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Magic Free Fun Zone: Theme 2 (Mugge Board Games) http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/y...eezonemain.jpg ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ ~*Introducing the Muggle Studies Magic Free Fun Zone!!!*~ Across from the Muggle Studies classroom, an older door hides a new surprise set up by Professor Cerulean to further introduce and immerse students in some more of the fun aspects of Muggle Life. SPOILER!!: Door When the door is open, you will step into a room that has been charmed to match the theme of the room. Inside this room, no student is allowed to use magic. It is a completely Magic Free Fun Zone, well except for the magic and charms used to put it all together by the Professor. Every few months (few weeks OOC), the theme of the room will change to something else. During this time, you can RP taking part in those activities. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ The second theme of the year will be: http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/y...dgamescopy.jpg ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ When you enter the Magic Free Fun Zone room, your eyes are drawn to a pile of games in the center of the room. It is huge and looks like it is going to topple over any second, but it has been charmed to not fall. Around the game table, are little areas set up for you to play the game of your choice. Each area has a short table in the center. Circling each little table are bean bags of all colors, shapes, and sizes. Along one of the walls is a table of Muggle refreshments and goodies. There are Muggle sodas in cans iced down in a large tin bowl. Beside the tin bowl, you can find a popcorn bar. There are six bowls of different flavors of popcorn. The flavors include chocolate covered, caramel covered, normal, extra buttery, cherry, and grape. Beside the bowls, are little sprinklers of other flavors to sprinkle on top of your popcorn. There's Cinnamon, Salt, Seasoning Salt, various Kool-aid flavors, Sugar, Powdered Sugar, and Garlic Salt. Grab a bowl and create a fun popcorn creation! This table has been charmed to refill everything automatically after you grab things of your choice. Your refills are endless but don't eat too much. The table of games includes the following games: * The Game of Life * Jenga * Twister * Monopoly * Clue * Candyland * Shoots n Ladders * Scrabble Please grab some refreshments and then grab a game and camp out with some friends and have fun RPing the games. Have fun!!! This area will be open through Friday, March 2! NOTE: This is not a snogging/makeout room. Remember that Professor Cerulean will be dropping in throughout the days so keep in mind that you are always being watched. Feel free to RP yourself grabbing goodies and playing games and talking and such. Have fun with this! ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ |
As he wandered by the Muggle Studies room, he noticed that the door to the Magic Free Fun Zone was standing ajar. Curiosity piqued, he stepped inside. What met his eyes was a towering pile of boxes. Upon closer examination, he realized they must be games of some sort. Being from a long line of wizards, he didn't have an exposure to Muggle games. This ought to be fun! The Captain enjoyed all types of games, not just those involving flying broomsticks. After inspecting the games, he decided that Shoots 'n Ladders sounded the most fun right now. But how to get it out from the middle of the pile...? That is the challenge. He was pretty sure Cerulean would've enchanted them to not topple over on anyone, but he still didn't want to risk making the entire tower fall on top of him. Placing his right hand on the box and his left on the pile, he slowly wiggled the box back and forth until he was sure it would come loose cleanly. "Success!" he cried as he freed the container from the clutches of the massive tower. Now all I need is someone to play with! He peeked his head out the door to see if someone was coming. |
*Tackles Keefer* When Alyssa saw the Muggle Studies announcement on their Board of Notices, she quickly rushed up to the Muggle Studies Magic Free Zone which was right across from the Muggle Studies Room. As usual, the Professor had provided all various kinds of refreshments, so Alyssa grabbed a large bag of extra buttery popcorn, and two cans of Coke. Then she went to added garlic salt to her popcorn before walking over to look at the selection of games the Professor had provided for them. SPOILER!!: Keefer She was torn between which game to play so she waited to see what the other students picked and then she would ask whether she could join them. Then she spied Keefer, her Quidditch Captain. "Hey Keefer, mind if I play the game with you? I'm not sure how it's played but I would love to learn."Alyssa asked him |
Daichi had heard about a magic free fun zone at Hogwarts but he had never bothered to look. It was actually by accident that he opened the door for he thought it was the bathroom....yeah.... and the Slytherin was glad that he did. His mouth dropped at the sight of a HUUUUUUUUUUGE pile of games and he wondered how it hadn't fallen over yet. They must have used magic to hold it still but...wasn't this a Magic FREE zone? eh eh? Shrugging his shoulders at the thought, the young Slytherin closed his mouth and "DUCKY DUCKS! THEY HAVE TWISTER!" Standing on his toes, Daichi tried to reach for the game above but despite having grown over the summer, the pile was a little too high for him. The Slytherin puffed his cheeks before he tried jumping. He jumped once..twice ..three times and the game fell out the pile! Wait...didn't that mean the pile of games would fall down!? Daichi bend over to grab his game and quickly ran to a corner in the room, waiting for the games to fall. Yet, nothing happened and he sighed in relief. Now... who wanted to play twister with him? |
I'll be back later tonight, not before 9 EST. Quote:
"And actually, I don't know how to play either. It just looked interesting and I grabbed it. How about we go figure it out!" he said, motioning to the nearest table. He sat on the bean bag and immediately heard a squish. Neat! He began taking out the pieces and handed the directions to Alyssa. "Here, will you read these while I attempt to set up?" |
Zhenya walked into the new Muggle Free Fun Zone - and wow did it look fun! She looked around but didn't see any of her good friends, so she got a bowl of extra buttery popcorn and started to eat it. |
"I've figured it out Keefer. We spin the wheel and whatever number the arrow falls on, is the number of squares you get to move your marker. If your marker lands on a square that has a ladder leading up, you move your marker up the ladder and that is your new position. If you end up on a square where the chute leads down to a square below, then you drop down to where the bottom of the chute ends. I guess the objective of the game is to be the first to read the end."Alyssa hoped that she had it right. |
Evelyn opened the door slowly before she stood shocked, looking at a room filled with...games? She walked slowly into the room and realized there were tons of board games lying around. WOW. Evelyn's eyes lit up in excitement as she looked around. Scrabble, Shoots and Ladders, Monopoly...she'd played those games as a kid. She wouldn't mind a game of monopoly now..if there was someone to play with, obviously. She looked around and..hey, was that the boy she had the snow fight with? She grinned and was about to talk to him when he did something weird. Why did he run off to the other end of the room? |
Feel free to join in our game, everyone! Text Cut: Lyssie He laughed. "Yes, you have to read it. I've seen you in lessons and I know you're fully literate, Potter," he said, smiling and gently elbowing her in the shoulder to give her a hard time. And he was right. In no time flat, she was already giving him a rule summary. "That sounds easy enough. Let's give it a go!" He wasn't quite sure who was supposed to go first, but if he understood the game correctly, it wasn't likely to be of much of an advantage anyways. He took the spinner and gave it a flick. It spun around several times before finally landing. "I got a four, so..." He moved his piece to the four space. "Oh, it's a ladder! So that means I go up to 14, right?" he asked, sliding his piece up the ladder. |
Minerva went in and looked around. What to play... "Is anyone playing twister?" |
Feel free to join anyone. We can always start again. SPOILER!!: Keefer "Yes you do. What? You moved up that many squares? Hey let me catch up."Alyssa shoved him in the shoulder before she spun the wheel. She spun it so hard that she thought that it would fly off the board. Alyssa giggled as it finally stopped spinning. "Okay I got a 6. Shoot. It's a chute and not a ladder. Thank goodness I'm at the bottom of a chute and not at the top. Right now I can't go lower than I already am. Okay it's your turn now. Get a Two...Get a Two..."Alyssa shouted out as Keefer proceeded to spin the wheel, knowing that if Keefer ended up with a two, he would land on the top of the chute which meant that he would end up back down in the same square with her. |
Alex saw the announcement for Muggle games and got excited. It also made her a little sad and homesick. At home, her family used to have "games night" every week and it was a lot of fun. Even though she was enjoying school, she really missed her family. She decided to give the games a try. Entering the room, her eyes lit up. Alex got herself a soda and some caramel popcorn. She looked over the games and saw many familiar ones. "There it is", she said upon spotting her favorite game Scrabble. She looked around for someone who might want to play. |
Text Cut: Lyssie "You wish! I don't want a two!" He gave the arrow a spin and waited with bated breath to see what it would land on. As it slowed down, it looked as if it would indeed land on two. But then, at the last possible second, it moved into three territory. "Ha! See? I got a three." He picked up his piece and moved it three spaces forward. He was now at 17. Is that fast progress? He had no sense of what it meant to be doing well in this game. |
Alyssa studied the board again. There were still some sneaky chutes up ahead. |
Text Cut: "I'm sure you will catch up, actually! This game is bound to have several lead changes with all these chutes!" And then she moved his piece. "No, I was definitely on 17, Lyss." He smiled knowingly at her and moved his piece back to the correct space as she spun. "See? There you go. Now you're beating me handily." But not for long... maybe. He gave the arrow a soft flick. He was happy that it had landed on six, the highest possible spin. He moved his piece accordingly, counting out the number each time his piece hit the next square. "One, two, three, four, five, six." He had landed on 23. Upon examination of his row, he realized there was only one ladder. But it was a BIG ladder. One that would let him skip over sixty spaces. That would be awesome!! But I won't get my hopes up. "Your turn, Lyssie." |
"I'm so.so...sorry....I....I...did....did...nt...know.. ..tha....that...was going to happen.....heeheeeheeeheeee...."Alyssa couldn't contain herself any longer. Keefer had a red mark right in the middle of his forehead. She quickly retrieved the arrow and stuck it back onto the spinner. "There all nice and new."She told Keefer trying not to look at him because she knew that if she did, she would bust up laughing again. So she kept her eye on the spinner and this time gently gave it a spin. The arrow spun around a couple of times before it landed on a 5. She moved her marker 5 squares until it landed on 36. "Yay! another ladder. I wish that it was one of the longer ones, but I'll take it. "Alyssa told Keefer as she moved her marker up to sit squarely on 44. |
Jory was excited. Board games! He loved them. The room already had students who were playing games. He headed over to the stack of games that were put out by the Professor. He was familiar with all the games even though he had not played them all. "Yes!'' Jory exclaimed pausing at a particular game- The Game of Life -which was his favourite. "Anyone wanna play The Game of life?'' he asked the room in general while going over to get some chocolate covered popcorn. |
"The Game of life is something about what your life can possibly be like. It starts with going to college then graduating, getting a job, getting married, having kids, buying a house and car. You know, stuff that people actually do in real life.'' He showed Violet the board "Always pause at the red and marked "stop". No matter what number you spin, you always gotta stop at those,'' he explained. "And we must keep track of the amount of money we make or loose. "You mind if we sit on the floor?'' he asked. |
*Assumes that Ellie knows Daichi's name by now* Quote:
Games, games and even more games! Muggle games at that! Closing her flytrap, she was about to bound over to the game stack when she heard someone yelling 'DUCKY DUCKS!'. Wait where?! WHERE?! "Where are they?" she asked, a little panicked. "Getitaway! Oh, right. Just an expression." Sighing, she saw the person who was at the pondplacething with her. Daichi, right? "Are you playing?" she asked excitedly. Cause El wanted to play toooooooo~! |
Text Cut: When Alyssa attacked Keefer He laughed easily. "What? No, of course not! I guess I'm just that good!" he said, folding his hands behind his head and leaning back in his bean bag chair, eyes closed in relaxation. Perhaps it was this display of masculine macho-bigheadedness that brought about what happened next to Keefer. "Gah! Hey, what was that for?" he asked in consternation. And if that wasn't enough to wound his pride, she decided to start laughing at him. "This is ridiculous! I think I should get an extra turn for this blatant attempt to wound your opponent!" He rubbed his forehead, prolonging the redness. Adding insult to injury, she went up a ladder and jumped even further ahead. He took his turn, hoping that the Chutes 'n Ladders powers-that-be would grant him a five, which would take him up the biggest ladder in the entire game. He spun the arrow and watched breathlessly as it rotated. "It's a... FIVE! IT'S A FIVE! HA!" His pride restored, he moved his piece five spaces and slid it all the way up to space 84. "NOW who's ahead?" Yes, his competitive spirit has been renewed. |
SPOILER!!: Keefer is definitely using magic "Heeeheeehheeee......"Alyssa would burst into ocassional giggles when she would glance up at Keefer and see the reddish mark where the arrow had landed on his forehead. But then her giggles immediately disappeared when she saw that Keefer had managed to spin a 5 which brought him all the up to 84 on the board. "Wha....What? How did you do that? Are you sure you aren't using magic? There's no way you could be that lucky." Alyssa protested. 'Well he did get lucky with his good looks.'Alyssa had to admit that silently to herself. 'But he couldn't be that lucky in just a simple board game.' Alyssa was determined to keep an eye on him everytime he spun the arrow from now, to see whether he was whispering any magical spells while she wasn't looking. She eyed him suspiciously as she took her turn and spun the wheel. The arrow spun a couple of times before it stopped on....6. She sighed in relief. A 4 or a 5 would have landed her on a chute which would have brought her way back down the player board. "Okay it's your turn now, Keefer." |
Text Cut: Alyssa He didn't appreciate her fits of giggles. It was her own fault, after all! Girls, he thought. If I had hit her in the head with the spinner, she would get mad if I started laughing at her. Nope, it just wasn't fair. There wasn't much scarier in the world than a crying or angry female. After her turn he said, "You never know. My luck is going to run out any moment now. Just you watch." He secretly hoped that was pure falsehood, but had a funny feeling that his luck was about to turn... He flicked the spinner and waited impatiently. When it finally ground to a halt, his worst fears were confirmed. He had landed on a three. Which meant... "See? Now I have to take this shoot all the way back down to 24! What did I tell you?" He glumly moved his piece back to the bottom of the board, fully expecting defeat now. |
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