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Regardless of the chilly weather during the winter season and the cool stone colored tones of the room, the dueling arena was comfortably warm. The arena itself would perhaps look different to some of the older students if they were able to get a look at it in the past. The dueling platform, target dummies, and even the stands were moved around in different locations, pushed to the side mostly, leaving a nice big empty space in the middle of the room. In that space were the familiar deep purple colored mats from the previous lesson lined up accordingly, including the deep red colored mat up at the front in-between the stands where Professor Romanos was currently seated, and in front of each purple mat was something that looked like a miniature tray. There won't be any food during the lesson unfortunately, but these trays will be acting as your desks. Unlike the last lesson, the room is illuminated and practically glowing from the winter sunlight streaming through the windows, giving the area a warm and welcoming atmosphere. Perhaps even make a few sleepy, but never fear. There will be no time to sleep during this class. And do ignore the added doorway in the back of the room. As strange as it's placement is, no one is allowed back there.
OOC: Please come in and take a seat on one of the mats [and be familiar with the rules and expectations]. The lesson will begin in about 12 18 hours or so.
Class has officially begun! Please don't post arriving late. Jump in as if your character has been here the entire time.
Final Task
Use of the Disarming and Shield Charms ONLY.
1st - 4th Years = No sense of SOUND
5th - 7th Years = No sense of SIGHT. You are all blindfolded.
It is alright to be disoriented and not get things right on the first couple of tries. Perhaps your aim is off or you can't say the spell correctly because you can't hear yourself speak. No one is perfect. It is okay. The Professor will be keeping a close eye on things, so please, no fatal injuries. And perhaps no drastic damage to the arena either. It's rather sturdy.
I'll give you a few days to RP, and we'll come to a close on things around the 13th.
Was Kennedy...annoyed? He certainly sounded like it. Was it because she had smacked him twice? She hadn't meant to...she was currently blind as a bat. Not that bats were actually blind. It was quite the opposite really. Their eyes, while small and sometimes poorly developed, are also completely functional, not to mention the fact that they have excellent hearing and sense of smell. Perhaps the saying should be changed to "Keen as a Bat"? Yep, Kurumi was going to try and use that one more often she decided.
She nodded, not that he could see, and then sort of pushed herself off the ground. She then tried to use her keen cat-like senses to somehow HEAR her wand zooming through the air towards her, but had no such luck and heard nothing at all.
"OUCH!" she squeaked as she felt something jab her in the sides and then heard the soft clanging as something fell to the floor. HER WAND! It was near by... Back on all fours again, Kurumi searched around until she found her wand and jumped back to her feet. "I got it!" she chirped, turning to face the direction she THOUGHT Kennedy was, but she was really facing an entirely different one (in the direction of a CERTAIN Slytherin girl)
Now, where were here and Kennedy? "Was it your turn to cast the Disarming Spell?" she shouted over the other students in the arena.
"Sorry," Kennedy mumbled when he heard her. The wand must of have collided with her. Ooops. He heard the clang on the floor and since he was still on the ground he scooted backward...just in case.
After a while he stood up and blindly dusted his pants. Why... did Kurumi sound far from him? Had she already taken her stance? He was about to answer when...
Originally Posted by Roselyn
Now that she was slowly gathering their attention, she gave a quick reassuring smile to Beatrice before speaking. Right. Short on time. "That was a good start. For everyone." Some freaked out, but that was okay. It was to be expected. "However, ve are very short on time, so I think ve'll come to a close here. If you have yet to take notes today, I'd suggest doing so now when everything is still fresh in your mind, whether it was on vot ve discussed earlier or just simply how it felt to duel vithout a sense, because you vill be having homework on this. I'll be posting it up on the noticeboard later today."
Yes, the dreaded homework. "Other than that, you are free to leave. Vell done, everyone." Hopping off the platform, she was JUST about to start cleaning up when she remembered. "OH! And Miss Hyde and Miss Hollingberry, if you two can stay behind please."
One of the many things he learned today; he wasn't taking his sense of sight for granted...ever. Because then he gets run over and smacked.
He gathered his things that weren't far from where he stood and blinked. Oh yeah, being able to see was glorious. "Thanks for the lesson," he told Professor Romanos. It was the best DADA lesson he's had at Hogwarts so far.
- - - -
Kennedy turned back to Kurumi and grinned. "Thanks for being my partner," he said. "See you later." He didn't even mind the smack on the face now. He heard the professor tell the lion girl to stay behind so he went ahead and left.
Hopefully next lesson they'd be able to duel, but with a wider range of spells. Now, THAT would be fun too.
Ravenpuff | Cap'n Crunch | Bedtime Queen | O Minion, My Minion
Text Cut: Romanos
Originally Posted by Roselyn
Now that she was slowly gathering their attention, she gave a quick reassuring smile to Beatrice before speaking. Right. Short on time. "That was a good start. For everyone." Some freaked out, but that was okay. It was to be expected. "However, ve are very short on time, so I think ve'll come to a close here. If you have yet to take notes today, I'd suggest doing so now when everything is still fresh in your mind, whether it was on vot ve discussed earlier or just simply how it felt to duel vithout a sense, because you vill be having homework on this. I'll be posting it up on the noticeboard later today."
Yes, the dreaded homework. "Other than that, you are free to leave. Vell done, everyone." Hopping off the platform, she was JUST about to start cleaning up when she remembered. "OH! And Miss Hyde and Miss Hollingberry, if you two can stay behind please."
Oh, they were done already? Arya hadn't even gotten a chance to try a spell while blindfolded. And he hadn't had a successful attempt. Well, he didn't hit Arya, at least. He may have disarmed someone...
He scrambled back to his things and took out his quill and parchment. He closed his eyes and remembered how it felt to be facing an armed opponent without knowing where they were. Opening his eyes, he began to scribble furiously. I have to get it all down before it leaks out of my brain!
Once he was satisfied, he packed up and headed for the door. "Thank you for the wonderful lesson, Professor! I can't wait for the next one already!"
Now that she was slowly gathering their attention, she gave a quick reassuring smile to Beatrice before speaking. Right. Short on time. "That was a good start. For everyone." Some freaked out, but that was okay. It was to be expected. "However, ve are very short on time, so I think ve'll come to a close here. If you have yet to take notes today, I'd suggest doing so now when everything is still fresh in your mind, whether it was on vot ve discussed earlier or just simply how it felt to duel vithout a sense, because you vill be having homework on this. I'll be posting it up on the noticeboard later today."
Yes, the dreaded homework. "Other than that, you are free to leave. Vell done, everyone." Hopping off the platform, she was JUST about to start cleaning up when she remembered. "OH! And Miss Hyde and Miss Hollingberry, if you two can stay behind please."
There's some good in this world and it's worth fighting for| LOTR|Whovian|Sherlock Fan
Alyssa was disappointed that DADA class had ended, but hoped that they would be given another opportunity to duel again. Gathering up her things, she walked up to the Professor and said,"Thank you for another interesting lesson again, Professor. I hope that the rest of your day will be a good one." before turning and walking out the door.
Super Slytherin Buddy | | ⅓ She-Snake Trio | | a normal girl with normal knees
SPOILER!!: farewells *hugs you all*
Originally Posted by Hermione Lily Potter
Lily listened carefully as the professor finished up the class. She walked over to her stuff and quickly took down some of the notes from earlier along with what it was like without a sense. Once she was done she packed up. "Thank you Professor, for a very informative lesson. Have a good rest of the day." Lily thanked the professor before heading over towards Violet. "Are you heading to the common room?" Lily asked. "If you are, did you want to walk up there with me?" Lily figured it would be nice to get to know another Ravenclaw, so that she would start to meet new people and gain more friends.
"You as vell." she smiled.
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow
It was over already?! Ella was actually pretty disappointed as she was finally getting the hang of the shield charm. She could always practice on her own though, in a safe place of course. Ella smiled at Messer, happy that they had been partners. "Thanks for partnering with me, Messer. I had fun." She then grabbed her bag and pulled out her notebook and pen, quickly scribbling down what the lesson had been about and how it had went. When she was finished, she gathered her things in her bag again and headed towards the door with another wave to Messer.
On her way out she smiled at the Professor. "Thanks for the great lesson! I'm really enjoying this class."
"I'm glad you are." Really really. "Have a good day, Miss Bishop."
Originally Posted by Cassandra
Taylor curtised to the professor, "Thank you for the lesson, Professor Romanos. I hope you have a pleasant rest of the day." She smiled and lefted.
"You as vell, Miss McIntyre." The curtsying was new.
Originally Posted by midnight_thestral
Violet smiled gratefully at the teacher as she announced the end of class. She was also happy that she had her sense of hearing again as all her classmates chattering happily about the experience that they just had. Homework again? Violet sighed at the thought. She never knew when the homework pile was ever going to end. She crossed the large room and said, "Goodbye professor! That was a very interesting lesson with the dueling and experiencing the loss of one's sense. Thank you!"and walked out the door.
"Goodbye, Miss Silverstar."
Originally Posted by alchemist_18
Class dismissed? Good!
Raven tried to stand up. Her back was painful. Then she walked toward Zhenya and asked her to go out together.
"Let's go." then she noticed that Kurumi and a hufflepuff girl was asked to stay behind. Raven didn't want to know more because it's not her bussiness.
"Thank you for today, Professor."
"Have a good day, Miss Charlotte." she smiled.
Originally Posted by Bubbles
One of the many things he learned today; he wasn't taking his sense of sight for granted...ever. Because then he gets run over and smacked.
He gathered his things that weren't far from where he stood and blinked. Oh yeah, being able to see was glorious. "Thanks for the lesson," he told Professor Romanos. It was the best DADA lesson he's had at Hogwarts so far.
"Goodbye, Mister Escalante." Boy with the cool pin.
Originally Posted by hpluvr037
Oh, they were done already? Arya hadn't even gotten a chance to try a spell while blindfolded. And he hadn't had a successful attempt. Well, he didn't hit Arya, at least. He may have disarmed someone...
He scrambled back to his things and took out his quill and parchment. He closed his eyes and remembered how it felt to be facing an armed opponent without knowing where they were. Opening his eyes, he began to scribble furiously. I have to get it all down before it leaks out of my brain!
Once he was satisfied, he packed up and headed for the door. "Thank you for the wonderful lesson, Professor! I can't wait for the next one already!"
Seeing that someone was taking her advice on the notes, Medea smiled and nodded her head to the boy. "Have a nice rest of the day, Mister Marius."
Originally Posted by ShadowButterfly
"Seeya professor." She said and walked out.
"Goodbye, Miss Penta."
Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88
Alyssa was disappointed that DADA class had ended, but hoped that they would be given another opportunity to duel again. Gathering up her things, she walked up to the Professor and said,"Thank you for another interesting lesson again, Professor. I hope that the rest of your day will be a good one." before turning and walking out the door.
"Yours as vell, Miss Potter." she smiled.
Originally Posted by Harry174
Laura was about to leave when the Professor asked her to stay behind what had she done now, it wasn't her fault she had green spots, well anyway she would see what the Professor wanted, just as long as she didn't get Professor Hadley involved, she went upto the Professor and stood there waiting for the Professor to speak.
Picking up the first desk, she stacked it upon the second before Laura had arrived next to her. Goodness, well wasn't that a sight. "Spell gone wrong?" she grinned, peering closer at the green bumps. "Vould you rather I fix those, or vould you vont to go to the healer instead?" It was up to her after all.
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie
Kurumi was just about to throw her bag over her shoulder and leave the room when she heard that she needed to stay behind. Merlin...was it because she had asked Kennedy to perform Accio in order for her to get her wand back?! Was she in trouble?! Getting detention?! More loss of house points?!
Kurumi quickly made her way over to the professor, hoping to get whatever it was over as quickly and painless as possible. "You wanted to see me, professor?"
Aw, and there was Kurumi. "Yes, I did." she nodded, summoning a folder towards her that had been nestled in a dark corner near the stands for the whole lesson. Pulling out a sheet of parchment, she handed it to the Gryffindor girl. It was the girl's schedule that was given to Medea in her office. Only a few days upon it were circled, as well as a few notes added under each day. "I circled the days in which vould be best for the both of us."
She sincerely hoped Kurumi knew what she was talking about. "The added information is just my usual times, in case you feel the need." Popping in every now and then was fine with her.
It seemed they would still be working together afterall. When the professor came around to tap his ear he almost laughed, that was funny since he was already deaf and nothing she could do would undo that. Holding his hand up to stop her he turned his hearing aid off and turned to Tayla and nodded to her. Too bad she couldn't sign because that would help them out perfectly. His speech was already a bit off and he had had years of practicing without hearing himself so it was probably unfair. Giving her a thumbs up -everyone understood that- he prepared himself. She would go first, he saw from her stance, she was in attack mode but knowing how to read body language he'd let her disarm him seeing that it might have been a shock if he magically could defend without hearing.
With his wand on the floor he gave a nod then went to get it. With it in his hand he gave her a nod and raised his brows before getting in position. With his left hand extended he used the right to sign ok to her, his index and thumb making an "O" while the other three fingers stuck up in the air. He wouldnt fire until she gave the go ahead and when she did he waved his right hand hoping to catch her attention then flicked the left saying "Expelliarmus!"
Originally Posted by Roselyn
Now that she was slowly gathering their attention, she gave a quick reassuring smile to Beatrice before speaking. Right. Short on time. "That was a good start. For everyone." Some freaked out, but that was okay. It was to be expected. "However, ve are very short on time, so I think ve'll come to a close here. If you have yet to take notes today, I'd suggest doing so now when everything is still fresh in your mind, whether it was on vot ve discussed earlier or just simply how it felt to duel vithout a sense, because you vill be having homework on this. I'll be posting it up on the noticeboard later today."
Yes, the dreaded homework. "Other than that, you are free to leave. Vell done, everyone." Hopping off the platform, she was JUST about to start cleaning up when she remembered. "OH! And Miss Hyde and Miss Hollingberry, if you two can stay behind please."
Tayla was glad her disarming spell had worked. She waited for Jacques to come back and ready his wand with his own spell. She was ready to perform a shield charm, but she got a bit distracted by a sudden sensation in her ear.
"Oh! Good one, Jacques!" she said as her wand flew out of her hand. She picked it up and realized she could hear again.
Realizing the lesson was over, Tayla came over to Jacques and thanked him. "See you around, Jacques. Thanks for partnering with me." She smiled at the Slytherin boy once more and went to gather her things.
"Thanks for the class, Professor!" she waved at Professor Romanos and made a mental note to practice the spells some more.
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 40,105
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
Originally Posted by Roselyn
Aw, and there was Kurumi. "Yes, I did." she nodded, summoning a folder towards her that had been nestled in a dark corner near the stands for the whole lesson. Pulling out a sheet of parchment, she handed it to the Gryffindor girl. It was the girl's schedule that was given to Medea in her office. Only a few days upon it were circled, as well as a few notes added under each day. "I circled the days in which vould be best for the both of us."
She sincerely hoped Kurumi knew what she was talking about. "The added information is just my usual times, in case you feel the need." Popping in every now and then was fine with her.
Waving goodbye to Kennedy, Kurumi's attention went back towards Professor Romanos.
She was summoning something?! Oh Merlin...
Kurumi stood and watched as the folded glided towards the professor and she took out a sheet of parchment from it. EEK! Kurumi had never seen detentions handed out in the form of parchment before...but this professor was new so maybe that it how she did things where she was from? Like, there was a form that you had to sign to accept your punishment or something?!
Accepting the parchment, Kurumi looked it over and instantly her facial expression relaxed. OOoooooooooooh! It was about those special lessons! "Oh, thank you, professor," Kurumi said with a faint smile, reading over the days and seeing where circles had been placed. "Actually, professor, I do not have any plans after this lesson," she said. Sure, it had "baking in the kitchens" written there, but Kurumi hadn't felt like baking much these days. Meditation and controlling her feelings was something that really needed to get done...even if it was an even bigger struggle now. "I could help move tables back to give us some room?" Since, well, the place was a mild mess at the moment.
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
Now that she was slowly gathering their attention, she gave a quick reassuring smile to Beatrice before speaking. Right. Short on time. "That was a good start. For everyone." Some freaked out, but that was okay. It was to be expected. "However, ve are very short on time, so I think ve'll come to a close here. If you have yet to take notes today, I'd suggest doing so now when everything is still fresh in your mind, whether it was on vot ve discussed earlier or just simply how it felt to duel vithout a sense, because you vill be having homework on this. I'll be posting it up on the noticeboard later today."
Yes, the dreaded homework. "Other than that, you are free to leave. Vell done, everyone." Hopping off the platform, she was JUST about to start cleaning up when she remembered. "OH! And Miss Hyde and Miss Hollingberry, if you two can stay behind please."
Jen desided to stay behind for a little bit to clear things up
"Proffessor? Er..." she turned taword Laura
"I'm sorry about the spots. I didn't mean to."
Sassenach | RAVENPUFF | Sing me a song of a lass that is gone | bookDRAGON | #awkwardturtle<#
Originally Posted by alchemist_18
Zhenya didn't try to use the shield charm, but she attacked her back with Expelliarmus! Suddenly Raven pushed herself and she fell backwards.
"Ouch.. That's hurt.." she murmured.
Class dismissed? Good!
Raven tried to stand up. Her back was painful. Then she walked toward Zhenya and asked her to go out together.
"Let's go." then she noticed that Kurumi and a hufflepuff girl was asked to stay behind. Raven didn't want to know more because it's not her bussiness.
"Thank you for today, Professor."
Zhenya felt awful, "Oh I'm sorry Raven, I didn't know what was going on! I didn't mean to hurt you."
She heard the Professor talk, and gave a small smile to Laura, and said "Great lesson Professor!" and left with Raven.
dream until your • dreams come true ~ Human pygmy puff
Alex felt that she had learned a lot during the lesson, but truthfully she was relieved that it was over. She did not like having her hearing taken away, that's for sure. Gathering up her things she said, "Goodbye Professor". Then Alex headed toward the door.
Daisy grinned, waving goodbye to LuLu. It had been fun working with her, she though, picking up her things and making her way to the door with the rest of the class.
'Thanks Professor,' she grinned, 'It was a great lesson.'
With this new teacher, Daisy was really enjoying DADA lessons, and she'd learnt a lot in the past couple.
Skiving Snackbox? A Headless Hat?
Only one place you can get all that...
Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes
Pranking just got professional...
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Minerva pulled out her parchment and started taking some notes. When she was finished she packed up and looked at Justin. "You ready?" She headed out of class, but not before saying good bye. "Bye Professor, Thank you for the interesting lesson."
Hit Wiz love | 1/2 of Bensky | Louisa's baby claw. <3 | kewe
Originally Posted by midnight_thestral
Violet smiled gratefully at the teacher as she announced the end of class. She was also happy that she had her sense of hearing again as all her classmates chattering happily about the experience that they just had. Homework again? Violet sighed at the thought. She never knew when the homework pile was ever going to end. She crossed the large room and said, "Goodbye professor! That was a very interesting lesson with the dueling and experiencing the loss of one's sense. Thank you!"and walked out the door.
She saw her partner catch up with her from behind and turned around to say goodbye to her as well, but when she heard that Lily was going to the common, she thought better of it. Why not make new friends while going up and getting your school books? "Yeah, I'll be going to the common room. Let's go together." she replied happily at the fellow Ravenclaw.
Lily waited as Violet got her stuff together. Once they met up again, Lily smiled. "Ok. Let's go!" Lily said leading the way out of the class. She was always happy to make new friends, especially friends in her year, so that she could have friends through all seven of the years at Hogwarts.
Ability is nothing without Opportunity | | Creativity is Intelligence having FUN
SPOILER!!: Gideon and zeProf
Originally Posted by Macavity
Gideon was working on getting a better feel to his surroundings though the various sounds he was hearing from classmates wasn't really helping. He needed to focus on pinning where his partner was, only having a general area from his last position and where he believed the last question had come from. "Aye...I'm here," he answered once more, raising his voice a little so Vickers might hear him this time.
Then a thought crossed his mind and he couldn't help frowning. Maybe he had been wrong and the Ravenclaw was a year younger then him and so lost his hearing instead of his sight. That would make things harder since they couldn't really communicate with each other all to well then. "Um...okay," Gideon answered, using the last two replies to turn in the approximate direction Vickers appeared to be in. He would need to be cautious to catch the spell as best he could.
And when he heard the spell cast, Gideon raised his wand in defense about to cast his own spell only to freeze once more as his eyes were greeted with light once more. The blinding spell obviously having been taken off, the answer as to why soon was heard as the professor told them all to cease everything. He lowered his wand back to his side with a sigh of relief, briefly wondering where Vickers' spell was since it hadn't hit him until he spotted his partner facing a dueling dummy.
Whew...at least somewhere it was harmless...and hopefully they were done.
Originally Posted by Roselyn
For the love of all things shiny!
Jumping a little as the Slytherin girl suddenly spun back around to face her, wand pointed at her and all, she was a bit taken aback to really...do anything but...DUCK AND COVER!
Flailing to the side, she reached over and pulled down the blindfold from Sierra's face. "Wrong...person...Miss Greingoth. Didn't you hear?" Didn't she???
Glancing past Sierra towards Olivia, she stood up a little more straight after that small-ish attack was over. Hmmm? Halfway to opening her mouth, she snapped it shut. Right. She wouldn't be able to hear her. Yet as someone else was calling out for her, she held up her finger to indicate she'd get back to that topic.
Glancing towards Laura and her partner, her eyes widened a bit at the sight of the spots. Uh huuuuh. Yet before she could lift the spell from the Hufflepuff girl so she could hear her speak, Medea heard yet another person calling for help.
This one sounded a bit more urgent though. "HERE!" she said, spinning around and holding up her hand. Wait. Who was the one calling for her? A blindfolded student or one who wouldn't be able to hear her?
Finally though, she did spot someone who looked just a bit more upset than she'd expected. Oh Merlin. Yet on her way over to the girl, she'd passed two students practically on the floor, one who had a squeak in their voice, and a buuuunch of people who were having a hard time pronouncing the spells. Okaaay...
With a glance at her watch as she stopped next to the girl, Medea ran sighed and tapped the girl on both sides of her head near her ears to counter the deafening spell. "Are you alright, Miss Castell?" She wasn't hurt was she?
Looking out across the chaotic room, she was actually rather pleased with the results. A few mishaps, but all in all, they all did get a taste of what it was like not having one of their senses. Which was the point of it all. They practically failed altogether, but still, Medea was pleased. Especially in the conditions they were in. "ALRIGHT! Every...one..." Wait. Half the class couldn't hear a word she was saying.
Shaking her head to herself, she hopped up onto the dueling platform and made a sweep of her wand over the class. The blindfolds on the older students were vanished, and the spells effecting the younger students hearing was countered instantly. "Alright! Everyone. Stop! Hold your spells!" Stop stop stop.
Originally Posted by Roselyn
Now that she was slowly gathering their attention, she gave a quick reassuring smile to Beatrice before speaking. Right. Short on time. "That was a good start. For everyone." Some freaked out, but that was okay. It was to be expected. "However, ve are very short on time, so I think ve'll come to a close here. If you have yet to take notes today, I'd suggest doing so now when everything is still fresh in your mind, whether it was on vot ve discussed earlier or just simply how it felt to duel vithout a sense, because you vill be having homework on this. I'll be posting it up on the noticeboard later today."
Yes, the dreaded homework. "Other than that, you are free to leave. Vell done, everyone." Hopping off the platform, she was JUST about to start cleaning up when she remembered. "OH! And Miss Hyde and Miss Hollingberry, if you two can stay behind please."
He felt the spell leave his wand. No sooner has he done so when he felt something hard bounce off at something in front of him and fall onto t he floor just as heavily. Merlin! Did he just knock Gideon out cold?
But the Gryffindor was prepared wasnt he? He heard him raise the shield spell.... or he thought he heard him raise it....
"G-G-G-Gideon?!?? Are you alright?" the Ravenclaw blurted out in sheer panic. Just then he felt the blindfold fly out of his head, instinctively raised his arm against his face as brightness flooded his sight. Blinking a few times he oriented himself to seeing again-- then stared at the floor.
A dueling dummy planked before him.
For a split second he thought he accidentally turned Gideon into the dummy when he realized he was now facing the wall. He was facing the wrong direction all this time? He turned quickly and saw the Gryffindor boy standing there quite alright. He breathed a sigh of relief "You're ok. Awesome." Really it was awesome. He has never felt more relieved seeing a student alive and well after feeling incapacitated and from the looks of the dummy, totally dangerous with a wand.
Then the DADA Professor started winding down and mentioned homework. He collected his things quickly then turned awkwardly towards the Gryffindor "Thanks for putting up with me. Sorry if I hurt you in any way... I didnt mean to." If only the boy knew Vickers could barely hear him.
He excused himself as he shuffled towards the door quietly, not giving the Professor her usual farewell greeting. He was embarrassed, and didnt feel like he could face the Professor after having done rather poorly in her class today.
++Tenacius ++🐦++ Salander++🐦++ Deo ++🐦++ Vickers ++🐦++ Huxley ++🐦+ Aquila++ Yeah thats what crazy is, when its broken you say theres nothing to fix++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++And you pray that everything will be okay, while you're making all the same mistakes
Super Slytherin Buddy | | ⅓ She-Snake Trio | | a normal girl with normal knees
SPOILER!!: Some more farewells *hugs you too*
Originally Posted by affy7ann
Realizing the lesson was over, Tayla came over to Jacques and thanked him. "See you around, Jacques. Thanks for partnering with me." She smiled at the Slytherin boy once more and went to gather her things.
"Thanks for the class, Professor!" she waved at Professor Romanos and made a mental note to practice the spells some more.
"Goodbye, Miss Barnhill." she waved.
Originally Posted by Jessiqua
Zhenya felt awful, "Oh I'm sorry Raven, I didn't know what was going on! I didn't mean to hurt you."
She heard the Professor talk, and gave a small smile to Laura, and said "Great lesson Professor!" and left with Raven.
"Have a nice day, Miss Burton." she smiled.
Originally Posted by Daydreamer11
Alex felt that she had learned a lot during the lesson, but truthfully she was relieved that it was over. She did not like having her hearing taken away, that's for sure. Gathering up her things she said, "Goodbye Professor". Then Alex headed toward the door.
"Goodbye, Miss Delaine."
Originally Posted by weasleytwinsROCK
Daisy grinned, waving goodbye to LuLu. It had been fun working with her, she though, picking up her things and making her way to the door with the rest of the class.
'Thanks Professor,' she grinned, 'It was a great lesson.'
With this new teacher, Daisy was really enjoying DADA lessons, and she'd learnt a lot in the past couple.
"I'm glad you enjoyed it." she smiled. "Have a good day, Miss Tucker."
Originally Posted by Bazinga
Minerva pulled out her parchment and started taking some notes. When she was finished she packed up and looked at Justin. "You ready?" She headed out of class, but not before saying good bye. "Bye Professor, Thank you for the interesting lesson."
"Have a nice day, Miss Wheatborn." Medea waved.
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie
Waving goodbye to Kennedy, Kurumi's attention went back towards Professor Romanos.
She was summoning something?! Oh Merlin...
Kurumi stood and watched as the folded glided towards the professor and she took out a sheet of parchment from it. EEK! Kurumi had never seen detentions handed out in the form of parchment before...but this professor was new so maybe that it how she did things where she was from? Like, there was a form that you had to sign to accept your punishment or something?!
Accepting the parchment, Kurumi looked it over and instantly her facial expression relaxed. OOoooooooooooh! It was about those special lessons! "Oh, thank you, professor," Kurumi said with a faint smile, reading over the days and seeing where circles had been placed. "Actually, professor, I do not have any plans after this lesson," she said. Sure, it had "baking in the kitchens" written there, but Kurumi hadn't felt like baking much these days. Meditation and controlling her feelings was something that really needed to get done...even if it was an even bigger struggle now. "I could help move tables back to give us some room?" Since, well, the place was a mild mess at the moment.
Right...now? In here?
Glancing around the arena for a split moment, she shrugged her head from side to side, taking it all in. She supposed this was a decent place to meditate. Once the tables and mats were pushed to the side, there would be a nice open area, and it'd be quiet once the rest of the kids left. "If you're up for it." she smiled, stacking a third desk on the previous two.
Had nothing really to do after this lesson anyhow.
Originally Posted by 2111jen
Jen desided to stay behind for a little bit to clear things up
"Proffessor? Er..." she turned taword Laura
"I'm sorry about the spots. I didn't mean to."
Originally Posted by Harry174
Laura looked at the Professor. "I'd rather you did it Professor, the nurse doesn't like me for some reason and I don't know what it is."
It wasn't quite her business, but she couldn't help what happened the last time the Hufflepuff girl ran into the healer. "Vell, this isn't too hard to fix." Just a little spell mishap. By the looks of it, her partner had mispronounced 'protego'.
Her partner in which was...right there. "It's quite fixable, Miss Emery." Tracing her wand around Laura's face, muttering something under her breath, the green spots disappeared. "See? Good as new."
"Alright then."
She turned to Laura.
"Hope to see you again sometime."
As Jen walked out the door, she thought something. Maybe I should act like other slytherins and not apolijize. Then again, maybe I apolijized to not loose points for Slytherin house. Oh well, this world is crazy.
Minerva pulled out her parchment and started taking some notes. When she was finished she packed up and looked at Justin. "You ready?" She headed out of class, but not before saying good bye. "Bye Professor, Thank you for the interesting lesson."
" Yeah, let me just write this down quickly. " Justin said as he wrote everything down. and grabbed his bag and said quick, " Great lesson today , Professor. Have a nice day. " he smiled as he followed Minnie out of the class
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
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Location: The Paths
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
dunno if you want to stay in this thread or move...elsewhere? XD
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
Originally Posted by Roselyn;10914467
Right...now? In here?
Glancing around the arena for a split moment, she shrugged her head from side to side, taking it all in. She supposed this was a decent place to meditate. Once the tables and mats were pushed to the side, there would be a nice open area, and it'd be quiet once the rest of the kids left. "If you're up for it." she smiled, stacking a third desk on the previous two.
Had nothing really to do after this lesson anyhow.[/color]
Kurumi nodded her head sharply to confirm. The sooner the better. She always tried to keep the Headmaster's mantra of constant vigilance in her own mind, but with everything going on these days...Kurumi's vigilance was wavering.
Walking over to a row of desks, Kurumi began to push and stack them off to the side until there were none left in her area. The physical exertion was surprisingly refreshing. Carrying the heavy desks off to the side, flexing her muscles, hearing the wood and metal clang against each other...it made her feel alive. All her senses working together to take in everything.
Kurumi then began rolling up mats and setting those to the side, leaving the one she had been sitting on during the lesson out. You...needed these things for yoga and meditation, right? Kurumi was used to tatami mats when it came to these practices, so she wasn't entirely sure.
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
There's some good in this world and it's worth fighting for| LOTR|Whovian|Sherlock Fan
Alyssa was almost at the door, before she realized that she had forgotten to ask whether the Professor needed any help. So she waited until she was done speaking with Kurumi before she approached the Professor again. "Uh Professor Romanos. I know that I asked you the last time, and you didn't need help then, but I was wondering whether you need help now to rearrange the chairs and tables back to their original positions. I really don't mind helping out." Alyssa asked the Professor.
Super Slytherin Buddy | | ⅓ She-Snake Trio | | a normal girl with normal knees
Originally Posted by Devina Wellheart
" Yeah, let me just write this down quickly. " Justin said as he wrote everything down. and grabbed his bag and said quick, " Great lesson today , Professor. Have a nice day. " he smiled as he followed Minnie out of the class
"You as vell, Mister Wellheart." she smiled and gave a little wave.
Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88
Alyssa was almost at the door, before she realized that she had forgotten to ask whether the Professor needed any help. So she waited until she was done speaking with Kurumi before she approached the Professor again. "Uh Professor Romanos. I know that I asked you the last time, and you didn't need help then, but I was wondering whether you need help now to rearrange the chairs and tables back to their original positions. I really don't mind helping out." Alyssa asked the Professor.
Halfway to picking up another desk, Medea looked up to the young Hufflepuff who came back to help out. Wasn't surprised to see it was Miss Potter. Even if she already had Kurumi helping, she didn't mind another helping hand. It'd make this go faster.
"If you vont to." she smiled. "Ve're just pushing them to the side."
There's some good in this world and it's worth fighting for| LOTR|Whovian|Sherlock Fan
"Cool. I'll do that now, Professor."Alyssa smiled glad to be of help. She quickly put down her back pack and picked up one desk and carried over to the side. She wondered why the Professor wasn't using magic to do this but figured she had her reasons. Do
She just did what she and Kurumi were doing.
'Actually this exercise will come in handy. It will definitely strengthen my arms. Better to swing the bat with.' Alyssa thought to herself, giggling as as she went to pick up another desk and move it to the side as the Professor has instructed. With all three of them working together, they would get this room back the way it was.
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 40,105
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
just to wrap up here *nods*
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
Finished with her section, Kurumi turned around to face the professor. She was really eager to get these private lessons underway so that she could control things much easier and not be the physical embodiment of a mood ring for people to gawk at, when she saw that Alyssa had stayed behind.
Clutching a mat to her chest, Kurumi just stood there waiting for the Hufflepuff to leave. Unrolling the mat, Kurumi pretended to fuss with it. She really didn't want an audience or any questions asked really...so best to look like she was keeping busy, yeah?
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
There's some good in this world and it's worth fighting for| LOTR|Whovian|Sherlock Fan
Alyssa noticed that Kurumi had finished with her section. She didn't leave though but instead started unrolling a mat. This made Alyssa think that she was waiting for something...or someone. Then she realized that it was her!! She quickly finished carrying the last desk and placed it on the side, before making her way back to the Professor. "I'm all done Professor and it looks like Kurumi and you are too. So I'll just say goodbye and thank you for allowing me to help out."Alyssa waved at Kurumi, to let her know that she was leaving. Alyssa then made her way out the door, leaving the Professor and Kurumi behind.