-   Term 30: January - April 2012 (
-   -   HoM Lesson Two: In the Chamber of Secrets (

Kaos.Doodles 02-26-2012 11:14 PM

HoM Lesson Two: In the Chamber of Secrets
After walking around the dark dirty tunnels you come to a halt at a large circular metal door with a snakelike design. Scabior once again mimics the snake like language and the door opens to reveal the much talked about Chamber of Secrets. Scabior steps inside first before ushering you and your classmates in. No worries the snake statues might be a bit scary, but the Basilisk died so long ago that the chamber is completely safe.

As you step into the Chamber, Scabior hands everyone a small piece of parchment with a list.

"Explore. Take a look around. And whoever is able to find all the objects on the list gets extra points. You have an hour down here."

SPOILER!!: The List

-A fake snake fang
-An old diary
-Lockharts wand
-A plastic sword of Gyffindor
-Moaning myrtle's glasses
-A toy Petrified cat
-Sorting hat

OOC: If you don't want to participate in this part of the lesson you don't have to. This of this part like the homework. It is a scavenger hunt and you will be guided by Scabior. Scabior is here the whole time, so any questions or anything should be addressed to him. No one should RP leaving this thread before he says so.

This thread will be open for exactly a week. There are numours amounts of the items on the list however, only the person who finds them all first will be awarded the extra points.

TakemetotheBurrow 02-26-2012 11:44 PM

Ella followed Professor Scabior into the Chamber of Secrets, looking around with wide eyes. She shuddered a little, looking at the scary snake statues but decided to try and be brave. She took the list from the Professor gingerly, looking down at the items. She was ready to start exploring, wanting to find as many items as she could.

Steelsheen 02-26-2012 11:47 PM

Vickers found the tunnels were very confining and disorienting-- and that was already with the Professor leading the way. His imagination was running wild on what a hapless victim couldve ended up feeling knowing that a gigantic snake that can swallow them whole was just lurking around these dark corners.

Still enthralled by the door of the actual chamber, the Ravenclaw found himself staring at the parchment the Historian has thrust upon them. He took the parchment and read through the list "They're items that would've been found here when Harry Potter saved Ginny Weasley."

He looks up and glances around. Now where to start?

WhittyBitty 02-27-2012 12:22 AM

Amelia was rather glad when the tunnel ride was over since it hadn't exactly been the smoothest and most comfortable thing ever.

Straightening herself out at last, she stood up and followed after the Professor and her other students into the Chamber of Secrets. She shuddered as she looked around the room and saw the snake statues. They looked rather creepy in her opinion.

Taking the paper from him now, she looked down at it curiously. Where to start?

2111jen 02-27-2012 12:26 AM

After the tunnel ride, Jen looked at her list
Hum...where to start, it's dark down here...

Bazinga 02-27-2012 12:27 AM

Minerva looked around "Lumos" she said to light up her wand. She needed to see as she walked around. She looked at the list to see what to find. She walked towards one of the tunnels. She put her wand towards the ground and began to search for any items she could find.

DuckyLinJi 02-27-2012 12:32 AM

The tunnel ride had been a bit faster than Daichi would have thought and as he exited the tunnel. He wanted to get up but tripped on his own feet and with a groan he pushed himself up from the dirty floor. Great, and he thought sitting in the bathroom had been disgusting.

Brushing off the dirt, Daichi quickly followed the rest of his classmates until they stood at another door. The Professor used the snake language again and as the door opened Daichi's mouth dropped. The room It had a scary feel to it but at the same time it was fascinating. A list was pushed in his hands as he was looking around and the Slytherin looked down to see some items written on it. So they had to find these things right? Shouldn't be hard...

Now... where to find them?

sweetpinkpixie 02-27-2012 12:38 AM

Kurumi's mouth had been hanging open the entire time she had been sliding down into the Chamber, but no sound had come out of the Gryffindor - which was probably a good thing. After summersaulting a few times, the prefect had somehow come to a stop and had managed to stumble around with enough grace to keep up with Professor Scabior as he lead then through the tunnels and...*gulp* INTO the actual Chamber. SEE he could speak the language of snakes! Granted, they had just discussed how Ronald Weasley had been able to mimic the sounds and open it...BUT STILL!

And, only an hour? What was it with this man and one hour time limits? It had been the same in the lake hour long you'll have to look...

History was repeating itself, how ironic.

Wand at the ready, Kurumi began to walk around and...decided to be all Gryffindor about it and march straight up to the face of Salazar Slytherin and look inside his open mouth. Anything in here?

natethegreat 02-27-2012 12:45 AM

Nate came dpwn the tunnel from where he jumped screaming, but not to loud. Not like when he saw the chimaera in the vegetable patch. He then landed with a big thump! He then walked into the chamber. If Nate was to use three adjectives to describe the place he would say dank, dark, and smelly. It reaked of dead bodys. Well to him it did. He wasn't sure about the others. Nate then heard the teacher say take a look around. So then he started to wander around the wierd dungeon. He looked around all over the place. As if he was expecting to find something. Like a fake basilisk fang or tom riddle's diary.

magikewe 02-27-2012 12:46 AM

Lily carefully stepped into the chamber, following her classmates.
That was all that the first year could think about. She hated ghost stories, or anything that was scary. And this... this was exactly what Lily did not like. But since it was part of the class, Lily worked up the courage to continue with it.

Looking at the sheet of paper that she was given, Lily realized that they would have to wander about looking for these things. Holding her wand at a location that allowed her to see around, the little ravenclaw looked around trying to figure out what they were going to have to do in order to find the hidden objects.

AlwaysSnapesGirl 02-27-2012 12:57 AM


So this was what it was like to be in the Chamber of Secrets.


For a brief moment, when Vashti stepped into the chamber, she just scanned the area, sort of in awe. It was creepy but impressive at the same time. Did Salazar Slytherin really build this all by himself? Even with magic, surely he had had help from someone. It was so big, and there was so much detail on the snake statues and such... But in the next moment, she reminded herself she wasn't here to appreciate the design of the chamber.

No, instead she was here for a scavenger hunt. Accepting the list from Professor Scabior, Vashti scanned it quickly. Fake snake fang, an old diary... Lockhart's wand?

Now where was Treyen?


After glancing over the rest of the list, Vashti walked over to stand in front of the nearest snake staute and peered into its open mouth as best she could without getting in the water. Was there anything in any of these snake heads?

midnight_thestral 02-27-2012 01:01 AM

During the whole journey down the tunnel, Violet had been screaming at the top of her lungs. She hit the bottom of the tunnel, fell over and rolled to a stop. Her throat was sore and raw and gulped loudly at the sight of her new environment.

The room was vast and frighteningly enormous. Her footsteps made a *tick tack, tick tack* sound as she walked farther in. So they were to do a scavenger hunt eh and only an hour in here? What was with that short amount of time to find all these items in here? She brushed herself off and started towards one of the snake like statues by the sides of the wall. There ought to be something in the big gaping mouths right? The Ravenclaws really need to catch up on points. They were so close to being first.

Now, was she allowed to team up with another fellow Ravenclaw and find the items on the list?
"Any Ravenclaw want to team up with me to find the items?" she called out. her voice echoed and she looked down at embarrassment for doing that.

WhittyBitty 02-27-2012 01:08 AM

Amelia looked at the list for a moment longer before deciding that it was best for her to just get started on this thing already. She headed up to a random snake statue and looked into it's mouth. "Hello? Anything in there?" And she felt stupid. She lit her wand and tried peering inside again with the light helping her see.

FireboltAvis88 02-27-2012 01:36 AM

Anybody want to team up?
Alyssa entered the Chamber of Secrets and her mouth opened in awe. So much history happened in this place. She listened as the Professor described what he wanted them to find. She quickly jotted them down in her journal before looking around and exploring the area.

PadfootAndTheWolf 02-27-2012 02:01 AM


Auggie's suprise was heard throughout the tunnel as he fell down into the abiss from the hole in which he had jumped into from above. After coming to an end at the shute's mouth, August stood up and brushed himself off. Part of him couldn't imagine Salazar Slytherin going down that giant slide himself but who knew--maybe he was a child at heart? an EVIL one

Walking forward into the what was apparently the anti-chamber, the Gryffindor crowded in with the other students as Scabior did the funky snake langauge again which still freaked him out. The door slid open and now they were entering the Chamber itself.

Auggie stepped in and took a list for the scavenger hunt and then began to look around the place to see what should start them off.


Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie (Post 10930033)
Kurumi's mouth had been hanging open the entire time she had been sliding down into the Chamber, but no sound had come out of the Gryffindor - which was probably a good thing. After summersaulting a few times, the prefect had somehow come to a stop and had managed to stumble around with enough grace to keep up with Professor Scabior as he lead then through the tunnels and...*gulp* INTO the actual Chamber. SEE he could speak the language of snakes! Granted, they had just discussed how Ronald Weasley had been able to mimic the sounds and open it...BUT STILL!

And, only an hour? What was it with this man and one hour time limits? It had been the same in the lake hour long you'll have to look...

History was repeating itself, how ironic.

Wand at the ready, Kurumi began to walk around and...decided to be all Gryffindor about it and march straight up to the face of Salazar Slytherin and look inside his open mouth. Anything in here?

Noticing Kurumi poking around at the giant mouth of the Salazar Slytherin statue he came up beside her and looked at the guy. "He sure had long hair didn't he?" The giant, 'flowing' cement locks stood frozen above them.

"You don't think the Slytherins will have an unfair advantage over us do you?" he said thinking of Seirra Greingoth, the Minister's daughter as he started snooping around Salazar's nostrils.

sweetpinkpixie 02-27-2012 02:09 AM


Originally Posted by DanialRadFAN01 (Post 10930198)
Noticing Kurumi poking around at the giant mouth of the Salazar Slytherin statue he came up beside her and looked at the guy. "He sure had long hair didn't he?" The giant, 'flowing' cement locks stood frozen above them.

"You don't think the Slytherins will have an unfair advantage over us do you?" he said thinking of Seirra Greingoth, the Minister's daughter as he started snooping around Salazar's nostrils.

Kurumi stuck her wand deeper into the man's gaping mouth, but it was still hard to see much with just her wand. She needed to...get INSIDE it...and was just about to when August appeared, erm, over her and had both arms stuck up Slytherin's nose. Ew. "Um...yeah...I suppose he does. Odd considering how so many pictures of him show him bald...wonder why that is..." Hair envy much?

Glancing over her shoulder, Kurumi shrugged. "Considering how previous lessons have gone down, you never know." Namely how she had been accused of cheating during the whole apple game last term when she had simply been doing what Evelyn had TOLD her to do - spit the apple out. It had caused Gryffindor to lose the game that they had clearly been winning.

"Hey, August, I think this is big enough for me to crawl through..." she said as she already had her head inside. Waving her wand around a bit more, Kurumi could really only see concrete and more concrete, but there WAS a path here that had obviously been used once by the basilisk himself. Creepy.

Slowly, Kurumi wiggled her way inside more, leaving the lower half of her body sticking out.

PadfootAndTheWolf 02-27-2012 02:16 AM


Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie (Post 10930214)
Kurumi stuck her wand deeper into the man's gaping mouth, but it was still hard to see much with just her wand. She needed to...get INSIDE it...and was just about to when August appeared, erm, over her and had both arms stuck up Slytherin's nose. Ew. "Um...yeah...I suppose he does. Odd considering how so many pictures of him show him bald...wonder why that is..." Hair envy much?

Glancing over her shoulder, Kurumi shrugged. "Considering how previous lessons have gone down, you never know." Namely how she had been accused of cheating during the whole apple game last term when she had simply been doing what Evelyn had TOLD her to do - spit the apple out. It had caused Gryffindor to lose the game that they had clearly been winning.

"Hey, August, I think this is big enough for me to crawl through..." she said as she already had her head inside. Waving her wand around a bit more, Kurumi could really only see concrete and more concrete, but there WAS a path here that had obviously been used once by the basilisk himself. Creepy.

Slowly, Kurumi wiggled her way inside more, leaving the lower half of her body sticking out.

"Hey he WAS bald." Hmmm....weird dude wanted hair. "Maybe that's why he was so mean?" He was jealous of all those who had hair and he didn't. Surpising that didn't make the history books, that at least was a reason.

Crawl in?! "Kurumi are you CRAZY? You can't go in that!" He hissed (no pun intended) to the Gryffindor Prefect. He stood there, looking around, specifically at Scabior, as she wiggled around in the mouth, her legs in the air.

"Pssst! Do you see anything?" he said quietly, no answer. "Kurumi?!" Again no answer. Well did she see anything or not? "Move over I'm coming in too." Auggie stood up on his tip toes and gingerly pushedshoved the girl's backside to make room for himself. The boy's upper half too disappeared in the mouth of Salazar Slytherin.

He had him a snack of lions.

FireboltAvis88 02-27-2012 02:17 AM

Alyssa quickly checked her list again.

Text Cut: Things to find

-A fake snake fang
-An old diary
-Lockharts wand
-A plastic sword of Gyffindor
-Moaning myrtle's glasses
-A toy Petrified cat
-Sorting hat

She knew that her chances of finding all of them were pretty slim, but if she didn't start looking for them, it would be totally zero. So unholstering her wand, she said "Lumos" to light it up and started looking near the large statue of the Basilisk.

Lady of Light 02-27-2012 02:17 AM

Evelyn followed Scabby through the dark, scary and incredibly smelly tunnels, hoping they would reach the Chamber as soon as possible.

However, soon enough, she stumbled into the Chamber. The actual Chamber. The Chamber she'd been reading about a lot. She could feel her jaw drop in astonishment. Wow. It was..impressive and quite scary. She stood looking around for a moment before took the parchment from Scabby. She read through the list of items and...stared. search for the items.

midnight_thestral 02-27-2012 02:21 AM


Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88 (Post 10930144)
Alyssa entered the Chamber of Secrets and her mouth opened in awe. So much history happened in this place. She listened as the Professor described what he wanted them to find. She quickly jotted them down in her journal before looking around and exploring the area.

Violet saw another student sliding down the tunnel. Maybe she could team up with her? She already saw that the girl was a Hufflepuff, but could the professor split up the points somehow if they worked together? "Lumos she said and her lit wand led her to the girl. Violet walked up to the student with a big smile on her face even though her uniform was absolutely disgusting. "Hey there! Do you want to team up and look for the items together?" She held her breath, hoping that the girl didn't despise Ravenclaws or something.

FireboltAvis88 02-27-2012 02:25 AM

SPOILER!!: Violet

Originally Posted by midnight_thestral (Post 10930234)
Violet saw another student sliding down the tunnel. Maybe she could team up with her? She already saw that the girl was a Hufflepuff, but could the professor split up the points somehow if they worked together? "Lumos she said and her lit wand led her to the girl. Violet walked up to the student with a big smile on her face even though her uniform was absolutely disgusting. "Hey there! Do you want to team up and look for the items together?" She held her breath, hoping that the girl didn't despise Ravenclaws or something.

Alyssa smiled. "Sure why not. Right now I'm looking in each of the Snake head's. I hope that you're not afraig of tight places." Alyssa told the Ravenclaw.

Alyssa crawled into each of the Snake heads. "This would generally where a Snake Fang would be, so a fake snake fang would most likely be hidden here. Come on where are you?". Alyssa climbed out of one Snake Head and entered another. She pointed her lit wand into the darkest corner of mouth, slowly backing out as she got closer to the entrance of the head. Still no fang. "Move on the next head, Lyssie"

TakemetotheBurrow 02-27-2012 02:26 AM

Ella was too frightened to stray far by herself so she decided to circle the chamber, the light coming from her wand pointed at the dark crevices she found. Perhaps one of the items was hiding in the shadows and she could find it.

laurange 02-27-2012 02:31 AM

Screaming her way down the chute, Elise shut her eyes until she fell with a thud onto the hard floor. Well that was just painful. Picking herself up, she felt around her pocket for her wand.

Ah, there it was!

Pulling it out, she raised her left hand. "Lumos," she whispered, willing the light to come on. It wasn't like wands had batteries, anyway... And so Elise started walking towards the statue of Salazar Slytherin, taking her shoes off and slipping them into a hidden section of her bag. This way, if there was anything on the floor, she'd feel it before she destroyed it.

Shining the light under one of his feet, she saw something that seemed suspiciously like...

A cobweb. Yay!

she called in the dark. "Is the actual sorting hat here, or is it a replica?" Just because she was curious.

Holmesian Feline 02-27-2012 02:32 AM

Gideon had landed as best he could on the ground once he had reached the end of the vertical tunnel. It certainly was dark and danky as he followed those already down through the rest of the tunnels to the actual chamber. He was cautious out of habit despite the fact that he kept reminding himself that the dangerous creature who had lived her had been dead for a long time.

Didn't make it any less disturbing.

Stepping through the doorway created when Professor Scabior opened the circular metal door, Gideon paused inside just out of the way to not block the path to take in their surroundings. He accepted the paper he was handed, glancing down at it as the man described what the task at hand was. Oh goody....exploring and looking for stuff that could be hidden anywhere in the vast chamber. Hopefully they wouldn't be down here for too long. One could probably lose track of time down here. Looking around once more as if deciding which way to begin, the Gryffindor opted to head towards his left to see what he might find. His wand held out in front of him providing light to guide his way

Uncle Moose 02-27-2012 02:41 AM

Anybody want to look with Oakey?
Oakey had a feeling that Scabior would lead his class to the Chamber. As he entered the Chamber he took out the list of things to find and his wand.

Oakey lit the tip of his wand with the lumos charm, and walked over to one of the many snake statues. He looked at the snake baring it's fangs, Oakey knew it wasn't real, he knew it was just stone. Oakey felt petrified anyways. He shook his head to remind him that this place wasn't dangerous anymore. He got on his knees and skimmed the top of the water with his lit wand

After a few minutes of seeing nothing in that pool of water Oakey moved to the next one, moving himself closer to the giant Salazar Slytherin face.
Rolling up his sleeve he dunked his hand into the pool of water and moved his wand around to see if he could spot any of the said items on the list.

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