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-   -   Dervish & Banges (

Biochemkris 10-09-2004 03:26 AM

Dervish & Banges
Dervish and Banges is a small, dusky little outlet located at the end of the street in Hogsmeade. As soon as you enter the door and start wandering around the worn shelves full of knickknacks both Wizard and Muggle, you'll notice the squeaky floorboards and thick scent of sawdust do not cater to the casual visitor.

Broken something? Come to the counter in the back to "git 'er fixed" as the shop owner likes to say.

Cedric 06-04-2010 10:12 PM

Aiden had wandered off, down towards the end of the street that wasn't quite so busy. He happened upon this Dervish and Banges place and decided to take a look inside. The first things he was greeted with was a peculiar scent of sawdust, but he walked further anyway, taking note of the random do-dads lining the old shelves. The place seemed so deserted that he almost had forgotten that he was still in Hogsmeade.

Harry is hot23 06-04-2010 10:31 PM


Originally Posted by Cedric (Post 9419320)
Aiden had wandered off, down towards the end of the street that wasn't quite so busy. He happened upon this Dervish and Banges place and decided to take a look inside. The first things he was greeted with was a peculiar scent of sawdust, but he walked further anyway, taking note of the random do-dads lining the old shelves. The place seemed so deserted that he almost had forgotten that he was still in Hogsmeade.

Jason walked through the door to Dervish and Banges, finally escaping the drama of girls and relationships. Did the girls have any clue how miserable they mead guys lives? He immediately noticed another Gryffindor, and walked over to him. “Hey, Aiden. I’ve seen you in the Gryffindor common room before. If you don’t notice me, I’m the one constantly fighting with girls.” He laughed.

Cedric 06-04-2010 10:38 PM


Originally Posted by Harry is hot23 (Post 9419425)
Jason walked through the door to Dervish and Banges, finally escaping the drama of girls and relationships. Did the girls have any clue how miserable they mead guys lives? He immediately noticed another Gryffindor, and walked over to him. “Hey, Aiden. I’ve seen you in the Gryffindor common room before. If you don’t notice me, I’m the one constantly fighting with girls.” He laughed.

Right as Aiden got to the end of the aisle, he was greeted with the sight of another student. A Gryffindor student. Although he was a little surprised that the boy already knew his name, he did recognize him from being around school. "Hey," he said with a smile. "Sorry, I don't believe I know your name. Constantly fighting with girls, huh? Must be going around Hogwarts.." He gave a short laugh. But hey, it was true.

Harry is hot23 06-04-2010 11:19 PM


Originally Posted by Cedric (Post 9419471)
Right as Aiden got to the end of the aisle, he was greeted with the sight of another student. A Gryffindor student. Although he was a little surprised that the boy already knew his name, he did recognize him from being around school. "Hey," he said with a smile. "Sorry, I don't believe I know your name. Constantly fighting with girls, huh? Must be going around Hogwarts.." He gave a short laugh. But hey, it was true.

“Yep, I know how you feel. My name is Jason Dean.” He said, reaching out to shake his hand.

Cedric 06-04-2010 11:26 PM


Originally Posted by Harry is hot23 (Post 9419651)
“Yep, I know how you feel. My name is Jason Dean.” He said, reaching out to shake his hand.

"Well, then. Nice to officially meet you, Jason," Aiden said as he shook the boy's hand. He leaned on one of the shelves, but after feeling the lack of stability and hearing it creak, he pulled his arm back to his side. "So, what brings you to this end of Hogsmeade..? This is actually my first time here.. I'm a transfer from Durmstrang, see."

Harry is hot23 06-04-2010 11:30 PM


Originally Posted by Cedric (Post 9419672)
"Well, then. Nice to officially meet you, Jason," Aiden said as he shook the boy's hand. He leaned on one of the shelves, but after feeling the lack of stability and hearing it creak, he pulled his arm back to his side. "So, what brings you to this end of Hogsmeade..? This is actually my first time here.. I'm a transfer from Durmstrang, see."

"Ah, I lived in America before I came here. I went to a school there for a while before coming here. I live with my sister and father in America, though.” He smiled at the shelf creaking. “So, what year are you in?” He asked.

Cedric 06-04-2010 11:38 PM

"Oh, America, eh? Sick. I should've known from the accent. Which state?" Not that Aiden had been to America tones of times - he had actually only gone once, and that was to New York. Briefly, he wondered what happened to the boy's mum, but he wouldn't ask. Too early to do that. "I'm a sixth year. And you?"

SnitCHchASER 06-05-2010 01:56 PM

Emalyn had never been in this store before. She hadn't even ever noticed it. Strange. She cast a weary eye around the place as she entered, wringing her hands in front of her. It didn't seem like the most cheery place in the world, but she walked in further anyway. May as well go all out, right?

She stepped up to a shelf and - wait, what? Was that a light bulb? Last she knew, no one went to Hogsmeade to get muggle anything. Meh, whatever. She picked it up, intending to buy it, and browsed along the shelves some more. She had plenty at home, but one could never have too many lightbulbs, right?

Cedric 06-05-2010 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by SnitCHchASER (Post 9422060)
Emalyn had never been in this store before. She hadn't even ever noticed it. Strange. She cast a weary eye around the place as she entered, wringing her hands in front of her. It didn't seem like the most cheery place in the world, but she walked in further anyway. May as well go all out, right?

She stepped up to a shelf and - wait, what? Was that a light bulb? Last she knew, no one went to Hogsmeade to get muggle anything. Meh, whatever. She picked it up, intending to buy it, and browsed along the shelves some more. She had plenty at home, but one could never have too many lightbulbs, right?

Aiden was waiting on the boy's reply when who did he see walk past the aisle, but Emalyn Daniels. The one who started the whole butler thing. Hah. "Ema!" Aiden grinned, waving the girl over. Good. Now he could tell her that she'd have to meet up with Rhea and himself for ice cream.

SnitCHchASER 06-06-2010 06:34 PM

Ema jumped at the sound of a voice and let out a shriek. Man ALIVE, she could have sworn she hadn't seen anyone in there, who -? Ah, but of course.
She turned around, her breathing slowing down back to normal, to eye Aiden Chevalier. "Ah. Just you." No ghoul. But a freaky butler was close enough. She glanced at the other boy there as well and looked for others. Only snotty boys, no big deal, right? Right.

"Hiiiiiii Aiden." she said, giving him a small smile after putting her hand across her lips as if it would drone out the shriek she had already let out. Really, it was dumb to assume that just because it was some dark, rickety, dusty, odd shop that she was probably the only one in there. Plus, hey, she had gotten side tracked by muggle normalcies!

Cedric 06-06-2010 07:10 PM


Originally Posted by SnitCHchASER (Post 9427265)
Ema jumped at the sound of a voice and let out a shriek. Man ALIVE, she could have sworn she hadn't seen anyone in there, who -? Ah, but of course.
She turned around, her breathing slowing down back to normal, to eye Aiden Chevalier. "Ah. Just you." No ghoul. But a freaky butler was close enough. She glanced at the other boy there as well and looked for others. Only snotty boys, no big deal, right? Right.

"Hiiiiiii Aiden." she said, giving him a small smile after putting her hand across her lips as if it would drone out the shriek she had already let out. Really, it was dumb to assume that just because it was some dark, rickety, dusty, odd shop that she was probably the only one in there. Plus, hey, she had gotten side tracked by muggle normalcies!

Gahhh! Oh, lordy. Ema's scream sliced the silence like soft butter! Hah. Pfft. Just you. "Yes, no spooks today. Although I probably look scary enough to pass as one." Give him some flour and he could pull it off. Maybe. Or just look utterly ridiculous.

"Hiiiii, Ema," he greeted with a grin, drawing out the long 'i' as she had. "I didn't realize you were so jumpy." Heheh. That knowledge would come in handy. Surely, he'd have to pull some sort of prank on her one of these days. He then motioned to the boy beside him. "Ema, this is my new friend, Jason Dean. He's a fourth year Gryffie."

Lottiepot 07-03-2010 09:09 PM

Trixie wondered into this strange sop full of knickknacks after not visiting it last time se was here. This place was....interesting to say the least. The young Blonde scanned her eyes over some of the items on the shelf before being attracted to a shiny object in the corner which for some reason drew her over to it to take a closer look. And the Fifth year leant on a shelf as she looked a little more. But it wasn't THAT interesting to be honest.

WhittyBitty 07-03-2010 09:26 PM


Originally Posted by feltbeatslover22 (Post 9517976)
Trixie wondered into this strange sop full of knickknacks after not visiting it last time se was here. This place was....interesting to say the least. The young Blonde scanned her eyes over some of the items on the shelf before being attracted to a shiny object in the corner which for some reason drew her over to it to take a closer look. And the Fifth year leant on a shelf as she looked a little more. But it wasn't THAT interesting to be honest.

Torin sneezed as he entered the shop.

All the dust on the floor wasn't really doing him any favours.

Oh well. It was an old and squeaky place, so it was to be expected that there would be some dust.

He was in here to look for some old Muggle things, and hopefully that wouldn't take too long really. He didn't like gross stores much, so he didn't want to hang around.

He headed over to the corner so that he could try to look at the shelves of Muggle stuff, but there was someone in the way.

"Excuse me," he said to the girl as he waited patiently.

Lottiepot 07-03-2010 09:39 PM


Originally Posted by Squishy ♥ (Post 9518046)
Torin sneezed as he entered the shop.

All the dust on the floor wasn't really doing him any favours.

Oh well. It was an old and squeaky place, so it was to be expected that there would be some dust.

He was in here to look for some old Muggle things, and hopefully that wouldn't take too long really. He didn't like gross stores much, so he didn't want to hang around.

He headed over to the corner so that he could try to look at the shelves of Muggle stuff, but there was someone in the way.

"Excuse me," he said to the girl as he waited patiently.

Trixie turned as she heard a voice. It was some what familiar. Like she had heard it before, but she couldn't quite put a face to the voice. But once the blonde had turned around, she immediately knew who it was. Torin. The Hufflepuff prefect along with Sarah. And the only time she had the opportunity to speak to him was Astronomy and even then then he was occupied with getting something out of Miranda's eye.

"Yeah sorry" she replied with a grin hoping he'd remember her from astronomy.

WhittyBitty 07-03-2010 10:58 PM


Originally Posted by feltbeatslover22 (Post 9518105)
Trixie turned as she heard a voice. It was some what familiar. Like she had heard it before, but she couldn't quite put a face to the voice. But once the blonde had turned around, she immediately knew who it was. Torin. The Hufflepuff prefect along with Sarah. And the only time she had the opportunity to speak to him was Astronomy and even then then he was occupied with getting something out of Miranda's eye.

"Yeah sorry" she replied with a grin hoping he'd remember her from astronomy.

He smiled as she turned to look at him. Now he would be able to do what he had wanted to do. w00t!

She also seemed sorta familiar to him.

"Aren't you Dixie? Or ummm... Something like that?" What was her name? He normally wasn't bad at that stuff.

"You're the girl that likes Oliver." Which wasn't an awkward statement at all.

Lottiepot 07-03-2010 11:10 PM


Originally Posted by Squishy ♥ (Post 9518365)
He smiled as she turned to look at him. Now he would be able to do what he had wanted to do. w00t!

She also seemed sorta familiar to him.

"Aren't you Dixie? Or ummm... Something like that?
What was her name? He normally wasn't bad at that stuff.

"You're the girl that likes Oliver." Which wasn't an awkward statement at all.[/color]

Trixie rolled her eyes. Dixie? Seriously? Obviously Mr Prefect hadn't been paying much attention to her in Astronomy. "It's Trixie. With a TR" she said with emphasis. "I was in your group for Astronomy" she informed him. And she had payed attention because that was her favourite lesson.

The girl that likes Oliver?!?!?


Because that was awkward at all was it? What on Earth would she say back to that. "As a friend yes...." she said trying to wriggle her way out of it. Well he didn't specify did he? So that answer was perfect good.

WhittyBitty 07-03-2010 11:21 PM


Originally Posted by feltbeatslover22 (Post 9518401)
Trixie rolled her eyes. Dixie? Seriously? Obviously Mr Prefect hadn't been paying much attention to her in Astronomy. "It's Trixie. With a TR" she said with emphasis. "I was in your group for Astronomy" she informed him. And she had payed attention because that was her favourite lesson.

The girl that likes Oliver?!?!?


Because that was awkward at all was it? What on Earth would she say back to that. "As a friend yes...." she said trying to wriggle her way out of it. Well he didn't specify did he? So that answer was perfect good.

Oops. He had messed up her name.

"Sorry about that. I can be bad with names sometimes." Well, not really, but it was bound to happen eventually. And Dixie wasn't so far off of Trixie. How many people were named Trixie anyway?

"Oh, right. That's what I meant." He gave her a friendly smile.

Lottiepot 07-03-2010 11:39 PM


Originally Posted by Squishy ♥ (Post 9518429)
Oops. He had messed up her name.

"Sorry about that. I can be bad with names sometimes." Well, not really, but it was bound to happen eventually. And Dixie wasn't so far off of Trixie. How many people were named Trixie anyway?

"Oh, right. That's what I meant." He gave her a friendly smile.

Trixie laughed a little and looked down at some random items that lay inside the shop. The place was full of Haberdashery and it kinda intrigued Trix really. "It's alright. It's an usual name and I'm probably quite forgetful anyway" quite literally. In both mannerisms. Like the fact she had forgotten her whole past story.

Trixie raised an eyebrow at him. Yeah right! "Do I look like I was born yesterday?" she asked the prefect with an obvious joking smirk.

"So Mr Prefect. It's Torin yes? Anyway what brings you here?" she asked actually interested in who and why people would go to this shop.

WhittyBitty 07-04-2010 01:03 AM


Originally Posted by feltbeatslover22 (Post 9518464)
Trixie laughed a little and looked down at some random items that lay inside the shop. The place was full of Haberdashery and it kinda intrigued Trix really. "It's alright. It's an usual name and I'm probably quite forgetful anyway" quite literally. In both mannerisms. Like the fact she had forgotten her whole past story.

Trixie raised an eyebrow at him. Yeah right! "Do I look like I was born yesterday?" she asked the prefect with an obvious joking smirk.

"So Mr Prefect. It's Torin yes? Anyway what brings you here?" she asked actually interested in who and why people would go to this shop.

Well, at least she didn't mind him messing up her name. And she agreed that it was unusual. "My name is unusual too." He nodded. He had an odd name. Hardly anyone had his name. And with good reason.

He still smiled though he was confused now. "What? I've seen you talking with Oliver before. Seemed to me that you get along with him. I like him too." He shrugged. Oliver was a cool guy really.

And why was he being called Mr. Prefect? That was so formal. "I generally just go by Torin. And I was looking for some interesting Muggle things. You?" Because she didn't seem to be the type of girl to go in these places.

Lauralicious 10-02-2010 12:35 PM

Fee was walking into this kinda weird looking shop and looked around.
Everything about Hogsmeade was soooo fascinating.

Saz Hale 10-02-2010 12:40 PM


Originally Posted by MissFeenella (Post 9828427)
Fee was walking into this kinda weird looking shop and looked around.
Everything about Hogsmeade was soooo fascinating.

Arabella-Marie walked into the shop and shook her head free of any loose snow and saw Fee standing there and sneeked up behind her and said "Hey Fee been a long time since we last chatted"

Lauralicious 10-02-2010 01:03 PM


Originally Posted by Saz Hale (Post 9828436)
Arabella-Marie walked into the shop and shook her head free of any loose snow and saw Fee standing there and sneeked up behind her and said "Hey Fee been a long time since we last chatted"

Fee turned as she heard a voice behind her.
"Arabella", she smiled,"how have things been?"

Saz Hale 10-02-2010 01:07 PM


Originally Posted by MissFeenella (Post 9828462)
Fee turned as she heard a voice behind her.
"Arabella", she smiled,"how have things been?"

Arabella-Marie smiled and said "Things have been good Fee, how have things been with you"

Lauralicious 10-02-2010 01:12 PM


Originally Posted by Saz Hale (Post 9828464)
Arabella-Marie smiled and said "Things have been good Fee, how have things been with you"

Fee smiled at Arabella-Marie. They hadnt seen eachother in months. Weird.

"Things have been amazing", she giggled,"i got a boyfriend."

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