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A large honey-colored wood table is set up to the far side of the room, the perfect place to study or even just leisure read. And should you find yourself lacking inspiration, portraits of several outstanding brains of former Hufflepuffs through the centuries line the walls in this area. These fine minds also bear the hallmark of those traditional of Hufflepuffs, including qualities of patience, a strong work ethic, and constancy.
Some of these portraits include Nymphadora Tonks, Cedric Diggory, and even Zacharias Smith, flying on his broomstick. And of more modern Hufflepuffs, there are portraits of former prefects such as Savannah Mae, Nolan Reynolds, Leo Moretti, and then some outstanding quidditch plays of Evan Cassels scoring another goal on Slytherins and then Kita Lewis, snatching the snitch right from Ellie Stone's nose just last term!
Hufflepuffs may have that myth floating around that we're not clever, but that is a MYTH. Hufflepuffs are definitely though, the least boastful, the most modest, but have also produced just as many brilliant witches and wizards as any other house. In addition to those named above, there's also Grogan Stump, one of the most popular Ministers for Magic of all time, as were the successful Ministers Artemesia Lufkin and Dugald McPhail. Then there’s the world authority on magical creatures, Newt Scamander; Bridget Wenlock, the famous thirteenth-century Arithmancer who first discovered the magical properties of the number seven, and Hengist of Woodcroft, who founded the Hogsmeade village.
But enough about former outstanding Hufflepuffs; I do hope some of you are willing to work hard and use these study tables wisely. After all, it's been thirteen years since we've had that elusive house cup.
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse
SPOILER!!: Lyss! xD
Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88
Alyssa looked carefully as Alec's face relaxed again and saw the peaceful calm replace the worry and nervousness on his face. He began smiling and his body looked relaxed. In fact, it looked too relaxed. Alyssa frowned when Alec's eyelids started to droop and his head started to follow forward. Before she knew it, he was face down on a piece of parchment fast asleep!!. Alyssa belatedly remembered what Madam Poppy had said about the side effects of the peaceful trance. Alec was undergoing those side effects right now!!
Alyssa was undecided as to whether she should let him sleep awhile or whether she should wake him up. So decided that she would let him sleep for about 10 minutes. Merlin knows the boy must not have had a peaceful night's rest ever since he found out that he would be facing 'SCARY NINA' again in the finals.
Alyssa kept an eye on her young friend as she watched the minutes go by. She didn't dare let him sleep longer than that, for fear that she wouldn't be able to wake him up at all. Once the last minute passed, she reached out with one hand and cradled his head, lifting it off the parchment, and with her other hand, softly slapped him on the face.
"Alec, wake up!! You dozed off. Alec wake up" Alyssa carefully studied Alec's face waiting for him to wake up, and hoping that there were no other signs of any unknown side effects that Madam Poppy may have neglected to tell them.
He was flying. Everything was okay because he was flying. It was a great feeling! Just soaring in the air and not having to worry about anything apart from-
Erm, what?! "Whuzgoinon?" Alec blinked several times, his eyes adjusting to the surrounding light. He seemed to feel something warm on his cheek... and he could feel someone standing close by. He blinked a bit more as his eyes tried to focus in on this person's face.
... "Lyss?"
This was weird. Why had he fallen asleep? Was there something wrong with him? Is that why Lyss was here? No... she would probably have taken him up to the Hospital Wing if there was something wrong with him. So this couldn't be anything too bad, really.
A small smile spread across Alec's face as he slowly sat up. He didn't know how long he had been sleeping for but one thing he did know was that it felt good. Really good. As if he was sleeping for the first time after a couple of weeks. But he still needed to find out a couple of things so... "Do you know what happened, Lyss?"
SPOILER!!: Daisy!
Originally Posted by weasleytwinsROCK
Daisy walked over to the study tables and spotted Alex over the top of the millions of books and quills and pieces of parchment she was holding. Somehow, Daisy thought she had been on top of her homework and studies. Apparently not, because she felt almost buried knee deep in essays and questions and spells to practice and had to save time over the weeked. It was the Quidditch final, and if she won, they'd be partying all weeked. But if they didn't... well, she didn't like to think of that, but nobody would be in the spirit to do any homework, especially her.
Dumping her books Alex's table and sitting opposite and across from him, hoping her wouldn't mind her presence. She would be quiet, after all, but some people were funny about space. She dipped her quill in ink and began to write. She had exam's, for Merlin's sake. (Not that they meant a big deal in third year). But it would be nice to pass at least.
'Hi,' she grinned at him, looking up from a charms diagram and waving before slamming her head on the book in despair, unable to concentate on anything except Quidditch nerves. She was playing as Chaser, something fun, but nevertheless scary, especially as it would be a new experience.
Alec pushed his parchment and quill away from him slightly as he started to look around. He did feel a bit better, yes, but the nerves were still there somewhere. Maybe that was just something that couldn't go away until after the match was over.
But Lyss had helped him quite a bit. Ellie was just scary and older... she probably had a LOT more experience than him. And she was the Captain of the Ravenclaw Team! Beating her was going to be very tricky business, indeed!
Before he could muse anymore, he heard a voice. Alec turned his head and grinned back at the girl sitting opposite him. "Hey Daisy!" he said. And then... the girl decided to hit herself? Or did she want to go to sleep as well? "Daisy? Are you okay?" Because this wasn't normal at all...
There's some good in this world and it's worth fighting for| LOTR|Whovian|Sherlock Fan
SPOILER!!: Brave Alec
Originally Posted by hermionesclone
He was flying. Everything was okay because he was flying. It was a great feeling! Just soaring in the air and not having to worry about anything apart from-
Erm, what?! "Whuzgoinon?" Alec blinked several times, his eyes adjusting to the surrounding light. He seemed to feel something warm on his cheek... and he could feel someone standing close by. He blinked a bit more as his eyes tried to focus in on this person's face.
... "Lyss?"
This was weird. Why had he fallen asleep? Was there something wrong with him? Is that why Lyss was here? No... she would probably have taken him up to the Hospital Wing if there was something wrong with him. So this couldn't be anything too bad, really.
A small smile spread across Alec's face as he slowly sat up. He didn't know how long he had been sleeping for but one thing he did know was that it felt good. Really good. As if he was sleeping for the first time after a couple of weeks. But he still needed to find out a couple of things so... "Do you know what happened, Lyss?"
Alec pushed his parchment and quill away from him slightly as he started to look around. He did feel a bit better, yes, but the nerves were still there somewhere. Maybe that was just something that couldn't go away until after the match was over.
But Lyss had helped him quite a bit. Ellie was just scary and older... she probably had a LOT more experience than him. And she was the Captain of the Ravenclaw Team! Beating her was going to be very tricky business, indeed!
Before he could muse anymore, he heard a voice. Alec turned his head and grinned back at the girl sitting opposite him. "Hey Daisy!" he said. And then... the girl decided to hit herself? Or did she want to go to sleep as well? "Daisy? Are you okay?" Because this wasn't normal at all...
Alyssa breathed a sigh of relief when Alec opened his eyes. He somehow did look relaxed a little. "I guess the spell I cast on you relaxed you way too much and you fell asleep. But I think that kinda helped you too. You definitely look less nervous. Anyway please let me know if you have problems staying awake tomorrow okay. I want to make sure that you're fully awake and alert for tomorrow's game. Remember we're all playing as a team tomorrow, so whether we win or lose, it will be as a team. Don't go blaming yourself if anything happens okay, Alec. If we lose tomorrow, we'll be sad but we can always try to win it next term again. Anyway it's back to more studying for me."Alyssa told Alec as he turned to speak with Daisy.
Last edited by FireboltAvis88; 03-24-2012 at 01:52 AM.
Reason: Adding the Post Title in