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Founded by Helga Hufflepuff, Hufflepuff is known to be the most inclusive, willing to take the lot. Rather than a particular aptitude in its house members, Hufflepuffs value hard work, patience, loyalty, and fair play.
As the sorting says:
"You might belong in Hufflepuff,
Where they are just and loyal,
Those patient Hufflepuffs are true,
And unafraid of toil"
Hufflepuff House Cup Championships
2061-2062, 2062-2063, 2076-2077
Hufflepuff Gobstones Club Championships
2064, 2077
Hufflepuff Head of House: Professor Josephina Hadley (PhoenixRising) House Mod: Professor Isabelle Magnus (MeredithRodneyMckay) Female House Prefect: Arya Lovegoods (grangerfan8) Male House Prefect/Head Boy: Treyen Lockhart (Lockhartian) Quidditch Captain: Keefer Marius (hpluvr037) Hufflepuff Herald Editors: grangerfan8, Lockhartian, hpluvr037
There's nothing like getting to know those in your house, who will be your family for the next seven years. Here's where you can introduce your characters!
Some common things to include are:
Character Name, Age, Year in School, Wand, Physical Appearance, and General Heritage/Background Information
If you wish to do so, you may also wish to include a little bit about yourself - the creator behind the character. Just remember not to give out TOO much personal information, as your safety is important =)
Name: Guinevere "Gwen" Hallows
Age: 11
DOB: April 20th 2065
POB: London, UK
Hometown: London, UK
Heritage: Halfblood
Relationship Status: Single
School: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
House: Hufflepuff
Wand: 11.3 inches, Pear wood, Unicorn Hair, Balanced
Strongest Subject(s): Charms, Flying, DADA
Weakest Subject(s): Potions, Arithmancy
Mother: Abigail Hallows (née Rookbend), a Muggle
Father: Gordon Hallows, a former Gryffindor
Siblings: A sister named Jasmine (2068), a step-brother named Henry (2060)
Uncle: Walter Hallows, a former Slytherin
Pet: A Persian cat named Pickles
Physical Appearance
Hair: Long, straight and brown.
Eyes: A clear blue.
Height: 4 ft 7
Food: Anything sweet
Color: Blue
Book: Quidditch Through The Ages
Quidditch Team: Wimbourne Wasps
Animal: My cat Pickles
Interests/Hobbies: Quidditch, reading, playing the violin (although she doesn't like this much)
Gwen is bright, talkative and eager to learn and make new friends with a great heart. Back home, she went to a Muggle school, where she had several close friends, none of which knew about her magical abilities. She's confident and compassionate, yet impulsive and sometimes a bit reckless. However, Gwen isn't always very outgoing and she covers up her insecurities until she truly warms up to someone.
not throwing away my shot | Slytherpuff | roll for initiative | woof you ❤
[Loyalty and love run deeper than blood.]
Full Name: Isobel Maria VonHue
Pronunciation: Eye-so-bell
Nickname(s): None really
Age: 16
Year: 6th
DOB: July 6th
House: I forget Hufflepuff
POB: La Lorraine, France
Blood Status: Half-Blood
Former School: Beaubaxtons
Color: Purple
Food: Ice Cream
Animal: Meercat
Magical Animal: Niffler
Smell: Vanilla
Subject: Charms
Sport: Soccer
Quote: Nothing is impossible, even the word says I'm possible
Aunt: Christa Serenity
Mom: Jessica Newman
Dad: Joshua Newman
Sister: Sara, 18
Sister: Jaymie, 11
Sister: Adelaide, 6
Brother: Jake, 15
Brother: Andy, 9
Kitten: Star Her little baby
Personality: Isobel is slightly shy, but she's not afraid to peak her mind. If she sees someone sitting alone, she'll more often than not invite them to sit by her. She loves people, any people in general. And she absolutely ADORES the outside. She loves to swim, play tennis, and most of her time is spent playing soccer. She is excitable, things excite her easily, and when they do she often starts speaking French. It annoys her siblings, all except Sara, who thinks it's all highly amusing.
She is very cheerful, and she skips everywhere. As she once pointed out to Damien, she likes to do childish things. She looks for shapes in the clouds, she swings a lot, and sometimes she sticks her tongue out at you teasingly. One thing you should know; she is deathly afraid of heights. It's slightly problematic, given the fact that she is the Quidditch captain.
Background: Isobel had never met her birth mother; she was too young to remember. When she was barely 6 months old her mom ave her children to her sister, their aunt. Isobel and her sister, Sara, lived with their aunt for four years. When her aunt's job moved her to France, it also made her busier. Her best friend had three children of her own, so she knew she would be able to care for the girls. So that was how Isobel and Sara were adopted.
Isobel grew up there; and they were her family in every sense of the word. During the summer she went to visit her aunt in France with Sara. Isobel loved France; it will always be home to her. When she was 11 the arrangement flip-flopped. She went to France during the school year so she could go to Beaubaxtons.
After her second year she decided to switch to Hogwarts. It was mostly because she knew Jaymie would go to Hogwarts, and she wanted to be with her. She knew that if she stayed there it would be harder to leave, so she left that year to go to Hogwarts.
During her third year, her first year there, she never once regretted it. Hogwarts had a soccer field, so she could play her favorite sport. She made a bunch of friends and got on to the Quidditch team. During the summer she went to France, and was reminded of how much she missed it. But then she got her letter, telling her she was Quidditch Captain, and she couldn't wait to get back to Hogwarts. In Diagon Alley she ran in to Treyen, who recruited her on to the Yearbook team, and she absolutely could not wait for September 1st.
Over the past summer she was reminded of how much she missed France. She sometimes wishes she was back at Beaubaxtons, but those moments don't last too long. Over the summer she also went to the carnival in Diagon Alley, she went on her first Ferris Wheel ride, got her first kiss, and her first boyfriend-both while on the Ferris Wheel. Her biggest goal for the year is to make said boyfriend, Damien Murray, ride a broom. She thinks he is extremely insane for never having done so before.
Boggart: Snake
Wand: 11in. Chestnut, Unicorn tail
Patronus: Unknown to her
Best Friend: Maybelle Ozera
Relationship status: Taken
Arithmancy = P
Care of Magical Creatures = E
Charms = E
Defense Against the Dark Arts = O
History of Magic = A
Muggle Studies = E
Transfiguration = P
Name: Jordan Marie Collins
Nickname: JC/Jayc
Year:1st Year
School: Hogwarts
DOB: February 3
Animal: Owl
Place of Birth: Birmingham, England
Relationship Status:Single
Blood Status: Halfblood
Height: 4'-11"
Hair Color: Black with red highlights
Eyes Color: Dark Brown (Glasses are burgundy, and purple)
Personality: Jordan is really shy, but once she gets to know people she becomes very open. She's smart, funny, and friendly. Jordan is an only child who has been adopted by her Muggle aunt. Until recently she didn't know much about the wizarding world. She live a pretty privilege sheltered life.
She learned about her abilities earlier on in life but dismissed her actions as small coincidences. One day she had a talk with her aunt about the strange things that she thought she had caused. At that time her Aunt had explained to Jordan that she was a witch and that she would soon be going off to school to learn how to control and perfect her abilities.
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Model is Amiee Teegarden
Name: Minerva (Minnie or Mins)Wheatborn
Age: 12
Birthday: December 2
House: Hufflepuff
Year: Second Year
Blood Status: Half Blood
Wand: Oak, 12 1/4 inches, Phoenix Tail Feather, solid
Height: 5 ft. 2 inches
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Brown
Complexion: Fair
Build: Average
Food: Chicken
Drink: Diet Coke
Snack: Chocolate Frogs
Color: Purple
Animal: Dogs and Penguins
Music: Britney Spears and New Kids on the Block.. (old school)
Subject: Potions and Transfiguration
Mom: Victoria Wheatborn- pureblood, met Martin while vacationing in the states. Now works as a muggle teacher.
Dad: Martin Wheatborn- Muggle, works for the U.S. military
Sibling: brother- Jacob Wheatborn age 6
Minerva is a outgoing bookworm who loves to hangout with friends as much as she likes to be in the labs and library. She lived in the U.S. and moved around with her family from military base to military base. She had danced in dance competitions since she was around three years old until this summer when it ended badly. She had a long and bad summer which has made her have anxiety problems. Being from the muggle world she has been taken medicine for it and her friends are helping her through the problem. She loves to earn points for her house and is ready for classes to begin.
Last edited by Bazinga; 01-06-2012 at 02:50 AM.
Reason: added picture and changed spelling..
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿
Name: Ella Bishop Nicknames: El, Bishop Birthday: September 10 Age: 11 Birthplace: London Heritage: Muggleborn Pets: Owl named Jasper Hobbies: Reading, photography, running
Hair: Long and Blonde Eye color: Green Height: 4’5”
Personality: Ella is shy when you first meet her but when she warms up to people she is an enthusiastic friend. She likes to make others laugh and can be a goofball. She is a great listener and a shoulder to cry on to those in need. Ella is a curious girl and enjoys learning new things and studying. She will try anything once, as long as it doesn't hurt others in the process.
Family: Dad: Richard Bishop Mom: Hattie Bishop Siblings: Caleb-1 yr
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse
Alec Blake Summers Hufflepuff's resident kite flier Model: Colin Ford
{...Personal... }
Nickname(s): Blakey, Al Age: 11 Year: 1st Date of Birth: 18th September 2064 Place of Birth: Watford, Hertfordshire Current Residence: Surrey Gender: Male Heritage: Half-Blood His lack of magical knowledge is explained below Ethnicity: British! Wand: 11 1/2" cherry wood, unicorn hair core, House: Hufflepuff Pets:Skipper (his goldfish), Louis (his tabby cat) and Baltimore (his owl) Patronus: [He doesn't know so i don't know] Boggart: [... the same thing with the Patronus bit] Relationship Status: Single! Favourite subjects: Defence Against the Dark Arts Least favourite subjects: History of Magic
Before Hogwarts: Alec Summers was born on the crisp late evening of September 18th. It was shortly afterwards, in the early morning of the following day, that Rebecca ran away, leaving Alec with nothing but a single pendant that has an 'R' on it. After a couple of months, Alec and Michael moved houses, which was their way of moving on with their lives. It was in this new house that he grew more and more attached to his neighbours, the Phillips’. Alec grew closer and closer towards Anya Phillips in particular and ended up doing almost everything with her. Michael was good in that he taught Alec everything a young boy should know whilst Anya provided him with the comfort only a best friend could give. So, Alec ended up growing up without feeling the constant lack of a mother.
The biggest shock in Alec’s life came when he came home one day to find a weird man standing in his living room, having a talk with Michael. After some nervous chuckles and disbelief, Alec realised that the man wasn't pulling a prank on him and that he was, in fact, magical! So he ventured off towards Diagon Alley, his very first encounter with the magical world… and with other magical people, much to Anya’s displeasure.
Alec is a sweet, loyal boy who likes being in the company of others as long as they’re not likely to scare him. His usually happy self is matched with a sweet smile that spreads effortlessly across his face. He has been known to be called cute from time to time by certain people *cough*Nessie*cough* but he tends to brush this off as a compliment. It could be this edge of his personality that landed him in Hufflepuff; a house he’s now proud of being in, despite being separated from his best friend.
Alec is known to spend a lot of time outdoors rather than indoors. He prefers the cool breezes and the feeling of not being cooped up in one place for too long. Maybe it’s his athletic self that has made him grow a particular attachment to being outside for long periods of time. Or it could be because his father single-handedly raised him and so Alec ended up growing used to the outside. His father was also the man who is responsible for Alec’s love for sports and anything linked with sports.
Mix his sporty side with his love for kite flying and Alec has grown a competitive side to himself. He does like the idea of winning and being first who doesn’t?. This has made him want to try his hardest in everything he does, no matter how trivial the task happens to be. This could be another reason as to why he was placed in Hufflepuff instead of any other house.
Alec has grown very used to having Anya to himself, as his best friend. Therefore, if anyone else tries to take Anya away, he tends to become a little bit jealous, especially if the other person happens to be a boy. Of course, he doesn’t realise that he’s getting slightly jealous. His usually nice demeanour doesn’t allow him to say or do anything nasty to the other person. He’s also very clueless about girls and what they can do, especially if a girl is trying to pry him away from his best friend. This usually ends up with him being in the middle of an argument without actually realising that he’s done something to upset either people involved. Alec also has a tendency to use words like “Sir”, “Mister” and “Miss” when it comes to addressing older people.
Kite flying
Hanging out with his friends
The outdoors
Mean people
People trying to take his best friend (or any other friend) away from him
Being jealous
Being in the middle of something he doesn’t understand
Severe injuries (small ones are okay)
OOC: Heya! I'm Kita. This is my 8th term RPing and I still love it! I’m 17, I live in London and I’m in my second and last year of college. BUT! I don't plan on letting college get in the way which means I have enough time to RP so… if anyone wants to meet my ickle boy or if you need anything at all, I’m just a VM/PM away!
Last edited by hermionesclone; 01-08-2012 at 01:22 AM.
Nicknames: N/A Age: 11 Year: 1st Date of Birth: May 23, 2064 Place of Birth: Gyeongju, South Korea Place of Residence: [Ish a Secret] Ethnicity: Korean Wand: 10'' Acacia Wood, Arctic Fox Hair Relationship Status: Looking for a certain someone [Simply: Single] Best Subject: History of Magic, & Charms Worst Subject: Potions
♥---Study-able Info:
Park Sung is a rather odd person. Her mind is rather complex compared to others around her as she is always in consent thought. She is a little out there as she believes a Gumiho is following her and keeping a eye on her. A Gumiho is a Korean folklore of a nine tailed fox.
Tho she believes it is watching her she only wishes to make friends with it. This because we she was young and was living in South Korea sun showers happen rather often and symbolically sun showers are sometimes referred to Fox's Rain. Fox's Rain is a time in which a fox is crying. This has made her fell sorrow for the fox.
---Playing the Shamisen [Japanese instrument]
OOC: More will be updated later its getting late here. Oh if you ever have any interest in RP with my charrie hit me up via PM/VM you will def will hear from me.
Basics: Full name: Glenn Thelma Reyes
Nicknames: Cheeky Monkey (Only her brother mind you)
Age: 12
Year: 2nd
Date of Birth: 2nd of August, 2064
Place of Birth: Nottinghamshire, England
Gender: Female
Current Residence: Outskirts of Sherwood Forest
Blood Status: Halfblood
Ethnicity: Half British, half New Zealander (Pakeha)
Pets:Amata, her pure white munchkin kitten.
Realationship: Very much single!
Magical Stuff: Wand: 11.6 inches, Rosewood, Female unicorn hair and flexible
Favourite Subjects: Herbology and Transfiguration
Least Favourite Subjects: Flying
House: Hufflepuff
Appearance: Height: 5 ft, 2 inches (Growth spurt due soon though!)
Build: Petite
Hair Colour: Blonde
Hair Style: Curly
Eye Colour: Blue
Family: Mother: Elena Reyes (née Flores), a muggle
Father: Jack Reyes, a former Gryffindor
Brother: Thomas Reyes, a former Hufflepuff
History: Glenn was born on the cool summer morning of the 2nd of August, 2064. Her older brother was the first to hold her after her mother (Her father was rushing back from his job at the Ministry) her brother was only five years old.
Glenn grew up exploring the forest with her older brother and role model, Thomas. There are magical creatures in Sherwood Forest, but never has Glenn come into contact with any of the more ferocious, they live deeper in. Glenn and Thomas would play in the outskirts of the forest near their house.
She received her Hogwarts Acceptance Letter in early July of 2075, the little badger was so excited that she nearly dragged her father to Diagon Alley to get her stuff.
Personality: Glenn is a sweet, cheeky little child. She is incredibly loyal and would never stand for someone saying something nasty about someone she cared about. She smiles easily and loves to chat aimlessly to her friends.
She loves reading books my the fireplace in the Common Room until the early hours of morning, she knows a lot about muggle history an skills, her mother insisting she knew just as much about muggles as she did witches and wizards. However, her love of books is not the same with homework, she leaves it until last minute but usually finishes it up pretty well when she's done.
The badger despises high heels and piles of make-up though she does enjoy looking pretty. She is polite though don't ask her to sit up straight and not lean on the table because that is not going to happen unless the threat of not doing so would be losing points for her house.
Glenn knows absolutely nothing when it comes to boys, she has never had a boyfriend, and is completely confused when she tries to think from inside their head. She's quite childish and innocent, but she can be very very brave when she wants to be.
~Hanging out with her friends
~Watching Quidditch
~Moutohora Macaws (New Zealand Quidditch team)
~The woods/forest
~Her journal
~Rude People
~Pureblood supremacists
~Too hot weather
ooc: Hello everyone! I'm Beth and I'm from New Zealand, I've been RPing on SS for two terms now. I'm thirteen and I'm in Year 9. Glenn is my first charrie and (Don't tell her this) my favourite. Glenn loves meeting new people, so if you want to meet my girl just VM/PM!
Dude. The Pensevies aint got nothing on you. Aslan is the God
Amelia Mae Samson Hufflepuff's Bonker's Insane Narnian Who
May Or May Not Be SHERlocked At This Moment In Time.... ▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀
So Hi:
Full Name: Amelia Mae Samson Goes By:
- Amy
- Meme (if you're Hope and Amy's feeling nice)
- Samson/Pizza!Buddeh/Potato Munchkin (Sammy)
- Amelia Mae Samson (if you're her parents and she's done something wrong) Age: Seventeen DOB: 18th November, 2060 POB: Mayday hospital, Croydon POR: Blackheath, Greenwich House: Hufflepuff Year: Sixth Blood Status: Muggleborn Relationship Status: In a relationship with Jack Rose Wand: 11½ inch, Vine wood wand with a core of a Salamander scale. Rather flexible Boggart: Death, losing everything Patronus: Greyhound Amortenia: Chocolate, Lynx, Hair Gel, Roses, Fresh pumpkin pie, incense
I Look Like ...:
Hair: Chocolate brown, thick, long, ratty in the mornings, wavy bonkers and uncontrollable Eyes: Sea blue Skin Tone: Porcelain pale but blushes easily Height: 5'3" Build: Tiny, slim Usual Attire: 1 2 Model: Georgie Henley
And These People Are Related To Me:
Mother: Erin Samson (nee McDarn) - 39 Father: John Samson - 41 Siblings?: Noal Samson (deceased), Chloe, Jake, Hope Pets?: Queeny and Ramona the kitty kats Siblings in the Past Life?: Sammy Starr. She's my baba...aaaand Renesme Dixon
Educational Genius here:
Schools: St Anthony's RC Primary, Marian Vian Primary, Italia Conti, Hogwarts Favourite Lesson: History of Magic No. I'm not a nerd Worst Lesson: Ancient Ruins Transfers?: Transferred back from Italia Conti (she went there for her third year)
Charms: E
Muggle Studies: E
Potions: E
I'm Clearly Amazing:
Amy Samson (full name Amelia Mae Samson, but call her that and she'll personally rip out your tongue so you'll never speak again) is the proud title owner of the shortest sixth year Hufflepuff, though there isn't that much of a long-list and is also the best friend of one Samamtha Starr, also known as the "loud blonde whovian". First thing you should know about Amy is she's very protective of her hair, her hair is her baby as in her eyes everything else about her is minging (though Jack disagrees). Amy is the other half to Sammy and for the pair to be compatible in any way, they must both be loud, crazy and fangirlish, which Amy is.
However once you get over the whole "you like Sherlock/Narnia/dinosaurs? I'm going to hug you" thing, Amy is much more muted than first assumed. Happy to be on her own as long as she has a book (Narnia, possibly the most thumbed through book she's ever had)
Tonight we are young. So lets set the world on fire---------------- ----------------------------Belle-Marie. Hufflepuff. Fifth Year.
Last edited by city_girl_95; 02-28-2012 at 03:14 PM.