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The glittering night sky is clear and visible through the enchanted ceiling, and the floating candles bedeck the entire hall in a warm golden light. All seems well with the world, aside from the empty plates still waiting for food to appear.
Pam looked over at Nate, putting a hand on his back. "You sure you're ok?" She asked. She looked up at the nurse as she came by. "I'll come with you." Pam had seen enough of her friends get hurt. Even if it was something small as being dizzy, she wanted to be there.
Looking back around at Jayden, she smiled. "How's your summer been?" She hoped it was alright. Better then Pam's at least. Well, Pam's wasn't horrible, persay. It just wasn't her best summer. But she had enough pictures to last her a while. Then, remembering another envelope in her bag, she looked around to the Hufflepuff table. Maybe she's over there.
LuLu stared at the girl who was... stroking somthing in her... pocket ''Watcha got there?,'' she smiled Where's the common room she almost laughed at this question did she not know did she not look it up it seems the first thing you should do before you go to Hogwarts ''It's up in the tower,'' she replied ''It's up near the Gryffindor tower,''
Kendra saw Lulu stare at her pocket. 'Oh, it's my pet rat, he hasn't yet got a name though.' Kendra scooped him out her pocket and held him firmly but gently in one hand, as to keep him from running off. Kendra nodded, knowing not where the gryffindor tower was, but guessing it's location. When she had first seen the tower from the boats she had made sure to note down where everything was in her mind.
Autumn reached the ravenclaw table just glad that all eyes were off her from the sorting! She sat in a empty gap, and glanced around people were already chatting and she knew no one, what should she do? should she talk to someone or just leave it. She started playing with her plate on the table twisting it around in a awkward fashion.
*Everything I Know I Learned* *Adding Silently To The Noise*
Vlimia was overjoyed to be a Ravenclaw and to stand up against her parent's all-Slytherin rule. The bad thing was; she knew nobody at the Ravenclaw Table! She had met two Gryffindors and a Slytherin on the train, but no Ravvies! She looked around for an empty seat, and found one near another first-year girl playing with her plate. Vlim sat next to her, and said "Hi, I'm Vlimia. I'm a first-year Ravenclaw as well." She introduced herself. At least it would be easy to make friends with people who had similar traits and interests as you.
Pam looked over at Nate, putting a hand on his back. "You sure you're ok?" She asked. She looked up at the nurse as she came by. "I'll come with you." Pam had seen enough of her friends get hurt. Even if it was something small as being dizzy, she wanted to be there.
Looking back around at Jayden, she smiled. "How's your summer been?" She hoped it was alright. Better then Pam's at least. Well, Pam's wasn't horrible, persay. It just wasn't her best summer. But she had enough pictures to last her a while. Then, remembering another envelope in her bag, she looked around to the Hufflepuff table. Maybe she's over there.
Nate couldn't help but smile at Pam when she showed up. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. I was just trainsick, hungry, and exhausted. I feel better now..." he said, considering telling Pam his real suspicions. No, bad idea. Not here. he thought to himself. "It would probably be a good idea to have some water, though," he muttered as he pulled out his wand and aimed it into the cup nearest him. "Aguamenti," he said clearly, a stream of water shooting from his wand tip into the empty goblet. Once he had filled the cup, and was about to take a sip, Nate saw that someone he didn't know had stuck around. He looked older, but also new. "Hi there," he greeted, setting down his cup and extending a hand, "Thanks for sticking around."
Vlimia was overjoyed to be a Ravenclaw and to stand up against her parent's all-Slytherin rule. The bad thing was; she knew nobody at the Ravenclaw Table! She had met two Gryffindors and a Slytherin on the train, but no Ravvies! She looked around for an empty seat, and found one near another first-year girl playing with her plate. Vlim sat next to her, and said "Hi, I'm Vlimia. I'm a first-year Ravenclaw as well." She introduced herself. At least it would be easy to make friends with people who had similar traits and interests as you.
Autumn looked up from her plate, was this girl talking to her?
"ohh Hiya, I'm Autumn nice to meet you"
Autumn smiled glad that someone had spoken to her
Nate couldn't help but smile at Pam when she showed up. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. I was just trainsick, hungry, and exhausted. I feel better now..." he said, considering telling Pam his real suspicions. No, bad idea. Not here. he thought to himself. "It would probably be a good idea to have some water, though," he muttered as he pulled out his wand and aimed it into the cup nearest him. "Aguamenti," he said clearly, a stream of water shooting from his wand tip into the empty goblet. Once he had filled the cup, and was about to take a sip, Nate saw that someone he didn't know had stuck around. He looked older, but also new. "Hi there," he greeted, setting down his cup and extending a hand, "Thanks for sticking around."
Pam smiled, but she knew something else was going on. She didn't know what, but she knew it was something. They were best friends after all, and have been for.. ten years? But Pam didn't ask about it. Not now, when there were so many ears that could listen in on the conversation.
Pam looked around again, looking for Jez. They were together on the train, and she remembered riding the invisible-horse drawn carriages. But after that, she couldn't remember. "Do you know where Jez is?" She asked Nate. She was sure he would know.
*Everything I Know I Learned* *Adding Silently To The Noise*
Originally Posted by Frankie
Autumn looked up from her plate, was this girl talking to her?
"ohh Hiya, I'm Autumn nice to meet you"
Autumn smiled glad that someone had spoken to her
Vlim smiled as the other girl seemed shocked that anybody would address her. "Hi Autumn. What do you want to be when you grow up? I want to be a Holyhead Harpies player, OR a ballet dancer, OR an Auror." She said. Vlimia had backup plans just in case. Being a Harpy Player would be really cool, but it would also be a lot of practice and it wouldn't pay very well unless they won. A ballet dancer would require a lot of practice as well, and Vlim would have to dance every night for a week in front of a crowd at least once every six months. And being an Auror needed good marks in almost every subject, and it also gave a lot of extreme training after Hogwarts. Every job came with flaws, but Vlimia could deal with them.
Pam smiled, but she knew something else was going on. She didn't know what, but she knew it was something. They were best friends after all, and have been for.. ten years? But Pam didn't ask about it. Not now, when there were so many ears that could listen in on the conversation.
Pam looked around again, looking for Jez. They were together on the train, and she remembered riding the invisible-horse drawn carriages. But after that, she couldn't remember. "Do you know where Jez is?" She asked Nate. She was sure he would know.
Nate gulped his water down and looked back to Pam. "Well, remember how I got dizzy right after getting off the carriages, and you and Jez were helping me stay steady? If you do, you'll also remember how I managed to slip away from you two somehow. Then I walked in here and collapsed. But now, suddenly, strangely, I'm better. And that's all I know."
Nate refilled his cup and spun around in his seat. "Basically, we both managed to lose her in the crowd. She should show up eventually..." he concluded, looking over the heads for the familiar black braid, or a glint of violet from her eyes, but there was no sign of Jez. Hmm...
"How dare I? How dare you!" Jayden cried from the opposite end of the table. She didn't care who heard. She was absolutely livid.
"You're just a cruel, selfish, unloving person Elliot Morganzo! I hope you're happy! I hope you're happy now! I hope you're happy how you hurt your cause forever! I hope you think you're clever! Because you're not! You're rude.... and crude.... and.... and lude!" She shrieked, reaching for her wand just in case....
This means war....
Elliot hearD every word that jayden said, but she merely scowled in her direction. She didn't EVER want to talk to Jayden EVER again! Or Caelius, since he would probably take Jaydens side. Ugh.
How utterly rude! Elliot couldn't believe the nerve of her!
She reached into her bag and pullled out the newest book and opened it on her lap. No, she wouldnt retaliate right now, right here. But she wasn't being quiet for fun. No, she was just biding her time. Jayden did NOT know what was coming..
heard Caelius, even agreed with he was saying...he had been there...but he ALWAYS choose to be right beside Jayden. And Elliot was NOT about to forgive her...or Caelius. She merely shot him a look that any normal person would take as 'I'm serious.' She took a sip of her water, and she flipped the page in her book.
Originally Posted by Cassandra
Taylor smiled and saw a girl that was alone, "Hey, I'm Taylor." She held out her hand, "First year?"
Taylor shrugged, "Yeah, i guess it is cool.... though she is an ambassador to Haven, Atlantis, and the other 'Magical Countries' at least that is what her job title was." She laughed, "We aren't that wealthy." She was impressed when the girl listed off all the countries she had been too, and nodded, "Egypt? Cool." She smiled, "We were going to go during summer but with all the weddings and balls that we had to go to we didn't have time." She smiled, "How was it?"
"Egypt? It was so cool. It was filled with really cool ancient magic...and curses. The pyramids are pretty creepy, but it was such an interesting place. By far my favorite place that I've visited," she replied with a sigh.
An ambassador sounded like a pretty good job. Elliot thought it suited her...ambassador, world ruler, it was almost the same thing, right?
"You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough."
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin
LuLu smiled and and looked a bit conffused was she ehhh..... What? She went shifty she shook her head a tad to knowck it off! Fabulous? What did she mean, the way she said it was like REALLY hard to understand... It was confident she confident that she was okay? OK-AY emmm..... O______o What?
''Ehh... Good,'' she didn't know how to reply so she decided she'd go simple! The were both having an awkward moment..... Mostly her though
Now that they were both clear about that, Erin gave Lulu the smile. "So, have you noticed the new replacements in the staffs?" There were rather three who caught her attention. She'd gladly know their names but she was just so shy to near the staff table. She was never too confident in front of them. As much as she loved the Professorss in giving points, they also deduct house points and she didn't want any negatives in Ravenclaw's status because of her and at the start of the school year!
Originally Posted by tomewitch
Was this girl even her friend? Oh, she was scared to admit that. Hehe. She did not want to admit it because her best friend has just hit her big time! But she still won't let her win. "Mordred?" She asked, a shocked expression on her face. "Are you mad? I never found cuteness in.." Swallow. "in..that guy!" And an exclaiming finish. Now that her best friend mentioned it, she had not seen him around. Not on the train, not on the platform and not here in the Great Hall. The last time they talked was at the Observatory and it rather ended not so quite well.
"Alex?" Hmm.. Sounds familiar. Has she heard that name somewhere? It was like she knew who Erin was talking about. "By any chance, was Alex sorted in Gryffindor?" Because if she was then they're thinking about the same Alex!
"Chill Bee!" said Erin. Her bestfriend was totally the Denial Queen. Erin could make that her nickname from now on. "I never actually witness this Mordred of yours," said Erin eyeing her bestfriend and immediately took back her statement, "...Okay, okay, okay. This Mordred. Is he real?" Erin teased Beezus. She loved talking to this girl, in a way that she could say anything and everything without worrying for a misunderstanding because Erin couldn't even imagine them not talking to each other.
"Slytherin," said Erin. Why would Beezus think of her as a Gryffindor? Weird. Or maybe, she knew a certain Alex from there. 'Why? Do you have an Alex friend in there? My Alex was actually named Alexia."
Enya walked into the great hall and looked around, here she was again another year, another year closer till the day she was to leave. Without casting more than a glance at the other tables she strolled over to the Ravenclaw table and took a seat. She didn't know who she was sat next to and she didn't care she was only really looking for one person. Before pulling a plate of food towards her she cast a look around the room for this particular person.
♥♥♥♥♥__________Chapter 17 of "A Broken Wing" Is up now!___________♥ ___________________Look Who's Back.
Nate gulped his water down and looked back to Pam. "Well, remember how I got dizzy right after getting off the carriages, and you and Jez were helping me stay steady? If you do, you'll also remember how I managed to slip away from you two somehow. Then I walked in here and collapsed. But now, suddenly, strangely, I'm better. And that's all I know."
Nate refilled his cup and spun around in his seat. "Basically, we both managed to lose her in the crowd. She should show up eventually..." he concluded, looking over the heads for the familiar black braid, or a glint of violet from her eyes, but there was no sign of Jez. Hmm...
She looked over at Nate and glared. "Don't you ever do that again." She almost lost him twice this summer, a third and final time wasn't what she needed this year. She sighed and looked around at the other tables. "Maybe she went to go say hi to someone." Which is possible. But she would tell them.. maybe. "But wouldn't she tell us? I mean, she didn't tell us when she escaped at the station, but she wouldn't do that twice.. would she?" Pam started to get really worried, and it started to show.
Pam's hair started to turn a grey color, which gave her the impression of being older than she should be. She looked at her hair and sighed. She was really hoping this didn't happen. She didn't need a bunch of first years watching her.
Vlim smiled as the other girl seemed shocked that anybody would address her. "Hi Autumn. What do you want to be when you grow up? I want to be a Holyhead Harpies player, OR a ballet dancer, OR an Auror." She said. Vlimia had backup plans just in case. Being a Harpy Player would be really cool, but it would also be a lot of practice and it wouldn't pay very well unless they won. A ballet dancer would require a lot of practice as well, and Vlim would have to dance every night for a week in front of a crowd at least once every six months. And being an Auror needed good marks in almost every subject, and it also gave a lot of extreme training after Hogwarts. Every job came with flaws, but Vlimia could deal with them.
Autumn smiled "oh Thats cool, I want to be a singer" Autumn could feel herself blush "but that probably wont work out so a stylist/designer" Whatever autumn wanted to do she must become famous. Fame and sucsess and money. This is what she wanted in life, she never had many friends because people called her shallow but she couldnt hel it, eople said just marry someone rich! No way autumn wanted to earn her money and say that that is rightfully hers. singing had always been her passsion, but she was willing to choose a diffrent path for her sucsess.
½ of Lauralie | Koala | The being in Ern's pocket | Baby Smurf | Prouf member of The Flock
Originally Posted by GinevraWeasley
Vlim smiled as the other girl seemed shocked that anybody would address her. "Hi Autumn. What do you want to be when you grow up? I want to be a Holyhead Harpies player, OR a ballet dancer, OR an Auror." She said. Vlimia had backup plans just in case. Being a Harpy Player would be really cool, but it would also be a lot of practice and it wouldn't pay very well unless they won. A ballet dancer would require a lot of practice as well, and Vlim would have to dance every night for a week in front of a crowd at least once every six months. And being an Auror needed good marks in almost every subject, and it also gave a lot of extreme training after Hogwarts. Every job came with flaws, but Vlimia could deal with them.
Elise looked up to see two first years chatting. Honestly, El was a little small for a 12 year old. She could pass as a first-year, although she was in her second.
"Hi there," she smiled. "I'm Elise, welcome to Ravenclaw."
Yes, just because Ravenclaw was the best house. There was NO comparison.
Elise looked up to see two first years chatting. Honestly, El was a little small for a 12 year old. She could pass as a first-year, although she was in her second.
"Hi there," she smiled. "I'm Elise, welcome to Ravenclaw."
Yes, just because Ravenclaw was the best house. There was NO comparison.
Autumn wiped her head around to a ravenclaw talking to them, she wasn't sure whether she was a second or first year she seemed to know where she was and who was there, yet she waas talking to us
"Hi Elise, I'm autumn... umm what year are you in?"
She did not want to seem rude but thought she better get it straight incase she makes a mistake in further conversation.
*Everything I Know I Learned* *Adding Silently To The Noise*
Originally Posted by Frankie
Autumn smiled "oh Thats cool, I want to be a singer" Autumn could feel herself blush "but that probably wont work out so a stylist/designer" Whatever autumn wanted to do she must become famous. Fame and sucess and money. This is what she wanted in life, she never had many friends because people called her shallow but she couldn't help it, people said just marry someone rich! No way Autumn wanted to earn her money and say that that is rightfully hers. Singing had always been her passion, but she was willing to choose a different path for her sucess.
Vlimia almost said something aloud about not having a backup plan, but then Autumn said that she could also be a designer. "Awesome, I'll have to hear you sing sometime." Vlim said, her stomach grumbling. "I'm famished." She said, wishing the feast would appear. She had only had two peices of toast and some Drooble's Blowing Gum all day!
Taylor smiled at her statement and nodded.. In response to her question, "Eh, its no Beauxbaton...... but I must say it is a little charming here, and since all of my family are here, its ok." She smiled, and laughed, "I am a little excited for potions and astronomy." She tilted her head, "What class are you looking forward too?"
Morgan considered her response. Only her mother had been a witch, so it made things difficult. She decided a minute longer and replied "I think I will like charms and transfiguration. Although, Potions could be quite an adventure!" she stated "So, do you know many people here besides your family? I don't know anyone at all, well, i suppose you now, but i'm excited to make new friends" she added then blushed, again.
Vlimia almost said something aloud about not having a backup plan, but then Autumn said that she could also be a designer. "Awesome, I'll have to hear you sing sometime." Vlim said, her stomach grumbling. "I'm famished." She said, wishing the feast would appear. She had only had two peices of toast and some Drooble's Blowing Gum all day!
looking back to Vlimia, "no way!" autumn laughed shyly, "me too, Where's the food?" Being muggle born Autumn didnt know how things worked at hogwarts she had read stuff but not about the food.
Just a firstie trying to make friends, so anyone :D
Hit Wiz love | 1/2 of Bensky | Louisa's baby claw. <3 | kewe
Lily was happier now that she had been sorted. As she walked along the table, she saw the boy and girl that had been on the platform back in London [She had tried to meet them but they were too busy], she saw the girl whom she had met on the train[she was in Gryffindor though], and she saw a whole bunch of chaos[where a boy had fainted and needed a healer, he was better now].
Lily sat at an empty part of the table, not knowing who everyone was or whether she would fit in. Those thoughts from the platform and the early train ride were back. 'What if I don't meet anyone and actually make friends. I hate being shy and unsure. But wasn't that why the hat put me into ravenclaw?' She though. Lily looked around at the people talking and having a good time and all she wished was to get to know someone and have friends like everyone else. It didn't help being muggleborn, because Lily knew only what she had read in Hogwarts, A History about the school and magic all together. 'If only someone would get to know me, and I could get to know them and feel more comfortable here'
She looked over at Nate and glared. "Don't you ever do that again." She almost lost him twice this summer, a third and final time wasn't what she needed this year. She sighed and looked around at the other tables. "Maybe she went to go say hi to someone." Which is possible. But she would tell them.. maybe. "But wouldn't she tell us? I mean, she didn't tell us when she escaped at the station, but she wouldn't do that twice.. would she?" Pam started to get really worried, and it started to show.
Pam's hair started to turn a grey color, which gave her the impression of being older than she should be. She looked at her hair and sighed. She was really hoping this didn't happen. She didn't need a bunch of first years watching her.
Jordan turned to look at Pam, "Pam, you seem to be going prematurely grey." he noted, referring to her changing hair. "I'd look into that if I were you," he mused his fellow meta. He caught onto the conversation, "Jez? I haven't seen her since the train, I wouldn't worry too much though..." Oh wait, they were talking about Jez here.
Lily was happier now that she had been sorted. As she walked along the table, she saw the boy and girl that had been on the platform back in London [She had tried to meet them but they were too busy], she saw the girl whom she had met on the train[she was in Gryffindor though], and she saw a whole bunch of chaos[where a boy had fainted and needed a healer, he was better now].
Lily sat at an empty part of the table, not knowing who everyone was or whether she would fit in. Those thoughts from the platform and the early train ride were back. 'What if I don't meet anyone and actually make friends. I hate being shy and unsure. But wasn't that why the hat put me into ravenclaw?' She though. Lily looked around at the people talking and having a good time and all she wished was to get to know someone and have friends like everyone else. It didn't help being muggleborn, because Lily knew only what she had read in Hogwarts, A History about the school and magic all together. 'If only someone would get to know me, and I could get to know them and feel more comfortable here'
Autumn glanced over Her new friends shoulder and saw a girl who she ahd seen on the train sit down, this girl looked lonely and autumn knew how it felt, "hey!" she shouted to the girl who was down the table a bit. "come sit with us" she smiled at her "I'm autumn"
Suddenly, the rat squirmed out of Kendra's hand onto the table among the variety of food across the table. Kendra reached out, trying to get him back before he either scared any people afraid of rats or, worse, starting to eat the food around them. Her Hand missed the rat by an inch, her hand brushed its tail as it dived off the table, scurrying away to something that had interested it at the other end of the room. "oh no..." Kendra muttered, hoping that the rat would come into no harm. She trusted he would come back, hopefully..
Laura noticed this girl. She looked eleder than her, probably one or two years.'Hiya I'm Laura,' she said to her.
Clapping her hands again as the sorting hat announced another fellow Ravenclaw, the third year heard someone talking, possibly to her. Turning her head towards the other student, Gwen saw a younger girl. ‘Hi. Nice to meet you…’, she started saying and gave a smirk. ‘I’m Gwen, by the way. Gwen Greene’, the girl added while extending her hand.
Aaaand- I don’t think I’ve seen her around before, she thought while glimpsing quickly towards the sorting hat. ‘Second year?’ Hmm- just taking a shot.
Originally Posted by tomewitch
And here's another one. Another Eagle whom she hadn't met yet, or she probably did but couldn't came to remembering. The girl looked a bit stern for her age. Well, that's Eagles for you. "Hi. Haven't I seen you before?" She asked, trying to catch the girl's attention who was seemingly busy looking at the whole Sorting Ceremony. Now that she's said it, the girl's does look familiar. Beezus could swore she had seen her before, last term to be exact.
Now- back to my pumpkin juice, she thought, but suddenly turned her head to her left. Looking at the girl who was addressing her, Gwen couldn’t tell if they had met before. Probably not… but I wouldn’t like to be rude (yet) by making her feel unimportant.‘Hi’, she replied and gave a crocket smile. ‘I don’t think so…’, she started saying. ‘But I think I’ve seen you around’, she felt the need to add while trying to remember her name. Nope. No name that I can reacll.
‘Well, I’m Gwen’, she grinned. Then, the third year looked back at the Sorting Ceremony. Noticing some first years coming to their house table, she really hoped those were the acceptable ones. ‘If they got into Ravenclaw they must have some brains…’, she mumbled.
Originally Posted by Orla
Gwen? she half smiled at her ''Hi Gwen,'' then she forced a smile it was nice to be nice
But when ever you talked to Gwen you always some how got your feelings hurt and she was cold so it was hard to look her in the eye without feeling un-comfortable! Wasn't her fault.... In fact she liked Gwen she was always friendly to her and she never said anything REALLY mean to her it's just you feel she'd thinking aboit you and stuff ''So what have been doing.. over the summer?,'' she smiled at her again to bring her bubbly 'self back
‘Hmm?’, Gwen said while turning around to see who called her. Surprised to spot Luna there, the third year didn’t quite know how to start talking to her. It was true, in the last couple of years, she had been pretty rude to Luna, although she wasn’t necessarily one of the people she disliked. She was all right, for all Gwen cared. ‘Hello’, the ravie nodded and smirked to the girl, while noticing how hard she must have tried to smile. Really trying not to laugh at the girl’s facial expression (which was indeed priceless!), she added: ‘Are you all right?’
‘My summer was great’Best one so far. ‘I have been traveling with my parents and also met with some friends.’, she said, but didn’t wish to add any of the details, which would probably just bore Luna. ‘How about you?’, the Ravenclaw asked.
The Great Hall welcomed the girl once again. Louisa stood at the double doors for a minute, smiling widely at the crowded scene. It might be cheesy to say so, but Kita Lewis was SO missed among all of those crazy students. With a sigh and a smile, Louisa made her way to her house's table, her eyes were glued to the Slytherin's for any sign of her boyfriend. But she knew they might not meet today, perhaps tomorrow before classes. Yep, that sounds great.
Last edited by Magical Soul; 01-02-2012 at 05:52 PM.
Reason: NO PETS! D: