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Not even ten feet away from Mr. Murdoch's hut sits a nice sized vegetable patch surrounded by a white picket fence. Its four rows of vegetable beds are blooming with produce, all according to season of course, and if you're lucky, Waylon may have left the shed in the back open for you to try your own hand at gardening.
Seeds, spades, gloves and anything else you might need can be found inside, just remember to clean up after yourself when you're finished!
Okay. This guy was officially starting to freak her out when he just randomly started laughing. Err. What was she supposed to say? Anyway, he became normal again. Thankfully.
"Well, I've been around a little but I've yet to explore a little more." Yeah. There were still many places she'd liked to visit but she didn't really have the time. Sigh.
Oh. When the guy introduced himself, Evelyn realized that she definitely wouldn't be able to pronounce his name. It sounded something like chao? And, she couldn't even tell him to say his name again. That would be incredibly embarrassing. "Nice to meet you." Yep. "I'm Evelyn but you can call me Eve." Evelyn smiled.
So she hadn't seen it all? João's spirits rose at the news. "Do you need a company to show you around?" Y'know, someone as fair blond and polite as he was? He would maybe be spotted by--but why was he worrying about her now? She had made it clear that he be gone now only if he couldn't guarantee things. And he was gone--to other friendships he could find.
"You have a wonderful name, Evelyn," he said softly, oblivious that she had skated around pronouncing his name out loud. "Why do you not use the original form of it?" There were many Eve's, but only a few Evelyn's. Why did she let her name misused like that?
"And, if you want, you can call me Marcelo, if it's any easier." He smiled. "That's my middle name." He didn't let that priviledge even to Louisa. He was changing, indeed.
<--- Random | Funfetti | Lima Bean | Slytherpuff | PURPLE | Hoarder of pens | ALWAYS Severus
SPOILER!!: Presley
Presley knew Elliot was refferring to Leo's veiws when she said that it was interesting. Presley herself wasn't sure what she thought. She tended to lean toward her father's point of view. After all, all she wanted was his approval.
Suddenly Presley flipped around and full out glared at Hannah. "Not worthy?" she asked sharply. Presley may have been from Noble blood, but that didn't mean she was a pureblood. "My mother was a muggle." Presley threw the words accusingly toward the first year. Not only was Presley older, but her family still had more social recognition than the Lockwoods. People knew when she said her last name that Presley was noble. Hannah had no such recognition. She had no right to say such things about Presley's family. No right. "How dare you speak to me that way?" Presley could let insults slide over her often, but not this time. That comment was just wrong, and Presley wasn't going to take it sitting down.
She cooly turned to Elliot, realizing that the Morganzo hadn't made the statement, and calmed slightly. "Yes, your father always has been very mysterious about his work. Have you ever speculated about it?" Presley's own father was as well. She knew he worked with books and numbers, but what he did with them and how they were useful was a mystery to his children.
She was listening to Presley answer Elliot's questions when all of a sudden the girl turned around and lashed into her. Hannah's blood automatically boiled. She didn't care who you were or how pure your blood was nobody was going to talk to Hannah like that. Not to mention that she couldn't be that noble with a muggle as a mother. It usually wouldn't bother her so much whether or not other people's parents were pureblood, but this girl did ask her how her parents felt did she not? Sure she shared her parents views on the matter, but if someone did not want to know something then why ask? "Being married to a wizard and knowing about us is different from exposing to the general population about us." Which was true and besides she didn't really care what this girl thought. Presley isn't anything to her. She wasn't going to apologize for how she felt. It wasn't her fault that her father married a muggle.
Hannah was not somebody that was going to go with the flow. She believes in what she believes in and that's that. She wasn't even trying to be rude to the girl. She was over it now though. She was acting as if she was ranting on about her mother personally. Once she was told that her mother was a muggle she would have let the subject drop but not after she went off the deep end. "I wasn't speaking to you any kind of way...you asked me a question and I answered." Surely this girl did not think that life was always rainbows and sunshine. People were not always going to have the same views or opinions. Hannah wasn't going to change her views to appease anyone. That much she was sure of. Hannah was done with the foolish girl. So she stared her down before turning to Elliot.
SPOILER!!: Elliot
Elliot raised her eyebrows at Presley with s smirk on her face, which was meant to tell the other girl that she understood. Hmm. Preset didn't know how she felt about Hannah yet, she could tell. Pity, really. Hannah was a lot like Elliot.
It didn't surprise Elliot that Mr. Black agreed with Darius about the cult. Afterall, they were in the same circle of friends. What DID surprise was Leo's opinion. He disagreed with his father? How weird. Darius would never allow that.
"How...interesting," she commented.
What also surprised her was the fact that Hannah's parents were against the cult. But she supposed that the reasoning behind it was good enough. However, she doubted this comment from comment would earn any like from Presley. Her mother had been a muggle, afterall. Hmm. If it suddenly got quite heated...how fun that would be.
Mysterious jobs? Sounded like Elliot's dad! Except he didnt work for the ministry...he had his own business.
"Oh, my mother always says her job is maintaining her household and her children. So, in other words, she doesn't have one, either," she replied as she rolled her eyes. " my father, too, has a mystery job. But I think we have some type of family business...."
Elliot wondered what Presley's dad did...she couldn't remember. She knew Leo worked at the ministry, though.
As she looked at Elliot she couldn't even remember what she had said at first still fuming about the silly Presley girl...noble blood....right! She wondered for a moment how Elliot could be friends with such a person and then she thought back to Diagon Alley when she had met another girl that wasn't sure her blood and realized that it didn't matter because they had gotten on so well. Makes no difference now she would never be ok with someone talking to her like that. Ahh yes it was coming back to her...their mothers. Your mom sounds a lot like my mom." Which is a lot more than she could say about Presley's mom. Then Hannah stood there because she was not going to let Presely run her off and she sure wasn't intimidated!
Last edited by Nordic Witch; 01-26-2012 at 09:53 AM.
So she hadn't seen it all? João's spirits rose at the news. "Do you need a company to show you around?" Y'know, someone as fair blond and polite as he was? He would maybe be spotted by--but why was he worrying about her now? She had made it clear that he be gone now only if he couldn't guarantee things. And he was gone--to other friendships he could find.
"You have a wonderful name, Evelyn," he said softly, oblivious that she had skated around pronouncing his name out loud. "Why do you not use the original form of it?" There were many Eve's, but only a few Evelyn's. Why did she let her name misused like that?
"And, if you want, you can call me Marcelo, if it's any easier." He smiled. "That's my middle name." He didn't let that priviledge even to Louisa. He was changing, indeed.
Evelyn grinned. "Yeah, sure. It would be nice to have someone show me around the place." Great. It's one of the reasons why she liked Hogwarts. People were lovely. "I mean, if you don't mind." She finished hurriedly. She was pretty sure he had better things to do.
She blushed a little when he said that she had a lovely name. She nervously tucked a stand of her hair behind a ear and said, "Really? I always thought my name was a little..weird." That was true. That's the reason why she always preferred people calling her Eve.
She gave a silent sigh of relief. Ohh. Marcelo. Now, that was an easy name to pronounce. "That's a really nice name. It's unique." With a mischievous glint in her eyes, she added, "Is it okay if I call you Marcy? I think it's adorable.
Elliot raised her eyebrows in an amused fashion when Presley began telling Hannah off. It was quite funny, actually. She merely shot Hannah a you're in trouble now! look with a smirk. Elliot had grown used to this fact about Presley. At first, she had been shocked. Appaled, even. But then her father explained that since it was the Black family, it was okay. If she or any of her sisters EVER married a muffled, she would be in deep trouble.
Presley seemed to still be a bit angry when she rounded on Elliot. Still smirking, she chuckled. "Oh, Presley Black, you amuse me,' she told her with a slight shake of her head.
"Well I have thought about it...but I honestly have no idea. He may be a salesmen....who knows. One day I will...."she mused, not bothered at the time.
She glared at the owl.
"I think that's for you, Miss Black," she rolled her eyes.
Elliot at least seemed to be on Presley's side of the issue more than Hannah's. Pres flashed a quick smile at Elliot. Of course she amused her. Presley had just flown into a fury again. Elliot had been once on the recieving end of the same situation, she knew Hannah was in it deep. Presley nodded, she really didn't care what Darius Morganzo did, but she was politely curious, so she had asked. As long as his line of work didn't affect Presley, he could be a hit-man for all she cared.
Presley also noticed the owl, at the same time as Elliot. She brightened. Maybe it was from her father?
Originally Posted by Waful the Snowy Owl
Even with all the things he was carrying, Waful was still the most impressive creature in the sky. What other creature besides himself could carry this big of a package and a letter and still deliver it right on time? That's right, none. And therefore Waful soared with pride and scanned the ground for the girl person he was supposed to deliver all this to - and who had better have a treat on her.
He quickly spotted her, and he descended swiftly and gracefully, setting the package on the ground before landing easily beside it. The letter was still clamped firmly in his beak as he looked up at the girl person, waiting for her to take her letter and package and give him a treat.
Text Cut: delivery
The letter is attached to a rather large package that is fullofmanythings.
No such luck. It was from Leo, which wasn't bad, Presley loved Leo, but she's kind of hoped her father had decided to send her a letter after all. Presley releived the owl of it's rather large burden and pet it's beak. "Just a second," she said to it as she turned to her bag and dug for..there it was. Presley pulled out the box of treats she kept for Mercury, and gave the delivery owl a few. "There you go." She smiled at it again. It was a very beautiful animal.
Originally Posted by PhoenixStar
SPOILER!!: Presley
Presley knew Elliot was refferring to Leo's veiws when she said that it was interesting. Presley herself wasn't sure what she thought. She tended to lean toward her father's point of view. After all, all she wanted was his approval.
Suddenly Presley flipped around and full out glared at Hannah. "Not worthy?" she asked sharply. Presley may have been from Noble blood, but that didn't mean she was a pureblood. "My mother was a muggle." Presley threw the words accusingly toward the first year. Not only was Presley older, but her family still had more social recognition than the Lockwoods. People knew when she said her last name that Presley was noble. Hannah had no such recognition. She had no right to say such things about Presley's family. No right. "How dare you speak to me that way?" Presley could let insults slide over her often, but not this time. That comment was just wrong, and Presley wasn't going to take it sitting down.
She cooly turned to Elliot, realizing that the Morganzo hadn't made the statement, and calmed slightly. "Yes, your father always has been very mysterious about his work. Have you ever speculated about it?" Presley's own father was as well. She knew he worked with books and numbers, but what he did with them and how they were useful was a mystery to his children.
She was listening to Presley answer Elliot's questions when all of a sudden the girl turned around and lashed into her. Hannah's blood automatically boiled. She didn't care who you were or how pure your blood was nobody was going to talk to Hannah like that. Not to mention that she couldn't be that noble with a muggle as a mother. It usually wouldn't bother her so much whether or not other people's parents were pureblood, but this girl did ask her how her parents felt did she not? Sure she shared her parents views on the matter, but if someone did not want to know something then why ask? "Being married to a wizard and knowing about us is different from exposing to the general population about us." Which was true and besides she didn't really care what this girl thought. Presley isn't anything to her. She wasn't going to apologize for how she felt. It wasn't her fault that her father married a muggle.
Hannah was not somebody that was going to go with the flow. She believes in what she believes in and that's that. She wasn't even trying to be rude to the girl. She was over it now though. She was acting as if she was ranting on about her mother personally. Once she was told that her mother was a muggle she would have let the subject drop but not after she went off the deep end. "I wasn't speaking to you any kind of way...you asked me a question and I answered." Surely this girl did not think that life was always rainbows and sunshine. People were not always going to have the same views or opinions. Hannah wasn't going to change her views to appease anyone. That much she was sure of. Hannah was done with the foolish girl. So she stared her down before turning to Elliot.
As she looked at Elliot she couldn't even remember what she had said at first still fuming about the silly Presley girl...noble blood....right! She wondered for a moment how Elliot could be friends with such a person and then she thought back to Diagon Alley when she had met another girl that wasn't sure her blood and realized that it didn't matter because they had gotten on so well. Makes no difference now she would never be ok with someone talking to her like that. Ahh yes it was coming back to her...their mothers. Your mom sounds a lot like my mom." Which is a lot more than she could say about Presley's mom. Then Hannah stood there because she was not going to let Presely run her off and she sure wasn't intimidated!
That hadn't been what Hannah had said a moment ago. She'd said "as if muggles were worthy enough to know about us" not "unless they are married to a wizard, in which case thier standing is higher." Presley found herself growing angrier and angrier at the silly little child. "It's no difference at all." She snapped. "As if your worthiness can change based on who you fall in love with?" Presley for one, had no doubts that her parents had loved each other deeply, which was more than most children could say.
Presley listened carefully to Hannah's next words, and her voice got soft, and dangerous. "Didn't your parents ever teach you to know your audience and to choose your words carefully?" She asked glowering. As in, never bring up pureblood supremist ideals with a muggleborn for instance? Or never inadvertantly insult a noble's parentage? This Lockwood girl was certainly uncultured, and not worth Presley's time. Presley shook her head. "People without manners are hardly worth the time I've already wasted on you." She said snottily.
Presley turned back to Elliot. "Elliot, it was nice to see you again. I hope we can speak again soon?" She said politely, reminding the Morganzo that the two of them had important things to talk about. She bowed her head slightly, as the proper parting for a peer of your same social standing, picked up her bag and the package delivered by the owl, and stalked back toward the castle. Her father was going to get a huge letter tonight. Though Presley had not much hope of him writing her back, at least he would be proud of how she'd handled the situation with that....ridiculous girl.
Evelyn grinned. "Yeah, sure. It would be nice to have someone show me around the place." Great. It's one of the reasons why she liked Hogwarts. People were lovely. "I mean, if you don't mind." She finished hurriedly. She was pretty sure he had better things to do.
She blushed a little when he said that she had a lovely name. She nervously tucked a stand of her hair behind a ear and said, "Really? I always thought my name was a little..weird." That was true. That's the reason why she always preferred people calling her Eve.
She gave a silent sigh of relief. Ohh. Marcelo. Now, that was an easy name to pronounce. "That's a really nice name. It's unique." With a mischievous glint in her eyes, she added, "Is it okay if I call you Marcy? I think it's adorable.
Yeah? So she wanted him to show her around? João smiled, eyes glinting. He liked this girl already, although she was a Hufflepuff. He was changing--had changed--and but for the guilt, he liked the idea of spending more time with her. Though, then again, as his parents had thought him, his guilt was short lived and he was already hurrying to ask "Where shall we go, Miss--?" She had never told her surname. Oh well. "Miss Evelyn." Evelyn would certainly do as well.
Weird? Psssh. "Not weird, unique." The only Evelyn he had known was last year's Head Girl, and as far as he could see, she was an amazing person. "At least, I'll be calling you Evelyn." He shrugged with a small smile. And obviously, that way he ensured he wasn't just anybody either. Hah.
He bowed a little with his head, adding "Thanks." Now, now, now. That was the chief reason he would never stretch his principles for people--they tried to take advantage of the little priviledge they were given.
"As much as I'd hate it to decline you," he did, truly, "Marcy is a girl name." End of discussion.
Yeah? So she wanted him to show her around? João smiled, eyes glinting. He liked this girl already, although she was a Hufflepuff. He was changing--had changed--and but for the guilt, he liked the idea of spending more time with her. Though, then again, as his parents had thought him, his guilt was short lived and he was already hurrying to ask "Where shall we go, Miss--?" She had never told her surname. Oh well. "Miss Evelyn." Evelyn would certainly do as well.
Weird? Psssh. "Not weird, unique." The only Evelyn he had known was last year's Head Girl, and as far as he could see, she was an amazing person. "At least, I'll be calling you Evelyn." He shrugged with a small smile. And obviously, that way he ensured he wasn't just anybody either. Hah.
He bowed a little with his head, adding "Thanks." Now, now, now. That was the chief reason he would never stretch his principles for people--they tried to take advantage of the little priviledge they were given.
"As much as I'd hate it to decline you," he did, truly, "Marcy is a girl name." End of discussion.
Evelyn smiled. She liked this guy. He was polite and friendly and maybe, a little good-looking. Anyway, she was glad that he was nice enough to accompany her to the other parts of the grounds. Hopefully, he'd turn out to be a good friend. "Wellington. I'm Evelyn Wellington. Well, I have no clue. Why don't you surprise me?"
"Well, okay. I guess it would be nice to have someone call me Evelyn for a change." Pretty much everyone in her life called her Eve. When he smiled, she started have the suspicion that he was..probably..flirting with her..right? She wasn't really good at such things which was a little embarrassing since she was sixteen but anyway..she just smiled back at him.
She looked really amused when he gave a bow. Hm. Did people really do that these days? Interesting. When she listened to his next few words, she suddenly burst out laughing. "Huh..sorry. It's just that..you know.." She laughed a little more before she finally said, "I was just joking and you kinda took it seriously."
She was listening to Presley answer Elliot's questions when all of a sudden the girl turned around and lashed into her. Hannah's blood automatically boiled. She didn't care who you were or how pure your blood was nobody was going to talk to Hannah like that. Not to mention that she couldn't be that noble with a muggle as a mother. It usually wouldn't bother her so much whether or not other people's parents were pureblood, but this girl did ask her how her parents felt did she not? Sure she shared her parents views on the matter, but if someone did not want to know something then why ask? "Being married to a wizard and knowing about us is different from exposing to the general population about us." Which was true and besides she didn't really care what this girl thought. Presley isn't anything to her. She wasn't going to apologize for how she felt. It wasn't her fault that her father married a muggle.
Hannah was not somebody that was going to go with the flow. She believes in what she believes in and that's that. She wasn't even trying to be rude to the girl. She was over it now though. She was acting as if she was ranting on about her mother personally. Once she was told that her mother was a muggle she would have let the subject drop but not after she went off the deep end. "I wasn't speaking to you any kind of way...you asked me a question and I answered." Surely this girl did not think that life was always rainbows and sunshine. People were not always going to have the same views or opinions. Hannah wasn't going to change her views to appease anyone. That much she was sure of. Hannah was done with the foolish girl. So she stared her down before turning to Elliot.
As she looked at Elliot she couldn't even remember what she had said at first still fuming about the silly Presley girl...noble blood....right! She wondered for a moment how Elliot could be friends with such a person and then she thought back to Diagon Alley when she had met another girl that wasn't sure her blood and realized that it didn't matter because they had gotten on so well. Makes no difference now she would never be ok with someone talking to her like that. Ahh yes it was coming back to her...their mothers. Your mom sounds a lot like my mom." Which is a lot more than she could say about Presley's mom. Then Hannah stood there because she was not going to let Presely run her off and she sure wasn't intimidated!
Elliot, still quite amused lazily waved her hand at Hannah. "Hannah, it's all right. Both of you, this is neither the time, nor the place," she said with a roll of her eyes. Honestly, people loved arguing around here. Elliot couldn't stand it. She felt it to be a bit...well, unnecessary, since she was always right.
She did nod at Hannah, though. No, Elliot wasn't mad at Hannah.She liked the younger girl. Hannah reminded Elliot of herself a lot... "Most pureblood noble housewives are alike. Mine is...not as refined as you would think. Her family is a blotch on my family tree...but I'm not talking about it.." she said with what sounded like a very fake cough. Change of subject, please.
Elliot loved watcher other people argue. It was always fun. Elliot wouldn't take sides...unless the argument got worse. Presley would probably expect Elliot to take hers, since Elliot had been friends with her longer. Who knew, though. Elliot liked to...play by ear.
SPOILER!!: press
Originally Posted by Presley Black
Elliot at least seemed to be on Presley's side of the issue more than Hannah's. Pres flashed a quick smile at Elliot. Of course she amused her. Presley had just flown into a fury again. Elliot had been once on the recieving end of the same situation, she knew Hannah was in it deep. Presley nodded, she really didn't care what Darius Morganzo did, but she was politely curious, so she had asked. As long as his line of work didn't affect Presley, he could be a hit-man for all she cared.
Presley also noticed the owl, at the same time as Elliot. She brightened. Maybe it was from her father?
No such luck. It was from Leo, which wasn't bad, Presley loved Leo, but she's kind of hoped her father had decided to send her a letter after all. Presley releived the owl of it's rather large burden and pet it's beak. "Just a second," she said to it as she turned to her bag and dug for..there it was. Presley pulled out the box of treats she kept for Mercury, and gave the delivery owl a few. "There you go." She smiled at it again. It was a very beautiful animal.
That hadn't been what Hannah had said a moment ago. She'd said "as if muggles were worthy enough to know about us" not "unless they are married to a wizard, in which case thier standing is higher." Presley found herself growing angrier and angrier at the silly little child. "It's no difference at all." She snapped. "As if your worthiness can change based on who you fall in love with?" Presley for one, had no doubts that her parents had loved each other deeply, which was more than most children could say.
Presley listened carefully to Hannah's next words, and her voice got soft, and dangerous. "Didn't your parents ever teach you to know your audience and to choose your words carefully?" She asked glowering. As in, never bring up pureblood supremist ideals with a muggleborn for instance? Or never inadvertantly insult a noble's parentage? This Lockwood girl was certainly uncultured, and not worth Presley's time. Presley shook her head. "People without manners are hardly worth the time I've already wasted on you." She said snottily.
Presley turned back to Elliot. "Elliot, it was nice to see you again. I hope we can speak again soon?" She said politely, reminding the Morganzo that the two of them had important things to talk about. She bowed her head slightly, as the proper parting for a peer of your same social standing, picked up her bag and the package delivered by the owl, and stalked back toward the castle. Her father was going to get a huge letter tonight. Though Presley had not much hope of him writing her back, at least he would be proud of how she'd handled the situation with that....ridiculous girl.
Elliot watched as Presley read the note. She looked a tad disappointed. Eliot wondered why...they had a lot of catching up to do, for sure. Presley finished her letter, lashed out at Hannah some more.
Usually, Elliot didn't mind people being mean. No, a little meanness was healthy. But Elliot didn't want to lose Hannah as a friend. She had to at least attempt to look like she was sticking up for Hannah WITHOUT making Presley angry. "Now, now, Presley, let's play nicely, here. Hannah's a lot like me..." she replied with a twinkle in her eye and a small little laugh.
Now Presley was walking away, probably mad. Oh well. "Yes, yes, tea party soon. I have...things of importance to tell you," she hinted mysteriously. The only other person she had right now to tell everything to was Dani. And Dani was only eight, so not much of a help.
"You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough."
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin
<--- Random | Funfetti | Lima Bean | Slytherpuff | PURPLE | Hoarder of pens | ALWAYS Severus
SPOILER!!: Presley
That hadn't been what Hannah had said a moment ago. She'd said "as if muggles were worthy enough to know about us" not "unless they are married to a wizard, in which case thier standing is higher." Presley found herself growing angrier and angrier at the silly little child. "It's no difference at all." She snapped. "As if your worthiness can change based on who you fall in love with?" Presley for one, had no doubts that her parents had loved each other deeply, which was more than most children could say.
Presley listened carefully to Hannah's next words, and her voice got soft, and dangerous. "Didn't your parents ever teach you to know your audience and to choose your words carefully?" She asked glowering. As in, never bring up pureblood supremist ideals with a muggleborn for instance? Or never inadvertantly insult a noble's parentage? This Lockwood girl was certainly uncultured, and not worth Presley's time. Presley shook her head. "People without manners are hardly worth the time I've already wasted on you." She said snottily.
Presley turned back to Elliot. "Elliot, it was nice to see you again. I hope we can speak again soon?" She said politely, reminding the Morganzo that the two of them had important things to talk about. She bowed her head slightly, as the proper parting for a peer of your same social standing, picked up her bag and the package delivered by the owl, and stalked back toward the castle. Her father was going to get a huge letter tonight. Though Presley had not much hope of him writing her back, at least he would be proud of how she'd handled the situation with that....ridiculous girl.
SPOILER!!: Elliot
Elliot, still quite amused lazily waved her hand at Hannah. "Hannah, it's all right. Both of you, this is neither the time, nor the place," she said with a roll of her eyes. Honestly, people loved arguing around here. Elliot couldn't stand it. She felt it to be a bit...well, unnecessary, since she was always right.
She did nod at Hannah, though. No, Elliot wasn't mad at Hannah.She liked the younger girl. Hannah reminded Elliot of herself a lot...
"Most pureblood noble housewives are alike. Mine is...not as refined as you would think. Her family is a blotch on my family tree...but I'm not talking about it.." she said with what sounded like a very fake cough. Change of subject, please.
Elliot loved watcher other people argue. It was always fun. Elliot wouldn't take sides...unless the argument got worse. Presley would probably expect Elliot to take hers, since Elliot had been friends with her longer. Who knew, though. Elliot liked to...play by ear.
Hannah couldn't help but to laugh at loud. She doesn't care if this girl likes her or not or even if she had hurt her feelings. "I'm not taking back anything that I said. I don't think I need to elaborate eveything that I say to make sure that I cover every possible reasoning." I mean sure there were always exceptions in every aspect of life. She did think that being married to a muggle (disgraceful of course) was different that just walking up to a muggle on the street and telling him about wizards. She wasn't trying to save face because she didn't care.
"My parents taught me to stand up for what I believe in. Not everybody is going to agree with everyone else, but I refuse to be two-faced. I am who I am with everybody. I'm not going to adapt to anybody." That was for sure. "Hannah was Hannah and that was that. She wasn't going to be super bubbly and sweet because Mary-Sue was super bubbly and sweet. "By all means don't waste your time. I won't lose any sleep over it." Jeeze this girl needed tougher skin. She would never make it. Get over it. You won't win every time.
Hannah spent more than enough time on this girl. She wasn't even worth it, but she would get the last word. That's how it always was with her. Good thing to cause the Presley girl had walked back to the castle. Good riddance.
She turned back to Elliot. "You're right. I don't have time for foolish people. I should never have wasted my time with the likes of her." She knew that this fight put Elliot in a tight spot. She wouldn't hold it against her though she couldn't help it that Presley's mother is a muggle either. Hannah wasn't going to be childish and even expect her to choose sides because she wouldn't want to ever have to do that herself. Oh well she would just roll with it and see how it goes. "Well that was fun." She said with a smile.
You can ignore my post, just an eavesdropper over here :P
Dalliesa | Ab-Bot | Hogwarts Trojan War |
Text Cut: Evelyn and Joao >:)
Originally Posted by Lady of Light
Evelyn grinned. "Yeah, sure. It would be nice to have someone show me around the place." Great. It's one of the reasons why she liked Hogwarts. People were lovely. "I mean, if you don't mind." She finished hurriedly. She was pretty sure he had better things to do.
She blushed a little when he said that she had a lovely name. She nervously tucked a stand of her hair behind a ear and said, "Really? I always thought my name was a little..weird." That was true. That's the reason why she always preferred people calling her Eve.
She gave a silent sigh of relief. Ohh. Marcelo. Now, that was an easy name to pronounce. "That's a really nice name. It's unique." With a mischievous glint in her eyes, she added, "Is it okay if I call you Marcy? I think it's adorable.
Originally Posted by Deniiz
Yeah? So she wanted him to show her around? João smiled, eyes glinting. He liked this girl already, although she was a Hufflepuff. He was changing--had changed--and but for the guilt, he liked the idea of spending more time with her. Though, then again, as his parents had thought him, his guilt was short lived and he was already hurrying to ask "Where shall we go, Miss--?" She had never told her surname. Oh well. "Miss Evelyn." Evelyn would certainly do as well.
Weird? Psssh. "Not weird, unique." The only Evelyn he had known was last year's Head Girl, and as far as he could see, she was an amazing person. "At least, I'll be calling you Evelyn." He shrugged with a small smile. And obviously, that way he ensured he wasn't just anybody either. Hah.
He bowed a little with his head, adding "Thanks." Now, now, now. That was the chief reason he would never stretch his principles for people--they tried to take advantage of the little priviledge they were given.
"As much as I'd hate it to decline you," he did, truly, "Marcy is a girl name." End of discussion.
This day was very beautiful. Louisa liked this kind of weather, not hot nor cold. It was cool with a cool breeze blowing from time to time. Wearing her clothes with no uniform, the girl wanted to check the hot new groundskeeper's vegetable patch. It looked very beautiful from far and she wanted to see what exactly grew in there.
Walking up ahead, Viola was not lazily following her for a change, the cat was actively walking next to Louisa. "Isn't it a beauti- WHAT!" The girl squeaked before jumping sideways behind one of the big trees surrounding the white fence. Her heart was hammering and she was breathing rather quickly. "It's Joao... " she murmured to herself before carefully peering around the trunk of the tree and squinting her eyes at him.
Oh. He had company. A girl. WAAAAAIT A MINUTE! Was that a smile?
"Well, well, well. If mister frowny and I-Can't-Promise is smiling... then something's fishy around here." Squatting down, Louisa kept her squinting eyes on the pair.
Evelyn smiled. She liked this guy. He was polite and friendly and maybe, a little good-looking. Anyway, she was glad that he was nice enough to accompany her to the other parts of the grounds. Hopefully, he'd turn out to be a good friend. "Wellington. I'm Evelyn Wellington. Well, I have no clue. Why don't you surprise me?"
"Well, okay. I guess it would be nice to have someone call me Evelyn for a change." Pretty much everyone in her life called her Eve. When he smiled, she started have the suspicion that he was..probably..flirting with her..right? She wasn't really good at such things which was a little embarrassing since she was sixteen but anyway..she just smiled back at him.
She looked really amused when he gave a bow. Hm. Did people really do that these days? Interesting. When she listened to his next few words, she suddenly burst out laughing. "Huh..sorry. It's just that..you know.." She laughed a little more before she finally said, "I was just joking and you kinda took it seriously."
"Miss Evelyn Wellington." Her name rhymed a little. Hehe. "And I'm João--or Marcelo--Neves. My shortened name, that is." And the easiest names of his.
Why didn't he surprise her? João stopped thinking for a moment of possible romantic places he could take her. Well, they could go up in the observatory, looking at the stars at night while they were alone... for now, somewhere on the grounds would have to do though. Or maybe...
"Have you heard of Room of Requirement?" There could easily be turned into a pretty atmosphere. He'd done it once with Louisa, and he could certainly do it again for Evelyn.
He grinned, relieved that he would indeed be the only one in calling her 'Evelyn'.
Why was she laughing? Wait, had she been really joking? He let out a laughter of his too, blushing as well a little. "But you were so serious and..." And he was quite stern with his name, mind you. "You got me there." He chuckled again gaily, totally oblivious to the girl hiding behind a tree, eavesdropping on their conversation.
"Miss Evelyn Wellington." Her name rhymed a little. Hehe. "And I'm João--or Marcelo--Neves. My shortened name, that is." And the easiest names of his.
Why didn't he surprise her? João stopped thinking for a moment of possible romantic places he could take her. Well, they could go up in the observatory, looking at the stars at night while they were alone... for now, somewhere on the grounds would have to do though. Or maybe...
"Have you heard of Room of Requirement?" There could easily be turned into a pretty atmosphere. He'd done it once with Louisa, and he could certainly do it again for Evelyn.
He grinned, relieved that he would indeed be the only one in calling her 'Evelyn'.
Why was she laughing? Wait, had she been really joking? He let out a laughter of his too, blushing as well a little. "But you were so serious and..." And he was quite stern with his name, mind you. "You got me there." He chuckled again gaily, totally oblivious to the girl hiding behind a tree, eavesdropping on their conversation.
"Shall we go, Miss Wellington?"
Evelyn couldn't help but stare when he said THAT was his short name. She thought it was quite long. "Err..okay." Evelyn smiled although she really wanted to laugh.
When he asked if she'd heard of the Room of Requirement, she just shook her head. "No. Where is it exactly?" She'd never really heard of that place before.. "Anyway, now..it's not a surprise." Evelyn grinned. Ahh. Looked like she was already making a friend. Nice. Well done, Evelyn.
Evelyn laughed when she noticed that his cheeks had turned a little red. Aw, how adorable. "Well, looks like I can make a good joke. I'm really glad you didn't get upset or anything though."
"Miss Evelyn Wellington." Her name rhymed a little. Hehe. "And I'm João--or Marcelo--Neves. My shortened name, that is." And the easiest names of his.
Why didn't he surprise her? João stopped thinking for a moment of possible romantic places he could take her. Well, they could go up in the observatory, looking at the stars at night while they were alone... for now, somewhere on the grounds would have to do though. Or maybe...
"Have you heard of Room of Requirement?" There could easily be turned into a pretty atmosphere. He'd done it once with Louisa, and he could certainly do it again for Evelyn.
He grinned, relieved that he would indeed be the only one in calling her 'Evelyn'.
Why was she laughing? Wait, had she been really joking? He let out a laughter of his too, blushing as well a little. "But you were so serious and..." And he was quite stern with his name, mind you. "You got me there." He chuckled again gaily, totally oblivious to the girl hiding behind a tree, eavesdropping on their conversation.
"Shall we go, Miss Wellington?"
Originally Posted by Lady of Light
Evelyn couldn't help but stare when he said THAT was his short name. She thought it was quite long. "Err..okay." Evelyn smiled although she really wanted to laugh.
When he asked if she'd heard of the Room of Requirement, she just shook her head. "No. Where is it exactly?" She'd never really heard of that place before.. "Anyway, now..it's not a surprise." Evelyn grinned. Ahh. Looked like she was already making a friend. Nice. Well done, Evelyn.
Evelyn laughed when she noticed that his cheeks had turned a little red. Aw, how adorable. "Well, looks like I can make a good joke. I'm really glad you didn't get upset or anything though."
"Absolutely." Evelyn held out her hand.
"He let her call him Mrarcelo?" Louisa was holding her cat in her arms, if Viola jumped in front of the two Louisa would be done for. "The jerk. I wasn't allowed to call him anything but his stupid Portuguese name." Clenching her jaws, Louisa fell silent and observed like a good scientist in a lab. Or something less nerdy.
What. The. Heck.
With a loud gasp, she hide back behind the tree, her hand on her wide-open mouth. HE WAS BLUSHING. Her eyes stung a bit with upcoming tears but she frowned and refused to let herself get emotional over a silly and totally nothing moment. She hugged her cat, a bit too tightly, to her chest and saw them both shifting in their place to get up. Well, she was going to follow those even if she had to crawl on her fours all the way up to the castle.
Joao Neves, you're officially being stalked from now on.
That hadn't been what Hannah had said a moment ago. She'd said "as if muggles were worthy enough to know about us" not "unless they are married to a wizard, in which case thier standing is higher." Presley found herself growing angrier and angrier at the silly little child. "It's no difference at all." She snapped. "As if your worthiness can change based on who you fall in love with?" Presley for one, had no doubts that her parents had loved each other deeply, which was more than most children could say.
Presley listened carefully to Hannah's next words, and her voice got soft, and dangerous. "Didn't your parents ever teach you to know your audience and to choose your words carefully?" She asked glowering. As in, never bring up pureblood supremist ideals with a muggleborn for instance? Or never inadvertantly insult a noble's parentage? This Lockwood girl was certainly uncultured, and not worth Presley's time. Presley shook her head. "People without manners are hardly worth the time I've already wasted on you." She said snottily.
Presley turned back to Elliot. "Elliot, it was nice to see you again. I hope we can speak again soon?" She said politely, reminding the Morganzo that the two of them had important things to talk about. She bowed her head slightly, as the proper parting for a peer of your same social standing, picked up her bag and the package delivered by the owl, and stalked back toward the castle. Her father was going to get a huge letter tonight. Though Presley had not much hope of him writing her back, at least he would be proud of how she'd handled the situation with that....ridiculous girl.
SPOILER!!: Elliot
Elliot, still quite amused lazily waved her hand at Hannah. "Hannah, it's all right. Both of you, this is neither the time, nor the place," she said with a roll of her eyes. Honestly, people loved arguing around here. Elliot couldn't stand it. She felt it to be a bit...well, unnecessary, since she was always right.
She did nod at Hannah, though. No, Elliot wasn't mad at Hannah.She liked the younger girl. Hannah reminded Elliot of herself a lot...
"Most pureblood noble housewives are alike. Mine is...not as refined as you would think. Her family is a blotch on my family tree...but I'm not talking about it.." she said with what sounded like a very fake cough. Change of subject, please.
Elliot loved watcher other people argue. It was always fun. Elliot wouldn't take sides...unless the argument got worse. Presley would probably expect Elliot to take hers, since Elliot had been friends with her longer. Who knew, though. Elliot liked to...play by ear.
Hannah couldn't help but to laugh at loud. She doesn't care if this girl likes her or not or even if she had hurt her feelings. "I'm not taking back anything that I said. I don't think I need to elaborate eveything that I say to make sure that I cover every possible reasoning." I mean sure there were always exceptions in every aspect of life. She did think that being married to a muggle (disgraceful of course) was different that just walking up to a muggle on the street and telling him about wizards. She wasn't trying to save face because she didn't care.
"My parents taught me to stand up for what I believe in. Not everybody is going to agree with everyone else, but I refuse to be two-faced. I am who I am with everybody. I'm not going to adapt to anybody." That was for sure. "Hannah was Hannah and that was that. She wasn't going to be super bubbly and sweet because Mary-Sue was super bubbly and sweet. "By all means don't waste your time. I won't lose any sleep over it." Jeeze this girl needed tougher skin. She would never make it. Get over it. You won't win every time.
Hannah spent more than enough time on this girl. She wasn't even worth it, but she would get the last word. That's how it always was with her. Good thing to cause the Presley girl had walked back to the castle. Good riddance.
She turned back to Elliot. "You're right. I don't have time for foolish people. I should never have wasted my time with the likes of her." She knew that this fight put Elliot in a tight spot. She wouldn't hold it against her though she couldn't help it that Presley's mother is a muggle either. Hannah wasn't going to be childish and even expect her to choose sides because she wouldn't want to ever have to do that herself. Oh well she would just roll with it and see how it goes. "Well that was fun." She said with a smile.
Elliot quirked an eyebrow..."fun...?" She gave the girl a serious look, but then burst out into laughter. "Confrontation is always fun. better than being...sneaky. " even though Elliot could definitely be sneaky herself.
She sighed, looking at her feet for a second. She was in thought....suddenly, she looked up at Hannah and gave her a serious look.
"We pureblood nobility should really stick together, you know. Our ways are dying out as well as our people....the world is changing..." She sounded far off, unusual for her. This was because it was quote verbatim from her father. It had really stuck with her.
She smirked, though, to lighten the mood. "Tell me about....yourself. so I can actually get to know you...and decide if I want to continue the friendship, little one,' she said with a haughty laugh. She was being quite serious....the evil laugh said it all.
"You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough."
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin
Yay, Hamlet! • Cathopper • Disney Fanatic • I was normal once...
Who in their bloody right minds wanted vegetables?
Zayden Abrams found himself standing outside of the gate at this so called "veggie patch" for the first time since school began. He absentmindedly scratched the back of his neck as his green eyes scanned the patches of leaves that covered the area in front of him.
Once again, here was the million galleon question: why vegetables? Why couldn't it be a donut patch? Or a cupcake patch? Or... heck, he'd even take a lightsaber patch! He was sure they could magically make plants grow little lightsabers that he could come harvest and play with it. It was every man's dream -- or maybe it was just his.
_______________________________You may hate me, but it ain't no lie: bye bye bye.
Last edited by Nordic Witch; 01-26-2012 at 11:53 AM.
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Originally Posted by Sneakeh Cat
Who in their bloody right minds wanted vegetables?
Zayden Abrams found himself standing outside of the gate at this so called "veggie patch" for the first time since school began. He absentmindedly scratched the back of his neck as his green eyes scanned the patches of leaves that covered the area in front of him.
Once again, here was the million galleon question: why vegetables? Why couldn't it be a donut patch? Or a cupcake patch? Or... heck, he'd even take a lightsaber patch! He was sure they could magically make plants grow little lightsabers that he could come harvest and play with it. It was every man's dream -- or maybe it was just his.
Amelia had looked literally everywhere in the school besides the Slytherin Common Room and this place. She was pretty sure that he wouldn't be here, but she didn't want to find a Slytherin to locate him until she was sure.
So she was surprised when she saw him standing outside of the Vegetable Patch staring at the vegetables. "Dreaming about cupcake patches or lightsabre patches?" she asked as she approached him. She knew him so well. "I have something for you." The frame that she was hiding behind her back. heh.
Yay, Hamlet! • Cathopper • Disney Fanatic • I was normal once...
Originally Posted by Squishy ♥
Amelia had looked literally everywhere in the school besides the Slytherin Common Room and this place. She was pretty sure that he wouldn't be here, but she didn't want to find a Slytherin to locate him until she was sure.
So she was surprised when she saw him standing outside of the Vegetable Patch staring at the vegetables. "Dreaming about cupcake patches or lightsabre patches?" she asked as she approached him. She knew him so well. "I have something for you." The frame that she was hiding behind her back. heh.
Zayden had placed his hand on the closed gate, getting ready to unlatch it, because he was actually thinking about going to see what vegetables were in there (just to kill time, really); however, that thought, which had been circulating through his brain, vanished when he heard his girlfriend's beautiful voice.
"... and a donut patch," he added. "Anything but vegetables." Honestly, did the Professors actually think the students digested this stuff? Most of the kids, if not all, lived off junk food. Junk food and the occasionally health item of food -- like cheese. Cheese was good.
And now he was HUNGRY.
"Hmm?" He turned to look towards her now. "You have something for me?" Was it food?
_______________________________You may hate me, but it ain't no lie: bye bye bye.
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Originally Posted by Sneakeh Cat
Zayden had placed his hand on the closed gate, getting ready to unlatch it, because he was actually thinking about going to see what vegetables were in there (just to kill time, really); however, that thought, which had been circulating through his brain, vanished when he heard his girlfriend's beautiful voice.
"... and a donut patch," he added. "Anything but vegetables." Honestly, did the Professors actually think the students digested this stuff? Most of the kids, if not all, lived off junk food. Junk food and the occasionally health item of food -- like cheese. Cheese was good.
And now he was HUNGRY.
"Hmm?" He turned to look towards her now. "You have something for me?" Was it food?
Amelia giggled at Zayden now as he turned around to face her now. "You have food on the brain." That, and Star Wars. She was amazed that he looked so good, because he did eat a lot of junk food. She however also made sure that he ate some good foods as well. You know, so he didn't eat cupcakes morning, noon, and night.
"I do have something for you. I made it." And it wasn't food in case that was what he was wondering.
She took the frame out from behind her back now. "Surprise! Another picture frame." hehe. Like the one that she had given him with the picture of them in it. The one she had made during the class.
Yay, Hamlet! • Cathopper • Disney Fanatic • I was normal once...
Originally Posted by Squishy ♥
Amelia giggled at Zayden now as he turned around to face her now. "You have food on the brain." That, and Star Wars. She was amazed that he looked so good, because he did eat a lot of junk food. She however also made sure that he ate some good foods as well. You know, so he didn't eat cupcakes morning, noon, and night.
"I do have something for you. I made it." And it wasn't food in case that was what he was wondering.
She took the frame out from behind her back now. "Surprise! Another picture frame." hehe. Like the one that she had given him with the picture of them in it. The one she had made during the class.
She held it out for him to take now.
Zayden just stared up at her for a moment before stating, "You know me so well." She WAS bound to know how he was because how long have they known each other? 4 years? Give or take some. It's just been a long time. "I'm sorry that I get hungry easily." Just the tiniest mention of food made him hungry. And yes, he knew he had a problem. No, he didn't need help.
He was just about to ask if it was a tray full of cupcakes until he found himself a few seconds later staring at a picture frame. "... oh." Was it an edible picture frame? Okay, right, he needed to get his mind off food right this instant. He was NOT eating until dinner time.
He took it from her now and looked at it. "And you made this?" He ran his thumb over the carved details in the wood and a grin formed upon his face. "I love it, Miakins." Maybe, just maybe, he'd save this picture frame until the moment they had their first picture taken as an engaged couple. Actually, he took that back. He WAS going to save it for that one picture that was bound to be taken once he proposed in December. It was going to be his special picture frame for that one special picture.
"I really do love it." He gave her a kiss now.
_______________________________You may hate me, but it ain't no lie: bye bye bye.
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Originally Posted by Sneakeh Cat
Zayden just stared up at her for a moment before stating, "You know me so well." She WAS bound to know how he was because how long have they known each other? 4 years? Give or take some. It's just been a long time. "I'm sorry that I get hungry easily." Just the tiniest mention of food made him hungry. And yes, he knew he had a problem. No, he didn't need help.
He was just about to ask if it was a tray full of cupcakes until he found himself a few seconds later staring at a picture frame. "... oh." Was it an edible picture frame? Okay, right, he needed to get his mind off food right this instant. He was NOT eating until dinner time.
He took it from her now and looked at it. "And you made this?" He ran his thumb over the carved details in the wood and a grin formed upon his face. "I love it, Miakins." Maybe, just maybe, he'd save this picture frame until the moment they had their first picture taken as an engaged couple. Actually, he took that back. He WAS going to save it for that one picture that was bound to be taken once he proposed in December. It was going to be his special picture frame for that one special picture.
"I really do love it." He gave her a kiss now.
At first she wasn't sure if he liked the gift or not, but then he was taking it from her and telling her how much he loved it. "I made it just now. It just took some work." A few attempts, and then she had it down perfectly. She just hoped that she would be able to master this for her NEWTs later on in the Term. She was really stressing out about the NEWTs now. o_O
"I'm glad you love it." She hugged him now, giving him a kiss in return. She actually enjoyed making picture frames like she had enjoyed making all those beanies for Dallin.
No such luck. It was from Leo, which wasn't bad, Presley loved Leo, but she's kind of hoped her father had decided to send her a letter after all. Presley releived the owl of it's rather large burden and pet it's beak. "Just a second," she said to it as she turned to her bag and dug for..there it was. Presley pulled out the box of treats she kept for Mercury, and gave the delivery owl a few. "There you go." She smiled at it again. It was a very beautiful animal.
Waful LIKED this girl person. She actually had treats! Some of these girl and boy persons didn't have any, and that was just no way to reward an awesome owl like him.
She got a nice "Hoo" from him before he snatched up the treats. Yum.
Satisfied, he spread his wings and launched himself effortlessly back into the air. Time to head back home.
Dave Grohl-Josh Hutcherson-RupertGrint-HP-HG- Marvel-D.C-Taylor Hawkins-Drumming-Foo Fighters-
Logan walked to the vegetable patch, and walked along it, looking at everything. He had became pretty attatched to it, he loved it here. Well he loved it anywhere, really. He had too many favorite places...really. He perched himself on the white fence and thought about his feelings. Why did he have so many crushes? It really bugged him. And why did he miss his parents soo much lately?! Really? He had never been so depressed about them as much as now. Maybe it was seeing everyone waving goodbye to their parents at the platform and him having no one to say goodbye to. That could be it. But shouldn't he be over that now? He sighed in frustration and took out his bag of jellybeans Jezz had given to him. He put his hand in and popped a few into his mouth.
Evelyn couldn't help but stare when he said THAT was his short name. She thought it was quite long. "Err..okay." Evelyn smiled although she really wanted to laugh.
When he asked if she'd heard of the Room of Requirement, she just shook her head. "No. Where is it exactly?" She'd never really heard of that place before.. "Anyway, now..it's not a surprise." Evelyn grinned. Ahh. Looked like she was already making a friend. Nice. Well done, Evelyn.
Evelyn laughed when she noticed that his cheeks had turned a little red. Aw, how adorable. "Well, looks like I can make a good joke. I'm really glad you didn't get upset or anything though."
"Absolutely." Evelyn held out her hand.
João acted to be pouting when she pointed out that now it wasn't a surprise. "Though, you still don't know what to expect." Even he didn't know how the room would turn out. He couldn't decide whether he should make it a romantic place or a normal room, though he figured the latter would work better for now. No need to scare her from the first moment, right? He didn't even know whether she had a boyfriend or no, he just hoped she didn't.
Upset? "As long as you don't make fun of my name, all's fine." He grinned, before taking her hand gently to lead her towards the towers.
on my phone cause im too lazy to get on the computer....excuse mistakes
<--- Random | Funfetti | Lima Bean | Slytherpuff | PURPLE | Hoarder of pens | ALWAYS Severus
Originally Posted by kayquilz
Elliot quirked an eyebrow..."fun...?" She gave the girl a serious look, but then burst out into laughter. "Confrontation is always fun. better than being...sneaky. " even though Elliot could definitely be sneaky herself.
She sighed, looking at her feet for a second. She was in thought....suddenly, she looked up at Hannah and gave her a serious look.
"We pureblood nobility should really stick together, you know. Our ways are dying out as well as our people....the world is changing..." She sounded far off, unusual for her. This was because it was quote verbatim from her father. It had really stuck with her.
She smirked, though, to lighten the mood. "Tell me about....yourself. so I can actually get to know you...and decide if I want to continue the friendship, little one,' she said with a haughty laugh. She was being quite serious....the evil laugh said it all.
well she really didn't mean to offend the girl but Hannah was not one to back down and she sure wasn't the one for apologies. Afterall an apology would be fake because she really did feel that muggles were not worthy. She gave an exasperated sigh and made eye contact with Elliot once more. "You're right about us sticking together." she knew that Elliot was right just being at hogwarts had proved that much. Seemed like nobody was of a pure and noble blood.
What to tell Elliot about herself. Hmmm "Well I come from a long line of purebloods. I have 3 siblings. I love to read. I'm loyal, trustworthy, hardworking and a friend for life once I deem somebody worthy. I enjoy spending time with my family." she wasn't sure what else to say. "You?"
well she really didn't mean to offend the girl but Hannah was not one to back down and she sure wasn't the one for apologies. Afterall an apology would be fake because she really did feel that muggles were not worthy. She gave an exasperated sigh and made eye contact with Elliot once more. "You're right about us sticking together." she knew that Elliot was right just being at hogwarts had proved that much. Seemed like nobody was of a pure and noble blood.
What to tell Elliot about herself. Hmmm "Well I come from a long line of purebloods. I have 3 siblings. I love to read. I'm loyal, trustworthy, hardworking and a friend for life once I deem somebody worthy. I enjoy spending time with my family." she wasn't sure what else to say. "You?"
Elliot gave the girl a haughty look. "Of course I'm right," she said as she rolled her eyes. "I'm always right. The first thing you need to know about me..." which translated as 'don't argue with me because I don't back down...'
Elliot then raised a critical eyebrow..."are you so shallow that you can explain yourself in just a few sentences?" She asked, quite sarcastically. She was just ruffling the other girl's feathers...she wasn't actually being serious. She looked serious, but her eyes twinkled evilly. "But you have siblings, eh? Any boys? Are you the eldest?" She asked curiously.
Hmmm...Elliot took a minute to think. What could she possibly say about herself? Nothing.
"My opinion of myself is the only one that matters...but I'm curious. Who do YOU think that I am?" She asked, a weirdly smug look on her face.
Elliot loved making people feel uncomfortable.and hopefully, Hannah would say horribly mean things...it would give Elliot a good laugh.
"You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough."
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin
Super Slytherin Buddy || ⅓ She-Snake Trio || 'I taste like chocolate and potatoes'
With the weather getting colder, Waylon, no matter how much he wanted to, just couldn't put it off any longer. The vegetables in the vegetable patch needed to be winter friendly, which meant reorganizing the WHOLE garden. It was going to be hard work..and he wondered why he didn't just get the students to do it for him. That was what they were there for, right?
He would have awarded them, of course. With a few vegetables.
Deciding that he would do something of the sort when the weather changes again, Waylon pulled one of his benches from outside his hut and placed it up against the picket fence. Promptly sitting, he was already tired, he pulled out his wand and gave it a few flicks in the direction of the vegetables.
Reorganizing. Such hard work.
____________ooh, ooh, she's the rough and the rowdiest kid________ ooh, ooh, and there's more where she lives_____