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A stone square courtyard is the first aspect of the grounds that you come to after you travel through the corridor. Surrounded by magnificent stone columns adorned with luscious ivy and slight lily growth, the courtyard provides students with benches to sit on with their friends or for the one who just wishes for some peace and quiet. Also, in the middle stands a very illustrious Wishing Fountain.
Harvey nodded as Justin spoke "Yes that might be the case.. but let her know that she is the girl for you.. the girl you gave that ring to.. as long as she knows that you have eyes just for her then she may come round." he said to his friend hoping that all this would work as he hated seeing any couple break-up it hurt him especially if the couple were close to him the way Ame and Justin were..
Justin hugged his best friend. He just needed that support. " I honestly don't know what I would do without ya , Harv. You're always there for me when I need someone to pick up my spirits. Thank you so much for all your help , Mate."
Last edited by Nordic Witch; 01-26-2012 at 10:42 AM.
||Delta Goodrem Lover || Emma Watson Lover | | RavenPuff || 1 of 4 Amigos ||
Text Cut: Justin
Originally Posted by Devina Wellheart
Justin hugged his best friend. He just needed that support. " I honestly don't know what I would do without ya , Harv. You're always there for me when I need someone to pick up my spirits. Thank you so much for all your help , Mate."
Harvey smiled as Justin hugged him.. "Oh its nothing Justin I like to help all my friends.. thats just me.. I am always there for everyone to pick up their spirits.. it was my normal thing last year.. I forgotten how many people I cheered up last year.. but thats what I do" he said smiling "No need to thank me.. I just want everyone to be happy...." he said as he thought of Minnie being upset with him currently.. he would try to make sure that he made her happy soon enough.. even if it meant without him..
Harvey smiled as Justin hugged him.. "Oh its nothing Justin I like to help all my friends.. thats just me.. I am always there for everyone to pick up their spirits.. it was my normal thing last year.. I forgotten how many people I cheered up last year.. but thats what I do" he said smiling "No need to thank me.. I just want everyone to be happy...." he said as he thought of Minnie being upset with him currently.. he would try to make sure that he made her happy soon enough.. even if it meant without him..
" How is it that you're not in Hufflepuff? You are just like the rest of us there. Hey , Harv? Are you and Minnie having trouble? " Justin could read Harvey just as well as he could Minnie.
||Delta Goodrem Lover || Emma Watson Lover | | RavenPuff || 1 of 4 Amigos ||
Text Cut: Justin
Originally Posted by Devina Wellheart
" How is it that you're not in Hufflepuff? You are just like the rest of us there. Hey , Harv? Are you and Minnie having trouble? " Justin could read Harvey just as well as he could Minnie.
Harvey smiled "I dont know Justin.. I guess I am.. but still not a puff" he said chuckling.. and he looked at Justin as the next question came "Oh.. er... we are going through a rough patch.. but I will still stick by her no matter what happens... she has been the only one i have ever loved so no matter what there is and will never be another girl for me" he said not looking at Justin but rather all the students passing by them as they talked..
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Harvey and Katie sitting in a tree..
Originally Posted by EW_FAN
Harvey smiled weakly as she said that she was sorry and then she hugged him and while she was hugging him he said "No its ok its just a misunderstanding thats all.. no biggie" he smiled.. he was glad that she was his sister but then was also wary about Minnie coming and seeing them
Suddenly he heard a raised voice and tempered oh oh.. too late she HAD seen them he looked at her in shock "I didnt say you were crazy. Yes we are friends.. but we are.. there is nothing between us.. we are like brother and sister... nothing more Mins.. please believe me.. I would not do that to you" he said to her as he looked at her still with shock.. he couldnt believe that Minnie was thinking he would go after another girl after all they had been through.. them being a secret, her summer secrets,, everything.. and he still hadnt left her and he still loved her that should say something right? that he loved her..
Originally Posted by PureBlood64
There she was. Minnie, and she was angry, this girl had got it all wrong! Katie felt even worse, now it was defiantly her fault! Why was Katie such a hugger? Why? Katie started to get angry, her slytherin was coming out, this wasn't good, not good at all, Katie stopped hugging and stood up in front of Minnie, "Yup were just friends" Katie smirked, she knew Minnie had been sarcastic but Katie took advantage of it. Katie then sighed, she shouldn't be getting angry, not yet at least. "Look Minnie, Hi I'm Katie and I would never try and steal your boyfriend, there is nothing between us, well, I do have feelings for him, but those feelings are not what you might think, he is like a brother" Katie explained, she could tell a fight was going to start, and she was prepared for it.
And then it hit her. What if John found out about this? And he thought the same as Minnie that her and Harvey liked each other, she started to worry, as John's last girlfriend had cheated on him so he might think all the girls are the same, and that she was cheating on him? Katie could just hope this didn't make its way to John.
Minerva looked between the two. They were talking but she couldn't here them her anxiety shot through the roof. What was going on around her was everything she knew collapsing. Did this snake think she was better the Minerva. "I don't care what either of you have to say. I know what I have seen. Harvey Watson we are through and You" she turned to the girl, Katie "I don't want to see your face around me ever again. I don't care if you are older , you stay away from me. "
Harvey smiled "I dont know Justin.. I guess I am.. but still not a puff" he said chuckling.. and he looked at Justin as the next question came "Oh.. er... we are going through a rough patch.. but I will still stick by her no matter what happens... she has been the only one i have ever loved so no matter what there is and will never be another girl for me" he said not looking at Justin but rather all the students passing by them as they talked..
" Girls, eh, Harv." is all Justin could think of at that moment.
||Delta Goodrem Lover || Emma Watson Lover | | RavenPuff || 1 of 4 Amigos ||
Text Cut: Minnie
Originally Posted by Bazinga
Harvey and Katie sitting in a tree..
Minerva looked between the two. They were talking but she couldn't here them her anxiety shot through the roof. What was going on around her was everything she knew collapsing. Did this snake think she was better the Minerva. "I don't care what either of you have to say. I know what I have seen. Harvey Watson we are through and You" she turned to the girl, Katie "I don't want to see your face around me ever again. I don't care if you are older , you stay away from me. "
Harvey watched and listened as Katie talked and said that they were friends.. and then Minnie spoke and dropped a bomb.. they were THROUGH?!! and she then turned to Katie telling her to stay away from her. Harvey still in shock.. this was the second time she had broken up with him... finally he found his voice.. "Mins please! dont do this.. please dont break up with me.. I love you and only you!" he said to her almost begging her to change her decision.. he loved her and he wasnt leaving her that easily.. he would do what he didnt do last time he would fight to keep her in his life..
Text Cut: Justin
Originally Posted by Devina Wellheart
" Girls, eh, Harv." is all Justin could think of at that moment.
Harvey smiled at Justin "Yeah.. but those girls make us very happy Justin.. thats why we love them so much" he said to Justin smiling as he thought of Minnie by his side smiling at him as she had done so back at the cave..
she dreamed of para-para-pardise ♥ ily MY Sara x Sams twinny x Kake/Anastopher/Chalie
Originally Posted by Bazinga
Harvey and Katie sitting in a tree..
Minerva looked between the two. They were talking but she couldn't here them her anxiety shot through the roof. What was going on around her was everything she knew collapsing. Did this snake think she was better the Minerva. "I don't care what either of you have to say. I know what I have seen. Harvey Watson we are through and You" she turned to the girl, Katie "I don't want to see your face around me ever again. I don't care if you are older , you stay away from me. "
Originally Posted by EW_FAN
Harvey watched and listened as Katie talked and said that they were friends.. and then Minnie spoke and dropped a bomb.. they were THROUGH?!! and she then turned to Katie telling her to stay away from her. Harvey still in shock.. this was the second time she had broken up with him... finally he found his voice.. "Mins please! dont do this.. please dont break up with me.. I love you and only you!" he said to her almost begging her to change her decision.. he loved her and he wasnt leaving her that easily.. he would do what he didnt do last time he would fight to keep her in his life..
She couldn't believe what was happening, and it was all her fault.
Katie just wanted to crawl up in a ball and cry. She felt so bad, Minnie just broke up with Harvey because of her. Katie was glad though about what Minnie had said to Katie, she didn't want to see her again either never. "Minnie don't" Katie said, she had an idea, and that was the only idea she had to keep her and Harvey together, otherwise Katie could never look at Harvey in the eyes again, Katie sighed, "Me and Harvey are just friends, and if you don't believe us then whatever, but Harvey loves you, and if it makes you feel better" Katie paused, she knew their was nothing and never will be but she had to say it, "I'll never see Harvey again"
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Originally Posted by EW_FAN
Harvey watched and listened as Katie talked and said that they were friends.. and then Minnie spoke and dropped a bomb.. they were THROUGH?!! and she then turned to Katie telling her to stay away from her. Harvey still in shock.. this was the second time she had broken up with him... finally he found his voice.. "Mins please! dont do this.. please dont break up with me.. I love you and only you!" he said to her almost begging her to change her decision.. he loved her and he wasnt leaving her that easily.. he would do what he didnt do last time he would fight to keep her in his life..
Harvey smiled at Justin "Yeah.. but those girls make us very happy Justin.. thats why we love them so much" he said to Justin smiling as he thought of Minnie by his side smiling at him as she had done so back at the cave..
Originally Posted by PureBlood64
She couldn't believe what was happening, and it was all her fault.
Katie just wanted to crawl up in a ball and cry. She felt so bad, Minnie just broke up with Harvey because of her. Katie was glad though about what Minnie had said to Katie, she didn't want to see her again either never. "Minnie don't" Katie said, she had an idea, and that was the only idea she had to keep her and Harvey together, otherwise Katie could never look at Harvey in the eyes again, Katie sighed, "Me and Harvey are just friends, and if you don't believe us then whatever, but Harvey loves you, and if it makes you feel better" Katie paused, she knew their was nothing and never will be but she had to say it, "I'll never see Harvey again"
Minerva crossed her arms listening to them. Did they she was just a dumb blonde or something. Look at Katie she is so pretty and older, why wouldn't Harvey want to be with her, plus she didn't seem all that horrible. "So Harvey answer me this if there is nothing going on then why have you never talked about your FRIEND before?" she knew she had met her briefly last year, but other then that she had never heard of or seen the girl. "No" she shook her head and stomped her foot like a little two year old tantrum. "We are done, I can't take all the stress and the negativity anymore. Go be comforted by...." she looked at the older girl "WHOEVER" she turned to stomp off to the castle.
Oh no! Here comes one of their epic conversations I am sure XD
"It's not who you are that holds you back, it's who you think you are not."
Text Cut: Even Adam can be sneaky
Originally Posted by Magical Soul
Wizard gum? Hmm. Louisa shrugged one shoulder, "I never tried one. I did have many wizard candies and they had those crazy flavors but never came across a gum. I think it's going to be exotic." And now he got her curious about this. "If we don't meet in Hogsmade, each one of us should bring the other a pack of wizard gum," Louisa added grinning at Adam, it was nice to make silly things with friends. She wanted to get her mind off the tension and this seemed like a good way.
Louisa frowned when Adam suggested that she might want to end things. "I don't think she wants that. You're great. She's lucky to have you." Yep. No girl should ever think about dumping her friend. NONE. "But yeah, you probably should investigate about this." As much as she wanted to know more and talk about this, she didn't want to push the boy. If he wanted to tell her, he would. And if he wanted some help, he probably knew she was there for him... if he didn't know then she would smack him. Hehe. But he did.
"He is." She blinked. Was he? Well, she assumed he was, she never saw him but.. where else would he be? "I didn't see him but I think he is in here. He didn't tell me anything about leaving school." Pause. "I saw a week before the Express and all was good." She hesitated a bit before adding, "D-do you think something came up and he couldn't make it to Hogwarts?" DID HE KNOW SOMETHING? "Adam.. are you hiding something from me?" She gave him a sharp look.
Boys should really stop this secrets thing.
"That's a great idea!" Adam said with a nod at Louisa's Hogsmeade idea. "Perhaps we can surprise each other with an eccentric flavor or something." Yeah, that would be nice. Of course Adam was assuming that they would meet up at Hogsmeade at some point once they were allowed to go there. After all, that's what friends did, right?
When Louisa mentioned that Rubiey was lucky to have him, Adam couldn't help but have his cheeks flush slightly red. He was hoping that Louisa would notice, so he quickly rubbed his face. "Yeah...it's just. I don't know," Adam said with another shake of the head. "If there's anything I've learned over the years, it's best just not to think too much into anything until you know all the facts. Of course, it's hard to know all the facts when you can't talk to the person." Adam was silent for a couple of moments. Finding Rubiey. That was going to be his objective. Yep.
Adam suddenly realized that perhaps his comment had been taken a bit in the wrong way. He sat there, listening to Louisa as a certain level of panic was starting to rise in her voice. And then it came. Secrets. Was he keeping secrets from her? "Louisa, what secret would I be keeping from you?" Adam asked, feeling himself getting somewhat defensive. "I never speak to Joao, but you do, so obviously you would know much more about the situation then I would." He shot a look at a bird that landed on the ground near them, observing it while inwardly cursing himself for letting his amusement at the convo with Paulie show outwardly. Now Louisa was going to think he was up to something even though he wasn't. UGH.
'Cause there's always time for second guesses, I don't wanna know
If you're gonna be the death of me, that's how I wanna go
||Delta Goodrem Lover || Emma Watson Lover | | RavenPuff || 1 of 4 Amigos ||
Text Cut: Katie and Minnie
Originally Posted by PureBlood64
She couldn't believe what was happening, and it was all her fault.
Katie just wanted to crawl up in a ball and cry. She felt so bad, Minnie just broke up with Harvey because of her. Katie was glad though about what Minnie had said to Katie, she didn't want to see her again either never. "Minnie don't" Katie said, she had an idea, and that was the only idea she had to keep her and Harvey together, otherwise Katie could never look at Harvey in the eyes again, Katie sighed, "Me and Harvey are just friends, and if you don't believe us then whatever, but Harvey loves you, and if it makes you feel better" Katie paused, she knew their was nothing and never will be but she had to say it, "I'll never see Harvey again"
Originally Posted by Bazinga
Minerva crossed her arms listening to them. Did they she was just a dumb blonde or something. Look at Katie she is so pretty and older, why wouldn't Harvey want to be with her, plus she didn't seem all that horrible. "So Harvey answer me this if there is nothing going on then why have you never talked about your FRIEND before?" she knew she had met her briefly last year, but other then that she had never heard of or seen the girl. "No" she shook her head and stomped her foot like a little two year old tantrum. "We are done, I can't take all the stress and the negativity anymore. Go be comforted by...." she looked at the older girl "WHOEVER" she turned to stomp off to the castle.
Harvey could not believe what was going on.. Minnie was leaving him and Katie had just said she would never see him again. He felt bad for Katie.. she was so happy at having gained a little brother in school and now she would have to leave him.. dont get him wrong he was excited as well to have gained a sister to talk to.
But he could not forget the excitement he had seen on her face when he had agreed to be her little brother.. and then Minnie spoke up and asked him a question "Well we had only just met at the End of Term Feast.. you were there too.. you met her there.. that was the first time we had met and we talked and soon it was decided that she would be like my older sister and me her younger brother.. and we would help each other like a family would.. and I never talked about her because there was nothing to talk about.. we hadnt met after that to talk about her.. I...." he paused here "I was busy with other things over the summer.. thats why I never mentioned Katie after the Feast." he said as she listened.
She then stomped her foot and turned to go to the castle.. Harvey did the only thing that came to his head he blocked her path... "We were together over most part of the summer and you know there was only ever one girl on my mind even though she was right in front of me.. and that girl was YOU!" he said.. he then thought should he or shouldnt he? but as he gazed at Minnie he knew he should.. so not caring about Katie being there.. he decided to do it.
Harvey put his arms around her and he leaned in kissing her, he then said "I love YOU!!" as he smiled at her.. he knew in his heart that she was the one that had made a home there.. and no matter what happened today she would always be in there and he wasnt letting her leave his heart..
"That's a great idea!" Adam said with a nod at Louisa's Hogsmeade idea. "Perhaps we can surprise each other with an eccentric flavor or something." Yeah, that would be nice. Of course Adam was assuming that they would meet up at Hogsmeade at some point once they were allowed to go there. After all, that's what friends did, right?
When Louisa mentioned that Rubiey was lucky to have him, Adam couldn't help but have his cheeks flush slightly red. He was hoping that Louisa would notice, so he quickly rubbed his face. "Yeah...it's just. I don't know," Adam said with another shake of the head. "If there's anything I've learned over the years, it's best just not to think too much into anything until you know all the facts. Of course, it's hard to know all the facts when you can't talk to the person." Adam was silent for a couple of moments. Finding Rubiey. That was going to be his objective. Yep.
Adam suddenly realized that perhaps his comment had been taken a bit in the wrong way. He sat there, listening to Louisa as a certain level of panic was starting to rise in her voice. And then it came. Secrets. Was he keeping secrets from her? "Louisa, what secret would I be keeping from you?" Adam asked, feeling himself getting somewhat defensive. "I never speak to Joao, but you do, so obviously you would know much more about the situation then I would." He shot a look at a bird that landed on the ground near them, observing it while inwardly cursing himself for letting his amusement at the convo with Paulie show outwardly. Now Louisa was going to think he was up to something even though he wasn't. UGH.
"Exactly!" She nodded her head once, firmly too. "And then we'll exchange them the first time we meet. And the one to bring a more delicious and exotic flavor wins!" ...wins what? Well, she had no idea. He could make something up as a trophy.
The fifteen years old squinted her eyes at Adam as he LOGICALLY explained. "You didn't answer me, though." HA! She wasn't that dumb mister Fitzergald. "Do you know something about Joao that you don't want to say?" Because he'd done it before. Maybe this time it wouldn't be so crucial or vital like the time before but... Louisa wanted to know what he was bottling up. "And yes, I'm the one talking to Joao but you very well know that he doesn't tell me everything." Even now that they were together, she still had to pry things out from him. It was tiring but... that was how he was like.
A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
Originally Posted by AuroraQuinn
Aurora nodded, "Sort of, only an hour or so. Just for my tutor to make sure I'm on track with my studying and practicing. Then my exam's in the Christmas Holidays, then it's all done with!" she said excitedly, already looking forward to never having to study music theory again unless she wanted to... for some weird reason.
"Yeah. Just wait until I get a Veela hair one... when I'm of age." she said, grinning. "The whole music becomes like a spell." And that was why you weren't allowed one until you were of age... and even then you had to apply for it.
"Music is awesome!" she said, chuckling at Daichi's dance. "No need to apologise! I enjoyed it. But I don't think you can really dance like that to the sort of music I play." she said, grinning. Once again, Aurora lifted her violin to her neck. "I learnt this muggle film tune during the summer. From something about a ring or something... listen." She lifted her bow and began to play, from about half way through, the violin part to a tune. She played for about a minute and lowered her violin.
Aurora raised an eyebrow, "Well... yes." she said matter-of-factly. "I suppose it is." Well, it was a nickname (not one that he particularly liked though) and he was her boyfriend. So yes, it was a nickname for her boyfriend. "Yeah, he did. I haven't seen him much recently either. I think he's just getting used to the whole prefect thing."
"Umm... sort of. But like, permanent. And themed, and with bigger rides, and more food, better food, and... and people dressed up and... loads of stuff. Like games and things." Wow, Disney World was hard to explain - especially when she didn't quite understand it herself. Having never watched films or television, Aurora was a bit oblivious to the point of Disney World... she'd had a lot of fun though. Oh... now he looked all... dejected. "Only maybe. You never know, you could have deceived him." Aurora said, smiling. "I wouldn't count on it though."
"Your exam is in the holiday?" he sighed deeply before placing a hand on her shoulder. "Poor you" he said before he grinned slightly. "But it seemed like it is something you like, and to pass an exam would be totally amazing!" he quickly added and smiled.
Veela hair? there was a veela hair bow too? He didn't get why she needed to be off age to have one but from what he had read in his DADA book at home Yes , he reads his school books! he could have a guess on why. The magic must be too powerful for an underage witch or wizard.
He blushed a little when Aurora said she liked his little dance. Well, he HAD practised on it... in front of the mirror, in his room...his brother secretly filming it all. He still needed to destroy the evidence. He watched curiously as Aurora grabbed her violin again and he sat back down.
He looked at her as she was playing, it wasn't his type of music but it seemed like she loved it. And the tune did sound familiar... Maybe he had heard it some time or maybe his mind was playing tricks on him. Anyways, he found himself closing his eyes for a moment as she listened to her playing.
When he heard no music anymore he opened his eyes and clapped his hands enthusiastically.
"It must be hard being a Prefect" he said as he nodded his head. "I don't think i could do it" he laughed softly. "I have a hard time taking care of myself , let alone others" Really, he respected the Headboy/girl and Prefects for keeping their cool.
Woah woah wait! Permanent? Bigger rides? Games? MORE FOOD, BETTER FOOD?! O______o "I love that place already!" he shouted as he ran a hand through his blonde hair. "Disney Land it was called right? I need to owl my father to ask if we can go there some day" he grinned.
Then the conversation went to Jonathan , He smiled proudly as she said how he could have deceived him but then looked soar again when she added he shouldn't count on it... "I really need to talk to him" But what if she was wrong and he would TOTALLY blow his own game? Gaah confusiiiing!
"It's not who you are that holds you back, it's who you think you are not."
Text Cut: *cue Adam making shifty eyes* hehe
Originally Posted by Magical Soul
"Exactly!" She nodded her head once, firmly too. "And then we'll exchange them the first time we meet. And the one to bring a more delicious and exotic flavor wins!" ...wins what? Well, she had no idea. He could make something up as a trophy.
The fifteen years old squinted her eyes at Adam as he LOGICALLY explained. "You didn't answer me, though." HA! She wasn't that dumb mister Fitzergald. "Do you know something about Joao that you don't want to say?" Because he'd done it before. Maybe this time it wouldn't be so crucial or vital like the time before but... Louisa wanted to know what he was bottling up. "And yes, I'm the one talking to Joao but you very well know that he doesn't tell me everything." Even now that they were together, she still had to pry things out from him. It was tiring but... that was how he was like.
Adam let out a little chuckle. Win though...hmm..."How about whoever brings back the more exotic flavor will have to pay for a meal at Hogsmeade or something like that?" Adam offered with a little smile. Since the two of them hadn't really been able to meet up at all at Diagon Alley this summer for a meal or anything, perhaps the two could meet at Hogsmeade instead. Not like a date or anything, but two friends having a meal. That was normal right?
Adam looked at Louisa with a somewhat bemused expression. He could tell she was obviously thinking more into this than he was. "No Louisa, I don't know anything about Joao that I want to tell you," Adam said with a little shake of the head. "And I can certainly assure you that the day Joao tells me something before he tells you something I will personally stop performing magic," Adam said with a little chuckle. Whew. That would be the day when Adam and Joao became best mates. When Louisa made the comment that Joao doesn't tell her everything, Adam turned and looked at her. "I wonder why he feels like he needs to be so guarded around you. Maybe it's because he'll think you'll blab it to me," Adam said with a little chuckle of disbelief.
'Cause there's always time for second guesses, I don't wanna know
If you're gonna be the death of me, that's how I wanna go
With hands burried deep in his leather jacket, Damien Murray went strolling about the grounds. His first stop: The Courtyard.
Usually it was a wide enough area to stroll, do some thinking and be alone with one's thoughts. He hadn't planned on it, but hung his messenger bag over his shoulder, the two books he'd been studying tucked safely inside.
It occured to him not too long ago, that it might be beneficial to seek someone out to ask questions that have been burning his mind for the past few years. But then the question was, how to go about it. The normal person would think him mad and have him committed to St. Mungos or someplace worse.
Did Aspen just congratulate her? Taryn giggled some more. Sigh. She really didn't know what she'd do if she lost Aspen too. A girl NEEDED her BFF!
"Did you? That's cool. I could go for some ice cream right now." Hehe. Chocolate ice cream. Yes.
Hmmm. "Well, your dad is a DAD. I think those kind of things kind of just COME to them. They're dads, I mean, they've known you for your entire life and all." She shrugged, "He was very proud of his gift, it was sweet." So Taryn figured it was alright. Besides, things were still sort of awkward but becoming clearer all the time, it would get better.
"MMhmm," Aspen agreed with a head bob. "He told me about his muggle-ness. Muggleborn." Stuff Taryn was bound to already know since she was his.... girlfriend.
She paused a moment, considering... "Is that normal? Our year," fourth years, "are we... expected... to have boyfriends?" Aspen honestly hadn't noticed.
Aspen made a note to herself not to give Taryn socks for a gift.
Adam let out a little chuckle. Win though...hmm..."How about whoever brings back the more exotic flavor will have to pay for a meal at Hogsmeade or something like that?" Adam offered with a little smile. Since the two of them hadn't really been able to meet up at all at Diagon Alley this summer for a meal or anything, perhaps the two could meet at Hogsmeade instead. Not like a date or anything, but two friends having a meal. That was normal right?
Adam looked at Louisa with a somewhat bemused expression. He could tell she was obviously thinking more into this than he was. "No Louisa, I don't know anything about Joao that I want to tell you," Adam said with a little shake of the head. "And I can certainly assure you that the day Joao tells me something before he tells you something I will personally stop performing magic," Adam said with a little chuckle. Whew. That would be the day when Adam and Joao became best mates. When Louisa made the comment that Joao doesn't tell her everything, Adam turned and looked at her. "I wonder why he feels like he needs to be so guarded around you. Maybe it's because he'll think you'll blab it to me," Adam said with a little chuckle of disbelief.
Pay for the meal? Louisa chuckled, "Yeah. That sounds good enough." She wasn't going to waste her weekend waiting for Joao to make an appearance or something. Nope, from now on, she'd dedicate quite a lot of her free time for her friends.
Nodding carefully and slowly at Adam, Louisa was finally convinced. "Okay. You know that if there is indeed something going on, I'll figure it out and you'll be doomed then because I'm going to practice Transfiguration on your handsome face." BAHAHAHA. Okay, she might be going crazy like Dallin had assumed from all the overstudy thing.
Hmm. His point about Joao not telling her everything was quite good, too. "Maybe. I don't doubt that actually considering that he punched Dallin hard in the face for inviting me over in the summer." OOPS! Louisa wasn't planning on saying this but... oh well, Adam should be warned anyways. She gave Adam a nervous look, anticipating his reaction.
♥ Touch Lass! | MOON OF MY LIFE | Lemon's Winner | Inside Kitty
Originally Posted by Mad Eye Touz
"MMhmm," Aspen agreed with a head bob. "He told me about his muggle-ness. Muggleborn." Stuff Taryn was bound to already know since she was his.... girlfriend.
She paused a moment, considering... "Is that normal? Our year," fourth years, "are we... expected... to have boyfriends?" Aspen honestly hadn't noticed.
Aspen made a note to herself not to give Taryn socks for a gift.
"Oh yeah." Taryn forgot sometimes? It wasn't something she was concerned with. She wasn't some kind of pureblood elitist. She wasn't even a pureblood.
Taryn tilted her head, "Normal? What IS normal, anyway? We're sitting in the courtyard of a school of MAGIC. Normal's not exactly a part of our world." She grinned at Aspen. "I don't know, do you feel pressured?" Cause she totally shouldn't and Taryn hoped that she hadn't been the one to make her feel like she was.
"Oh yeah." Taryn forgot sometimes? It wasn't something she was concerned with. She wasn't some kind of pureblood elitist. She wasn't even a pureblood.
Taryn tilted her head, "Normal? What IS normal, anyway? We're sitting in the courtyard of a school of MAGIC. Normal's not exactly a part of our world." She grinned at Aspen. "I don't know, do you feel pressured?" Cause she totally shouldn't and Taryn hoped that she hadn't been the one to make her feel like she was.
If being surrounded by magic wasn't normal, then maybe Aspen didn't know normal after all. It was perfectly normal and everyday to her. But she did consider what Taryn was saying...
"...not exactly. No... No not pressured. Not an outside source of pressure, at least. But maybe a little inside pressure." From within and Aspen's feelings towards fitting in. Aspen DID want to fit in and do things right.
With a book clutched in her arms Evangeline walked out into the courtyard looking for somewhere to sit on her own. Evy wasn't really the person who had many friends. People did seem to avoid her regularly, but in her books she was happy enough. Hogwarts is her home. She always said it. Within books she had friends and though she was lonely and never really answers questions, she still was exceptionally bright and was able to hold her head high. Hogwarts... a place with lots of places to hide....
With a book clutched in her arms Evangeline walked out into the courtyard looking for somewhere to sit on her own. Evy wasn't really the person who had many friends. People did seem to avoid her regularly, but in her books she was happy enough. Hogwarts is her home. She always said it. Within books she had friends and though she was lonely and never really answers questions, she still was exceptionally bright and was able to hold her head high. Hogwarts... a place with lots of places to hide....
It started to get quite crowded -- especially with a bunch of students talking loud enough for the giant squid to hear at the bottom of the lake. Damien huffed an annoyed sigh as he dropped his messenger bag to the ground upon finding a spot to sit.
Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted a girl looking around the area of the courtyard, book clutched in hand. He immediately thought her to be a Ravenclaw student, but then noticed the colors of her robes. She looked out of place -- not as if she were strolling around, but looking for a place to conceal herself so she wouldn't have to deal with the world.
♥ Touch Lass! | MOON OF MY LIFE | Lemon's Winner | Inside Kitty
Originally Posted by Mad Eye Touz
If being surrounded by magic wasn't normal, then maybe Aspen didn't know normal after all. It was perfectly normal and everyday to her. But she did consider what Taryn was saying...
"...not exactly. No... No not pressured. Not an outside source of pressure, at least. But maybe a little inside pressure." From within and Aspen's feelings towards fitting in. Aspen DID want to fit in and do things right.
"How did it happen?" The friends to MORE ..thing.
Trust the Ravenclaw to want a logical explanation of how relationships formed. "I'm not sure." Taryn shrugged, "I think it's still happening. It's still changing. We're still friends, but it's... different?"
She glanced over to see how the flower was coming.
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Originally Posted by EW_FAN
Text Cut: Katie and Minnie
Harvey could not believe what was going on.. Minnie was leaving him and Katie had just said she would never see him again. He felt bad for Katie.. she was so happy at having gained a little brother in school and now she would have to leave him.. dont get him wrong he was excited as well to have gained a sister to talk to.
But he could not forget the excitement he had seen on her face when he had agreed to be her little brother.. and then Minnie spoke up and asked him a question "Well we had only just met at the End of Term Feast.. you were there too.. you met her there.. that was the first time we had met and we talked and soon it was decided that she would be like my older sister and me her younger brother.. and we would help each other like a family would.. and I never talked about her because there was nothing to talk about.. we hadnt met after that to talk about her.. I...." he paused here "I was busy with other things over the summer.. thats why I never mentioned Katie after the Feast." he said as she listened.
She then stomped her foot and turned to go to the castle.. Harvey did the only thing that came to his head he blocked her path... "We were together over most part of the summer and you know there was only ever one girl on my mind even though she was right in front of me.. and that girl was YOU!" he said.. he then thought should he or shouldnt he? but as he gazed at Minnie he knew he should.. so not caring about Katie being there.. he decided to do it.
Harvey put his arms around her and he leaned in kissing her, he then said "I love YOU!!" as he smiled at her.. he knew in his heart that she was the one that had made a home there.. and no matter what happened today she would always be in there and he wasnt letting her leave his heart..
Minerva wanted to leave, but something kept her there listening. Then Harvey kissed her. Her heart jumped and she was confused.. she shook her head backing away tears forming in her eyes. "Harvey...I..I.. have been so confused lately and so messed up. I...I. need.. some.. time. I'm sorry, but I just can't be with... you right now. I don't know..how to ..feel." she turned and quickly ran away leaving him and Katie.
||Delta Goodrem Lover || Emma Watson Lover | | RavenPuff || 1 of 4 Amigos ||
Text Cut: Minnie
Originally Posted by Bazinga
Minerva wanted to leave, but something kept her there listening. Then Harvey kissed her. Her heart jumped and she was confused.. she shook her head backing away tears forming in her eyes. "Harvey...I..I.. have been so confused lately and so messed up. I...I. need.. some.. time. I'm sorry, but I just can't be with... you right now. I don't know..how to ..feel." she turned and quickly ran away leaving him and Katie.
Harvey was still smiling from telling her that he loved her.. and she shook her head and backed away as she started crying again.. and his smile disappeared.. even before she spoke he knew what that meant.. he knew her well now.. he gazed at her with love and hurt in his eyes and sure enough she said it.. that was it! it was over! again! he watched her turn and run away from him.. leaving him alone with Katie.. he watched her until he could see her no more.. he looked at the ground.. and replayed everything that had JUST happened .. and he then he wanted to cry but he didnt and he sat down on the ground just staring at it.. without saying a word.. and then "Thats it! Its over! for the second time!" he said quietly.. he closed his eyes fighting back the tears.. how much more was he expected to take..
Trust the Ravenclaw to want a logical explanation of how relationships formed. "I'm not sure." Taryn shrugged, "I think it's still happening. It's still changing. We're still friends, but it's... different?"
She glanced over to see how the flower was coming.
"Do you want to?"
Aspen made a few quiet folds while she considered Taryn's question. It was the simplest of questions - whether or not she wanted something. But it was HARD.
"I don't think so....," but Aspen also fiercely wanted to be 'normal' and 'cool' like the few friends she had. "I'll get back to you on that one. What are some of the differences?" Maybe that would help her make an educated decision?