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The glittering night sky is clear and visible through the enchanted ceiling, and the floating candles bedeck the entire hall in a warm golden light. All seems well with the world, aside from the empty plates still waiting for food to appear.
Others can join us, as I don't really know anyone. :) (maybe someone to be a guide)
Hit Wiz love | 1/2 of Bensky | Louisa's baby claw. <3 | kewe
Originally Posted by Frankie
Autumn glanced over Her new friends shoulder and saw a girl who she ahd seen on the train sit down, this girl looked lonely and autumn knew how it felt, "hey!" she shouted to the girl who was down the table a bit. "come sit with us" she smiled at her "I'm autumn"
Lily had just pulled out a book when she heard someone yelling in her direction. She looked up to see a girl smiling at her and yelling trying to get her to sit with them. "I'm Lily" she replied "I'd like to sit and talk but i'm not that comfortable with big crowds. I think I'll stay here for a little longer until I'm more comfortable."
Lily didn't want to hurt the girl's feelings but she wasn't quite ready to meet a whole crowd of people, maybe to just start with one, and maybe someone in an upper grade to be a guide for her since she knew very little about magic.
Eino stared wide eyed at the boy as he attempted to clarify himself, but eventually he just gave up. It didn't really matter because by the end of everything the boy was still smiling, so it couldn't have been that bad, or bad at all. In any way, Eino would be glad to help Cornelius around.
Looking back at his first time experiencing Hogwarts, he really could have used someone's help. He had no idea what the houses were or what the sorting was, really. In fact, he believed that the sorting hat was a souvenir. He had jumped off to the stool and made his way to the wrong house table with it still on, followed by the gasps of students and the shouts of the Deputy Headmaster, Professor Vindictus. In the end, everything was sorted out, and Eino was taken from the Hufflepuff table and correctly placed in the Ravenclaw table, where he sat next to a first year boy who would eventually become one of his best friends. Eino blinked a few times and shook his head as he turned his attention to Cornelius. "Anytime you wish to take up on the offer, I will be delighted to help you." He finally said, after keeping the boy waiting for far too long.
He listened attentively to the boy's very short traveling history, but it didn't seem like they had ever crossed paths, or even come close to it. "I was born in England, but when I was still little, my mother and I relocated in Finland and spent several years living there before returning to England." There might have been a bit more to it, but Eino didn't want to exhaust the boy with his family history, so it was best to keep it short and simple. "Did you attend a different school before coming to Hogwarts?" It was rather odd that someone would not have any sort of magical education until the age of fifteen, unless there was another school in the area Eino did not know about. Plus, there's always the chance that Cornelius was home schooled.
Then, Cornelius offered some smiling help to Eino, suggesting he should show his teeth a little more. Sadly, though, Eino did have a terrible habit of awkwardly showing his when smiling. Well, it couldn't really be called smiling, but more like a teeth exhibition. He would try to smile wider enough to show his teeth next time, and not just show his teeth. This was a little silly, practicing smiling, which interrupted his thinking and caused him to chuckle as Cornelius smiled for the millionth time. He wasn't sure he knew what Cornelius' face looked like without a smile on it. "I will be sure to practice." He assured him.
"That would be lovely." Eino said in response. He really should become acquainted with as many people from his house as possible, especially since beginning his new prefectship. It would be important for others to know him, too, he thought, in case they ever needed help with something.
It wasn't long until the girl they had been talking about made her debut. Eino's head turned and he came face to face with Erin. Unfortunately, he had been mistaken in thinking he knew her, or at least he had never seen her. "Hello." He said with a short wave. "I'm Eino-- Oh, dear me! Our names both begin with an 'E' and they both have four letters. What a peculiar coincidence." Though nothing special.
Cornelius had almost forgotten what they were talking about when Eino actually responded, explaining that he would be happy to help him whenever he needed it. But once the boy understood what that was in reference to, he flashed him yet another grin, obviously rather appreciative of the offer. He still had a lot of questions, though he luckily now understood what the houses were, thanks to some kind people on the train. If he had walked into the Great Hall still thinking they were small cottages for each student, he would've been very confused and might've never found his seat.
He then listened as Eino explained his own family's traveling history, allowing Cornelius's eyebrows to raise at the information. Finland? Well he was obviously much more of a traveller than himself; Finland sounded very interesting! "Wow," he let out, honestly impressed. He made a mental note to ask Eino more about that later; he'd never been to Finland and was honestly curious. It was then that the student at his side asked if he had been at another school before Hogwarts and Cornelius nodded immediately, still examining the goblet he was holding up in one of his hands.
"I mean, I've been to...three schools before this one?" he explained, furrowing his brows just slightly as he traced back through the years. "Only the last one was actually a school of magic," Cornelius specified with a brief shrug, "It wasn't until I was about twelve that I went there, and it was just this really small school of magic..." he explained, once more gazing up at his new surroundings. "Nothing anywhere near this kind of place."
He grew distracted as Eino spoke with a couple of younger girls, something that got Cornelius to grin again, which was slowly becoming his trademark without him even realizing it. It came naturally to him to smile, he just found amusement in a lot of things. And this was something he definitely found amusement in. "Eino and the ladies..." Cor teased under his breath, obviously joking but unable to resist saying something like that around such a polite character.
Dave Grohl-Josh Hutcherson-RupertGrint-HP-HG- Marvel-D.C-Taylor Hawkins-Drumming-Foo Fighters-
Originally Posted by Cassandra
Taylor giggled and watched Logan continued to blush, Man isn't it so fun to tease him? She smiled at that thought, "Yes a natural." She nodded, "Want to sit for a bit?" She laughed and patted a seat by her.
Logan smiled. "Yeah of course!" he said, sitting next to her.
Pam giggled. "if you'd like." she smiled. Glad to have a meta friend. Some one actually understood. "I'm just glad you can. "can you do a purple? I've never been able to do purple. It's my favorite color." she smiled. "How is Fai by the way?" She hadnt spoken to Fai in... Well, ever. She just wanted to make sure Fai had gotten brought Nate better than she did.
"Purple? No way, thats my favourite too!" he laughed, as he concentrated for a moment before his hair turned a violent purple colour. This would distract from Pam's grey hair for definite. Then Pam bought up Fai, Nate's ex and Jordan's current girlfriend. "Fai's is good I think," he said "I don't know where she is," he hadn't actually seen her for a while, not since before the train actaully... Now where was she?
Lily had just pulled out a book when she heard someone yelling in her direction. She looked up to see a girl smiling at her and yelling trying to get her to sit with them. "I'm Lily" she replied "I'd like to sit and talk but i'm not that comfortable with big crowds. I think I'll stay here for a little longer until I'm more comfortable."
Lily didn't want to hurt the girl's feelings but she wasn't quite ready to meet a whole crowd of people, maybe to just start with one, and maybe someone in an upper grade to be a guide for her since she knew very little about magic.
"alright" Autumn went back to her food, wondering how that girls gonna get on! she didnt seem very hapy to make friends. Autumn knew no one and had no magical knowledge yet she was able to.
"Purple? No way, thats my favourite too!" he laughed, as he concentrated for a moment before his hair turned a violent purple colour. This would distract from Pam's grey hair for definite. Then Pam bought up Fai, Nate's ex and Jordan's current girlfriend. "Fai's is good I think," he said "I don't know where she is," he hadn't actually seen her for a while, not since before the train actaully... Now where was she?
Pam clapped happily at Jordans hair. "I'm glad Fai is doing fine. Im not sure I've actually met her. It'd be a Pleasure though." she smiled. If what she heard from Nate is true, then Jordan and Fai were together. She was very happy for them. Shed seen the way Jordan looked at her, he really liked her. "I'm sure shes around here somewhere." she reassured.
Dave Grohl-Josh Hutcherson-RupertGrint-HP-HG- Marvel-D.C-Taylor Hawkins-Drumming-Foo Fighters-
Originally Posted by Cassandra
Taylor smiled when he sat down, "So what do you think of Hogwarts so far?" She twirled one of her braids from habit.
Logan watched as she twirled her braids. "Hmm..." he said. "Well, the castle...man it's amazing! And this Great Hall is brilliant!" he said looking around himself. "I'm excited to explore." he said grinning. "You?" he asked.
The young professor headed towards the Ravvie table when rumblings of a fainting student had floated towards the Staff Table. She looked up and down the table but there were so many students that she wasn't seeing anything out of the sorts. She smiled at the students and walked slowly up the table looking for the affected student nodding her head and saying hello to various students as she walked.
Logan watched as she twirled her braids. "Hmm..." he said. "Well, the castle...man it's amazing! And this Great Hall is brilliant!" he said looking around himself. "I'm excited to explore." he said grinning. "You?" he asked.
"I'm excited to explore too." She smiled and reframed from saying she liked Beauxbaton better, "I think i made a few enemies already but Hogwarts has a certain charm to it." She laughed.
Dave Grohl-Josh Hutcherson-RupertGrint-HP-HG- Marvel-D.C-Taylor Hawkins-Drumming-Foo Fighters-
Originally Posted by Cassandra
"I'm excited to explore too." She smiled and reframed from saying she liked Beauxbaton better, "I think i made a few enemies already but Hogwarts has a certain charm to it." She laughed.
"Wow, enemies?" he said, frowning. "Gosh, Taylor how can someone be enemies with you?! That doesn't seem possible.." he said.
Lily had just pulled out a book when she heard someone yelling in her direction. She looked up to see a girl smiling at her and yelling trying to get her to sit with them. "I'm Lily" she replied "I'd like to sit and talk but i'm not that comfortable with big crowds. I think I'll stay here for a little longer until I'm more comfortable."
Lily didn't want to hurt the girl's feelings but she wasn't quite ready to meet a whole crowd of people, maybe to just start with one, and maybe someone in an upper grade to be a guide for her since she knew very little about magic.
Tapping her fingers on the wooden table, Louisa was lazily observing the hassle of a fainting fellow, girls arguing about hot boys, Vashti and Eino trotting here and there solving problems and helping students. Hffffffff, it was getting boring. The fifteen years old glanced at Tate to see whether the man was on his feet yet or not.
Meh. Not yet.
And then an ickle girl, sitting next to her, shyly responded to another ickle girl sitting across from them. Louisa raised her eyebrows at the girl and spoke, "You're not comfortable with big crowds?" A scoff followed this, "That's going to be a problem, dear. There are at least a thousand students within the castle." Louisa didn't really know how many students were around but... a thousand was a very reasonable number. "Also, it's not polite to refuse other's invitations." She added in a whisper. Louisa mightn't be the politest girl in the world, but she never refused an invitation.
Originally Posted by Frankie
"alright" Autumn went back to her food, wondering how that girls gonna get on! she didnt seem very hapy to make friends. Autumn knew no one and had no magical knowledge yet she was able to.
Looking over at the girl sitting across from them, Louisa smiled faintly, "Hello Autumn."
"Wow, enemies?" he said, frowning. "Gosh, Taylor how can someone be enemies with you?! That doesn't seem possible.." he said.
Taylor laughed, "I can be a snob." She smiled, "But hopefully i won't make too many enemies." She looked down slightly then looked back up at him and laughed a little. She tapped her french manicured nails on the table slightly, "I'm so ready to hit the books though." She smiled, "Learn all sort of things. What about you?"
Dave Grohl-Josh Hutcherson-RupertGrint-HP-HG- Marvel-D.C-Taylor Hawkins-Drumming-Foo Fighters-
Originally Posted by Cassandra
Taylor laughed, "I can be a snob." She smiled, "But hopefully i won't make too many enemies." She looked down slightly then looked back up at him and laughed a little. She tapped her french manicured nails on the table slightly, "I'm so ready to hit the books though." She smiled, "Learn all sort of things. What about you?"
"I'm sure you won't make too many." he said reasurringly. "You're real sweet, I've never seen you being...snobbish." he said raising an eyebrow. "Even if you are a snob, I'll always be your friend!" he said grinning. "Same here! I'm excited to learn all this...wizardy stuff!" he said laughing.
"I'm sure you won't make too many." he said reasurringly. "You're real sweet, I've never seen you being...snobbish." he said raising an eyebrow. "Even if you are a snob, I'll always be your friend!" he said grinning. "Same here! I'm excited to learn all this...wizardy stuff!" he said laughing.
Taylor smiled, concealing her blush, "Awwwww you are so sweet, Logan." She hugged him, "You will get to learn a lot over 7 years." She laughed, "I already started reading the books on the train before i ran into you, to be honest." Taylor smiled, yeah she was a nerd but she didn't care.
Hit Wiz love | 1/2 of Bensky | Louisa's baby claw. <3 | kewe
Originally Posted by Magical Soul
Tapping her fingers on the wooden table, Louisa was lazily observing the hassle of a fainting fellow, girls arguing about hot boys, Vashti and Eino trotting here and there solving problems and helping students. Hffffffff, it was getting boring. The fifteen years old glanced at Tate to see whether the man was on his feet yet or not.
Meh. Not yet.
And then an ickle girl, sitting next to her, shyly responded to another ickle girl sitting across from them. Louisa raised her eyebrows at the girl and spoke, "You're not comfortable with big crowds?" A scoff followed this, "That's going to be a problem, dear. There are at least a thousand students within the castle." Louisa didn't really know how many students were around but... a thousand was a very reasonable number. "Also, it's not polite to refuse other's invitations." She added in a whisper. Louisa mightn't be the politest girl in the world, but she never refused an invitation.
Looking over at the girl sitting across from them, Louisa smiled faintly, "Hello Autumn."
Lily heard another person talking to her. "It's just that I take a while to get used to change and meeting people and..." she trailed on as she tried to defend herself and her actions. "I live in a small muggle town, I'm a muggleborn you see. and I know everyone in town and they know me. I was home-schooled, so I never learned to make friends. I know everyone in my town because I grew up knowing them.... I guess I'm just going to be a failure at this school if I can't make friends." She said getting quieter as she went on. She didn't mean to be rude by refusing the invitation. It was just that the other girl was sitting with a big group of people and Lily wasn't quite comfortable and ready for that. She preferred to meet and get to know one person at a time before meeting others. This made Lily question whether she wanted to even stay anymore since this older girl was telling her that it was a problem not to like or be comfortable with crowds.
*Everything I Know I Learned* *Adding Silently To The Noise*
Originally Posted by iceblossom22
SPOILER!!: you lovelies
Elise grinned at the two of them. They were really quite nice, and not traumatized like El was in her own first year.
"Hi, Autumn. Nice to meet you," she grinned before turning to Vlimia.
"Nice to meet you, Vlimia. And you should be," she smiled at Vlimia. "We're the best." They would probably make great friends!
"I look like a first year, don't I?" she blushed, her blonde bangs falling into her eyes. "I'm starting my second year. I'm a little on the shorter side, though." she laughed softly.
"Do you have any siblings?" she asked, smiling. El had one sister, but she went to Durmstrang.
Oh. So Elise was a second-year. "It's fine to be short. I was tiny up until I was eight." She said, remembering how when she was eight her little sister was almost as tall as her. "Oh, I have one seventeen year old brother, Hades, and he's in Slytherin." She gestured towards the Slytherin table, where her brother was goofing off with his friends. "And I have a five year old sister named Scarlett." Vlim concluded. Yep, that was her family. She didn't really consider her parents as part of her family, more as the people who were there to give her money, food and scar her for life.
Originally Posted by Frankie
Autumn looked up "Oh no I'm not worried about being muggleborn... its nothing dont worry" Autumn smiled upa t Vlimia, she didnt wanna be this girl that was a attentionseeker.
Vlimia smiled. Autumn really wanted to please everyone, and make a good impression. "You try too hard. Just be yourself, and people will come to you." She said in a melodious voice a little twinklier than her own.
It was weird. Joanna thought she would be a lot more excited and... jumpy, when she'll arrive at Hogwarts. It was her second year (even though she's a fourth year). She had a good sleep on the train, read a good book and met a new friend, Erin. Joanna remembered the Erin was in Ravenclaw, so where was she? Actually where were all her friends, Nessie, Gwen, Thea... were they rejecting her?! Ignoring her?!?! Hopefully not...
she looked up "hiya, What's your name?" autumn smiled
"Louisa Carter." The fifteen years old answered. "Welcome to Ravenclaw, by the way. Do you like being one of the Eagles now?" She should be. They were the best house in Hogwarts, Louisa was convinced of this and she would convince whoever needed convincing.
Originally Posted by Hermione Lily Potter
Lily heard another person talking to her. "It's just that I take a while to get used to change and meeting people and..." she trailed on as she tried to defend herself and her actions. "I live in a small muggle town, I'm a muggleborn you see. and I know everyone in town and they know me. I was home-schooled, so I never learned to make friends. I know everyone in my town because I grew up knowing them.... I guess I'm just going to be a failure at this school if I can't make friends." She said getting quieter as she went on. She didn't mean to be rude by refusing the invitation. It was just that the other girl was sitting with a big group of people and Lily wasn't quite comfortable and ready for that. She preferred to meet and get to know one person at a time before meeting others. This made Lily question whether she wanted to even stay anymore since this older girl was telling her that it was a problem not to like or be comfortable with crowds.
Listening intently to the younger girl, Louisa couldn't help but feel sorry for her. Her tone softened when she spoke next, "I can see that but.." She pondered over the thought, "I was completely new to this world four years ago, too. I didn't know anyone, anything and quite honestly I didn't like the whole magic thing." Basically because it separated her from her family. "However, I let myself meet other people and ended up finding a few best friends and nice, funny fellas." With a bright smile she finished.
Frankly, this was not the happy ending. Not in Louisa's case anyway. But telling that to a firstie would be rather destructive so she just settled on this happy story. "Let's start again, now." Louisa Carter was NOT this kind of girls but... she was going to do it for this kid. "Hi, I am Louisa Carter. Fifth year Ravenclaw." She looked encouragingly at the girl waiting for her to do her part.
Pam clapped happily at Jordans hair. "I'm glad Fai is doing fine. Im not sure I've actually met her. It'd be a Pleasure though." she smiled. If what she heard from Nate is true, then Jordan and Fai were together. She was very happy for them. Shed seen the way Jordan looked at her, he really liked her. "I'm sure shes around here somewhere." she reassured.
"I'm sure you two will meet soon enough," Jordan smiled, "You'll get along fine I think." he looked around at the Slytherin table, he couldn't find her. "Yeah, I'll find her soon."
Dave Grohl-Josh Hutcherson-RupertGrint-HP-HG- Marvel-D.C-Taylor Hawkins-Drumming-Foo Fighters-
Originally Posted by Cassandra
Taylor smiled, concealing her blush, "Awwwww you are so sweet, Logan." She hugged him, "You will get to learn a lot over 7 years." She laughed, "I already started reading the books on the train before i ran into you, to be honest." Taylor smiled, yeah she was a nerd but she didn't care.
Logan couldn't help but blush a little. "Well, thank you!" he said, smiling as she hugged him. He hugged her back. "Oh really?" he asked. "Nice. All I've been reading about is Quidditch..." he said laughing.
It was weird. Joanna thought she would be a lot more excited and... jumpy, when she'll arrive at Hogwarts. It was her second year (even though she's a fourth year). She had a good sleep on the train, read a good book and met a new friend, Erin. Joanna remembered the Erin was in Ravenclaw, so where was she? Actually where were all her friends, Nessie, Gwen, Thea... were they rejecting her?! Ignoring her?!?! Hopefully not...
Having no idea where she was going, Nessie headed off to the Ravenclaw table. She didn't have many friends in the clever house, but there was one person she was hoping to see in particular. The hall was so full of firstbies and new comers that it was hard to see a face she actuallly recognised.
After a few moments of looking around, Nessie found who she was looking for. "JO JO!!" she said as she walked over to her only Ravenclaw friend. It was so good to see her, she hadn't seen Joanna in who knew how long. It was only right she came and gave a friend a proper greeting.
"Louisa Carter." The fifteen years old answered. "Welcome to Ravenclaw, by the way. Do you like being one of the Eagles now?" She should be. They were the best house in Hogwarts, Louisa was convinced of this and she would convince whoever needed convincing.
Autumn looked back up "mmm It's ok i geuss.." Autumn would have liked to be in slytherin but her blood status kept that at bay.