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Zayden's face brightened up when he heard his girlfriend's voice and, within a second, he was staring up at her. "At home? He would tear up my whole room if I left him unoccupied! He's like... a little untrained toddler." He was still hesitating whether he wanted to open the cage or not. Did he really want to put the whole train in danger?
"An unsuspecting First Year? That's... mean but I like the idea." Strangely. He just wanted this cat off his hands. "This cat does have feelings, though, Amelia. He's just... doesn't really care about people... or anything." He wrinkled his nose at the hairless thing in the cage. It was SO UGLY.
He looked back up at the boy who had welcomed himself into his compartment. "It's fine, mate, and you're welcome." He ran a hand through his blonde hair before saying, "Do you want a cat?" He smirked now because, well, this kid would be smart to say 'no'. "I'm only kidding. I wouldn't make your life awful by handing you this cat." Maybe his sister could take it...
"August? Interesting name." He grinned. "I'm Zayden Abrams. Seventh year Slytherin."
Originally Posted by Squishy ♥
Amelia winked at Zayden as she saw him smiling at her. "I don't care. That thing ruined my Edward Cullen doll, it deserves to suffer." :33 It was true, that was a serious crime in her eyes. "I'm sure he can find a nice First Year to look after him. Can't you, ugly?" Did she mention that she hated that cat? :3
She grinned at the new boy now. "Amelia Reinhart, Seventh Year. Pleased to meet you." She curtsied to the boy now.
"Uh...no thanks." he said with a slight chuckle. Truthfully that cat, after only seeing it for a total of 5 seconds, terrified him. He wasn't really a cat person anyways. Oh good, he wasn't serious.
"Thanks, I've been told that before." August really did like his name and he was glad others did too. It was especially fun to explain to Kyroh Scabior, the 4 year-old son of their History of Magic Professor, in Diagon Alley over the summer that August could be both a month and a person's name. "Nice to meet you Zayden." His name was interesting too, but he wasn't going to copy him in saying that.
Now the girl addressed him with a curtsey....hm. That was different.
"Nice too meet you as well Amelia." he waved back. So he now had a new Slytherin acquaintance and, well he didn't know what Amelia was--oh and a BLAD EVIL CAT.
Dave Grohl-Josh Hutcherson-RupertGrint-HP-HG- Marvel-D.C-Taylor Hawkins-Drumming-Foo Fighters-
Originally Posted by GrapehGrape
Sammy closed the comic book and sat it on the seat next to him. Might as well give Logan his full attention. "Awesome. Not really sure just yet. I'm leaning more towards Hufflepuff though. You?"
Logan watched as Sam closed a comic book. "What were you reading?" he asked.
"Cool!" he said. "Me? Oh I dunno...either Ravenclaw or Gryffindor. But I'm sure I'll be happy with whatever I get." he said.
Welp. This was it. Ellie's last time on the Hogwarts express, castle bound. It didn't really feel any different than any of the other times she had been on it. But in the back of her mind, she knew she would only get to ride this train one more time.
Tugging her things down the almost empty train, she found a compartment in the middle. Ellie put her things up on the shelf above the benches and took a seat. She looked out the window, watching students say goodbye to parents and other family members. She smiled, remembering when her father took her to this very same platform for the first time. Six years ago.
Originally Posted by Magical Soul
Moving away from the crowded front, full of 5 footers persons Louisa took a lazy and careless glance at her dallying cat, licking off students' shoes. AGAIN. With a melodramatic sigh, Louisa snapped one of the door's open with unnecessary force. The compartment seemed empty... except for a certain young lady. "If it's not miss Johanson herself," the girl smirked, sliding the door closed behind her and giving the older girl a one-arm hug.
"Merlin, I seriously didn't think I'd miss you." And Louisa's usual harsh honesty was on as she flopped down opposite of the... wait for it.. GRADUATE. Also, it was indeed true, not seeing the girl for the entire summer! THREE months... or less. Or more. Louisa had been quite busy that she lost track of time but she did miss Ellie Johanson just as she missed Vashti, Kita and Enya. Shockers.
Really, he was tryingnot very hard to get to his compartment before he had to walk down the corridor as the train ride extended, but one Ravenclaw girl didn't close the door very well, for he saw who was inside the compartment without having the need to pay close attention to it.
The new Head Boy opened up the door, "Good day, ladies." His eyes went from Ellie to..., "I know you. You're Louisa, right?" the one that made him slide on the grounds? Yeah, that same Louisa.
He was just lingering out the door, watching some students pass by, before settling his eyes on the one who'll be graduating with him. "Did you have a good summer, Ellie?"
Logan watched as Sam closed a comic book. "What were you reading?" he asked.
"Cool!" he said. "Me? Oh I dunno...either Ravenclaw or Gryffindor. But I'm sure I'll be happy with whatever I get." he said.
Sammy lifted up the Batman comic book. "Batman. Do you like comics?" It would be awesome if he did. Then that girl wouldn't be the only person he knew that liked comics.
Sammy nodded. "Same here. Even though Slytherin would probably be my last choice. Just from the sound of it, I'm not sure I'd fit in there."
Dave Grohl-Josh Hutcherson-RupertGrint-HP-HG- Marvel-D.C-Taylor Hawkins-Drumming-Foo Fighters-
Originally Posted by GrapehGrape
Sammy lifted up the Batman comic book. "Batman. Do you like comics?" It would be awesome if he did. Then that girl wouldn't be the only person he knew that liked comics.
Sammy nodded. "Same here. Even though Slytherin would probably be my last choice. Just from the sound of it, I'm not sure I'd fit in there."
"Batman? Wicked!" Logan said. He loved Batman!!!!!! And he loved comics! "Yes, I love comics!" he said excitedly.
Oh, the sweet sound of silence! Or, the sound closest to silence in a crowded train filled with teenage students.
Edric relished in it with closed eyes and just the tiniest hint of a smile on his lips.
Oh, silence. Sweet, sweet silence. He could almost taste it.
But it was interrupted as the young fellow who'd been humming Edric's eardrums to death earlier, spoke, inviting the young man in. Edric merely gave him a look. "No thank you, I was actually asking y--GAH!" SPLAT!
Next thing Edric knew, one side of his face was pressed hard against the window all the way at the other side of the compartment.
Had that kid SERIOUSLY just dragged him in there like a rag doll made just for his own personal enjoyment?!
With a groan, Edric pulled his face off the glass and massaged it with one hand before turning to the happy guy and shooting him a glare. "What was THAT for!?" Sheesh, he didn't take criticism to his humming very well, did he?! (Of course, Edric was assuming this was all an attack rather than an invitation).
However, before Edric could even think about making his way back to the door, the other teenage boy - who had just introduced himself as 'Cornelius' - was shaking his hand with such vigor that Edric could feel his arm coming loose by the shoulder.
What was going on?! First his face, now his arm! This guy seriously had it for him!
"D-D-D-o-o-o-o y-y-y-you m-m-m-i-i-ind?" Cornelius was shaking Edric's hand and arm so badly that the Gryffindor's voice had begun to vibrate. In one swift motion, he pulled his hand back. "Why are you doing this?!" he asked, looking traumatized.
Cornelius was unaware of his own strength, not seeming to realize that his enthusiasm was nearly beating up the student he had just pulled abruptly into the compartment. It was only as the boy asked if he 'minded' that Cor's handshaking slowed, his brows furrowing just slightly in confusion. Just as he opened his mouth to respond, the other student cut him off, asking why he was doing 'this'. "Doing what, exactly?" Cornelius asked in honest confusion, turning around as though expecting to find some wizard's chess or some other activity he had been doing that made Mr. Unknown ask that question.
Giving a shrug, he quickly moved on, standing before the boy and absentmindedly bouncing on the balls of his feet, his hands falling to his side. "I'm glad someone finally came in; for whatever reason, people seem to have been avoiding the compartment," Cornelius explained with a shrug and a soft chuckle, plopping down in his old seat and looking up at the newcomer with a grin. He didn't seem to realize it was probably because of his humming.
"So...you never told me your name?" Cor quickly moved subjects, crossing his arms over his chest.
"And do you have a house too?" he added with a face of confusion, pulling out a piece of paper from his duffle bag and looking at it with furrowed brows, obviously being an information sheet of some kind. "I don't really understand the whole house thing... Do we get..houses? Like actual homes? Do we have to build them ourselves...? Do they come furnished?"
"Batman? Wicked!" Logan said. He loved Batman!!!!!! And he loved comics! "Yes, I love comics!" he said excitedly.
Logan nodded. "Yeah, me either." he said.
Sammy grinned at the boy's reaction. And we he confirmed he loved comics his grin grew even wider. "Really? What's your favorite? Batman happens to be mine." He liked Spiderman too, but Batman was the best.
Sammy nodded. He didn't care about the house conversation anymore. Now they were talking about comics which was awesome.
Dave Grohl-Josh Hutcherson-RupertGrint-HP-HG- Marvel-D.C-Taylor Hawkins-Drumming-Foo Fighters-
Originally Posted by GrapehGrape
Sammy grinned at the boy's reaction. And we he confirmed he loved comics his grin grew even wider. "Really? What's your favorite? Batman happens to be mine." He liked Spiderman too, but Batman was the best.
Sammy nodded. He didn't care about the house conversation anymore. Now they were talking about comics which was awesome.
"My favorite? Hmm..." he said. "Batman. Deffinitely." he said grinning at the fact that their answers were the same.
"My favorite? Hmm..." he said. "Batman. Deffinitely." he said grinning at the fact that their answers were the same.
Sammy waited impatiently for Logan to answer. He was so excited when he learned that Logan's favorite was Batman too. "That's so awesome! I'm trying to get most of them. These are my cousin Wally's. He doesn't know I have them, but if you want to read them anytime: I wouldn't mind sharing." Yep. Logan was stuck with Sammy Lawrence for a long time now. The love of Batman comics making the easily excited young firstie sure that this guy was gonna be a good friend.
It was Dallin's last train ride to Hogwarts. Strangely, he wasn't at all sad about that. Maybe some part of his brain was sad, but for the most part he just wanted to get to the castle. There wasn't much significance to the train ride, anyway. He might be a little more emotional about his last opening feast. That was something to be sad about.
This is what he thought about as he went down the train. He was also looking for Ellie, because he thought he had an idea of where she might be sitting. The middle of the train. It seemed like her favorite part of the train, so that's where Dallin decided to look first. He didn't have to look far, either, because he found Ellie's compartment easily.
Slipping inside, he pulled his trunk with Barty's cage inside. And the compartment was quite full compared to usual. "Treyen," he said, because the Hufflepuff was the first one Dallin saw. And then... "Ellie, and...Louisa!" It was just a party in here, wasn't it? He pushed his trunk over so that it wasn't blocking the doorway, then he went to sit by Ellie. He kissed his girlfriend on the cheek quickly before waving at Louisa and leaning forward to look at Treyen.
Yay, Hamlet! • Cathopper • Disney Fanatic • I was normal once...
Originally Posted by Squishy ♥
Amelia winked at Zayden as she saw him smiling at her. "I don't care. That thing ruined my Edward Cullen doll, it deserves to suffer." :33 It was true, that was a serious crime in her eyes. "I'm sure he can find a nice First Year to look after him. Can't you, ugly?" Did she mention that she hated that cat? :3
She grinned at the new boy now. "Amelia Reinhart, Seventh Year. Pleased to meet you." She curtsied to the boy now.
Originally Posted by DanialRadFAN01
"Uh...no thanks." he said with a slight chuckle. Truthfully that cat, after only seeing it for a total of 5 seconds, terrified him. He wasn't really a cat person anyways. Oh good, he wasn't serious.
"Thanks, I've been told that before." August really did like his name and he was glad others did too. It was especially fun to explain to Kyroh Scabior, the 4 year-old son of their History of Magic Professor, in Diagon Alley over the summer that August could be both a month and a person's name. "Nice to meet you Zayden." His name was interesting too, but he wasn't going to copy him in saying that.
Now the girl addressed him with a curtsey....hm. That was different.
"Nice too meet you as well Amelia." he waved back. So he now had a new Slytherin acquaintance and, well he didn't know what Amelia was--oh and a BLAD EVIL CAT.
Zayden slightly shook his head at the wink while grinning. At the mention of the Edward Cullen doll, he almost chuckled but held back the urge to do so. Maybe this cat wasn't that bad after all. "Let's be nice to the cat, Amelia. He ruined my lightsaber and pokemon cards." Instead of replying to Amelia's comment about finding a First Year for his evil cat, he just unlocked the cage now and --
The hairless cat literally went ballistic. Beasty jumped out of the cage and, once it was on Zayden's lap, he slowly turned his head towards the strange boy he didn't know. HISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. He was about to jump onto the boy's lap before Zayden pushed the cat off him, causing the cat to scratch through his pants, but at least Beasty ran out of the compartment now. However, he did not leave until bite Amelia's tasty toes.
"Close the compartment!" He did not want that cat coming back.
He sat the cat cage down now and moved over onto the seat so his girlfriend had somewhere to sit. "It's nice to meet you too, August." He grinned once more. "Sorry 'bout the cat issues." He wasn't sure why he was apologizing for the fact that his Aunt had given him an evil cat but he was.
"So, is this your first time at Hogwarts? Or were you here last term?" He just couldn't remember if he's seen the boy or not before.
_______________________________You may hate me, but it ain't no lie: bye bye bye.
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Originally Posted by DanialRadFAN01
"Uh...no thanks." he said with a slight chuckle. Truthfully that cat, after only seeing it for a total of 5 seconds, terrified him. He wasn't really a cat person anyways. Oh good, he wasn't serious.
"Thanks, I've been told that before." August really did like his name and he was glad others did too. It was especially fun to explain to Kyroh Scabior, the 4 year-old son of their History of Magic Professor, in Diagon Alley over the summer that August could be both a month and a person's name. "Nice to meet you Zayden." His name was interesting too, but he wasn't going to copy him in saying that.
Now the girl addressed him with a curtsey....hm. That was different.
"Nice too meet you as well Amelia." he waved back. So he now had a new Slytherin acquaintance and, well he didn't know what Amelia was--oh and a BLAD EVIL CAT.
Originally Posted by Sneakeh Cat
Zayden slightly shook his head at the wink while grinning. At the mention of the Edward Cullen doll, he almost chuckled but held back the urge to do so. Maybe this cat wasn't that bad after all. "Let's be nice to the cat, Amelia. He ruined my lightsaber and pokemon cards." Instead of replying to Amelia's comment about finding a First Year for his evil cat, he just unlocked the cage now and --
The hairless cat literally went ballistic. Beasty jumped out of the cage and, once it was on Zayden's lap, he slowly turned his head towards the strange boy he didn't know. HISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. He was about to jump onto the boy's lap before Zayden pushed the cat off him, causing the cat to scratch through his pants, but at least Beasty ran out of the compartment now. However, he did not leave until bite Amelia's tasty toes.
"Close the compartment!" He did not want that cat coming back.
He sat the cat cage down now and moved over onto the seat so his girlfriend had somewhere to sit. "It's nice to meet you too, August." He grinned once more. "Sorry 'bout the cat issues." He wasn't sure why he was apologizing for the fact that his Aunt had given him an evil cat but he was.
"So, is this your first time at Hogwarts? Or were you here last term?" He just couldn't remember if he's seen the boy or not before.
"So did you have a nice summer?" Amelia asked the boy curiously now after she decided to ignore her boyfriend for being mean. She knew that he was amused about her doll being ruined, and that was rather cruel because she loved Edward, and she loved the doll.
"Don't let that cat... out." Of course he had to be silly and set the thing loose. She was sure that it had rabies or something; it was totally rabid.
CARROTS! | 1/3 of the "oo" Trio | Directioner |Addy&JJ <3
Originally Posted by Sneakeh Cat
Zayden slightly shook his head at the wink while grinning. At the mention of the Edward Cullen doll, he almost chuckled but held back the urge to do so. Maybe this cat wasn't that bad after all. "Let's be nice to the cat, Amelia. He ruined my lightsaber and pokemon cards." Instead of replying to Amelia's comment about finding a First Year for his evil cat, he just unlocked the cage now and --
The hairless cat literally went ballistic. Beasty jumped out of the cage and, once it was on Zayden's lap, he slowly turned his head towards the strange boy he didn't know. HISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. He was about to jump onto the boy's lap before Zayden pushed the cat off him, causing the cat to scratch through his pants, but at least Beasty ran out of the compartment now. However, he did not leave until bite Amelia's tasty toes.
"Close the compartment!" He did not want that cat coming back.
He sat the cat cage down now and moved over onto the seat so his girlfriend had somewhere to sit. "It's nice to meet you too, August." He grinned once more. "Sorry 'bout the cat issues." He wasn't sure why he was apologizing for the fact that his Aunt had given him an evil cat but he was.
"So, is this your first time at Hogwarts? Or were you here last term?" He just couldn't remember if he's seen the boy or not before.
Adrianna was walking to find a compartment when she came across a feline. A hairless one.
Zayden. It had to be. SO she lifted the struggling cat into her arms and found the compartment she had seen her 'adopted brother' enter before, and opened the door. "Oi. Abrams. I nearly tripped over this thing. Is it yours?" she asked, popping her gum.
Dave Grohl-Josh Hutcherson-RupertGrint-HP-HG- Marvel-D.C-Taylor Hawkins-Drumming-Foo Fighters-
Originally Posted by GrapehGrape
Sammy waited impatiently for Logan to answer. He was so excited when he learned that Logan's favorite was Batman too. "That's so awesome! I'm trying to get most of them. These are my cousin Wally's. He doesn't know I have them, but if you want to read them anytime: I wouldn't mind sharing." Yep. Logan was stuck with Sammy Lawrence for a long time now. The love of Batman comics making the easily excited young firstie sure that this guy was gonna be a good friend.
"Really? Cool!" he said. "Ohh I see!" he said. "Oh well thank you!" he said smiling. Sam was officially his new best friend. He grinned as he took out his Bertie Botts Every Flavor Beans. "Wanna try one?" he asked.
"Really? Cool!" he said. "Ohh I see!" he said. "Oh well thank you!" he said smiling. Sam was officially his new best friend. He grinned as he took out his Bertie Botts Every Flavor Beans. "Wanna try one?" he asked.
Sammy grinned. Yep. New best friend was sitting right across from him. "Mhm. Yeah...I'm probably gonna get a howler or something the first day of school. Wally's very protective of his comics." Like Sammy might not get to see his second year if he ruined any of them protective. Sammy eyed the box of candy. He'd always avoided those, afraid he would get a bad one. "Sure." He picked out a green one and popped it in his mouth. Thankfully it was green apple.
Dave Grohl-Josh Hutcherson-RupertGrint-HP-HG- Marvel-D.C-Taylor Hawkins-Drumming-Foo Fighters-
Originally Posted by GrapehGrape
Sammy grinned. Yep. New best friend was sitting right across from him. "Mhm. Yeah...I'm probably gonna get a howler or something the first day of school. Wally's very protective of his comics." Like Sammy might not get to see his second year if he ruined any of them protective. Sammy eyed the box of candy. He'd always avoided those, afraid he would get a bad one. "Sure." He picked out a green one and popped it in his mouth. Thankfully it was green apple.
Logan laughed."Uh oh!" he said. Then he smiled as he took one. "What kind was it?" he asked, taking a pink one out and eyeing it curiously before putting it in his mouth. He smiled. "Soap flavored! It's actually really good!" he said laughing and peeking in the box for more pink ones.
Logan laughed."Uh oh!" he said. Then he smiled as he took one. "What kind was it?" he asked, taking a pink one out and eyeing it curiously before putting it in his mouth. He smiled. "Soap flavored! It's actually really good!" he said laughing and peeking in the box for more pink ones.
Sammy laughed with him. "You can say that again." He wouldn't ruin them though...at least not on purpose. "Green apple." He watched as Logan ate a pink one. Soap? Sammy did not see how soap could taste good. "Really? I would think that soap would taste horrible."
Ellie was making her way down the train, twirling her flower in her hand. Since, she already knew where she'd be sitting, she didn't make too much of an effort checking for empty compartments or whatnot. Until she saw the one she was going to be sitting with...here...for whatever reason.
The reason mattered not, for she had a huge grin on her face after recognizing the back of his head. She skipped up to the compartment and, because he was the first she noticed, spoke to Treyen. "Look, Treyen! I got a flower!" she said as if it were some sort of accomplishment, holding it out for him to see.
Then she saw all who were in the compartment. Why, Dallin, of course! And his pretty, shy girlfriend. And that Louisa girl that made her feel popular for knowing who she was at the feast last year. "Hi guys!" Ellie slipped into the compartment and took a seat.
She had a flower. Grin.
a practical person, who may be considered a perfectionist,
perhaps you like being organised or paying close attention to detail, you are...
Zayden slightly shook his head at the wink while grinning. At the mention of the Edward Cullen doll, he almost chuckled but held back the urge to do so. Maybe this cat wasn't that bad after all. "Let's be nice to the cat, Amelia. He ruined my lightsaber and pokemon cards." Instead of replying to Amelia's comment about finding a First Year for his evil cat, he just unlocked the cage now and --
The hairless cat literally went ballistic. Beasty jumped out of the cage and, once it was on Zayden's lap, he slowly turned his head towards the strange boy he didn't know. HISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. He was about to jump onto the boy's lap before Zayden pushed the cat off him, causing the cat to scratch through his pants, but at least Beasty ran out of the compartment now. However, he did not leave until bite Amelia's tasty toes.
"Close the compartment!" He did not want that cat coming back.
He sat the cat cage down now and moved over onto the seat so his girlfriend had somewhere to sit. "It's nice to meet you too, August." He grinned once more. "Sorry 'bout the cat issues." He wasn't sure why he was apologizing for the fact that his Aunt had given him an evil cat but he was.
"So, is this your first time at Hogwarts? Or were you here last term?" He just couldn't remember if he's seen the boy or not before.
Originally Posted by Squishy ♥
"So did you have a nice summer?" Amelia asked the boy curiously now after she decided to ignore her boyfriend for being mean. She knew that he was amused about her doll being ruined, and that was rather cruel because she loved Edward, and she loved the doll.
"Don't let that cat... out." Of course he had to be silly and set the thing loose. She was sure that it had rabies or something; it was totally rabid.
"Ouch!" Her toes.
Originally Posted by omnomnomRAWR
Adrianna was walking to find a compartment when she came across a feline. A hairless one.
Zayden. It had to be. SO she lifted the struggling cat into her arms and found the compartment she had seen her 'adopted brother' enter before, and opened the door. "Oi. Abrams. I nearly tripped over this thing. Is it yours?" she asked, popping her gum.
So much was happening all at once. August was just getting over the small shock of having just been curtsied at when all of a sudden Zayden opened the demon cat's cage and the black, hairless beast shot out and clawed up his owner, bit Amelia and gave a pretty ominous hiss at Auggie. The cat then ran out into the hall.
Thank Merlin.
Ok so now that THAT was over, Zayden, who was probably more used to things like that, decided it was ok that his pet had just escaped and was time to return to normal conversation. "Uh, yeah I was at Hogwarts last term. This will be my second even though Im going to be a fourth year." He wasn't going to explain the whole muggleborn thing but might aswell, they had a whole train ride of time to kill. "My parents are muggles so when we got the first two letters to school they declined, thinking it was a scam and stuff and then finally Headmaster Tate came and spoke with them, so last term I started as a third year." He crossed his hands infront of him. Yep that was his story.
The Gryffindor turned to look at Amelia, a look of concern at her bit toes. "Are you ok Amelia?" that really did suck. "Oh and yeah, I had a good summer." he had started dating his girlfriend Taryn. "But one of my good friends is going to Beuxbatons this term." he was going to miss her.
Then the compartment opened and August heard the voice of a person he didn't know but they were addressing Zayden....AND THEY HAD THE CAT!?!
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Originally Posted by omnomnomRAWR
Adrianna was walking to find a compartment when she came across a feline. A hairless one.
Zayden. It had to be. SO she lifted the struggling cat into her arms and found the compartment she had seen her 'adopted brother' enter before, and opened the door. "Oi. Abrams. I nearly tripped over this thing. Is it yours?" she asked, popping her gum.
Amelia smiled when she heard Addy, but of course she was only talking to Zayden. Like she hadn't noticed her being there. "Hi, Addy..."
Originally Posted by DanialRadFAN01
So much was happening all at once. August was just getting over the small shock of having just been curtsied at when all of a sudden Zayden opened the demon cat's cage and the black, hairless beast shot out and clawed up his owner, bit Amelia and gave a pretty ominous hiss at Auggie. The cat then ran out into the hall.
Thank Merlin.
Ok so now that THAT was over, Zayden, who was probably more used to things like that, decided it was ok that his pet had just escaped and was time to return to normal conversation. "Uh, yeah I was at Hogwarts last term. This will be my second even though Im going to be a fourth year." He wasn't going to explain the whole muggleborn thing but might aswell, they had a whole train ride of time to kill. "My parents are muggles so when we got the first two letters to school they declined, thinking it was a scam and stuff and then finally Headmaster Tate came and spoke with them, so last term I started as a third year." He crossed his hands infront of him. Yep that was his story.
The Gryffindor turned to look at Amelia, a look of concern at her bit toes. "Are you ok Amelia?" that really did suck. "Oh and yeah, I had a good summer." he had started dating his girlfriend Taryn. "But one of my good friends is going to Beuxbatons this term." he was going to miss her.
Then the compartment opened and August heard the voice of a person he didn't know but they were addressing Zayden....AND THEY HAD THE CAT!?!
Amelia wanted her toes to feel better, but they just kept hurting. She looked down at them before looking back up to August. "Not really, but I will be soon." That cat had some seriously sharp teeth. D: "That's good, August! I did too." :33 "Too bad about your friend though."
"Nice to meet you, Ryan." he said smiling. "Second year? That's cool." he said.
Originally Posted by JacquiMalfoy
Quickly turning her head when she heard the compartment door slide open she jumped. "There you are! I couldn't find where you went. One moment the train is pulling up and the next I can't find you" she laughed. "Thanks for sneaking up on me by the way" she laughed. Sometimes she could startle easily. After a few seconds her heart rate was back to normal "Should I grab my trunk and go over then?" she asked with her trademark smile. Sometimes she wondered if Ryan ever got tired of seeing her, but she couldn't help it she loved being around him.
''It is.''He said smiling.''It's good because if your a first year your unning around like a crazy stupid maniac trying to find your classes.''He said frowning.''It was a pleasure meeting you but I have to go to another compartment.''He said smiling. ''Yeah Sorry about that.''He said frowning.''No prblem.''He said laughing.''Oh no it's alright I said bye to him.''He said looking back at the Compartment.
Yay, Hamlet! • Cathopper • Disney Fanatic • I was normal once...
SPOILER!!: quotes
Originally Posted by Squishy ♥
"So did you have a nice summer?" Amelia asked the boy curiously now after she decided to ignore her boyfriend for being mean. She knew that he was amused about her doll being ruined, and that was rather cruel because she loved Edward, and she loved the doll.
"Don't let that cat... out." Of course he had to be silly and set the thing loose. She was sure that it had rabies or something; it was totally rabid.
"Ouch!" Her toes.
Originally Posted by omnomnomRAWR
Adrianna was walking to find a compartment when she came across a feline. A hairless one.
Zayden. It had to be. SO she lifted the struggling cat into her arms and found the compartment she had seen her 'adopted brother' enter before, and opened the door. "Oi. Abrams. I nearly tripped over this thing. Is it yours?" she asked, popping her gum.
Originally Posted by DanialRadFAN01
So much was happening all at once. August was just getting over the small shock of having just been curtsied at when all of a sudden Zayden opened the demon cat's cage and the black, hairless beast shot out and clawed up his owner, bit Amelia and gave a pretty ominous hiss at Auggie. The cat then ran out into the hall.
Thank Merlin.
Ok so now that THAT was over, Zayden, who was probably more used to things like that, decided it was ok that his pet had just escaped and was time to return to normal conversation. "Uh, yeah I was at Hogwarts last term. This will be my second even though Im going to be a fourth year." He wasn't going to explain the whole muggleborn thing but might aswell, they had a whole train ride of time to kill. "My parents are muggles so when we got the first two letters to school they declined, thinking it was a scam and stuff and then finally Headmaster Tate came and spoke with them, so last term I started as a third year." He crossed his hands infront of him. Yep that was his story.
The Gryffindor turned to look at Amelia, a look of concern at her bit toes. "Are you ok Amelia?" that really did suck. "Oh and yeah, I had a good summer." he had started dating his girlfriend Taryn. "But one of my good friends is going to Beuxbatons this term." he was going to miss her.
Then the compartment opened and August heard the voice of a person he didn't know but they were addressing Zayden....AND THEY HAD THE CAT!?!
"I'm... sorry," Zayden lamely said. "Ah well. It's not my problem anymore." That was until the cat found him later on and he was doomed for eternity. Okay, maybe that was exaggerating a little bit but this cat was EVIL. He thought it was good riddance that it was lose on the train now and probably trying to find Josslyn. Those two went together like bread and butter because his sister was evil too.
He frowned when the cat bit her toes. "Are you okay, honey?" Hopefully she was.
At the sound of Addy's voice, he slowly turned his head and came face to face with the horrors once more. "Merlin," he mumbled. Just when you think you got rid of that THING, it comes back. "You can leave it out in the hallway." He politely grinned. "There's no room for the cat in here."
He gasped at what August said now and turned his attention back to the boy. "This will be my second year too!" They had something in common! "... and I'm a seventh year." It sucked that he was just now getting to like Hogwarts and this was going to be his last term. *sigh* "You're a muggleborn? That's pretty nifty. I'm pureblood but my parents own a coffee shop in downtown in Galloway, Scotland so I've grown up around muggles." He understood how unlikely it was for purebloods to know so much but it was only because of his parents work that he knew it.
A thought hit him now. "Do you know Star Wars?" Maybe he met a fellow nerdian!
_______________________________You may hate me, but it ain't no lie: bye bye bye.
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Originally Posted by Sneakeh Cat
SPOILER!!: quotes
"I'm... sorry," Zayden lamely said. "Ah well. It's not my problem anymore." That was until the cat found him later on and he was doomed for eternity. Okay, maybe that was exaggerating a little bit but this cat was EVIL. He thought it was good riddance that it was lose on the train now and probably trying to find Josslyn. Those two went together like bread and butter because his sister was evil too.
He frowned when the cat bit her toes. "Are you okay, honey?" Hopefully she was.
At the sound of Addy's voice, he slowly turned his head and came face to face with the horrors once more. "Merlin," he mumbled. Just when you think you got rid of that THING, it comes back. "You can leave it out in the hallway." He politely grinned. "There's no room for the cat in here."
He gasped at what August said now and turned his attention back to the boy. "This will be my second year too!" They had something in common! "... and I'm a seventh year." It sucked that he was just now getting to like Hogwarts and this was going to be his last term. *sigh* "You're a muggleborn? That's pretty nifty. I'm pureblood but my parents own a coffee shop in downtown in Galloway, Scotland so I've grown up around muggles." He understood how unlikely it was for purebloods to know so much but it was only because of his parents work that he knew it.
A thought hit him now. "Do you know Star Wars?" Maybe he met a fellow nerdian!
Amelia pouted now before going over to her boyfriend and sitting beside him, cuddling into him. "My toes hurt."
Dave Grohl-Josh Hutcherson-RupertGrint-HP-HG- Marvel-D.C-Taylor Hawkins-Drumming-Foo Fighters-
Originally Posted by GrapehGrape
Sammy laughed with him. "You can say that again." He wouldn't ruin them though...at least not on purpose. "Green apple." He watched as Logan ate a pink one. Soap? Sammy did not see how soap could taste good. "Really? I would think that soap would taste horrible."
Logan chuckled. "Green apple, sounds good!" he said. "No, it's actually preeetty good!" he said laughing as he pulled out a yellow one, hoping it was lemon or something. He spat it out quickly as soon as it touched his tongue. "YUCK!" he said. "Earwax!" he said shaking his head and wrinkling his nose and then laughing.
CARROTS! | 1/3 of the "oo" Trio | Directioner |Addy&JJ <3
Originally Posted by Sneakeh Cat
"I'm... sorry," Zayden lamely said. "Ah well. It's not my problem anymore." That was until the cat found him later on and he was doomed for eternity. Okay, maybe that was exaggerating a little bit but this cat was EVIL. He thought it was good riddance that it was lose on the train now and probably trying to find Josslyn. Those two went together like bread and butter because his sister was evil too.
He frowned when the cat bit her toes. "Are you okay, honey?" Hopefully she was.
At the sound of Addy's voice, he slowly turned his head and came face to face with the horrors once more. "Merlin," he mumbled. Just when you think you got rid of that THING, it comes back. "You can leave it out in the hallway." He politely grinned. "There's no room for the cat in here."
He gasped at what August said now and turned his attention back to the boy. "This will be my second year too!" They had something in common! "... and I'm a seventh year." It sucked that he was just now getting to like Hogwarts and this was going to be his last term. *sigh* "You're a muggleborn? That's pretty nifty. I'm pureblood but my parents own a coffee shop in downtown in Galloway, Scotland so I've grown up around muggles." He understood how unlikely it was for purebloods to know so much but it was only because of his parents work that he knew it.
A thought hit him now. "Do you know Star Wars?" Maybe he met a fellow nerdian!
Addy sighed. She shrugged and deposited the cat behind her and shut the door quickly. "Ouch..." Yeah, she only now realized that blasted animal had scratched her arms to shreds.
"Any room for me in here?"
Originally Posted by Squishy ♥
Amelia smiled when she heard Addy, but of course she was only talking to Zayden. Like she hadn't noticed her being there. "Hi, Addy..."
Amelia wanted her toes to feel better, but they just kept hurting. She looked down at them before looking back up to August. "Not really, but I will be soon." That cat had some seriously sharp teeth. D: "That's good, August! I did too." :33 "Too bad about your friend though."
Ad smiled wide. "Heya, Mia!" She would never forget Mia was there.
Originally Posted by DanialRadFAN01
So much was happening all at once. August was just getting over the small shock of having just been curtsied at when all of a sudden Zayden opened the demon cat's cage and the black, hairless beast shot out and clawed up his owner, bit Amelia and gave a pretty ominous hiss at Auggie. The cat then ran out into the hall.
Thank Merlin.
Ok so now that THAT was over, Zayden, who was probably more used to things like that, decided it was ok that his pet had just escaped and was time to return to normal conversation. "Uh, yeah I was at Hogwarts last term. This will be my second even though Im going to be a fourth year." He wasn't going to explain the whole muggleborn thing but might aswell, they had a whole train ride of time to kill. "My parents are muggles so when we got the first two letters to school they declined, thinking it was a scam and stuff and then finally Headmaster Tate came and spoke with them, so last term I started as a third year." He crossed his hands infront of him. Yep that was his story.
The Gryffindor turned to look at Amelia, a look of concern at her bit toes. "Are you ok Amelia?" that really did suck. "Oh and yeah, I had a good summer." he had started dating his girlfriend Taryn. "But one of my good friends is going to Beuxbatons this term." he was going to miss her.
Then the compartment opened and August heard the voice of a person he didn't know but they were addressing Zayden....AND THEY HAD THE CAT!?!
Ad sighed. Then smiled a little. "Adrianna Charday-Carpenter" she introduced herself.