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The glittering night sky is clear and visible through the enchanted ceiling, and the floating candles bedeck the entire hall in a warm golden light. All seems well with the world, aside from the empty plates still waiting for food to appear.
Kurumi squished her, to coin Lexi's term, cublet a little tighter. This must have been what Lexi had felt like, seeing Kurumi grow into her own. Sure, the two of them had had whatever that tiff was during last term, but that had been resolved and things were back to what they had been before. It felt as if, in graduating, Lexi had indeed passed the reins of student Mamma Lion onto her and Kurumi was determined not to let Lexi down even if the fifth year didn't really like the whole verb form of Gryffindor in Gryffindoring someone.
"Just a hunch," she smiled, releasing the first year from the hug. "Truth me told, I actually see a lot of me in you, back when I was a first year." Merlin, talking like this was making her feel older than her fifteen years of age.
Jezz felt pure happiness radiating through her as Kurumi hugged her tighter. She knew right then that the sorting hat had put her exactly where she was meant to be and she felt almost protected in a way. She returned the tighter squeeze and smiled even more.
As she was released from the hug she heard the older girl say that she, Jezz, reminded her of herself. "Well I hope that's a good indication of where I'll be heading in the next seven years I'll spend here." And if it was then that was great. Come on, Kurumi was a Prefect, of course it meant something good to be like her...just a little.
"Cool. Scar it is." Jezz smiled at the girl. "So what year are you in?"
Jezz was shocked to find herself talking to people on second and being spun around the next. When her feet landed right she smiled up at Logan. "We are totally Gryffindor's together! That is so awesome!" She hugged him back and couldn't help but be exited about it. "Oh my Merlin, this is going to be the best seven years of our lives." And she hugged him again enjoying they combined excitement.
Scar puffed up her chest and proudly stated, "Third year at your service!" Her ego got the best of her and her chest puffing reminded her of her grandfather's roosters in Spain.
''Hey Ira.''He said smiling.''Hows your holidays?''He asked.He shuffled over and said''Sit down.''He added.He needed to catch up on everything that happened.
Ira scooted over to where Ryan sat and replied, "My holidays were wonderful! Really! But I sort of missed Hogwarts.." She really did miss. "How was yours? Did you do any travelling?"
Originally Posted by Nat nat
Tenn watched a boy comfortably plop into a seat and grab some juice. That definitely made her thirsty. It reminded her that she haven't had any drink since that morning and her throat is craving for some. She grabbed the nearest pitcher and poured it into an empty glass in front of her. Then she heard a girl's voice calling out for someone. She really have to mingle with more people this year. She definitely needs a life. She again glanced at the other Gryffindors who were taking their seats, soon enough the place will be crowded.
She just busied herself with some of the juice she had poured. Alas. Pumpkin juice, she thought as she let it drench her throat.
Ira felt someone stare at her and so she looked her other side.. There she saw her! "Hey Tennesse! How are you?"
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna
SPOILER!!: Selina
Originally Posted by fanficfanatict
She rolled her eyes when Gideon rubbed his shoulder like he was actually hurt. He was being silly, but carrying on with their teasing charade she said, "Oh I think you'll be fine." Then she leaned over and kissed his cheek, "There all better." She had important things to attend to like the cookies in the box and how to get the cookies. They needed some super mysterious plan to just sneakily grab the cookie box. Yeah, that was a good idea... now just to get a plan.
Gideon recaught her attention and she said, "Yeah not too pleasant at all." She would rather not think about the taste of those who would try out for her team. Yeah... not a pleasant thought at all... she needed to stop thinking about it.
Selina cringed at Auggie's comment about calling Kurumi "prefect". The nickname was more than just cringe worthy. Seriously, they were the little kids. All of the older people had the responsibility not them. And yet... it seemed that with each passing year all of the older kids left and they were becoming the big kids. A weird phenomenon- growing older.
She turned her attention back to Auggie and grinned at his enthusiasm, "Good... I'll see you on the Pitch then, sir. It is a date." She stuck her tongue out at Auggie about the last part. It was weird thinking that she would be putting together her team this year.
Selina smugly put her hands on her hips and waved the tube of facepaint, "It is a fool proof plan!"
Selina slunk away from Kurumi as she continued on to question her about the whole chocolate frog incident. She felt like she was in court and needed to escape somehow. Maybe if she pointed out a house elf she could distract Kurumi long enough to run. No that wouldn't work because Kurumi could always find Selina later... Merlin, she was not going to get out of this. But then she seemed to have gotten out of whatever trouble she was in. It was that easy?
After Auggie entered the conversation she snickered at the tube of red she was holding in her hand. This was going to be gold and everyone knew that this was a brilliant plan. How could it not be seen as anything BUT brilliant. It was uniting the house early on like they had united at the Pep Rally and what was a little face paint? Nothing really in the over all scheme of things. "I take that as a compliment and I would NEVER paint the walls to Gryffindor tower... they are already red. That would be a waste of time."
Gideon gave a small pout as Selina acted like it was nothing only relaxing it as she kissed his cheek. Boy he was really slipping into the comfortable routine like it was nothing. Perhaps because it had felt so odd to not have the banter over the summer except their two brief encounters. Thankfully his groan went unnoticed to Selina who would no doubt have made him an example for his behavior.
SPOILER!!: August
Originally Posted by DanialRadFAN01
Oh another member of the Gryffindor Quidditch team he had played with last term. "Hey Gideon, how was your summer? Good to be back, eh?" he said with a nod and a grin.
He hadn't really talked to the boy much before but seeing as he was Selina's boyfriend, one of his good friends, they would be seeing each other plenty. Plus he would probably be playing Quidditch again this term.
The reaction Kurumi had and the face Selina made at his comment of calling Kurumi 'Prefect' was absolutely priceless. "Oh so you DON'T want me to call you that?" he shrugged a bit, an mischevious smirk playing on his lips.
Continuing to eye the box that was not cookies but chocolates, August was happily listened as the older girl fussed with their Quidditch Captain about a past incident he would love to hear more about later. Now Selina was wanting to paint the walls of the Common Room?! "Selina, surely you know you can't do that...there are like tapestries on them." They were definately pretty old, were they not?
So now that he was back in the group of his Gryffindor family he was excited to get this term started. "So you guys ready for Gryffindor to take the house cup this term?" he leaned in, not trying to make his voice low. Maybe the Slytherins would hear him. He really wouldn't know what to do if one of them came over to intimidate him but still...heh.
How was his summer?
Hmmm tough question. "It was alright," Gideon answered for lack of real thoughts on the matter. "Though for the first time it felt weird actually having had friends to miss over the summer. " Which was true, being the wall flower and alone made separation easier to some degree. He simply nodded at the question about being back.
Yes it certainly was great.
His gaze wandered to the staff table, taking in the new faces with the old. There was one face that he didn't see however and he was confused. Remembering the staff was usually seated alphabetically by job title with Tate in the middle, Gideon counted down the chairs from left to right to where the librarian would sit. There was a chair but no brunette Gryffindor head of house. Madam Donovan seemed to have not come down to the feast yet. If she was that it. Unless...
Was she gone?
SPOILER!!: Kacie's sorting
Originally Posted by Lady Marmalade
Kacie's eyes widened in awe when she entered the Great Hall, her head tipped all the way back so she could look at the ceiling. She was so distracted, trying to look at everything that she almost crashed into the student in front of her. There wasn't a nervous bone in her body as she waited to be sorted, knowing it would be one of two houses. It wasn't easy waiting for her turn, but when it was she eagerly stepped up and sat down on the three legged stool. The sorting hat came down over her eyes and waited for her verdict.
Whispers could be heard in her ear. I see a true Gryffindor in you as well as some Slytherin. The Hat said, before adding after a few seconds. Yes... yes... Lets see how well you can rawr young lioness.
A grin spread across Kacie's face when the Sorting Hat yelled out Gryffindor. So she would be with her brother after all. When the hat was removed she jumped down from the stool and skipped over to the Gryffindor table.
Gideon dwelled on the though that the woman had indeed not returned until a familiar face crossed his view to sit upon the stool to be sorted. The boy sitting up straighter to await what was to come. They had talked about it before, even felt between the two of them that there was really only two possibilities for her sorting. Now all they could do was wait for the Sorting Hat's answer as it was placed upon his sister's curly head.
He let out a breath he hadn't known he had been holding when Gryffindor was exclaimed for the house of Kacie Gert. So she was to be in the same house with him and where their mother had been before. Distracted by the thought of what that meant, he almost didn't hear August's question.
"Um...yeah I guess so," he answered turning his head back absently.
Ira scooted over to where Ryan sat and replied, "My holidays were wonderful! Really! But I sort of missed Hogwarts.." She really did miss. "How was yours? Did you do any travelling?"
Ira felt someone stare at her and so she looked her other side.. There she saw her! "Hey Tennesse! How are you?"
''Yeah I did alot actually.''He said with a frown.''Yeah I went to Spain with my Girlfriend.''He said smiling.
Sardine VIP || Shark Attack! || D A R T E R || Captain Oblivious
Gryff... Gryff... Gryffindor?
But... but... but Anya was not brave. Anya was not anything except incredibly lonely. She eyed the yellow table already missing her best friend. But he was off with the crazy friend-stealer. Fate was exceptionally cruel. She had been separated from Alec... just to find out that they were attending the same school... just to be split up once again.
And she wasn't even in the same house as Asher or Ariel either!
No, she was sitting at a table full of people that we supposedly brave.
She sighed before looking up and down the table. She should probably make new friends, huh? Seeing as her other ones were across the room. That would be the brave thing, right?
I'll Spend Forever Wondering If You Knew__________________________________ _____________________________________________I Was Enchanted To Meet You
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 40,105
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
Originally Posted by Nat nat
The fifth year flaunted her robes as she walked towards the Lions table. the mood of the Great hall's always bright and happy to welcome students back into what they can call second home. Tennessee couldn't be happier now that she's totally back at Hogwarts. She missed the castle so much and the FOOOOOD!!! It's the start of term banquet and she found herself a comfortable seat not near enough the front. She beamed at the sight of all the students old and new. Hoping that this would be another great year for her. What best to do there is to befriend new ones or watch people chat.
Kurumi looked up when she spotted another lion had made their way to the table and she offered them a polite wave. The girl had taken her seat a little further away from where Kurumi was standing, so Kurumi wasn't really all that inclined to shout across the area. Not yet anyway.
Originally Posted by KP1
Ryan enetered the Great Hall proudly and headed over to his House Table.He plopped himself down and poured himself a cup of Orange juice.
"Ryan, good evening," Kurumi waved. "So nice to see you back." She sure hoped that Ryan would be able to fill his new second year shoes. Kurumi had high expectations for the younger lions and she was hoping that some of the events planned out in her head would help them rise to the occasion.
Originally Posted by nups21
It felt wonderful to come back into Hogwarts!! The second year Ira entered the Great Hall and was pleased to see that Hogwarts was the same as it was before, only she had grown a bit taller than last term! But this time, Hogwarts seemed a little less intimidating and a bit more welcoming..
It was exciting to see nervous first years being sorted.. She fondly remembered her own. how nervous she had been the last term!
She looked around and headed over to the Gryffindor house table and sat down and waited for the feast to start..
She looked around at the table for any familiar faces and saw Ryan. "Hi Ryan!"
Kurumi smiled a bit more when yet another lion came to the table. That was more than enough of her Gryffindors here now, yes? "Ira," Kurumi called with a friendly wave. "Hope you had a good summer. Tell me all about it in the common room?" Ira had been a first year that had surprised Kurumi, participating in some of her homework based events in the common room last term despite being the youngest lion at the table. It was that sort of attitude that the house needed and she hoped that Ira would continue to put forth her best effort this term as well. Kurumi enjoyed working with her in classes and on homework assignments after all.
Originally Posted by HOPEendures
Jezz felt pure happiness radiating through her as Kurumi hugged her tighter. She knew right then that the sorting hat had put her exactly where she was meant to be and she felt almost protected in a way. She returned the tighter squeeze and smiled even more.
As she was released from the hug she heard the older girl say that she, Jezz, reminded her of herself. "Well I hope that's a good indication of where I'll be heading in the next seven years I'll spend here." And if it was then that was great. Come on, Kurumi was a Prefect, of course it meant something good to be like her...just a little.
Kurumi was blushing a little bit now. Being a role model came with an immense amount of pressure, something that she had discussed with Selina towards the end of last term when they were working on their individual yearbook assignments actually. The pressure and expectations were almost suffocating at times, but Kurumi had found ways to deal - which had been hard since last term had her without her precious kitchen. "Well, I am certainly looking forward to seeing what all you bring to the pride," Kurumi replied with a wink. Yep, she had expectations for this little lion, and they were pretty darn high. In fact..."I actually may have a request for you...but not just yet. I'll tell you about it once I have some more details worked out." And once she had run the idea by Professor Bentley.
SPOILER!!: Selina & August
Originally Posted by fanficfanatict
Selina slunk away from Kurumi as she continued on to question her about the whole chocolate frog incident. She felt like she was in court and needed to escape somehow. Maybe if she pointed out a house elf she could distract Kurumi long enough to run. No that wouldn't work because Kurumi could always find Selina later... Merlin, she was not going to get out of this. But then she seemed to have gotten out of whatever trouble she was in. It was that easy?
After Auggie entered the conversation she snickered at the tube of red she was holding in her hand. This was going to be gold and everyone knew that this was a brilliant plan. How could it not be seen as anything BUT brilliant. It was uniting the house early on like they had united at the Pep Rally and what was a little face paint? Nothing really in the over all scheme of things. "I take that as a compliment and I would NEVER paint the walls to Gryffindor tower... they are already red. That would be a waste of time."
Originally Posted by DanialRadFAN01
Oh another member of the Gryffindor Quidditch team he had played with last term. "Hey Gideon, how was your summer? Good to be back, eh?" he said with a nod and a grin.
He hadn't really talked to the boy much before but seeing as he was Selina's boyfriend, one of his good friends, they would be seeing each other plenty. Plus he would probably be playing Quidditch again this term.
The reaction Kurumi had and the face Selina made at his comment of calling Kurumi 'Prefect' was absolutely priceless. "Oh so you DON'T want me to call you that?" he shrugged a bit, an mischevious smirk playing on his lips.
Continuing to eye the box that was not cookies but chocolates, August was happily listened as the older girl fussed with their Quidditch Captain about a past incident he would love to hear more about later. Now Selina was wanting to paint the walls of the Common Room?! "Selina, surely you know you can't do that...there are like tapestries on them." They were definately pretty old, were they not?
So now that he was back in the group of his Gryffindor family he was excited to get this term started. "So you guys ready for Gryffindor to take the house cup this term?" he leaned in, not trying to make his voice low. Maybe the Slytherins would hear him. He really wouldn't know what to do if one of them came over to intimidate him but still...heh.
"How about this," Kurumi said, folding her arms against her chest and looking at August. "You let me call you Auggie Woggie and you can call me Prefect." Hah! Take that logic. Prefect wasn't really a bad thing to be called, but if August was willing to bear the embarrassment of that nickname, then more power to him.
Her eyes went back to Selina. The girl didn't really have that much artistic talent, if Divination's lesson where they had to draw the flight patterns of birds was any indication, so that was a blessing in disguise that Selina wasn't going to paint. Yes, the walls were red, but that didn't mean that there wasn't space for some gold lions or flames on the walls here and there.
Nope...Kurumi wasn't going to suggest that. She DID shoot August a look when he mentioned tapestries.
"Aw, why don't we just paint little Auggie Woggie's chest to advertise for Quidditch then?" Kurumi said in a baby voice as she pinched his cheeks. No need to repeat the pep rally from last term, right? That had already been awkward enough for her.
Originally Posted by LilFox06
Gryff... Gryff... Gryffindor?
But... but... but Anya was not brave. Anya was not anything except incredibly lonely. She eyed the yellow table already missing her best friend. But he was off with the crazy friend-stealer. Fate was exceptionally cruel. She had been separated from Alec... just to find out that they were attending the same school... just to be split up once again.
And she wasn't even in the same house as Asher or Ariel either!
No, she was sitting at a table full of people that we supposedly brave.
She sighed before looking up and down the table. She should probably make new friends, huh? Seeing as her other ones were across the room. That would be the brave thing, right?
Kurumi looked up when she noticed that Headmaster Tate had made his way to the Great Hall and had found his place at the staff table. Not much longer until his speech and then the feast began, right? She ought to just wait until he was done before she got down to her cookie display. It was the polite thing to do.
It was then that she saw a frightened looking girl approach the lion table, newly sorted from the looks of her, and Kurumi pushed off from her position on the table to approach her.
"Hello," Kurumi smiled. She didn't have to bend over too much to greet this one. Finally, a good thing that came out of being short. "Welcome to Gryffindor house. I'm Kurumi Hollingberry, your female prefect." She bowed her head and they offered the girl a small round of applause.
She looked up at the staff table again and saw...Professor Scabior burp a pink bunny? She snorted and covered her mouth to try not to laugh.
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
Last edited by sweetpinkpixie; 01-02-2012 at 07:18 AM.
''Yeah I did alot actually.''He said with a frown.''Yeah I went to Spain with my Girlfriend.''He said smiling.
"Spain?" Ira asked, "Wow! I've always wanted to go there! With girlfriend, eh?" Wait, Ryan had a girlfriend? Ira hadn't known it.. "So who's the lucky girl? Come on, tell me, is she here?"
Weren't they both too young to be in a relationship? At least that was what Ira's mom always told her...
Gideon gave a small pout as Selina acted like it was nothing only relaxing it as she kissed his cheek. Boy he was really slipping into the comfortable routine like it was nothing. Perhaps because it had felt so odd to not have the banter over the summer except their two brief encounters. Thankfully his groan went unnoticed to Selina who would no doubt have made him an example for his behavior.
How was his summer?
Hmmm tough question. "It was alright," Gideon answered for lack of real thoughts on the matter. "Though for the first time it felt weird actually having had friends to miss over the summer. " Which was true, being the wall flower and alone made separation easier to some degree. He simply nodded at the question about being back.
Yes it certainly was great.
His gaze wandered to the staff table, taking in the new faces with the old. There was one face that he didn't see however and he was confused. Remembering the staff was usually seated alphabetically by job title with Tate in the middle, Gideon counted down the chairs from left to right to where the librarian would sit. There was a chair but no brunette Gryffindor head of house. Madam Donovan seemed to have not come down to the feast yet. If she was that it. Unless...
Was she gone?
Gideon dwelled on the though that the woman had indeed not returned until a familiar face crossed his view to sit upon the stool to be sorted. The boy sitting up straighter to await what was to come. They had talked about it before, even felt between the two of them that there was really only two possibilities for her sorting. Now all they could do was wait for the Sorting Hat's answer as it was placed upon his sister's curly head.
He let out a breath he hadn't known he had been holding when Gryffindor was exclaimed for the house of Kacie Gert. So she was to be in the same house with him and where their mother had been before. Distracted by the thought of what that meant, he almost didn't hear August's question.
"Um...yeah I guess so," he answered turning his head back absently.
Kacie skipped over to the Gryffindor table and the first thing she did before taking a seat was look around for her brother. Since he and Selina were the only two people she knew at Hogwarts, she figured that if she found one, the other would be close by. She hoped that he didn't forget about her or he would be sorry. When she finally spotted him, Kacie practically ran over to him, yelling her nickname for him of course.
"Giddy! Giddy! Giddy! We're in the same house," she squealed as she stopped beside him. There was some resemblance between them that it was easy to tell they were siblings, mainly because her hair was just as curly as his, but she was way cuter. There was a little space between him and Selina, and without thinking Kacie moved to squish between them. All it took was a little wiggling and she successfully placed herself in the middle. "Was you watching? Or was you to preoccupied talking?" She knew that he was always preoccupied talking to Selina and now there was this other boy (August) he was talking to that she didn't know. Kacie eyed him for a moment, before she looked at Selina and smiled.
Last edited by Lady Marmalade; 01-02-2012 at 07:24 AM.
Reason: Don't know boy's from girls. :P All edited now.
Sardine VIP || Shark Attack! || D A R T E R || Captain Oblivious
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie
Kurumi looked up when she noticed that Headmaster Tate had made his way to the Great Hall and had found his place at the staff table. Not much longer until his speech and then the feast began, right? She ought to just wait until he was done before she got down to her cookie display. It was the polite thing to do.
It was then that she saw a frightened looking girl approach the lion table, newly sorted from the looks of her, and Kurumi pushed off from her position on the table to approach her.
"Hello," Kurumi smiled. She didn't have to bend over too much to greet this one. Finally, a good thing that came out of being short. "Welcome to Gryffindor house. I'm Kurumi Hollingberry, your female prefect." She bowed her head and they offered the girl a small round of applause.
Anya was not going to cry. She was not! She didn't want to be known as the weird crying girl for the next 7 years. Especially... since she cried the first day of preschool.
She was NOT doing that again. Lesson learned.
"Oh hi." she said startled by the sudden appearance of someone. She wasn't expecting that.
"Oh. Prefect. Congratulations." Oh course... the older girl could have had that title for years... she wasn't sure. But it was still a big deal, right? Even if she had been a prefect for awhile.
"I'm Anya. Anya Phillips. It's a pleasure." Probably. Maybe. She wasn't sure yet.
She then blinked. Kurumi Hollingberry? That sounded a bit familiar...
I'll Spend Forever Wondering If You Knew__________________________________ _____________________________________________I Was Enchanted To Meet You
Kurumi smiled a bit more when yet another lion came to the table. That was more than enough of her Gryffindors here now, yes? "Ira," Kurumi called with a friendly wave. "Hope you had a good summer. Tell me all about it in the common room?" Ira had been a first year that had surprised Kurumi, participating in some of her homework based events in the common room last term despite being the youngest lion at the table. It was that sort of attitude that the house needed and she hoped that Ira would continue to put forth her best effort this term as well. Kurumi enjoyed working with her in classes and on homework assignments after all.
Ira looked around as she heard someone call out her name. Ah! There was Kurumi! Ira really liked Kurumi.. She was the one senior with whom Ira was most comfortable with. Last term, Kurumi had helped her on many occasions!
Ira waved back "Hi Kurumi!" Then she remembered the embarassing incident on the Hogwarts Express.. Her cheeks instantly flushed red. She hoped Kurumi hadn't seen her then...
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 40,105
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
*squishes her* so kyuuuuuuuuuuuute
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
Originally Posted by LilFox06
Anya was not going to cry. She was not! She didn't want to be known as the weird crying girl for the next 7 years. Especially... since she cried the first day of preschool.
She was NOT doing that again. Lesson learned.
"Oh hi." she said startled by the sudden appearance of someone. She wasn't expecting that.
"Oh. Prefect. Congratulations." Oh course... the older girl could have had that title for years... she wasn't sure. But it was still a big deal, right? Even if she had been a prefect for awhile.
"I'm Anya. Anya Phillips. It's a pleasure." Probably. Maybe. She wasn't sure yet.
She then blinked. Kurumi Hollingberry? That sounded a bit familiar...
"Um....thank you," Kurumi laughed. Not like a first year would know that this was her second term as prefect and Kurumi didn't want to do anything else to make the poor thing even more nervous than she already was, right? Before the girl could introduce herself, Kurumi leaned in a bit more. "I'll let you in on a little secret, just because you are a lion and therefore in the house of the brave doesn't mean that it isn't allowed to be nervous or scared." Heck, Kurumi had been shaking in her school shoes her first day too.
"It's nice to meet you Anya," Kurumi smiled. Wait...it wasn't just the last name that caught her attention, but there was a hidden mischievous glimmer in this girl's eyes that had really set her mind into motion. "Anya...I'm sorry if this is a rather...odd question...but do you have an older brother?"
Originally Posted by nups21
Ira looked around as she heard someone call out her name. Ah! There was Kurumi! Ira really liked Kurumi.. She was the one senior with whom Ira was most comfortable with. Last term, Kurumi had helped her on many occasions!
Ira waved back "Hi Kurumi!" Then she remembered the embarassing incident on the Hogwarts Express.. Her cheeks instantly flushed red. She hoped Kurumi hadn't seen her then...
Kurumi peeked over when she heard Ira speak to her. Hopefully she had found the washroom like she had been wanting to on the Hogwarts Express? She had seemed rather rushed and flustered at that time. "Finding everything alright?" she asked, not really wanting to bring too much attention to the events of earlier.
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
Pinkaholic | Teddy | S♥NE | Twinkle! | Baekhyun's wifey l K-pop lover | Dancing Queen l
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie
Having lingered outside the Great Hall ushering students and those eager to be sorted, Kurumi made her way inside and resisted the urge to fuss with her bangs as they came dangerously close, once again, to poking her in the eye. She made her way to the Gryffindor table where she smiled at her Quidditch Captain who was already present. "Hey Selina, holding down the fort already?," Kurumi winked as she continued towards the front of the table, a rather LARGE box in her hands once again. The box was large enough that Kurumi had to waddle her way through the hall, peering around its sides to be able to see everyone properly.
"Arabella, nice to see you again. Hope you had a good summer," Kurumi waved at her fellow fifth year before turning her attention in the direction of a younger student. "Tiffinay, nice to see you as well. I hope you are ready for the term." The lions could certainly use some active student leaders in the second year class, and she was certainly one that Kurumi was expecting great things from.
It was really good to be back to Hogwarts. Meeting old little friends and teachers. And of course meeting new friends was also the thing that Tiffany had always been looking forward to.
As Tiffany was concentrating on the sorting ceremony held at the center of the hall, recalling her memories of being there last year, she heard someone calling her name at the back. Turning her head, she noticed Kurumi had just arrived. Waving back to her, Tiffany replied cheerfully,"Hey Kurumi, how's your summer?"There she stood and headed to her. "Of course I am ready for my second year here. I am getting really anxious about that!" She nodded with a splendid smile. Well...Kurumi was really an awesome prefect who has always been caring for Tiffany all the way till the end of the school year. She was certainly her role model and she was just like her elder sister.
Sweet lollipop, you're my lollipop. If I call you, you must not go away. You are the potion of my life, you are the sweetness that I have.♥♥♥♥♥
Kurumi peeked over when she heard Ira speak to her. Hopefully she had found the washroom like she had been wanting to on the Hogwarts Express? She had seemed rather rushed and flustered at that time. "Finding everything alright?" she asked, not really wanting to bring too much attention to the events of earlier.
Ira was thankful that Kurumi hadn't mentioned the earlier incident.. Or maybe she hadn't noticed her at that time. Anyways, it was fine for Ira.
Kurumi, being the helpful prefect, was talking to a nervous first year.. That was what she liked about Kurumi, she always made everyone feel at home!
Ira replied back, "Yup.. Its feeling great to be a second year now! The whole summer I was just waiting for school to start!" It was like maybe the first time, that she had missed school during holidays. Because otherwise, Ira was the one to want holidays, not school!
Sardine VIP || Shark Attack! || D A R T E R || Captain Oblivious
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie
"Um....thank you," Kurumi laughed. Not like a first year would know that this was her second term as prefect and Kurumi didn't want to do anything else to make the poor thing even more nervous than she already was, right? Before the girl could introduce herself, Kurumi leaned in a bit more. "I'll let you in on a little secret, just because you are a lion and therefore in the house of the brave doesn't mean that it isn't allowed to be nervous or scared." Heck, Kurumi had been shaking in her school shoes her first day too.
"It's nice to meet you Anya," Kurumi smiled. Wait...it wasn't just the last name that caught her attention, but there was a hidden mischievous glimmer in this girl's eyes that had really set her mind into motion. "Anya...I'm sorry if this is a rather...odd question...but do you have an older brother?"
Anya smiled a little. "It's just... I was kind of hoping that I'd be with a friend." she said before looking longingly at the other table again. "But. I guess I belong here." Or didn't belong there. One of the two.
And... she was just going to have to deal with that... for 7 years.
Anddddd she was going to cry. Yes she was. It would have been easier if Alec had just been going to another school. She couldn't keep saying goodbye to him like this.
Wait... her brother? "Yeah. He graduated last term." she said nodding. "Carter. Did you know him? I think he was in Gryffindor." She probably should have paid attention more when he talked. But sometimes he just talked too much! It was hard to keep focused.
And then it hit him -- this was her brother's house! Which meant... maybe it wouldn't be so bad...
I'll Spend Forever Wondering If You Knew__________________________________ _____________________________________________I Was Enchanted To Meet You
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 40,105
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
Originally Posted by LilFox06
Anya smiled a little. "It's just... I was kind of hoping that I'd be with a friend." she said before looking longingly at the other table again. "But. I guess I belong here." Or didn't belong there. One of the two.
And... she was just going to have to deal with that... for 7 years.
Anddddd she was going to cry. Yes she was. It would have been easier if Alec had just been going to another school. She couldn't keep saying goodbye to him like this.
Wait... her brother? "Yeah. He graduated last term." she said nodding. "Carter. Did you know him? I think he was in Gryffindor." She probably should have paid attention more when he talked. But sometimes he just talked too much! It was hard to keep focused.
And then it hit him -- this was her brother's house! Which meant... maybe it wouldn't be so bad...
Kurumi rested a shoulder on the girl's shoulder. "Just remember that you are here for a reason," she smiled. "I was unsure when I was first sorted as well and thought that I belonged elsewhere, but the Sorting Hat knows what it is doing. It has for centuries." At least, that is what her father had put in a letter to her after she had written him having a mild panic attack over being placed in Gryffindor. It hadn't made any sense to her back then and she was sure that she would have been in Hufflepuff and then had her brothers disown her, but it had ended up being the right thing for her. "You know, you CAN go to the other tables and visit your friends." Interhouse mingling was encouraged after all. Kurumi would be a hypocrite if she told her otherwise.
Glad that the topic of the older brother had stopped her bottom lip from wibbling, Kurumi clapped her hands together. "Your brother was my Quidditch Captain and like a big brother to me," she chirped. He meant a great deal to Kurumi and she had flying to thank for that - one of the only things she had to thank it for really. "He meant a lot to everyone in Gryffindor actually."
Originally Posted by nups21
Ira was thankful that Kurumi hadn't mentioned the earlier incident.. Or maybe she hadn't noticed her at that time. Anyways, it was fine for Ira.
Kurumi, being the helpful prefect, was talking to a nervous first year.. That was what she liked about Kurumi, she always made everyone feel at home!
Ira replied back, "Yup.. Its feeling great to be a second year now! The whole summer I was just waiting for school to start!" It was like maybe the first time, that she had missed school during holidays. Because otherwise, Ira was the one to want holidays, not school!
"Have some cookies, Kurumi?" Ira asked...
"Glad to hear it," Kurumi nodded in return. Her eyes flicked back to her box on the table and she tried not to giggle too much. "Once Headmaster Tate has given his speech I promise there will be cookies." And perhaps some mild fireworks to go with it.
Actually, Kurumi wouldn't mind if Sir Nicholas showed up. She rather missed speaking with the Hogwarts ghosts.
Originally Posted by Dan and Emma<3
It was really good to be back to Hogwarts. Meeting old little friends and teachers. And of course meeting new friends was also the thing that Tiffany had always been looking forward to.
As Tiffany was concentrating on the sorting ceremony held at the center of the hall, recalling her memories of being there last year, she heard someone calling her name at the back. Turning her head, she noticed Kurumi had just arrived. Waving back to her, Tiffany replied cheerfully,"Hey Kurumi, how's your summer?"There she stood and headed to her. "Of course I am ready for my second year here. I am getting really anxious about that!" She nodded with a splendid smile. Well...Kurumi was really an awesome prefect who has always been caring for Tiffany all the way till the end of the school year. She was certainly her role model and she was just like her elder sister.
"Summer was good," Kurumi smiled, an obvious blush appearing on her cheeks as she did. Her face brightened even more as Tiffany continued to speak about how she was eager for the term to start. Good. Eagerness was good. Kurumi needed to figure out a way to harness this eagerness and ensure that it didn't fade. It was time to turn Gryffindor house around and the fighting spirit of her pridemates needed to be put to the test. "I am glad to year that, and it is perfectly fine to be anxious. Just make sure that you don't let your nerves get the best of you," she added with a small wink.
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
Shel's owner<3 / SSRPG wanderer // Nat luffs you ^^/ Half Slyther half dor =))
Originally Posted by nups21
Ira felt someone stare at her and so she looked her other side.. There she saw her! "Hey Tennesse! How are you?"
To her surprise, Tenn heard someone calling her name. Tennesee? She looked around. oh of course that was her. She then glanced to where she had heard the voice. "Hi," Tennessee greeted. "I am great. how about you?" She had been wondering how the girl knew her name for she could not remember hers. How bad could that be. "Your name seemed to have slipped my mind over the summer," Tenn said, "What's your name?"
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie
Kurumi looked up when she spotted another lion had made their way to the table and she offered them a polite wave. The girl had taken her seat a little further away from where Kurumi was standing, so Kurumi wasn't really all that inclined to shout across the area. Not yet anyway.
She felt someone look at her and wave. She returned the wave back as a sign of politeness. Maybe it would be nicer to know more people, she told herself so she moved a little closer to where more Lions are having a conversation. "Hello there. It's Tennessee," she said.
Originally Posted by LilFox06
Gryff... Gryff... Gryffindor?
But... but... but Anya was not brave. Anya was not anything except incredibly lonely. She eyed the yellow table already missing her best friend. But he was off with the crazy friend-stealer. Fate was exceptionally cruel. She had been separated from Alec... just to find out that they were attending the same school... just to be split up once again.
And she wasn't even in the same house as Asher or Ariel either!
No, she was sitting at a table full of people that we supposedly brave.
She sighed before looking up and down the table. She should probably make new friends, huh? Seeing as her other ones were across the room. That would be the brave thing, right?
She couldn't tear her gaze when a scared little girl made her way to their table. She wondered why and thought, Perhaps she was a first year. She remembered how she had felt the same way when she first stepped into the hall and took the sorting. Everybody goes into the exact same thing. "Congratulations to making it to Gryffindor," she beamed at her. "My name is Tennessee but you can call me Tenn."
So just like what she had thought, the place is starting to be filled with people and all the conversations are starting to confuse her. Not that confuse - but slightly confuse. Ha-ha. But that's what she missed, talking to people.
Sardine VIP || Shark Attack! || D A R T E R || Captain Oblivious
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie
Kurumi rested a shoulder on the girl's shoulder. "Just remember that you are here for a reason," she smiled. "I was unsure when I was first sorted as well and thought that I belonged elsewhere, but the Sorting Hat knows what it is doing. It has for centuries." At least, that is what her father had put in a letter to her after she had written him having a mild panic attack over being placed in Gryffindor. It hadn't made any sense to her back then and she was sure that she would have been in Hufflepuff and then had her brothers disown her, but it had ended up being the right thing for her. "You know, you CAN go to the other tables and visit your friends." Interhouse mingling was encouraged after all. Kurumi would be a hypocrite if she told her otherwise.
Glad that the topic of the older brother had stopped her bottom lip from wibbling, Kurumi clapped her hands together. "Your brother was my Quidditch Captain and like a big brother to me," she chirped. He meant a great deal to Kurumi and she had flying to thank for that - one of the only things she had to thank it for really. "He meant a lot to everyone in Gryffindor actually."
Anya smiled more. "That's... good to hear." she said finally. She was still a bit disappointed that she wasn't loyal enough to be placed in Hufflepuf like Alec was, but maybe it was all for the best. If the talking hat put her at the lion table, it had to be for a reason.
The next bit cheered her up even more. "Really? I can. It's not some... weird magical separation thing?" So... she could go see them before the feast was over? That was brilliant. Absolutely brilliant!
She giggled at the next bit. "My brother? Are you sure?" Of course, she looked up to her brother most of the time... but that was because they were family. She didn't really except others to. Especially... since Carter could be a bit of a... well... dork.
She frowned a little bit. It just occurred to her that she wouldn't see her brother or her parents until the Holidays.
Originally Posted by Nat nat
She couldn't tear her gaze when a scared little girl made her way to their table. She wondered why and thought, Perhaps she was a first year. She remembered how she had felt the same way when she first stepped into the hall and took the sorting. Everybody goes into the exact same thing. "Congratulations to making it to Gryffindor," she beamed at her. "My name is Tennessee but you can call me Tenn."
So just like what she had thought, the place is starting to be filled with people and all the conversations are starting to confuse her. Not that confuse - but slightly confuse. Ha-ha. But that's what she missed, talking to people.
Oh! And now someone else was going to talk to her. Anya really hoped she wasn't coming across as the pathetic little first year. But she knew better... she was. She was on the verge of tears and she knew she must have looked like it.
"Hi... Tenn. I'm Anya." she said with a small smile. "It's my... first year."
In case that wasn't obvious.
"And thanks. It's... umm... nice to be here."
I'll Spend Forever Wondering If You Knew__________________________________ _____________________________________________I Was Enchanted To Meet You
"Spain?" Ira asked, "Wow! I've always wanted to go there! With girlfriend, eh?" Wait, Ryan had a girlfriend? Ira hadn't known it.. "So who's the lucky girl? Come on, tell me, is she here?"
Weren't they both too young to be in a relationship? At least that was what Ira's mom always told her...
''Yeah,She's a Slytherin Named helsea Charm.''He said with a smile.Wonder where she is.
He could tell her reaction.''Where just really good friends and people started calling us Girlfriend and boyfriend.''
Pinkaholic | Teddy | S♥NE | Twinkle! | Baekhyun's wifey l K-pop lover | Dancing Queen l
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie
"Summer was good," Kurumi smiled, an obvious blush appearing on her cheeks as she did. Her face brightened even more as Tiffany continued to speak about how she was eager for the term to start. Good. Eagerness was good. Kurumi needed to figure out a way to harness this eagerness and ensure that it didn't fade. It was time to turn Gryffindor house around and the fighting spirit of her pridemates needed to be put to the test. "I am glad to year that, and it is perfectly fine to be anxious. Just make sure that you don't let your nerves get the best of you," she added with a small wink.
It was good to be anxious about the new school term and it was always better to have a good observation. Indeed Tiffany was a good one. She could notice that the color of Kurumi's cheeks change from pink to red. Well...did she mention something that brought up her love stories...maybe.
Tiffany seldom listened to senior forms' gossips nor she wanted to ask more about their stories from students older than her. However Kurumi was different. It didn't make her feel uncomfortable even she was her senior. Maybe it's because she was an extremely friendly one, she guessed. It was not bad to be curious.
Wearing an evil smile on her face, she asked,"Well...guess what I have just noticed. I knew that would be something unusual. Tell me what has happened, please,"she blinked, pointing at her two pinky cheeks.
Sweet lollipop, you're my lollipop. If I call you, you must not go away. You are the potion of my life, you are the sweetness that I have.♥♥♥♥♥
Shel's owner<3 / SSRPG wanderer // Nat luffs you ^^/ Half Slyther half dor =))
Originally Posted by LilFox06
Oh! And now someone else was going to talk to her. Anya really hoped she wasn't coming across as the pathetic little first year. But she knew better... she was. She was on the verge of tears and she knew she must have looked like it.
"Hi... Tenn. I'm Anya." she said with a small smile. "It's my... first year."
In case that wasn't obvious.
"And thanks. It's... umm... nice to be here."
"A pleasure to meet you Anya. We have a lot of first years to look forward to this year," Tenn said as she looked again at the newbies. She then looked back at her. "You'll have so much fun here i tell you. Gryffindors are really awesome although all the other houses are but it's really something to be a lion," she shared. Was she blabbing too much again? She hoped not.
''Yeah,She's a Slytherin Named helsea Charm.''He said with a smile.Wonder where she is.
He could tell her reaction.''Where just really good friends and people started calling us Girlfriend and boyfriend.''
Oh that was it.. Chelsea? Ira couldn't recall her. Well anyways, leave it Ira! Changing the topic, Ira asked, "So what subjects are you looking forward to? I am really looking forward to Herbology and Charms. But I am dreading Potions!" Ira remembered with a shudder Professor Lafay. "I don't really hate the subject but its like, I don't like Prof Lafay much.. You do remember the hate potion she made us make last term, don't you? I really want none of that this term!" It was so bad having that cute little pygmy puff hate her!
"I want to have a lot of fun this term, thats for sure!" Ira said excitedly
Lilly collapsed into a seat at the table. She watched as new Gryffindors came to the table, seeing Ryan, but it looked like he was in a conversation. She could go over to the Hufflepuff table to find Violet, but she was tired and hungry and maybe that could be done later. Lilly piled her plate up- the start and end of term feasts were always the best and gobbled it down in a few minutes. She sat there, doing nothing for a minute. The second-year could fall asleep any minute now. The train ride had been long, bumpy and, in her case, annoying. Why she'd argued with a first-year, she didn't know. Just because of a stupid dare that she'd done. At least Lilly had apologised. All she wanted to do was go to bed, so the sooner this ended, the better. The girl yawned. That proved it.
Shel's owner<3 / SSRPG wanderer // Nat luffs you ^^/ Half Slyther half dor =))
Originally Posted by george is cool
Lilly collapsed into a seat at the table. She watched as new Gryffindors came to the table, seeing Ryan, but it looked like he was in a conversation. She could go over to the Hufflepuff table to find Violet, but she was tired and hungry and maybe that could be done later. Lilly piled her plate up- the start and end of term feasts were always the best and gobbled it down in a few minutes. She sat there, doing nothing for a minute. The second-year could fall asleep any minute now. The train ride had been long, bumpy and, in her case, annoying. Why she'd argued with a first-year, she didn't know. Just because of a stupid dare that she'd done. At least Lilly had apologised. All she wanted to do was go to bed, so the sooner this ended, the better. The girl yawned. That proved it.
As another gryffindor after another took their very own seats before the headmaster starts his speech and before everyone else including her get busy with their own plates, Tenn spent most of her time watching and chatting to people.
She even noticed this young girl who seemed to be very tired. yeah, the train ride was tiring but that's one best part she enjoyed on her Hogwarts life. For in the muggle world she could not converse to all the people inside a train and hop into people's compartment without being called mental or being shouted at for invading privacy. But she's not there to think of the muggles but to enjoy her fifth year as another witch in the Williams family. Plus the fact that her mother spent some ample time in straightening out her hair for her previous years it was a little bit curly and bouncy like her, and just for this time she wants it to be perfectly straight.
So she have decided to speak to the sleepy girl. Handing over some Chocolate frogs she got from the train. "Want some chocolates?" she offered at the girl. "They'll keep you awake," she winked at her then continued, "At least for another hour before Headmaster Tate makes a speech and another amount of food would add up toy our sleepiness."
Oh that was it.. Chelsea? Ira couldn't recall her. Well anyways, leave it Ira! Changing the topic, Ira asked, "So what subjects are you looking forward to? I am really looking forward to Herbology and Charms. But I am dreading Potions!" Ira remembered with a shudder Professor Lafay. "I don't really hate the subject but its like, I don't like Prof Lafay much.. You do remember the hate potion she made us make last term, don't you? I really want none of that this term!" It was so bad having that cute little pygmy puff hate her!
"I want to have a lot of fun this term, thats for sure!" Ira said excitedly
Originally Posted by george is cool
Lilly collapsed into a seat at the table. She watched as new Gryffindors came to the table, seeing Ryan, but it looked like he was in a conversation. She could go over to the Hufflepuff table to find Violet, but she was tired and hungry and maybe that could be done later. Lilly piled her plate up- the start and end of term feasts were always the best and gobbled it down in a few minutes. She sat there, doing nothing for a minute. The second-year could fall asleep any minute now. The train ride had been long, bumpy and, in her case, annoying. Why she'd argued with a first-year, she didn't know. Just because of a stupid dare that she'd done. At least Lilly had apologised. All she wanted to do was go to bed, so the sooner this ended, the better. The girl yawned. That proved it.
''Well I'm looking forward to Herbology and Astronomy.''He said smiling.''Potions,Terrible.''He said frowning.''But then I'm not looking forward to History Of Magic Either.''
Ryan turned around to see Lilly.''Hey Lilly.''He said giving her a hug.''How were the rest pf your Holidays.''
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 40,105
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
sorry this took so long guys! Was working on something else XD
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
Originally Posted by Nat nat
She felt someone look at her and wave. She returned the wave back as a sign of politeness. Maybe it would be nicer to know more people, she told herself so she moved a little closer to where more Lions are having a conversation. "Hello there. It's Tennessee," she said.
When she saw that her wave had been returned, Kurumi smiled and it widened even more when she saw that the lioness had decided to move a little closer to them all. Good good, building up the pride right now and making everyone feel included. "Nice to meet you, Tennessee," Kurumi replied with a small head bow. "My name is Kurumi." She offered the girl another small bow. "Are you...new to Hogwarts?"
Originally Posted by LilFox06
Anya smiled more. "That's... good to hear." she said finally. She was still a bit disappointed that she wasn't loyal enough to be placed in Hufflepuf like Alec was, but maybe it was all for the best. If the talking hat put her at the lion table, it had to be for a reason.
The next bit cheered her up even more. "Really? I can. It's not some... weird magical separation thing?" So... she could go see them before the feast was over? That was brilliant. Absolutely brilliant!
She giggled at the next bit. "My brother? Are you sure?" Of course, she looked up to her brother most of the time... but that was because they were family. She didn't really except others to. Especially... since Carter could be a bit of a... well... dork.
She frowned a little bit. It just occurred to her that she wouldn't see her brother or her parents until the Holidays.
Kurumi nodded, more to confirm than anything else that the adorable first year in front of her really didn't have anything to worry about. She remembered a conversation that she had had with Jonathan, about them all having a little bit of each house inside them, but that their strongest qualities, the ones that made them a better person, were the ones the Sorting Hat honed in on.
"Magical separation?" Kurumi laughed. That was a rather clever idea. Perhaps she should implore the staff to cast something similar to that on the younger students to prevent them from rushing into relationships? "No no, nothing like that. There are enchantments in the dormitories to prevent the boys from entering the girls' dormitory though." She covered her mouth a bit more to muffle her giggles. "Any time you want to you can go and visit them at the other tables. Although, I would recommend waiting until the Headmaster has given his speech."
Only she was back to giggling again at Anya's disbelief. "Positive. He knew how to run a mean Quidditch practice. Had me chasing golf balls once for Seeker practice." Merlin, she didn't realize how much she missed Carter until right now, looking at his little sister. She would just have to look out for her in the same manner that he had for her - minus the stalking to see what classes were on for the day.
Originally Posted by Dan and Emma<3
It was good to be anxious about the new school term and it was always better to have a good observation. Indeed Tiffany was a good one. She could notice that the color of Kurumi's cheeks change from pink to red. Well...did she mention something that brought up her love stories...maybe.
Tiffany seldom listened to senior forms' gossips nor she wanted to ask more about their stories from students older than her. However Kurumi was different. It didn't make her feel uncomfortable even she was her senior. Maybe it's because she was an extremely friendly one, she guessed. It was not bad to be curious.
Wearing an evil smile on her face, she asked,"Well...guess what I have just noticed. I knew that would be something unusual. Tell me what has happened, please,"she blinked, pointing at her two pinky cheeks.
Kurumi finally took a seat and sort of hunched over a bit in a feeble attempt to make herself appear smaller. Smaller and therefore slightly invisible, right? Kurumi didn't really want to guess what she had noticed...because Kurumi probably already knew...her cheeks were burning after all.
"Y-Y-You mean about my summer?" she asked while trying to pull her bangs down a bit more to hide her face. She really needed to stop being so awkward about the whole thing, right? No time like the present. "Well...I went home for a bit...and then spent a few weeks at Jonathan's home..." Did Tiffany know Jonathan? She wasn't entirely sure, but supposed that she would find out in a moment.
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes