Welcome to Divination!
First and foremost, as long as you all follow everything stated here, class should be able to be enjoyed by everyone.
SS site rules are applicable here, as well as everywhere else in the school, and the same goes for the
SS RP rules. Remember that, as out-of-character problems will be responded to accordingly with a site warning, etc.
In-character breaking of rules will be dealt with in character, with loss of points or even detention.
Classroom Rules- Always respect Professor Thereos, as well as your peers. The golden rule applies here, people. treat everyone the way you would like to be treated, so if you act otherwise, don't be surprised if you get an equal response.
- Tardiness will not be allowed, unless there is valid IC reason stated. I understand you may not be able to post your character coming into class before it actually begins, so if that happens simply pretend they've been here all along. Anyone who announces they are late (without above-mentioned valid reason, which will be checked) will lose points, as it disrupts the flow of the lesson.
- Participation will be rewarded in some way, most likely with house points. Keep in mind that no one charrie will be able to earn a large amount of the points given in a lesson however, so try to restrict yourself to one answer per post to allow for more people to participate. And only answer a question once. If you've posted one answer, do not post again before the next question has been asked.
- Cheating is not allowed. That includes IC cheating off other characters, as well as copying your answer directly from the textbook (aka the internet). Google and Wikipedia are all very good, but please at least try to reword your answer. I will know if you do otherwise.
- Light chatting is allowed before class begins, as well as if there is group work that may involve such. But keep it simple, as excessive chatting is also disruptive, can be considered rude to others in the thread who may be trying to keep aware of what's going on, and will be met with loss of points