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Well this was a disaster, but at least she wasn't cruel about it. Hunching, Emrys set his elbows on his knees and put his chin on his hands. Turning his head a little bit to face her, he laughed. "You must think I'm a complete spaz." He sighed. "I'll save you the trouble. I am. Completely socially inept."
He smiled, sincerely this time, his eyes getting a little squinty as he did so. "I make it my personal mission to go unnoticed. Back corners of classrooms, no participation, that kind of thing." Staring back out over the pitch - surely the match was starting soon? - he continued. "I'm a transfer, and even though I swore to myself I wouldn't do my invisible student thing, as soon as I got here, I did."
Spaz? Socially inept? Louisa shook her head vigorously, "No, I don't think you're... spaz." Whatever that meant. "I think you're just nervous." See? Too honest, and completely putting her foot in her mouth. Louisa doesn't care about those stuff though.
Invisibility. The new sixteen years old frowned slightly, "You don't have to do that." She paused, thinking of a smart wise thing to say. Vashti would find the perfect words for him. Not Louisa. "Maybe it's the new student phase? You know, I don't blame you for being slightly uncomfortable getting into this huge school and trying to blend in." And that was a complete lie; Louisa always wanted attention and did everything to get it. Emrys' attitude was strange to her.
Looking at the Pitch, she went silent for a moment before speaking again. "I can help you with blending in if you like." Uh-huh, she was proving herself a nice person. "You know.. we can do homework and prepare for OWLs together. You can meet more students by that, too." That'll definitely help...
Text Cut: I'm not so sure why she's being like this I'm so sorry >_<
Originally Posted by RachieRu
Oh. Someone else was talking to her now. And this person seemed to know Ellie too. Well that was perfect. Indy liked getting to know some of Ellie's friends, and then maybe she would be able to get more friends. Indy would like that. "Hii." Little Hutchinson beamed at this Eve. "It's nice to meet you." What a great place to meet really. The quidditch pitch was definetly only of Indy's favorite things. She really loved it. Not so much on nthe standss though, but it din't matter today. Ohh. Eve liked her name. "Er...thank you." Lots of people had comments about her name. Interesting.
Back to Ellie. She frowned watching her friend, but then shrugged and smiled. If Ellie didn't want to tell her then it was fine really. She didn't care too much. She had a game to watch after all. Oooh. Hadley was here. That was nice. "Hi Professor Hadley." The second year nodded with a smile.
Originally Posted by Lady of Light
Text Cut: Ellie and Indianaaa ;D
Well....she techincally....she was upset about something. But it wasn't Eve's business. Nor Indy's. Nor any of the other Ravenclaws that just flooded her area.
And the one person who's company she wouldn't mind, wasn't here.
"I'm fine," she said flatly. Okay? She was FINE.
That same forced smile she had given Indiana was given to the other small Ravenclaws.
Hadley, too. "Hey Hadley." She, for some reason, was a welcomed sight to Ellie.
Text Cut: Ellie and Indianaaa ;D
[COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Oh. Someone else was talking to her now. And this person seemed to know Ellie too. Well that was perfect. Indy liked getting to know some of Ellie's friends, and then maybe she would be able to get more friends. Indy would like that. "Hii." Little Hutchinson beamed at this Eve. "It's nice to meet you." What a great place to meet really. The quidditch pitch was definetly only of Indy's favorite things. She really loved it. Not so much on nthe standss though, but it din't matter today. Ohh. Eve liked her name. "Er...thank you." Lots of people had comments about her name. Interesting.
Back to Ellie. She frowned watching her friend, but then shrugged and smiled. If Ellie didn't want to tell her then it was fine really. She didn't care too much. She had a game to watch after all. Oooh. Hadley was here. That was nice. "Hi Professor Hadley." The second year nodded with a smile.
WOAH. WAY too many people around her and nearly all of them were ravenclaws. It was weird because she hadn't seen many eagles in the stands when the Ravenclaws were playing against the Hufflepuffs. Yeah. Totally weird.
Heh. Evelyn was right. "You know what, Ellie? The match is about to begin so let's just enjoy ourselves, okay?" Yeah. Ellie was here to watch the match so she might as well have a good time instead of just brooding about whatever was bothering her.
Back to Indiana. Aw. This little girl was adorable. She reminded her of Tristan...who hasn't been seen in the past few days. "You're welcome. It's a little unique, isn't it?" Her name, that is.
"So, what year are you in?" Evelyn shouted a little, since the crowd was getting noisier by the second.[/QUOTE]
Enjoy ourselves. Watch the match.
Yeah, that was her primary objective when she entered the stands and chose a seat all on her lonesome in the very back. To just watch the match. So, thank you Eve, but she didn't need to be told to enjoy herself. She didn't even want to enjoy herself. Just watch.
"Okay." Whatever.
Vindictus came out, and actually made the Captain smirk. 'Terrifying Ravenclaw team', eh?
And then the match started. Ellie was slightly glad Slytherin had gotten the first goal, what with how anti-Gryffindor she was feeling. But still, she didn't necessarily want Slytherin to win.
a practical person, who may be considered a perfectionist,
perhaps you like being organised or paying close attention to detail, you are...
District 9 Tribute World's Biggest Harry Potter Fan
Arabella-Marie grinned and shouted "Come on Gryffindor" Arabella-Marie hoped that nobody would be scared off of sitting beside her when she was supporting Gryffindor
½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf
Even though the Slytherins were the first to get a shot off, Seren wasn't concerned. 10 points was NOT a lead. It was a start. And the Lions were perfectly capable to winning back the points and rallying.
She continued to clap and cheer loudly. Confident that at this stage she wasn't causing a scene, just blending into the crowd, even with her loud shouts of encouragement.
Even when Tatums shot was blocked she did not falter in her cheers.
Spaz? Socially inept? Louisa shook her head vigorously, "No, I don't think you're... spaz." Whatever that meant. "I think you're just nervous." See? Too honest, and completely putting her foot in her mouth. Louisa doesn't care about those stuff though.
Invisibility. The new sixteen years old frowned slightly, "You don't have to do that." She paused, thinking of a smart wise thing to say. Vashti would find the perfect words for him. Not Louisa. "Maybe it's the new student phase? You know, I don't blame you for being slightly uncomfortable getting into this huge school and trying to blend in." And that was a complete lie; Louisa always wanted attention and did everything to get it. Emrys' attitude was strange to her.
Looking at the Pitch, she went silent for a moment before speaking again. "I can help you with blending in if you like." Uh-huh, she was proving herself a nice person. "You know.. we can do homework and prepare for OWLs together. You can meet more students by that, too." That'll definitely help...
"Well, then nervous is a permanent state of being," he laughed uneasily. He looked around the stands, spying a Slytherin with a flag. Trying to change the subject, he pointed. "I'd say we can make a case for Slytherin being the opponent."
And then he looked up. How had he missed the match starting? Inept and oblivious. Ugh. He rested his forehead against his hands. Why had he decided to do this again? He listened to her talk, not really hearing what she was saying, but nodding as if he were. But then...
Help him with blending in? He looked at her and raised an eyebrow. "Why would I want to do that? I'm the only kid who doesn't need an invisibility cloak to be invisible." Bad joke.
He bit his lip. "I... I don't know. I don't really do well with... well, with people."
Hit Wiz love | 1/2 of Bensky | Louisa's baby claw. <3 | kewe
Originally Posted by Cassandra
Taylor havnet been to too many of the other houses' games so she thought she might come to this one. She walked to the stands and spotted Lily and Captain Ellie. "Hey Lily." Tay smiled then to the Captain and her group, "Mind if i join you too?"
Lily turned when she heard someone say her name. "Oh hi Tay." Taylor got a nod and a grin before Lily turned back to the ravenclaw group.
Originally Posted by HaRoHeGiNeLu
Text Cut: All you guys! ZOMG!
Well....she techincally....she was upset about something. But it wasn't Eve's business. Nor Indy's. Nor any of the other Ravenclaws that just flooded her area.
And the one person who's company she wouldn't mind, wasn't here.
"I'm fine," she said flatly. Okay? She was FINE.
That same forced smile she had given Indiana was given to the other small Ravenclaws.
Hadley, too. "Hey Hadley." She, for some reason, was a welcomed sight to Ellie.
Lily watched as the older Ravenclaw smiled. But was it really a smile...
"I'm Lily... first year." she said to the girl as she sat down. "You're the quidditch captain, right?"
The little ravenclaw watched as the game began and saw the first goal being scored and then a quick save by Slytherin. This was going to be an interesting match...
½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf
Seren could NOT believe her eyes. What was this?! WHAT WAS THIS MADNESS?! Honestly... a penalty! against her August! ... outrageous!
Slipping back into old habits, Seren continued to cheer and chant at the top of her lungs. "Knuts and Bolts, Knuts and Bolts, WE GOT SCREWED!!!"
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse
Originally Posted by Poolicious
He looked down to the qudditch pitch hoping that Vindictus come out and start the game. Come one Professor start the game already!
Messer's eyes went toward the benches around him again searching for his roommate. Where's Alec? Don't tell me that he's not forget that his girlfriend playing today Hmm..But that's not possible since Messer was pretty sure that Alec already marked his calendar. Possibly with a heart shape. He felt that someone was sitting next to him, when he turned his head he saw the boy he was looking for. Speak of the devil!
Wait! Why they wore similar clothes? That's creepy. "Yes of course. Don't you know that Anya and I are go way back." SMIRK. "So yes, I'm rooting for Gryffindor. Yay Gryffindor! Yay Anya!"
Alec took off his bag from round his shoulders and dumped it onto the floor by his feet. They were going to enjoy this match! And Keefer could drop by and make some notes on the teams, if he wanted to.
But no one could beat scary Ellie.
And no one could beat Messer in the 'slightly loopy' department. The boy was looking around as if he was... searching for someone? What? Was Messer expecting someone to come and his next to him? ... Maybe this special girl of his? Alec smirked as he looked at Messer and raised his eyebrows. Nothing needed to be said about this obviously.
And... WHAT?! Him and Anya go way back? Since when?! "Is that so?" he said, "Rilez will be proud that you're supporting her then." ... It was weird that people called her Anya. She was always 'Rilez' to him.
But before he could say anything... the game had started! Alec sat up as he watched the players zoom into action, flying this way and that. The Quaffle was there... and so was the Bludger... but the Seeker kept his eyes on the all important Snitch and his favourite Seeker. "Looks like Slytherin are pulling ahead," he said. Go Asher!
Selena bounded to the stands, with a bright cheery smile on her face, pygmy puff on her head and a Slytherin flag in a hand. She waved it around as she looked for a seat. "Heeellloooo, hellloooo, hellloooo~" Selena said in a sing-song voice, before she realized that the game had started. Selena jumped and clapped her hands together. "YAAAAY GO SLYTHERIN!!!" she said, BEAMING from ear to ear. TAKE THAT you Gryffindors!!
Evelyn smiled and gave a small wave towards the fellow sixth year. She wasn't going to say anything though. Honestly, Selena freaked her out a little. Or rather...a lot.
Text Cut: Aw! I hope she's okay. <3
Enjoy ourselves. Watch the match.
Yeah, that was her primary objective when she entered the stands and chose a seat all on her lonesome in the very back. To just watch the match. So, thank you Eve, but she didn't need to be told to enjoy herself. She didn't even want to enjoy herself. Just watch.
"Okay." Whatever.
Vindictus came out, and actually made the Captain smirk. 'Terrifying Ravenclaw team', eh?
And then the match started. Ellie was slightly glad Slytherin had gotten the first goal, what with how anti-Gryffindor she was feeling. But still, she didn't necessarily want Slytherin to win.
Riiight. Maybe she should leave Ellie alone. She looked really annoyed and Evelyn didn't want to annoy her more.
She gave Ellie a nervous smile before her eyes were on the pitch again. The Slytherins were playing rather well and...wait, what!? A penalty? o_O She sat on the edge of her seat, her eyes focused on the game.
½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf
Despite the less than desirable start to the match, Seren was standing, and leaning dangerously close over the edge of the stands to get a better look at the seekers as they zoooooomed into action, clearly chasing the elusive snitch.
"WHO ARE WE FIGHTING FOR?!... GRYFFINDOR!" she yelled, fist pumping the air as she watched Anya close in on the snitch.
"Come on Anya!" she urged.. waiting in anticipation.
Lewis somewhat regretted having come here so early. It was...kind of boring with nobody here. And he hadn't even brought a book or his school stuff so he could use the time to revise for OWLs. No, all he had was himself and his Gryffindor scarf. Which wasn't a whole lot and definitely not very distracting.
Glancing around the stands his green eyes rested on the Ravenclaw Quidditch Captain for a moment, who was dressed very...Ravenclaw-y. Did she not know they weren't playing today? Or...hang on, WERE they? But no, that wouldn't make sense, since she was the CAPTAIN and all.
Anyway, she seemed to have recovered quite well from what had happened at the last match. He still didn't know what had been wrong with her but she looked well enough now. He even gave her a small smile - which he wasn't sure she would be noticing - but was quickly distracted by somebody else who had finally arrived. Finally.
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie
Then, she saw Lewis and she instantly felt a little better. "Lewis!" she called as she waved to him. She, sadly, didn't have any cookies with her this time seeing as she had given them all to August. Selina would have been disappointed if there wasn't a plate of cookies made just for her anyway. She then noticed that he was wearing a Gryffindor scarf and her cheeks flushed a bit. "Rooting for Gryffindor I see." Good. That made her happy.
Waving back at Kurumi with a happy smile, Lewis waited for her to take a seat next to him. Oh so she'd noticed the scarf. He held it out to her a little with a grin and nodded. "Yes, yes, I am!" OF COURSE he was. Who else would he be rooting for? Well, Hufflepuff obviously but they weren't playing so. And he didn't know anybody on the Slytherin Quidditch team. Not as far as he knew anyway.
And then they were all on the pitch! All of them. Somehow he was glad he had come. This would be fun. Watching others play and all. Especially ones who they'd already won against. And it was right then that Lewis realized that he DID actually know somebody on the Slytherin Quidditch team. Eva. Oh well, he was still rooting for Gryffindor. Kurumi was more important.
Not that they were doing so well. Slytherin was in the lead and quite a lot faster than Gryffindor it seemed. Biting his lip he simply kept his gaze on the players zooming through the air, only once in a while glancing at Kurumi next to him. Since he wasn't one to openly cheer or shout or well do anything which would attract attention, he ended up just playing around with one end of his Gryffindor scarf, sending the Gryffindor players good vibes. Or something.
When somebody started shouting about knuts and bolts, Lewis turned to stare at the Gryffindor Head of House for a moment, clearly surprised by her outburst. Yeah, maybe he should be shouting like that too. With pretty chants and all. But he was soon pulled out of his reverie when suddenly people around him started to cheer louder and he glanced back at the pitch only to see that the Seekers had spotted the snitch for the first time.
½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf
Amazing, simply AMAZING!
Seren clapped as loud and as fast as her manure-moisturised hands would go. In the end opting to whistle and cheer loudly instead. Anya's snitch capture RIGHT IN FRONT OF HER was already a highlight of the match. My that little Lioness had some pace!
"Well, then nervous is a permanent state of being," he laughed uneasily. He looked around the stands, spying a Slytherin with a flag. Trying to change the subject, he pointed. "I'd say we can make a case for Slytherin being the opponent."
And then he looked up. How had he missed the match starting? Inept and oblivious. Ugh. He rested his forehead against his hands. Why had he decided to do this again? He listened to her talk, not really hearing what she was saying, but nodding as if he were. But then...
Help him with blending in? He looked at her and raised an eyebrow. "Why would I want to do that? I'm the only kid who doesn't need an invisibility cloak to be invisible." Bad joke.
He bit his lip. "I... I don't know. I don't really do well with... well, with people."
Especially not pretty ones.
Louisa gave him a polite smile. Permanently nervous sucks, she was only nervous when Joao was mad at her or when her mom judged her. She had her ways of demolishing the nervousness by beng obnoxious of course but he didn't need to know that.
Oh. Yeah. The match. "It seems like it," she replied uninterestedly. "You're cheering for anyone in particular? Or any house then?"
The Ravenclaw girl saw his hesitance and shook her head stubbornly, "You're quite fine if you ask me." She replied seriously, "In fact, you're better than me. I mean I'm not particularly invisible but I'm not that good or.. nice or snuggly." Was that last word a bit too much? "If people can put up with me, they will love you." Errr... definitely too much. "I mean you should give it a go." And the cheers were being a pain in the neck, she had to shout over them. "You think about this... and in the meanwhile.." She was on her feet now and "GRYFFINDORS WOOOO!" And poking his arm, Louisa encouraged, "Let's cheer together!" First step of breaking out of his bubble.
... Gryffindors getting penalty didn't help that much though. It was quieter now and Louisa waited for the game to recommence.
WOAH. Evelyn got a little distracted as her eyes focused on Professor Hadley. Why on earth was she screaming so much? She conveniently forgot the fact that she was pretty much yelling like that during the previous match. Heh.
And...the Gryffindor seeker caught the snitch! Wow. "WOOO! Go Gryffindor!" Evelyn stood up and started to cheer. See, Ellie? This is how you enjoy a match. Not by just sitting down and looking gloomy.
Seren clapped as loud and as fast as her manure-moisturised hands would go. In the end opting to whistle and cheer loudly instead. Anya's snitch capture RIGHT IN FRONT OF HER was already a highlight of the match. My that little Lioness had some pace!
And.......and....and the Gryffindor girl had caught the snitch!!!
He still didn't know the names of half the players on either side but it didn't really matter. Gryffindor had caught the first snitch! Lewis grinned at Kurumi before his attention was once again averted to Professor Bentley who was very clearly - and audibly - happy. Very. Woooooooo! Was that a normal reaction to something good happening? Should he try it too?
Text Cut: The peeps even though Ellie didn't acknowledge you all *squishes*
Originally Posted by Hermione Lily Potter
Lily watched as the older Ravenclaw smiled. But was it really a smile...
"I'm Lily... first year." she said to the girl as she sat down. "You're the quidditch captain, right?"
The little ravenclaw watched as the game began and saw the first goal being scored and then a quick save by Slytherin. This was going to be an interesting match...
Originally Posted by Cassandra
Taylor nodded at the captain and sat down. To Lily, "How are you?" Taylor didnt bother introudcing herself since she knew the captain.... barely.
Originally Posted by Lady of Light
Riiight. Maybe she should leave Ellie alone. She looked really annoyed and Evelyn didn't want to annoy her more.
She gave Ellie a nervous smile before her eyes were on the pitch again. The Slytherins were playing rather well and...wait, what!? A penalty? o_O She sat on the edge of her seat, her eyes focused on the game.
"Good to meet you, Lily," she said with a tone of forced niceness. "And yes I am. Ellie." That was her name, in case Lily didn't know. And she preferred to be called that. Though she did quite enjoy 'Captain Ellie'. Hmmm.
Suddenly the Seekers were off. And funnily enough, Ellie wasn't even that excited about it. Still, her eyes were glued to the blur of red and green until the red came out triumphant.
Good for Gryffindor, she guessed.
Slytherin was in the lead, though, so...good for them, too, she supposed.
a practical person, who may be considered a perfectionist,
perhaps you like being organised or paying close attention to detail, you are...
½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf
Originally Posted by Lislchen
And.......and....and the Gryffindor girl had caught the snitch!!!
He still didn't know the names of half the players on either side but it didn't really matter. Gryffindor had caught the first snitch! Lewis grinned at Kurumi before his attention was once again averted to Professor Bentley who was very clearly - and audibly - happy. Very. Woooooooo! Was that a normal reaction to something good happening? Should he try it too?
Yeah, no, he just sounded silly, didn't he?
From somewhere to her left she heard a little murmur. What was that? A cat meowing? WHO would bring a cat to a Quidditch match? On further inspection however she noticed a Hufflepuff.. Lewis no less. That... plant killer, as dear as he was. "Is that all you've got kid? I'm sure you can do better." Seriously though. Didn't Hadley teach her Badgers how to cheer?
On yet another positive note, August seemed to be making good use of his frustration and adrenalin. Slytherin had no hope in scoring ... yet.
Louisa gave him a polite smile. Permanently nervous sucks, she was only nervous when Joao was mad at her or when her mom judged her. She had her ways of demolishing the nervousness by beng obnoxious of course but he didn't need to know that.
Oh. Yeah. The match. "It seems like it," she replied uninterestedly. "You're cheering for anyone in particular? Or any house then?"
The Ravenclaw girl saw his hesitance and shook her head stubbornly, "You're quite fine if you ask me." She replied seriously, "In fact, you're better than me. I mean I'm not particularly invisible but I'm not that good or.. nice or snuggly." Was that last word a bit too much? "If people can put up with me, they will love you." Errr... definitely too much. "I mean you should give it a go." And the cheers were being a pain in the neck, she had to shout over them. "You think about this... and in the meanwhile.." She was on her feet now and "GRYFFINDORS WOOOO!" And poking his arm, Louisa encouraged, "Let's cheer together!" First step of breaking out of his bubble.
... Gryffindors getting penalty didn't help that much though. It was quieter now and Louisa waited for the game to recommence.
Emrys kept his eyes fixed on the pitch - not that he understood anything that was happening - but he figured it must be good for Gryffindor given Professor Bentley's exuberance.
"Not really rooting for anyone in particular." His eyes traveled back and forth along the pitch. "I don't really understand Quidditch." He drummed his fingers against his knee, raising an eyebrow as she spoke.
Snuggly? Was she saying that, compared to her, he was snuggly? Well, that was a kiss of death right there. His heart sank and he sucked on his teeth, making it look like he had a particularly sour lemon drop in his mouth.
And suddenly she was on her feet and he was covering his ears. Looking up at her a little startled, he dropped his hands into a polite clap. "Woo, Gryffindor?" He weakly pumped his fist into the air, his bottom still firmly on the seat.
Sighing, completely annoyed with himself, he looked at the pitch. "Do you play?"
From somewhere to her left she heard a little murmur. What was that? A cat meowing? WHO would bring a cat to a Quidditch match? On further inspection however she noticed a Hufflepuff.. Lewis no less. That... plant killer, as dear as he was. "Is that all you've got kid? I'm sure you can do better." Seriously though. Didn't Hadley teach her Badgers how to cheer?
On yet another positive note, August seemed to be making good use of his frustration and adrenalin. Slytherin had no hope in scoring ... yet.
Okay, hopefully nobody had heard him. Especially not Kurumi next to him. But she seemed to be way too engrossed in the game anyway so yeah. He should probably practice things like that when he was all alone in his dorm. Or you know, never.
Was she...talking to him?! Lewis turned his head back to Professors Bentley again and just stared at her, his mouth gaping open just a little. "I-I didn't...I-" He stumbled over his words, not really knowing what to reply while he felt his cheeks flushing with color. Not good, not very good. What was he going to say?! What was he SUPPOSED to say? Or do? Did she expect him to try again? In front of all these people? What was wrong with HER?!
Still gaping at her Lewis caught a sudden movement out of the corner of his eyes and turned his head for a moment. And found himself looking at the two Seekers again who were once again zooming off, apparently in hot pursuit of the snitch. Glad for a distraction, he just pointed at them, hoping Professor Bentley would get what he was talking about and look over there...or anywhere but at him.
½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf
Bouncing Blueberries!
This WAS shaping up to be her favourite match of the term. For obvious reasons. The Lions had a seriously deathly look of determination on their faces, and they were on fiiiirreeee! Was there anything they couldn't do?
"Great work Lions!!! Keep it up!!!!"
Seren, was in awe, a HUGE grin plastered on her face causing her jaws to protest in pain.
Of course, once the action bit had settled somewhat, Seren returned her gaze to Lewis. Was the boy alright? He was choking on anything was he?.. Bit of a concern. "Deep breaths, it'll come to you." And if it didn't then he would wake up the next day WITH a voice, she knew that after this there was no hope of her talking for extended periods of time. Tea, would be the order of the day.
Can't believe Hadley thought Lewis was a cat. LOL.
Oh, wow. Evelyn was still on her feet, cheering ever so often. The Slytherins were doing great. Yep. It was definitely getting to be a close match.
"Go Gryffindors! WOOOOOT!"
Yeah. Evelyn thought she wouldn't cheer but..bleh. The atmosphere was full of excitement and she just couldn't sit and watch. She wanted to ask Ellie to join her as well but the ravenclaw looked like she would snap her head off..so yeah. Better to leave her alone.
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse
Alec sat up and blinked at the tiny golden ball and the two figures chasing after it. This was it. His eyes stayed on the red figure in particular and how close she was to the Snitch. Come ooooon Rilez! She did it once, she could do it again!
And... DUCK!
Wow! Quidditch was... dangerous. And he should know, having hit a snow bank and fallen off of his broom. But that didn't concern him. What concerned him was whether his best friend will be okay. She did nearly get hurt that other time...
... Messer was probably going to stay as far away from him as possible now.