-   Term 30: January - April 2012 (
-   -   Muggle Studies Lesson #3: 80 Bites Around the World: Part Two (

Lezleighd 03-21-2012 04:13 PM

Muggle Studies Lesson #3: 80 Bites Around the World: Part Two
Part Two


When you enter the classroom, you notice that most of the setup from the last lesson is still the same.

Flags from all over the world hanging from the rafters. These flags are from the following countries:
Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Egypt, El Salvador, Ethiopia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Iran, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Korea, Lebanon, Malaysia, Mexico, Nigeria, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Singapore, South Africa, Turkey, USA, and the United Kingdom.

The flags have been charmed to slightly move in the wind occasionally but you can't feel a wind in the classroom.

Instead of the tall coffee tables, there are tons of single long rectangle tables with four picnic baskets levitating just out of reach above each table. Each table has one chair behind it and a chef's hat sitting in the middle of the table.


Music from around the world can be heard playing softly in the background. It is an eclectic mix!

The room still looks like a friendly little coffee house with flags hanging from the ceiling. The smell of coffee floats through the air and the atmosphere is calm and comfy.

In the corner of the classroom, is a muggle coffee vending machine that has been charmed to give you a coffee of your choice. You can choose from:
Plain Coffee, Caramel Macchiatto, Cinnamon Dolce Latte, Peppermint White Chocolate Mocha, Hot Chocolate, Chai Tea, or Vanilla Italian Soda. Just walk up and press a button and a cup of yummy goodness will fill up for you.

So come on in, grab a drink, and have a seat to take in the coffee house atmosphere! I hope you brought your appetite, though! O and dont' forget to put on your awesome chef hat! :yes:

If you didn't bring an apron to wear, feel free to grab one from the table at the front of the class. These aprons are all in bright neon colors and in black letters they each say "Kiss the Cook" on them.

The professor can be found standing at the front of the classroom wearing a neon blue apron and a tall chef hat. She has her usual welcoming smile on.

OOC: Come on in, grab a coffee, grab an apron, put on your awesome chef hat, and have a seat. You can talk but keep your conversation to a minimum. Class will begin this evening sometime!


FireboltAvis88 03-21-2012 05:02 PM

Alyssa entered the Muggle Studies classroom and smiled when she saw that the Flags of the different countries were still flying proud and high. However, instead of the coffee tables, the Professor had replaced them with long rectangular tables that had picnic baskets floating above them. Next to each table was a chair and on the table lay a chef's hat. Alyssa walked up to Professor Cerulean who was standing at the front of the classroon wearing her own neon apron and a tall chef hat. "Hello Professor Cerulean. You look nice in your apron and chef hat."Alyssa said with a smile before walking over to the vending machines and filling up her cup with Vanilla Italian Soda.

She then went over to one of the tables, put on the chef hat and tied on her apron before sitting on her chair and waited for the other students to arrive.

Lady of Light 03-21-2012 05:23 PM

Evelyn entered the Muggle Studies classroom and she smiled when she noticed the professor with a Chef's hat and wearing an apron. She also noticed the long tables and the picnic baskets that were floating above them. "Hello professor!" Evelyn said, cheerfully.

Evelyn walked over to the vending machines and filled her cup with Hot Chocolate. Huh? Evelyn's smile faded when she heard the professor say that the students would have to wear an apron and the chef's hat as well..really? With a grumpy look on her face, she made her way to the front of the class and picked up an apron.

She placed her cup of Hot Chocolate on the table before she tied on her apron. She sat down and looked at the hat with the slightest hint of distaste. "Erm..Professor, is it okay if I don't put it on?" Frankly, she would look ridiculous if she put on the chef's hat.

DuckyLinJi 03-21-2012 06:31 PM

The first thing Daichi noticed once inside the Muggle studies room were the wooden tables and the baskets floating above them. He approached one of the tables near the front and placed his school bag on top of it. He felt a bit strange because he had just turned fourteen and hearing the age he felt like he was growing up. Yes, he was going to be even MORE manly than he EVER was. At least he always thought he was manly.... Others who thought he wasn't manly and just cute were stupid hmpf!

"Morning Professor Cerulean!" he said with a wave of his hand and a smile from ear to ear before his chocolate brown dreamy eyes according to Kurumi O_o found the vending machine and remembering it from the previous lesson he went to grab a hot cup of chocolate. Returning to his table he clapped his hands in excitedment and let out a high pitched yell when hearing they should wear an apron and the hat but then quickly cleared his throat. He was fourteen now. A MAN!

Pulling out his apron from his bag Daichi couldn't help but widen his smile that he had written his older brother to bring him his TOO SHORT FOR HIS BODY apron because the last time he had used it was during the vacation and he tried to make a cake. And exploding the kitchen with the mixer in the process....ahem. He really hoped that didn't happen today.

Holmesian Feline 03-21-2012 06:40 PM

With the mention of bringing an apron to class, Gideon guess they might actually be making stuff. Unless of course they would be eating something really messy. Either possibility was there, he thought wondering what was to come. Not having an apron in his trunk, he managed an owl to his mum who in turn managed to return the bird with one from home. A nice simple deep green one currently thrown over his bag as he walked into class.

It was much as before, the flags of multiple countries flying from the rafters and available drinks in one corner. The decor of the seating was different, almost ordinary tables for each of them to sit at. The fifth year moved to take a random seat in the middle of the classroom, raising a curious eyebrow at the floating picnic baskets and chefs hats displaced at each place.
Yeah...definantly cooking something.

"Good day professor," he greeted as he set his stuff down next to his chair, taking out some parchment and a quill and setting it on the table to be ready. Seeing her with her apron on, Gideon figured he might as well add his own, the Gryffindor slipping it over his head before tying it in back. "Now to get a drink," he mused quietly, moving once more to head to the machine, pouring himself some chai tea before returning.

WhittyBitty 03-21-2012 07:37 PM

When Amelia entered the classroom, she couldn't help but notice the details that were still there from the last lesson. The flags were still up, and there was still the station from which to get drinks. But now it didn't look like a coffee shop anymore, and there were picnic baskets out. As well as chef hats?

Raising her brow, Amelia found herself a seat a table. "Hello, Professor Cerulean!"

Uncle Moose 03-21-2012 08:08 PM

Oakey came into class very cheerfully. for a month now he hadn't had a single good luck charm on him, until well...the Ancient runes class, from that point on he just wore his Rabbit's foot around his neck.

He had gotten the notice to bring an apron to class but did not have one and did not bother to get one. As he made his way to the front of the class he grabbed a neon "kiss the cook" green apron. H would have preferred it just be a plain white apron with no silly phrases, but you have to take what you're given he supposed.

As he was about to go back and find a table to set his things he saw the Coffee Machine. moving his way across the class room yet again, he inspected each of the flavors and settled on the chai tea. Now with hot beverage in hand Oakey went back to his spot and rested the chef's hat on his head.

Feeling completed and ready for the class to begin he couldn't help but feel he had forgotten something. An integral way to begin each of his classes...but what was it?
OH! good day, Professor Cerulean. I hope all is well with you.
Right, duh! say hello to the Professor.

sweetpinkpixie 03-22-2012 12:15 AM

Kurumi had been sitting in the common room studying for OWLs like any other Saturday morning...until she had spotted Gideon leaving the common room with his book bag. Where was he going on a Saturday with his school supplies? A few moments later, a first year had walked through the common room doing the same thing. As it turned wasn't a Saturday at all, but a Tuesday. When had THAT happened? Kurumi had then rushed back up to her dorm to pack her things...only to find that they were already packed. Odd.

Shrugging all this off, Kurumi had then sprinted down to the Muggle Studies classroom knowing that she was late and wearing a look of utter horror on her face. As she BURST through the door, she immediately rushed up to Professor Cerulean. "Professor! I'm so sorry I am late!" Only she wasn't late and was still early, but the Gryffindor had lost track of the time and was completely turned upside down. She then noticed that people were wearing aprons. MERLIN! Was she supposed to have brought one of those? She didn't remember reading that on the Gryffindor announcement board...

Hurriedly, Kurumi snatched up a neon purple apron from the front of the room, along with a chef hat that she had no intention of wearing, and found a seat. She opened her bag to get her pencil and notebook out when she saw that she had her apron already packed in it. Wait...when had she done that? Cheeks beat read, Kurumi made her way back to the front of the room to return the borrowed apron and slipped her Gryffindor one on and tried her best to blend in with her seat.

Expecto-Penguin 03-22-2012 01:01 AM

Annabelle walked into the classroom and saw all the supplies. She was still happy they were trying new foods from other countires. "Good morning, Proffesor Cerulean!" she said with a sweet smile. "What is with all the picnic baskets? Are we going to be eating foods outside in the courtyards?" She hoped they were eating outside.

FearlessLeader19 03-22-2012 04:58 AM

Jory was pleased the lessons were continuing on food. He really enjoyed the previous two. Reaching the classroom, he took in the surroundings. It seemed as if they were going to cook today. "Good Day, Professor,'' he said cheerfully as he walked into the room.

Jory had not brought an apron so he grabbed one from the set in the room. Blue- his favourite colour. He found the print "Kiss the Cook" quite funny. Next, he set the chef's hat on his head. "I wonder how I look,'' he thought to himself. The Puff decided to get some plain coffee before finding a seat. He really missed the coffee his mom made him everyday when he was at home.

Weasley174 03-22-2012 01:53 PM

Laura walked into the classroom and smiled. "Hello Professor." Laura said as she sat down.

Poolicious 03-22-2012 03:10 PM

Messer was really excited for today Muggle Studies lesson. When he entered the Muggle Studies classroom, most of the setup from their last lesson was still there. The flags. Tons of single long rectangle tables. Wait! Rectangle tables? Not coffee tables? Oh well they still table anyway.

"Hello, Professor. How are you today." the young badger greeted the Professor before he went to the the vending machines and filled his cup with Vanilla Italian Soda. Messer saw the students are wearing apron. Shoot! He forgot to bring his, so he went to the table at the front of the class and grabbed one of the bright neon colors apron with "Kiss the Cook" words on it. Eek!

Lezleighd 03-22-2012 04:02 PM

The professor smiled as the students filed in and said their hellos.


Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie (Post 10957735)
Kurumi had been sitting in the common room studying for OWLs like any other Saturday morning...until she had spotted Gideon leaving the common room with his book bag. Where was he going on a Saturday with his school supplies? A few moments later, a first year had walked through the common room doing the same thing. As it turned wasn't a Saturday at all, but a Tuesday. When had THAT happened? Kurumi had then rushed back up to her dorm to pack her things...only to find that they were already packed. Odd.

Shrugging all this off, Kurumi had then sprinted down to the Muggle Studies classroom knowing that she was late and wearing a look of utter horror on her face. As she BURST through the door, she immediately rushed up to Professor Cerulean. "Professor! I'm so sorry I am late!" Only she wasn't late and was still early, but the Gryffindor had lost track of the time and was completely turned upside down. She then noticed that people were wearing aprons. MERLIN! Was she supposed to have brought one of those? She didn't remember reading that on the Gryffindor announcement board...

Hurriedly, Kurumi snatched up a neon purple apron from the front of the room, along with a chef hat that she had no intention of wearing, and found a seat. She opened her bag to get her pencil and notebook out when she saw that she had her apron already packed in it. Wait...when had she done that? Cheeks beat read, Kurumi made her way back to the front of the room to return the borrowed apron and slipped her Gryffindor one on and tried her best to blend in with her seat.

But she was a little confused when another student came rushing in thinking she was...Gemma cocked her right eyebrow at the usually put together Gryffie.

"O Kurumi, you are still on worries..." she said sweetly before asking, "Are you feeling okay don't look like yourself..." she asked the girl raising both eyebrows odd that she was not herself...hadn't she seen another student in the halls acting odd yesterday...she pushed that thought out of her mind.

Once everyone was seated at a table, she raised her wand and with a flick the four baskets that had been hovering above each table landed on the tables to signal the beginning of her lesson.

She glanced out over all of the faces and then started, "Well, hello again everyone! I'm happy to see you all back and I hope you are excited as I am about our Part Two lesson on 80 Bites Around the World. This lesson we are going to actually fixing four different dishes from this side of the world." she said excitedly.

"But before we begin, let's review from last time. Can anyone share with me a dish and what country it was from that we tasted at our last lesson?" she said with a smile. With a flick of her wand, a screen rolled down from the ceiling.

OOC: Please remember to raise your hand before answering. Try not to repeat answers. Also only give one answer to give others the chance to answer. All conversations should end now...and remember Gemma is watching you...=0]

WhittyBitty 03-22-2012 05:04 PM

Amelia was excited now as class begun. She couldn't wait to try some more tasty dishes today! Raising her hand at the first question, she said, "We tried Poutine last class. It's basically fries with gravy and cheese curds. It comes from Canada." She thought it was delicious.

FireboltAvis88 03-22-2012 05:26 PM

Alyssa tried to recall what dishes they had tried last lesson and then she remembered one, so she raised her hand and answered."Professor we tried the Chicken Fried Steak, which is basically steak covered in batter and deep fried. It originates from the great state of Texas in the United States."

Expecto-Penguin 03-22-2012 07:37 PM

Annabelle was trying to recall and then something just clicked in her brain. She remembered what they had. "Professor didn't last time we had something from Mexico called Sopapillas?" She asked as she raised her hand. "They were little deserts you could eat and cover them in chocolate drizzle?"

HazelStone101 03-22-2012 08:56 PM

Jayden listened quietly as the other students rattled off answers to the professor's question. She had been sick during the last few classes and was happy to be back and able to catch up.

DuckyLinJi 03-22-2012 11:06 PM

Daichi had placed his chef hat on his head the moment Kurumi RAN in to the classroom and the Slytherin giggled as she thought she had been late for class while she was actually on time. But not only a giggle escaped, a blush appeared on his cheeks as well as he remembered her pouting lips and that she had want to kiss him in cla--


Daichi was glad that the Professor spoke so that she interrupted his thoughts and after listening he rose a hand in the air. "We tried Feijoada as well , Professor. I can't remember what was in it but i think it was Portuguese for Beans, right?" He didn't lower his arm but held the other one up as well as he tried to fix the chef hat on his head as it kept sliding over his forehead and had to hold it up so that it didn't cover half of his eyes.

Was there a smaller hat somewhere?

Weasley174 03-22-2012 11:14 PM

"Professor we had Ice-cream from USA didn't we." Laura didn't have any idea if she was right or not and at the minute she had her head on her desk, she wasn't feeling so well, the smell of coffee was making her feel a bit sick.

sweetpinkpixie 03-23-2012 12:28 AM


Originally Posted by Lezleighd (Post 10958841)
But she was a little confused when another student came rushing in thinking she was...Gemma cocked her right eyebrow at the usually put together Gryffie.

"O Kurumi, you are still on worries..." she said sweetly before asking, "Are you feeling okay don't look like yourself..." she asked the girl raising both eyebrows odd that she was not herself...hadn't she seen another student in the halls acting odd yesterday...she pushed that thought out of her mind.

Clearly flustered and confused like a dizzy kneazle, Kurumi arranged her notebook and pencil on the table. "I'm..fine," she nodded. Besides somehow mixing her days up...and times...and not remembering packing any of her school supplies. It was just a big black gap in her memory. Maybe she needed to lay off on studying for her OWLs? Seemed like it was effecting her brain.

Originally Posted by Lezleighd (Post 10958841)
"But before we begin, let's review from last time. Can anyone share with me a dish and what country it was from that we tasted at our last lesson?" she said with a smile. With a flick of her wand, a screen rolled down from the ceiling.

Kurumi arched an eyebrow as the lesson began. For someone who told them that they were not supposed to use magic in the classroom...she sure used a lot of magic. Her brow furrowed. Yes. Kurumi was judging you, Professor Cerulean, judging you and your hypocritical ways and snogging in front of your own students!

But then...Kurumi found herself confused again. Wait, had she been in that lesson? Kurumi flipped through her notes and was surprised to see that she had extensive notes. Blinking at her notebook, Kurumi slowly raised her hand. She was just going to read from her notes. "We had... clam chowder...specifically New England clam chowder from America..." That was right, yes? She had it in her notes at least...

porkpie 03-23-2012 08:47 AM

louise walking into the classroom she put her apron on this lesson was going to be fun

Daydreamer11 03-23-2012 08:49 AM

Alex put on her hot pink apron and sat down. She raised her hand and said, "Professor, we had tamales from Latin America last time".

FearlessLeader19 03-23-2012 01:28 PM

Jory raised his hand. "We tried Churrasco with Chimichurri which is from Argentina,'' he said hoping he had remembered correctly. he certainly remembered what the dish looked like and it'd tasted delicious.

Lezleighd 03-23-2012 03:54 PM

Gemma shook her head at each of the students' answers. As they answered each, the answer appeared on the screen hanging from the ceiling.

She flicked her wand and the list cleared. She smiled at the students and then continued, "Okay so now lets come a little bit closer to home. Today we are going to be preparing and tasting four dishes from countries on our side of the world. " As she said this, a map of countries appeared on each of the tables in the form of a placemat.

"Take a look at your map, can you think of some dishes from any of the countries? Please share the dish and what it is and what country it is from...." she asked excitedly.

OOC: Please remember to raise your hand before answering. Try not to repeat answers. Also only give one answer to give others the chance to answer. All conversations should end now...and remember Gemma is watching you...=0]

sweetpinkpixie 03-23-2012 04:16 PM

Kurumi cocked her head to the side with each answer that her classmates gave. Why...didn't she remember any of this? It was all there on her notes, which meant that she had been there and tasted everything. Odd. She must really be stressed...

Pausing for a moment, Kurumi thought about what Professor Cerulean had just asked. She was going to just assume that our side of the world meant Europe and her hand instantly went up in the air. "There is crème brûlée from France," she offered. She wasn't sure if they were supposed to go into details or not, but she decided to go with just a little for clarification. "It's a custard base dessert topped with a layer of hard caramel."

Unless she wanted more savory dishes...but Kurumi's mind was almost always focused on desserts.

FireboltAvis88 03-23-2012 04:53 PM

Alyssa thought and looked at the map. Scotland....hmmm...She slowly raised her hand and gave her answer. "Professor there's this Scottish dish called Haggis. It is a type of pudding that contains sheep innards and other stuff like onions and spices, and it used to be served encased in the sheep's stomach, but thankfully they now use sausage. I know that it's sounds very untasteful but I guess some people like it."

'I do hope we're not going to make it because I'm definitely not eating it.' Alyssa thought to herself.

WhittyBitty 03-23-2012 07:20 PM

Amelia bit her lip as she tried to think of a dish to contribute. Hmm. Finally she raised her hand. "There is Bouillabaisse from France. It's like a fish stew with at least three different kinds of fish in it. Sometimes shellfish and other seafood is added. It also contains vegetables like onions, leeks, tomatoes, potatoes, and celery. Traditionally the broth is served with a rouille, which is a mayonnaise made of olive oil, saffron, garlic, and cayenne pepper on slices of grilled bread." She felt like an encyclopedia now. :/

HazelStone101 03-23-2012 07:39 PM

Jayden raised her hand slowly, listening to the other students answers as she waited. "Professor, there are the Bratwurst and Sauerkraut dishes that come from Germany." She piped up after being called upon. "The Sauerkraut is a more tangy kind of dish that is made with shredded cabbage and it works really well with the Bratwurst, which is a type of fried or baked sausage. Yum!" She finished, reminiscing the first time she had eaten it last summer on her trip out to Germany with her parents. Just the thought of all the delicious German cuisine made her mouth water.

Deezerz 03-23-2012 08:25 PM

Kennedy centered the stubborn chef hat on his head, it kept leaning from one side to the other. It was probably time for another hair cut. He listened to what was going on around him, while drumming his fingers on his lap. The energy of participating had left, in fact the energy of doing anything at all seem to have left him the minute he received a letter from his father.

He looked up and felt the chef hat wobble. Stay hat, stay! He figured since he was already in class he might as well do something, so he raised his hand. "There's Rote Grütze from Germany," he said. "It's a dish composed of berries and vanilla custard." He wasn't about to explain everything about it, just a bit of it. Plus, the time he had eaten it he hadn't cared what was in it just that it was good.

Steelsheen 03-23-2012 09:44 PM

SPOILER!!: zeProf

Originally Posted by Lezleighd (Post 10960215)
Gemma shook her head at each of the students' answers. As they answered each, the answer appeared on the screen hanging from the ceiling.

She flicked her wand and the list cleared. She smiled at the students and then continued, "Okay so now lets come a little bit closer to home. Today we are going to be preparing and tasting four dishes from countries on our side of the world. " As she said this, a map of countries appeared on each of the tables in the form of a placemat.

"Take a look at your map, can you think of some dishes from any of the countries? Please share the dish and what it is and what country it is from...." she asked excitedly.

OOC: Please remember to raise your hand before answering. Try not to repeat answers. Also only give one answer to give others the chance to answer. All conversations should end now...and remember Gemma is watching you...=0]

Vickers sat quietly, fidgeting with the Chef's hat in his hands. There was A LOT of European dishes he can choose from and pondered which country he would even start with. Might as well say something from his birthplace. He raised his hand as he replied "Professor, in Italy, there is a popular dessert called Tiramisu, its a layered cake made of savoiardi--more popularly known as Ladyfingers-- dipped in coffee and layered with a mixture of egg yolks and Italian cheese called mascarpone"

magikewe 03-23-2012 10:36 PM

Lily liked the idea of making something for this class, especially something they could eat after. She sat quietly and listened to some of the other students before remembering a food from one of the countries. She raised her hand and spoke once it was her turn. "There are crepes, made of some sort of batter, from France. Then you put all kinds of toppings on them...I like putting chocolate on them or fruit..." The little ravenclaw grinned. Crepes would be perfect for this class. They were really easy to make and tasted really yummy.

MudInMyBlood 03-23-2012 10:59 PM

Hannah thought about the question and tried to pay attention to everybody to make sure that she wasn't repeating any of the answers. With a raised hand she said "Professor there is Moroccan food which is famous for lamb and the flavoring of lemon pickle."

She had heard that they ate camel too, but surely that was a joke that just seemed nasty and weird.

affy7ann 03-24-2012 03:33 AM

Tayla took a sip from her cup of Cinnamon Dolce Latte and studied the map. Remembering something a childhood friend once let her taste, Tayla raised her hand and answered, "There's a sweet chocolate rice porridge called 'champorado' from the Philippines."

Lezleighd 03-24-2012 04:21 AM

The professor felt her stomach growl a little bit as each of the students shared different dishes. They all sounded yummy and she couldn't wait to get started making and tasting their four dishes of the day.

As each student said their dish, they dish magically appeared on the screen and a dot appeared on the map place mats on the country of origin at each table. When the students had created a pretty good list, the professor continued, "Well it seems that majority are like me and favor the sweet stuff." she paused as she walked towards a table at the front of the classroom.

Once she reached the table, she grabbed the first basket on the left side of the table and opened the top. "Today we are going to be putting together four different dishes from the Western Hemisphere. None of these require any cooking just the preparation. You will find everything you need from the recipe to the ingredients to the preparation utensils in each of the picnic baskets. " She reached into her basket and as she mentioned each part, she would pull out an example from her first basket. "We are going to make a predinner snack, a salad, a fun drink, and a dessert all from different countries." She glanced out to make sure everyone was following what she was saying.

"So let's start with our first basket." she said holding up the basket slightly. "If you will go ahead and open the top and start laying out all of the contents on your table." She started as an example and named off everything she held up from the basket, "A recipe...a plate to place your predinner snack on when you are done...preparation utensils...and the various ingredients......" she laid everything out so that it was more accessible.

"Our predinner snack is from Australia and is known as Salmon on the Barbie Bites...these snacks are not native to Australia but are well known in the country. " She said as a picture of Australia appeared on the screen. "They are pretty simple to let's give a try..." she said holding up the recipe. "Please follow the directions to create our first dish."

SPOILER!!: Ingredients


* 20 g soft cheese with garlic and herbs
* 35 g cream cheese
* 1 tablespoon sour cream
* a few drops of lemon juice
* 2 fresh chives, snipped
* 55 g smoked salmon
* 1/2 tablespoons chopped fresh basil

SPOILER!!: Directions

1. Mix the Cream Cheese, Sour Cream, Lemon Juice, and Chives together into a paste mixture.
2. Lay the slices of salmon out on the work surface and spread them with the cream cheese mixture. Roll them up, starting from the thinner end. Transfer these rolls to a plate.
3. Sprinkle your Salmon Rolls with the loose cheese and then sprinkle with some basil.
4. Place a toothpick in each bite.

OOC: Please RP creating the first dish. You should use atleast two posts to complete the dish. Please continue to keep conversations to a minimum.

sweetpinkpixie 03-24-2012 04:38 AM

After titling her parchment with Western Hemisphere recipes, Kurumi jotted down the instructions on the board and then went to open her basket when...she got confused. Wait, did Professor Cerulean just say Australia? But...that wasn't in the Western Hemisphere. Before beginning, Kurumi raised her hand. "Um...professor...isn't Australia in the Eastern Hemisphere?" It was easy to mix up directions in one's head, so perhaps that is what had just happened?

Grabbing a bowl and using a cloth to make sure that its contents were clean, Kurumi added her cream cheese, sour cream, lemon juice, and chives to it before grabbing a spatula to begin working everything together. Really, she was tempted to just use her hands. That always made the ingredients warm up which helped with the mixing process, but she refrained for now and continued to work away with the spatula until everything was blended together and smooth.

Now grabbing a cutting board, she didn't want to get the table covered in salmon juices, Kurumi laid out the salmon so it was nice and flat and then returned her attention to her spatula so she could begin applying a thin layer of the mixture to each one.

WhittyBitty 03-24-2012 04:48 AM

Amelia blinked as they were told that they were going to start off the class with a dish from Australia. Last time she had checked Australia was in a different hemisphere from them. She was about to raise her hand and mention it when Kurumi beat her to it. Meh.

She started copying down the instructions as she waited to hear the answer to the question.

Lezleighd 03-24-2012 05:08 AM

Feeling a little bit embarrassed the professor replied to the two students' questions, "O yes...I meant Eastern Hemisphere...sorry everyone...I get my directions confused alot..." she said with a little nod up and down....she had to admit that she was a little embarrassed and frustrated...couldn't the girls have figured out what she meant...she was only human and made mistakes after all...

WhittyBitty 03-24-2012 05:17 AM

Amelia didn't like that the Professor was embarrassed, but she was still a little confused right now. Hopefully she wouldn't mind anther question. She raised her hand. "It's okay, Professor. Happens to us all. So we're doing dishes from the Eastern Hemisphere then?" she asked for clarification.

FireboltAvis88 03-24-2012 05:26 AM

Salmon on the Barbie Bites: Post 1
Alyssa listened as the Professor explained that they would making dishes from the Western correction...Eastern Hemisphere. So she opened up the basket floating above her table as instructed and looked inside. She reached in took out everything that was lying in it and laid them on the table in front of her. There was the recipe, plates, cooking utensils and the ingredients. Their first snack was going to be an Australian one. 'Cool. The Meal from Down Under' Alyssa thought to herself as she looked at the recipe.

Text Cut: Ingredients

* 20 g soft cheese with garlic and herbs
* 35 g cream cheese
* 1 tablespoon sour cream
* a few drops of lemon juice
* 2 fresh chives, snipped
* 55 g smoked salmon
* 1/2 tablespoons chopped fresh basil

Text Cut: Directions on how to make it

1. Mix the Cream Cheese, Sour Cream, Lemon Juice, and Chives together into a paste mixture.
2. Lay the slices of salmon out on the work surface and spread them with the cream cheese mixture. Roll them up, starting from the thinner end. Transfer these rolls to a plate.
3. Sprinkle your Salmon Rolls with the loose cheese and then sprinkle with some basil.
4. Place a toothpick in each bite.

Alyssa studied the recipe instructions again, and scratched her head. She was good with certain stuff but cooking wasn't her forte. But how hard could it be to follow directions. That was something she was good at. So looking at the first steps to making the dish, she identified the cream cheese, sour cream, lemon juice and chives and placed them in front of her. She had to mix them together to form into a paste mixture. "Now that's not too hard to do."Alyssa said to herself. She picked up a mixing bowl and almost took out her wand to clean it before she realized that this was a Muggle Studies class and the Professor might not be too happy to see magic being used in it. So she looked around, until she found a clean towel and first cleaned the bowl and the utensils before stuffing it into her apron pocket.

Now that she had cleaned the mixing bowl, she added the cream cheese, sour cream, lemon juice and chives into the bowl before picking up a wooden spoon and started mixing up the ingredients until everything was properly mixed in together and the mixture in the bowl had the texture of paste. "Okay we've got that done, now for the next step."

Alyssa looked at the instructions again. 'Salmon...okay I know what that looks like.' Alyssa thought to herself. She took out her towel from her apron and wiped down the work surface that she was standing in front of to make sure that it was clean. Then she picked up the slices of Salmon and laid them one by one in front of her. Picking up the mixing bowl containing her cream cheese mixture, Alyssa scooped up the mixture with her wooden spoon and spread the cream cheese evenly over each of the salmon slices.

Team ronmione 03-24-2012 07:33 AM

Adam got out a small cutting board and placed it onto his table and a small bowl at the same time. He got the needed ingredients for the first step. With the sour cream,cream cheese,lemon juice and chives he dropped them into the bowl and began to vigorously spin the mixture with a spoon until it was creamy yet sticky substance.

The next step was to add the mixture onto the salmon. Adam placed that flat onto the board and stared at his bowl then to his salmon for a few seconds. His stomach was turning on the inside. Salmon and cream cheese in one dish, and not even separately but into one component didn't seem to go well. He just prayed it'd taste good. He gently dabbed the mixture onto the salmon and once spreading it evenly, he rolled it up and moved them to his plate.

FireboltAvis88 03-24-2012 07:59 AM

Salmon on the Barbie Bites : Post 2
Alyssa checked the directions on the recipe and scratched off what she had already done, just to make sure that she was on the right track.

Text Cut: Directions on how to make it

1. Mix the Cream Cheese, Sour Cream, Lemon Juice, and Chives together into a paste mixture.
2. Lay the slices of salmon out on the work surface and spread them with the cream cheese mixture.
Roll them up, starting from the thinner end. Transfer these rolls to a plate.
3. Sprinkle your Salmon Rolls with the loose cheese and then sprinkle with some basil.
4. Place a toothpick in each bite.

According to the directions, now it was time for her to roll up the salmon slices and then transfer them onto a plate. So she first grabbed the plate and placed it closer to her and then rolling up her sleeves, she bent over and slowly but delicately, rolled the first slice of salmon starting from the thinner end and working her way to the larger end, until the salmon was fully rolled up. She made sure that the salmon slice wouldn't unroll itself, before placing it on the plate. Then she started working on the next slice of salmon, rolling it up and adding it to the first one on the plate. She repeated the steps until all her slices of salmon had been rolled and were now lying on the plate.

Then she picked up the soft cheese and started breaking it up with her fingers until they were almost the size of crumbs. Picking up the cheese crumbs with her fingers, she lightly sprinkled the cheese over her rolled salmon until all the salmon was covered with cheese. Once she was done with the cheese sprinkling, using her fingers again, she picked up the basil and sprinkled that on top of the rolled salmon slices as well.

Now for the last part of the directions. Toothpicks. Where were the toothpicks? Alyssa couldn't seem to see them on her table. So she searched through the preparation utensils but couldn't find it there. It definitely wasn't with the ingredients either, so Alyssa decided to search through her basket one more time, and was glad that she had, because stuck in the corner of the basket, was a small vial containing toothpicks.

Alyssa pulled it out of the basket and poured out the toothpicks into her hand. Taking one toothpick at a time, she pierced each rolled salmon piece right down the center.

She then checked through her recipe directions one more time, to make sure that she had done everything as directed, scratching off each step, just to be on the safe side.

Text Cut: Directions on how to make it

1. Mix the Cream Cheese, Sour Cream, Lemon Juice, and Chives together into a paste mixture.
2. Lay the slices of salmon out on the work surface and spread them with the cream cheese mixture. Roll them up, starting from the thinner end. Transfer these rolls to a plate.
3. Sprinkle your Salmon Rolls with the loose cheese and then sprinkle with some basil.
4. Place a toothpick in each bite.

sweetpinkpixie 03-24-2012 08:23 AM

Kurumi immediately regretted asking from the look she had received, but the Gryffindor was genuinely confused and looked over when Amelia asked a follow up question. Truth was, Kurumi was wondering as well. The introduction had implied a more European view of food, so she just wanted to make sure that her notes were complete and organized - no mislabeling things as it were.

While she waited, Kurumi continued to use her spatula to 'paint' her strips of salmon and she was reminded of home suddenly. Her mother often ate salmon and cream cheese on bagels in spring. She bit her bottom lip and tried to regain her focus as she scooped some more of the mixture from her bowl and smeared it onto the last strip of salmon. Now that that step had been finished, Kurumi set the spatula back in the bowl and looked at the salmon. She wished that there were some gloves for them to wear, this looked as though it could get messy and touching raw fish and meats was always something that worried the Gryffindor. At least she knew her hands were clean.

Kurumi turned her cutting board around so that the thinner ends were facing towards her and began to slowly roll them up. She had to use her hand from time to time to try and keep the filling from spilling out of a few of them since she had overstuffed them, but things worked out somehow - even if she had to return some of the filling to the bowl. Wiping her hands first, Kurumi took a plate from inside her basket and set the rolls on them. This proved to be a little more difficult than expected and sort of wished that the instructions were to tookpick them before moving. Might help keep them together or something. Avoiding mild disaster, Kurumi wiped her hands again and then crushed some cheese and basil in her hands before sprinkling it over the rolls.

Removing the bits of cheese and basil from her hands with a towel again, Kurumi removed the cap on the container of toothpics and screwed each one and then put the cap back on it and then set it to the side.

Team ronmione 03-24-2012 08:52 AM

Now that the dish was half complete it was time to finish it up to perfection. Adam picked up the extra cheese he still had and lightly smushed it into his hand so that little tiny pieces of cheese crumpled up and then dusted it off his hands transferring it to the roll at the same time. Then he grabbed the basil and sprinkled that on top of the cheese on top of the roll. Once done with that he jabbed the salmon roll with the toothpicks they had been provided with and set them aside.

He just hoped that he wouldn't puncture the inside of his cheek if they were going to eat the dish with the stick still impaled to it.

Steelsheen 03-24-2012 08:56 AM

Post #1
Vickers brought out the different plates and ingredients from the basket, looking at each item carefully. He looked up for a moment when other students said something about Australia and which hemisphere it belonged. His brows furrowed ever so slightly as the first though in his head didn’t quite match any of the others. He would’ve said Southern Hemisphere only because it was most commonly referred to as such… then again this wasn’t a geography lesson.

He laid a bowl before him and scourgified it, along with the other kitchen tools he would be using then. Old habits from Potions class easily found their way into this cooking class it seems. Vickers then dropped in the cream cheese, adding that spoonful of sour cream right after. Wedging the Chives carefully under the knife he began to cut them to tiny pieces. He sliced open a lemon and squeezed in a few drops over the bowl, carefully making sure that the seeds doesn’t fall in. He then tipped the chopping board over and swiped in the chives, then using a spoon he began mixing them together evenly.

Uncle Moose 03-24-2012 12:52 PM

Post #1
Oakey silently laughed a little at Professor Cerulean's mix up of where Australia was. If it made her feel any better Oakey would have said it was in the Northern Hemisphere if he didn't have the map in front of him.

Adjusting his chefs hat on his head he then began to make the Australian snack food. He scooped up the appropriate amount of cream cheese, and sour cream and plopped them into the bowl. He set down the spoon and reached for his bottle of lemon juice. Tipping the bottle upside-down, a few drops landed themselves onto the cream cheese, and sour cream. Setting the lemon juice aside Oakey took the chives and sprinkled them over everything. Taking the spoon once more her started stirring until it all looked like a bowl of white cream with green specks in it.

DuckyLinJi 03-24-2012 01:17 PM

Post 1 and calling the Professor~
Opening up the basket infront of him, Daichi placed the ingredients down on the table before he waited for the instructions. He was a little dissapointed that they weren't going to make a giant chocolate cake but listened as the Professor had told them something wrong and Kurumi was correcting her. Hehe~ But everyone makes mistakes so he let it go and looked back at his ingredients.

He pushed his chef hat up as it slided down again. Covering half his eyes, the Slytherin grabbed a bowl and began to measure the first ingredients on the list until he had 20g from each of them. Grabbing the mixer from the basket, Daichi began to mix the cheese Sour Cream, Chives while adding a few drops of lemon juice while stiring. This was like a potion lesson. But then without a cauldron. Dark dungeons and a not-knowing-what-mood-she's-in Lafay! Not to mention that these ingredients smelled much nicer than the ones in the potions they used.

After a few moments of stiring the mixture began to get a certain color and after Daichi looked around what the other students had he stopped. The chef hat was sliding down again and the Slytherin mumbled "Stupid hat" under his breath.

Daichi grabbed the salmon and rolled them out. He scooped up the mixture from the bowl and filled the salmon with it before he began to roll it in to a sort of ball starting at the thinner end. The instructions didn't say how many rolls so he simply made a few and transfered them on the plate.

Again, his hat obscured half of his vision as he looked down at the plate and Daichi couldn't take it anymore. He wanted to have a chef hat on but not this one! "Professor?!" He called from his table as he held his hand in the air. "Professor, can i have another hat please?"

FearlessLeader19 03-24-2012 01:20 PM

Post 1
Jory listened to Professor Cerulean and made a few notes. After fixing his chef's hat, which was slowly sliding over to the front of his head, he took out his ingredients and utensils.

First, he mixed the cream Cheese, sour cream, Lemon juice, and Chives until they formed a kind of paste. Jory was tempted to keep mixing the ingredients- he liked their combined look. But remembering he was in class, Jory quickly put some salmon slices on his work station and then spread the nice mixture all over them.

Uncle Moose 03-24-2012 01:59 PM

Post #2
Oakey took about ten strips of the salmon and laid them out neatly in front of him. Taking his spoon once more he scooped up a small spoonful of the mix and spread it across one of the thin slices of salmon. Taking the thinner end of the slice he rolled it up the best he could. He repeated this process for the last nine pieces. Once he was finished with this he grabbed the loose cheese and basil and set it close to him. taking a pinch of each he sprinkled them over each of his salmon rolls. Then taking the toothpicks he carefully stabbed them in the center and all the way through so they would hold in place. Thoroughly pleased with the outcome he set his hands down on the work station and waited for the rest of the class to finish as well.

FearlessLeader19 03-24-2012 02:16 PM

Post 2
Finished smearing the spread all over the salmon, Jory started to work on rolling them up now beginning with the thinner end. As he finished each one, he placed them on a plate.

Satisfied with his work, Jory took the cheese and scattered it over the rolls then he did the same with the basil. When this was done, he grabbed some toothpicks and stuck one in each roll.

When he was finished, the Puff couldn't help admiring his work. He sat back and waited for the rest of the class to finish.

WhittyBitty 03-24-2012 07:26 PM

Post #1 - Working on the cream cheese mixture
As Amelia waited for the Professor to answer her question she decided to get started on her class work so that she wouldn't fall behind. She picked up a bowl and then looked around until she found a clean towel. She assumed that since this was a Muggle Studies class, it would be better if she resisted her natural inclination for magic and just did it the muggle way.

Finally locating a towel, she started cleaning her bowl, humming a tune as she did so. Hopefully this dish would taste good, because she wasn't sure if she'd like it or not at this point.

Once the bowl was clean, she started taking the ingredients out of the basket and carefully placing them on the table. It was time for her to do the first step in the process.

Looking at the written directions for a moment, she then grabbed the cream cheese, sour cream, lemon juice, and chives. Moving them closer to her on the table she then added them each to the bowl in turn while making sure to put just the right amounts in. Picking up a clean spatula, she started mixing everything together.



20 g soft cheese with garlic and herbs
35 g cream cheese
1 tablespoon sour cream
a few drops of lemon juice
2 fresh chives, snipped
55 g smoked salmon
1/2 tablespoons chopped fresh basil


1. Mix the Cream Cheese, Sour Cream, Lemon Juice, and Chives together into a paste mixture.
2. Lay the slices of salmon out on the work surface and spread them with the cream cheese mixture. Roll them up, starting from the thinner end. Transfer these rolls to a plate.
3. Sprinkle your Salmon Rolls with the loose cheese and then sprinkle with some basil.
4. Place a toothpick in each bite.

pundantic 03-24-2012 07:46 PM

SPOILER!!: directions
1. Mix the Cream Cheese, Sour Cream, Lemon Juice, and Chives together into a paste mixture.
2. Lay the slices of salmon out on the work surface and spread them with the cream cheese mixture. Roll them up, starting from the thinner end. Transfer these rolls to a plate.
3. Sprinkle your Salmon Rolls with the loose cheese and then sprinkle with some basil.
4. Place a toothpick in each bite.

Right, actually making food. Selina could only guess how terribly the whole ordeal was going to end. Baking and cooking was like potions in so many ways. In fact, Selina had often referred to potions as glorified potion making. So the whole making food thing in muggle studies, although a good idea to most, made Selina want to heave in a toilet. There was no way she was going to survive this thing alive.

Swallowing the emotions that she could muster to swallow, which was not much, she began by mixing the Cream Cheese, Sour Cream, Lemon Juice, and Chives together into a paste mixture. So far... so good.

MudInMyBlood 03-24-2012 08:09 PM

Post One!
Hannah was at first worried that they were going to have to make the dish that they originally said and her heart way would she have anything to do with lamb. She perked up a bit when she realized that was not the case. She took notes on all of the ingredients and the directions on how to make the dish.

Hannah grabbed the cream cheese, sour cream, lemon juice and chives and mixed them in the bowl. She mixed and mixed until it turned into a nice paste mixture. This wasn't so bad she thought. Alteast her mixture turned into the desired consistency.

HazelStone101 03-24-2012 08:49 PM

Post Numero Uno! (:
SPOILER!!: Ingredients

* 20 g soft cheese with garlic and herbs
* 35 g cream cheese
* 1 tablespoon sour cream
* a few drops of lemon juice
* 2 fresh chives, snipped
* 55 g smoked salmon
* 1/2 tablespoons chopped fresh basil

SPOILER!!: Directions

1. Mix the Cream Cheese, Sour Cream, Lemon Juice, and Chives together into a paste mixture.
2. Lay the slices of salmon out on the work surface and spread them with the cream cheese mixture. Roll them up, starting from the thinner end. Transfer these rolls to a plate.
3. Sprinkle your Salmon Rolls with the loose cheese and then sprinkle with some basil.
4. Place a toothpick in each bite.

Jayden nodded as she listened to the conversations between the prefect, the teacher, and a few other students. "Okay. Shrimp on the Barbie Bites..." She mumbled to herself as she mixed the Cream Cheese, Sour Cream, Lemon Juice, and Chives together until they formed some sort of paste. Seafood wasn't Jayden's style usually, but this was already starting to look good!

Now for the second part.

Jayden laid out the salmon carefully, making sure not to break any of the pieces off or drop it on the floor or anything. Next, she took a knife and gently spread the mixture onto the salmon. The next part was a breeze, she slowly rolled the salmon up, and then transferred the rolls onto a new clean plate.


DuckyLinJi 03-24-2012 08:58 PM

post 2
Waiting for a new hat that he hopefully would get, Daichi decided to go further with the instructions. The next steps were so easy, even a small kid could do it! He grabbed some loose cheese and sprinkled it over his salmon ..things..Barbie something it was called right? He added a liiiitle bit more than usual and after he wiped his hands on the duck apron he wore he started to sprinkle the basil over it as well.

Checking the instructions again, Daichi smiled at his result and took off his chef hat because it were began to annoy him. Not to mention that his stomach began to growl. They were going to eat later right?!

MudInMyBlood 03-24-2012 09:15 PM

Post 2
Now was time for the salmon. Truth be told Hannah wasn't too fond of handling fish. It just seemed icky. Nevertheless she doubted that the professor would care that she thought the fish was icky. She sucked it up and grabbed the amount of salmon that was needed and laid it out on her work space. She grabbed them cream cheese mixture and continued on to spread the salmon with it.

When everything looked perfect she started to roll the salmon up starting with thinner end of course. Once she had them all rolled up she put them on a plate. With a quick glance at her notes she saw that she now needed to sprinkle the rolls with the loose cheese and basil. She sprinkled the cheese and then the basil. Once she was satisified she placed a toothpick in each roll. She sat back and looked over her work. She couldn't help but to be happy with her work. These salmon rolls looked good afterall!

HazelStone101 03-24-2012 09:29 PM

post 2!
SPOILER!!: Ingredients

* 20 g soft cheese with garlic and herbs
* 35 g cream cheese
* 1 tablespoon sour cream
* a few drops of lemon juice
* 2 fresh chives, snipped
* 55 g smoked salmon
* 1/2 tablespoons chopped fresh basil

SPOILER!!: Directions

1. Mix the Cream Cheese, Sour Cream, Lemon Juice, and Chives together into a paste mixture.
2. Lay the slices of salmon out on the work surface and spread them with the cream cheese mixture. Roll them up, starting from the thinner end. Transfer these rolls to a plate.
3. Sprinkle your Salmon Rolls with the loose cheese and then sprinkle with some basil.
4. Place a toothpick in each bite.

After placing the rolls on a new clean plate, Jayden proceeded to sprinkle them with some cheese and a bit of basil. Now it was on to the last and final part, inserting the toothpicks into each bite sized roll. One by one she gently placed the toothpicks into the rolls.

Done! Tada!

Now it was time to wait for further instructions.. and maybe eat a few rolls.


Expecto-Penguin 03-24-2012 10:11 PM

Post 1
Belle saw the class getting all the ingredients. She copied down all the directions first before getting the supplies. She was excited making a new recipie.

1. Mix the Cream Cheese, Sour Cream, Lemon Juice, and Chives together into a paste mixture.
2. Lay the slices of salmon out on the work surface and spread them with the cream cheese mixture. Roll them up, starting from the thinner end. Transfer these rolls to a plate.
3. Sprinkle your Salmon Rolls with the loose cheese and then sprinkle with some basil.
4. Place a toothpick in each bite.

Belle started to mix the cream cheese, sour cream, lemon juice and chives together and all the other ingredients into the mixture. This seemed easy to her becasue she always baked during the holidays with her family. Then she laid the salmon out on the work surface and spread them with mixture she just had to the right of her. Then she started rolling them out from the thinner end.

WhittyBitty 03-24-2012 10:46 PM

Post #2 - Applying mixture and rolling up the pieces of salmon
Amelia kept humming as she mixed everything in the bowl. After it reached the constancy that she desired, she looked to the directions again and saw that it was time for her to put the mixture on the salmon.

Clearing off the workspace in front of her, Amelia carefully laid the pieces of salmon out in a row. When she was done that she picked her spoon up again and placed it in the bowl. She scooped up a bit of the cream cheese mixture and placed it on the first piece of salmon before spreading it out. She proceeded to do so with the other pieces of salmon.

Placing the spoon down now, she started rolling the first piece of salmon up working inwards from the thinnest end. When she was finished doing this to all the pieces of salmon, she placed them all carefully on a plate.



20 g soft cheese with garlic and herbs
35 g cream cheese
1 tablespoon sour cream
a few drops of lemon juice
2 fresh chives, snipped
55 g smoked salmon
1/2 tablespoons chopped fresh basil


1. Mix the Cream Cheese, Sour Cream, Lemon Juice, and Chives together into a paste mixture.
2. Lay the slices of salmon out on the work surface and spread them with the cream cheese mixture. Roll them up, starting from the thinner end. Transfer these rolls to a plate.
3. Sprinkle your Salmon Rolls with the loose cheese and then sprinkle with some basil.
4. Place a toothpick in each bite.

Steelsheen 03-24-2012 11:11 PM

Post #2
He lined the salmon slices across his board and started to spoon in the mixture onto them, giving a generous helping for each slice without spreading things too thickly. He started to roll the slices up as he read his notes, realizing that the next step would actually be very tricky. So he pierced the roll up with the toothpick first then tapped each roll lightly on the cheese and basil piles before setting the piece aside. He repeated his technique until all rolls was done, lined up nicely on a plate.

Expecto-Penguin 03-24-2012 11:17 PM

Post 2
Belle looked at the directions after she was done rolling the salmon.


3. Sprinkle your Salmon Rolls with the loose cheese and then sprinkle with some basil.
4. Place a toothpick in each bite.
Then she checked the 3th and 4th step. She thought these steps might be easier to work with. She sprinkled the salmon rols with the loose cheese she saved. Then she went to find the basil and sprinkled some on. It began to look tasty and delicious! She got out her toothpicks and began to place them in each bite.

magikewe 03-25-2012 01:05 AM

post 1
Lily opened up her basket when the professor told them too and got ready to start. Quickly she copied down the instructions onto a piece of parchment and set to work.
Text Cut: parchment

1. Mix the Cream Cheese, Sour Cream, Lemon Juice, and Chives together into a paste mixture.
2. Lay the slices of salmon out on the work surface and spread them with the cream cheese mixture. Roll them up, starting from the thinner end. Transfer these rolls to a plate.
3. Sprinkle your Salmon Rolls with the loose cheese and then sprinkle with some basil.
4. Place a toothpick in each bite.

She took her first few ingredients and carefully mixed them together. 'This isn't that bad...' Lily though as she turned her ingredients to paste. Now for the fishy part... The ravenclaw reached inside of her basket. She pulled out the salmon and carefully spread her paste right onto the slices. Lily didn't mind working with her hands and food, so this wasn't bad. Before she rolled them she pulled out a plate and placed it next to her. Then, she carefully rolled the salmon-paste mix and placed each one onto the plate... Now onto the next step.

WhittyBitty 03-25-2012 02:14 AM

Post #3 - Sprinkling with cheese and basil/piercing with toothpicks
All her salmon roll things were on the plate now and looking pretty nice. Though Amelia still wasn't sure how much she liked the idea of salmon and cream cheese. :/ It certainly wasn't a flavour combination she would ever have thought of herself. But whatever.

With the plate placed neatly in front of her, Amelia looked at the next step before grabbing the loose cheese. She started sprinkling it over the rolls, making sure to get what she considered to be equal distribution. Then she did the same thing with the basil.

Once that was done, she grabbed the toothpicks and carefully placed one in each roll. She was done, and in her opinion she had done a pretty darn good job.



20 g soft cheese with garlic and herbs
35 g cream cheese
1 tablespoon sour cream
a few drops of lemon juice
2 fresh chives, snipped
55 g smoked salmon
1/2 tablespoons chopped fresh basil


1. Mix the Cream Cheese, Sour Cream, Lemon Juice, and Chives together into a paste mixture.
2. Lay the slices of salmon out on the work surface and spread them with the cream cheese mixture. Roll them up, starting from the thinner end. Transfer these rolls to a plate.
3. Sprinkle your Salmon Rolls with the loose cheese and then sprinkle with some basil.
4. Place a toothpick in each bite.

Holmesian Feline 03-25-2012 05:32 AM

Post 1
Gideon listened quietly as the rest of the class and Professor Cerulean discussed both what they had been talking about last class and ideas for dishes from their part of the world. He almost spoke up himself but felt what he could come up with was likely the same as he had before hand when mentioning stuff from his heritage so he stayed silent. Then they were introduced to their first basket, the fifth year opening it up as instructed.

Seemed harmless enough...and fairly simple.

Jotting down the steps and ingrediants into his notes, Gideon went to work on their first project. First mixing together the cream cheese, sour cream, lemon juice and chives as the directions said to. Once that was completed, he spread the salmon out before using the spoon to cover with the creamy mixture. When he was satisfied with the coverage of the fish, the Gryffindor proceeded to roll each piece one at a time.


1. Mix the Cream Cheese, Sour Cream, Lemon Juice, and Chives together into a paste mixture.
2. Lay the slices of salmon out on the work surface and spread them with the cream cheese mixture. Roll them up, starting from the thinner end. Transfer these rolls to a plate.

3. Sprinkle your Salmon Rolls with the loose cheese and then sprinkle with some basil.
4. Place a toothpick in each bite.

affy7ann 03-25-2012 08:53 AM

Salmon on the Barbie Bites - Post 1
SPOILER!!: Professor Cerulean

Originally Posted by Lezleighd (Post 10961000)
The professor felt her stomach growl a little bit as each of the students shared different dishes. They all sounded yummy and she couldn't wait to get started making and tasting their four dishes of the day.

As each student said their dish, they dish magically appeared on the screen and a dot appeared on the map place mats on the country of origin at each table. When the students had created a pretty good list, the professor continued, "Well it seems that majority are like me and favor the sweet stuff." she paused as she walked towards a table at the front of the classroom.

Once she reached the table, she grabbed the first basket on the left side of the table and opened the top. "Today we are going to be putting together four different dishes from the Western Hemisphere. None of these require any cooking just the preparation. You will find everything you need from the recipe to the ingredients to the preparation utensils in each of the picnic baskets. " She reached into her basket and as she mentioned each part, she would pull out an example from her first basket. "We are going to make a predinner snack, a salad, a fun drink, and a dessert all from different countries." She glanced out to make sure everyone was following what she was saying.

"So let's start with our first basket." she said holding up the basket slightly. "If you will go ahead and open the top and start laying out all of the contents on your table." She started as an example and named off everything she held up from the basket, "A recipe...a plate to place your predinner snack on when you are done...preparation utensils...and the various ingredients......" she laid everything out so that it was more accessible.

"Our predinner snack is from Australia and is known as Salmon on the Barbie Bites...these snacks are not native to Australia but are well known in the country. " She said as a picture of Australia appeared on the screen. "They are pretty simple to let's give a try..." she said holding up the recipe. "Please follow the directions to create our first dish."

SPOILER!!: Ingredients


* 20 g soft cheese with garlic and herbs
* 35 g cream cheese
* 1 tablespoon sour cream
* a few drops of lemon juice
* 2 fresh chives, snipped
* 55 g smoked salmon
* 1/2 tablespoons chopped fresh basil

SPOILER!!: Directions

1. Mix the Cream Cheese, Sour Cream, Lemon Juice, and Chives together into a paste mixture.
2. Lay the slices of salmon out on the work surface and spread them with the cream cheese mixture. Roll them up, starting from the thinner end. Transfer these rolls to a plate.
3. Sprinkle your Salmon Rolls with the loose cheese and then sprinkle with some basil.
4. Place a toothpick in each bite.

OOC: Please RP creating the first dish. You should use atleast two posts to complete the dish. Please continue to keep conversations to a minimum.

"This is going to be fun!" Tayla thought happily as she read the list of ingredients and the directions completely. She made sure she had everything ready - including her apron, chef hat, and cooking things - and then began.

She took the needed amounts of cream cheese, sour cream, lemon juice, and chives and mixed them together into a paste. Then Tayla took the salmon slices out and, using a spoon, spread the cream cheese mixture over them. She rolled each slice as nicely as she could and transferred them onto a plate one by one.

Lezleighd 03-25-2012 01:59 PM

Gemma wandered around the room watching the students. She stopped as a student asked her a question.


Originally Posted by CassiopeiaAKTF (Post 10961485)

Again, his hat obscured half of his vision as he looked down at the plate and Daichi couldn't take it anymore. He wanted to have a chef hat on but not this one! "Professor?!" He called from his table as he held his hand in the air. "Professor, can i have another hat please?"

"Well, I guess you can...they are one size fits all hats, so I'm not sure if it will help you much to get another one...." she said cocking her head to the side and with a flick of her wand another hat landed on the young man's table, "but....maybe this one will work a little bit better..." she said with a little wink before moving on.


She made it to the middle of the room and noticed that the majority of the students were done with the snacks dish from Australia. With a little nod up and down, she continued, "Once you are done making each dish, feel free to taste yours or even try your neighbors...with their permission of course..." she said as she walked back towards her table at the front of the room, "And then you can move on to the next dish...well actually drink....this class will be a self paced class, so feel free to work ahead if you get done before the others..." she finished as she reached for the second basket.

"Okay, in this basket is all of the ingredients and directions for creating a fruity drink concoction from Italy...this one is an easy one but a personal favorite!" she said as she laid out the ingredients and held up the recipe. "Go ahead and make your drink, I've included four different flavors for you to decide between...Cherry, Vanilla, Strawberry, or Kiwi..." she said holding up each little bottle of the flavoring..."So begin when you are ready!"

SPOILER!!: Our Cool Glasses to Mix in and Drink Out of-The one on the left

SPOILER!!: Ingredients

* Club Soda
* 1/4 cup-Half and Half Creamer
* 7 tablespoons of any flavored syrup
* ice cubes
* whipped cream

SPOILER!!: Recipe

* Measure syrup into a 20 oz cup. Add ice.
* Pour in half and half creamer.
* Add Club Soda.
* Stir well.
* Serve topped with whipped cream.
* Enjoy!

OOC: Feel free to try each others' Salmon Cheese Rolls/Bites and then make one or two or more drinks! Since this is an easy recipe then one post will work. Have fun and I'll be back later with the dish this afternoon!

sweetpinkpixie 03-25-2012 02:50 PM

Kurumi picked up one of her tooth picks and twirled the salmon roll around in the air a few times as she pondered actually taking a bite of it now. She liked salmon, raw salmon at least, but wasn't too sure about the added flavor that smoked salmon presented, but she lived by the food principle of trying everything once before passing judgement - for the most part. So, into her mouth it went and her nose wrinkled immediately as the cream cheese went...everywhere inside her mouth. Okay...she hadn't been expecting that and wasn't too sure that she liked the texture too much.

Coughing slightly, Kurumi reached for a glass of water and drank the entire thing before turning her attention to the front, nearly choking on her drink. Italian sodas? Kurumi had read that those didn't actually come from Italy, although they did come from an Italian immigrant family who made the drinks popular in San Francisco. Kurumi then reached for one of the bottles of syrup, strawberry, and looked at the label. In fact, Torani was a San Francisco based company. Her aunt often used their syrup to flavor her coffee - although rather expensive since it was an imported item. Kurumi moved to raise her hand, but chose not to in the end. She had already spoken up about didn't seem right to bring up the fact that these drinks did not actually come from Italy in the sense that everyone was probably thinking now.

Pouring the syrup into her glass along with some ice, Kurumi measured out the half-and-half creamer and added that before picking up the club soda and adding that as well. Kurumi didn't usually drink carbonated drinks, but she figured she would make an exception this once. Once the club soda was in, Kurumi took a long spoon and stirred the contents for about 30 seconds. Whipped cream? No thank you, this drink was already plenty sweet as it was.

Holmesian Feline 03-25-2012 03:41 PM

Salmon Bites Post 2
Taking the plate once he was finished making the salmon rolls, Gideon transfered them one by one onto it before setting it back down onto the counter/workstation. Now for the sprinkling, he mused looking at the short list of steps. Grabbing a handful of the loose cheese, he proceeded to loosely add it to the rolls. When satified that there was enough to his liking, he switched to the basil and repeated the process though there was certainly more cheese then basil on each bite. That done there was the final step, adding a toothpick to each which was done easy enough and having finished shortly after Professor Cerulean spoke up again, he opted to take her advice and sample his.

No sense making them and not. And they were certainly yummy.

DuckyLinJi 03-25-2012 07:13 PM

There was only a one size hat? So did that mean his head was small? Or where the heads of the others just big? The Slytherin went with the latter thought. "Thank you Professor, i will use this one" He picked up his new chef hat and placed it on his head.

Only for it to slide down over his forehead again. He wasn't going to ask for another hat now that he knew they were all one size so he decided to use this one despite it sliding down a few times.

He added the toothpicks in the salmon bites and after hearing that they could taste it he dived in. Picking up a salmon by the toothpick, the Slytherin stuffed it in his mouth in one go. He liked all the ingredients in the bite so why not eating the whole thing at the same time instead of taking a few small bites?

Wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, Daichi continued to listen to Professor Cerulean while eating from another salmon bite. The next thing they were going to make was a drink. A really yummy looking drink. There was just one problem. WHYSOMANYCHOISESINSYRUP?! Daichi couldn't choose just one so he went with....

All of them. That's right, all of them!

He first measured the club soda until he had 20 oz and added the ice in a cup. He then added half and half of the cream in the glass and added the club soda and ice in as well.
Now came the yummy part. The syrup! He had not been kidding to add all flavours in the glass. The Slytherin opened up all the bottles and after reading the instructions he added:

One table spoon of Kiwi. Then cherry. Then Vanilla and Strawberry until he went to do the process over again because he only had four spoon of syrup in the glass at the moment. He choose Vanilla, Kiwi and Cherry to be the *extra* ingredients and began to stir the drink.

The drink was getting an odd colour the more he stirred and after he was sure everything was mixed he grabbed the bottle and pushed the whipped cream on top of the drink.

FireboltAvis88 03-25-2012 07:55 PM

Making drink
Although Alyssa wasn't too keen about eating Salmon, she decided that she'd at least take a small bite of the one that she had made. So she picked up the smallest roll and popped it into her mouth and chewed. She was actually surprised that it really didn't taste as bad as she had thought it would be. Now that she had tried it, she decided that she would keep the rest aside to ear later. Now for the drink recipe.

Text Cut: Ingredients

* Club Soda
* 1/4 cup-Half and Half Creamer
* 7 tablespoons of any flavored syrup
* ice cubes
* whipped cream

Text Cut: Soda recipe

* Measure syrup into a 20 oz cup. Add ice.
* Pour in half and half creamer.
* Add Club Soda.
* Stir well.
* Serve topped with whipped cream.
* Enjoy!

Alyssa read the recipe and started gathering the ingredients for the drink and decided that she would pick the cherry syrup. Looking at the directions on the recipe she picked up the bottle of syrup, poured seven tablespoons of it into her measuring spoon and poured the comtents of her spoon into a 20oz glass. Once the last drop was added, she grabbed a pair of ice tongs, grabbed some ice and added that to the glass. Once that was done she added the 1/4 cup of Half and half creamer into the glass.

Alyssa reviewed the directions again before picking up the bottle of club soda and pouring it it into her glass, adding it into her mixture. She then placed the bottle aside and picking up a stick stirrer, she stirred her drink, making sure that the syrup, cream and club soda were all thoroughly mixed together. Now for the finishing touch.

Alyssa picked up the can of whipped cream, shook it back and forth, before removing the lid. She pushed the nozzle at the top sideways, and squirted the whipped cream on top of her drink. Round and round, she squirted, until the surface of the drink was covered with a layer of whipped cream. Then sticking her finger into the whipped cream, she scooped up a little and stuck it into her mouth. "Yum" Alyssa said while tasting the whipped cream. Alyssa resisted the urge to pour more whipped cream directly into her mouth and quickly placed the lid back onto the can.

She reviewed the directions in her recipe one more time to make sure that she had followed all the directions, scratching them off one by one.

Text Cut: Soda Recipe

* Club Soda
* 1/4 cup-Half and Half Creamer
* 7 tablespoons of any flavored syrup
* ice cubes
* whipped cream

WhittyBitty 03-25-2012 08:38 PM

Post #1 - Making soda drink
Amelia wasn't sure if she wanted to try the salmon things or not, so she just decided to move the plate to the side and start with the next recipe they were doing. Soda did seem very tasty right now because she was thirsty.

After copying down everything she gathered up the ingredients, deciding to go with the strawberry flavoured syrup today. Moving the cup closer to her, she poured in the strawberry flavoured syrup carefully and then added the ice. Then she added the half and half creamer and club soda. She stirred it all well while making sure that she didn't spill any of it all over the place. She didn't want a sticky glass or sticky hands.

When she was done stirring, she topped it all with whipped cream.



Club Soda
1/4 cup-Half and Half Creamer
7 tablespoons of any flavored syrup
ice cubes
whipped cream


1. Measure syrup into a 20 oz cup. Add ice.
2. Pour in half and half creamer.
3. Add Club Soda.
4. Stir well.
5. Serve topped with whipped cream.
6. Enjoy!

Luna_Midnight 03-25-2012 11:33 PM


Originally Posted by Lezleighd (Post 10961000)
"Our predinner snack is from Australia and is known as Salmon on the Barbie Bites...these snacks are not native to Australia but are well known in the country. " She said as a picture of Australia appeared on the screen. "They are pretty simple to let's give a try..." she said holding up the recipe. "Please follow the directions to create our first dish."

OOC: Please RP creating the first dish. You should use atleast two posts to complete the dish. Please continue to keep conversations to a minimum.

Nerida was a bit behind, she usually did great cooking, but fish wasnt her forte. She got the 35 grams of cream cheese, the tablespoon of sourcream, a couple drops of lemon juice, and 2 chives snipped, and mixed them together
into a past mixture using the soft cheese with the garlic and herbs. She then layed the slices of slamon down and spreaded each slice with the cream cheese paste mixture. After all of them had the cream cheese paste mixture, she began to roll then up, starting from the thinner of the two ends. All of the slamon were rolled she moved them to a plate.

SPOILER!!: Ingredients


* 20 g soft cheese with garlic and herbs
* 35 g cream cheese
* 1 tablespoon sour cream
* a few drops of lemon juice
* 2 fresh chives, snipped
* 55 g smoked salmon

* 1/2 tablespoons chopped fresh basil

SPOILER!!: Directions

1. Mix the Cream Cheese, Sour Cream, Lemon Juice, and Chives together into a paste mixture.
2. Lay the slices of salmon out on the work surface and spread them with the cream cheese mixture. Roll them up, starting from the thinner end. Transfer these rolls to a plate.

3. Sprinkle your Salmon Rolls with the loose cheese and then sprinkle with some basil.
4. Place a toothpick in each bite.

Holmesian Feline 03-26-2012 12:17 AM

Making drink
Now there were onto making a drink, something which Gideon had to admit he had heard of and may have even tried once before. He had a few Italian family members, some still with ties to Italy and had visited them when he was younger. Maybe when he tasted it, he would remember yes or no about previous experience. So like before he copied the ingrediants list and steps before going to work on his mixing and preparing.


* Club Soda
* 1/4 cup-Half and Half Creamer
* 7 tablespoons of any flavored syrup
* ice cubes
* whipped cream
* Measure syrup into a 20 oz cup. Add ice.
* Pour in half and half creamer.
* Add Club Soda.
* Stir well.
* Serve topped with whipped cream.

Measuring first the syrup...he chose strawberry, 7 tablespoons were filled first in spoon and then poured into the cup. Gideon then added the ice cubes, half and half creamer and club soda to the glass, careful to use just how much was asked for. Then taking the spoon again, he stired the combination very well before adding some whipped cream up on top of everything. It certainly looked good, almost like an ice cream soda so he took a sip and smiled at the taste he was greeted with.

Yep...definantly familiar.

Expecto-Penguin 03-26-2012 12:39 AM

Post 1

Originally Posted by Lezleighd (Post 10962947)
SPOILER!!: Ingredients

* Club Soda
* 1/4 cup-Half and Half Creamer
* 7 tablespoons of any flavored syrup
* ice cubes
* whipped cream

SPOILER!!: Recipe

* Measure syrup into a 20 oz cup. Add ice.
* Pour in half and half creamer.
* Add Club Soda.
* Stir well.
* Serve topped with whipped cream.
* Enjoy!

OOC: Feel free to try each others' Salmon Cheese Rolls/Bites and then make one or two or more drinks! Since this is an easy recipe then one post will work. Have fun and I'll be back later with the dish this afternoon!

Belle heard the professor's directions and copied them down. She tasted her own salmon bites and they tasted delicious. She jotted down the ingredients first and went to go get them from the room. After she got them, she followed the recipie. She added the syrup in a 20 oz cup which the teacher gave. Then she put the ice in. Then she added in the soda and stirred and topped it with whip cream! After she was done she drank it. She enjoyed it soo much she wanted to drink some more. She orginally got the stawberry syrup but wanted a different flavor.

Luna_Midnight 03-26-2012 12:39 AM

Salmon Post #2
Nerida picked up some cheese and sprinkled it on each rolled salmon and then with some basil. Then taking some tooth picks she put one in each of the Salmon Rolls and then put some extra cheese on it.
She couldnt wait to try it!
SPOILER!!: Ingredients


* 20 g soft cheese with garlic and herbs
* 35 g cream cheese
* 1 tablespoon sour cream
* a few drops of lemon juice
* 2 fresh chives, snipped
* 55 g smoked salmon

* 1/2 tablespoons chopped fresh basil

SPOILER!!: Directions

1. Mix the Cream Cheese, Sour Cream, Lemon Juice, and Chives together into a paste mixture.
2. Lay the slices of salmon out on the work surface and spread them with the cream cheese mixture. Roll them up, starting from the thinner end. Transfer these rolls to a plate.

3. Sprinkle your Salmon Rolls with the loose cheese and then sprinkle with some basil.
4. Place a toothpick in each bite.

HazelStone101 03-26-2012 02:04 AM

Italian Soda! <3

* Measure syrup into a 20 oz cup. Add ice.
* Pour in half and half creamer.
* Add Club Soda.
* Stir well.
* Serve topped with whipped cream.
* Enjoy!
* Club Soda
* 1/4 cup-Half and Half Creamer
* 7 tablespoons of any flavored syrup
* ice cubes
* whipped cream

Jayden nodded happily as she listened to the teacher's directions, a smile forming on her face when they were granted permission to sample a few of the rolls. Jayden loved food, especially new ones she had never tried before. She took time to pop one of the rolls in her mouth, and her tastebuds exploded! "Yumm!" She groaned, all of the spicing and the smoky flavouring of the salmon worked really well, and she couldn't wait to try the next food and drink project.

Now it was time to make some Italian sodas...

Jayden measured the strawberry syrup carefully into her cup, adding ice - It already smelled terrific! She then added the club soda, stirred and proceeded to take a few sips.

Pure heaven.

Lezleighd 03-26-2012 03:08 AM

Gemma quickly mixed her a cherry Italian soda and sprayed a whole bunch of whip cream on top...and without even checking to see if any students were watching she tilted her head back and sprayed some whip cream into her mouth and with a little giggle she swallowed it down.

Once she had all the whip cream swallowed she reached for the third basket and placed everything out on the table as she started sipping her Italian soda. Once it was all spread out, she continued, "Okay, so now let's create a salad from England. This is actually called the Best of England Salad." she said as a picture of the salad flashed on the screen.

SPOILER!!: The Best of England Salad

SPOILER!!: Ingredients

* 4 slices of ‘bloomer’ bread pretoasted
* 75g blue Stilton cheese, sliced
* 25g roasted red peppers in brine
* 2tbsp (30ml) sunflower oil
* 1tbsp (15ml) lemon juice
* ½tsp clear honey
* Salt and freshly ground black pepper
* 175g mixed lettuce leaves (lollo rosso and lollo biondo)
* 12 English strawberries, hulled and halved
* 8 radishes, sliced

SPOILER!!: Receipt

1. Sprinkle the cheese on the pretoasted bread.
2. Cut each toast in half. Thinly slice the peppers into strips then place a St George's flag on top of each.
3. For the dressing: whisk the oil, lemon juice and honey together and season to taste.
4. Arrange the lettuce, strawberries and radishes on a platter then drizzle over the dressing. Top with the Stilton toasts and serve.

OOC: Let's say two posts to get credit for this recipe. DESSERT IS NEXT!!! Have fun and I'll be back later with the dish this afternoon!

Luna_Midnight 03-26-2012 03:37 AM


Originally Posted by Lezleighd (Post 10962947)
"Okay, in this basket is all of the ingredients and directions for creating a fruity drink concoction from Italy...this one is an easy one but a personal favorite!" she said as she laid out the ingredients and held up the recipe. "Go ahead and make your drink, I've included four different flavors for you to decide between...Cherry, Vanilla, Strawberry, or Kiwi..." she said holding up each little bottle of the flavoring..."So begin when you are ready!"

OOC: Feel free to try each others' Salmon Cheese Rolls/Bites and then make one or two or more drinks! Since this is an easy recipe then one post will work. Have fun and I'll be back later with the dish this afternoon!

Nerida put her salmon bites to the side deciding she would try it with her italian drink! She grabbed the Kiwi flavored syrup and measured seven tablespoons and put it into her amazing cup and then added the ice cubes. She picked up the bottle of Half and Half and measure one fourth and poured it into the cup. She then added the club soda after measuring. She then picked up the stiring stick and stired her drink.
Yay! Whipped Cream!! She picked up her spoon and took a big scoop of Whipped Cream and topped it on her Italian Desert Drink!
SPOILER!!: Ingredients

* Club Soda
* 1/4 cup-Half and Half Creamer
* 7 tablespoons of any flavored syrup
* ice cubes
* whipped cream

SPOILER!!: Recipe

* Measure syrup into a 20 oz cup. Add ice.
* Pour in half and half creamer.
* Add Club Soda.
* Stir well.
* Serve topped with whipped cream.
* Enjoy!

Nerida picked up one of her salmon rolls and tried it, it tasted good but she didnt really like the paste that they had put on it...Next she tried her Kiwi Italian Drink! It was amazing, she realized she had made this with her Aunt Sky-Light before, except those were Pineapple.

FearlessLeader19 03-26-2012 05:06 AM

Post 1
Jory decided on Kiwi flavour. He measured out the syrup into a cup and then added loads of ice cubes. After he added the creamer, he poured in the club soda. Then he helped himself to a generous amount of whipped cream. He took sip of the drink. He loved it instantly! Actually, he loved anything with whipped cream.

After Jory had tried a salmon roll, he cleared away for the next dish they were going to make. A salad. He'd eaten loads of salads but new this one. But he loved trying new stuff, anyway.

Placing the pretoasted bread in front of him, the Puff carefully sprinkled it with cheese. After cutting each toast in half, he cut the pepper into strips. Then Jory placed the pepper strips to form the flag on top of each toast.

FireboltAvis88 03-26-2012 05:49 AM

Post 1: Best of England Salad
Alyssa took a sip of her Cherry Soda while listening to the Professor explain what they were making next. It was going to be some kind of salad. Alyssa looked down at the recipe in her hand first looking at the ingredients.

Text Cut: Ingredients

* 4 slices of ‘bloomer’ bread pretoasted
* 75g blue Stilton cheese, sliced
* 25g roasted red peppers in brine
* 2tbsp (30ml) sunflower oil
* 1tbsp (15ml) lemon juice
* ½tsp clear honey
* Salt and freshly ground black pepper
* 175g mixed lettuce leaves (lollo rosso and lollo biondo)
* 12 English strawberries, hulled and halved
* 8 radishes, sliced

Alyssa reached into the next basket and started pulling out the ingredients and laying them in the order of what she would be using first. Then she looked at the Recipe and read the instructions on how to make the salad.

Text Cut: Instructions to make Recipe

1. Sprinkle the cheese on the pretoasted bread.
2. Cut each toast in half. Thinly slice the peppers into strips then place a St George's flag on top of each.
3. For the dressing: whisk the oil, lemon juice and honey together and season to taste.
4. Arrange the lettuce, strawberries and radishes on a platter then drizzle over the dressing. Top with the Stilton toasts and serve.

She read the directions over and over a couple of times and tried to figure out what the Professor meant by a St. George's flag because she couldn't see any flags anywhere. Not even miniature ones!! Then she looked at the picture that the Profesor had flashed on the screen and it dawned on her. She was supposed to arrange the ingredients to look like St. George's flag. Duh!!.

'Okay now that I've got that figured out, time to make with the bread.'Alyssa thought to herself. She first picked up the 4 slices of pre-toasted bread and placed it on a plate in front of her. Next was the sliced cheese. She picked the cheese, broke it further into smaller pieces and sprinkled each slice of bread with it. Looking at the directions, she picked up a knife and carefully sliced each pre-toasted bread into half, until she had 8 halves of bread in front of her lying on the plate.

Alyssa reached for the bottle of roasted red peppers and took them out one by one, letting the brine drip off them before placing them on the cutting board. She then picked up her knife, picked up the first pepper and carefully sliced it into thin strips. Then she did the same for the rest of the peppers. Once she had all the peppers sliced into strips, she picked up one strip of pepper and lay it across one of the halved slices of toast. Then she picked up another strip of pepper and lay it across the first strip forming a cross on the toast. She had just formed St. George's flag. Alyssa smiled. She repeated the steps until all the bread toasts looked like they had St. George's flags on them.

Alyssa reviewed the directions in the recipe and scratched off what she had completed.

Text Cut: Instructions to make recipe

1. Sprinkle the cheese on the pretoasted bread.
2. Cut each toast in half. Thinly slice the peppers into strips then place a St George's flag on top of each.

3. For the dressing: whisk the oil, lemon juice and honey together and season to taste.
4. Arrange the lettuce, strawberries and radishes on a platter then drizzle over the dressing. Top with the Stilton toasts and serve.

Luna_Midnight 03-26-2012 05:56 AM


Originally Posted by Lezleighd (Post 10963672)

Once she had all the whip cream swallowed she reached for the third basket and placed everything out on the table as she started sipping her Italian soda. Once it was all spread out, she continued, "Okay, so now let's create a salad from England. This is actually called the Best of England Salad." she said as a picture of the salad flashed on the screen.

SPOILER!!: The Best of England Salad
OOC: Let's say two posts to get credit for this recipe. DESSERT IS NEXT!!! Have fun and I'll be back later with the dish this afternoon!

Nerida grabbed the ingrediants and started to sprinkle the cheese on the bread. She then cut them in half.
Setting the bread aside she grabbed the one roasted red pepper and let the brine drip off back into the jar before she placed it on the cutting board in front of her. Once it was finished dripping she began to thinly slice it, she did the same for the remaining peppers. She then picked up the slices and distributed them evenly between the eight halves of bread. Once she was finished she stuck a St. George flag in the middle of each.
SPOILER!!: Ingredients

* 4 slices of ‘bloomer’ bread pretoasted
* 75g blue Stilton cheese, sliced
* 25g roasted red peppers in brine

* 2tbsp (30ml) sunflower oil
* 1tbsp (15ml) lemon juice
* ½tsp clear honey
* Salt and freshly ground black pepper
* 175g mixed lettuce leaves (lollo rosso and lollo biondo)
* 12 English strawberries, hulled and halved
* 8 radishes, sliced

SPOILER!!: Receipt

1. Sprinkle the cheese on the pretoasted bread.
2. Cut each toast in half. Thinly slice the peppers into strips then place a St George's flag on top of each.

3. For the dressing: whisk the oil, lemon juice and honey together and season to taste.
4. Arrange the lettuce, strawberries and radishes on a platter then drizzle over the dressing. Top with the Stilton toasts and serve.

FearlessLeader19 03-26-2012 06:04 AM

Post #2
"On to the dressing,'' Jory said to himself. Into a bowl he poured in oil, lemon juice, honey and some seasoning. Carefully, he whisked them together making sure that none spilled out of the bowl.

With that done, the Puff now placed the lettuce, radishes and strawberries onto a platter and drizzled the dressing over them. Finally, he placed the toasts on top and his salad was all ready.

Steelsheen 03-26-2012 06:07 AM

Salad Post #1
Vickers set the plate of the salmon roll-ups to one side then brought out the ingredients for the next recipe, the scourgified his tools off of any remnants from the previous ingredients. He took the cheese to the cutting board first and began slicing them thinly, gauging that they be enough to cover four bread slices. He took a small plate and lay the bread pieces onto it, then took the cheese slivers and carefully layered them onto each bread. He waited for a few minutes for the cheese to settle before slicing the bread in half, doubling the number of pieces instantly.

He then began to work on the pepper, slicing it down into narrow strips. Carefully lifting a piece he lay it across a bread slice, angling one way so he can lay the next one in the opposite direction. He worked on the bread slices until each had a crisscrossed red pepper across its surface, then set the plate aside so he can proceed with the next steps.

FireboltAvis88 03-26-2012 06:27 AM

Post 2: All England Salad
Alyssa reviewed the recipe to see what she needed to do next. She had the pretoasted bread prepared, now it was time for her to make the dressing for the salad.

Text Cut: Instructions to make recipe

1. Sprinkle the cheese on the pretoasted bread.
2. Cut each toast in half. Thinly slice the peppers into strips then place a St George's flag on top of each.

3. For the dressing: whisk the oil, lemon juice and honey together and season to taste.
4. Arrange the lettuce, strawberries and radishes on a platter then drizzle over the dressing. Top with the Stilton toasts and serve.

She picked up the bottle of Sunflower oil and poured 2 tablespoons into her measuring spoon. She added the contents of the spoon into a glass bowl. She then measured out one tablespoon of lemon juice and added it into the glass bowl. Next she picked up the bottle of clear honey and measured out 1/2 a tablespoon into her measuring spoon before adding that into her glass bowl. Picking up a wire whisk, she picked up the glass bowl, dipped the whisk into it and started mixing the contents together. Once she was sure that the mixture was thoroughly mixed, she put down the whisk and picked up the salt and freshly ground pepper shakers and sprinkled some of both into the glass bowl.

Laying the bowl aside, Alyssa picked up an empty platter and placed it in front of her. She then opened the bag of mixed lettuce leaves, separated them out, and arranged them on the platter. Then she picked up the container of strawberries, took out the strawberries and arranged it on the lettuce leaves. Then she picked up the packet of sliced radishes. Taking out the slices, Alyssa added them to the lettuce and strawberry arrangement. She then picked up the glass bowl containing her dressing and drizzled the dressing on top of the salad. Once the entire salad platter was covered with the dressing, Alyssa put down the glass bowl and picked up the plate of pre-toasted bread. Picking up each slice, one by one, she carefully arranged them on top of the vege/fruit arrangement.

She reviewed the directions on her recipe to make sure that she had completed the steps to making the salad.

Text Cut: Instructions to make recipe

1. Sprinkle the cheese on the pretoasted bread.
2. Cut each toast in half. Thinly slice the peppers into strips then place a St George's flag on top of each.
3. For the dressing: whisk the oil, lemon juice and honey together and season to taste.
4. Arrange the lettuce, strawberries and radishes on a platter then drizzle over the dressing. Top with the Stilton toasts and serve.

She then scratched off the list of ingredients to make sure that she had not missed out any of the ingredients.

Text Cut: Ingredients

* 4 slices of ‘bloomer’ bread pretoasted
* 75g blue Stilton cheese, sliced
* 25g roasted red peppers in brine
* 2tbsp (30ml) sunflower oil
* 1tbsp (15ml) lemon juice
* ½tsp clear honey
* Salt and freshly ground black pepper
* 175g mixed lettuce leaves (lollo rosso and lollo biondo)
* 12 English strawberries, hulled and halved
* 8 radishes, sliced

Seeing that she had no leftover ingredients and that she had followed the directions as directed. Alyssa sat back and waited for the Professor to give them the 'okay' to eat what she had just made.

sweetpinkpixie 03-26-2012 06:49 AM

Sipping slowly on her soda, Kurumo moved on to the next basket and opened it up to see an array of fresh vegetables. Now this was more along the lines of Kurumi's taste. Fresh beautiful produce. Her eyes eager Kurumi immediately began placing all the vegetables out on the table, grabbing a bowl to put water in and rinsing them off before doing anything else. She wanted to begin slicing, but instructions said to deal with the bread first.

Cue a frown from the Gryffindor.

Taking her pretoasted bread, Kurumi hurridly and rather sloppily sprinkled cheese over them and used a bread knife from inside her basket to cut it. Once that was done, Kurumi's smile returned as she picked up one of the paprika and began to thinly slice it. Glorious red pepper juices and smells filled her station. Too bad she needed to put it on the bread. Oh well. Making small crosses on each piece of bread, Kurumi grabbed a new bowl and organized the ingredients for the dressing.

Now...where was her whisk? Kurumi attention now went back to her basket as she searched for the item.

Steelsheen 03-26-2012 08:33 AM

Salad Post#2
Vickers pulled out the cleaned bowl, then started measuring out the sunflower oil, lemon juice and honey, tipping each of the ingredients into the bowl as he went along. He located the whisk and began mixing the ingredients in the bowl, pausing from time to time to add in the pepper and the salt to taste. Happy with the resulting mixture he set it aside and focused on the next step.

He started to prep the lettuce leaves, snipping its ends off and then washing them down with a combination of Aguamenti and Scourgify in another large bowl. After drying them up a bit he lay them down onto a large, decorative plate, spreading the leaves a bit before turning his attention back to the radishes and the strawberries. Once again he washed them down before transferring them back onto the chopping board to be halved and sliced. Once completed, he took the slices and distributed them across the lettuce bed, then drizzled the oil mixture over the entire set.

He reached out for the plate with the bread slices and carefully lifted each piece, laying them down at choice spots around the salad bed. He emptied the oil mixture across the finished ensemble with a flourish. Hmm, looks pretty good if he must say so himself.

Luna_Midnight 03-26-2012 01:00 PM

post #2
SPOILER!!: Ingredients

* 4 slices of ‘bloomer’ bread pretoasted
* 75g blue Stilton cheese, sliced
* 25g roasted red peppers in brine

* 2tbsp (30ml) sunflower oil
* 1tbsp (15ml) lemon juice
* ½tsp clear honey
* Salt and freshly ground black pepper
* 175g mixed lettuce leaves (lollo rosso and lollo biondo)
* 12 English strawberries, hulled and halved
* 8 radishes, sliced

SPOILER!!: Receipt

1. Sprinkle the cheese on the pretoasted bread.
2. Cut each toast in half. Thinly slice the peppers into strips then place a St George's flag on top of each.

3. For the dressing: whisk the oil, lemon juice and honey together and season to taste.
4. Arrange the lettuce, strawberries and radishes on a platter then drizzle over the dressing. Top with the Stilton toasts and serve.

Nerida said Time for the dressing! She got the two tablespoons of the oil, one tablespoon of lemon juics and one half of a teaspoon of honey and mixed it all together. Adding some salt and pepper to taste. Then she took the lettece strawberries and radishes and arragened those on a plate then drizzled the dressing over the plate and topped it with the silton toasts.

sweetpinkpixie 03-26-2012 04:00 PM

There it was! Picking up her whisk now, Kurumi measured out the proper amounts of oil, lemon juice, and honey - changing the recipe just a bit because she wanted more of the tangy flavor than sweet - and began to whisk everything together using her wrist as the axis of rotation. It took a bit, which was to be expected with oil, but eventually everything was blended together well enough to be considered dressing and she set it to the side.

Grabbing a plate now, Kurumi washed the remaining vegetables and tore the lettuce apart with her own hands and arranging it in a neat mound on her plate. She placed the strawberries and remaining things in random locations on the plate before using the whisk to pour the dressing over it all. Once this was done, she set the bread-flag-things around the edge and pushed the dish to the center of her station. All done!

Lezleighd 03-26-2012 04:03 PM

The professor finished making her salad and took a few bites before looking up. She loved salads and could eat them everyday...well...she would have to mix some meat in every once in a while, but salads were aaaaammmmaaazing...

She glanced up and said, "When you're done putting together your salad, feel free to eat don't really have to wait for my permission..." she said seeing a few students looking at her anxiously.

She took a few more bites and then pushed the plate to the side and grabbed her fourth basket, "Now onto the best part of a meal...the DESSERT!!!" she said as she flipped the lid open enthusiastically. "We are going to be putting together a no back dessert from Ireland called a Kahlua Dessert..."

Gemma laid out all of the ingredients on the table and then flicked her wand and the ingredients and recipe appeared on the screen.

SPOILER!!: Ingredients

* 3 slices of a Sarah Lee Pound Cake or Angel Food Cake
* 1 package of instant chocolate pudding (Already prepared for us today)
* 1 package Heath bits or 8 Heath bars, crushed
* Cool Whip
* 3 oz. Kahlua-Ours is the non-alcoholic, cooking variety

SPOILER!!: Recipe

* Cut the pound cake into cubes and put a layer on the bottom of your bowl.
* Drizzle Kahlua over cake.
* Take the pudding and put a layer of pudding over cake
* Put a layer of Cool Whip over the pudding and sprinkle with Heath bits.
* Repeat a second layer of cake drizzled with Kahlua, pudding, Cool Whip and Heath bits.
* You could refrigerate to let it set but we are just going to eat it!!! =0]

OOC: Let's say two posts...this is the last course, so I'll be posting homework for this lesson this evening...Thank you to everyone that has played along...I thought I would make the last lesson of the year pretty easy since I figured we are all pretty busy in RL. *huggles you all*

WhittyBitty 03-26-2012 06:13 PM

Post #1 - Best of England Salad
Finished making her soda drink, Amelia took a sip of it and found that it tasted delicious. She was definitely going to keep this recipe and make it again another time.

Since they were about to start on another dish now, she stopped sipping her drink and instead wrote down the new instructions. Hopefully this salad would be delicious too.

Instructions written down, Amelia started gathering everything she would need and placing it right in front of her. Then she looked at the instructions again.

First thing she did was to move the slices of pretoasted bread closer to her. Then she took the cheese and started sprinkling it on top. When she was done that, she now cut each piece of toast in half before grabbing the red peppers. Thinly slicing the peppers, she arranged them into a St. George flag on each piece of bread.



4 slices of ‘bloomer’ bread pretoasted
75g blue Stilton cheese, sliced
25g roasted red peppers in brine
2tbsp (30ml) sunflower oil
1tbsp (15ml) lemon juice
½tsp clear honey
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
175g mixed lettuce leaves (lollo rosso and lollo biondo)
12 English strawberries, hulled and halved
8 radishes, sliced


1. Sprinkle the cheese on the pretoasted bread.
2. Cut each toast in half. Thinly slice the peppers into strips then place a St George's flag on top of each.
3. For the dressing: whisk the oil, lemon juice and honey together and season to taste.
4. Arrange the lettuce, strawberries and radishes on a platter then drizzle over the dressing. Top with the Stilton toasts and serve.

pundantic 03-26-2012 06:13 PM

This class was moving so fast and Selina was having trouble. In fact, that was an understatement. Something about cooking made Selina think about potions. Perhaps it was the fact that the Professor kept referring to the different parts of the food as ingredients, which was a potions word. And Selina was getting performance anxiety. It was just too much for her to handle and it was getting to her quickly.

SPOILER!!: directions

* Cut the pound cake into cubes and put a layer on the bottom of your bowl.
* Drizzle Kahlua over cake.
* Take the pudding and put a layer of pudding over cake
* Put a layer of Cool Whip over the pudding and sprinkle with Heath bits.
* Repeat a second layer of cake drizzled with Kahlua, pudding, Cool Whip and Heath bits.
* You could refrigerate to let it set but we are just going to eat it!!! =0]

She looked at the directions and went to work with the first few bits of what she needed to accomplish. First she cut the pound cake into cubes and put it layer on the bottom of her bowl. Once that was done she drizzled Kahlua over cake. It was looking decent, not great, but she really panicked when she grabbed the pudding and put it over the cake. There was just so much that could go wrong and it was too much for her.

FireboltAvis88 03-26-2012 06:42 PM

Post 1: Kahlua Dessert
The moment Professor Cerulean gave them the okay to eat their salad, Alyssa grabbed a fork and scooped a piece of toast into her mouth. She sighed with delight. This salad was delicious. At least that's what she thought. But now for dessert. She laid aside the salad platter for now and looked at the recipe before looking into the basket and removing the ingredients from the last basket.

Text Cut: Ingredients

* 3 slices of a Sarah Lee Pound Cake or Angel Food Cake
* 1 package of instant chocolate pudding (Already prepared for us today)
* 1 package Heath bits or 8 Heath bars, crushed
* Cool Whip
* 3 oz. Kahlua (or Bailey's Irish Cream)-Ours is the non-alcoholic, cooking variety

Alyssa placed the ingredients in the order of which she would need first. Then she reviewed the directions in the recipe to see what she needed to do.

Text Cut: Directions to Make Kahlua Dessert Recipe

* Cut the pound cake into cubes and put a layer on the bottom of your bowl.
* Drizzle Kahlua over cake.
* Take the pudding and put a layer of pudding over cake
* Put a layer of Cool Whip over the pudding and sprinkle with Heath bits.
* Repeat a second layer of cake drizzled with Kahlua, pudding, Cool Whip and Heath bits.
* You could refrigerate to let it set but we are just going to eat it!!! =0]

According to the directions, she first needed to cut the pound cake into cubes. Alyssa picked up the 3 slices of Sarah Lee Pound Cake and placed them on the cutting board in front of her. Picking up her knife, she carefully sliced each slice of cake into cubes. Once she was done slicing the cakes into cubes, she gently picked up the cubes of cakes and layered them on the bottom of her serving bowl, leaving the remaining cubes of cake for the second portion of the recipe.

Then she picked up the bottle of Non-Alcoholic Kahlua and poured about 1 1/2 of it into her measuring spoon before drizzling the contents of the spoon over the cake in the bowl. Looking at the recipe directions, she then picked up the package of instant chocolate pudding, opened it up and poured a layer over the cake, before folding over the opening of the package of pudding and laying it temporarily to the side as she would be needing it later again in the recipe.

Now for her favourite part. The Cool Whip again. She removed the lid, shook the can and then tilted the nozzle to the side, spraying a layer of cool whip over the pudding. This time before replacing the lid over the nozzle, she looked to see whether anyone was watching, before squeezing some of the whipped cream into her mouth. She quickly wiped her lips before placing the lid over the nozzle and laid the can aside next to the package of pudding.

Alyssa then picked up the package of Heath Bits and taking out some of the bits, she crushed them with her spoon before sprinkling the crushed pits over the whipped cream in the serving bowl.

She then reviewed the recipe and scratched out which steps she had already completed.

Text Cut: Directions to Make Kahlua Dessert Recipe

* Cut the pound cake into cubes and put a layer on the bottom of your bowl.
* Drizzle Kahlua over cake.
* Take the pudding and put a layer of pudding over cake
* Put a layer of Cool Whip over the pudding and sprinkle with Heath bits.

* Repeat a second layer of cake drizzled with Kahlua, pudding, Cool Whip and Heath bits.
* You could refrigerate to let it set but we are just going to eat it!!! =0]

WhittyBitty 03-26-2012 09:03 PM

Post #2 - Best of England Salad
Amelia knew that she was a little behind now as the dessert was now being prepared, but she wasn't too worried about it. The class was moving a little fast, but there weren't too many steps that needed to be done. So it wasn't with any great rush that Amelia looked at the next step she had to do for her salad.

Grabbing a clean bowl, she proceeded to add the oil. lemon juice, and honey before mixing them all together. This was to be the dressing for the salad.

Moving the dressing to the side for the moment, Amelia then started setting a plate up. She put the lettuce leaves on the bottom until the whole plate was covered, and then added both the strawberries and radishes trying to make it all look as pretty as possible. The dressing was drizzled on top of everything.

Lastly, she placed the pieces of toast on top. Now her dish was done, and it was time for her to start on the dessert!



4 slices of ‘bloomer’ bread pretoasted
75g blue Stilton cheese, sliced
25g roasted red peppers in brine
2tbsp (30ml) sunflower oil
1tbsp (15ml) lemon juice
½tsp clear honey
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
175g mixed lettuce leaves (lollo rosso and lollo biondo)
12 English strawberries, hulled and halved
8 radishes, sliced


1. Sprinkle the cheese on the pretoasted bread.
2. Cut each toast in half. Thinly slice the peppers into strips then place a St George's flag on top of each.
3. For the dressing: whisk the oil, lemon juice and honey together and season to taste.
4. Arrange the lettuce, strawberries and radishes on a platter then drizzle over the dressing. Top with the Stilton toasts and serve.

pundantic 03-26-2012 10:50 PM

Selina was ready to run out of the classroom screaming. Anything that had ingredients in it made Selina want to have a panic attack. Perhaps, she was being a tad dramatic with everything being pre-made and all, but then again Selina was not the most rational person in the world when her mind equated anything with potions. And right now all she could see was this class as potions yummy step-cousin from Essex- delicious, but dangerous.

Then she tried to calm herself down to finish the last two steps. With some deep breaths she put a layer of Cool Whip over the pudding. Then she sprinkled the top with Heath bits. After perfecting that she redid the entire process to give it another layer. Then it was done.... not so hard.... yeah right.

WhittyBitty 03-26-2012 11:17 PM

Post #1 - Kahlua Dessert
Even though class was moving on, Amelia decided to try some of the salad she had made. Grabbing a piece of toast, she started eating it, musing as she chewed. This was actually pretty good. She munched away at it until the whole piece was gone, then speared some of the actual salad with her fork. That was pretty good too! All in all this was a nice dish.

After a few more bites, Amelia decided to move on to making the dessert. Putting the fork down, she picked her pencil up again and quickly jotted down the instructions for the dessert. When she was done, she started putting the ingredients for it together in front of her.

The first thing she did was to cut the cake into cubes and layer them on the bottom of the bowl. She made sure that she didn't squish the pieces and that she covered the whole bottom. When that was done, she took the Kahlua and drizzled it over the cake. The pudding needed to go on next, and she carefully added a layer to the cake. Mmm. This was looking pretty yummy so far!



3 slices of a Sarah Lee Pound Cake or Angel Food Cake
1 package of instant chocolate pudding (Already prepared for us today)
1 package Heath bits or 8 Heath bars, crushed
Cool Whip
3 oz. Kahlua (or Bailey's Irish Cream)-Ours is the non-alcoholic, cooking variety


1. Cut the pound cake into cubes and put a layer on the bottom of your bowl.
2. Drizzle Kahlua over cake.
3. Take the pudding and put a layer of pudding over cake
4. Put a layer of Cool Whip over the pudding and sprinkle with Heath bits.
5. Repeat a second layer of cake drizzled with Kahlua, pudding, Cool Whip and Heath bits.
* You could refrigerate to let it set but we are just going to eat it!!! =0]

Luna_Midnight 03-26-2012 11:17 PM

Post #1

Originally Posted by Lezleighd (Post 10964142)
She took a few more bites and then pushed the plate to the side and grabbed her fourth basket, "Now onto the best part of a meal...the DESSERT!!!" she said as she flipped the lid open enthusiastically. "We are going to be putting together a no back dessert from Ireland called a Kahlua Dessert..."
Gemma laid out all of the ingredients on the table and then flicked her wand and the ingredients and recipe appeared on the screen.

OOC: Let's say two posts...this is the last course, so I'll be posting homework for this lesson this evening...Thank you to everyone that has played along...I thought I would make the last lesson of the year pretty easy since I figured we are all pretty busy in RL. *huggles you all*

Nerida took another drink of her Kiwi Italian Drink and took a bite of her salad, it was good for a salad. Usually she didnt like salads, and wasnt a big eater of them, but this one was good.
She grabbed her ingrediants and set them down and looked at the recipe, sounded easy enough. She took the three slices of angel food cake and cut them into cubes and layered some on the bottom of the bowl . Then carefully dripped the Kahlua over the cake. Then she poured a layer of the already made chocolate pudding over the cake layer. Then she took some cool whip or as her dad liked to call it quick whip...She didnt really understand why he called it that but what ever floots his boat.. and then sprinkled pieces of Health over it!! She loved Health, yum!

SPOILER!!: Ingredients

* 3 slices of a Sarah Lee Pound Cake or Angel Food Cake
* 1 package of instant chocolate pudding (Already prepared for us today)
* 1 package Heath bits or 8 Heath bars, crushed
* Cool Whip
* 3 oz. Kahlua (or Bailey's Irish Cream)-Ours is the non-alcoholic, cooking variety[/s]

SPOILER!!: Recipe

* Cut the pound cake into cubes and put a layer on the bottom of your bowl.
* Drizzle Kahlua over cake.
* Take the pudding and put a layer of pudding over cake
* Put a layer of Cool Whip over the pudding and sprinkle with Heath bits.

* Repeat a second layer of cake drizzled with Kahlua, pudding, Cool Whip and Heath bits.
* You could refrigerate to let it set but we are just going to eat it!!! =0]

Expecto-Penguin 03-26-2012 11:58 PM

Post 1- England Salad

Originally Posted by Lezleighd (Post 10963672)
Gemma quickly mixed her a cherry Italian soda and sprayed a whole bunch of whip cream on top...and without even checking to see if any students were watching she tilted her head back and sprayed some whip cream into her mouth and with a little giggle she swallowed it down.

Once she had all the whip cream swallowed she reached for the third basket and placed everything out on the table as she started sipping her Italian soda. Once it was all spread out, she continued, "Okay, so now let's create a salad from England. This is actually called the Best of England Salad." she said as a picture of the salad flashed on the screen.

SPOILER!!: The Best of England Salad

SPOILER!!: Ingredients

* 4 slices of ‘bloomer’ bread pretoasted
* 75g blue Stilton cheese, sliced
* 25g roasted red peppers in brine
* 2tbsp (30ml) sunflower oil
* 1tbsp (15ml) lemon juice
* ½tsp clear honey
* Salt and freshly ground black pepper
* 175g mixed lettuce leaves (lollo rosso and lollo biondo)
* 12 English strawberries, hulled and halved
* 8 radishes, sliced

SPOILER!!: Receipt

1. Sprinkle the cheese on the pretoasted bread.
2. Cut each toast in half. Thinly slice the peppers into strips then place a St George's flag on top of each.
3. For the dressing: whisk the oil, lemon juice and honey together and season to taste.
4. Arrange the lettuce, strawberries and radishes on a platter then drizzle over the dressing. Top with the Stilton toasts and serve.

OOC: Let's say two posts to get credit for this recipe. DESSERT IS NEXT!!! Have fun and I'll be back later with the dish this afternoon!

Belle decided to make the salad. She loved eating healthy things! So she went up to the front of the classroom to get the ingredients to begin. Then she followed the directions. She sprinkled the cheese on pretoasted bread, then cut each toast in half and then thinly sliced the peppers and but the flag on each one. It was a very relaxing easy recipe that she might make with her mother soon.

Luna_Midnight 03-27-2012 12:21 AM

Nerida took the left over cake and layered it on top of the first set of desert and then took the pudding and added another layer. Then took a huge glop of cool whip and added it on the top of the second set of cake and pudding, and then she added the last of her heath crumbs!

She stepped back to look at her masterpiece, smiling she thought Looks delicious!! She picked up her spoon and took a bite..
There was only one word to descirbe it, scrumpdillyupcious!!
SPOILER!!: Ingredients

* 3 slices of a Sarah Lee Pound Cake or Angel Food Cake
* 1 package of instant chocolate pudding (Already prepared for us today)
* 1 package Heath bits or 8 Heath bars, crushed
* Cool Whip
* 3 oz. Kahlua (or Bailey's Irish Cream)-Ours is the non-alcoholic, cooking variety

SPOILER!!: Recipe

* Cut the pound cake into cubes and put a layer on the bottom of your bowl.
* Drizzle Kahlua over cake.
* Take the pudding and put a layer of pudding over cake
* Put a layer of Cool Whip over the pudding and sprinkle with Heath bits.

* Repeat a second layer of cake drizzled with Kahlua, pudding, Cool Whip and Heath bits.
* You could refrigerate to let it set but we are just going to eat it!!! =0

WhittyBitty 03-27-2012 12:25 AM

Post #2 - Kahlua Dessert
With the pudding on the cake and smoothed out, Amelia now took the cool whip and placed a layer on top, making sure to smooth it out over the pudding so that everything was covered. Taking the Heath bits, Amelia now added them on top of the the cool whip, sprinkling them all over the cake.

Now it was time for her to repeat the process. More cake was broke into pieces. It was placed on top of the cool whip and Kahlua was drizzled on top of it. She grabbed the rest of the pudding and spread it over the cake, covering it all before adding more cool whip on top of that. Lastly, she sprinkled more Heath bits over the entire thing.

She was happy to be finished her dessert.



3 slices of a Sarah Lee Pound Cake or Angel Food Cake
1 package of instant chocolate pudding (Already prepared for us today)
1 package Heath bits or 8 Heath bars, crushed
Cool Whip
3 oz. Kahlua (or Bailey's Irish Cream)-Ours is the non-alcoholic, cooking variety


1. Cut the pound cake into cubes and put a layer on the bottom of your bowl.
2. Drizzle Kahlua over cake.
3. Take the pudding and put a layer of pudding over cake
4. Put a layer of Cool Whip over the pudding and sprinkle with Heath bits.
5. Repeat a second layer of cake drizzled with Kahlua, pudding, Cool Whip and Heath bits.
* You could refrigerate to let it set but we are just going to eat it!!! =0]

Expecto-Penguin 03-27-2012 12:27 AM

Post 2- England Salad

Originally Posted by Lezleighd (Post 10963672)

* 4 slices of ‘bloomer’ bread pretoasted
* 75g blue Stilton cheese, sliced
* 25g roasted red peppers in brine
* 2tbsp (30ml) sunflower oil
* 1tbsp (15ml) lemon juice
* ½tsp clear honey
* Salt and freshly ground black pepper
* 175g mixed lettuce leaves (lollo rosso and lollo biondo)
* 12 English strawberries, hulled and halved
* 8 radishes, sliced

SPOILER!!: Receipt

1. Sprinkle the cheese on the pretoasted bread.
2. Cut each toast in half. Thinly slice the peppers into strips then place a St George's flag on top of each.
3. For the dressing: whisk the oil, lemon juice and honey together and season to taste.
4. Arrange the lettuce, strawberries and radishes on a platter then drizzle over the dressing. Top with the Stilton toasts and serve.

OOC: Let's say two posts to get credit for this recipe. DESSERT IS NEXT!!! Have fun and I'll be back later with the dish this afternoon!

Belle got down to the dressing part. She got the ingredients all set after she washed her hands. She looked it up, she was supposed to whisk the 2tbsp of oil, 1tbsp of lemon juice and ½tsp clear honey together. She added the pepper and salt in for taste. Belle got to her favorite part and started decorating the plate. She arranged the lettuce, strawberries and radishes onto the platter and drizzled dressing over topped with stilton toasts! All in a days work!

Holmesian Feline 03-27-2012 12:41 AM

Post 1 Salad
After taking a bite of another salmon roll from his collection, Gideon took a sip of his drink to wash it down as he listened to Professor Cerulean explain the next thing they were to make. The picture that popped up on the screen certainly made it look nice. Hopefully theirs would turn out just as well.

Following the instructions, he started with the bread and cheese, adding the Stilton onto the toasted pieces. Then with a knife, Gideon cut each piece of bread in half, fixing any cheese that fell off in the process. Still with the knife, he carefully sliced the roasted red peppers as thin as he could, the action coming quite easy as he was used to similar actions in brewing potions. Finally he added the peppers to the bread and cheese, shaping them the way the picture showed in the shape of the cross.



1. Sprinkle the cheese on the pretoasted bread.
2. Cut each toast in half. Thinly slice the peppers into strips then place a St George's flag on top of each.

3. For the dressing: whisk the oil, lemon juice and honey together and season to taste.
4. Arrange the lettuce, strawberries and radishes on a platter then drizzle over the dressing. Top with the Stilton toasts and serve.

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