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Cassirin 12-11-2011 12:26 AM

Ravenclaw House Table
by Beatrice Castell (tomewitch)

The glittering night sky is clear and visible through the enchanted ceiling, and the floating candles bedeck the entire hall in a warm golden light. All seems well with the world, aside from the empty plates still waiting for food to appear.

AlwaysSnapesGirl 04-05-2012 02:27 AM

At the moment, Vashti wasn't sure how to feel right now. Sad? Happy? Excited? Anxious? All of the above and then some?

Yeah, she didn't know. So she just walked stiffly into the Great Hall and took the nearest seat at the Ravenclaw table, a blank expression on her face.

FireboltAvis88 04-05-2012 03:03 AM


Originally Posted by AlwaysSnapesGirl (Post 10974245)
At the moment, Vashti wasn't sure how to feel right now. Sad? Happy? Excited? Anxious? All of the above and then some?

Yeah, she didn't know. So she just walked stiffly into the Great Hall and took the nearest seat at the Ravenclaw table, a blank expression on her face.

Alyssa walked up to the Head Girl who looked like she was... Alyssa couldn't pin point what. But she still walked up to her and tapped on the shoulder. "Uh... Vashti I just wanted to say goodbye to you and wish you all the best for the future...and....and...and I'm going to miss you do much." Alyssa started to tear up. She only only known the older girl for two terms but she liked her. Alyssa hated having to say goodbye to her.

sarahlooo 04-05-2012 06:01 PM

Vashti and Alyssa ^_^
Well... This was finally it. The last of Hogwarts Ellie would ever see. Unless she for some reason decided to become a teacher. But that was just... No. She would never become a professor. So anyway, this was the last of Hogwarts Ellie would ever see.

The strange thing was she wasn't even terribly sad. Ellie always thought she would be sad and crying her eyes out at her last feast, but she wasn't. She had a smile on her face. Probably still in that high she had from when Dallin proposed to her the night before. Heh. Giggle.

As she walked into the Great Hall for the last time, she saw only two people at the Ravenclaw table. Vashti and Alyssa. Making her way over, Ellie fiddled with the shiny diamond ring on her left ring ringer and sat down by them. "Hi guys," she said quietly with a small smile. Vashti looked stiff and confused and Alyssa looked like she was about to explode into a river tears at any moment.

Well. There needed to be more life at this party. Happiness and such. Please?

FireboltAvis88 04-05-2012 06:31 PM

SPOILER!!: Sweet Ellie

Originally Posted by sarahlooo (Post 10975267)
Well... This was finally it. The last of Hogwarts Ellie would ever see. Unless she for some reason decided to become a teacher. But that was just... No. She would never become a professor. So anyway, this was the last of Hogwarts Ellie would ever see.

The strange thing was she wasn't even terribly sad. Ellie always thought she would be sad and crying her eyes out at her last feast, but she wasn't. She had a smile on her face. Probably still in that high she had from when Dallin proposed to her the night before. Heh. Giggle.

As she walked into the Great Hall for the last time, she saw only two people at the Ravenclaw table. Vashti and Alyssa. Making her way over, Ellie fiddled with the shiny diamond ring on her left ring ringer and sat down by them. "Hi guys," she said quietly with a small smile. Vashti looked stiff and confused and Alyssa looked like she was about to explode into a river tears at any moment.

Well. There needed to be more life at this party. Happiness and such. Please?

Alyssa was glad that Ellie showed up at the table. She has already made a fool of herself at the Slytherin table blubbering over Matt and she didn't want to do it again. "Ellie!! I am going to miss you so much too. Both you and Dallin but I hope that we don't lose touch. I didn't get a chance to congratulate you guys on your engagement. I am so happy and excited for the both of you. Can I have a look at your ring?" Alyssa smiled excitedly at Ellie.

AlwaysSnapesGirl 04-05-2012 09:34 PM

not quoting since your posts are the only ones here right now :P
The quietness was probably the worst part about getting here so early. It gave her too much opportunity to think about how she wouldn't be here next September, how this was likely her last night ever in the Great Hall, her last night to be in the place she had called her second home for seven years now...

Why did she have to say good-bye to it all?

Fortunately her thoughts were halted when someone started to speak beside her. Vashti turned and had to blink to get rid of her suddenly blurry vision in order to see who was speaking.

Oh. Alyssa.

"Thanks, Alyssa," she said, somehow managing a smile. "And I'll miss you too." Especially on the Quidditch pitch. She was definitely going to miss seeing her and the other Beaters hit those bludgers around... But...oh no, was Alyssa tearing up already? "Hey, don't..." Vashti began softly, starting to reach out her hand to hug her or something, but stopped when Ellie suddenly appeared.

She seemed...awfully happy. Or at least not as sad as Vashti and Alyssa seemed to be. "Hey Ellie." The Head Girl might've said more, but something on Ellie's hand - left hand - caught her eye. Was... Was that...

It took Alyssa speaking again and mentioning the word "engagement" for her mind to fully process the thought, though her eyes flitted to the Hufflepuff table briefly before she turned back to Ellie. "That's... Is that an engagement ring?"

Team ronmione 04-05-2012 09:41 PM

Adam was not one to get worked up much at the end of feast. But this year was a bit different. He actually knew some seven years, so he had reason to work up. There were at least five seventh years he knew but one of them stuck out more to him *cough*. So, he sat down on the Ravenclaw table and looked eagerly up and down waiting for her to spot him.

Was it wrong to eat off of another house's table? Adam didn't really care much at the moment because he was nervous of the goodbye he piled on a mountain of chicken legs and mashed potatoes onto his plate and began to eat himself away.

Good manners,Adam. Good manners.

sarahlooo 04-05-2012 10:29 PM

*clones Ellie*
Text Cut: Alyssa and Vashti ^_^

Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88 (Post 10975279)

Alyssa was glad that Ellie showed up at the table. She has already made a fool of herself at the Slytherin table blubbering over Matt and she didn't want to do it again. "Ellie!! I am going to miss you so much too. Both you and Dallin but I hope that we don't lose touch. I didn't get a chance to congratulate you guys on your engagement. I am so happy and excited for the both of you. Can I have a look at your ring?" Alyssa smiled excitedly at Ellie.


Originally Posted by AlwaysSnapesGirl (Post 10975537)
The quietness was probably the worst part about getting here so early. It gave her too much opportunity to think about how she wouldn't be here next September, how this was likely her last night ever in the Great Hall, her last night to be in the place she had called her second home for seven years now...

Why did she have to say good-bye to it all?

Fortunately her thoughts were halted when someone started to speak beside her. Vashti turned and had to blink to get rid of her suddenly blurry vision in order to see who was speaking.

Oh. Alyssa.

"Thanks, Alyssa," she said, somehow managing a smile. "And I'll miss you too." Especially on the Quidditch pitch. She was definitely going to miss seeing her and the other Beaters hit those bludgers around... But...oh no, was Alyssa tearing up already? "Hey, don't..." Vashti began softly, starting to reach out her hand to hug her or something, but stopped when Ellie suddenly appeared.

She seemed...awfully happy. Or at least not as sad as Vashti and Alyssa seemed to be. "Hey Ellie." The Head Girl might've said more, but something on Ellie's hand - left hand - caught her eye. Was... Was that...

It took Alyssa speaking again and mentioning the word "engagement" for her mind to fully process the thought, though her eyes flitted to the Hufflepuff table briefly before she turned back to Ellie. "That's... Is that an engagement ring?"

Ellie could tell that Alyssa was pretty emotional about the seventh years leaving. It was kind of sad, because Ellie wasn't even all that upset about it. Sure, she would be sad that she'd never go back to Hogwarts, but she was excited for the future and all that good stuff. "I'll miss you too," she said quietly while the Hufflepuff kept talking.

"We can owl if you want, so we won't lose touch." Ellie grinned. She loved writing letters. And she loved receiving them, most of all.

She also saw Vashti looking slightly confused at the ring on her left hand. But when Alyssa congratulated her on hers and Dallin's engagement it looked like it made sense to her. Ellie blushed slightly. "Thank you, Alyssa." Ellie then turned her attention to Vashti. "Yes! He proposed last night," she said with a small giggle.

Holding her hand up for the two girls to see, Ellie wiggled her fingers for a moment so they could see her shiny diamond ring. "Isn't it gorgeous?" Ellie couldn't help but brag a little. She was happy. Sue her.

Text Cut: Adammmm

Originally Posted by Team ronmione (Post 10975559)
Adam was not one to get worked up much at the end of feast. But this year was a bit different. He actually knew some seven years, so he had reason to work up. There were at least five seventh years he knew but one of them stuck out more to him *cough*. So, he sat down on the Ravenclaw table and looked eagerly up and down waiting for her to spot him.

Was it wrong to eat off of another house's table? Adam didn't really care much at the moment because he was nervous of the goodbye he piled on a mountain of chicken legs and mashed potatoes onto his plate and began to eat himself away.

Good manners,Adam. Good manners.

Out of the corner of her eye, Ellie saw a familiar Gryffindor boy glance over a few times at her. Ellie's face lit up with a small smile and she quickly scooted herself onto the bench next to him. He was apparently hungry, too. "Save some for the kids who are actually in Ravenclaw," Ellie teased with a light nudge to Adam's arm. Even though they had only became friends this term, Ellie was going to miss Adam. The boy that made her fall on her butt on the ice a few years ago was now her friend. "You ready to be a seventh year?" She wasn't ready for goodbyes yet.

Team ronmione 04-05-2012 11:59 PM

SPOILER!!: Ellie

Out of the corner of her eye, Ellie saw a familiar Gryffindor boy glance over a few times at her. Ellie's face lit up with a small smile and she quickly scooted herself onto the bench next to him. He was apparently hungry, too. "Save some for the kids who are actually in Ravenclaw," Ellie teased with a light nudge to Adam's arm. Even though they had only became friends this term, Ellie was going to miss Adam. The boy that made her fall on her butt on the ice a few years ago was now her friend. "You ready to be a seventh year?" She wasn't ready for goodbyes yet

Adam's chewing stopped when he heard Ellie say that he should save food for the people that actually belonged in Ravenclaw. He put his fork down and pushed the plate away from him. Still, those pieces of chicken legs floated in front of his mind,teasing him to eat them away. "Right,sorry. I'm just nervous. I mean,not for myself but because you Dallin,Mia,Zayden,and Vashti are leaving this year. Though-I don't know why thats a valid enough reason to make your house starve." he chuckled lightly.

He never really had thought about his seventh year until she just mentioned it. Now that it had been brought up he pushed the plate back to him and began to eat some more. "I'm nervous..I guess now that you brought it up. My last year and most of my friends are a year beneath me. I don't know-you must feel like a part of you will be missing because you're not gonna see the young ones anymore." Adam took out another chunk of mashed potato. That's how he was beginning to feel and that's what he thought she might be feeling too.

"There's still so much I have to do too. And then there's after graduation-what I'll do. Glad you made me think about the future now." He teased her in a sarcastic tone. Adam wasn't very good with goodbyes, especially these types when you assumed,maybe, that you'd never see them again. He didn't want to lose these great friends and then never see them again. They were family to him-he didn't want the thought of 'losing' family to bubble in his mind everyday.

FireboltAvis88 04-06-2012 12:44 AM

SPOILER!!: Ellie

Originally Posted by sarahlooo (Post 10975679)
Ellie could tell that Alyssa was pretty emotional about the seventh years leaving. It was kind of sad, because Ellie wasn't even all that upset about it. Sure, she would be sad that she'd never go back to Hogwarts, but she was excited for the future and all that good stuff. "I'll miss you too," she said quietly while the Hufflepuff kept talking.

"We can owl if you want, so we won't lose touch." Ellie grinned. She loved writing letters. And she loved receiving them, most of all.

She also saw Vashti looking slightly confused at the ring on her left hand. But when Alyssa congratulated her on hers and Dallin's engagement it looked like it made sense to her. Ellie blushed slightly. "Thank you, Alyssa." Ellie then turned her attention to Vashti. "Yes! He proposed last night," she said with a small giggle.

Holding her hand up for the two girls to see, Ellie wiggled her fingers for a moment so they could see her shiny diamond ring. "Isn't it gorgeous?" Ellie couldn't help but brag a little. She was happy. Sue her.

Out of the corner of her eye, Ellie saw a familiar Gryffindor boy glance over a few times at her. Ellie's face lit up with a small smile and she quickly scooted herself onto the bench next to him. He was apparently hungry, too. "Save some for the kids who are actually in Ravenclaw," Ellie teased with a light nudge to Adam's arm. Even though they had only became friends this term, Ellie was going to miss Adam. The boy that made her fall on her butt on the ice a few years ago was now her friend. "You ready to be a seventh year?" She wasn't ready for goodbyes yet.

Alyssa gawked at Ellie's engagement ring. It was so shiny and glittery AND BIG!!."That is a totally awesome ring, Ellie. Dallin definitely knows how to pick them. I bet you can't wait to show your family. Congratulations again." Alyssa smiled at the older Ravenclaw before deciding that she would head back to her House Table. She was suddenly starting to get very tired for absolutely no reason at all.

Syd 04-06-2012 01:18 AM

All you guys. ^_^
It took Dallin a while to realize it, but he decided that he couldn't just skip the feast. It was his last one, and no matter how depressed or whatever he was about this, he had to go. Say goodbye to people he might not see on the train. Plus, he knew Ellie was going. And spending the next few hours with her was a good motivation, too.

It was easy to find her when he walked into the Great Hall - there weren't many people at the Ravenclaw table. And the people that were there were surrounding Ellie. Sorta. Dallin smiled, walking over in time to hear someone say "Congratulations." He was pretty sure he knew what they were congratulating Ellie for. "Yes, congratulations," he said with a smirk. He leaned over to kiss Ellie's lips quickly the stood up again, resting his hands on her shoulders and standing behind her. The bench beside her was taken, so he would deal with standing.

Oh. And, "Hi, guys," he said cheerfully to the girls - and Adam - around Ellie.

ameliah_longbottom 04-06-2012 03:09 AM

Ameliah arrived, disguised as Callidora. Just in case Minerva was here. Gah... it's amazing what I do to avoid a fight.... she sat down and piled her plate with food, feeling famished after a day of drama.

HazelStone101 04-06-2012 03:11 AM

Jayden skipped cheerfully over to her house table. Although it was the end of term, she was going to try and stay as cheerful as possible. Now where was Elliot? They were food buddies.

Somnium 04-06-2012 03:11 AM

For Pup, Kate, and Kewe too :)

Originally Posted by ameliah_longbottom (Post 10976070)
Ameliah arrived, disguised as Callidora. Just in case Minerva was here. Gah... it's amazing what I do to avoid a fight.... she sat down and piled her plate with food, feeling famished after a day of drama.

Taylor walked into the hall and sat down at the Ravenclaw table. She accidently bumped into someone. Tay turned and looked, "I'm sorry. I didnt mean to bump into you...."

ameliah_longbottom 04-06-2012 03:16 AM


Originally Posted by Cassandra (Post 10976076)
Taylor walked into the hall and sat down at the Ravenclaw table. She accidently bumped into someone. Tay turned and looked, "I'm sorry. I didnt mean to bump into you...."

Ameliah whispered. "It's me, Ameliah. I had a fight with a girl named Minerva, a Hufflepuff. She said to never bother her, so I created this disguise to fool her so I can be her friend and figure out why she was so irritable. She's a friend of Harvey's... I think. I want to help her. If she asks (she has rainbow hair, can't miss her), my name is Callidora Black. D'you want to go meet her? She's actually pretty cool." she asked in a voice not too far from her own.

Somnium 04-06-2012 03:24 AM


Originally Posted by ameliah_longbottom (Post 10976085)
Ameliah whispered. "It's me, Ameliah. I had a fight with a girl named Minerva, a Hufflepuff. She said to never bother her, so I created this disguise to fool her so I can be her friend and figure out why she was so irritable. She's a friend of Harvey's... I think. I want to help her. If she asks (she has rainbow hair, can't miss her), my name is Callidora Black. D'you want to go meet her? She's actually pretty cool." she asked in a voice not too far from her own.

"Oh hey Am." She laughed and then shook her head, "No thanks, i already met her one i think." Tay smiled.

Schroyers 04-06-2012 03:26 AM


Originally Posted by Cassandra (Post 10976076)
Taylor walked into the hall and sat down at the Ravenclaw table. She accidently bumped into someone. Tay turned and looked, "I'm sorry. I didnt mean to bump into you...."


Originally Posted by ameliah_longbottom (Post 10976085)
Ameliah whispered. "It's me, Ameliah. I had a fight with a girl named Minerva, a Hufflepuff. She said to never bother her, so I created this disguise to fool her so I can be her friend and figure out why she was so irritable. She's a friend of Harvey's... I think. I want to help her. If she asks (she has rainbow hair, can't miss her), my name is Callidora Black. D'you want to go meet her? She's actually pretty cool." she asked in a voice not too far from her own.

Maxwell walked into the Hall, he was hoping to bump into Taylor because he wanted to spend all the time he could with her before the summer started. He saw her and walked over to her House Table. "Hello." He said happily to her He didn't recognize the other girl though so he introduced himself. "Hello, I'm Maxwell." He said smiling at the new girl.

ameliah_longbottom 04-06-2012 03:30 AM


Originally Posted by HJPotter (Post 10976094)
Maxwell walked into the Hall, he was hoping to bump into Taylor because he wanted to spend all the time he could with her before the summer started. He saw her and walked over to her House Table. "Hello." He said happily to her He didn't recognize the other girl though so he introduced himself. "Hello, I'm Maxwell." He said smiling at the new girl.

Ameliah smiled. "I'm Callidora. Nice to meet you!" she then dropped her voice. "Well actually I'm Tay's sister Ameliah but I'm in disguise in case I run into someone here... I'll explain later."

Somnium 04-06-2012 03:33 AM


Originally Posted by HJPotter (Post 10976094)
Maxwell walked into the Hall, he was hoping to bump into Taylor because he wanted to spend all the time he could with her before the summer started. He saw her and walked over to her House Table. "Hello." He said happily to her He didn't recognize the other girl though so he introduced himself. "Hello, I'm Maxwell." He said smiling at the new girl.


Originally Posted by ameliah_longbottom (Post 10976099)
Ameliah smiled. "I'm Callidora. Nice to meet you!" she then dropped her voice. "Well actually I'm Tay's sister Ameliah but I'm in disguise in case I run into someone here... I'll explain later."

Tay smiled at Maxwell, "Hey, want to join us?" She laughed as Am said she was Callidora but then told him her real name in a whsiper.

Schroyers 04-06-2012 03:37 AM


Originally Posted by ameliah_longbottom (Post 10976099)
Ameliah smiled. "I'm Callidora. Nice to meet you!" she then dropped her voice. "Well actually I'm Tay's sister Ameliah but I'm in disguise in case I run into someone here... I'll explain later."


Originally Posted by Cassandra (Post 10976102)
Tay smiled at Maxwell, "Hey, want to join us?" She laughed as Am said she was Callidora but then told him her real name in a whsiper.

Maxwell laughed. "Sure, I'd love to." He said taking a seat. "How many siblings do you have?" he asked in a joking manner, hoping it wouldn't bring up feelings about Carina.

ameliah_longbottom 04-06-2012 03:38 AM

btw dark blue represents stuff shes doing while disguised(;

Originally Posted by Cassandra (Post 10976102)
Tay smiled at Maxwell, "Hey, want to join us?" She laughed as Am said she was Callidora but then told him her real name in a whsiper.

Ameliah laughed. "I'm sure he wants to join us or he wouldn't have come here. And I don't think we'd be able to get him away from you easily!" she joked.


Originally Posted by HJPotter (Post 10976107)
Maxwell laughed. "Sure, I'd love to." He said taking a seat. "How many siblings do you have?" he asked in a joking manner, hoping it wouldn't bring up feelings about Carina.

Ameliah laughed at the joke. "Apparently one more than you thought! I was adopted by her mum," she explained.

Somnium 04-06-2012 03:43 AM


Originally Posted by HJPotter (Post 10976107)
Maxwell laughed. "Sure, I'd love to." He said taking a seat. "How many siblings do you have?" he asked in a joking manner, hoping it wouldn't bring up feelings about Carina.


Originally Posted by ameliah_longbottom (Post 10976110)
Ameliah laughed. "I'm sure he wants to join us or he wouldn't have come here. And I don't think we'd be able to get him away from you easily!" she joked.

Tay laughed, "I dont have that many. I have Henry, Trinity, and Lucas... used to have Carina." She grimaced but smiled again. "Ameliah is aa special sibling. After my father died, my aunt legally adopted Trinity and me then she adopted Ameliah who was Trin and my friend at the time so she is kinda of my cousin, kinda of my sister. I dont mean Aunt Chelle but one of my aunts on my father's side." To Ameliah, she sighed, "We arent that insepartable though."

ameliah_longbottom 04-06-2012 03:46 AM


Originally Posted by Cassandra (Post 10976117)
Tay laughed, "I dont have that many. I have Henry, Trinity, and Lucas... used to have Carina." She grimaced but smiled again. "Ameliah is aa special sibling. After my father died, my aunt legally adopted Trinity and me then she adopted Ameliah who was Trin and my friend at the time so she is kinda of my cousin, kinda of my sister. I dont mean Aunt Chelle but one of my aunts on my father's side." To Ameliah, she sighed, "We arent that insepartable though."

Ameliah stuck her tongue out. "Maybe, but you sure are cute together!!" she laughed. One of the perks of being single: you can tease you bestie about her boyfriend.

PuppySara 04-06-2012 03:47 AM

Damon walked up seeing Taylor he smiled, "Hey you."

Bazinga 04-06-2012 03:48 AM

Minerva walked over to the Claw table. She was bored with the puff table and Harvey made her remember better times. She needed to find something to do then she spotted the girl from the bathroom. "Callidora I was hoping to see you here. This feast is lame so far, what are you up to?"

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