Oops...
Maybe she'd better just say the words first, without holding the wand, just in case...
She placed her wand on the desk and started repeating the words. "Statu Habitum." No! "Statua Habitum!" oh, there! That was it! "Statua Habitum! Statua Habitum!" she said it a few more times and picked up her wand once more.
She drew the square around the burned parts of the paper (oh well...) "Statua Habitum!" and a weird picture frame was right in front of her. It didn't look exactly like the professor's, but Sophie actually though the burned parts made her picture frame look... different. In a very interesting way.
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 40,105
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
just going to pretend this happened pre-Reverto XD
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
Originally Posted by HOPEendures
Jezz smiled at Kurumi and took a deep cleansing breath and felt her shoulders release some, but not all of the tension. "I'm trying but this is all still so new to me and I really don't want to let anyone down." Especially herself. She decided it would be best if she just practiced the incantation. "Stat-UA HAB-itum. Stat-UA HAB-itum. Stat-UA HAB-itum," she said to herself almost as a chant.
She closed her eyes, probably not the wisest thing she could do while picking up her wand. She took a deep calming breath drew opened her eyes, drew a square over the paper with her wand and said, "Stat-UA HAB-itum." The paper below her changed, not into a picture frame but small bouncy rubber balls going all over the place. "Reverto."
Kurumi smiled. "If you put too much pressure on yourself you won't be able to concentrate as well." Speaking from experience here, for sure. Kurumi was always so afraid of failure that it almost always got in the way of her spellwork. It had certainly been the case last term in Professor Schirmer's Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson when they were learning how to conjure a patronus. She still wasn't able to produce much more than a wisp, but things had certainly improved once she allowed herself to let go a bit. "The only way you would let anyone down is by not trying, so you are already over that hurtle," she added with a small wink.
Okay, now back to her piece of paper and NOT making it melt.
Kurumi twirled her wand in her hand a few times before she held it firmly and pointed it at her piece of paper. Slowly, she traced a square hopefully making the corners 90 degrees and not something less and trace a lopsided diamond in the air. Holding her breath, Kurumi cast the spell. "Stat-UA HAB-itum!" The paper contorted and morphed until it took the shape of a glass photo frame. Thank Merlin! Her paper hadn't melted this time!
Kurumi didn't notice the bouncing ball Jezz had transfigured until it was too late and the ball came bouncing on to her table, smacked into her frame, and sent it crashing to the ground where it shattered into several pieces.
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
Ability is nothing without Opportunity | | Creativity is Intelligence having FUN
SPOILER!!: Professah M
Originally Posted by MeredithRodneyMckay
Getting back to the front of the class, Issy turned to face the kids and sum up what had been said. "You are all correct, well done. Transfiguration is, put simply, changing one thing into another. Although, as Sierra and a couple of you pointed out, you can also conjure, vanish and untransfigure things."
Picking up the piece of paper she had left on her desk for the demonstration, Isabelle held it in front of her. "Now the paper you have all been given will, hopefully, by the end of the lesson become a brand new picture frame for the photo's you all brought with you." She hadn't just asked them to bring them for her amusement. Although you never knew, some of them might be funny. Issy hadn't actually seen them yet.
Taking her wand out of her pocket again Isabelle placed it against the paper and drew a square around all four sides. With almost a pop the paper changed into a gold picture frame that was slightly ornate. "The incantation is 'Stat-UA HAB-itum' (Statua Habitum)....and you trace a square above the object you are changing. Because this is a new spell you're trying I've given you something square to use, in the paper, but it can work on any object no matter the shape. I'll explain where your photo's come into the practice a little later when you have all got used to the spell. For now you don't need them."
Putting the frame down on her desk, Isabelle spread her arms wide and smiled. "Now I don't want you all to launch into changing things yet, please do refine each element of the spell before you try it for real. And don't be worried if it doesn't work first time. No one is perfect. Just revert it back to it's original state, using 'Reverto', and try again. And please, don't be afraid to ask for help!"
OOC: You can begiiiiiin! PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU HAVE READ EVERYTHING ISABELLE HAS ASKED YOU TO DO. No excessive chatter, and please don't blow anything up. lol This is my last post before bed, but Issy will be here the whole time. Remember that.
Vickers looked down the the frame he held in his hand. He wasnt one for bring pictures around, but this one had always stayed on his bedside table-- it was the framed photo of his late mother. And he brought it with him when he moved to Hogwarts. He listened to the Professor demonstrate how to transfigure a photo frame out of paper. So did that mean he would eventually have to take his mother's photo out of the frame?
Gosh he had better do this spell right. The photo was too much of value to him to have him mess up.
He stashed his mother's photo back into his bag where it lay safer than in the midst of students practicing the spell. He eyed his notes and recalled how the Professor uttered the spell, the pronunciation playing over and over in his head. He whispered the spell a few times to himself until he got the hang of saying it properly "Statua Habitum". Okay now for the paper. He drew it closer to himself and traced an outline of the square as he uttered "Statua Habitum.."
Flying paper. No it wasnt supposed to do that nuh uh.
++Tenacius ++🐦++ Salander++🐦++ Deo ++🐦++ Vickers ++🐦++ Huxley ++🐦+ Aquila++ Yeah thats what crazy is, when its broken you say theres nothing to fix++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++And you pray that everything will be okay, while you're making all the same mistakes
Why did every class have to start with the definition of the subject. Ira hadn't bothered to answer. She anyways wasn't very much fond of Transfiguration. But it was surely beneficial, to say the least! But now the were on to a fun part!
She took out her photograph. Then she watched amazed, as the professor coverted, no, transfigured a piece of paper into a beautiful photo frame! Wow! Now Ira was eager to learn that.
She took down her notes:
Text Cut: Ira's Notes
Paper to Photo frame
Spell: Statua Habitum (Stat-UA HAB-itum)
Wand Movement: trace a square or any other shape above the object you are changing
Reverse Spell: Reverto
Ira first decided to practice the incantation. Stat-UA HAB-itum.. statua habitum.. Statua Habitum. That seemed right? Maybe.
5 Points for trying to make Origami!? Ariana had just lost her first points of the year.. great... Ariana raised her wand to the paper and traced the outline of the squares on the edges of the paper. "Stat-UA HAB-itum." she spoke clearly & a beautiful Golf Frame appeared. Ariana's mother taught her this spell while she was 8, so Ariana already could do it
Last edited by MeredithRodneyMckay; 01-10-2012 at 03:08 PM.
Reason: Please do not hotlink pictures, upload to your own image account
Kurumi smiled. "If you put too much pressure on yourself you won't be able to concentrate as well." Speaking from experience here, for sure. Kurumi was always so afraid of failure that it almost always got in the way of her spellwork. It had certainly been the case last term in Professor Schirmer's Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson when they were learning how to conjure a patronus. She still wasn't able to produce much more than a wisp, but things had certainly improved once she allowed herself to let go a bit. "The only way you would let anyone down is by not trying, so you are already over that hurtle," she added with a small wink.
Okay, now back to her piece of paper and NOT making it melt.
Kurumi twirled her wand in her hand a few times before she held it firmly and pointed it at her piece of paper. Slowly, she traced a square hopefully making the corners 90 degrees and not something less and trace a lopsided diamond in the air. Holding her breath, Kurumi cast the spell. "Stat-UA HAB-itum!" The paper contorted and morphed until it took the shape of a glass photo frame. Thank Merlin! Her paper hadn't melted this time!
Kurumi didn't notice the bouncing ball Jezz had transfigured until it was too late and the ball came bouncing on to her table, smacked into her frame, and sent it crashing to the ground where it shattered into several pieces.
Jezz had felt so much hope coming off of Kurumi for her... That was until the bouncing ball. She had said reverto but it hadn't worked and now there was a shattering sound as it had smashed Kurumi's picture frame.
"Reverto," Jezz shouted and caught the ball in mid bounce. It transfigured back to the piece of paper and floated gently down landing in front of her, but the damage was done. "I am so sorry Kurumi. I don't know what happened or how to control the ball." She had said the spell right and she was pretty sure she had made a good square. "I am truly sorry. I didn't know that was going to happen. I'd never do that on purpose, I SWEAR." Great, she was getting hysterical. Emotional.
"Here have my piece of paper," Jezz said pushing it towards the older girl. She didn't want it anyway. It was becoming a thorn in her side to try and deal with it anymore. "I'll just..." Take a zero on the assignment? Ask for another piece of paper? She looked down and mumbled, "Sorry," one last time.
She Can't Help Herself. Her Mind Won't Slow Down. Watch Out! There's A NEW Ravenclaw In Town.
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 40,105
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
Originally Posted by HOPEendures
Jezz had felt so much hope coming off of Kurumi for her... That was until the bouncing ball. She had said reverto but it hadn't worked and now there was a shattering sound as it had smashed Kurumi's picture frame.
"Reverto," Jezz shouted and caught the ball in mid bounce. It transfigured back to the piece of paper and floated gently down landing in front of her, but the damage was done. "I am so sorry Kurumi. I don't know what happened or how to control the ball." She had said the spell right and she was pretty sure she had made a good square. "I am truly sorry. I didn't know that was going to happen. I'd never do that on purpose, I SWEAR." Great, she was getting hysterical. Emotional.
"Here have my piece of paper," Jezz said pushing it towards the older girl. She didn't want it anyway. It was becoming a thorn in her side to try and deal with it anymore. "I'll just..." Take a zero on the assignment? Ask for another piece of paper? She looked down and mumbled, "Sorry," one last time.
Flailing her arms a bit, Kurumi turned to look at Jezz. "I-I-It's alright, I know you didn't do it on purpose. These things happen with new spells." Jezz wasn't Sierra. Bowing her head towards Professor Magnus in apology, Kurumi got out of her seat and scampered around to the front where the frame lay in pieces. She then pointed her wand at the pieces. "Reparo," she said and the pieces glued themselves back together and made it seem like the incident had never happened in the first place. She pocketed her wand again and held up the frame for Jezz to see. "No harm done." If it would make the first year feel better she would say that she forgave her, but Kurumi really didn't think that was necessary. There was nothing to forgive.
She then returned to her seat and set the frame on her desk before once again removing her wand from her pocket. "Reverto," she commanded, and the frame was back to being a simple sheet of white paper.
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
❄Suaviter in modo, fortiter in re❄| ⚕=equivalent exchange=⚕ | pinned ya!
Feeling a bit enthusiastic even if Jasper the snake wasn't with them at the current lesson because Professor Magnus promised to send her regards to the snake, Beezus comfortably leaned on her seat as the discussion commenced.
Of course, they were to tackle about the definition of Transfiguration itself first. While the other students where busy sharing their ideas and answers regarding the subject on, Beezus took the time to refresh her thoughts about it too although she chose to stay silent as her idea was almost quite the same with the others.
When the idea sharing was finished, Professor Magnus added on a bit more and announced the start of their activity.
That early? They were just talking about what Transfiguration was and now they'd already be transfiguring. How awesome was that! And how lucky were those new students who didn't have to undergo the set of theoretical questions.
Excited, the young eaglet immediately practiced the spell they'd be using to transfigure the paper on their desks into picture frames. "Statua Habitum.." She muttered first, without giving any emphasis. "Stat..wait, wait..Stat-UA..what was that again?" Beezus was having a bit of a hard time since she was never good at memorizing spells. "Stat-UA HAB-itum." Sounds good enough.
Next, she pulled out her wand from her wrist holster and pointed its tip towards the piece of paper on her desk. But as she was said the incantation, a tickling sensation occurred on her throat which caused her to cough slightly which resulted to her saying, "Stat-UAh" Cough. "..bi-tum!" She tried to stop but too late, a tiny spark had already emitted from the tip of her wand. The paper frizzled, bent here and there and turned into a banana peel.
Beezus slapped her own cheek as she irritably exhaled. "Yeah. Great work Beezus," she sarcastically remarked herself.
Flailing her arms a bit, Kurumi turned to look at Jezz. "I-I-It's alright, I know you didn't do it on purpose. These things happen with new spells." Jezz wasn't Sierra. Bowing her head towards Professor Magnus in apology, Kurumi got out of her seat and scampered around to the front where the frame lay in pieces. She then pointed her wand at the pieces. "Reparo," she said and the pieces glued themselves back together and made it seem like the incident had never happened in the first place. She pocketed her wand again and held up the frame for Jezz to see. "No harm done." If it would make the first year feel better she would say that she forgave her, but Kurumi really didn't think that was necessary. There was nothing to forgive.
She then returned to her seat and set the frame on her desk before once again removing her wand from her pocket. "Reverto," she commanded, and the frame was back to being a simple sheet of white paper.
Jezz watched as Kurumi got up and repaired the frame almost like magic...only it wasn't almost like magic because it was magic. She showed it to her and she came to accept that maybe the older girl was right. Accidents did happen and some accidents were easily fixed with the wave of a wand. She looked back at her own sheet of paper. Why couldn't she just... "Stat-UA HAB-itum!" With a perfect square drawn above it she watched as it transfigured into a wooden picture frame.
Jezz could only stare at it. The flowers that were going around it made her think of her grandfather and she couldn't help but give a small smile. "Maybe all it took was an accident to make me really want for this paper to be a picture frame." She showed it to Kurumi smiled softly. She placed it back down and said, "Reverto." And stared at the now white sheet of paper.
She Can't Help Herself. Her Mind Won't Slow Down. Watch Out! There's A NEW Ravenclaw In Town.
Sophie looked around the class as everyone started trying out the new spell. She got her wand and started drawing the square on the paper, without saying anything. Before she realized it, the paper started burning out where the wand was touching, as if someone was holding a light match under it. She jumped on her seat and started tapping the paper with her other hand to stop it from burning more. Oops...
Maybe she'd better just say the words first, without holding the wand, just in case...
She placed her wand on the desk and started repeating the words. "Statu Habitum." No! "Statua Habitum!" oh, there! That was it! "Statua Habitum! Statua Habitum!" she said it a few more times and picked up her wand once more.
She drew the square around the burned parts of the paper (oh well...) "Statua Habitum!" and a weird picture frame was right in front of her. It didn't look exactly like the professor's, but Sophie actually though the burned parts made her picture frame look... different. In a very interesting way.
Glenn took her wand out of a pocket in her robes and bit her lip in concentration. She drew a small square on her piece of paper and said "Stat-UA HAB-itum!" The badger watched as the piece of paper shrunk and darkened till it was a tiny wooden photo frame. Nope. That was not what she was aiming for. It wouldn't be able to hold the somewhat large photo she had brought with her.
The photo was a moving picture of herself as a young child, around six. Glenn was holding her father's wand, making a flower grow until it was the size of a car. Her father had thought it was funny. Her mother - Not so much.
"Reverto." She muttered, blowing the curly blonde hair out of her eyes in a sigh and turned to look at the other students progress. Sophie! No way!
Glenn looked over in her direction and winked at her. Gesturing to her work and shrugging. Well, she better get back to work. "Stat-UA HAB-itum!!" She did the same as she had before, except, perhaps overshooting how vigorously she needed to point her wand in order to draw the square in mid air. Her wand flew out of her hand and over the students heads, "Duck!" She cried and she slid from her seat and scrambled to pick it up again.
❄Suaviter in modo, fortiter in re❄| ⚕=equivalent exchange=⚕ | pinned ya!
Since her first attempt was a total failure, Beezus rested for a bit before turning back the banana peel into the piece of paper again.
She rested both her arms on the desk and looked at the picture she brought along with her for the meantime. It was taken last summer. A picture of her and her best friend, Erin. Yeah, they had some supertastic fun over the holidays even if Erin stayed only for a few days. They did things together such as cooking breakfast and even having pillow fights before they go to sleep. That was such a summer, and one she won't ever forget.
After a while, she straightened up. It was time she continue doing the task. "Reverto," she mumbled and the banana peel returned to being the piece of paper.
Beezus pulled the paper and placed it in front of her, pulled her wand out again. Breathing, she reminded herself of the correct incantation along with the proper wand movement. Then.. "Stat-UA HAB-itum." the young eaglet exclaimed as a small reddish spark traveled from the tip of her wand into the paper.
The piece of paper glowed then it sort of stiffened. "Please let it work.." she plead as she clutched her wand tightly. It contorted, crumpled and rolled back and forth.
A second later, a picture frame was on her desk with colorful sequins along its border.
Desiree had her picture sitting next to the paper on her desk, it was one of her and her sister laughing. She smiled a little at the memory and picked up her wand. First maybe she would just practice drawing a square. Start with the basics.. She traced a square around the paper, and in her head she was trying to get the pronunciation right
Stat-UA HAB-itum. Stat-UA HAB-itum..
She kept tracing a square but said the next one out loud, "Stat-UA HAB-itum." She stared at the plain piece of paper, and was shocked to see that there was now an intricate drawing of a frame etched onto it, slightly raised off the paper. Well that wasn't bad for a first try! She pointed her wand again, "Reverto!" and there was the plain old piece of paper again. Desiree wasn't getting frustrated though, she found this really fun and exciting!
Ira readied herself for her first attempt. She looked took her wand and referring to her notes for the correct incantation and wand movement, she tried. She drew a square with her wand on the paper in front of her and muttered, "Stat-UA HAB-itum!"
But nothing much happened.. except that the paper had somewhat shrunk and turned somewhat to a square paper frame! Not like she had wanted..
Uh? What had she done wrong? Maybe she hadn't focused enough. So she first calmed herself down and tried again.
Deciding to try again after practicing a few more times Desiree picked up her wand. She just had a really good feeling about this time. Clearing her throat a bit she carefully traced a square around the paper, "Stat-UA HAB-itum!" she said clearly. The paper began to transform right before her eyes. She stared at in awe, the paper was no longer paper.. it was a FRAME!! And a nice one too! It wasn't too intricate, but it was interesting, she liked it.
Admiring her frame, a question suddenly popped into her head, she politely raised her hand, "Professor I was just wondering why all our frames look different?" because she hadn't been concentrating on this frame, just a frame in general, but it turned into this.."Is it that whatever frame you concentrate on, that's the one it transfigures into, or is it just chance?" she asked curiously. She just found the whole concept interesting.
"Okay, yes, I'll be sure to do that." Although Isabelle doubted that Jasper would take much notice. He was always too caught up with slithering around on the grass in the back garden.
"It was very nice, thank you for asking, Selina," Isabelle smiled at the girl and got up from her position perched on her desk.
Stepping forward a couple of places, she waved her wand lazily in the direction of the board, making the chalk shoot in the air and write her name. "Good morning everyone! For those of you that don't know me, my name is Professor Magnus, and welcome to the first Transfiguration lesson of the term."
Placing her wand back in her pocket, her hands followed and she stood, relaxed, and smiling at the assembled group. "Now, I hope you have all brought a photo with you, as I requested in the lesson notice. If you want to get them out of your bags and place them ready on your desk for when we practice a little later." She eyed them all and gave them some time to do as she asked.
"Okay then. As we have quite a few new students with us this lesson, I'd like to start by asking you all to tell me the definition of Transfiguration, as you understand it, and the most important things you need to remember when performing this branch of magic."
OOC: You can all answer this one, then I'll move on later to the practical part.
Originally Posted by MeredithRodneyMckay
Isabelle narrowed her eyes at this one. She wasn't sure if the girl was being serious, or just a naive firstie. "Urrr, no. You seem to be getting confused with transportation. Not the same thing." But you know, she was young. She could excused just this once.
"Exactly right, on both counts. Well done. A controlled wand movement, clear speaking and above all focus are extremely important." Isabelle was mighty impressed that a young one had picked up on such an important point. She gave the girl a broad grin for that.
Again with the eye narrowing. This time for someone that wasn't paying attention.
Walking over to the girl, Isabelle took the folded piece of paper out of her hand and placed it down on the table. Smoothing it out in a rather pointed manner, she cleared her throat. "The parchment is to be used for practice, not for you to distract yourself with when you should be paying attention to the lesson. Five points from Slytherin."
"Yes, understanding the physical traits of an animal, or person, you are going to transfigure is paramount so not to cause injury." Isabelle nodded approval towards Alyssa.
"Exactly. It's not just changing the appearance of something, but also being able to produce something seemingly from thin air." Oh yes, and Gamp's Law's, one of the very important things they all needed to remember.
"Gamp's Law's, as Sierra mentioned will all be listed in your textbooks, so please make sure you read that before attempting to do any spells outside of the classroom," Isabelle said, raising her voice to address the whole class.
Never use it on a professor? Did she hear that right? "Considering the professor is likely to be more skilled than you, it isn't a good idea to try and use transfiguration on them, no." Not that they were allowed to use it as a punishment.
"Concentration is a major thing to remember, yes. Good, August." Smiling as she passed towards the front of the class, Isabelle patted him on the shoulder lightly.
"Absolutely! If you drop focus and concentration for a second with this type of magic things you turn out in a manner that you don't want."
Getting back to the front of the class, Issy turned to face the kids and sum up what had been said. "You are all correct, well done. Transfiguration is, put simply, changing one thing into another. Although, as Sierra and a couple of you pointed out, you can also conjure, vanish and untransfigure things."
Picking up the piece of paper she had left on her desk for the demonstration, Isabelle held it in front of her. "Now the paper you have all been given will, hopefully, by the end of the lesson become a brand new picture frame for the photo's you all brought with you." She hadn't just asked them to bring them for her amusement. Although you never knew, some of them might be funny. Issy hadn't actually seen them yet.
Taking her wand out of her pocket again Isabelle placed it against the paper and drew a square around all four sides. With almost a pop the paper changed into a gold picture frame that was slightly ornate. "The incantation is 'Stat-UA HAB-itum' (Statua Habitum)....and you trace a square above the object you are changing. Because this is a new spell you're trying I've given you something square to use, in the paper, but it can work on any object no matter the shape. I'll explain where your photo's come into the practice a little later when you have all got used to the spell. For now you don't need them."
Putting the frame down on her desk, Isabelle spread her arms wide and smiled. "Now I don't want you all to launch into changing things yet, please do refine each element of the spell before you try it for real. And don't be worried if it doesn't work first time. No one is perfect. Just revert it back to it's original state, using 'Reverto', and try again. And please, don't be afraid to ask for help!"
OOC: You can begiiiiiin! PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU HAVE READ EVERYTHING ISABELLE HAS ASKED YOU TO DO. No excessive chatter, and please don't blow anything up. lol This is my last post before bed, but Issy will be here the whole time. Remember that.
"StatUA haBItum!" Tayla said, practicing the words without yet waving her wand. "No, that wasn't right." she thought. Trying to remember how Professor Magnus had said it, she tried again. "StatUA...ha...HABitum! StatUA HABitum!" There! "StatUA HABitum!" she said the incantation over and over, then after a few more tries. She picked up her wand and practiced the wand movement, tracing a square above the piece of paper.
"StatUA haBItum!" she said in her sudden and excited urge to try. "Oh..." Tayla knew she didn't pronounce the second word correctly. The piece of paper was sort of like...a flat block of hard white paper. "Great," she said with a sigh. "Reverto." The block turned back to a piece of paper.
"StatUA HABitum," she whispered to herself. Then with a wave of her wand, she tried again. "StatUA HABitum!" The piece of paper turned into a picture frame. She smiled, though the frame wasn't as beautiful as Professor Magnus' one. It looked like the flat block of hard paper she managed a moment ago, but this time had space in the center for a picture. "Better at least..." she thought happily. "Reverto."
Tayla kept on practicing. She wanted a pretty frame, too.
Last edited by affy7ann; 01-10-2012 at 08:06 AM.
Reason: added photo =)
Picking up the piece of paper she had left on her desk for the demonstration, Isabelle held it in front of her. "Now the paper you have all been given will, hopefully, by the end of the lesson become a brand new picture frame for the photo's you all brought with you." She hadn't just asked them to bring them for her amusement. Although you never knew, some of them might be funny. Issy hadn't actually seen them yet.
Taking her wand out of her pocket again Isabelle placed it against the paper and drew a square around all four sides. With almost a pop the paper changed into a gold picture frame that was slightly ornate. "The incantation is 'Stat-UA HAB-itum' (Statua Habitum)....and you trace a square above the object you are changing. Because this is a new spell you're trying I've given you something square to use, in the paper, but it can work on any object no matter the shape. I'll explain where your photo's come into the practice a little later when you have all got used to the spell. For now you don't need them."
Putting the frame down on her desk, Isabelle spread her arms wide and smiled. "Now I don't want you all to launch into changing things yet, please do refine each element of the spell before you try it for real. And don't be worried if it doesn't work first time. No one is perfect. Just revert it back to it's original state, using 'Reverto', and try again. And please, don't be afraid to ask for help!"
OOC: You can begiiiiiin! PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU HAVE READ EVERYTHING ISABELLE HAS ASKED YOU TO DO. No excessive chatter, and please don't blow anything up. lol This is my last post before bed, but Issy will be here the whole time. Remember that.
Justin began to practice the incantation when given the go ahead from the Professor. " Stat-ua-hab-itum, Stat-ua hab-itum....." He practiced with out his wand until feeling comfortable with it's pronounciation. Then out came his wand and he proceeded to trace the edge of the paper while saying, " Stat-ua hab-itum " wow his paper really did turn into a beautiful frame. Then he said the counter spell, " Reverto! " and the paper was just paper again. He practiced this several times to make sure he has mastered the spell to his satisfaction. Then sat and waited for further instruction.