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The glittering night sky is clear and visible through the enchanted ceiling, and the floating candles bedeck the entire hall in a warm golden light. All seems well with the world, aside from the empty plates still waiting for food to appear.
Lily sat down at the table, quietly. Third-year soon, that was good. And Rupert's house. She wasn't so sure about that being a big treat. Maybe Violet would come out of her room long enough to talk. Not likely. Rupert wasn't bad, it was just...she missed her mum. And dad too, but he owled her and they actually saw each other occasionally. She wasn't sure what to think.
There's some good in this world and it's worth fighting for| LOTR|Whovian|Sherlock Fan
SPOILER!!: Nessie
Originally Posted by ortalismusicoh
Way to go! Now he thinks your a real lunatic. Not matter what she tried, the tears wouldn't go away and now she was crying for many reasons not just one. At least hopefully she wouldn't be the only one crying in the room. It was likely to see other people sobbing as they said goodbye to their friends all. When Renesmee had come to the great hall earlier she expected tears, but not of her own. It was a shock to her to think she was the one crying and she was crying so hard , it was as though she was crying for all the others too.
Wait? What was this boy doing? All she did was ask him a question and now he was lifting her up and comforting her. Didn't he not want to speak to her ever again? Merlin, boy were so damn confusing. Either way, she had no more will to push him away anymore. She didn't care she let him do what he was doing and she even attempted to listen to him. He was even dabbing her face with a handkerchief.
Why though? Why was he helping her if he disliked her so much? Why?
She didn't need him though, he would just hurt her more. "II..*hiccup*" the hiccuping still hadn't stopped. "I..*hiccup* I'msorry..*hiccup* Youdonthaveto.*hiccup* helpme." Yes she may have needed some real help right that moment, but she didn't really want it from someone who didn't like her or didn't care about her. "I'llbefine" That was a lie, she knew eventually she would be alright, but not untill she found that bracelet. "I *hiccup*..Ijustneedthatbracelet." she sighed. At least now the tears had lessened.
If only Tom was here.
SPOILER!!: Gryffindor stranger
Originally Posted by TwistedHearts
Zeke would never understand why people act so tough when it's pretty obvious that they're falling apart. He listened partly to what she said but looked around in search of water. They wouldn't be able to understand each other at all if she was talking like that. He was about to do the "Aguamenti" charm to get rid of her hiccups but remembered he never brings his wand with him. The world is so cruel. Now what would he do?
Erm. "First of all, you do need my help, let's set aside our pride first shall we? And don't apologize to me, you haven't done anything wrong,"'Unlike me, I've been pretty rude to you.'Second, no you won't be fine unless you first get rid of that hiccups, calm down, and stop crying. And as for your bracelet, we'll find that later okay?" Zeke sighed, wondering why on earth that bracelet was so important than her health. This girl had serious issues.
Okay now how to stop that hiccups. Zeke noticed his left hand was still on her shoulder. It kind of looked awkward now, what he just did a while ago. Oh boy Zeke, what were you thinking really? He let go of her and thought of some kind of way to get rid of hiccups. As if he's gone loco he said, "Why don't you try to cover your nose and stop breathing for ten seconds," it sounded crazy. Even to him, Zeke thought he was going insane for a while there. But it did work for him when he was young.
Alyssa was on her way to the staff table when she saw Nessie on the ground looking for something with the Gryffindor boy she had seen earlier at the Hufflepuff table. Alyssa frowned when she saw that her friend was crying. Now what did HE do this time. Alyssa quickly walked up and knelt down next to Nessie."Nessie what's wrong? Why are you crying? What are you looking for?" Alyssa asked Nessie before turning to the boy. "What happened? What did you do? Why is she crying?"Lyssie asked the Gryffindor boy.
Alyssa was on her way to the staff table when she saw Nessie on the ground looking for something with the Gryffindor boy she had seen earlier at the Hufflepuff table. Alyssa frowned when she saw that her friend was crying. Now what did HE do this time. Alyssa quickly walked up and knelt down next to Nessie."Nessie what's wrong? Why are you crying? What are you looking for?" Alyssa asked Nessie before turning to the boy. "What happened? What did you do? Why is she crying?"Lyssie asked the Gryffindor boy.
Sweet mother of Merlin. Another addition to their group. Zeke looked up to see who the "concerned citizen" was. Seeing her face, Zeke felt himself whack himself in the head. Of all people it had to be her. Little miss I'm-so-tough-that-you-can't-even-touch-me. Well, it was better than having Gwen around. But now he had to explain himself to this girl who he didn't even know the name of.
"What did I do?" Zeke scoffed as he continued, "Look, okay, I don' t need to explain myself to you at all cause I don't even know you. If you want the story, Renesmee will tell you if she wants to. That's up to her." And the cold-hearted Zeke was back on. The stone wall was built once again around his heart, all concern probably lost for the moment.
Though he was really worried with Renesmee. She seemed out of her mind, crying for a lost bracelet. Or was she crying about something else? Probably about him shunning her away? Uh oh. Now Zeke felt so bad.
There's some good in this world and it's worth fighting for| LOTR|Whovian|Sherlock Fan
SPOILER!!: Defensive Lion
Originally Posted by TwistedHearts
Sweet mother of Merlin. Another addition to their group. Zeke looked up to see who the "concerned citizen" was. Seeing her face, Zeke felt himself whack himself in the head. Of all people it had to be her. Little miss I'm-so-tough-that-you-can't-even-touch-me. Well, it was better than having Gwen around. But now he had to explain himself to this girl who he didn't even know the name of.
"What did I do?" Zeke scoffed as he continued, "Look, okay, I don' t need to explain myself to you at all cause I don't even know you. If you want the story, Renesmee will tell you if she wants to. That's up to her." And the cold-hearted Zeke was back on. The stone wall was built once again around his heart, all concern probably lost for the moment.
Though he was really worried with Renesmee. She seemed out of her mind, crying for a lost bracelet. Or was she crying about something else? Probably about him shunning her away? Uh oh. Now Zeke felt so bad.
"Oh wow! You must have a hearing problem because the last time I saw you over there at OUR house table, I told you my name was Lyssie. Guess you were too busy trying to figure out whether you dared to take up my challenge or not, to actually hear what I was saying. Anyway, I saw you guys looking for something as I was walking up here. Is it something Nessie lost? Can she Accio it or something? Or did you take it?" Lyssie eyed him suspiciously.
"Oh wow! You must have a hearing problem because the last time I saw you over there at OUR house table, I told you my name was Lyssie. Guess you were too busy trying to figure out whether you dared to take up my challenge or not, to actually hear what I was saying. Anyway, I saw you guys looking for something as I was walking up here. Is it something Nessie lost? Can she Accio it or something? Or did you take it?" Lyssie eyed him suspiciously.
Psh, this girl talked too much. Definitely the first most annoying person ever. And she surpassed Gwen, for Merlin's sake! Zeke was beginning to miss Gwen, at least she was better company. He'd like a little sarcasm once in a while. Not chatterboxes.
Lyssie eh? "Okay then, Lyssie. Sorry for not remembering your name," Zeke said politely yet tauntingly. 'It's probably cause you're not that important anyway. Only the worthy ones shall be remembered.' Ones who made an impact with him, ones who have made a good impression, and ones who definitely weren't too nosy and noisy.
Take it? Was this girl seriously trying to bring out the monster in him? "Oh sure, I took it," he said with a sarcastic tone in his voice, "That's why I'm here now, trying to console Renesmee. Seriously, how low can you get?" Why on earth would he take something from someone? Let alone a bracelet? Plus if he did take it, he wouldn't waste time in trying to console that person.
"Of course not, that's why I was sure I wouldn't miss you here." Truthfully, and he was glad she was here. "I was just suprised that I beat you to the free food." With that he chuckled.
Awww Selina was a big softy under her tough, Captain exterior after all. It was obvious to him all along. He would miss her this summer.
"Don't get used to it. I'm usually down here first, Goldstein. The Great Hall is more a home away from home for me than the Gryffindor Common Room." It was true. Selina was awe-inspiring. For a girl who was maybe seven stone at most, she could eat as much as a man four times her size. She never stopped eating; it was almost creepy. Then again it was part of her charm... not really... but she liked to pretend.
Then she chuckled and asked, "So Auggie what are you doing this summer, mate?"
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie
Kurumi chewed on her bottom lip nervously, but was pleased to know that Selina understood the gravity of her request. Her eyes briefly flickered towards the Hufflepuff table and instantly fell on the very subject that Kurumi needed to discuss with her best friend, but her eyes were back on her empty goblet and wishing it was filled with pumpkin juice. The chewing moved from her bottom lip to the inside of her cheek as the prefect tried to compose herself to put these confusing thoughts behind her so she could enjoy the rest of the feast.
Smiling now, Kurumi put one arm around her best friend's shoulder and leaned her head against the now blonde Selina. "Thanks."
Something was seriously wrong. Now she was certain that she had underestimated the gravity of the situation. Kurumi was never this quiet. The last time she remembered Kurumi acting in this fashion was when they were younger, but since she and Kurumi had been friends the asian prefect was more outgoing than she was being. So the redhead blonde watched her friend a little more closely than she had been before. This girl was her best friend and she would do anything for her. So whatever was bothering her or whoever was bothering her was going to get a beater bat in the jaw.
She was even more surprised when Kurumi put her arm around Selina and rested her head against Selina's. Selina rested her head against Kurumi's and added, "No problem." She was worried for sure.
Jezzabelle slowly made her way to the Gryffindor table. Sure she had checked out mentally and disappeared physically toward the end, but she was here now and had a promise to herself to just remain strong through it all. One positive things though, they didn't come in last place. As she sat down, she looked around for someone to talk to.
She Can't Help Herself. Her Mind Won't Slow Down. Watch Out! There's A NEW Ravenclaw In Town.
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna
Originally Posted by fanficfanatict
Selina was distracted. That fact was as clear as the nose on her face with the way she was acting at the feast. It was not until she took a seat down at the table that she focused enough to hear what people were saying around her. She always hated saying goodbye to her friends. The end of the term was miserable and made her sad at the end of every year. She thought it would get easier with each year, but it didn't.
Then her eyes diverted to Gideon who gave her a simple greeting. She knew that he was a little more keen than the rest of the group as to why she was so down in the mud. It was sad getting older, especially someone like Selina whose perception of time was so off because she saw so much of it at random increments. But she supposed there was nothing she could do to stop the aging process. It was just a natural part of life.
She smiled at Gideon trying to shake off the sad feeling and said, "So you ready to get started with summer?"
Gideon watched as Selina settled in at the table , absently listening to the playful banter between her and Auggie as well as the more quiet conversation of the two best friends. At least at her smile he could see that she was trying to take his words to heart. "As ready as I can be," he admitted truthfully. It was a mixed blessing to be returning home but then he had to remember all they had been talking about and any meet-ups they managed with each other and other friends was a plus. Even though he knew that she already had busy plans with her father.
"What about you?" he asked as he poured himself a glass of water from a nearby pitcher. Something to keep occupied with seeing as the feast hadn't officially begun yet, at least in terms of the headmaster's speech and the following food.
Gideon watched as Selina settled in at the table , absently listening to the playful banter between her and Auggie as well as the more quiet conversation of the two best friends. At least at her smile he could see that she was trying to take his words to heart. "As ready as I can be," he admitted truthfully. It was a mixed blessing to be returning home but then he had to remember all they had been talking about and any meet-ups they managed with each other and other friends was a plus. Even though he knew that she already had busy plans with her father.
"What about you?" he asked as he poured himself a glass of water from a nearby pitcher. Something to keep occupied with seeing as the feast hadn't officially begun yet, at least in terms of the headmaster's speech and the following food.
Selina looked at Gideon out of the corner of her eye as she spoke to Kurumi. All she could see was his face with a serious look on his face. She could not blame his face, the end of term feast was always so sad and their conversation at the statue did not improve his mood she was sure. It was sad to say the least that they were all getting older so fast. To just think about next year made Selina's stomach drop. He would be a sixth year.
So when he asked her if she was excited about summer she replied, "Yeah... I can't wait to spend time with Dad. I mean, I'm going to learn loads. Just going to miss you... A lot.". And that was no exaggeration.
There's some good in this world and it's worth fighting for| LOTR|Whovian|Sherlock Fan
SPOILER!!: Still a stranger
Originally Posted by TwistedHearts
Psh, this girl talked too much. Definitely the first most annoying person ever. And she surpassed Gwen, for Merlin's sake! Zeke was beginning to miss Gwen, at least she was better company. He'd like a little sarcasm once in a while. Not chatterboxes.
Lyssie eh? "Okay then, Lyssie. Sorry for not remembering your name," Zeke said politely yet tauntingly. 'It's probably cause you're not that important anyway. Only the worthy ones shall be remembered.' Ones who made an impact with him, ones who have made a good impression, and ones who definitely weren't too nosy and noisy.
Take it? Was this girl seriously trying to bring out the monster in him? "Oh sure, I took it," he said with a sarcastic tone in his voice, "That's why I'm here now, trying to console Renesmee. Seriously, how low can you get?" Why on earth would he take something from someone? Let alone a bracelet? Plus if he did take it, he wouldn't waste time in trying to console that person.
Alyssa frowned. This boy was getting really defensive but she suspected that was because she had come across as very obnoxious which she could be when she thought her friends were being bothered. So she sighed and stuck out her hand. "Let's start over again. Hi my name is Lyssie. I'm Nessie's friend. I don't know your name but would like to instead of calling you 'Hey there' all if I happen to see you again."Alyssa attempted a grin. "I'm sorry for implying that you might have stolen whatever Nessie is looking for. I actually meant to say, taken it to play a joke on her, but I somehow don't think you'd do that. Anyway, I think that I've made enough of a fool and a nuisance of myself here, so I'll let you help her. Sorry again"Alyssa apologized to the boy.
Alyssa sighed sadly. She had done it again. Poked her nose into what didn't concern her. Alyssa decided that she would just go back to her table and sit quietly there until the feast ended and then she'd go back up to her room and pack and just stay out of everyone's way until it was time to go home. She stood up waiting for the boy to introduce himself and then she would leave Nessie and him alone.
Last edited by FireboltAvis88; 04-08-2012 at 07:04 AM.
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna
Originally Posted by fanficfanatict
Selina looked at Gideon out of the corner of her eye as she spoke to Kurumi. All she could see was his face with a serious look on his face. She could not blame his face, the end of term feast was always so sad and their conversation at the statue did not improve his mood she was sure. It was sad to say the least that they were all getting older so fast. To just think about next year made Selina's stomach drop. He would be a sixth year.
So when he asked her if she was excited about summer she replied, "Yeah... I can't wait to spend time with Dad. I mean, I'm going to learn loads. Just going to miss you... A lot.". And that was no exaggeration.
The fifth year nodded as Selina responded, pretty sure the girl was going to be in her element with all the quidditch she would be around. Hopefully it would help the separation they had been talking about. "So we'll be pretty much doing the same thing," he mused thinking on his own rough plans for the summer. "Ye, yer dad and quidditch...me, my dad and potions or mom and stargazing." He had spent time with Andy last summer at the dragon preserve but he wasn't sure of that happening this time around.
"Aye...me too," he agreed. Gideon couldn't deny there was at least some missing to be had. Even exciting summers grew tedious and wishful after a while.
=) Peeta Mellark <3||x.Dobby's Love For Socks.x||<3 Katniss Everdeen (=
Originally Posted by Rupert-Grint-Fan
Logan jumped a little as someone hugged him. He smiled as he recognized Alex's voice. "It was awesome!" he said. Then he laughed. "Oh really?" he asked as she filled her goblet. "I'm sure looking forward to that!"
"Yeah it was great!" Logan said, bouncing a little in his seat. Well, he wasn't that sad actually. He was quite happy. I mean, summer with all his friends! No more work! Ahh, it sounded great. Maybe it wasn't too bad. "What about you?" he asked.
Alex smiled as Logan laughed. "Yup wait till you see me next year." the 4th year to be said still laughing.
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse
SPOILER!!: The girl who's seriously adorable!
Originally Posted by LilFox06
Anya blinked. He was sure it would happen soon? What? Did that mean that he wanted to kiss her? Or... what? Why would he want to do that? She hadn't won the Quidditch Championship or anything. And they both were coming back next term.
Those were the reasons people kissed, right?
What in the world was she supposed to say to that? And what did that even mean? Her eyes flitted between Alec and her fellow Gryffindors. She wasn't going to be able to talk her way out of the fresh flush that was crossing her cheeks. She'd just have to hope nobody noticed.
*inner flail*
"Good." she said finally. "I don't want you to think I'm icky." That was a safe answer, right?
She watched as he ruffled his hair. Oh good. She wasn't the only one that thought this conversation was weird. And now that she knew for sure that she was still Alec's favorite they could talk about something else.
Something like...
"Do you think they'll serve ice cream tonight?"
What? It was important. And a girl had to know these things.
Okay, Anya wasn't saying anything. Had he said the wrong things? Maybe he should have kept quite about all this. Then there wouldn't be this weird feeling and this weird silence. They could have been talking about anything else. Like kite flying and the park back at home and their treehouse! See? All good topics to talk about.
And yet... he didn't know what he would have done if he hadn't told Anya and she had found out about everything that had happened down at the lake. That would have been awful! Anya might not have talked to him and then... he wouldn't know what to do with himself. Because he wasn't really anything without his best friend.
He was also going to 'forget' that Anya's cheeks were turning pinkier.
And then she spoke. "I wouldn't... think of you as icky," he whispered, his right hand fiddling around with a loose thread in his pocket. He wouldn't ever think of her as icky. But he also wasn't going to admit what was going through his mind right now.
Change of topic! Yes! A grin spread across Alec's face as he looked down at the table before looking up at Anya. "Maybe? I think they should," he said, "It's practically summer, after all." See? There didn't have to be weirdness between the two of them. None at all.
So his first term was over. And he might not be coming back ever again to Hogwarts. Logan walked slowly into the Great Hall, taking it all in. The year seemed to have gone by too fast. Way too fast. He didn't feel ready to leave. He didn't want to go back to his aunt, to where he didn't belong. He belonged at Hogwarts, with all his friends!
Logan plopped down at the Gryffindor Table, and decided he'd be 'happy' today. He'd be the happy, cheerful, funny guy he always was. He tapped his foot quickly on the floor, trying to distract himself. He noticed Kurumi a bit aways down the table, and waved at her. "Hiya, Kurumi!" he said, a smile on his face. So far so good, no tears or anything. He decided to hum a tune to a favorite song of his to keep his mind off the sadness.
Even though Jen was in slytherin, she had friends from all houses."
"Hey logan! this year sure has gone bye fast huh?"
Sardine VIP || Shark Attack! || D A R T E R || Captain Oblivious
SPOILER!!: The Boy Who Isn't Going to Admit Certain Feelings
Originally Posted by hermionesclone
Okay, Anya wasn't saying anything. Had he said the wrong things? Maybe he should have kept quite about all this. Then there wouldn't be this weird feeling and this weird silence. They could have been talking about anything else. Like kite flying and the park back at home and their treehouse! See? All good topics to talk about.
And yet... he didn't know what he would have done if he hadn't told Anya and she had found out about everything that had happened down at the lake. That would have been awful! Anya might not have talked to him and then... he wouldn't know what to do with himself. Because he wasn't really anything without his best friend.
He was also going to 'forget' that Anya's cheeks were turning pinkier.
And then she spoke. "I wouldn't... think of you as icky," he whispered, his right hand fiddling around with a loose thread in his pocket. He wouldn't ever think of her as icky. But he also wasn't going to admit what was going through his mind right now.
Change of topic! Yes! A grin spread across Alec's face as he looked down at the table before looking up at Anya. "Maybe? I think they should," he said, "It's practically summer, after all." See? There didn't have to be weirdness between the two of them. None at all.
Anya smiled. "Thanks." she said softly while playing with a bit of hair. She wasn't icky. And he wouldn't think about her that way. That was a compliment. "I don't think you are icky either." she said touching his arm for a second.
She wouldn't comment on his distracted look. He must have been thinking about something.
"Thanks for telling me." she said with a little nod. "About what happened." And about not being icky. She appreciated that too. It would have hurt her feelings to find out some other way.
She nodded. "If they don't, that should be the first thing we do when we get home. Eat lots of ice cream." She then giggled. "Actually. We should do that anyway."
Eat lots of ice cream. And run away to the tree house together.
I'll Spend Forever Wondering If You Knew__________________________________ _____________________________________________I Was Enchanted To Meet You
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse
SPOILER!!: The girl who's making my boy confused
Originally Posted by LilFox06
Anya smiled. "Thanks." she said softly while playing with a bit of hair. She wasn't icky. And he wouldn't think about her that way. That was a compliment. "I don't think you are icky either." she said touching his arm for a second.
She wouldn't comment on his distracted look. He must have been thinking about something.
"Thanks for telling me." she said with a little nod. "About what happened." And about not being icky. She appreciated that too. It would have hurt her feelings to find out some other way.
She nodded. "If they don't, that should be the first thing we do when we get home. Eat lots of ice cream." She then giggled. "Actually. We should do that anyway."
Eat lots of ice cream. And run away to the tree house together.
Thanks? Why did she need to thank him? He hadn't said anything to compliment her had he? Because he'd know, for sure. Alec's eyes wandered over to the bit of hair Anya was playing with. This... wouldn't help with his confusion at all but at least her hair looked nice.
And this his confusion disappeared a bit as he heard what she had to say next. He... wasn't icky either? He knew what he had meant when he said that Anya wasn't icky but what did she mean? "Erm, thanks Rilez," he said.
Alec smiled at Anya as she thanked him again. "No need to thank me," he said, "I'm just glad you're not... I dunno, screaming at me about what happened." That was probably the one thing that stopped him from telling Anya earlier. And by earlier, he meant as soon as the actual lake scene happened.
Alec grinned. "Yeah, we should do that!" he said, "Ice cream in the treehouse? Or the park?" Either one was good with him. It was what they always did and by doing those things again, maybe it'll be a sign that things would be getting back to normal. To how they should be.
"I'll bring the ice cream then? And you can bring the cushions," Or the blanket. Or the rug. Whatever Anya wanted to bring, really.
Kurumi blinked a few times in confusion. Boys...seriously did not make sense half the time and the other half that the did make sense still made little sense, so they really only made sense about one eighth of the time. Like right now, when August was drinking his water and not looking at her and blushing but saying that she knew she had been joking when moments earlier it didn't seem that way.
Time to just...put that conversation aside. Yep.
"Then it's a date," she chirped, eyes widening as the words left her lips. "I mean, not a date date, but a hang out date, on a random date, erm, day, just..." Yeah, that one eighth of the time? Clearly it also applied to girls, because Kurumi was making no sense right now either. "Next term then, first Hogsmeade weekend." Because she wouldn't be around this summer to do it.
Just as the fourth year expected things to stop being awkward and a change of subject being brought up, Kurumi went and made it worse.
She said date!
Seriously why did she have to use that word? "Um definately, we can meet then." He hoped they could actually do it and things didn't get in the way.
So he would change the subject. He almost asked her what she was going to do during the summer but then remembered that her mother was ill and she was going to go help her the best she could. It sounded rather horrible and not the type of thing you brought up at dinner or the last time you saw someone for a few months.
"Well, overall did you have a good term Kurumi?" He certainly had. He had gotten a girlfriend, grew closer to his good friend sitting beside him, and had had a lot of fun.
Originally Posted by fanficfanatict
"Don't get used to it. I'm usually down here first, Goldstein. The Great Hall is more a home away from home for me than the Gryffindor Common Room." It was true. Selina was awe-inspiring. For a girl who was maybe seven stone at most, she could eat as much as a man four times her size. She never stopped eating; it was almost creepy. Then again it was part of her charm... not really... but she liked to pretend.
Then she chuckled and asked, "So Auggie what are you doing this summer, mate?"
"Naturally." The Gryffindor grinned smally and gave Selina a nod. She was really funny, he was glad he had grown closer to her this term. Although she was older like Kurumi, she was awesome enough to take the time and get to know him.
Summer plans weren't really official for him right now. "Well, I don't really know. My parents haven't mentioned any vacations but I know Taryn will be coming over some." That would be fun, surely. Who needed a vacation when he would get to spend part of his summer with his girlfriend?
"All I know is, I'm sure going to miss magic all summer." That was one thing about being born into a Muggle household that had grown old, the Ministry was sort of mean not letting him do the stuff at home.
Dave Grohl-Josh Hutcherson-RupertGrint-HP-HG- Marvel-D.C-Taylor Hawkins-Drumming-Foo Fighters-
Originally Posted by Rupert-Grint-Fan
"Hiya, Jen!" Logan said. "Yeah it has!" he said laughing. "Enjoying the feast?" he asked.
"Oh really?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. "I will be prepared." he said grinning.[/QUOTE
"Ya, i am enjoying the feast. I dont want to go bacj home. I like Hogwarts better"
Logan grinned. "That's good that you're enjoying it!" he said. Then he laughed. "Same here. I hate home honestly." he said, rolling his eyes. Ugh. At least his mean aunt would be out of the house all summer.