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The glittering night sky is clear and visible through the enchanted ceiling, and the floating candles bedeck the entire hall in a warm golden light. All seems well with the world, aside from the empty plates still waiting for food to appear.
After parting ways with Ino, Eino made his way to great hall. He usually liked to be early so he could find a seat he liked, preferably closer to the stool so he could get a good look at the first years getting sorted. He did this because he liked to guess, based on their appearance alone, where the hat would sort them. He usually got it wrong, but he enjoyed doing it nonetheless. This time however, Eino was sidetracked by a few lost first years so he didn't make it on time for a front row seat. He took a seat somewhere in the middle of the table, then waited for the event to commence.
Along the staff table he caught Professor Bentley, his favorite professor, and a man he did not yet recognize. He watched Professor Bentley for a while, hoping her eyes would make their way to the Ravenclaw Table. He didn't like going up the the professors on the first night because he liked to give them the chance to catch up with each other, and perhaps meet new staff for the first time. When Professor Bentley's eyes were moving towards the table, he swiftly raised his hand, hoping her eyes would meet his enthusiastic wave and smile.
Cornelius somehow found his way into the Great Hall, pure luck apparently on the new student's side that night. His eyes immediately widened at the sight of such a large dining area, sweeping his gaze across all four of the tables and over the staff table up at the front. Wow. Hogwarts didn't just throw up some streamers; they decorated.
And here was the difficult part.
Though he had met a few people on the train, he didn't really see any of them at the table clearly designated for those dressed in blue hues; where he himself was supposed to be. Looks like it was time to meet more people! Cornelius waltzed his way over towards the middle of the table, seeing a student around his age sitting alone, and decided it was worth a try. He seemed friendly enough. And so, Cornelius plopped down in the seat across from him, flashing him a friendly smile and throwing out a hand for introduction. "I'm Cornelius."
Elliot scowled, and turned to look at the new students...hmm.
"Some of them are bigger than I am!" she exclaimed disbelievingly. She was small for her age, though, so that wasn't saying much.
"And Caelius, a cuddle bear?" she asked, cocking at eyebrow. Then she burst out laughing. "More like an armadillo or something!" she said the FIRST animal that came to her mind...and for some reason, that was an armadillo.
"Oh Elliot!" Jayden chuckled, freeing her hair from it's tight bun. "Merlin. This hair is driving me batty!" She complained, running her fingers through it and making sure it all laid perfectly in place. If there was anything Jayden was vain about, it was her hair.
Originally Posted by ToujoursPur
"Sorry I lost you back at the carriages, seems I'm off in my own world tonight," he whispered contritely. She seemed... better. Maybe she'd taken his advice to heart.
"Seems like it. Would have been a shame to try to eat off dirty dishes again, hm?" he laughed, playing with the ends of her hair indulgently as she showered him with affection. He couldn't ever see himself getting tired of her, she just had so much joie de vivre; it was almost infectious.
"Oh yes, just a shame to eat off of dirty dishes!" Jayden laughed, reminiscing last years feast. It was the first time the two had met. "Oh Cael.... we met here last year! Isn't it strange knowing it's already been a year? It feels like we just met!" She laughed, tilting her head in such a way that it flowed into Cael's playful hands. He seemed to enjoy playing with her hair... and she enjoyed letting him. He was so carefree, so warm and trusting about things since the Hawaii trip... and he hadn't seemed to have as many chest problems as he had last year... strange.
Elliot thought back...hmm, she was right, of course, but Elliot wouldn't admit it. "Hmm...okay, if you say so," was all she said in reply. She wished the food would hurry. She was starving...and her lack of interest in sweets never bade well on the train, since that's all they really had!
"Hogwarts will, don't worry. And yes, Ravenclaw is the...house for intelligent people," she replied knowingly. Did this girl know anything about Hogwarts? Apparently not.
"Now, are you from France, or did you simply decide to go to Beauxbatons because of its prestige?" she asked curiously. Of course, Elliot wasn't French at all, and she had still considered the French school for witches.
"No, I'm from Scotland but I am half French." She smiled, "Though I prefer my Scottish half since my "mother" is a stupid and lousy person." Taylor still didn't forgive her mother..... just yet at least, "I like France though, very pretty and our house there is nice but it isn't as big as the one in Scotland." She smiled, "What about you? Where are you from?"
Nate staggered into the Great Hall, still woozy. How he had gotten train-sick he still didn't know, but hey, things happen. He strode shakily over to what he remembered to be the location of the Ravenclaw table. At least, he hoped it was the Ravenclaw table. He wasn't entirely sure whether he was in the great hall or not, after losing Jez and Pam in the crowd shortly after getting off of the carriage.
A blunt shock from Nate's mid-shin assured him of two things: 1.) He was definitely in the Great Hall, and 2.) He had grown over the summer. He had needed that. His stature hadn't changed much, though. He had only gained a couple inches. Opening his eyes for the first time since the blinding light of the entrance hall, Nate saw splashes of dark colors. Brown by his aching leg, tan to the side of it, and a glint of gold on the far right of his narrowed field of vision. Yup. Definitely the Great Hall. he thought, closing his eyes again and leaning on the table for support as he walked forwards, towards the middle of the table.
Around the middle of the table, in an empty spot, Nate suddenly halted and slumped down into the seat with his head facedown on the plate in front of him. Not only was he lightheaded, but he was exhausted and hungry, too. Not a good combination for Nate. In his haze, though, he never even came close to noticing his fellow Claws on the end of the table.
"Oh Elliot!" Jayden chuckled, freeing her hair from it's tight bun. "Merlin. This hair is driving me batty!" She complained, running her fingers through it and making sure it all laid perfectly in place. If there was anything Jayden was vain about, it was her hair.
"Oh yes, just a shame to eat off of dirty dishes!" Jayden laughed, reminiscing last years feast. It was the first time the two had met. "Oh Cael.... we met here last year! Isn't it strange knowing it's already been a year? It feels like we just met!" She laughed, tilting her head in such a way that it flowed into Cael's playful hands. He seemed to enjoy playing with her hair... and she enjoyed letting him. He was so carefree, so warm and trusting about things since the Hawaii trip... and he hadn't seemed to have as many chest problems as he had last year... strange.
Elliot glared at her. "Why do you always say, 'Oh Elliot?', hmmm?" she asked, crossing her arms. Jayden did it quite often! She never graced her with a proper answer, it was always 'oh Elliot!'.
She complained about her hair, and Elliot tucked her own long, blonde hair behind her ears. "Don't worry about your hair, Jayden, you sound like such a ...diva," she said, rolling her eyes. Elliot disliked divas. Her youngest sister, Sam, was definitely turning into one!
She started to gush with Caelius, and she firmly turned her back. "I simply refuse to talk to either of you until you stop being so gross!" she snapped, suddenly extremely annoyed with the both of them! Well, not really Caelius, more Jayden!
Originally Posted by Cassandra
"No, I'm from Scotland but I am half French." She smiled, "Though I prefer my Scottish half since my "mother" is a stupid and lousy person." Taylor still didn't forgive her mother..... just yet at least, "I like France though, very pretty and our house there is nice but it isn't as big as the one in Scotland." She smiled, "What about you? Where are you from?"
Elliot almost squealed. She was from Scotland, too! Well, she lived in Scotland, anyways! "My mother's side is from Scotland, my father from Russia. And I live in Scotland as well! In the mountains..." she said, smiling. She and this girl may be able to get along well enough. "AND you think your mother is stupid? Me too!" she said, pressing her hand against her own chest. "Hmph, so much in common, eh?" Yes, yes, Much in common.
"I live in Scotland currently, like I just said, in the Morganzo Manor. The family estate. We do have a vacation manor in New Orleans, but that one is so small compared to our home is Scotland," she replied, her eyes sparkling in excitement.
"You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough."
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin
Dave Grohl-Josh Hutcherson-RupertGrint-HP-HG- Marvel-D.C-Taylor Hawkins-Drumming-Foo Fighters-
Originally Posted by Cassandra
Taylor walked into the Great Hall and went to the ravenclaw table. Hmmmm am i early? there is only one other person...... She sat down and started braiding her hair out of boredom and out of nervousness. First year here..... i wonder if i will get treated as a first year or as the second year i am..... maybe i shouldn't of transferred. Taylor shook away her thoughts and started wondering where her twin was....... also in ravenclaw.
Logan saw Taylor from his table and snuck up behind her and wrapped his arms around her. "Hey you!" He said grinning. "You look cute with braids..." he whispered in her ear, still grinning.
Elliot glared at her. "Why do you always say, 'Oh Elliot?', hmmm?" she asked, crossing her arms. Jayden did it quite often! She never graced her with a proper answer, it was always 'oh Elliot!'.
She complained about her hair, and Elliot tucked her own long, blonde hair behind her ears. "Don't worry about your hair, Jayden, you sound like such a ...diva," she said, rolling her eyes. Elliot disliked divas. Her youngest sister, Sam, was definitely turning into one!
She started to gush with Caelius, and she firmly turned her back. "I simply refuse to talk to either of you until you stop being so gross!" she snapped, suddenly extremely annoyed with the both of them! Well, not really Caelius, more Jayden!
Elliot almost squealed. She was from Scotland, too! Well, she lived in Scotland, anyways! "My mother's side is from Scotland, my father from Russia. And I live in Scotland as well! In the mountains..." she said, smiling. She and this girl may be able to get along well enough. "AND you think your mother is stupid? Me too!" she said, pressing her hand against her own chest. "Hmph, so much in common, eh?" Yes, yes, Much in common.
"I live in Scotland currently, like I just said, in the Morganzo Manor. The family estate. We do have a vacation manor in New Orleans, but that one is so small compared to our home is Scotland," she replied, her eyes sparkling in excitement.
The aggravating girl just became.......... rather interesting! Taylor smiled, getting a little excited but she hid her excitement, just in case, "Oh so you are Scottish too? How nice. So much in common?" Taylor shrugged, though she kinda of agree, "Maybe but maybe not, only time will tell." She hid a smile, "Mountains? nice and a vacation home in New Orleans." She nodded but she wasn't impressed, "I never been to America before, never really sparked my interest but i have been to most Asian and European countries."
OOC: for sydney
She jumped slightly when Logan sneaked up behind her, "Thanks, and congrats on getting into the house of the brave, Monkey." She smiled and made a mental note to wear her hair in braids more often. Taylor got up and hugged the little first year, "How is your flying doing?" She glanced slightly at Elliot, "You were a natural when you started flying at the estate."
Elliot glared at her. "Why do you always say, 'Oh Elliot?', hmmm?" she asked, crossing her arms. Jayden did it quite often! She never graced her with a proper answer, it was always 'oh Elliot!'.
She complained about her hair, and Elliot tucked her own long, blonde hair behind her ears. "Don't worry about your hair, Jayden, you sound like such a ...diva," she said, rolling her eyes. Elliot disliked divas. Her youngest sister, Sam, was definitely turning into one!
She started to gush with Caelius, and she firmly turned her back. "I simply refuse to talk to either of you until you stop being so gross!" she snapped, suddenly extremely annoyed with the both of them! Well, not really Caelius, more Jayden!
"I say 'oh Elliot' because I honestly have no idea what to say or think of you when you say and do certain things." Jayden replied lazily, eying Elliot curiously as the girl began snapping at her over her hair.
"I am not a diva, I just simply find my hair to be completely awesomesauce." She replied icily, no one. No one. Talked down to Jayden about her hair if they knew what was good for them.
And then Elliot scolded her about Caelius.
"It's not a matter of being gross Elliot," Jayden snapped back, glaring at the girl. "It's a matter of actually caring about someone. Maybe if you weren't such an ice queen... you would know."
❄Suaviter in modo, fortiter in re❄| ⚕=equivalent exchange=⚕ | pinned ya!
Originally Posted by WitchLight27
"Hi!" she offered a smile to her bestfriend. She was glad, finally, she had her. There was no of her at the train and the platforms. "Look!" she said in great delight. "I have a new pet!" and then she slightly raised her arms wherein the little lizard was settled and probably sleeping. Lizards do sleep.
And then, she suddenly heard her addressed a certain Miss Greenwell, okay, she have seen this girl named Vashti from last term but she had not gotten the chance to formally meet her. "Hello! I am Erin," she smiled and then a beautiful badge. "You're Head Girl!"
Look? Look what? Beezus started frowning, what was it that Erin seemed very excited to show her? "What.." But before she could even finish her question, her bestfriend held out one small creature. A lizard!
Err..maybe she shouldn't show it around right? It may cause panic. With that, she quickly seized her friend's hand that was holding the lizard and pulled it under the table. "W-where did you get that?" She asked. The Erin she knew wasn't very fond of those things. "I didn't knew you liked lizards."
Originally Posted by Starbreeze
After parting ways with Ino, Eino made his way to great hall. He usually liked to be early so he could find a seat he liked, preferably closer to the stool so he could get a good look at the first years getting sorted. He did this because he liked to guess, based on their appearance alone, where the hat would sort them. He usually got it wrong, but he enjoyed doing it nonetheless. This time however, Eino was sidetracked by a few lost first years so he didn't make it on time for a front row seat. He took a seat somewhere in the middle of the table, then waited for the event to commence.
Along the staff table he caught Professor Bentley, his favorite professor, and a man he did not yet recognize. He watched Professor Bentley for a while, hoping her eyes would make their way to the Ravenclaw Table. He didn't like going up the the professors on the first night because he liked to give them the chance to catch up with each other, and perhaps meet new staff for the first time. When Professor Bentley's eyes were moving towards the table, he swiftly raised his hand, hoping her eyes would meet his enthusiastic wave and smile.
A new term sure shows new things. And here was one guy who sure had a new something on him. Yes, it was official. She could see the shiny Prefect Badge on the boy's robes which meant only one thing. He was their new Prefect.
"Looking good with the new badge Mr. Uronen." She commented.
Originally Posted by EastonionNW
Nate staggered into the Great Hall, still woozy. How he had gotten train-sick he still didn't know, but hey, things happen. He strode shakily over to what he remembered to be the location of the Ravenclaw table. At least, he hoped it was the Ravenclaw table. He wasn't entirely sure whether he was in the great hall or not, after losing Jez and Pam in the crowd shortly after getting off of the carriage.
A blunt shock from Nate's mid-shin assured him of two things: 1.) He was definitely in the Great Hall, and 2.) He had grown over the summer. He had needed that. His stature hadn't changed much, though. He had only gained a couple inches. Opening his eyes for the first time since the blinding light of the entrance hall, Nate saw splashes of dark colors. Brown by his aching leg, tan to the side of it, and a glint of gold on the far right of his narrowed field of vision. Yup. Definitely the Great Hall. he thought, closing his eyes again and leaning on the table for support as he walked forwards, towards the middle of the table.
Around the middle of the table, in an empty spot, Nate suddenly halted and slumped down into the seat with his head facedown on the plate in front of him. Not only was he lightheaded, but he was exhausted and hungry, too. Not a good combination for Nate. In his haze, though, he never even came close to noticing his fellow Claws on the end of the table.
Sigh. Now they wait, students where still flowing from the doors of the Great Hall and the Staff Table was still quiet. The Headmaster was not yet anywhere in sight, which meant that dinner would have to wait.
Just then, she saw one friend of hers approach the table and sat on the opposite side where she was seated with a seemingly not too enthusiastic expression. "Nate! Oi!" She called out. "What's gotten in to you?" That sure was a new way to greet the start of a new term.
Baguette | there is no D in my name | TRAITORclaw | Queenie of Narnia
Originally Posted by Cassandra
Taylor looked over at an older girl that showed up, "Hello." She smiled, "Yeah, and you?"
Hmm, Vashti didn't think she recognized this one. Perhaps she was new? She seemed friendly enough though, which was good. "I think I'm ready, yes," she replied with a smile and a nod. "I'm Vashti, by the way." Introductions were always good, yes?
Originally Posted by kayquilz
Elliot looked up, and saw the shiny prefects badge. She merely waved at the girl and smile. She looked vaguely familiar, and Elliot definitely remembered seeing her around school last year. She had a weird name...
Vashti noticed one of the younger students wave - and this one she was fairly sure she had seen around Hogwarts last term - though she didn't seem to want to speak. She seemed busy talking to her friends though, so Vashti simply returned the wave and smile.
Originally Posted by Grangerfn1
Maximus James filed into the Great Hall with the rest of the students. The train ride had been short - he had found a vacant compartment and fell asleep before the Express had even taken off. Luckily, he slept like a rock, for a compartment of younger, chatty students woke him to change into his robes.
As he meandered down the aisle, his instinct was to find a familiar face, and then he saw one sitting on the opposite side: Vashti. He kicked his leg over the bench and sat across from her, giving her a smile and a nod as a greeting. "Vashti, it's nice to see you again! Have a good summer? And - ah - lovely Head Girl badge you've got there!" Pretending to be intimidated, Max put his hands out flat in front of him and swayed vertically, praising her and her greatness.
And here was someone she definitely recognized!
"Hey Max," she replied, grinning. "Great to see you too-" She didn't get any further because suddenly he was mentioning her badge and - what in Merlin's name was he doing? "Max," she said, shaking her head though still smiling and laughing slightly. "There's no need for...whatever it is you're doing. I'm still the same person I was last term." Having a badge didn't change that. And he hadn't done this to her last term, so there was no need this term either.
Even if it was rather amusing. Heh.
Originally Posted by tomewitch
Not too long after she had settled herself, a familiar voice came, addressing them. It was Vashti and as she can see the girl was now the Head Girl. "Hello Ms. Greenwell." She was really used to formality with them since the girl was one of her seniors at their former Quidditch Team. "Yes. New term, new adventures." Just then, she rememberes, it was the Head Girl's last year at Hogwarts ain't it? "You're currently in seventh year right?"
Ms. Greenwell? "Just Vashti is fine," she replied with a smile. Ms. Greenwell made her sound...old. Really old. Having to graduate at the end of term was bad enough; she didn't need to feel old at the same time. She might even start asking the professors to start calling her by her first name if they didn't do that already...unless the professor was a scary one. Then they could call her whatever they liked.
She was glad that so many of the other students were ready and excited for the new term though. "That's what's always great about a new term, having new adventures," she agreed, nodding. "And yeah, I'm a seventh year."
if we fall, we will fall together; and when we rise, we will rise together__________________♥♥♥♥ together we are dangerous; together with our differences; together we are bolder, braver, stronger
Melanie settled into a free spot on the bench at the Ravenclaw table, glad to have the stressful sorting over. She put her hands between her knees, trying to warm them up after the boat ride across the lake. She couldn't wait for the rest of the first-years to be sorted so the feast could begin. She peered through the sea of first-years still waiting to be sorted, trying to find her friends. She hoped they would be in Ravenclaw too!
Mortimer stared dumbfounded up at the ceiling of the Great Hall as he made his way blindly through the crowd to the Ravenclaw table. Yeah. Ravenclaw. Heh. Again, this was something that he had read about and clearly seen pictures of, but no amount of photos and near poetic descriptions could do this place justice. He was entranced by it all, he was.
Reaching the table unscathed he plopped himself down on the bench and took a shy glance around. He didn't see Tasia anywhere... or any of the people he had met yet, either. SIGHS. He propped his chin in his hand and smiled pleasantly around him. He could people watch for a little while. Surely someone would take the lead and come introduce themselves.
The aggravating girl just became.......... rather interesting! Taylor smiled, getting a little excited but she hid her excitement, just in case, "Oh so you are Scottish too? How nice. So much in common?" Taylor shrugged, though she kinda of agree, "Maybe but maybe not, only time will tell." She hid a smile, "Mountains? nice and a vacation home in New Orleans." She nodded but she wasn't impressed, "I never been to America before, never really sparked my interest but i have been to most Asian and European countries."
"Yes. Scottish. It's a very good heritage to have," was all she replied, as she saw that the other girl was NOT impressed by her. Elliot didn't really care; she didn't need anyone else's opinion of her family's wealth and power.
"No, America is NOT nearly as nice as Europe. Which is why we hardly ever visit. My father mostly uses the home when he has business over there," she said in happier tones than she had previously used.
"Where have you been?" she asked, knowing that she herself was sheltered compared to most of the wealthy witches and wizards. "I've hardly been anywhere..." she complained, rolling her blue eyes.
Originally Posted by HazelStone101
"I say 'oh Elliot' because I honestly have no idea what to say or think of you when you say and do certain things." Jayden replied lazily, eying Elliot curiously as the girl began snapping at her over her hair.
"I am not a diva, I just simply find my hair to be completely awesomesauce." She replied icily, no one. No one. Talked down to Jayden about her hair if they knew what was good for them.
And then Elliot scolded her about Caelius.
"It's not a matter of being gross Elliot," Jayden snapped back, glaring at the girl. "It's a matter of actually caring about someone. Maybe if you weren't such an ice queen... you would know."
Elliot didn't say a word, and kept her back turned. Hmph. Stupid Jayden. Always griping about her...it got tiring, really.
She mouthed the word awesomesauce to herself...what the...? She suddenly turned around and glared at her some more. "You can't make up words, Jayden! You're butchering the English language, for Merlin's sake!" she exclaimed in horror. The look on her face was actually comical; so dramatic over a simple word.
The next sentence brought on a nasty smile on Elliot's face. "Thank you, I am a queen, it's about time someone's noticed!" and she turned back around and sipped her water daintily. For some reason, she was NOT in the mood for Jayden. Maybe it had to do with her tears earlier, and how Elliot had needed someone to talk to, but she couldn't, because Jayden was too busy being upset herself! Hmph!
"You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough."
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin
Hmm, Vashti didn't think she recognized this one. Perhaps she was new? She seemed friendly enough though, which was good. "I think I'm ready, yes," she replied with a smile and a nod. "I'm Vashti, by the way." Introductions were always good, yes?
Vashti noticed one of the younger students wave - and this one she was fairly sure she had seen around Hogwarts last term - though she didn't seem to want to speak. She seemed busy talking to her friends though, so Vashti simply returned the wave and smile.
And here was someone she definitely recognized!
"Hey Max," she replied, grinning. "Great to see you too-" She didn't get any further because suddenly he was mentioning her badge and - what in Merlin's name was he doing? "Max," she said, shaking her head though still smiling and laughing slightly. "There's no need for...whatever it is you're doing. I'm still the same person I was last term." Having a badge didn't change that. And he hadn't done this to her last term, so there was no need this term either.
Even if it was rather amusing. Heh.
Ms. Greenwell? "Just Vashti is fine," she replied with a smile. Ms. Greenwell made her sound...old. Really old. Having to graduate at the end of term was bad enough; she didn't need to feel old at the same time. She might even start asking the professors to start calling her by her first name if they didn't do that already...unless the professor was a scary one. Then they could call her whatever they liked.
She was glad that so many of the other students were ready and excited for the new term though. "That's what's always great about a new term, having new adventures," she agreed, nodding. "And yeah, I'm a seventh year."
Taylor smiled, "Pleasure meeting you Vashti, what a lovely name. I'm Taylor." She wondered if she should mention that this was her first year and that she transferred from Beauxbaton but decided to keep that information to herself for now.
"Yes. Scottish. It's a very good heritage to have," was all she replied, as she saw that the other girl was NOT impressed by her. Elliot didn't really care; she didn't need anyone else's opinion of her family's wealth and power.
"No, America is NOT nearly as nice as Europe. Which is why we hardly ever visit. My father mostly uses the home when he has business over there," she said in happier tones than she had previously used.
"Where have you been?" she asked, knowing that she herself was sheltered compared to most of the wealthy witches and wizards. "I've hardly been anywhere..." she complained, rolling her blue eyes.
Taylor smiled, "Very good heritage." She nodded, "Oh Mother has the same thing in London when she goes to work for the ministry there. She travels constantly to other countries since she is an ambassador." Taylor tilted her head slightly, "Well I have been to England, Ireland, China, Russia, Japan, Germany, Switzerland, Sweden, India, Italy, Greece and of course Scotland and France." She smiled, "What about you? I know you said you hardly been anywhere but I'm a little curious." She smiled sweeter than she had been.
Sigh. Now they wait, students where still flowing from the doors of the Great Hall and the Staff Table was still quiet. The Headmaster was not yet anywhere in sight, which meant that dinner would have to wait.
Just then, she saw one friend of hers approach the table and sat on the opposite side where she was seated with a seemingly not too enthusiastic expression. "Nate! Oi!" She called out. "What's gotten in to you?" That sure was a new way to greet the start of a new term.
Nate flinched violently when he heard what he though was his name. His head shot up off of his plate, causing a rather noisy clatter. He let out an Inaudible mumble and started to slide backwards, his eyes still closed. That train was definitely a problem to Nate this year. But he still didn't know how he had gotten trainsick. And his headache at the moment wouldn't even allow him to wonder. At least someone had noticed him, though. Maybe now he could get food. Unbeknownst to Nate, with his failing senses, he was slowly falling backwards out of his seat...
after being sorted Morgen plopped herself down at the table. she was a little tired and more than a little hungry. she still hadn't met anyone, but she was sure that soon enough maybe someone would want to be her friend...if she could just stop from being shy!
"Hey Max," she replied, grinning. "Great to see you too-" She didn't get any further because suddenly he was mentioning her badge and - what in Merlin's name was he doing? "Max," she said, shaking her head though still smiling and laughing slightly. "There's no need for...whatever it is you're doing. I'm still the same person I was last term." Having a badge didn't change that. And he hadn't done this to her last term, so there was no need this term either.
Even if it was rather amusing. Heh.
Max put his hands back on his lap, returning the laughter. "Don't worry, I'm just kidding! You've got a good head on your shoulders - you wouldn't let this new power go to your head. You're a good one," he nodded. She would be an awesome Head Girl; she was humble, fair, and wise. There were a few select others he would not have chosen to give a badge, and yet they had one anyway. But Vashti was a perfect choice.
Of course, Max was a bit biased - he always saw the best in people, but even moreso when they actually WERE the best. Vashti's reputation as the best Chaser in the school encouraged Max's high views of her even more. He knew she was more than that, though. A good team player. A loyal friend. A bright witch...
...Hey, where was Ellie, anyway?
Last edited by feeheeheeny; 01-02-2012 at 04:04 AM.
Reason: laughing
Elliot didn't say a word, and kept her back turned. Hmph. Stupid Jayden. Always griping about her...it got tiring, really.
She mouthed the word awesomesauce to herself...what the...? She suddenly turned around and glared at her some more. "You can't make up words, Jayden! You're butchering the English language, for Merlin's sake!" she exclaimed in horror. The look on her face was actually comical; so dramatic over a simple word.
The next sentence brought on a nasty smile on Elliot's face. "Thank you, I am a queen, it's about time someone's noticed!" and she turned back around and sipped her water daintily. For some reason, she was NOT in the mood for Jayden. Maybe it had to do with her tears earlier, and how Elliot had needed someone to talk to, but she couldn't, because Jayden was too busy being upset herself! Hmph!
"I can do whatever I dang well please Elliot!" She burst out, her cheeks turning pink with anger. "I am so tired of you telling me what I can and can't say, and what I can and can't do!" She cried, her eyes flashing dangerously and changing to a darker shade of blue, almost black gray.
"You are not a queen Elliot. If you were... you would do what was best for your people and be loyal to your friends and treat them a lot better. I dealt with you last year... I took every blow. But I am not. Having. It. This. Year. You hear me? Not having it!" She growled through gritted teeth before getting up. She then picked up her bag, sifting through it till she found the small present Elliot had given her and slammed it down on the table.
"Here. Here's your pity present. You can have it back!" She hissed, her eyes flashing dangerously as she moved to pick up the rest of her things.
"Caelius. I am moving to the other side of the table. You may come as you so wish. It doesn't matter to me. But I refuse to stay here and be scolded by someone my own age that can barely take care of herself without her father's acceptance."
And with that, she turned on her heel and moved to the other side of the table.
after being sorted Morgen plopped herself down at the table. she was a little tired and more than a little hungry. she still hadn't met anyone, but she was sure that soon enough maybe someone would want to be her friend...if she could just stop from being shy!
While waiting for her other friends to arrive, Melanie noticed a girl sitting by herself as well. She looked nervous, and Melanie suspected she was a first-year too. She shifted along the bench until she was close enough so the girl would hear her over the din in the hall.
"Hi," she said, leaning forward into the girl's eyeline. "I'm Melanie Baudin. Are you a first-year too?"
Taylor smiled, "Very good heritage." She nodded, "Oh Mother has the same thing in London when she goes to work for the ministry there. She travels constantly to other countries since she is an ambassador." Taylor tilted her head slightly, "Well I have been to England, Ireland, China, Russia, Japan, Germany, Switzerland, Sweden, India, Italy, Greece and of course Scotland and France." She smiled, "What about you? I know you said you hardly been anywhere but I'm a little curiously." She smiled sweeter than she had been.
Elliot's eyes widened. "Your mother's an ambassador? That's so...cool," she finished rather lamely, but she was in awe. She then smirked at the girl. "So...you must be pretty wealthy, eh?" she asked, raising both of her eyebrows. Oh, the wealthy people of the world.
Elliot mentally checked off her OWN list...She had been to England, Ireland, russia, Germany...and France and Scotland. Plus Egypt, New York, New Orleans..."Oh, me? I've been to..well, most of those places except anywhere in Asia besides Russia. And I've been to Egypt, actually this summer! And to New York and New Orleans. My favorite has been Egypt..." she said with a smile, remembering her trip there with Presley. It had been very fun!
Originally Posted by HazelStone101
"I can do whatever I dang well please Elliot!" She burst out, her cheeks turning pink with anger. "I am so tired of you telling me what I can and can't say, and what I can and can't do!" She cried, her eyes flashing dangerously and changing to a darker shade of blue, almost black gray.
"You are not a queen Elliot. If you were... you would do what was best for your people and be loyal to your friends and treat them a lot better. I dealt with you last year... I took every blow. But I am not. Having. It. This. Year. You hear me? Not having it!" She growled through gritted teeth before getting up. She then picked up her bag, sifting through it till she found the small present Elliot had given her and slammed it down on the table.
"Here. Here's your pity present. You can have it back!" She hissed, her eyes flashing dangerously as she moved to pick up the rest of her things.
"Caelius. I am moving to the other side of the table. You may come as you so wish. It doesn't matter to me. But I refuse to stay here and be scolded by someone my own age that can barely take care of herself without her father's acceptance."
And with that, she turned on her heel and moved to the other side of the table.
Elliot ignored most of her little speech. Hmph. She was being RUDE. That is, until she threw Elliot's present at her! "Jayden! How dare you..." and she snatched the present up and slipped it into her pocket. "I'll just keep it for myself!" she cried back, and she crossed her arms on her chest.
And then the jab about her father...Elliot's eyes narrowed, and she gave Jayden one of the ugliest looks she had EVER given ANYONE. She pushed the WRONG button! Elliot didn't scowl, didn't even roll her eyes. Instead, she bore her eyes straight into hers, and stood up. She sat herself on the opposite end of the table, unable to bring herself to look at...them. Stupid Jayden.
"You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough."
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin
Elliot ignored most of her little speech. Hmph. She was being RUDE. That is, until she threw Elliot's present at her! "Jayden! How dare you..." and she snatched the present up and slipped it into her pocket. "I'll just keep it for myself!" she cried back, and she crossed her arms on her chest.
And then the jab about her father...Elliot's eyes narrowed, and she gave Jayden one of the ugliest looks she had EVER given ANYONE. She pushed the WRONG button! Elliot didn't scowl, didn't even roll her eyes. Instead, she bore her eyes straight into hers, and stood up. She sat herself on the opposite end of the table, unable to bring herself to look at...them. Stupid Jayden.
"How dare I? How dare you!" Jayden cried from the opposite end of the table. She didn't care who heard. She was absolutely livid.
"You're just a cruel, selfish, unloving person Elliot Morganzo! I hope you're happy! I hope you're happy now! I hope you're happy how you hurt your cause forever! I hope you think you're clever! Because you're not! You're rude.... and crude.... and.... and lude!" She shrieked, reaching for her wand just in case....
after being sorted Morgen plopped herself down at the table. she was a little tired and more than a little hungry. she still hadn't met anyone, but she was sure that soon enough maybe someone would want to be her friend...if she could just stop from being shy!
Taylor smiled and saw a girl that was alone, "Hey, I'm Taylor." She held out her hand, "First year?"
Originally Posted by kayquilz
Elliot's eyes widened. "Your mother's an ambassador? That's so...cool," she finished rather lamely, but she was in awe. She then smirked at the girl. "So...you must be pretty wealthy, eh?" she asked, raising both of her eyebrows. Oh, the wealthy people of the world.
Elliot mentally checked off her OWN list...She had been to England, Ireland, russia, Germany...and France and Scotland. Plus Egypt, New York, New Orleans..."Oh, me? I've been to..well, most of those places except anywhere in Asia besides Russia. And I've been to Egypt, actually this summer! And to New York and New Orleans. My favorite has been Egypt..." she said with a smile, remembering her trip there with Presley. It had been very fun!
Taylor shrugged, "Yeah, i guess it is cool.... though she is an ambassador to Haven, Atlantis, and the other 'Magical Countries' at least that is what her job title was." She laughed, "We aren't that wealthy." She was impressed when the girl listed off all the countries she had been too, and nodded, "Egypt? Cool." She smiled, "We were going to go during summer but with all the weddings and balls that we had to go to we didn't have time." She smiled, "How was it?"
Cornelius somehow found his way into the Great Hall, pure luck apparently on the new student's side that night. His eyes immediately widened at the sight of such a large dining area, sweeping his gaze across all four of the tables and over the staff table up at the front. Wow. Hogwarts didn't just throw up some streamers; they decorated.
And here was the difficult part.
Though he had met a few people on the train, he didn't really see any of them at the table clearly designated for those dressed in blue hues; where he himself was supposed to be. Looks like it was time to meet more people! Cornelius waltzed his way over towards the middle of the table, seeing a student around his age sitting alone, and decided it was worth a try. He seemed friendly enough. And so, Cornelius plopped down in the seat across from him, flashing him a friendly smile and throwing out a hand for introduction. "I'm Cornelius."
The bench moved when someone added their weight to it, but this wasn't just anyone at one end of the bench. This one felt a little closer. Eino looked to his side and was immediately greeted by a wide smile and an extended hand. "Hello Cornelius." Eino said taking his hand with a light grip, and shook it violently, like his whole arm was made of jelly, and now Cornelius' arm was made of jelly, too. Eino had never seen Cornelius around, or at least he didn't recognize him. Not even after staring at his face for a few seconds, possibly making the boy feel uncomfortable. "I'm Eino. Eino Uronen, fifth year Ravenclaw." That was usually how people introduced each other around here. Name, year, and house. The fact that the boy didn't do this suggested that maybe he wasn't from here? Eino was familiar with most Ravenclaws and this boy looked his age so there was no chance he wouldn't have seen him in four years. "I do hope my following question doesn't offend you, as I tend to forget people's faces easily, but are you a new?" There was no apologetic tone in Eino's words, just curiosity.
Originally Posted by tomewitch
A new term sure shows new things. And here was one guy who sure had a new something on him. Yes, it was official. She could see the shiny Prefect Badge on the boy's robes which meant only one thing. He was their new Prefect.
"Looking good with the new badge Mr. Uronen." She commented.
And then, someone else showed up. Eino swiftly turned his head around and greeted the young, and very promising, Ravenclaw girl. "Hello Beatrice." He said, displaying a small smile. When she mentioned his badge, he looked down at it, then back up. "Thank you." He continued, with a slightly wider smile. "How was your summer?" They have time to chat, right? It didn't seem like the staff table was full, so it didn't seem like Headmaster Tate was going to start his speech any time soon.
Max put his hands back on his lap, returning the laughter. "Don't worry, I'm just kidding! You've got a good head on your shoulders - you wouldn't let this new power go to your head. You're a good one," he nodded. She would be an awesome Head Girl; she was humble, fair, and wise. There were a few select others he would not have chosen to give a badge, and yet they had one anyway. But Vashti was a perfect choice.
Of course, Max was a bit biased - he always saw the best in people, but even moreso when they actually WERE the best. Vashti's reputation as the best Chaser in the school encouraged Max's high views of her even more. He knew she was more than that, though. A good team player. A loyal friend. A bright witch...
...Hey, where was Ellie, anyway?
So what if Ellie took her time coming down to the feast? No one would notice, right?
But she was here now. And she knew exactly where she was sitting, once she saw a familiar face. Not Vashti's, though, as she already saw the girl on the train, but the girl received a smile. Her target, actually, was Max. She dashed over to him, literally as he was one of those she was most looking forward to seeing again. She slipped onto the bench beside him and wrapped her arms around his torso. "Maaaaaaaaaax!"
a practical person, who may be considered a perfectionist,
perhaps you like being organised or paying close attention to detail, you are...
Jayden! Nate heard you! Also, Mr. Prefect Uronen? Student in need here...
As Nate was semi-consciously slipping from his seat, another shout made him flinch again. But this time he didn't hear his name. He still couldn't quite put a finger on whose voice it was, but it certainly served an incredible help to Nate's headache getting worse. "Quiet, please!" he pleaded drowsily, running his hands through his hair. "I feel like crap, and it's getting worse. I need a prefect or someone..." he added hoarsely. As he tried to stand up, Nate's headache only got worse, seeming to split his skull down the middle from the inside. Nate meant to sit back down, but before he could settle himself safely in the seat, his eyes rolled back and he slipped down to the floor in a heap.