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The glittering night sky is clear and visible through the enchanted ceiling, and the floating candles bedeck the entire hall in a warm golden light. All seems well with the world, aside from the empty plates still waiting for food to appear.
*Everything I Know I Learned* *Adding Silently To The Noise*
Originally Posted by iceblossom22
Elise looked up to see two first years chatting. Honestly, El was a little small for a 12 year old. She could pass as a first-year, although she was in her second.
"Hi there," she smiled. "I'm Elise, welcome to Ravenclaw."
Yes, just because Ravenclaw was the best house. There was NO comparison.
Vlimia smiled widely. Ravenclaws were so nice! "Hi Elise, I'm Vlimia. I'm so glad to be in Ravenclaw!" She exclaimed sincerely, hoping she and Elise could be friends. "So are you a first-year as well, or in your second?" Vlim asked. Her first guess was first-year, but after Elise welcoming them, she had thought that she was just a short second or third year. She didn't want to be rude, after all.
Originally Posted by Frankie
looking back to Vlimia, "no way!" autumn laughed shyly, "me too, Where's the food?" Being muggle born Autumn didnt know how things worked at hogwarts she had read stuff but not about the food.
Vlimia giggled a little. Autumn sure was shy! "I will get you to sing by the end of this year, I promise you." She said teasingly. But Vlim knew that she could get Autumn to overcome her shyness, and she would. "My brother told me that the food just appears on the plates. And when we go upstairs, all our stuff is waiting in our dorms." She said. Autumn either didn't have older siblings, or was Muggleborn. Oh well, magic was great either way.
Nate smirked at Cael, and glanced to the empty plates and back again to his old friend. "I wouldn't say middle of dinner. I'd say this is the prologue, if anything, definitely." He spun a bit in his seat to face the table, in the event that something edible appeared, and went back to his conversation with Cael, whom he hadn't seen since some short time after the Courtyard Incident. "It's been a while, Mr. Ashdown," Nate joked in a formal-sounding tone. "How have you been holding up?"
Cael laughed at the other's blasé attitude. Apparently it took a lot more than a random fainting spell to ruffle Nate's feathers. "Oh, you know," he smirked behind the rim of his goblet, "a few firework fights here and there, nothing out of the ordinary-- right, Mr. Firestarter?" he chuckled serenely.
"And it certainly has, been a while, that is. Though I guess times flies... and all that nonsense," he set his now-empty goblet down waiting for it to refill, eyeing the boy speculatively in the meantime. "Soooo. What about you? Other than apparently common fainting spells, anything interesting going on in your life?"
SPOILER!!: Jayden
Originally Posted by HazelStone101
"Oh Merlin Nate! You sure know how to keep things humorous!" Jayden chuckled at Nate's wanting of food. "It should be here soon." She added.
After all of the drama with Nate was done and over with, Jayden walked over to Caelius and hugged him from behind. "I'm so sorry for the sudden outburst and lashing out at Elliot darling. It's just... I've had to deal with her during the summer when you weren't around and it's just been miserable!" She blurted out, biting her lower lip nervously as she looked up at him.
"It's fine, of course," he blinked at her in shock, "but I must be missing something here. Aren't the two of you close? I had no idea you were having to 'deal with her', as you say, I thought you were friends," he gestured vaguely with one hand to make his point all while staring at his girlfriend incredulously. Had he really been so insensitively blind last year that he'd been able to miss... this, entirely?
"I- It just takes a special breed of person to appreciate her is all. She comes from one of the old pureblood families. That's what we're like, stoic, emotionless. We can tear down mountains with a single look or gesture. My parents were the same; I get her. Heck, I was the same when you met me, arrogant shell, remember?"
He rubbed the back of his neck furtively. This wasn't coming out right at all! He needed to make her see that he supported her. Merlin, he loved the girl for magic's sake. "Look, that's just how I feel. I'm not going to begrudge you for not liking my friends. Merlin knows, we're entitled to have different opinions," he took her hand, rubbing his thumb over her soft skin to reassure her, "I just want you to know, that whatever happens, I'll always have your back. I'm with you, remember? You're the most important person to me and I won't do anything to jeopardize that."
SPOILER!!: Jordan
Originally Posted by CurlyPotter14
Jordan made his way to the Ravenclaw table, he was bored as usual... He wanted to be out there using magic! But no they had to do this Start of Term feast before they could. He liked being around the Ravenclaws, you could always rely on them to have some sort of drama going on.
"Hey guys!" he grinned as he approached Cael, Nate and Jayden. "What you doing?" he asked them, raising an eyebrow it looked like something had happened recently, drama already! He liked it!
"Oh, you know," Cael sighed heavily, releasing Jay's hand so that he could face the metamorphmagus, "Typical day in Ravenclaw: a fainting spell, some shouting, a couple arguments, nothing unusual," he shrugged his shoulders wearily. Would he ever escape the drama? Perhaps they were cursed.
SPOILER!!: Elliot
Originally Posted by kayquilz
Elliot hearD every word that jayden said, but she merely scowled in her direction. She didn't EVER want to talk to Jayden EVER again! Or Caelius, since he would probably take Jaydens side. Ugh.
How utterly rude! Elliot couldn't believe the nerve of her!
She reached into her bag and pullled out the newest book and opened it on her lap. No, she wouldnt retaliate right now, right here. But she wasn't being quiet for fun. No, she was just biding her time. Jayden did NOT know what was coming..
heard Caelius, even agreed with he was saying...he had been there...but he ALWAYS choose to be right beside Jayden. And Elliot was NOT about to forgive her...or Caelius. She merely shot him a look that any normal person would take as 'I'm serious.' She took a sip of her water, and she flipped the page in her book.
"Egypt? It was so cool. It was filled with really cool ancient magic...and curses. The pyramids are pretty creepy, but it was such an interesting place. By far my favorite place that I've visited," she replied with a sigh.
An ambassador sounded like a pretty good job. Elliot thought it suited her...ambassador, world ruler, it was almost the same thing, right?
Cael sighed wearily, rubbing his forehead with his thumb and index finger. The look. She'd given him the look and now she wasn't speaking to him. Dear Merlin, what a mess.
"I thought Morganzo's were smart, yet somehow I seem to be made out to be the bad guy here," he shook his head slowly, rising from his seat to go talk to the others. "When you'd like to live up to your blood and namesake, I'll be waiting."
Vlimia giggled a little. Autumn sure was shy! "I will get you to sing by the end of this year, I promise you." She said teasingly. But Vlim knew that she could get Autumn to overcome her shyness, and she would. "My brother told me that the food just appears on the plates. And when we go upstairs, all our stuff is waiting in our dorms." She said. Autumn either didn't have older siblings, or was Muggleborn. Oh well, magic was great either way.
"haha no! I dont do singing infront of people i know" Autumn knew she could sing to random people she'd never have to see again but to people she spent years with? no
"Oh my God that sounds so cool! how does it do that?" autumn thought "oh yh magic :L Im still not use to the idea im magic" autumn looked down at the table looking sad.
*Everything I Know I Learned* *Adding Silently To The Noise*
Originally Posted by Frankie
"haha no! I dont do singing infront of people i know" Autumn knew she could sing to random people she'd never have to see again but to people she spent years with? no
"Oh my God that sounds so cool! how does it do that?" autumn thought "oh yh magic :L Im still not use to the idea im magic" autumn looked down at the table looking sad.
Vlimia laughed at the sad expression on Autumn's face. "Don't worry so much! There are dozens of other Muggleborns here getting used to the idea just like you!" She consoled, still giggling a little bit. "I'm sorry for laughing, I'm just surprised that you're so sad about it." Vlim said, calming down a little.
Morgan looked around to the girl that just had introduced herself a little shocked. "hello Melanie, i'm Morgan. Morgan Rose." she said "yes, i'm a first year." she added then blushed...a lot. she had always been shy, but she knew it was a good time to get started on the outgoingness required in life. "did you enjoy the train ride?" she added in attempt to be bold
"Nice to meet you, Morgan," Melanie answered, smiling at her. The girl seemed nervous, but Melanie understood. If she hadn't met Silvia and Alex on the train, she probably would've been sitting there willing herself to disappear into the floor.
"I liked the train ride well enough," Melanie said, responding to her question. "I met some new people, one of whom is in Ravenclaw," she gestured to Silvia, who was sitting across from her, "and now we're just waiting to see where our other friend ends up!" She smiled at Morgan, hoping to imply that she was welcome to join their little girl-power group. Us first-year Ravenclaw girls had to stick together, after all!
"We ate a lot of candy on the train though," she added with a laugh. "All of this magic stuff is new to the three of us, so we kind of overdid it with the magic candy," she said regretfully, putting a hand on her stomach.
dream until your • dreams come true ~ Human pygmy puff
Originally Posted by ballantd
"Nice to meet you, Morgan," Melanie answered, smiling at her. The girl seemed nervous, but Melanie understood. If she hadn't met Silvia and Alex on the train, she probably would've been sitting there willing herself to disappear into the floor.
"I liked the train ride well enough," Melanie said, responding to her question. "I met some new people, one of whom is in Ravenclaw," she gestured to Silvia, who was sitting across from her, "and now we're just waiting to see where our other friend ends up!" She smiled at Morgan, hoping to imply that she was welcome to join their little girl-power group. Us first-year Ravenclaw girls had to stick together, after all!
"We ate a lot of candy on the train though," she added with a laugh. "All of this magic stuff is new to the three of us, so we kind of overdid it with the magic candy," she said regretfully, putting a hand on her stomach.
After the sorting ceremony, Alex finally made her way to the Ravenclaw table. She spotted Melanie and Silvia with another girl she did not know. "Hi you guys", she said. "I'm so glad we're all in Ravenclaw together!" Seeing a new face at the table she introduced herself. "Hi I'm Alex."
½ of Lauralie | Koala | The being in Ern's pocket | Baby Smurf | Prouf member of The Flock
SPOILER!!: you lovelies
Originally Posted by Frankie
Autumn wiped her head around to a ravenclaw talking to them, she wasn't sure whether she was a second or first year she seemed to know where she was and who was there, yet she waas talking to us
"Hi Elise, I'm autumn... umm what year are you in?"
She did not want to seem rude but thought she better get it straight incase she makes a mistake in further conversation.
Originally Posted by GinevraWeasley
Vlimia smiled widely. Ravenclaws were so nice! "Hi Elise, I'm Vlimia. I'm so glad to be in Ravenclaw!" She exclaimed sincerely, hoping she and Elise could be friends. "So are you a first-year as well, or in your second?" Vlim asked. Her first guess was first-year, but after Elise welcoming them, she had thought that she was just a short second or third year. She didn't want to be rude, after all.
Vlimia giggled a little. Autumn sure was shy! "I will get you to sing by the end of this year, I promise you." She said teasingly. But Vlim knew that she could get Autumn to overcome her shyness, and she would. "My brother told me that the food just appears on the plates. And when we go upstairs, all our stuff is waiting in our dorms." She said. Autumn either didn't have older siblings, or was Muggleborn. Oh well, magic was great either way.
Elise grinned at the two of them. They were really quite nice, and not traumatized like El was in her own first year.
"Hi, Autumn. Nice to meet you," she grinned before turning to Vlimia.
"Nice to meet you, Vlimia. And you should be," she smiled at Vlimia. "We're the best." They would probably make great friends!
"I look like a first year, don't I?" she blushed, her blonde bangs falling into her eyes. "I'm starting my second year. I'm a little on the shorter side, though." she laughed softly.
"Do you have any siblings?" she asked, smiling. El had one sister, but she went to Durmstrang.
Vlimia laughed at the sad expression on Autumn's face. "Don't worry so much! There are dozens of other Muggleborns here getting used to the idea just like you!" She consoled, still giggling a little bit. "I'm sorry for laughing, I'm just surprised that you're so sad about it." Vlim said, calming down a little.
Autumn looked up "Oh no I'm not worried about being muggleborn... its nothing dont worry" Autumn smiled upa t Vlimia, she didnt wanna be this girl that was a attentionseeker.
Enya walked into the great hall and looked around, here she was again another year, another year closer till the day she was to leave. Without casting more than a glance at the other tables she strolled over to the Ravenclaw table and took a seat. She didn't know who she was sat next to and she didn't care she was only really looking for one person. Before pulling a plate of food towards her she cast a look around the room for this particular person.
"Looking for someone?" James asked the pretty girl, almost laughing as she looked around. Hmmm...He had met her before hadn't he? Oh yes, Enya. Well, she was even prettier again. He smiled his winning smile. He looked away, filling his plate with food. God he was hungry. Stupid as he was, he hadn't brought any money with him so he couldn't buy any food on the train. He tapped his (charmed) iPod to pause and smiled at her again.
Baguette | there is no D in my name | TRAITORclaw | Queenie of Narnia
Text Cut: Jayden, Nate, Eino, Healer, Vickers
Originally Posted by HazelStone101
"Yes, we need to get him to the hospital wing, or something!" Jayden replied, nodding in agreement. "Can you round up some people to carry him?"
Originally Posted by The1HBIC
Cece had just stepped into the Great Hall and was heading towards the staff table when something caught her eye at the Ravenclaw table. There seemed to be a mob of students and some of them seemed to be a little on the loud side.
Detouring from her original destination she went over to see what all the commotion was about. After pushing her way through the group of students she seen what all the noise was about.
There was a student... laying on the floor.
The term had just started only a few minutes ago and already someone had fallen out. Maybe she should have stayed in Sweden.
"Everyone needs to back away and give this boy some breathing space," she said in a loud voice so she could be heard. Kneeling down beside the child she did a quick observation of him. He was still breathing so that was a good sign. "Can anyone tell me what happened to this boy?"
And it better NOT be that someone hexed him or there WOULD be points loss going on here.
Originally Posted by HazelStone101
"Obviously he isn't going to die, but I'm still worried about him!" She snapped, glaring at Beatrice. The two girls had never gotten along and she was really having a bad day.
Luckily, the school healer showed up just in time.
Thank Merlin.
Jayden raised her hand slowly. "Professor, he seems to have a fainting problem... I don't think anyone hexed him or anything.." She piped up, her blue eyes filled with worry. "I was having a heated discussion with one of my friends here...." She pointed at Elliot. "And then I turned and saw him crashing to the ground. That is all I know."
Originally Posted by Starbreeze
"Thank you." Eino said as he kept the boy company.
"Hello... Miss, uh... Healer." Not necessarily the time for introductions, but he did feel bad for not being able to address her by her name. "I only just saw him collapse. I do believe he had been chatting with his friends prior to that, but nothing else." That was all he knew about the case, so hopefully one of his friends had some more useful information to provide the healer with.
Originally Posted by The1HBIC
The boy has a fainting problem? And just WHY wasn't she alerted to this situation before the term started? Really, these are things she needs to know if she is expected to care for these children. Just how many other students had pre-existing health conditions that she didn't know about? Now wasn't the time to worry about that though, now was the time to take care of this kid... the one laying there on the floor in front of her.
Not bothering to answer any of the students she pulled a vial out of her pocket, opened it and held it under the kids nose. The smell alone would be enough to wake a sleeping dragon so this kid should be up in no time flat. If it didn't work though she just might have to slap him in the face.
She had seen that done before... somewhere.
Originally Posted by EastonionNW
Still in his own little metaphysical hideaway, Nate opened his eyes at the silence that fell. That wasn't all though. The fog was changing. It was turning... Green? Yep. Green. And it was losing it's density, too. Nate began to slowly lower into the ground, then he fell, and fast. He never hit ground, though.
Back in the Great Hall, Nate's eyes shot open and darted to the people standing above him. "Oh, look," he said sheepishly, "New friends!" He was definitely feeling better now, which meant it couldn't have been only train sickness, could it? Not the time to worry about it, though. Not until he could talk to Jez about it, and she was nowhere in sight. "So..." he mumbled awkwardly. It really was embarrassing to have passed out right at the beginning of term.Not a great start, Stone! he thought to himself, sitting up and leaning on the bench behind him.
Originally Posted by HazelStone101
Jayden stepped back, watching the healer pull out some sort of vial and placing it near his head. Oh good. The boy was waking up. Nate dying on the floor of the start of term feast would have been terrible!
"Thank Merlin." She mumbled softly, taking deep breaths in and out as she watched her friend get up and sit himself back down on the bench.
Originally Posted by EastonionNW
Nate smiled around at everyone. Wow, he thought, Looks like I won't be dying any time soon with these guys around. It was nice to know that people cared. Especially when you could count your closest friends on one hand.
"I'm feeling a lot better now, actually. Which is weird..." he said, the last part fading into thought. It couldn't have been train sickness if it had worn off so quickly. Sure, everyone else could believe that, but once he found Jez and Pam he would have to tell them. This probably had something to do with Team Wolf, and if it did then Nate could be expecting a letter soon. "I am really hungry, that could've been part of it. Sorry to cause such trouble!" he remarked, fixing his position on the bench at the table. If Nate had made a list of things not to do at Hogwarts, 'pass out at the start of term feast' would definitely be on there somewhere near the top...
Originally Posted by The1HBIC
'Oh look, new friends.'
Well this kid appeared to be doing just fine now. Judging by the way he was acting now you would think nothing had happened to him. Standing up Cece looked down at him. "You should probably stop by the hospital wing after the feast, or first thing in the morning so I can check you over to make sure you're doing fine."
Not bothering to wait for an answer from the boy... since he seemed to forget she was there with the way he was carrying on with his friends, Cece turned to finally make her way to the staff table, where hopefully things would be a bit calmer.
If this was any indication of how the term was going to go, there was going to be no rest for her until the December holiday break. How long until then? One hundred twenty days, give or take a few... but who's counting?
Originally Posted by Steelsheen
SPOILER!!: fainting crew
He tried to inch his way closer to the collapsed student, but without knowing the hows and whys of the incident Vickers wasnt sure it was a great idea to move him on their own. And a young girl seemed to have been upset with his other question "Sorry..." he mumbled. He didnt realize Ravenclaws were be so feisty.
Then someone that recognizably looks like the Healer came around and stepped back when she tolld them. He watched the woman pull out a vial and roused the student, who had begun to move and sit up. Vickers made the motion to return to his seat when he glanced at the young boy apparently called Nate. The way he spoke.... was he an American? "You feeling better now? Do you need anything else?"
Vashti had barely taken two steps towards the Staff Table when the Healer suddenly showed up. Well, that made her job easier. Did the new Healer have some sort of secret power that instantly knew when a student was sick? That would certainly be handy.
She stood back a little as the Healer tended to the boy, who seemed to be instantly fine the moment that vial thing was stuck under his nose. Huh. Weird. But then he was chatting away with his friends, and the Healer was giving some last instructions before walking away, so Vashti figured the craziness was over. For now.
Originally Posted by HazelStone101
"Yes... Everything is fine Mr. Uronen." Jayden replied calmly looking up at the prefect with her big blue eyes innocently. She certainly hadn't meant to cause this much trouble, but Elliot was being rude.
Originally Posted by Starbreeze
"Is that so?" Eino looked from one of the students to the other, then back. He didn't doubt them because he didn't think his fellow Ravenclaws would hide something from him if they needed some help. "There's only one thing that could cause shrieks like that..." He said and gulped. His face painted with worry and fear. He slowly lowered himself, and with one knee rested on a ground and one hand on the bench, Eino bent over to take a look under the table. Nothing, only feet, shoes, and legs. "There are no pogrebins nibbling on your feet. I do believe you're safe." He reported back with a smile. "If something does cause you to scream again, don't hesitate to as for help."
Vashti very much doubted everything was fine. People didn't shriek and shout like that just for the heck of it. Eino seemed to be buying it though? Sort of. Because then he was going on about pogrebins? But perhaps she could go along with this. "Right. If the pogrebins come back, we'll help fend them off. But remember, there's no need to start yelling at or insulting your fellow students. Okay?"
Originally Posted by Robot
Kendra saw Lulu stare at her pocket. 'Oh, it's my pet rat, he hasn't yet got a name though.' Kendra scooped him out her pocket and held him firmly but gently in one hand, as to keep him from running off. Kendra nodded, knowing not where the gryffindor tower was, but guessing it's location. When she had first seen the tower from the boats she had made sure to note down where everything was in her mind.
Originally Posted by Robot
Suddenly, the rat squirmed out of Kendra's hand onto the table among the variety of food across the table. Kendra reached out, trying to get him back before he either scared any people afraid of rats or, worse, starting to eat the food around them. Her Hand missed the rat by an inch, her hand brushed its tail as it dived off the table, scurrying away to something that had interested it at the other end of the room. "oh no..." Kendra muttered, hoping that the rat would come into no harm. She trusted he would come back, hopefully..
And then...she heard someone mention a rat? Turning, she noticed one of the students sitting at the table and holding a rat. Oh Merlin, someone actually brought their pet to the feast?
Walking over to the young girl, Vashti smiled and asked, "Is that your-" But then suddenly, the rat squirmed out of the girl's hand, jumped off the table, and scurried away. "Oh Merlin..." What should she do?! Should she...Summon the rat back? It wouldn't do for it to crawl around the Great Hall and likely freak out other students....
Originally Posted by tomewitch
"Oh, Vashti then." She replied, chuckling. She had already heard that comment from Vashti herself, last year when she was still a shy little bloke who was very formal with her elder fellow eagles. Yet, right now, she thinks it is still necessary that she use formality with Vashti, especially since she's Head Girl now.
Yeah, new adventures for sure. And new Professors and new students too! And for sure new lessons that would excite and even terrify them. "That means its your last year, how does it feel?" Why, Beatrice was feeling journalistic right now. Maybe she should try joining their official school publication, if there was one?
Good, now that names were settled... How did it feel being in her last year? "A bit weird, I guess," Vashti replied. "It's strange to think I've been at Hogwarts for seven years, and even stranger to think that I won't be here this time next year." But it was best not to think about it if she could help it.
Originally Posted by Cassandra
Taylor smiled, "Oh no." She laughed, "I went to Beauxbaton, though my twin sister went here last year."
Ah, good, so Vashti hadn't simply been unobservant - Taylor was a new student. "Oh? Why'd you go there if your sister went here?" Seemed odd to split children up like that. But then, Vashti wasn't a parent so she was probably unaware of their reason for doing it.
if we fall, we will fall together; and when we rise, we will rise together__________________♥♥♥♥ together we are dangerous; together with our differences; together we are bolder, braver, stronger
"Oh, you know," Cael sighed heavily, releasing Jay's hand so that he could face the metamorphmagus, "Typical day in Ravenclaw: a fainting spell, some shouting, a couple arguments, nothing unusual," he shrugged his shoulders wearily. Would he ever escape the drama? Perhaps they were cursed.
Cael sighed wearily, rubbing his forehead with his thumb and index finger. The look. She'd given him the look and now she wasn't speaking to him. Dear Merlin, what a mess.
"I thought Morganzo's were smart, yet somehow I seem to be made out to be the bad guy here," he shook his head slowly, rising from his seat to go talk to the others. "When you'd like to live up to your blood and namesake, I'll be waiting."
"Just as I had expected," Jordan smirked. "I swear this much drama could only happen to you Ravenclaws..." he was slightly envious however. He would've been an awesome Ravenclaw...
He looked at Cael curiously, "Whats a Morganzo?" he asked, "Is it a type of animal?" he then realised that Cael was talking to that Elliot girl, Stupid Jordan! he cussed himself. That must be her last name, he laughed edgily.
Elise grinned at the two of them. They were really quite nice, and not traumatized like El was in her own first year.
"Hi, Autumn. Nice to meet you," she grinned before turning to Vlimia.
"Nice to meet you, Vlimia. And you should be," she smiled at Vlimia. "We're the best." They would probably make great friends!
"I look like a first year, don't I?" she blushed, her blonde bangs falling into her eyes. "I'm starting my second year. I'm a little on the shorter side, though." she laughed softly.
"Do you have any siblings?" she asked, smiling. El had one sister, but she went to Durmstrang.
Autumn smiled " umm you do a bit" autumn chortled hoping she didnt sound to rude. " yeah I have a twin sister but she's a muggle, and the favoroute!"
she shut up quickly "you?"
After the sorting ceremony, Alex finally made her way to the Ravenclaw table. She spotted Melanie and Silvia with another girl she did not know. "Hi you guys", she said. "I'm so glad we're all in Ravenclaw together!" Seeing a new face at the table she introduced herself. "Hi I'm Alex."
"Hey, Alex!" Melanie said excitedly, turning to face her friend. "Yea, that's awesome that we're all in Ravenclaw! Kind of a weird coincidence that we'd end up in the same compartment and then the same house. Maybe we'll have some of the same classes too!" she said hopefully, happy to have found some new friends. It definitely made this transition from muggle student to magic student a little less daunting.
Stumbling toward the a seat blue-clad table, Darwin wished he was older. He wanted to be bigger and more confident and he wanted to know people.
But those thoughts were shoved to the back of his mind as he realised what had just happened: he'd been Sorted. Actually Sorted! There had been somewhere for him to go, he had a house, and he hadn't been sent home. He was really a wizard at Hogwarts, and it was the best feeling in the WORLD.
Okay, so having friends and people to talk to would have been a bonus, but he could only see older people, and no one he recognised from Diagon Alley. Admittedly, he hadn't met many people there, but seeing Laura or Pam or the older guy would have been better than sitting on his own. Darwin turned to finish watching the Sorting as it neared it's end, glad to have something to at least do, if no company.
⇀ Standing now, calling all the people here to see the show_____________________________
Calling for my demons now to let me go ↽
Suddenly, an older girl walked over to Kendra, she swallowed. This girl had authority, she could see the badge pinned on her cloak. Oh goodness, she was going to get her first detention before she had even started. She hadn't thought to remove her rat from her pocket, she thought there would be no trouble, that he would fall sleep in her pocket, obviously this hadnt been the case, and the consequences o this would soon be evident. "I'm so sorry!" Kendra exclaimed as the girl neared, slightly bewildered. " I don't think he'll cause any trouble, it was just getting a bit loud... Please.." Kendra spoke quickly getting out her apologies
Stumbling toward the a seat blue-clad table, Darwin wished he was older. He wanted to be bigger and more confident and he wanted to know people.
But those thoughts were shoved to the back of his mind as he realised what had just happened: he'd been Sorted. Actually Sorted! There had been somewhere for him to go, he had a house, and he hadn't been sent home. He was really a wizard at Hogwarts, and it was the best feeling in the WORLD.
Okay, so having friends and people to talk to would have been a bonus, but he could only see older people, and no one he recognised from Diagon Alley. Admittedly, he hadn't met many people there, but seeing Laura or Pam or the older guy would have been better than sitting on his own. Darwin turned to finish watching the Sorting as it neared it's end, glad to have something to at least do, if no company.
Autumn had settled down to grab some food after it had appeared when she saw a boy walking towards the table, she smiled at him, hoping he would see her and come sit with her.
She looked over at Nate and glared. "Don't you ever do that again." She almost lost him twice this summer, a third and final time wasn't what she needed this year. She sighed and looked around at the other tables. "Maybe she went to go say hi to someone." Which is possible. But she would tell them.. maybe. "But wouldn't she tell us? I mean, she didn't tell us when she escaped at the station, but she wouldn't do that twice.. would she?" Pam started to get really worried, and it started to show.
Pam's hair started to turn a grey color, which gave her the impression of being older than she should be. She looked at her hair and sighed. She was really hoping this didn't happen. She didn't need a bunch of first years watching her.
Originally Posted by CurlyPotter14
Jordan turned to look at Pam, "Pam, you seem to be going prematurely grey." he noted, referring to her changing hair. "I'd look into that if I were you," he mused his fellow meta. He caught onto the conversation, "Jez? I haven't seen her since the train, I wouldn't worry too much though..." Oh wait, they were talking about Jez here.
Originally Posted by ToujoursPur
Cael laughed at the other's blasé attitude. Apparently it took a lot more than a random fainting spell to ruffle Nate's feathers. "Oh, you know," he smirked behind the rim of his goblet, "a few firework fights here and there, nothing out of the ordinary-- right, Mr. Firestarter?" he chuckled serenely.
"And it certainly has, been a while, that is. Though I guess times flies... and all that nonsense," he set his now-empty goblet down waiting for it to refill, eyeing the boy speculatively in the meantime. "Soooo. What about you? Other than apparently common fainting spells, anything interesting going on in your life?"
Nate looked around shiftily when Pam's hair started to go gray. "Pam? You've got a little discoloration going on," he hinted, gesturing to his own hair. No need to draw too much attention to Pam. At least it wasn't fluorescent yellow...
As Cael oh so eloquently responded to him, Nate's attention was drawn back over his blonde-haired peer. "Me? Oh, well, nothing really interesting that I can tell you. It's what I can't tell you that's interesting," he said casually, gaining a slightly more serious look and tone to add, "And don't ask. It isn't really my story to tell."
Ah, yes, finally Jordan was here too! "Hello Jordan, how was your summer? Never mind, it was probably better than ours and that's what counts. Back to the issue of Jez..." he shot out, again looking around the room. Where had she gone? Even if Team Wolf had managed to poison Nate, that must have been before the train ride, which meant that since Jez had obviously survived the train and carriage rides she had to be somewhere at Hogwarts, alive. But where could she have gotten off to? Nate bit the tip of his wand in thought, glancing around the room again and again.
Stumbling toward the a seat blue-clad table, Darwin wished he was older. He wanted to be bigger and more confident and he wanted to know people.
But those thoughts were shoved to the back of his mind as he realised what had just happened: he'd been Sorted. Actually Sorted! There had been somewhere for him to go, he had a house, and he hadn't been sent home. He was really a wizard at Hogwarts, and it was the best feeling in the WORLD.
Okay, so having friends and people to talk to would have been a bonus, but he could only see older people, and no one he recognised from Diagon Alley. Admittedly, he hadn't met many people there, but seeing Laura or Pam or the older guy would have been better than sitting on his own. Darwin turned to finish watching the Sorting as it neared it's end, glad to have something to at least do, if no company.
Pam's smile grew as a familiar face came to the table. "Damon! How are you? I told you you'd get sorted!" Pam clapped for boy. She knew he must be freaked. "You must have been nervous. I know I was. But it's all good! You're in a house! I told you you would." Pam giggled. "Evreyone here's really nice. And the dorms are really cool." Pam hoped he wouldn't gettoo freaked out by her. She was just excited that a friend of hers was able to be in the same house as her.
Nate looked around shiftily when Pam's hair started to go gray. "Pam? You've got a little discoloration going on," he hinted, gesturing to his own hair. No need to draw too much attention to Pam. At least it wasn't fluorescent yellow...
Pam looked at her hair in shock. Dang hair. She sighed. "This stupid hair. I can never control it." she closed her eyes and concentrated. Her hair turned a dark brown, but it didn't stay brown. She looked at a lock of her and sighed again. "Ehy won't it stay brown?" she asked Nate. He was the smart one. He'd probably be able to help.
Stumbling toward the a seat blue-clad table, Darwin wished he was older. He wanted to be bigger and more confident and he wanted to know people.
But those thoughts were shoved to the back of his mind as he realised what had just happened: he'd been Sorted. Actually Sorted! There had been somewhere for him to go, he had a house, and he hadn't been sent home. He was really a wizard at Hogwarts, and it was the best feeling in the WORLD.
Okay, so having friends and people to talk to would have been a bonus, but he could only see older people, and no one he recognised from Diagon Alley. Admittedly, he hadn't met many people there, but seeing Laura or Pam or the older guy would have been better than sitting on his own. Darwin turned to finish watching the Sorting as it neared it's end, glad to have something to at least do, if no company.
Melanie looked away from her conversation with Alex, Silvia, Morgan, and Conrad to see a boy wandering around the Ravenclaw table. He was new, she could tell by his plain robes. He looked a little lost too, that was a giveaway. He seemed to be looking for someone, and then got a sort of disappointed look on his face.
"I'll be right back," she said to the group, and wandered over to the boy. Hogwarts was making her uncharacteristically bold, it seemed.
"Hi," she said, extending a hand to him. "I'm Melanie. Are you a first-year too?"
Pam's smile grew as a familiar face came to the table. "Damon! How are you? I told you you'd get sorted!" Pam clapped for boy. She knew he must be freaked. "You must have been nervous. I know I was. But it's all good! You're in a house! I told you you would." Pam giggled. "Evreyone here's really nice. And the dorms are really cool." Pam hoped he wouldn't gettoo freaked out by her. She was just excited that a friend of hers was able to be in the same house as her.
Pam looked at her hair in shock. Dang hair. She sighed. "This stupid hair. I can never control it." she closed her eyes and concentrated. Her hair turned a dark brown, but it didn't stay brown. She looked at a lock of her and sighed again. "Ehy won't it stay brown?" she asked Nate. He was the smart one. He'd probably be able to help.
"Ummmm..." Nate stalled, coming up with some silly answer to Pam's question because he didn't know how Metamorphmagus abilities actually worked. "It won't stay brown because you have used up all of your Youth Points. Drink a Mana Potion to get more." Nate smiled at his friend, hoping she would realize that he had literally no clue why her hair was so stubbornly gray.
Nate was about to refill his goblet again when Pam spoke, and not to him. What was this? A new first year? And Pam knew him? How, Nate didn't even really care. All this meant was that he could make a new friend, have someone to help out, and maybe fulfill one of his deeper wants to be looked up to...
"Hey there," he greeted, "I'm Nate. This is Pam, she isn't as old as she looks right now. Welcome to Ravenclaw! What's your name?" Get all the important things out of the way first. Then he could move on to the more fun parts of life at Hogwarts.
Cornelius's features morphed into an expression of honest surprise as Eino jumped and began to apologize for 'catching him'. "Wha--" It took a good few seconds of Eino looking around himself and Cornelius retracing the conversation for the smiley-er of the pair to understand exactly what the other was talking about. And with the realization, he burst into a round of kind-hearted chuckles, shaking his head with a grin as Eino mentioned how rude it was of him. "No, no, I didn't mean literally," Cornelius explained, "I just meant..." He trailed off, ultimately deciding that it wasn't worth explanation. "Nevermind, it was a stupid joke." He grinned once more before listening as the student at his side welcomed him to Hogwarts and offered help with anything he should need.
"I might take you up on that offer sooner than you think," Cornelius warned with an expression of honest cluelessness. But it was true, just on the train he had thought the houses were literal houses and every student was expected to build their own. When the conversation turned to traveling, he gave a bit of a shrug and scrunched his nose up, evaluating where he had been. "Nowhere too exciting, just all around England. I'm not a world traveller or anything," he admitted, before growing curious. "Did you go anywhere else before you were here?" Maybe they had gone to a school or something together when they were younger!
As Eino engaged in conversation with a younger girl, Cornelius watched curiously, not intruding, but simply listening, learning. And as Eino's face morphed into an almost-smile, the new student at his side couldn't help but let out a snort/chortle of amusement, though his features were kind, obviously not making fun of the boy seriously. He didn't want him to think that he was mocking him! But his new friend needed to learn to accept a compliment, and show an honest smile! "Try it with your teeth, next time," he muttered kind-heartedly, flashing him a friendly smile (which, though unplanned, showed of his own teeth) to assure him that he was just joking with him.
Eino stared wide eyed at the boy as he attempted to clarify himself, but eventually he just gave up. It didn't really matter because by the end of everything the boy was still smiling, so it couldn't have been that bad, or bad at all. In any way, Eino would be glad to help Cornelius around.
Looking back at his first time experiencing Hogwarts, he really could have used someone's help. He had no idea what the houses were or what the sorting was, really. In fact, he believed that the sorting hat was a souvenir. He had jumped off to the stool and made his way to the wrong house table with it still on, followed by the gasps of students and the shouts of the Deputy Headmaster, Professor Vindictus. In the end, everything was sorted out, and Eino was taken from the Hufflepuff table and correctly placed in the Ravenclaw table, where he sat next to a first year boy who would eventually become one of his best friends. Eino blinked a few times and shook his head as he turned his attention to Cornelius. "Anytime you wish to take up on the offer, I will be delighted to help you." He finally said, after keeping the boy waiting for far too long.
He listened attentively to the boy's very short traveling history, but it didn't seem like they had ever crossed paths, or even come close to it. "I was born in England, but when I was still little, my mother and I relocated in Finland and spent several years living there before returning to England." There might have been a bit more to it, but Eino didn't want to exhaust the boy with his family history, so it was best to keep it short and simple. "Did you attend a different school before coming to Hogwarts?" It was rather odd that someone would not have any sort of magical education until the age of fifteen, unless there was another school in the area Eino did not know about. Plus, there's always the chance that Cornelius was home schooled.
Then, Cornelius offered some smiling help to Eino, suggesting he should show his teeth a little more. Sadly, though, Eino did have a terrible habit of awkwardly showing his when smiling. Well, it couldn't really be called smiling, but more like a teeth exhibition. He would try to smile wider enough to show his teeth next time, and not just show his teeth. This was a little silly, practicing smiling, which interrupted his thinking and caused him to chuckle as Cornelius smiled for the millionth time. He wasn't sure he knew what Cornelius' face looked like without a smile on it. "I will be sure to practice." He assured him.
SPOILER!!: Beatrice
Originally Posted by tomewitch
One of the top students? Oh, now that was veeerrryyy flattering though she won't deny the fact that she really did try hard last term and this term, hopefully she would still have the perseverance. "Oh. My turn to say thanks." She knew she was blushing, but nevertheless grateful.
"She's my best friend actually." She told him. Okay, so he didn't know her. She really need to introduce her best friend some other time. That wasn't really surprising at all, the higher students did usually hang out with students in their own batch, and considering they were still freshmen last term...
"That would be lovely." Eino said in response. He really should become acquainted with as many people from his house as possible, especially since beginning his new prefectship. It would be important for others to know him, too, he thought, in case they ever needed help with something.
Originally Posted by WitchLight27
"That would be me," Erin said towards the prefect Eino Uronen peeking from Beezus back. She was not really that noticeable last year. She kept a low profile and all and she wasn't as active as her bestfriend. This time, she promised herself that she would try a lot of things.
It wasn't long until the girl they had been talking about made her debut. Eino's head turned and he came face to face with Erin. Unfortunately, he had been mistaken in thinking he knew her, or at least he had never seen her. "Hello." He said with a short wave. "I'm Eino-- Oh, dear me! Our names both begin with an 'E' and they both have four letters. What a peculiar coincidence." Though nothing special.
"It's fine, of course," he blinked at her in shock, "but I must be missing something here. Aren't the two of you close? I had no idea you were having to 'deal with her', as you say, I thought you were friends," he gestured vaguely with one hand to make his point all while staring at his girlfriend incredulously. Had he really been so insensitively blind last year that he'd been able to miss... this, entirely?
"I- It just takes a special breed of person to appreciate her is all. She comes from one of the old pureblood families. That's what we're like, stoic, emotionless. We can tear down mountains with a single look or gesture. My parents were the same; I get her. Heck, I was the same when you met me, arrogant shell, remember?"
He rubbed the back of his neck furtively. This wasn't coming out right at all! He needed to make her see that he supported her. Merlin, he loved the girl for magic's sake. "Look, that's just how I feel. I'm not going to begrudge you for not liking my friends. Merlin knows, we're entitled to have different opinions," he took her hand, rubbing his thumb over her soft skin to reassure her, "I just want you to know, that whatever happens, I'll always have your back. I'm with you, remember? You're the most important person to me and I won't do anything to jeopardize that."
Cael sighed wearily, rubbing his forehead with his thumb and index finger. The look. She'd given him the look and now she wasn't speaking to him. Dear Merlin, what a mess.
"I thought Morganzo's were smart, yet somehow I seem to be made out to be the bad guy here," he shook his head slowly, rising from his seat to go talk to the others. "When you'd like to live up to your blood and namesake, I'll be waiting."
"I tried to make friends with her Cael, I really did! But how can you be friends with someone when they are so mean to you all the time and constantly judging you?" She asked, her blue eyes changing from an angry gray back to a softer shade of blue. "I come from an older pureblood family as well.... but I was raised to have feelings and treat people with respect." She replied softly as she fidgeted nervously with her robes. "I know you were in a shell last year, and you've lightened up quite a bit. I like it." She added, kissing him briefly on the cheek. "Thanks for being here Cael, I'll try to keep my attitude in check this year now that I've made a mess of things." She promised, looking up at him sadly. She hated being so dramatic, but she was a girl... a very emotional one at that.
And then something happened that made her jaw drop. He turned to Elliot and defended her. What a sight to see! "Thanks." She mumbled softly, looking down at her empty plate. With all the excitement, yelling, and drama going on her stomach began to turn. "I don't think I'll be eating anything tonight. My stomach hurts."
Ah, yes, finally Jordan was here too! "Hello Jordan, how was your summer? Never mind, it was probably better than ours and that's what counts. Back to the issue of Jez..." he shot out, again looking around the room. Where had she gone? Even if Team Wolf had managed to poison Nate, that must have been before the train ride, which meant that since Jez had obviously survived the train and carriage rides she had to be somewhere at Hogwarts, alive. But where could she have gotten off to? Nate bit the tip of his wand in thought, glancing around the room again and again.
"My summer was quite good really," Jordan grinned back at Nate, he had spent most of it with his friends and Fai. It had been great, smiling he said "How do you mean better than yours?" he asked, confused. "Don't bite your wand Nate, not if you want to keep your teeth..." he smirked.
Originally Posted by keepmeclose22
Pam looked at her hair in shock. Dang hair. She sighed. "This stupid hair. I can never control it." she closed her eyes and concentrated. Her hair turned a dark brown, but it didn't stay brown. She looked at a lock of her and sighed again. "Ehy won't it stay brown?" she asked Nate. He was the smart one. He'd probably be able to help.
"Pam, if it makes you feel better, I will make my hair even more outrageous so that no one will bat an eyelid at your prematurely grey hair." he smiled at Pam.
YAWN!!! She was waiting for her to ask that.... ''I'm in Third year,'' she replied watching the girl closely waiting for her to make a rude remark or somthing she wasn't yet used to it but if they were ever gonna meet again she had a feeling that she wouldn't make any remarks ever again....
Where was Presley or somone to talk to her this was getting a bit boring
LuLu turned away from her conversation with Taylor ''Hi,'' she smiled at the girl
Taylor nodded, so she was a third year. She shrugged and was relieved when LuLu ended the conversation. Now she didn't have to think of anything to say! She smiled about that fact.
SPOILER!!: elliot
Originally Posted by kayquilz
Elliot hearD every word that jayden said, but she merely scowled in her direction. She didn't EVER want to talk to Jayden EVER again! Or Caelius, since he would probably take Jaydens side. Ugh.
How utterly rude! Elliot couldn't believe the nerve of her!
She reached into her bag and pullled out the newest book and opened it on her lap. No, she wouldnt retaliate right now, right here. But she wasn't being quiet for fun. No, she was just biding her time. Jayden did NOT know what was coming..
heard Caelius, even agreed with he was saying...he had been there...but he ALWAYS choose to be right beside Jayden. And Elliot was NOT about to forgive her...or Caelius. She merely shot him a look that any normal person would take as 'I'm serious.' She took a sip of her water, and she flipped the page in her book.
"Egypt? It was so cool. It was filled with really cool ancient magic...and curses. The pyramids are pretty creepy, but it was such an interesting place. By far my favorite place that I've visited," she replied with a sigh.
An ambassador sounded like a pretty good job. Elliot thought it suited her...ambassador, world ruler, it was almost the same thing, right?
"Nice." Taylor smiled, "I so should try going there this summer or over winter vacation. If we don't get held back again." She laughed.
SPOILER!!: Morgan
Originally Posted by RupertGrint's
Morgan considered her response. Only her mother had been a witch, so it made things difficult. She decided a minute longer and replied "I think I will like charms and transfiguration. Although, Potions could be quite an adventure!" she stated "So, do you know many people here besides your family? I don't know anyone at all, well, i suppose you now, but i'm excited to make new friends" she added then blushed, again.
"Cool classes." She nodded, "I know a few." She laughed, "Though i think i made enemies already with a few." She smiled.
SPOILER!!: Vashti
Originally Posted by AlwaysSnapesGirl
Text Cut: Jayden, Nate, Eino, Healer, Vickers
Vashti had barely taken two steps towards the Staff Table when the Healer suddenly showed up. Well, that made her job easier. Did the new Healer have some sort of secret power that instantly knew when a student was sick? That would certainly be handy.
She stood back a little as the Healer tended to the boy, who seemed to be instantly fine the moment that vial thing was stuck under his nose. Huh. Weird. But then he was chatting away with his friends, and the Healer was giving some last instructions before walking away, so Vashti figured the craziness was over. For now.
Vashti very much doubted everything was fine. People didn't shriek and shout like that just for the heck of it. Eino seemed to be buying it though? Sort of. Because then he was going on about pogrebins? But perhaps she could go along with this. "Right. If the pogrebins come back, we'll help fend them off. But remember, there's no need to start yelling at or insulting your fellow students. Okay?"
And then...she heard someone mention a rat? Turning, she noticed one of the students sitting at the table and holding a rat. Oh Merlin, someone actually brought their pet to the feast?
Walking over to the young girl, Vashti smiled and asked, "Is that your-" But then suddenly, the rat squirmed out of the girl's hand, jumped off the table, and scurried away. "Oh Merlin..." What should she do?! Should she...Summon the rat back? It wouldn't do for it to crawl around the Great Hall and likely freak out other students....
Good, now that names were settled... How did it feel being in her last year? "A bit weird, I guess," Vashti replied. "It's strange to think I've been at Hogwarts for seven years, and even stranger to think that I won't be here this time next year." But it was best not to think about it if she could help it.
Ah, good, so Vashti hadn't simply been unobservant - Taylor was a new student. "Oh? Why'd you go there if your sister went here?" Seemed odd to split children up like that. But then, Vashti wasn't a parent so she was probably unaware of their reason for doing it.
"We had a choice of where to go and Trinity picked here while i picked Beauxbaton." She laughed, "We missed each other so i decided to transfer since all of our family are here or graduated from here." She smiled.
"My summer was quite good really," Jordan grinned back at Nate, he had spent most of it with his friends and Fai. It had been great, smiling he said "How do you mean better than yours?" he asked, confused. "Don't bite your wand Nate, not if you want to keep your teeth..." he smirked.
"Pam, if it makes you feel better, I will make my hair even more outrageous so that no one will bat an eyelid at your prematurely grey hair." he smiled at Pam.
Pam giggled. "if you'd like." she smiled. Glad to have a meta friend. Some one actually understood. "I'm just glad you can. "can you do a purple? I've never been able to do purple. It's my favorite color." she smiled. "How is Fai by the way?" She hadnt spoken to Fai in... Well, ever. She just wanted to make sure Fai had gotten brought Nate better than she did.