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Not even ten feet away from Mr. Murdoch's hut sits a nice sized vegetable patch surrounded by a white picket fence. Its four rows of vegetable beds are blooming with produce, all according to season of course, and if you're lucky, Waylon may have left the shed in the back open for you to try your own hand at gardening.
Seeds, spades, gloves and anything else you might need can be found inside, just remember to clean up after yourself when you're finished!
Zephania had noticed the garden and now on his second day at Hogwarts had time for a brief visit. As he walked across the grounds he heard voices,something about "tomatoes" and then the usual boy-girl talk about trivial things. Now as he made his way up and down the rows, he admired the variety of and the care lavished on the plants. Yes he thought,we are what we eat. All animal life is dependent on plants, plants which magicallly weave together soil and rain and sun to create what is needed for all life.
Yes, he thought, there is no greater magic than that. And he set his mind to arranging how to get the permissions needed and the time to be here among this magic.
SPOILER!!: Erin likes Ari too and the adorable unlucky guy
Originally Posted by Lady of the Lake
Ari felt like a big clumsy stupid troll for having asked that question, since Erin did look like someone fond of cosmetics. Nice going, embarrassing herself in front of someone younger than herself. 'Your hair does look nice, but don't you think looking natural is better?' So yeah, Ariadne was a bit pale and her hair didn't always look perfect, but she was pretty. At least that was what her mum told her.
'Beezus...' It did ring a bell. Oh yes! 'Is she in Ravenclaw too?' Gwen's annoying housemate? 'I honestly have no idea whether he'll be coming back or not, but I will write to him, the school owls should know where to find him even if he's not back.'
It was funny how Ari really liked Erin's company, despite the fact that she acted superior. Why was that? Hmm.
'Don't you think you're sharing too much?'With someone whom you've just met, no less? People keep secrets for a reason, Ari thought. Then again, it was entirely Oakey's business what he chose to disclose.
Ariadne had no idea who Alyssa was and didn't really care, so she kept busy with her own thoughts while the other two were talking, but came back to reality when she heard the word 'favour'. 'Noooo.' she said loudly. 'I hate owing people stuff and having to do them a favour. At least don't agree to it until you hear what it is.' the girl advised her new friend. 'Ravenclaws are very tricky.' she mouthed, hoping Erin wouldn't catch that.
Originally Posted by MyPatronusIsaMoose
She hasn't said anything yet. I haven't done anything to make her say anything Oakey didn't want to talk about Alyssa anymore Can we move on to the matter at hand and said pointing to his robe in Erin's hands now.
Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa? A waiting favor...So what? You hang on to my robe until I do this favor of yours that you haven't decided on yet.
Before he could close the deal with Erin Ari yelled a very loud "no" into his ear. The whole school could have heard it. Don't worry he mouthed back not making any eye contact with Erin. I've dealt with a Crazy Ravenclaw like her once Unsuccessfully, causing a broken wrist and a badly burned stomach, but it was a learning experience.
Ari was right though, he shouldn't go ahead with it until he knows what he's gotten himself into.
He could just as easily fix it with a flick of his wand. I'll do something now, or no robe fixing.
"Natural is better?" Erin thought for a while before answering the Lioness' question. "Well, I already had a sleek hair before but it became smoother when I used Madam Primpernelles Sleakeazy's hair potion." Kimalia did provided her some, upon their arrival at Hogwarts.
Erin gave Ari an angry look and pouted. She even stuck her tongue out onto her. "I am not that person." Erin defended herself. She then turned to look at Oakey Gunter. Before she could even open her mouth again, he already decided on having the deal once and for all. "Okay, okay!" With nothing in her mind yet, Erin decided to speak the very first thing that came to her mind, "You should treat both of us at the Hogsmeade weekend." That was a lame one but at least, she'll have someone on that day, her new-found friends. Oh wait. They're older people, right?
Elliot shot the girl a rare smile. "Too bad it isn't summer...we could have a tea luncheon," sje said with a laugh. She sounded so much like her mother at the moment, who was alwaus making tea dates. Alas , however, no tea dates here. Elliot quite enjoyed those.
Elliot observed the two, noticing how similiar they all were. all from wealthy families. Similiar ideals, and famous last names.
Whem Presley asked Hannah about the whole ministry thing, Elliot scowled.
"Oh, my father was a little unnerved. He said something about making his job harder...whatever that means!" She said with a shake of her head. She still didnt know what he did.
She looked at Hannah curiously and asked, "what do your parents do, Hannah? I dont think you ever told me!" It was an interesting enough question for Presley to know as well.
Despite all precedents set, Elliot flashed Presley a smile, and Presley definitely noticed. Presley returned the smile with a not-so-rare one of her own. Presley was generally a happy person with smiles to give away. "Yes," Presley agreed. "I guess we'll have to figure something else out then." As in "Please don't make plans now where this Lockwood girl could hear." Who knew what she would do? Pres didn't know the girl at all.
Presley's eyebrows pulled together for a half-second when Elliot talked of her father's stand in the Ministry. "Yes," she murmured. "My father said something similar." And Presley knew for a fact that her father was/had been part of the Cult. A fact that she didn't like, and didn't share. "Leo, however," she continued, throwing in "My brother" for Lockwood's sake. "His boss, Armen Recard, got fired you know. And Leo's quite happy about the situation. It puts him on the verge of promotion."
Hannah! Finally! That was the girl's name. Pres redirected her full attention to the first year, anxious to hear her reply to the question.
<--- Random | Funfetti | Lima Bean | Slytherpuff | PURPLE | Hoarder of pens | ALWAYS Severus
SPOILER!!: Presley
Well finally! It had taken long enough for the first year to shake Presley's hand. But Presley was going to be on her best behavior. It was odd, she supposed, but Presley knew very well that she acted differently around people similar to her family than she did around everyone else. If Lockwood had been a normal firstie, Presley would have happily introduced herself and asked if they were nervous for classes. But she was pretty sure Lockwood was raised in the same circles as Presley and Elliot, and they would all behave that way around each other.
Consequently, the first question out of her mouth was, "What stand do your parents take on the turmoil at the Ministry right now, Miss Lockwood?" That was a question that would be asked at a social that Presley would unwillingly attend. And it was a question she would ask to assure Lockwood that she was indeed of noble blood.
She automatically took a different approach with this Presley girl. She too acted a certain way around anybody that was of noble blood. It was how she was raised she couldn't help it. She was shown that some people were not so much better people but rather a better class. When you were of true and noble blood certain things were expected of you. You couldn't just go running around with muggles and do muggle things for example. You had a title to uphold. Hannah wasn't about to insult her parents and her whole family for that matter...not starting out and not never.
She thought for a moment about the question that Presley asked. She wasn't quite sure how to answer it at first. She decided that honesty was the best option because she really could care less what anybody thought of her or her family. "If you are referring to Borr my parents think he is a moron. As if muggles are worthy enough to kow about us. I believe he was in Hufflepuff during his time at Hogwarts." Saying he belonged to Hufflepuff said enough. What a bunch of duffers. Muggles...Hmph! "How does your parents feel about the subject?"
SPOILER!!: Elliot
Whem Presley asked Hannah about the whole ministry thing, Elliot scowled.
"Oh, my father was a little unnerved. He said something about making his job harder...whatever that means!" She said with a shake of her head. She still didnt know what he did.
She looked at Hannah curiously and asked, "what do your parents do, Hannah? I dont think you ever told me!" It was an interesting enough question for Presley to know as well.
Elliot shot the girl a rare smile. "Too bad it isn't summer...we could have a tea luncheon," sje said with a laugh. She sounded so much like her mother at the moment, who was alwaus making tea dates. Alas , however, no tea dates here. Elliot quite enjoyed those.
Elliot observed the two, noticing how similiar they all were. all from wealthy families. Similiar ideals, and famous last names.
It made her dads job harder. She could see that all that picketing and regardless of how you feel you can't take sides because your job would surely be on the line.
"My mom stays at home with us kids. She doesn't have to work." Really nobody had to work they came from a long line of money and they wouldn't be running out any time soon. "My dad works at the Ministry he can't tell me what it is that he does though." Which really irks her. She can't help but to be curious. "My older brother Marcos just got a job there also and it's all hushed as well." Maybe she could coax it out of him. "How about your parents?" she wondered.
Last edited by MudInMyBlood; 01-13-2012 at 03:25 AM.
Mom says I have no sense of direction, so I packed my bags and right.
Originally Posted by WitchLight27
SPOILER!!: Erin likes Ari too and the adorable unlucky guy
"Natural is better?" Erin thought for a while before answering the Lioness' question. "Well, I already had a sleek hair before but it became smoother when I used Madam Primpernelles Sleakeazy's hair potion." Kimalia did provided her some, upon their arrival at Hogwarts.
Erin gave Ari an angry look and pouted. She even stuck her tongue out onto her. "I am not that person." Erin defended herself. She then turned to look at Oakey Gunter. Before she could even open her mouth again, he already decided on having the deal once and for all. "Okay, okay!" With nothing in her mind yet, Erin decided to speak the very first thing that came to her mind, "You should treat both of us at the Hogsmeade weekend." That was a lame one but at least, she'll have someone on that day, her new-found friends. Oh wait. They're older people, right?
Treat Ari and Erin to something during their 1st Hogsmeade weekend, no problem. DEAL! he said with hand jolting from it's side ready to shake and make it official. He looked to Ari as a witness to this momentous occasion. Is that okay with you too. he said looking at Ari, she was now included into the favor of course. But when will I know when you've finished with my robe? He questioned Erin turning his gaze back to her.
Superfan of: Minerva, Severus, Albus, Hermione <3 Travelling/ History geek/ TV show addict
Originally Posted by WitchLight27
"Natural is better?" Erin thought for a while before answering the Lioness' question. "Well, I already had a sleek hair before but it became smoother when I used Madam Primpernelles Sleakeazy's hair potion." Kimalia did provided her some, upon their arrival at Hogwarts.
Erin gave Ari an angry look and pouted. She even stuck her tongue out onto her. "I am not that person." Erin defended herself. She then turned to look at Oakey Gunter. Before she could even open her mouth again, he already decided on having the deal once and for all. "Okay, okay!" With nothing in her mind yet, Erin decided to speak the very first thing that came to her mind, "You should treat both of us at the Hogsmeade weekend." That was a lame one but at least, she'll have someone on that day, her new-found friends. Oh wait. They're older people, right?
'Oh, I see. Do you think you could...lend me some of that? Just to try it once? My mum wouldn't let me buy cosmetics yet.' Whoa. Look who was asking for a favour now, right after her big outburst trying to convince Oakey to not do precisely that. Well, as she had read somewhere, girls were allowed to be as contrary as they liked.
'Sorry, you're probably not, but caution never hurt anyone. Though this favour you're asking is not as bad as I imagined it would be.' Considering she herself would be at the receiving end of a Hogsmeade treat, Ariadne couldn't object to that.
Originally Posted by MyPatronusIsaMoose
Treat Ari and Erin to something during their 1st Hogsmeade weekend, no problem. DEAL! he said with hand jolting from it's side ready to shake and make it official. He looked to Ari as a witness to this momentous occasion. Is that okay with you too. he said looking at Ari, she was now included into the favor of course. But when will I know when you've finished with my robe? He questioned Erin turning his gaze back to her.
But although she couldn't object to Erin's idea of a favour, she didn't want to profit off Oakey either. Since the Ravenclaw hadn't specified what exactly was included in that treat, the boy could end up spending way too much. 'However, I think we should limit ourselves to a butterbeer each at the Three Broomsticks.' More of a symbolic favour, right? Now the deal was sealed, and she had witnessed that, taking time to think that something good came out of this day. She now had two new friends.
Shel's owner<3 / SSRPG wanderer // Nat luffs you ^^/ Half Slyther half dor =))
Tennesse came running from the Front gate. This is a tiring but really fun homework. She has to find a way to be able to sneak inside the HUfflepuffs territory. She brought out her wand and remembered the charm. "Prehenso," she said clearly along a twist and tap on her left hand. now it feels like she could have a better grip at things as she tried getting hold of a twig and a leaf. She recalled some of the charms she already knew. She would really need them especially that one which she had been thinking about. She took a deep breath, looking around her she ran towards the whomping willow. What was she up to anyway? She was alone and she's up for her doom. However she have to try to help earn some points.
As Janice came upon the vegetable patch, she slowed down her feet into steps. She made a turn, so she will not enter the vegetable patch but just outskirting the white fence. Silently, she admired the vegetables grown with absolute care by the Groundskeeper. Rubbing her Gripping-charm-affected left hand, she made her way to the Gryffindor flag, trying not to be seen.
Elliot raised her eyebrows at Presley with s smirk on her face, which was meant to tell the other girl that she understood. Hmm. Preset didn't know how she felt about Hannah yet, she could tell. Pity, really. Hannah was a lot like Elliot.
It didn't surprise Elliot that Mr. Black agreed with Darius about the cult. Afterall, they were in the same circle of friends. What DID surprise was Leo's opinion. He disagreed with his father? How weird. Darius would never allow that.
"How...interesting," she commented.
What also surprised her was the fact that Hannah's parents were against the cult. But she supposed that the reasoning behind it was good enough. However, she doubted this comment from comment would earn any like from Presley. Her mother had been a muggle, afterall. Hmm. If it suddenly got quite heated...how fun that would be.
Mysterious jobs? Sounded like Elliot's dad! Except he didnt work for the ministry...he had his own business.
"Oh, my mother always says her job is maintaining her household and her children. So, in other words, she doesn't have one, either," she replied as she rolled her eyes. " my father, too, has a mystery job. But I think we have some type of family business...."
Elliot wondered what Presley's dad did...she couldn't remember. She knew Leo worked at the ministry, though.
"You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough."
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin
A vegetable patch, was it? João stood at the entrance of it, observing the garden, and he had finally decided that it was a patch for the groundskeeper's personal entertainment. What his name was, he had never caught, nor did he care. Still, this patch of his intrigued him, and he cautiously approached, feeling the soil under him fully. The fact that it had very little to do with magic comforted the young boy, and he felt even peaceful once inside. Huh. Funny it was; he, soil, and peace all together.
Well finally! It had taken long enough for the first year to shake Presley's hand. But Presley was going to be on her best behavior. It was odd, she supposed, but Presley knew very well that she acted differently around people similar to her family than she did around everyone else. If Lockwood had been a normal firstie, Presley would have happily introduced herself and asked if they were nervous for classes. But she was pretty sure Lockwood was raised in the same circles as Presley and Elliot, and they would all behave that way around each other.
Consequently, the first question out of her mouth was, "What stand do your parents take on the turmoil at the Ministry right now, Miss Lockwood?" That was a question that would be asked at a social that Presley would unwillingly attend. And it was a question she would ask to assure Lockwood that she was indeed of noble blood.
She automatically took a different approach with this Presley girl. She too acted a certain way around anybody that was of noble blood. It was how she was raised she couldn't help it. She was shown that some people were not so much better people but rather a better class. When you were of true and noble blood certain things were expected of you. You couldn't just go running around with muggles and do muggle things for example. You had a title to uphold. Hannah wasn't about to insult her parents and her whole family for that matter...not starting out and not never.
She thought for a moment about the question that Presley asked. She wasn't quite sure how to answer it at first. She decided that honesty was the best option because she really could care less what anybody thought of her or her family. "If you are referring to Borr my parents think he is a moron. As if muggles are worthy enough to kow about us. I believe he was in Hufflepuff during his time at Hogwarts." Saying he belonged to Hufflepuff said enough. What a bunch of duffers. Muggles...Hmph! "How does your parents feel about the subject?"
SPOILER!!: Elliot
Whem Presley asked Hannah about the whole ministry thing, Elliot scowled.
"Oh, my father was a little unnerved. He said something about making his job harder...whatever that means!" She said with a shake of her head. She still didnt know what he did.
She looked at Hannah curiously and asked, "what do your parents do, Hannah? I dont think you ever told me!" It was an interesting enough question for Presley to know as well.
Elliot shot the girl a rare smile. "Too bad it isn't summer...we could have a tea luncheon," sje said with a laugh. She sounded so much like her mother at the moment, who was alwaus making tea dates. Alas , however, no tea dates here. Elliot quite enjoyed those.
Elliot observed the two, noticing how similiar they all were. all from wealthy families. Similiar ideals, and famous last names.
It made her dads job harder. She could see that all that picketing and regardless of how you feel you can't take sides because your job would surely be on the line.
"My mom stays at home with us kids. She doesn't have to work." Really nobody had to work they came from a long line of money and they wouldn't be running out any time soon. "My dad works at the Ministry he can't tell me what it is that he does though." Which really irks her. She can't help but to be curious. "My older brother Marcos just got a job there also and it's all hushed as well." Maybe she could coax it out of him. "How about your parents?" she wondered.
Originally Posted by kayquilz
Elliot raised her eyebrows at Presley with s smirk on her face, which was meant to tell the other girl that she understood. Hmm. Preset didn't know how she felt about Hannah yet, she could tell. Pity, really. Hannah was a lot like Elliot.
It didn't surprise Elliot that Mr. Black agreed with Darius about the cult. Afterall, they were in the same circle of friends. What DID surprise was Leo's opinion. He disagreed with his father? How weird. Darius would never allow that.
"How...interesting," she commented.
What also surprised her was the fact that Hannah's parents were against the cult. But she supposed that the reasoning behind it was good enough. However, she doubted this comment from comment would earn any like from Presley. Her mother had been a muggle, afterall. Hmm. If it suddenly got quite heated...how fun that would be.
Mysterious jobs? Sounded like Elliot's dad! Except he didnt work for the ministry...he had his own business.
"Oh, my mother always says her job is maintaining her household and her children. So, in other words, she doesn't have one, either," she replied as she rolled her eyes. " my father, too, has a mystery job. But I think we have some type of family business...."
Elliot wondered what Presley's dad did...she couldn't remember. She knew Leo worked at the ministry, though.
Presley knew Elliot was refferring to Leo's veiws when she said that it was interesting. Presley herself wasn't sure what she thought. She tended to lean toward her father's point of view. After all, all she wanted was his approval.
Suddenly Presley flipped around and full out glared at Hannah. "Not worthy?" she asked sharply. Presley may have been from Noble blood, but that didn't mean she was a pureblood. "My mother was a muggle." Presley threw the words accusingly toward the first year. Not only was Presley older, but her family still had more social recognition than the Lockwoods. People knew when she said her last name that Presley was noble. Hannah had no such recognition. She had no right to say such things about Presley's family. No right. "How dare you speak to me that way?" Presley could let insults slide over her often, but not this time. That comment was just wrong, and Presley wasn't going to take it sitting down.
She cooly turned to Elliot, realizing that the Morganzo hadn't made the statement, and calmed slightly. "Yes, your father always has been very mysterious about his work. Have you ever speculated about it?" Presley's own father was as well. She knew he worked with books and numbers, but what he did with them and how they were useful was a mystery to his children.
Dave Grohl-Josh Hutcherson-RupertGrint-HP-HG- Marvel-D.C-Taylor Hawkins-Drumming-Foo Fighters-
Logan walked down to the vegetable patch, a place he had never been to before. He looked around. It was pretty neat! He looked at all the plants and vegetables and smiled.
Logan walked down to the vegetable patch, a place he had never been to before. He looked around. It was pretty neat! He looked at all the plants and vegetables and smiled.
Lilly yawned. She was tired. She was not a morning person. The second-year decided to go down to the Vegetable patch. As cool as it was, the giant treehouse from the year before had been much better, in her opinion. She spotted Logan, unusually, alone. He usually had Cardigan or Rose or one of his girls. "How are you, Logan?" she smiled at him, her cockney accent showing, slightly. "Hogwarts good so far?"
Dave Grohl-Josh Hutcherson-RupertGrint-HP-HG- Marvel-D.C-Taylor Hawkins-Drumming-Foo Fighters-
Originally Posted by george is cool
Lilly yawned. She was tired. She was not a morning person. The second-year decided to go down to the Vegetable patch. As cool as it was, the giant treehouse from the year before had been much better, in her opinion. She spotted Logan, unusually, alone. He usually had Cardigan or Rose or one of his girls. "How are you, Logan?" she smiled at him, her cockney accent showing, slightly. "Hogwarts good so far?"
Logan turned his head to see Lilly. "Hey, Lilly. I'm good, what about you?" he asked, smiling at her. "Yeah, it's great! I love it." he said.
Logan turned his head to see Lilly. "Hey, Lilly. I'm good, what about you?" he asked, smiling at her. "Yeah, it's great! I love it." he said.
"Good to hear it. I'm brilliant," she grinned. "I've just got good news," Lilly said. Ronnie was coming back!! It was next year, but still great! "Anyone would be mad not to," she added, her grin growing wider. "Classes?" she asked, trying to make conversation, which she was not good at.
Dave Grohl-Josh Hutcherson-RupertGrint-HP-HG- Marvel-D.C-Taylor Hawkins-Drumming-Foo Fighters-
Originally Posted by george is cool
"Good to hear it. I'm brilliant," she grinned. "I've just got good news," Lilly said. Ronnie was coming back!! It was next year, but still great! "Anyone would be mad not to," she added, her grin growing wider. "Classes?" she asked, trying to make conversation, which she was not good at.
"That's great!" Logan said. "You do? What is it?" he asked. Then he chuckled. "Yeah of course!" he said nodding. Then he grinned. "I'm not the best in some of my classes, but they're still great! You?" he asked.
"That's great!" Logan said. "You do? What is it?" he asked. Then he chuckled. "Yeah of course!" he said nodding. Then he grinned. "I'm not the best in some of my classes, but they're still great! You?" he asked.
"Ronnie's coming back!" she exclaimed. "You know, Rose's friend from last year," Lilly added for Logan's benefit. "I've never been the best at classes out of my sisters and me," she smiled, still completely cheerful. Nothing could bring her down, now. "But they're still awsome, like you said.""
A vegetable patch, was it? João stood at the entrance of it, observing the garden, and he had finally decided that it was a patch for the groundskeeper's personal entertainment. What his name was, he had never caught, nor did he care. Still, this patch of his intrigued him, and he cautiously approached, feeling the soil under him fully. The fact that it had very little to do with magic comforted the young boy, and he felt even peaceful once inside. Huh. Funny it was; he, soil, and peace all together.
Now, what was that plant on his right?
Evelyn stood looking at the vegetable patch in front of her, although her mind had drifted off someplace else. She was thinking of home. She was still trying to get used to her life at Hogwarts..but it was difficult. She liked it here though..the classes, people, the professors, the food..but every now and then, she started to feel really homesick. Not that she would say that to anyone. Hm. Maybe if she started to make friends, things might get a little better? Possible.
Evelyn noticed someone standing nearby. A boy who looked to be about her age. "Err. Hi." She said, smiling nervously. She honestly hoped that she didn't make a fool of herself.
Dave Grohl-Josh Hutcherson-RupertGrint-HP-HG- Marvel-D.C-Taylor Hawkins-Drumming-Foo Fighters-
Originally Posted by george is cool
"Ronnie's coming back!" she exclaimed. "You know, Rose's friend from last year," Lilly added for Logan's benefit. "I've never been the best at classes out of my sisters and me," she smiled, still completely cheerful. Nothing could bring her down, now. "But they're still awsome, like you said.""
"Oh yeah, I know her! I met her in the summer in Diagon Alley." he said. "Yeah of course they are!" he said, nodding.
Evelyn stood looking at the vegetable patch in front of her, although her mind had drifted off someplace else. She was thinking of home. She was still trying to get used to her life at Hogwarts..but it was difficult. She liked it here though..the classes, people, the professors, the food..but every now and then, she started to feel really homesick. Not that she would say that to anyone. Hm. Maybe if she started to make friends, things might get a little better? Possible.
Evelyn noticed someone standing nearby. A boy who looked to be about her age. "Err. Hi." She said, smiling nervously. She honestly hoped that she didn't make a fool of herself.
Had that plant just talked?!
João blinked as he shook his head from side to side to clear it. Had he just dozed off? Must be, he had been thinking of the summer holiday, that's why. And surely that plant didn't talk now, did it? Looking around, he noticed the girl, a beautiful girl too late. Smiling, he turned to face her properly.
"Hello," he said in return; although he had noticed her too late, it didn't mean he couldn't greet her with warmness. He wanted to befriend her, yes he did. Even if she was from Hufflepuff.
"How are you?" Because he should first ask how she was, right?
João blinked as he shook his head from side to side to clear it. Had he just dozed off? Must be, he had been thinking of the summer holiday, that's why. And surely that plant didn't talk now, did it? Looking around, he noticed the girl, a beautiful girl too late. Smiling, he turned to face her properly.
"Hello," he said in return; although he had noticed her too late, it didn't mean he couldn't greet her with warmness. He wanted to befriend her, yes he did. Even if she was from Hufflepuff.
"How are you?" Because he should first ask how she was, right?
Evelyn stared as the guy started to shake his head. Oh Gosh. Was something wrong with him? Was he feeling ill or something? But before she could say anything, he turned around to smile at her and he did have a nice smile. Oh. She turned a little red at that thought. Anyhow..he was okay.
"I'm alright. I'm new so..just trying to fit in here." Evelyn said, with a grin. She pushed her back and realized that she had to say something more. Uh.
Evelyn stared as the guy started to shake his head. Oh Gosh. Was something wrong with him? Was he feeling ill or something? But before she could say anything, he turned around to smile at her and he did have a nice smile. Oh. She turned a little red at that thought. Anyhow..he was okay.
"I'm alright. I'm new so..just trying to fit in here." Evelyn said, with a grin. She pushed her back and realized that she had to say something more. Uh.
"How are you?"
She was new and tried to fit in the school? She could fit in with him, certainly, no? Of course. The Brazilian boy chuckled lightly, right before the thought of Louisa passed through his mind, to be pushed out.
"Have you discovered around already?" If not, he was definitely up for the challenge. Hehe.
"Oh, I'm fine." Pause. "And my name is João."Looking forward to hear you try pronouncing that.
She was new and tried to fit in the school? She could fit in with him, certainly, no? Of course. The Brazilian boy chuckled lightly, right before the thought of Louisa passed through his mind, to be pushed out.
"Have you discovered around already?" If not, he was definitely up for the challenge. Hehe.
"Oh, I'm fine." Pause. "And my name is João."Looking forward to hear you try pronouncing that.
Okay. This guy was officially starting to freak her out when he just randomly started laughing. Err. What was she supposed to say? Anyway, he became normal again. Thankfully.
"Well, I've been around a little but I've yet to explore a little more." Yeah. There were still many places she'd liked to visit but she didn't really have the time. Sigh.
Oh. When the guy introduced himself, Evelyn realized that she definitely wouldn't be able to pronounce his name. It sounded something like chao? And, she couldn't even tell him to say his name again. That would be incredibly embarrassing. "Nice to meet you." Yep. "I'm Evelyn but you can call me Eve." Evelyn smiled.
Presley knew Elliot was refferring to Leo's veiws when she said that it was interesting. Presley herself wasn't sure what she thought. She tended to lean toward her father's point of view. After all, all she wanted was his approval.
Suddenly Presley flipped around and full out glared at Hannah. "Not worthy?" she asked sharply. Presley may have been from Noble blood, but that didn't mean she was a pureblood. "My mother was a muggle." Presley threw the words accusingly toward the first year. Not only was Presley older, but her family still had more social recognition than the Lockwoods. People knew when she said her last name that Presley was noble. Hannah had no such recognition. She had no right to say such things about Presley's family. No right. "How dare you speak to me that way?" Presley could let insults slide over her often, but not this time. That comment was just wrong, and Presley wasn't going to take it sitting down.
She cooly turned to Elliot, realizing that the Morganzo hadn't made the statement, and calmed slightly. "Yes, your father always has been very mysterious about his work. Have you ever speculated about it?" Presley's own father was as well. She knew he worked with books and numbers, but what he did with them and how they were useful was a mystery to his children.
Even with all the things he was carrying, Waful was still the most impressive creature in the sky. What other creature besides himself could carry this big of a package and a letter and still deliver it right on time? That's right, none. And therefore Waful soared with pride and scanned the ground for the girl person he was supposed to deliver all this to - and who had better have a treat on her.
He quickly spotted her, and he descended swiftly and gracefully, setting the package on the ground before landing easily beside it. The letter was still clamped firmly in his beak as he looked up at the girl person, waiting for her to take her letter and package and give him a treat.
Text Cut: delivery
To:: Presley Black
From:: Leo Black
Dear Preslet,
Hey, I know you're only a few days into school, but as you've forgotten several things, I've decided to send them along. I miss ya already kiddo. Let me tell you, even though you can be a pain in my behind, it was great having you around this summer.
Work is getting on like usual. I'm adapting to the new schedule and boss pretty well. We actually just had a huge ball, you must have heard about it. But I'm still not convinced that the cult really has fallen. I mean, for something so supposedly powerful to fall after a couple of protests? Not likely. But maybe I'm wrong, and it really is gone for good. I hope so. Write soon and update me with what's going on at school.
I really did start that new workout that I was telling you about. It's a killer, but you feel good afterward, so I'll stick to it. I mean, I don't neccesarily have a desk job, but my job does require me to be indoors most of the time, and I don't want to be a Borr. Fat and lazy would just not work for me.
Speaking of working out, I'm supposed to remind you that dance lessons have been switched to Monday Thursday and Saturday. I wouldn't want you to miss out just because you'd forgotten the new schedule.
Anyway, I love you tons girlie. Behave, get good grades, don't overwork yourself, act nice to everyone....you know, the usual stuff. Eat your vegetables, and have fun in Hogsmeade for the first time ever.
Lots of Love,
Leo Black
The letter is attached to a rather large package that is fullofmanythings.
Elliot raised her eyebrows in an amused fashion when Presley began telling Hannah off. It was quite funny, actually. She merely shot Hannah a you're in trouble now! look with a smirk. Elliot had grown used to this fact about Presley. At first, she had been shocked. Appaled, even. But then her father explained that since it was the Black family, it was okay. If she or any of her sisters EVER married a muffled, she would be in deep trouble.
Presley seemed to still be a bit angry when she rounded on Elliot. Still smirking, she chuckled. "Oh, Presley Black, you amuse me,' she told her with a slight shake of her head.
"Well I have thought about it...but I honestly have no idea. He may be a salesmen....who knows. One day I will...."she mused, not bothered at the time.
She glared at the owl.
"I think that's for you, Miss Black," she rolled her eyes.
"You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough."
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin