-   Term 30: January - April 2012 (
-   -   Muggles Studies Lesson #2-Around the World in 80 Bites Part One (

Lezleighd 02-25-2012 06:04 PM

Muggles Studies Lesson #2-Around the World in 80 Bites Part One


When you enter the classroom, you instantly notice flags from all over the world hanging from the rafters. These flags are from the following countries:
Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Egypt, El Salvador, Ethiopia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Iran, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Korea, Lebanon, Malaysia, Mexico, Nigeria, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Singapore, South Africa, Turkey, USA, and the United Kingdom.

The flags have been charmed to slightly move in the wind occasionally but you can't feel a wind in the classroom.

Instead of desks, there are tall coffee tables with four tall barstools around each table. In the center of each table is a circular mirror with a tealight and multi-colored glass beads scattered around each tealight.

The room looks like a friendly little coffee house with flags hanging from the ceiling. The smell of coffee floats through the air and the atmosphere is calm and comfy.

In the corner of the classroom, is a muggle coffee vending machine that has been charmed to give you a coffee of your choice. You can choose from:
Plain Coffee, Caramel Macchiatto, Cinnamon Dolce Latte, Peppermint White Chocolate Mocha, Hot Chocolate, Chai Tea, or Vanilla Italian Soda. Just walk up and press a button and a cup of yummy goodness will fill up for you.

So come on in, grab a drink, and have a seat to take in the coffee house atmosphere! I hope you brought your appetite, though!

The professor can be found at a table at the front of the room sipping on a Caramel Macchiatto with extra caramel and reading a Muggle magazine about planning events.

OOC: Come on in, grab a coffee, and have a seat. You can talk but keep your conversation to a minimum. Class will begin this evening sometime!


TakemetotheBurrow 02-25-2012 06:17 PM

Ella entered the Muggle Studies classroom and smiled, pretty surprised by the coffee house set up. It looked and smelled amazing and she couldn't wait to help herself to a drink.

She walked over to the coffee vending machine, mulling over her choices. What should she choose? She smiled when she read 'Hot Chocolate.' That was her favorite! She filled up a steaming hot mug of the chocolaty goodness and walked over to one of the tall coffee tables, greeting the Professor as she passed. "Hi Professor, this is great!" She said, holding up her beverage with a smile. She took a seat and waited anxiously for more students to file in, wondering who would sit at her table.

pundantic 02-25-2012 06:18 PM

Another Muggle Studies lesson. Selina new what that meant- food. She could always count on Professor Cerulean and her lessons to afford a plethora of food. Honestly, she was not always sure what the food had to do with the lesson sometimes, but Selina was not one to complain. She loved food and coming to this class always tested her appetite... the appetite usually won out though. Selina could eat food something fierce.

As she entered the room she saw all of the globes flags hung about and Selina approached her Professor, "Good day, Professor." Then she bowed her head and took her leave to the back of the classroom where she took a hot chocolate via the machine. Yummy.

HOPEendures 02-25-2012 06:22 PM

Jezzabelle walked in and loved the look of the room. All these flags, though she couldn't really distinguish what country they belonged to. She spotted the coffee machine and walked over to it with a cheerful, "Hello Professor." She never had coffee before and there wasn't really that many things to pick from but she chose to have a Peppermint White Chocolate Mocha. It sounded good anyway. Pressing the button, she filled up a cup and then moved away.

She moved to sit on one of the bar stools in sighed in relief because they weren't hard at all. She placed down the cup as it was very hot and she didn't want to burn herself. As she looked around the room and watched they flags move slightly in the breeze though she didn't feel any breeze herself. Her attention returned to the coffee and she decided to sip it and try it. It wasn't all that bad. Hot but pretty good.

DuckyLinJi 02-25-2012 06:24 PM

Muggle studies really was THE place to get food (not counting the great hall) this term because judging on the announcement in the Common Room he had the feeling they were going to get some food or drinks again. Not that he minded of course!

His thoughts turned out to right the moment he entered the classroom or... coffee house? His dark brown eyes looked at the flags of the world moving in some unnoticed wind and Daichi moved his gaze away from the flags towards a machine in the corner of the room. He walked towards it and stood in front of it, looking a little puzzled. What was it suppose to do? Thinking for a few moments, Daichi shrugged his shoulders and pressed the Vanilla Italian Soda button and literally JUMPED in shock as the machine started to make a loud noisy sound. A cup appeared from somewhere out of the machine and it filled with a sweet Vanilla scented drink.

With wide eyes , he took the drink and held it carefully in his hands. And as he turned around to find a place he noticed the Professor seated at the front. How had he missed her?! "Professor! Did you see that! my drink just came out of that ..thing!" he said excitedly, forgetting to be polite and greet first.

magikewe 02-25-2012 07:13 PM

Lily was excited for this class. She was a muggleborn so she was very familiar with practically everything muggle, but the idea of tasting things from all over the world was very intriguing to her. So Lily made sure that she was early to the class. As she reached the door of the classroom, she could smell coffee. She smoothed out her uniform before entering the classroom. "Hello Professor Cerulean. How are you today?" Lily greeted the professor with a broad smile, before heading toward an empty table. She placed her bag near one of the bar stools before going to the back and getting a cup of Hot Chocolate from the vending machine and then returned to her seat... I hope this is going to be a fun class... Lily thought as she sipped her cocoa.

PhoenixWizard 02-25-2012 07:25 PM

Angelina was do excited for this class. She wasn't to sure what they would be learning but she doesn't care, it's still amazing! Walking in she was hit by shock at the place it looked so beautiful and awesome. Walking down she looked at every flag she could. It was look seeing different flags around the world. Looking up she said, "Hello Professor. How are you?"


Originally Posted by Hermione Lily Potter (Post 10928202)
Lily was excited for this class. She was a muggleborn so she was very familiar with practically everything muggle, but the idea of tasting things from all over the world was very intriguing to her. So Lily made sure that she was early to the class. As she reached the door of the classroom, she could smell coffee. She smoothed out her uniform before entering the classroom. "Hello Professor Cerulean. How are you today?" Lily greeted the professor with a broad smile, before heading toward an empty table. She placed her bag near one of the bar stools before going to the back and getting a cup of Hot Chocolate from the vending machine and then returned to her seat... I hope this is going to be a fun class... Lily thought as she sipped her cocoa.

Heading to the back she got a small cup of coffee and looked around at see if she knew anyone here yet to sit by. Taking a small sip of her coffee she spotted her friend Lily. Smiling she walked carefully over to we're she sat. Once there Angelina smiled and said with a smile, "Hey Lily."

WhittyBitty 02-25-2012 07:27 PM

Amelia was really excited for this class, because the Professor always made it fun, plus she got to learn more about Muggles.

As she walked into the room, her eyes widened at the site of it. It was like a coffee house and there were flags all around. She spotted the one for South Africa and smiled. She was from there. If only there was one from Chile for Zayden. Meh.

She spotted a coffee machine and walked over to it. She scanned the options before settling on hot chocolate because she honestly wasn't in the mood for coffee right now. With her hot chocolate in hand, she headed over to a stool and took a seat. "Hello, Professor!"

PadfootAndTheWolf 02-25-2012 07:29 PM

After walking into the what he thought was the Muggle Studies classroom, August had had to do a bit of a double take when he entered what looked like a Muggle coffee house. Oh well he saw Professor Cerulean sitting at one of the table drinking coffee and a few students too, so he was in the right place.

As he saw someone he wanted to sit with, the Gryffindor walked towards the coffee machine and waved a greeting to the Professor. "Hello Professor Cerulean, I like what you've done with the classroom." It really was homey.

Originally Posted by fanficfanatict (Post 10928118)
Another Muggle Studies lesson. Selina new what that meant- food. She could always count on Professor Cerulean and her lessons to afford a plethora of food. Honestly, she was not always sure what the food had to do with the lesson sometimes, but Selina was not one to complain. She loved food and coming to this class always tested her appetite... the appetite usually won out though. Selina could eat food something fierce.

As she entered the room she saw all of the globes flags hung about and Selina approached her Professor, "Good day, Professor." Then she bowed her head and took her leave to the back of the classroom where she took a hot chocolate via the machine. Yummy.

After reaching the coffee machine, August grabbed himself a carmel macchiatto and then walked over to stand next to his Quidditch Captain. "Hey Selina, you want to sit at a table with me?" You know so they could devour all the food together. it had been a while since they had hung out.

FireboltAvis88 02-25-2012 07:40 PM

Please come and join me xD
Alyssa entered the Muggle Studies classroom and was amazed with what she saw. As usual the Professor did an amazing job getting the room decorated in the theme the lesson was about. Flags from all over the world waving in the wind. She noticed that there was a dispenser dispensing hot drinks so she went over and poured herself some hot chocolate before going over to greet the Professor.

"Hello Professor Cerulean. You did another great job decorating this place. It is amazing." Alyssa told her Muggle Studies Professor before looking around to find somewhere to sit. She noticed that barstools had been set up and went and sat at one of them. She hoped that others would join her.

Lady of Light 02-25-2012 07:42 PM

Muggle Studies. Awesome.

Evelyn loved this class since the professor always made the lesson so interesting and fun. She found everything quite simple as well. You know, her being a muggle and all. Huh. Anyway, the girl spotted a coffee vending machine nearby and made her way towards it. Wow. There were so many options. She debated between Hot Chcocolate and Chocolate Mocha for a while before she decided on the latter.

She made her way towards an empty coffee table and sat down, before placing her bag on the table. The sixteen year old took a sip of her drink and waited for the class to begin. Looked like it was going to be quite exciting!

Lislchen 02-25-2012 08:03 PM

Austria!!! :D
Muggle Studies.

Not one of his best classes. And somehow playing Twister probably hadn't exactly prepared him for this lesson either. But he still liked this lesson. It was interesting. There were always new things. Things he hadn't known about before the lesson. He still didn't like not knowing the answers in class, though. But there was absolutely no way to prepare either. He couldn't read every single book there was about Muggles after all.

Oh, no special door this time. Stepping into the classroom, Lewis glanced around in an attempt to figure out what this class was going to be about. Was Was this lesson about coffee? "Good day, Professor." He greeted the woman a little half-heartedly, quite distracted by staring at what seemed to be a coffee machine. Huh. Weird.

Strolling over there - seeing as everybody else had a cup of something in front of them - Lewis read the different labels. What sounded the LEAST like it contained coffee? Chai Tea. Yup, that sounded alright. He pressed the button, took the now-full mug and turned around. Now, where to sit. There was Alyssa sitting at one of the tables. But no, she might try to hug him again. So no to that table. Hmm.


Originally Posted by Lady of Light (Post 10928241)
Muggle Studies. Awesome.

Evelyn loved this class since the professor always made the lesson so interesting and fun. She found everything quite simple as well. You know, her being a muggle and all. Huh. Anyway, the girl spotted a coffee vending machine nearby and made her way towards it. Wow. There were so many options. She debated between Hot Chcocolate and Chocolate Mocha for a while before she decided on the latter.

She made her way towards an empty coffee table and sat down, before placing her bag on the table. The sixteen year old took a sip of her drink and waited for the class to begin. Looked like it was going to be quite exciting!

Finally his eyes fell on an older Hufflepuff girl he'd seen around the Common Room. Taking a deep breath, Lewis made his way over to her with his mug of Chai Tea in his hands. "H-hello. Do you...mind if I sit here?" He asked, biting his lip anxiously.

Expecto-Penguin 02-25-2012 08:24 PM


Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88 (Post 10928237)
Alyssa entered the Muggle Studies classroom and was amazed with what she saw. As usual the Professor did an amazing job getting the room decorated in the theme the lesson was about. Flags from all over the world waving in the wind. She noticed that there was a dispenser dispensing hot drinks so she went over and poured herself some hot chocolate before going over to greet the Professor.

"Hello Professor Cerulean. You did another great job decorating this place. It is amazing." Alyssa told her Muggle Studies Professor before looking around to find somewhere to sit. She noticed that barstools had been set up and went and sat at one of them. She hoped that others would join her.

Annabelle entered the muggle studies classroom and saw it was all decorated. "Wow this looks amazing!" she gasped. It reminded her of back home. She was used to coffee shops and she went over and got a vanilla latte and as she was about to sit down she noticed another hufflepuff!
"Hi is anyone sitting at this table?" she asked sweetly. She noticed her sitting alone and didn't want her to either. "My name is Annabelle but you can call me Belle for short."

magikewe 02-25-2012 08:30 PM

we have a few more seats for others to join us!

Originally Posted by Katergirl (Post 10928215)
Heading to the back she got a small cup of coffee and looked around at see if she knew anyone here yet to sit by. Taking a small sip of her coffee she spotted her friend Lily. Smiling she walked carefully over to we're she sat. Once there Angelina smiled and said with a smile, "Hey Lily."

Lily looked up as Angelina came over and sat down. "Hey Angelina, are you ready for class?" Lily pulled out a notebook and a pen, since it was muggle studies, and set them on the table so that she could jot notes as the class proceeded, kinda like a food critic would do, only she would also be taking notes on what was said during the class.

Lady of Light 02-25-2012 08:35 PM


Originally Posted by Lislchen (Post 10928262)
Finally his eyes fell on an older Hufflepuff girl he'd seen around the Common Room. Taking a deep breath, Lewis made his way over to her with his mug of Chai Tea in his hands. "H-hello. Do you...mind if I sit here?" He asked, biting his lip anxiously.

Evelyn took another sip of her mocha when she noticed someone standing nearby. She looked up to find a guy who seemed to be about her age. "Of course." The girl responded when the guy asked if he could join her. She gave him a warm smile before nodding towards a chair. She hesitated for a moment before she continued, "I'm Evelyn Wellington."

Holmesian Feline 02-25-2012 08:50 PM

SPOILER!!: Selina and August

Originally Posted by fanficfanatict (Post 10928118)
Another Muggle Studies lesson. Selina new what that meant- food. She could always count on Professor Cerulean and her lessons to afford a plethora of food. Honestly, she was not always sure what the food had to do with the lesson sometimes, but Selina was not one to complain. She loved food and coming to this class always tested her appetite... the appetite usually won out though. Selina could eat food something fierce.

As she entered the room she saw all of the globes flags hung about and Selina approached her Professor, "Good day, Professor." Then she bowed her head and took her leave to the back of the classroom where she took a hot chocolate via the machine. Yummy.


Originally Posted by DanialRadFAN01 (Post 10928221)
After walking into the what he thought was the Muggle Studies classroom, August had had to do a bit of a double take when he entered what looked like a Muggle coffee house. Oh well he saw Professor Cerulean sitting at one of the table drinking coffee and a few students too, so he was in the right place.

As he saw someone he wanted to sit with, the Gryffindor walked towards the coffee machine and waved a greeting to the Professor. "Hello Professor Cerulean, I like what you've done with the classroom." It really was homey.

After reaching the coffee machine, August grabbed himself a carmel macchiatto and then walked over to stand next to his Quidditch Captain. "Hey Selina, you want to sit at a table with me?" You know so they could devour all the food together. it had been a while since they had hung out.

Gideon headed to the muggle studies classroom to see what the latest lesson would turn out to be. The announcement hadn't left much to be wondered about...they would be sampling muggle food from around the world. And stepping into the room he wasn't disappointed, the flags obviously denoting the places that they would be eating from, or at least he thought that made sense. Looking around for any friends he spotted Selina and August, the former certainly not a surprise seeing as Professor Cerulean tended to know her greatest

"Good day Professor Cerulean," he greeted the professor in question, giving her a polite smile and nod before making his way towards his two housemates. "Hey guys," he said simply as he took his turn at the machine. Wasn't too hard to work a little familiar with the muggle world, choosing a chai tea to compliment the setting. He certainly had acquired a taste for it from his time in Portugal with his grandparents.

Lislchen 02-25-2012 09:01 PM


Originally Posted by Lady of Light (Post 10928297)
Evelyn took another sip of her mocha when she noticed someone standing nearby. She looked up to find a guy who seemed to be about her age. "Of course." The girl responded when the guy asked if he could join her. She gave him a warm smile before nodding towards a chair. She hesitated for a moment before she continued, "I'm Evelyn Wellington."

There was new proof that his theory that all Hufflepuffs were nice when they weren't trying to hug him was correct every day. He had never met anybody from his house who hadn't been nice. "Thank you." Lewis even smiled at the girl a little as he took the seat opposite of her, leaving the other two to his right and left unoccupied.

Blowing on his tea - he had learned his lesson last time - he glanced back up at the girl when she introduced herself. "Hey." He said softly as he continued to blow into the mug. Oh, right. She probably expected him to introduce himself too. "I'm Lewis. Lewis Rasting." He wasn't good at all this smalltalk thing. What was he supposed to say?

Do you come here often?

PhoenixWizard 02-25-2012 09:11 PM


Originally Posted by Hermione Lily Potter (Post 10928286)
Lily looked up as Angelina came over and sat down. "Hey Angelina, are you ready for class?" Lily pulled out a notebook and a pen, since it was muggle studies, and set them on the table so that she could jot notes as the class proceeded, kinda like a food critic would do, only she would also be taking notes on what was said during the class.

Angelina smiled and sat down in the seat next to Lily. "Yes I am so ready. I love this class," She told Lily. After a paused she asked, "Are you ready for it?" She placed her bag down on the floor out of everyones way but not out her notebook and pen and sat it in her lap so there could be more room on the table.

Lady of Light 02-25-2012 09:30 PM


Originally Posted by Lislchen (Post 10928324)
There was new proof that his theory that all Hufflepuffs were nice when they weren't trying to hug him was correct every day. He had never met anybody from his house who hadn't been nice. "Thank you." Lewis even smiled at the girl a little as he took the seat opposite of her, leaving the other two to his right and left unoccupied.

Blowing on his tea - he had learned his lesson last time - he glanced back up at the girl when she introduced herself. "Hey." He said softly as he continued to blow into the mug. Oh, right. She probably expected him to introduce himself too. "I'm Lewis. Lewis Rasting." He wasn't good at all this smalltalk thing. What was he supposed to say?

Do you come here often?

Evelyn took another gulp of her mocha before her brows knit together in a frown. The guy seemed familiar although she couldn't remember meeting him before. Hm. Judging from his robes, he was a hufflepuff so yeah..she must have seen him around the common room.

He looked a little nervous, for some odd reason. Was she the reason for his nervousness? Huh. Anyway.. "Nice to meet you, Lewis." Evelyn said, extending her hand.

Steelsheen 02-25-2012 09:38 PM

Vickers enters the class and is taken by the arrangement of it all. He liked the whole international theme of it, reminded him of that one summer where he dared to play hokey and managed to attend a Wizarding school fair-- the one that got him to secure a form for his eventual transfer to Hogwarts. Of course it was also the summer he met Kurumi.

As he neared the coffee machines he greeted Cerulean with his usual polite nod "Good Morning Professor"., He then eyed the selections and decided to go with the Peppermint White Chocolate Mocha. Cradling the warm mug in his hands he positions himself a little further from the front of the class as he has forgotten to take his glasses with him.

Jessiqua 02-25-2012 09:50 PM


Originally Posted by Katergirl (Post 10928337)
Angelina smiled and sat down in the seat next to Lily. "Yes I am so ready. I love this class," She told Lily. After a paused she asked, "Are you ready for it?" She placed her bag down on the floor out of everyones way but not out her notebook and pen and sat it in her lap so there could be more room on the table.

Zhenya walked in to class excited for what this would taste like! She looked around with a big smile on her face for the Russian flag, but it wasn't there... she did a tiny shrug and walked in to class saying "Hello Professor, I hope you are well," and looked around at the students there already.

She recognised Angelina, so she went up to her and said "Hi Angelina, do you mind if I sit you you?"

PhoenixWizard 02-25-2012 10:29 PM


Originally Posted by Jessiqua (Post 10928365)
Zhenya walked in to class excited for what this would taste like! She looked around with a big smile on her face for the Russian flag, but it wasn't there... she did a tiny shrug and walked in to class saying "Hello Professor, I hope you are well," and looked around at the students there already.

She recognised Angelina, so she went up to her and said "Hi Angelina, do you mind if I sit you you?"

Angelina turned around at the sound of her name. She reconized that voice. With a smile she spooted Zhenya standing next to her while she sat down next to her other friend. "I don't mind at all. Join us," She tols Zhenya while offering the chair next to herself. Looking back at Zhenya she said, "How are you?"

Somnium 02-25-2012 10:43 PM


Originally Posted by Katergirl (Post 10928396)
Angelina turned around at the sound of her name. She reconized that voice. With a smile she spooted Zhenya standing next to her while she sat down next to her other friend. "I don't mind at all. Join us," She tols Zhenya while offering the chair next to herself. Looking back at Zhenya she said, "How are you?"

Taylor walked into the classroom. She admired the decorations and was excited. Tay saw one of her friends and waved, "Hey Angelina." She smiled.

PhoenixWizard 02-25-2012 11:26 PM


Originally Posted by Cassandra (Post 10928407)
Taylor walked into the classroom. She admired the decorations and was excited. Tay saw one of her friends and waved, "Hey Angelina." She smiled.

Angelina looked the way she heard her name being said and saw her friend Taylor. Smiling wide she said, "Hey Taylor! I haven't seen you in a while. Do you want to join us?"

Jessiqua 02-25-2012 11:37 PM


Originally Posted by Katergirl (Post 10928396)
Angelina turned around at the sound of her name. She reconized that voice. With a smile she spooted Zhenya standing next to her while she sat down next to her other friend. "I don't mind at all. Join us," She tols Zhenya while offering the chair next to herself. Looking back at Zhenya she said, "How are you?"

Zhenya beamed at her new friend and pulled the chair back to sit down. "Thanks! Oh honestly Angelina, how cool is this subject?" she asked.

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