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This corridor is a simple, airy hallway with openings to allow in as much sunshine as possible and fresh air. It is an excellent transition from the school to the grounds as it exits out into the courtyard.
Seriously? Scabior was being a little paranoid, couldn't he trust a couple Hufflepuffs? They WERE the house made of trust...on second thought...
...Treyen wasn't one to be so trusting when it came to Scabior, but his expression changed, there was a small smirk on his face, a very small one, one you wouldn't have noticed so easily.
"I can do it." And not because of house points, but because he was curious enough as to what it was.
Truth be told, it was probably nothing of importance, but he was still curious.
Why did she sound so surprised, though? Was it so hard to believe? Actually, it was, "I wouldn't mind living without it...but I like belonging in this world very much." Did that answer her question? Probably not. Treyen will be one to miss Quidditch quite a bit if he went all Muggle. Granted, he liked it, because the time with the Muggle side of his family wasn't so bad at all.
Treyen was going to listen very carefully to...er, to nothing, she decided against asking him something else. That was weird. But he didn't push it. Eve had her reasons not to mention whatever it was she was going to say.
Oh. She was joking? The Head Boy chuckled. Never in a million years he would've thought she was. He still nodded at her thanks. "It's okay. No problem." It wasn't a cake for ONE person, anyway, two birthdays were to happen that same day.
Then he nodded again, yeah, he also understood just how annoying something like that could be, it wasn't after many meetings that he finally decided to ask Louisa what was wrong. Only, he wasn't so straight-forward, but still, it counted as asking.
Since he was looking at the window now, then he failed to notice a bunch of Eve's expressions, but...both her answers were rather similar, and he was actually glad the topic had been suppressed thanks to Scabior, because he certainly didn't feel like sharing any more information about him and Ellie in the presence of said man. Yes, Scabior was pretty much interrupting...
Evelyn nodded. "I love this world as well..the world of magic but..I don't think I can continue living in this world once I finish school." Yeahh. Her family weren't that comfortable with her using magic. It didn't exactly freak them out but yeah..they weren't happy either. So, yeah..it was sad, really. She didn't voice her thoughts to Treyen though..mainly because he wouldn't understand. Nobody did.
When she heard him laugh, Evelyn couldn't help but pout a little. "Hey. Don't laugh at me." She grinned at him just to let him know that she was KIDDING. "Seriously, though. Am I really that bad? At making jokes, that is." As far as cake goes.. "Chocolate is my favorite. Especially Dark chocolate." If he was planning on getting cake for her.
Oh, yeah. As far as the fifth year was concerned, it was not like Evelyn was going to see her again..so yeah, there was no point in talking about her.
Originally Posted by Lockhartian
...but Treyen was curious, hence why his eyes were on the man, and then on Eve when she spoke. A task, eh? Just how incredibly awful this task was?
Eve was the smart one with that question, he was just trying to figure out if Scabior's task was meant to be an evil thing, or not. At least he wasn't losing points right now, which was actually a plus.
The Head Boy pretended to ponder over the question, but answered quickly after Eve did, "If you need help..., all I need to know is what the task is about, then I might be able to help," if he knew he could perform said task. Granted, he wanted to ask if there was someone Scabior wanted to get rid of, but refrained on doing so.
Originally Posted by Kaos.Doodles
The Head Boy might help, and the mute was asking questions. Was there a certain class that told students to be suspicious? Scabior did not need to go around telling children about his plans to have them decide not to participate.
Who would have thought that Hufflepuffs could be as difficult as Gryffindors?
"The task is about retrieving something. Very simple. Very quick. Not dangerous. Really it's either yes you two will do it or no you won't." And if not then he'd be on his way to find willing students. "You'll be rewarded in house points." He added. Both of them would.
Originally Posted by Lockhartian
Seriously? Scabior was being a little paranoid, couldn't he trust a couple Hufflepuffs? They WERE the house made of trust...on second thought...
...Treyen wasn't one to be so trusting when it came to Scabior, but his expression changed, there was a small smirk on his face, a very small one, one you wouldn't have noticed so easily.
"I can do it." And not because of house points, but because he was curious enough as to what it was.
Truth be told, it was probably nothing of importance, but he was still curious.
Was it curiosity that killed the Hufflepuff?
Retrieving something? Well..that didn't sound bad..or did it? Before she could say anything, Trey agreed to do whatever it was. Well..honestly, she was a little curious.
Hm. Anyway, Evelyn couldn't really refuse since Scabior said that they would earn points. "Well..I think I'm up for it." Evelyn gave a small shrug. She really hoped it was nothing too creepy or boring.
★ BabyQuad ★ PERRY THE PLATYPUS ★ Ern's Fave ★ dangerous with brooms ★
Originally Posted by Lockhartian
Seriously? Scabior was being a little paranoid, couldn't he trust a couple Hufflepuffs? They WERE the house made of trust...on second thought...
...Treyen wasn't one to be so trusting when it came to Scabior, but his expression changed, there was a small smirk on his face, a very small one, one you wouldn't have noticed so easily.
"I can do it." And not because of house points, but because he was curious enough as to what it was.
Truth be told, it was probably nothing of importance, but he was still curious.
Was it curiosity that killed the Hufflepuff?
Originally Posted by Lady of Light
Retrieving something? Well..that didn't sound bad..or did it? Before she could say anything, Trey agreed to do whatever it was. Well..honestly, she was a little curious.
Hm. Anyway, Evelyn couldn't really refuse since Scabior said that they would earn points. "Well..I think I'm up for it." Evelyn gave a small shrug. She really hoped it was nothing too creepy or boring.
Finally some cooperation, Scabior was already getting ready to find some other students. "Good." He nodded, slightly relived. He would have thanked them but they hadn't done anything to deserve that. "I'm sure both of your are aware of Professor Williamson's Creature Sanctuary?" At least he hoped so. Scabior hadn't been but he hadn't been keeping up with the child like professor.
"He has a creature in there that rightfully belongs to me. I can not go in there to get it of course because it is his area and he'll shoo me away." Reaching into his pocket he withdrew a tiny bucket. Waving his wand the bucket grew into its normal size. He held out the bucket for either Puff to take. "The creature is a Lobalug-about ten inches long, has a venom sac." You know, the usual. "He keeps it in the pond in the back." Yes, he knew exactly where it was. "I need you two to retrieve it. One of you can look out for him and make sure he doesn't catch the other taking it. Once you obtain it just put it in the bucket and fill it with water, then bring it to my office."
His expression was completely cool. Not at all worried that they would fail. "And if you're worried about getting in trouble, don't be. I'll make sure you won't." He could do that.
{act like you know me, but you never will}__{but there's one thing that I know for sure} {i'll show you}
Finally some cooperation, Scabior was already getting ready to find some other students. "Good." He nodded, slightly relived. He would have thanked them but they hadn't done anything to deserve that. "I'm sure both of your are aware of Professor Williamson's Creature Sanctuary?" At least he hoped so. Scabior hadn't been but he hadn't been keeping up with the child like professor.
"He has a creature in there that rightfully belongs to me. I can not go in there to get it of course because it is his area and he'll shoo me away." Reaching into his pocket he withdrew a tiny bucket. Waving his wand the bucket grew into its normal size. He held out the bucket for either Puff to take. "The creature is a Lobalug-about ten inches long, has a venom sac." You know, the usual. "He keeps it in the pond in the back." Yes, he knew exactly where it was. "I need you two to retrieve it. One of you can look out for him and make sure he doesn't catch the other taking it. Once you obtain it just put it in the bucket and fill it with water, then bring it to my office."
His expression was completely cool. Not at all worried that they would fail. "And if you're worried about getting in trouble, don't be. I'll make sure you won't." He could do that.
STARE. Was he joking!? Nah. He looked quite serious. But..he actually wanted them to steal a creature from the sanctuary? What if they get caught? But..didn't he just say that he would make sure they wouldn't get in any trouble. And..what if the creature was dangerous? With all these thoughts in her head, she came to just one conclusion. Scabior was officially crazy.
"So..let me get this straight. You want us to sneak into the sanctuary, remove the.." Err. What did he say the name was? "..creature from the pond..put in a bucket and then, bring it you?" Evelyn raised her eyebrows.
Okay, first, his mind was now filled with questions to ask Eve, why? Because if she was going to be living in the Muggle world forever...why was she focusing so much in studying here? And what was wrong with the Wizarding world for her to make that decision? He looked a bit confused, but he'll ask those questions when Scabior wasn't around.
In all honesty, Scabior's time couldn't have been worse.
Then he nodded at the Hufflepuff girl. Chocolate. Dark chocolate. Got it. It was going to be easy to remember, considering his girlfriend was pretty fond of chocolate.
Back to Scabior. The Sanctuary. Yeah, he knew about it, obviously, that's how he'd met Aslan, his Niffler. And Phineas. Eh, wait, why was Scabior not welcomed into the Magical Creatures area? He was welcomed in the Observatory. And then...a Lobalug? It rightfully belonged to him?? Couldn't Scabior have a Crup or a Niffler...or a pygmy puff...as a pet???
Why was he in such a need for it to begin with?
Sooooo many questions. And yet the Hufflepuff boy asked none. Treyen just took the bucket. The boy loved Aslan, but if he'd had the chance to keep Phineas when he'd taken care of that Niffler, then he would've taken said chance and the Niffler with him. He sort of understood the need to have back what is yours...even if he didn't know if Scabior was telling the truth or not.
He chuckled at Eve's sum up of what needed to be done. "Sounds simple enough," and they could always come up with an excuse if the other Professor was around...
..."You'll be at your office all day, Professor?" because he didn't want to carry a Lobalug all day long.
★ BabyQuad ★ PERRY THE PLATYPUS ★ Ern's Fave ★ dangerous with brooms ★
Originally Posted by Lady of Light
STARE. Was he joking!? Nah. He looked quite serious. But..he actually wanted them to steal a creature from the sanctuary? What if they get caught? But..didn't he just say that he would make sure they wouldn't get in any trouble. And..what if the creature was dangerous? With all these thoughts in her head, she came to just one conclusion. Scabior was officially crazy.
"So..let me get this straight. You want us to sneak into the sanctuary, remove the.." Err. What did he say the name was? "..creature from the pond..put in a bucket and then, bring it you?" Evelyn raised her eyebrows.
Originally Posted by Lockhartian
He chuckled at Eve's sum up of what needed to be done. "Sounds simple enough," and they could always come up with an excuse if the other Professor was around...
..."You'll be at your office all day, Professor?" because he didn't want to carry a Lobalug all day long.
"Since students are allowed in the sanctuary I don't technically see that as sneaking in." He answerd stiffly. It wasn't sneaking in. They were walking in without the creature and walking out with it, simple."But other than that yes, you are correct."
Scabior was surprised at Treyen agreeing so quickly, but he shrugged it off. Perhaps the boy wasn't that bad? "I will be, yes. In fact, I'm going up there right now." Unless there were any other questions?
{act like you know me, but you never will}__{but there's one thing that I know for sure} {i'll show you}
Okay, first, his mind was now filled with questions to ask Eve, why? Because if she was going to be living in the Muggle world forever...why was she focusing so much in studying here? And what was wrong with the Wizarding world for her to make that decision? He looked a bit confused, but he'll ask those questions when Scabior wasn't around.
In all honesty, Scabior's time couldn't have been worse.
Then he nodded at the Hufflepuff girl. Chocolate. Dark chocolate. Got it. It was going to be easy to remember, considering his girlfriend was pretty fond of chocolate.
Back to Scabior. The Sanctuary. Yeah, he knew about it, obviously, that's how he'd met Aslan, his Niffler. And Phineas. Eh, wait, why was Scabior not welcomed into the Magical Creatures area? He was welcomed in the Observatory. And then...a Lobalug? It rightfully belonged to him?? Couldn't Scabior have a Crup or a Niffler...or a pygmy puff...as a pet???
Why was he in such a need for it to begin with?
Sooooo many questions. And yet the Hufflepuff boy asked none. Treyen just took the bucket. The boy loved Aslan, but if he'd had the chance to keep Phineas when he'd taken care of that Niffler, then he would've taken said chance and the Niffler with him. He sort of understood the need to have back what is yours...even if he didn't know if Scabior was telling the truth or not.
He chuckled at Eve's sum up of what needed to be done. "Sounds simple enough," and they could always come up with an excuse if the other Professor was around...
..."You'll be at your office all day, Professor?" because he didn't want to carry a Lobalug all day long.
Great. So it was settled then. Not that she wasn't..well, maybe a little excited about this whole task but she was worried as well. What if something went wrong? Honestly, she couldn't really think of anything that could actually go wrong..hm.
As Trey said, it did sound simple so yeah..she should quit worrying. Evelyn grinned at his question. Yeah, it would be funny if the professor wasn't and they ended up carrying the creature around all day.
Originally Posted by Kaos.Doodles
"Since students are allowed in the sanctuary I don't technically see that as sneaking in." He answerd stiffly. It wasn't sneaking in. They were walking in without the creature and walking out with it, simple."But other than that yes, you are correct."
Scabior was surprised at Treyen agreeing so quickly, but he shrugged it off. Perhaps the boy wasn't that bad? "I will be, yes. In fact, I'm going up there right now." Unless there were any other questions?
Yeah, well. Technically, it was sneaking in. She wasn't going to argue with him though. Evelyn just leaned against the wall and kept quiet.
Oh, nice. He was leaving. Evelyn waited for Scabior to leave before she looked at Trey. "So..should we head towards the sanctuary?"
"Since students are allowed in the sanctuary I don't technically see that as sneaking in." He answerd stiffly. It wasn't sneaking in. They were walking in without the creature and walking out with it, simple."But other than that yes, you are correct."
Scabior was surprised at Treyen agreeing so quickly, but he shrugged it off. Perhaps the boy wasn't that bad? "I will be, yes. In fact, I'm going up there right now." Unless there were any other questions?
Originally Posted by Lady of Light
Yeah, well. Technically, it was sneaking in. She wasn't going to argue with him though. Evelyn just leaned against the wall and kept quiet.
Oh, nice. He was leaving. Evelyn waited for Scabior to leave before she looked at Trey. "So..should we head towards the sanctuary?"
Well, Treyen was on the list of those students that could visit the Sanctuary anyway, so, that wouldn't be much of an issue. And...technically speaking, Scabior was right. However, what they were going to do could be considered like sneaking in, but whatever.
The Head Boy nodded as Scabior answered, good, he was going to be waiting for them in his office, which was an office he's never been to. NEVER, in the seven years he's attended Hogwarts, he's visited the History of Magic office.
That was about to change.
So, eyes on Eve, "Yeah, let's go." See ya Scabior! And he was off...off to the grounds, off to the Sanctuary.
★ BabyQuad ★ PERRY THE PLATYPUS ★ Ern's Fave ★ dangerous with brooms ★
If he had known that he could use students for dirty work, Scabior would have done it the second he walked into the great hall. With a small nod he turned the other way to make his way back to his office.
{act like you know me, but you never will}__{but there's one thing that I know for sure} {i'll show you}
❄Suaviter in modo, fortiter in re❄| ⚕=equivalent exchange=⚕ | pinned ya!
Beezus pulled her socks higher up her knee. Yes, she was still on her uniforms and she was already roaming on the grounds. Well..sometimes, one needed a break so much that time and the consequences won't even matter to them. And that was what's happening to her now. She was just too overwhelmed with all the homework given to them and with the Holidays now fast approaching, she knew she won't be able to finish anything especially if she keeps on procrastinating. That was why she was satisfying herself, so when the time comes that she'd focus on the school work, she won't have any distractions.
She kicked off some snow on the path she was treading. Gaaaah, the weather was getting colder now.
Beezus pulled her socks higher up her knee. Yes, she was still on her uniforms and she was already roaming on the grounds. Well..sometimes, one needed a break so much that time and the consequences won't even matter to them. And that was what's happening to her now. She was just too overwhelmed with all the homework given to them and with the Holidays now fast approaching, she knew she won't be able to finish anything especially if she keeps on procrastinating. That was why she was satisfying herself, so when the time comes that she'd focus on the school work, she won't have any distractions.
She kicked off some snow on the path she was treading. Gaaaah, the weather was getting colder now.
Tayla's was having a bit of a headache. So far she was able to pass her first set of homework on time, but all the homework she still had to finish was starting to stress her out.
"Astronomy...Ancient Runes...Arithmancy...Potions..." she counted them off on her fingers one by one. Then she shook her head, determined not to think of them for a while and enjoy the fresh air.
Tayla wrapped her scarlet and gold scarf tighter around her neck and smiled. She loved the weather today. She loved the snow and the sunshine against it.
"Huh?" she said suddenly, feeling something cold hit her from behind.
❄Suaviter in modo, fortiter in re❄| ⚕=equivalent exchange=⚕ | pinned ya!
Originally Posted by affy7ann
Tayla's was having a bit of a headache. So far she was able to pass her first set of homework on time, but all the homework she still had to finish was starting to stress her out.
"Astronomy...Ancient Runes...Arithmancy...Potions..." she counted them off on her fingers one by one. Then she shook her head, determined not to think of them for a while and enjoy the fresh air.
Tayla wrapped her scarlet and gold scarf tighter around her neck and smiled. She loved the weather today. She loved the snow and the sunshine against it.
"Huh?" she said suddenly, feeling something cold hit her from behind.
Kick. Kick. Kick. She kicked more. Heck, why was she remembering someone who also did that? She quickly eliminated the thought. She shouldn't be thinking about someone who wasn't there. With a sigh, she continued walking as she still kicked some snow.
When..'Huh?' she heard a voice in front of her say. Beezus looked up to find a girl and when her eyes traveled to the girl's feet, there was snow. She had hit her with all her kicking! "Oh! I'm..I..sorry.." she apologized as she bent down and swept the snow from the girl's thigh. Then she stood up. "Sorry. I'm Beezus by the way," she introduced herself.
Kick. Kick. Kick. She kicked more. Heck, why was she remembering someone who also did that? She quickly eliminated the thought. She shouldn't be thinking about someone who wasn't there. With a sigh, she continued walking as she still kicked some snow.
When..'Huh?' she heard a voice in front of her say. Beezus looked up to find a girl and when her eyes traveled to the girl's feet, there was snow. She had hit her with all her kicking! "Oh! I'm..I..sorry.." she apologized as she bent down and swept the snow from the girl's thigh. Then she stood up. "Sorry. I'm Beezus by the way," she introduced herself.
"Oh! It's fine!" Tayla said hurriedly, a little embarrassed that the girl had to bend down and wipe the snow off. "Nice to meet you, Beezus. I'm Tayla," she replied with a smile. Tayla could see a few marks on the ground from where Beezus had been walking. It looked like she had been kicking the snow a lot. "I take it you don't like snow so much?"
❄Suaviter in modo, fortiter in re❄| ⚕=equivalent exchange=⚕ | pinned ya!
Originally Posted by affy7ann
"Oh! It's fine!" Tayla said hurriedly, a little embarrassed that the girl had to bend down and wipe the snow off. "Nice to meet you, Beezus. I'm Tayla," she replied with a smile. Tayla could see a few marks on the ground from where Beezus had been walking. It looked like she had been kicking the snow a lot. "I take it you don't like snow so much?"
She smiled as the girl said it was fine. "Tayla. That's a nice name," she told the girl as she pulled the the strap of her backpack tighter on her shoulders. "You're a lioness?" she then asked as she eyed the robes she was wearing. Only Gryffindor students had that crimson emblem of a Gryffin on them.
She didn't like the snow that much? "Oh..." Beezus averted her gaze towards the path she had just took. "It's not that I don't like the snow. It's just that I..well I kinda don't have the chance to enjoy it right now." Given the heaps of schoolwork and everything else.
She smiled as the girl said it was fine. "Tayla. That's a nice name," she told the girl as she pulled the the strap of her backpack tighter on her shoulders. "You're a lioness?" she then asked as she eyed the robes she was wearing. Only Gryffindor students had that crimson emblem of a Gryffin on them.
She didn't like the snow that much? "Oh..." Beezus averted her gaze towards the path she had just took. "It's not that I don't like the snow. It's just that I..well I kinda don't have the chance to enjoy it right now." Given the heaps of schoolwork and everything else.
"Thanks!" Tayla smiled back. She liked her name. "Yes, I am. You're in Ravenclaw right? I've been a bit confused though. The Ravenclaw symbol is that of an eagle right? Not a raven?" Tayla blushed a little, hoping her question didn't sound silly.
She sighed. "I know what you mean. I've been cooped up in the common room or the library doing homework. I've still got stuff to finish...including Astronomy which we should be handing in soon. But...well...I just wanted to relax a bit."
Tayla paused, realizing she'd been talking a bit too much. "How are you doing with all the work so far?"
❄Suaviter in modo, fortiter in re❄| ⚕=equivalent exchange=⚕ | pinned ya!
Originally Posted by affy7ann
"Thanks!" Tayla smiled back. She liked her name. "Yes, I am. You're in Ravenclaw right? I've been a bit confused though. The Ravenclaw symbol is that of an eagle right? Not a raven?" Tayla blushed a little, hoping her question didn't sound silly.
She sighed. "I know what you mean. I've been cooped up in the common room or the library doing homework. I've still got stuff to finish...including Astronomy which we should be handing in soon. But...well...I just wanted to relax a bit."
Tayla paused, realizing she'd been talking a bit too much. "How are you doing with all the work so far?"
Blink. Blink. Blink. "Well..that's because our house's mascot is the Eagle and not a Raven," she shook her head. Many did got confused with that often. "Ravenclaw House. Symbolizes the intelligence of one of the Hogwarts Founders, Rowena Ravenclaw. And unlike Godric Gryffindor, who's your house's founder," she knew that right? "He chose the Gryffin as your house mascot for whatever reason he had but Rowena did not took our mascot after her name, instead she chose it based on its characteristics.." That explains that, yes?
Oh, right! the Astronomy Homework. "I'm done with that homework. Just last night with Kurumi." she told Tayla.
"I..I'm tired, really.. But I tend to enjoy all the subjects, I mean.. magic is very fun if you just know how to enjoy with it." Nod. Nod. So true, she was exhausted from all the schoolwork yet she still gets excited everyday for another lesson. "How about you?"
Blink. Blink. Blink. "Well..that's because our house's mascot is the Eagle and not a Raven," she shook her head. Many did got confused with that often. "Ravenclaw House. Symbolizes the intelligence of one of the Hogwarts Founders, Rowena Ravenclaw. And unlike Godric Gryffindor, who's your house's founder," she knew that right? "He chose the Gryffin as your house mascot for whatever reason he had but Rowena did not took our mascot after her name, instead she chose it based on its characteristics.." That explains that, yes?
Oh, right! the Astronomy Homework. "I'm done with that homework. Just last night with Kurumi." she told Tayla.
"I..I'm tired, really.. But I tend to enjoy all the subjects, I mean.. magic is very fun if you just know how to enjoy with it." Nod. Nod. So true, she was exhausted from all the schoolwork yet she still gets excited everyday for another lesson. "How about you?"
Tayla nodded. She bent down, grabbed a handful of snow, and stood up just playing with it in her hand. "I enjoy all my classes. The professors are great...even those who are a little...er...scary." Tayla paused. She threw the snowball lightly with an underhand swing and watched the snow scatter as it hit the ground. "My favourite subject's Charms though. I practice as often as I can. I want to teach it here someday and invent spells of my own. My grandmother was a spell inventor - and a Ravenclaw just like you in fact."
Tayla remembered she had a small box of chocolate truffles with her. She took it out of her pockets and offered one to Beezus. "Want some?"
Selina walked down the corridor to the courtyard looking for little Miss Anya Phillips. The redheaded Quidditch Captain had yet to tell the youngest Philips which position she would be playing on Saturday. She had to see her team work together first before she made any final decisions, but after watching Anya in action she was certain which position the first year would be playing. The fact that she was a first year also made the whole situation a whole other hippogriff. Selina was intrusting a huge part of the game into the girl's hands. Should she be doing this? But it was too late to turn back now... she already had a broom in her hand and a certain jersey...
Sardine VIP || Shark Attack! || D A R T E R || Captain Oblivious
Originally Posted by fanficfanatict
Selina walked down the corridor to the courtyard looking for little Miss Anya Phillips. The redheaded Quidditch Captain had yet to tell the youngest Philips which position she would be playing on Saturday. She had to see her team work together first before she made any final decisions, but after watching Anya in action she was certain which position the first year would be playing. The fact that she was a first year also made the whole situation a whole other hippogriff. Selina was intrusting a huge part of the game into the girl's hands. Should she be doing this? But it was too late to turn back now... she already had a broom in her hand and a certain jersey...
Oh Merlin.
Skip. Skip. Skip.
Anya had no idea why more people didn't skip along this corridor. It was totally a skip-tacular corridor! She'd just have to lead by example.
And so she skipped down the corridor to head to the lake. She liked looking at ice. And there was plenty of it around with it being the dead of winter.
She skid to a halt as she passed her quidditch captain. "I didn't forget about a practice did I?" she asked looking at the items in her hands.
I'll Spend Forever Wondering If You Knew__________________________________ _____________________________________________I Was Enchanted To Meet You
Anya had no idea why more people didn't skip along this corridor. It was totally a skip-tacular corridor! She'd just have to lead by example.
And so she skipped down the corridor to head to the lake. She liked looking at ice. And there was plenty of it around with it being the dead of winter.
She skid to a halt as she passed her quidditch captain. "I didn't forget about a practice did I?" she asked looking at the items in her hands.
Did Anya get her note? She had been waiting there for a while and she was starting to think that the girl did not get the note. Merlin, she was going to tell that little Slytherin first year to give her the sickle she gave him to give the note to Anya back. The nerve of some first years.
Finally Anya came bounding down the corridor. Ah she had gotten the note- wait, where was she going? She rose her hand to stop the girl, but she finally stopped skipping and backed up to Selina.
By her response, no Anya had not gotten her note, "No Anya... no practice. I just kind of wanted to talk to you.... do you have some time?"
Sardine VIP || Shark Attack! || D A R T E R || Captain Oblivious
Originally Posted by fanficfanatict
Did Anya get her note? She had been waiting there for a while and she was starting to think that the girl did not get the note. Merlin, she was going to tell that little Slytherin first year to give her the sickle she gave him to give the note to Anya back. The nerve of some first years.
Finally Anya came bounding down the corridor. Ah she had gotten the note- wait, where was she going? She rose her hand to stop the girl, but she finally stopped skipping and backed up to Selina.
By her response, no Anya had not gotten her note, "No Anya... no practice. I just kind of wanted to talk to you.... do you have some time?"
Anya smiled brightly to her captain. Phew. She hadn't missed a practice. That was good news!
"Yeah. Of course I have time.' she said with a nod. "Whatcha wanna talk about?"
And more importantly... did it involve skipping? Because Anya would feel fabulous if she made such an impression already.
I'll Spend Forever Wondering If You Knew__________________________________ _____________________________________________I Was Enchanted To Meet You
Anya smiled brightly to her captain. Phew. She hadn't missed a practice. That was good news!
"Yeah. Of course I have time.' she said with a nod. "Whatcha wanna talk about?"
And more importantly... did it involve skipping? Because Anya would feel fabulous if she made such an impression already.
Selina looked curiously at the girl who seemed to have ants in her pants and said slowly, trying to figure out Anya herself, "Well I wanted to talk to you about the team... you see I've finally drawn up the roster about who is going to play what position and I wanted to have a talk with you specifically, kiddo."
She looked around and spotted a bench. Gesturing to the bench she said, "Why don't we sit down, alright?"
Sardine VIP || Shark Attack! || D A R T E R || Captain Oblivious
Originally Posted by fanficfanatict
Selina looked curiously at the girl who seemed to have ants in her pants and said slowly, trying to figure out Anya herself, "Well I wanted to talk to you about the team... you see I've finally drawn up the roster about who is going to play what position and I wanted to have a talk with you specifically, kiddo."
She looked around and spotted a bench. Gesturing to the bench she said, "Why don't we sit down, alright?"
Anya nodded. If she were a normal child, she would have been bothered by the older girl's wording. Needing to talk AND wanting to sit down. It was all the signs of a breakup.
Of course, Anya's mind didn't go there at all.
Instead she lead the way toward the bench. She took a seat. She was tempted to say that whatever it was, she didn't do it. But she'd grown out of that childhood phase. Well... sorta anyway.
"Mmk." she said simply before smiling at the older girl.
Her mind was already wandering to in an attempt to talk herself out of whatever.
I'll Spend Forever Wondering If You Knew__________________________________ _____________________________________________I Was Enchanted To Meet You
Anya nodded. If she were a normal child, she would have been bothered by the older girl's wording. Needing to talk AND wanting to sit down. It was all the signs of a breakup.
Of course, Anya's mind didn't go there at all.
Instead she lead the way toward the bench. She took a seat. She was tempted to say that whatever it was, she didn't do it. But she'd grown out of that childhood phase. Well... sorta anyway.
"Mmk." she said simply before smiling at the older girl.
Her mind was already wandering to in an attempt to talk herself out of whatever.
Selina was glad that Anya did not take anything she said the wrong way. Usually, when it came to Quidditch, people had a tendency to over analyze everything the Captain said. Selina knew that for a fact because she herself always over analyzed everything her Captains used to say. It was a habit of hers... yep.
Cutting right to the bunch Selina said, "I want you to be Seeker, Anya." Hope that was okay.
Sardine VIP || Shark Attack! || D A R T E R || Captain Oblivious
Originally Posted by fanficfanatict
Selina was glad that Anya did not take anything she said the wrong way. Usually, when it came to Quidditch, people had a tendency to over analyze everything the Captain said. Selina knew that for a fact because she herself always over analyzed everything her Captains used to say. It was a habit of hers... yep.
Cutting right to the bunch Selina said, "I want you to be Seeker, Anya." Hope that was okay.
Anya blinked... several times. Did... did she hear that right?
"I'm sorry... did you just say... seeker?" she finally managed to get out. "As in... the person that chases the shiny gold ball?"
Because those players... were pretty important, right?
I'll Spend Forever Wondering If You Knew__________________________________ _____________________________________________I Was Enchanted To Meet You