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The door is ajar, just waiting for you to open it and enter the classroom. When you do you notice that nothing is out of the ordinary. All the desks are lined up in the usual manner, each with a single piece of large paper resting on top, Professor Magnus' desk is still at the far end of the room, and the blackboard is to the side.
There is a message on the blackboard, however.
Originally Posted by Blackboard
Please do not use the paper on your desks for writing on, it is for your practical work later. Thank you.
Professor Magnus herself is sat on the edge of her desk waiting to greet you.
OOC: I'm opening a little earlier to allow people time to enter. The actual lesson won't start for another couple of hours or so. Please have your character enter, but DON'T chat excessively or points will be taken. ;P
Class has started - Please do not announce your late arrival.
Right cool thought Oakey, He was so sure of himself for having done the spell correctly the first time that he. Cheerfully went back to his desk...wait...wasn't his picture frame there when he left to see the Professor's demonstration...Umm Professor Magnus...My picture frame went missing?
He turned back and looked at the professor with confusion in his face.
Missing? As in, gone?
"Urrr, right. Where did you have it last? Maybe it fell off your desk." Isabelle bent down to try and get a good look under the row of desks where the boy was sat, but all she could see where bags and feet.
Originally Posted by tomewitch
EEEEEP! That was pretty a awesome spell was it not? She didn't even need to buy a picture frame for the pictures. A single piece of paper would do. And yup, that was worth saying something.
When Professor Magnus commanded that they return to their seats, Beezus nodded and turned around and joined the other students as they reverted back to their desks. Once she was settled comfortably, she took out her wand once more and looked at the frame resting on her desk. She would need to turn it back into its original form before she could use the Statua Habitum spell the way Professor Magnus had showed them.
She rested both her arms on the desk, pointed her wand on the sequined frame and "Reverto." she uttered. Almost instantly, the frame contorted and returned back to the piece of paper.
Now, unto the real task.
Beezus carefully took out the picture that she brought with her. It was taken during the summer, her best friend went to her place and the two of them took a quick pose at near the kitchen sink. She chuckled at it, the kitchen sink was really behind them. Good thing they were done with the dishes that time or else the dishes would've made an appearance in that picture. With a smile, the young eaglet settled the piece of paper on her desk then she placed the picture on top of it. Afterwards, she smoothed both it make it lay flat on the surface.
"Stat-UA HAB-itum!" she uttered as she pointed her wand on the paper and picture upon making it draw a square-like shape in thin air. Nothing happened then and there and it caused her to panic a bit. What did she do wrong for the spell not to work properly? Beezus was about to repeat the spell again when the piece of paper made a frizzling sound. When she looked at it, it was crumpling itself along with the picture. "No, no, no.." She groaned, it wasn't supposed to do that. Perplexed, she covered her face with her hands.
But then..the crumpling suddenly stopped and when she looked back at it, she found an ornate silver-ish picture frame and her precious photo was already inside it.
She felt like crying but she stopped herself. Instead, she grinned and looked at the Transfiguration Professor. "Professor, I think I'm done." she said.
Done already? Well someone was eager.
Wandering over to the desk that the Ravenclaw sat at, Isabelle smiled as she saw the framed picture. "Well done! It looks lovely, I must say. And if you're happy with it, and want to keep it like that, then by all means get another piece of paper to keep practicing until class finishes."
SPOILER!!: Laura and Kurumi
Originally Posted by Harry174
Laura couldn't believe she was even going to attempt to do this but well she knew that she would have to do it, she used the wand to draw a square around the photo and then said. "Statua Habitum." Laura looked at the paper and saw that it was doing something but she didn't think it was doing what it should it was half a frame, half still paper, raising her hand she asked the Professor. "Professor is this suppost to happen?"
Originally Posted by Harry174
Laura looked at the older girl and smiled. "I'm a bit scared of ruining the paper." Laura sighed seriously the paper must have some sort of feeling, no matter if the paper didn't talk. "Okay thanks for the information."
"Reverto." "Reverto." "Reverto." Laura said as she pointed at the paper she did what the older girl told her, she had no idea if to believe the girl or not but she decided too, but instead of the spell doing what it was supposted to Laura was shocked when the paper started to turn into wood. "is this suppost to happen?"
Originally Posted by Harry174
Laura looked at Kurumi. ""Reverto." "Reverto." "Reverto." Laura tried to concentrate on turning the wood back into paper but it didn't work she turned it even further back it turned into a branch from a tree, she decided to stop saying Reverto before she had a tree in the classroom, she was sure the Professor wouldn't like that.
"EH I'll never get the hang of this." Laura whispered to the older girl. "I'm useless at Transfiguration." Laura had just decided that but well you could see she wasn't very good if she continued using Reverto she'd have a tree. "Maybe I should use Reverto again?" Yeah maybe it would be fun to have a tree in class. "What do you think?" Laura looked at the branch that went across hers and Kurumi's desk.
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie
While the Hufflepuff tended to her own transfiguration spells, Kurumi returned her attention to her own paper and photograph. She twirled her wand between her fingers as she looked at the picture, trying to think of a frame from home or her grandmother's that she could focus on when she cast the spell again. Having her mind mostly blank had earned her a simple black plastic frame. When she had an image of a frame that was on one of the windowpanes in her parent's bedroom, Kurumi ceased her twirling and traced a square over the two flat surfaces. "Statua Habitum!" The white paper puffed out again and crept around her photograph slowly. Its color turned golden and a somewhat intricate design appeared. In a few more moments, the transformation was complete and Kurumi held up her now framed photo, a slight blush appearing on her cheeks.
But that blush didn't last very long.
HOW had this girl managed to turn Reverto into a tree growing spell? Kurumi could do nothing but blink in disbelief at the branch that had grown across the tables. This was...sort of beyond her comprehension. "I think...you may want to hold off on casting that again," she said, shaking her head slightly. Maybe it was her spellwork, or maybe there had been something weird about her paper. "It might poke someone's eye out if it gets any bigger." Just to be safe, this was something that they should leave to the skilled hands of the professor. Kurumi looked up in Professor Magnus' direction and gave the woman a pleading look.
Up to the point that the paper had turned into a tree branch, Isabelle had been stood watching Kurumi help the young girl and admiring her skills. She probably should have stepped in, but what was being told to the Hufflepuff was much the same as she herself would have said. But now 'Reverto' had gone a bit too far.
"No, no, no. I think starting from scratch would be a better idea," Issy said, rushing forward as the branch stuck out and nearly caught one of the other children by the robes. "Laura, next time you try reversing a spell....well, just say the incantation once, alright? Too many times and you might end up in a bit of a pickle." Like she was in now. Although HOW was anyones guess.
Flicking her wand at the branch, Isabelle vanished it. Returning to her own desk she picked up a fresh piece of paper and placed it in front of the Hufflepuff. "Now, clear your mind and concentrate on what you want your frame to look like. Then say the spell once, perform the wand movement carefully and see what happens. If nothing does, don't worry! Give it a bit of time then try again."
Walking back to her desk, Issy spun on the spot and looked around. "Does anyone else need any help?"
"Nope Professor, I think I don't need any help.." Ira replied as Professor Magnus passed her desk. She decided to show her photo frame which had taken a total of three to four attempts to do it right!
"Professor, I'm done! Here is myphoto frame" Ira went up to professor's table and asked, "Is it good? Can I.. or should I improve it in any way?"
*Everything I Know I Learned* *Adding Silently To The Noise*
Vlimia grinned proudly at her picture frame, and then turned it back into the blank peice of paper needed with a quick "Reverto.". She put the photo of her little sister on top of the paper, and smiled sadly. She really missed Scarlett (her sister). Oh well, no time to waste getting this spell done! "Statua Habitum." Vlimia uttered, tracing a square on the paper. The end result was really quite satisfying. Vlimia went up to the Proffesor's desk with her frame and waited in line. When it was her turn Vlim said "I think I'm done... do I need to make any changes?" Because maybe that wasn't what the Proffesor was looking for or something.
So what was she do wrong exactly? She thought about it and thought about it and finally came to the conclusion that when she went to try and do it she'd stop thinking about the picture frame and think about the picture. So, what to do? She closed her eyes to think about it and that was when she came up with the idea to get the assignment complete.
"Statua Habitum," Jezz said making a square over the paper and picture and made herself think of nothing but the frame. Frame. Frame. Finally the paper formed into the same frame she had before. It bloomed upward and plastic spread over the picture encasing it in the frame. She made it stand and she stared at the picture of her grandfather. She missed him so much. The frames flowers around the boarder really made her think of him even more. "No help needed her Professor," she said her voice thick.
She Can't Help Herself. Her Mind Won't Slow Down. Watch Out! There's A NEW Ravenclaw In Town.
❄Suaviter in modo, fortiter in re❄| ⚕=equivalent exchange=⚕ | pinned ya!
Originally Posted by MeredithRodneyMckay
Done already? Well someone was eager.
Wandering over to the desk that the Ravenclaw sat at, Isabelle smiled as she saw the framed picture. "Well done! It looks lovely, I must say. And if you're happy with it, and want to keep it like that, then by all means get another piece of paper to keep practicing until class finishes."
Well..who would've thought that just by thinking of the happy times she spent together with her best friend she would instantly be able to finish the activity successfully. Though, she wouldn't say it was that successful. A few sides of the frame didn't seem to be in proper shape and also the color of it, some parts were much in hue compared to other parts. Were they just designs? No..not really. They hadn't added anything stylish to the outcome. But nonetheless, she was very happy that she was among the few others that had done it.
She turned to the Professor and said, "I would love to Professor," well..because she liked it very much. Certainly, Erin would be delighted to see it later once she puts in on her bedside drawer. "And yes Professor Magnus," she replied enthusiastically. But then.."Err--Professor, would I use my own parchment?" Beezus asked, for a parchment was different from paper.
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Right. It was time for Amelia to frame her photo now. Taking it out of her bag, she looked at it lovingly. It was a picture of her and her boyfriend, Zayden because she loved him more than anything in the world and wanted to give him a nice framed photo of them together. She was lame and sappy like that. :3
She lovingly placed it on her desk now. She smoothed the paper and the picture out before grabbing her wand. Time to concentrate with all I have in me, she said to herself maybe a tad over-dramatic,but she really wanted to do well in this class. Touching the paper gently with the tip of her wand, she drew a square around all four edges while saying, "Statua Habitum."
She saw the paper expand upwards and change to a gold-like hue just like the Professor's had. She continued to watch as the edges moved inward and glass formed over the photo; her frame was now complete.
Maybe it hadn't looked as nice as the demonstration, but it was still good enough for her, and she figured she could always practice it again.
She slammed her wand down on her desk. This was so not working. What could she possibly doing wrong? She had cleared her mind, pronounced the spell correctly, followed through with the exact spell motion. It was almost as if the spell wanted to spite Selina because she was so confident earlier in her work. So she tried to clear her head or all preconceived notions of her ability to carry through with the spell.
Picking her wand back off of the table she said softly with a new sense of concentration, "Statua habitum.". As if by magic oh the irony a golden frame slowly started to grow around the edge of her picture. The picture of herself and Kurumi was now framed in a beautiful, ornate frame. That was cool.
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna
If the original example of the spell the professor performed was exciting, seeing her do it with the parchment AND the picture was even more amazing. A perfect frame now beheld the volunteered picture and Gideon could only hope that he could fare just as well, even if it took a few attempts. Making his way back to his seat once the demonstration was complete, the 5th year mused over the words of the spell once more to try and improve his understanding of them.
Statua habitum...Statua habitum...Statua habitum
Satisfied with it, Gideon placed his picture back on his desk and took up his wand once more.The boy closing his eyes momentarily, working on visualizing a frame for his parents' picture. He then opened them so he could try his next attempt. "Statua habitum..." he cast tracing a square along the parchment that rested behind the smaller picture. It took some focus but when the spell took hold, it wasn't quite what he had in mind. A brownish frame now held the photo showing some success though, he just needed to try some more.
"Reverto," he said using the counterspell to switch it back to paper once more.
||Delta Goodrem Lover || Emma Watson Lover | | RavenPuff || 1 of 4 Amigos ||
Text Cut: Professor
Originally Posted by MeredithRodneyMckay
Missing? As in, gone?
"Urrr, right. Where did you have it last? Maybe it fell off your desk." Isabelle bent down to try and get a good look under the row of desks where the boy was sat, but all she could see where bags and feet.
Done already? Well someone was eager.
Wandering over to the desk that the Ravenclaw sat at, Isabelle smiled as she saw the framed picture. "Well done! It looks lovely, I must say. And if you're happy with it, and want to keep it like that, then by all means get another piece of paper to keep practicing until class finishes."
SPOILER!!: Laura and Kurumi
Up to the point that the paper had turned into a tree branch, Isabelle had been stood watching Kurumi help the young girl and admiring her skills. She probably should have stepped in, but what was being told to the Hufflepuff was much the same as she herself would have said. But now 'Reverto' had gone a bit too far.
"No, no, no. I think starting from scratch would be a better idea," Issy said, rushing forward as the branch stuck out and nearly caught one of the other children by the robes. "Laura, next time you try reversing a spell....well, just say the incantation once, alright? Too many times and you might end up in a bit of a pickle." Like she was in now. Although HOW was anyones guess.
Flicking her wand at the branch, Isabelle vanished it. Returning to her own desk she picked up a fresh piece of paper and placed it in front of the Hufflepuff. "Now, clear your mind and concentrate on what you want your frame to look like. Then say the spell once, perform the wand movement carefully and see what happens. If nothing does, don't worry! Give it a bit of time then try again."
Walking back to her desk, Issy spun on the spot and looked around. "Does anyone else need any help?"
It was now Harvey's turn to do what the Professor had just demonstrated.. so Harvey broke away from the group and went to get another piece of paper so that he could practice first before doing it on his actual photograph that was very important to him.. he then went back to his desk with his photograph ready to turn his paper into the photo frame for his photo.. he put his photo onto the table and put one piece of paper flat on the table and straightened it out making sure that it was completely straight.
He then put the other piece of paper ontop of the original piece of paper and he picked up his wand and closed his eyes to view the frame he had in mind. He then opened his and with his wand he traced the square on the paper he had in front of him.. "Statua habitum!" he said as he watched the paper crumple against each other and shape itself into the frame he had in mind.. except it wasnt rectangular like he had imagined but a circle frame.. yes it looked nice.. but not what he wanted "Reverto!" he said getting his two pieces of paper back.
Harvey then closed his eyes again and really concentrated on the frame in mind.. and he then opened them and traced the square on his papers "Statua habitum!" he said as he watched the papers again crumple and shape itself into a frame.. and he watched in amazement as the papers were no longer papers but the stylish frame that he saw in his mind.. he was happy that it had finally worked.. so now he thought he was ready and decided to try it on his actual photograph.. and he couldnt wait to see the finished product. "Reverto!" he said as the frame became two piece of paper again.
He then put the piece of paper on top of his photograph making sure that both were straight and in mine with each other. He then closed his eyes once again to concentrate on that frame he had got before.. and once he was ready he opened his eyes and traced the square on the paper in front of him "Statua habitum!" he said as he watched the paper crumple as before and slowly but surely shape itself into the frame he had pictured but this time it had his photograph in it! He had ACTUALLY done it! he had framed this precious picture.. oh he was definitely keeping this.. and he took into his hands to get a closer look at it and smiled and he then stood the picture up on his desk as he looked it..
SPOILER!!: Harvey's framed Picture
Harvey's framed picture of him and Minerva "Minnie" Wheatborn in their first year.
Sophie looked down at her burned picture frame. It looked so cool like that... but oh well! She got out her wand and pointed it at the frame. "Reverto!". The frame seemed to unfold right in front of her eyes and, a few seconds later, it was just the burned blank paper.
Right, now to the picture! Sophie got a picture of herself with one of her mum's giant flowers and put it in the center of the paper. Once again, she held her wand and slightly touched the paper with it. She drew a square around the her picture. "Statua Habitum!" and stared. The paper was moving by itself again, like it was crawling over her picture. She frowned. The burned parts were all around her frame, making it look... well, burned out. "Noo, not cool!" she thought, pointing her wand at it. "Reverto!" and once again there was just a burned blank paper in front of her.
Sophie stopped to think for a few seconds and smiled again. She drew another square around her picture. "Statua Habitum!" As she watched the paper moving by itself once more, her smile grew wider. The burned parts of the paper made a nice drawing around her picture and the blank part was now all behind it. "Hah!" Sophie thought staring happily at her work. She liked improvising things like that and was glad the frame was now exactly the way she wanted it to be!
Last edited by jujune29th; 01-12-2012 at 09:28 PM.
Reason: added the "s =P
"Nope Professor, I think I don't need any help.." Ira replied as Professor Magnus passed her desk. She decided to show her photo frame which had taken a total of three to four attempts to do it right!
"Professor, I'm done! Here is myphoto frame" Ira went up to professor's table and asked, "Is it good? Can I.. or should I improve it in any way?"
Originally Posted by GinevraWeasley
Vlimia grinned proudly at her picture frame, and then turned it back into the blank peice of paper needed with a quick "Reverto.". She put the photo of her little sister on top of the paper, and smiled sadly. She really missed Scarlett (her sister). Oh well, no time to waste getting this spell done! "Statua Habitum." Vlimia uttered, tracing a square on the paper. The end result was really quite satisfying. Vlimia went up to the Proffesor's desk with her frame and waited in line. When it was her turn Vlim said "I think I'm done... do I need to make any changes?" Because maybe that wasn't what the Proffesor was looking for or something.
Okay, so nobody needed her help with anything, but a couple of them wanted her opinion on their frames. That could be done as well. As they came up to her desk and proffered the frames, Isabelle took one in each hand to study them closely. Both appeared to be full frames, nothing wrong with them that she could see. All in all a job well done.
"They are both very good, well done. And if you wish to keep them like that you're more than welcome to. What I would say, to maybe help with your focus, is take another sheet of paper and try to increase the complexity of the patterns on your frames. The more detailed something is, the more you have to concentrate to get it exact. But as for these....nothing needs changing unless you want to."
Originally Posted by tomewitch
Well..who would've thought that just by thinking of the happy times she spent together with her best friend she would instantly be able to finish the activity successfully. Though, she wouldn't say it was that successful. A few sides of the frame didn't seem to be in proper shape and also the color of it, some parts were much in hue compared to other parts. Were they just designs? No..not really. They hadn't added anything stylish to the outcome. But nonetheless, she was very happy that she was among the few others that had done it.
She turned to the Professor and said, "I would love to Professor," well..because she liked it very much. Certainly, Erin would be delighted to see it later once she puts in on her bedside drawer. "And yes Professor Magnus," she replied enthusiastically. But then.."Err--Professor, would I use my own parchment?" Beezus asked, for a parchment was different from paper.
"Your own parchment, if you wish, or you can take a sheet from this pile," Isabelle smiled and gestured to the several sheets she had placed on her desk for them to work with. "This is just plain, muggle style paper, so using a rougher parchment might be good. Give you a different texture to the frame?"
OOC: I'll be finishing the lesson sometime tomorrow afternoon, just to give you all a heads up.
Isabelle gently took the picture from the Ravenclaw and placed it on top of the paper on her desk. Looking around at the assembled kids, she craned her neck to make sure they all had a good enough view. "Everyone can see, yes? Good. Right. The aim of this is to perform the spell and encase your photo within the frame itself, rather than just make the frame and put the photo in it. This does require the target object to be flat, though."
Smoothing out the paper and picture, Isabelle took her wand out and aimed towards it. "It won't in any way damage the photo, and you can simply revert the frame back to it's previous state to remove it. But it does require ALOT more concentration and focus from you, and your wand needs to be in contact with the paper when doing the square movement."
Another quick look to make sure they were all paying attention, and Isabelle was ready to demonstrate. Touching the paper gently with the tip of her wand, she drew a square around all four edges, while saying the incantation, "Statua Habitum." Almost immediately the paper began to expand upwards and change colour to a goldish hue, similar to the one Issy had produced in her first demonstration. As the edges became about an inch think they started to spread inwards, and glass completely covered the photo. After what was really only a few seconds, but seemed longer, the frame was complete with the picture in the middle.
Picking it up off the desk, Isabelle held it up for them all to see. "There we go. Now, the picture is not a part of the frame, merely the frame grew up around it. Does anyone have any questions before I send you off to practice?"
Originally Posted by MeredithRodneyMckay
Missing? As in, gone?
"Urrr, right. Where did you have it last? Maybe it fell off your desk." Isabelle bent down to try and get a good look under the row of desks where the boy was sat, but all she could see where bags and feet.
Done already? Well someone was eager.
Wandering over to the desk that the Ravenclaw sat at, Isabelle smiled as she saw the framed picture. "Well done! It looks lovely, I must say. And if you're happy with it, and want to keep it like that, then by all means get another piece of paper to keep practicing until class finishes."
SPOILER!!: Laura and Kurumi
Up to the point that the paper had turned into a tree branch, Isabelle had been stood watching Kurumi help the young girl and admiring her skills. She probably should have stepped in, but what was being told to the Hufflepuff was much the same as she herself would have said. But now 'Reverto' had gone a bit too far.
"No, no, no. I think starting from scratch would be a better idea," Issy said, rushing forward as the branch stuck out and nearly caught one of the other children by the robes. "Laura, next time you try reversing a spell....well, just say the incantation once, alright? Too many times and you might end up in a bit of a pickle." Like she was in now. Although HOW was anyones guess.
Flicking her wand at the branch, Isabelle vanished it. Returning to her own desk she picked up a fresh piece of paper and placed it in front of the Hufflepuff. "Now, clear your mind and concentrate on what you want your frame to look like. Then say the spell once, perform the wand movement carefully and see what happens. If nothing does, don't worry! Give it a bit of time then try again."
Walking back to her desk, Issy spun on the spot and looked around. "Does anyone else need any help?"
Tayla returned to her seat and tried the activity. She practiced with a little piece of scratch paper before trying the spell with her family photo: her parents, little sister April, herself, their chocolate retriever Cadbury, and little tawny owl Marigold.
"Statua Habitum!" Tayla said while doing the wand movement. The frame formed itself around the scratch paper, but to Tayla's dismay, it was torn into pieces around the edges. "Oh no...Reverto!"
The frame became paper again, but the scratch paper inside was still torn. "Hmmm...that probably means the paper was torn not because of the spell," Tayla said to herself. "But because of the frame that formed through the spell. Stretched around the edges and tore..."
She tried again. "Statua Habitum!" The paper was again transfigured into a frame, and this time, the paper she used for a 'photo' was properly placed inside.
"That's better..." she said to herself.
She practiced several times, and finally feeling confident enough, she decided to transfigure paper into photo frame with her family photo inside. "And the frame has to be pretty, too..."
Tayla put the photo carefully on top of the paper for the frame, traced a square at the edges of the paper, and said "Statua Habitum!"
She watched as a colourful picture frame appeared and enclosed the photograph. Tayla smiled and decided to bring it with her the way it was.
❄Suaviter in modo, fortiter in re❄| ⚕=equivalent exchange=⚕ | pinned ya!
Originally Posted by MeredithRodneyMckay
"Your own parchment, if you wish, or you can take a sheet from this pile," Isabelle smiled and gestured to the several sheets she had placed on her desk for them to work with. "This is just plain, muggle style paper, so using a rougher parchment might be good. Give you a different texture to the frame?"
"Oh, okay Professor.." she replied when told to use her own parchment. Yeah, having variety was good. She smiled at the Professor and took out three pieces of parchment from her backpack and placed the frame with the picture inside it in return.
Biting her lip--she was getting that habit more and more--, Beezus then placed one parchment on the middle of her desk, got ready with her wand and.."Stat-UA HAB-itum!" she muttered as she drew a seemingly square shape in mid air.
Oh. They had to revert their frames. Nate was so thoroughly in love with his Ravenclaw frame that before turning it back to parchment, he took a detailed mental picture of it before he set it down on the desk, and cast a careful, "Reverto!"
As the frame dissolved back into paper, Nate could only watch in some awe at how the colors and etchings simply faded away to the yellow hue of the parchment, with his quilled square around the margins. "Let's bring you back, Frame..." he said to himself, setting the picture right in the center of the rectangle. Perfect fit.
"Statua Habitum!" His wand brushed gently against the surface of his flattened paper, his hand cautious to stay steady. No mess-ups: that picture and that frame were both extremely important to him, and the picture was irreplaceable. Luckily, the same Ravenclaw frame, adorned with a deep blue background and shiny bronze details, formed up around the picture of the Trio up in that tree. "Viola, perfect!" he said, gesturing out in his excitement. His frame was back!
I've been offline only dor two days but I've left soo many .___.
BOOMBAYAH! | #PuedoPorquePiensoQuePuedo | Certified Blank and Random Person | Raventastic
Raven took her own photograph from her bag. Then she placed it on the top of the paper
Okay. Just focus, consentration... She took a deep breath, drew the square shape and casted the spell
"Stat-UA HAB-itum!" then the photo has its own frame. So cool!
"I'm done, Professor!" said Raven and showed her photograph with a simple black and white frame. She loved it.
AT THE HOGWARTS YULE BALL, YOU'LL BE HANGING OUT WITH....__________________ It's a fairytale evening, and you want the entire event to be totally dazzling and
a real experience with the friendliest people around you.
Messer went back to his table after he watched Professor Magnus demonstration . He was eyeing his photo frame for a while. To bad they have to turn it back to blank paper. He picked up his wand and pointed to the frame "Reverto!" But nothing happen. Pffft..Typical. He pictured a blank white paper in his head "Reverto!" This time the frame turned back to a blank paper. He couldn't help to smile at his success.
He made sure that the paper was on his desk like the Professor said then he put his mother picture in the middle of it. The young badger raised his wand toward the paper and photo. Messer imagined a frame in his head while he made a perfect square around the paper with his wand "Statua Habitum!" Slowly he could see the paper slowly turned into frame but before it made a perfect frame it went back to a paper. He sighed. Messer did the spell once again this time the paper was again transfigured into a simple frame and his mother photo was was properly placed inside.
All of the love for tomorrow______________________________________________ I know we're gonna be stronger than you'll ever known
❄Suaviter in modo, fortiter in re❄| ⚕=equivalent exchange=⚕ | pinned ya!
Beezus stared at the outcome of her newly transfigured frame. It was a bit odd looking, if you ask her. It was a bit ancient. But it certainly had more complicated designs on it. However, it did not satisfy her. It was too much for oldies and it made her wonder so much since she wasn't thinking about the past or anything that would've made it look like that. What's more, when she looked closer, she noticed what a failure it was. It even had damaged parts.
She can't help but smirk. EPIC FAIL.
Biting her lip again, she pointed her wand towards it and uttered, "Reverto." Good thing she was not that bad when turning things back to their original form.
There's some good in this world and it's worth fighting for| LOTR|Whovian|Sherlock Fan
SPOILER!!: Professor Magnus
Originally Posted by MeredithRodneyMckay
Just the one question then? Okie dokie. "As long as you make sure you touch only the paper, when performing the wand movement and saying the incantation, the photo will remain perfectly fine." If that's what the child meant. Considering a few of the weird things they'd managed to do earlier, it might not have been.
"Although if any of you are unsure about using your own photo's to start with, you can take an extra piece of paper and fold it up to mimic a picture. Then when you are more confident, switch over to the one you bought with you." Tapping the frame gently to reverse the process, Isabelle picked up the photo and handed it back to Ellie. "Thank you for that," she smiled.
Stowing her wand again, she put the piece of paper that was once the frame onto a pile, ready for if they didn't yet trust themselves with their own pictures. "Now, make sure the paper is flat on your desk, and that the photo is placed directly in the middle of it - or the folded paper, depending on which you use first. Done correctly, the large paper will enclose the photo in the position you want it."
Now, it was getting awfully crowded around her desk.
"You may all return to your seats and give it a go! Remember what I've told you, and please do put your hand up if you need my help with anything."
OOC: Just to clarify: It's the PAPER that expands and turns into the frame, not the photo. You just place that on top of the paper so it ends up in the frame. Have fun!
Alyssa carefully listened to Professor Magnus' instructions and studied her demonstration before she returned to her desk. She wanted to try out casting the spell on another paper first before actually performing the spell on her own photo, so she pulled out a piece of parchment paper from her bag and folded it to the size of photo she had brought with her. She then took the piece of paper that the Professor had given them earlier and placed it flat on her desk. Then she took the paper that she had folded and placed it directly in the middle of it. Taking out her wand, Alyssa traced the corners of the paper with her wand making a perfect square and said "Stat-UA HAB-itum". She immediately saw the paper enclose itself round the paper she had folded until it turned into a square picture frame with the folded paper nicely framed inside it. Alyssa smiled. She liked this practical part of the lesson. She then pointed her wand at the picture frame again, and said "REVERTO" changing the frame back to a piece of paper.
She practiced the spell a couple of times using the folded paper before she felt confident enough to pull out the photo of herself. She placed the paper flat on the desk and then placed her phot directly in the middle of it. She then picked up her wand and tracing a perfect square on the paper surrounding the picture, Alyssa said,"Stat-UA HAB-itum". Immediately the piece of paper changed into a beautiful gold photo frame with her photo securely framed within it. Alyssa liked what she saw and decided to select this as her final product.
Gustav had his wand at the ready as he watched how the other students did their transfiguration spells. Some of them did succeeded, some of them needed a little bit more practice. He had his family photograph of him while he was a baby, his parents waved and moving around as they posed for their picture to be taken. He couldn't help but to smile back.
He traced along the paper with the tip of his wand and muttered "Statua Habitum". He already knew this spell, it was just another practice run for him. Immediately,the paper transformed itself into a squarish picture frame with the photograph inside it.
He chanted out "Reverto" so he could do it again without failure. He was happy with the result of the practical lesson. He rose his hand to indicate he had done it.
"I'm done,professor..."he said as he showed the professor his picture frame.
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna
Not ready to give up, Gideon was more then ready to try again on the frame making. The boy determinded to create an at least half-way decent frame for his picture. Picking up both picture and parchment one by one off of his desk, he resettled them both down on the wooden surface like they should be, the fifth year figuring to reorganize things. Once he was satisfied that the items were in place he tried again, picturing the picture frame once more.
"Statua Habitum..." he cast, tracing the square carefully, focusing on the image in his mind and the clarity of his words. Awaiting the magic to work, the paper folding around the picture and forming the frame, he couldn't help but smile at the outcome. One bronze-like beautiful frame now held the picture as he picked it up off the desk.
"They are both very good, well done. And if you wish to keep them like that you're more than welcome to. What I would say, to maybe help with your focus, is take another sheet of paper and try to increase the complexity of the patterns on your frames. The more detailed something is, the more you have to concentrate to get it exact. But as for these....nothing needs changing unless you want to."
Eino was ready to start making a frame for the photo, when something caught his ear. So they could transform more than one of them? Hopefully what Professor Magnus told Vlimia was applicable to everyone, because he wanted to try a few other designs. Putting his awesome dragons frame aside, he picked up another piece of paper and placed it in front of him. He spent a few minutes scratching his chin and thinking about a different design. When he was ready, he lifted his wand and began to trace a square above the paper. "Statua Habitum," the boy said calmly and watched. The paper grew a few inches, then it thickened and roughened. It changed to light shade of grew with a few darker spots. By the time that the transformation was complete, the surface was completely rough, just like rocks. Although, when Eino picked up the frame he was shocked the find out that it wasn't heavy. Upon closer inspection, the frame wasn't made of rocks, but wood. Wood that looked like rocks. Putting that one aside, Eino struggled to make a decision. Move on to his photo, or practice a little more? Frame designing was fun.
Up to the point that the paper had turned into a tree branch, Isabelle had been stood watching Kurumi help the young girl and admiring her skills. She probably should have stepped in, but what was being told to the Hufflepuff was much the same as she herself would have said. But now 'Reverto' had gone a bit too far.
"No, no, no. I think starting from scratch would be a better idea," Issy said, rushing forward as the branch stuck out and nearly caught one of the other children by the robes. "Laura, next time you try reversing a spell....well, just say the incantation once, alright? Too many times and you might end up in a bit of a pickle." Like she was in now. Although HOW was anyones guess.
Flicking her wand at the branch, Isabelle vanished it. Returning to her own desk she picked up a fresh piece of paper and placed it in front of the Hufflepuff. "Now, clear your mind and concentrate on what you want your frame to look like. Then say the spell once, perform the wand movement carefully and see what happens. If nothing does, don't worry! Give it a bit of time then try again."
Laura looked at the Professor and smiled at least the Professor hadn't taken points off her like some Professor's would have done even though it was an accident, expecially that crazy dragon of a lady in Charms, but well she had no idea if she'd dare do a spell again.
Laura decided that she would have another go and she decided to listen to the Professor and concentrate. "Statua Habitum." Laura said as she did the square around the paper but nothing happened, she cleared her mind and decided to do it one more time. "Statua Habitum." This time the paper turned into a photo frame. "Professor I did it." Laura was happy now.
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Originally Posted by Harry174
Laura looked at the Professor and smiled at least the Professor hadn't taken points off her like some Professor's would have done even though it was an accident, expecially that crazy dragon of a lady in Charms, but well she had no idea if she'd dare do a spell again.
Laura decided that she would have another go and she decided to listen to the Professor and concentrate. "Statua Habitum." Laura said as she did the square around the paper but nothing happened, she cleared her mind and decided to do it one more time. "Statua Habitum." This time the paper turned into a photo frame. "Professor I did it." Laura was happy now.
Minerva smiled at Laura "Good Job" she said hoping this would build her confidence after the last class she had. Minerva turned back to the frame of her parents and smiled. Just another reason she loved this class. It was so neat to be able to turn paper into frames. She was going to be doing this one in the practice room.
❄Suaviter in modo, fortiter in re❄| ⚕=equivalent exchange=⚕ | pinned ya!
She still needed to try. She knew that. And that was what she was going to do right now. Do it again. It shouldn't be that hard right? She had been very successful the first time she tried and now, she can't even make a decent looking frame? No, she was not going to let that happen.
Grasping her birch wand firmly, Beezus took a deep breath as she uttered the spell. "Statua Habitum," emphasizing the UA and HAB as Professor Magnus has taught them to do so while she traced a square in mid air.
A couple of seconds later, the parchment curled up as it always does when she casts that spell. Then it contorted and crumpled a bit. A tiny dot suddenly appeared at the middle and before she knew it, the middle part were also curling up towards the side until it became a frame.
Beezus stared at it for a while then picked it up for examination. "No more scratches and damages," she said as she carefully surveyed its borders. Then she sighed. "Still..no complexity..Just too simple." She needed to make the design more complex as Professor Magnus said.
Gaaaah, maybe using a parchment isn't the same with muggle paper? That was the only reason she could think of because she did great when she used muggle paper. Well.,at least she had a bit of progress so she placed it back on the desk and reverted it back again. More practice.
*Everything I Know I Learned* *Adding Silently To The Noise*
Originally Posted by MeredithRodneyMckay
Okay, so nobody needed her help with anything, but a couple of them wanted her opinion on their frames. That could be done as well. As they came up to her desk and proffered the frames, Isabelle took one in each hand to study them closely. Both appeared to be full frames, nothing wrong with them that she could see. All in all a job well done.
"They are both very good, well done. And if you wish to keep them like that you're more than welcome to. What I would say, to maybe help with your focus, is take another sheet of paper and try to increase the complexity of the patterns on your frames. The more detailed something is, the more you have to concentrate to get it exact. But as for these....nothing needs changing unless you want to."
Vlimia beamed and said "Thank you proffesor." in reply to her praise. Going back to her desk, she vowed to get her frame a little better. Vlim attempted to get a different shape this time: a circle. But not a completely circular frame, a frame that had a circle inside it. After a few fruitless tries (the worst being this) she got a perfect one. Going up to the proffesor with her new and improved picture frame, Vlim said "Is this okay? I tried to make it have a different shape..." She hoped that it would be good, because it was creativity... right?