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Regardless of the chilly weather during the winter season and the cool stone colored tones of the room, the dueling arena was comfortably warm. The arena itself would perhaps look different to some of the older students if they were able to get a look at it in the past. The dueling platform, target dummies, and even the stands were moved around in different locations, pushed to the side mostly, leaving a nice big empty space in the middle of the room. In that space were the familiar deep purple colored mats from the previous lesson lined up accordingly, including the deep red colored mat up at the front in-between the stands where Professor Romanos was currently seated, and in front of each purple mat was something that looked like a miniature tray. There won't be any food during the lesson unfortunately, but these trays will be acting as your desks. Unlike the last lesson, the room is illuminated and practically glowing from the winter sunlight streaming through the windows, giving the area a warm and welcoming atmosphere. Perhaps even make a few sleepy, but never fear. There will be no time to sleep during this class. And do ignore the added doorway in the back of the room. As strange as it's placement is, no one is allowed back there.
OOC: Please come in and take a seat on one of the mats [and be familiar with the rules and expectations]. The lesson will begin in about 12 18 hours or so.
Class has officially begun! Please don't post arriving late. Jump in as if your character has been here the entire time.
Final Task
Use of the Disarming and Shield Charms ONLY.
1st - 4th Years = No sense of SOUND
5th - 7th Years = No sense of SIGHT. You are all blindfolded.
It is alright to be disoriented and not get things right on the first couple of tries. Perhaps your aim is off or you can't say the spell correctly because you can't hear yourself speak. No one is perfect. It is okay. The Professor will be keeping a close eye on things, so please, no fatal injuries. And perhaps no drastic damage to the arena either. It's rather sturdy.
I'll give you a few days to RP, and we'll come to a close on things around the 13th.
Baguette | there is no D in my name | TRAITORclaw | Queenie of Narnia
Originally Posted by Squishy ♥
Lookign at Vashti, Amelia saw that she too didn't look forward to the prospect of having to cast spells without any vision. But she would do it because it was for school and she supposed it was also good practise even though she wasn't really one for duelling unless she had to. And so far she hadn't ever really had to do any.
"Yes, I suppose we should." Sighing, she also went back a few steps. "Okay, that's better."
Originally Posted by Roselyn
As the final few were spreading out, Medea started to move to the left side of the room. Before she started to taking away senses though, she made sure to start with instructions. Would be no use for her to speak when the younger students couldn't hear a thing. "Older students, try and remember where your partner stands as of this moment, and please, all of you, do not move around too much from your spot." She didn't need someone walking into the line of someone else's spell. "Remember! Use just the disarming and shield spells only. Any other spell used vill result in punishment. Last but not least, have fun vith this."
Smiling and moving from student to student, she either tapped each side of their head near their ears with a nonverbal spell to make them momentarily deaf to surrounding noises or she used the more known obscuro spell to blindfold the older students. Once she was done, she hopped up to the dueling platform so she had a better view of everyone in the room, and they had a better view of her.
"Again. JUST the disarming and shield spells." Older students would have heard her. Younger students, not so much. "You may start!" She held two thumbs up to benefit the students that couldn't hear her as a signal to go.
Right, so now that they were a few steps away from the rest of the students, Vashti sort of stood there, looking uncertainly over at Amelia, and waited nervously for the professor to blindfold them. This was going to be...interesting.
Wait, remember where your partner stood? Vashti glanced over at Amelia once more before suddenly everything went dark. Oh Merlin! Things were so different when she couldn't see anything. Where was Amelia again?
"You ready, Amelia?" she asked, perhaps a little louder than was necessary. She wasn't sure how far away her partner was anymore though, and she thought she needed to talk over the spell casting the other students were already doing.
if we fall, we will fall together; and when we rise, we will rise together__________________♥♥♥♥ together we are dangerous; together with our differences; together we are bolder, braver, stronger
Ability is nothing without Opportunity | | Creativity is Intelligence having FUN
SPOILER!!: Gideon
Originally Posted by Macavity
Gideon relaxed and let out a breath as the spell hit its target and he watched Vickers' wand fly from his hand. It was certainly better then pushing the Ravenclaw back himself which was an effect if not focused correctly. "Thanks," he said, straightening to a normal stance as his partner retrieved his wand from where it had rolled.
When asked if he wanted to repeat the action, the Gryffindor meerly shook his head. "Nae...I'm good," he answered not needing to test the spell anymore since it had been successful the first time around. "Ye can work on disarming me this time," he added taking a deep breath and preparing himself for what was to come.
He did feel kinda bad that the shield charm hadn't be allowed at first but now it was. Maybe he would just allow the spell to hit him on premise? Give the Ravenclaw a boost of confidence. He raised his wand slightly in offense but not too threatening since he wanted his partner not to be too nervous when he cast.
Ok so now it was his turn to try the disarming spell. "Okay.... here we go!" he mumbled nervously. He raised his wand and with the disarming wand stroke uttered "Expelliarmus!"
Then again in his nervousness he may have been pointing a little far from Gideon's wand. Ooops.
SPOILER!!: Professah u know he's deaf right?!? rotlf!
Originally Posted by Roselyn
After taking another sweep around the room, Medea paused up at the front where she had been previously standing during most of the theoretical portion of the lesson. Most, if not all, were doing a splendid job with their spells, and even if a few were a bit shaky, they seemed to be doing better after each time they tried. That's what she liked to see.
"Alright. Everyone." Attention over here! She waited until they did so before continuing on. "Ve don't have that much time left in the class and I do vont to get to the portion where ve discussed taking away one sense. You all are doing very vell vith your spells, so I have no doubt that you'll be able to pull this off. I vos initially going to go through each separately, but for now since the lack of time, I'll be dividing you all up. First through fourth years, you'll have your sense of sound taken away, while fifth through seventh years, you'll be blindfolded to take away your sense of sight."
Fun, wasn't it? "Don't vorry. If you don't vont to do this, just raise your hand and tell me. Or if your preference is the other vay around, let me know. As for now, I'd advise you and your partner to take a few more steps away from everyone just for safety. I'll be keeping a lookout in case any spells go off course. So, spread out some more. There is enough room in here."
OOC: I'll give you guys a few hours to spread out, and then we'll get to the dueling portion.
Originally Posted by Roselyn
As the final few were spreading out, Medea started to move to the left side of the room. Before she started to taking away senses though, she made sure to start with instructions. Would be no use for her to speak when the younger students couldn't hear a thing. "Older students, try and remember where your partner stands as of this moment, and please, all of you, do not move around too much from your spot." She didn't need someone walking into the line of someone else's spell. "Remember! Use just the disarming and shield spells only. Any other spell used vill result in punishment. Last but not least, have fun vith this."
Smiling and moving from student to student, she either tapped each side of their head near their ears with a nonverbal spell to make them momentarily deaf to surrounding noises or she used the more known obscuro spell to blindfold the older students. Once she was done, she hopped up to the dueling platform so she had a better view of everyone in the room, and they had a better view of her.
"Again. JUST the disarming and shield spells." Older students would have heard her. Younger students, not so much. "You may start!" She held two thumbs up to benefit the students that couldn't hear her as a signal to go.
OOC: Use of the Disarming and Shield Charms ONLY.
1st - 4th Years = No sense of SOUND
5th - 7th Years = No sense of SIGHT. You are all blindfolded.
It is alright to be disoriented and not get things right on the first couple of tries. Perhaps your aim is off or you can't say the spell correctly because you can't hear yourself speak. No one is perfect. It is okay. The Professor will be keeping a close eye on things, so please, no fatal injuries. And perhaps no drastic damage to the arena either. It's rather sturdy.
I'll give you a few days to RP, and we'll come to a close on things around the 13th.
He turned when the Professor spoke, and his knees nearly buckled on her next words-- he was going to lose his sense of sight?!??? But he was extremely dependent on his sight, more than most normal people. Before he can utter any sound of protest he felt the blindfold wrap around his head and plunge him in total darkness.
Forget about nerves, now he was totally defensive. He could not see, and the world around him has been reduced to some form of chattering and incoherent buzzing which he could hear mostly from the right side of his head. He was always shy about his partial deafness, but it was only now that he felt what a gross disadvantage it was for him in matters like these "Gideon?!?!" the Ravenclaw blurted out, maybe a little too loudly and a bit haughtily. He doesnt know where the Gryffindor was, or if the other boy was talking he had no idea if he just talked over him.
++Tenacius ++🐦++ Salander++🐦++ Deo ++🐦++ Vickers ++🐦++ Huxley ++🐦+ Aquila++ Yeah thats what crazy is, when its broken you say theres nothing to fix++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++And you pray that everything will be okay, while you're making all the same mistakes
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Minerva listened the professor and then she reached Minerva tapping her head near her ears. She couldn't hear anything, she didn't think it would freak her out this much. She looked around with her anxiety coming back. She saw everyone but couldn't hear a thing. She looked at Justin with a bit of fear in her eyes. "DID YOU WANT TO GO FIRST?" she screamed not even knowing she screamed. Why was she talking to him, he couldn't hear her. She took a few deep breaths trying to calm down..
Minerva listened the professor and then she reached Minerva tapping her head near her ears. She couldn't hear anything, she didn't think it would freak her out this much. She looked around with her anxiety coming back. She saw everyone but couldn't hear a thing. She looked at Justin with a bit of fear in her eyes. "DID YOU WANT TO GO FIRST?" she screamed not even knowing she screamed. Why was she talking to him, he couldn't hear her. She took a few deep breaths trying to calm down..
Justin looked at a freaked out Minerva and could sense her uneasiness. He gave her a confident yet reassuring look as he traced the D motion and said " Expelliamus. " as he tried disarming her. this lack of hearing greatly affected his balance yet his sight was enhanced periphrially.
Mom says I have no sense of direction, so I packed my bags and right.
Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88
Alyssa felt the Professor tap her on the head with her wand and then everything became total silence. She could see people talking because their mouths were moving but she couldnt hear a thing. Alyssa started to panic before she realized that this was part of the lesson.
So she kept a look all around and waited to see who would be sending spells her way.
We're they supposed to start? Oakey was just as confused as any other deaf 3rd year in the class right now. He looked until he found Alyssa again.
There she was. He walked over to her and tapped her on the back. I think we need to duel? Oakey thought to her. Can you read minds? That was a real stupid question to think.
He pointed behind her hoping she'd understand that she'd need to back up so they could duel.
Super Slytherin Buddy | | ⅓ She-Snake Trio | | a normal girl with normal knees
Originally Posted by Anna Banana
Oh. Good. Now she wasn't stuck with the babies anymore. Fourth years really shouldn't be in the same group as the ickles firsties anyway. "Thank you, Professor," Sierra confidently said, proud to now be a part of the older group, with the more experienced duelers.
...but then a moment later, the whole room went dark, and Sierra heard nothing at all. She waited a moment, hoping the professor would realize what happened, but then she never regained her sight of sound. WHAAAAAA. *insert panic*
Sierra spun around then, and accidentally stumbled over her own two feet. Was she even near the professor anymore?! If she'd spun completely around, which she was sure she had, she was now facing her partner, right? Right. Little did she know, but she was facing the exact direction the professor was in. "Expelliarmus!" she said, giving her wand a 'd' motion.
Originally Posted by CJP
Olivia suddenly went deaf and paniced for a moment, when she came to her sences, she saw her partner spinning arround. Hahaha Olivia laughed when she cast expelliarmus at the professer just dont loose any points!. Holly Merlin, Olivia couldnt here herself talk! How would she know if she even did! She did not intervene with the spell cause she wanted to see the professers reaction, and diddnt want to loose points.
Once that was taken care of, Medea had moved on towards the other students, yet with the sound of feet hitting the ground reaching her ears, a rather unsteady tone to it, she glanced over her shoulder, expecting someone had to have retrieved their wand. The sight of one actually being pointed at her was quite the shock. "Miss Grein-" Oops! Her shield was put up with ease, but that wasn't the point. "Miss Greingoth. Wrong person!"
It took a few steps, but she was right in front of the Slytherin girl, turning her around to face her partner. Her SMILING partner. Yes, it was all very funny when someone tries to disarm their Professor. "There we go."
Originally Posted by rockpaperscissors15
Watching all of the older students battle the dummies and (to some) each other, Anna was a bit nervous to go up and try to disarm the dummy by herself. It seemed that everyone was in little secluded groups and Anna was all by her lonesome. She took out her wand at the ready and then noticed that there was a an empty dummy on the other side. She walked over to it carefully avoiding everyone else's spells flying through the air. She looked around as she saw upperclassmen trying to disarm the dummies blinded folded and she saw a few other underclassmen trying to mute their's. She got to the dummy and pointed her wand at it, then she was about the shout by no words came from her mouth... she forgot what the spell was! Oh no! She thought to herself as she looked around frantically for her Professor.
It wasn't hard to notice someone who didn't have a partner. What was hard about it though was momentarily putting her attention on them, and not on the rest of the class whom really needed it right now. Especially when half of them couldn't see where they were aiming. Tapping one side of the girl's head with her wand to release half the spell she'd used to make the younger years momentarily deaf, Medea raised an eyebrow. "No partner, Miss Reese?" What good a dummy would do during this activity, she didn't know.
There's some good in this world and it's worth fighting for| LOTR|Whovian|Sherlock Fan
Originally Posted by MyPatronusIsaMoose
We're they supposed to start? Oakey was just as confused as any other deaf 3rd year in the class right now. He looked until he found Alyssa again.
There she was. He walked over to her and tapped her on the back. I think we need to duel? Oakey thought to her. Can you read minds? That was a real stupid question to think.
He pointed behind her hoping she'd understand that she'd need to back up so they could duel.
Alyssa was first trying to figure out why Oakey was still wanting to duel with her until she realized that she had misunderstood the Professor's instructions. So after trying to figure out what Oakey was trying to mimic to her, she finally understood that they were to stick with the same partners.
She nodded her head and gave up a two thumbs sign to let him know that she understood and backed up. Raising her wand she got prepared to duel with him.
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Originally Posted by AlwaysSnapesGirl
Right, so now that they were a few steps away from the rest of the students, Vashti sort of stood there, looking uncertainly over at Amelia, and waited nervously for the professor to blindfold them. This was going to be...interesting.
Wait, remember where your partner stood? Vashti glanced over at Amelia once more before suddenly everything went dark. Oh Merlin! Things were so different when she couldn't see anything. Where was Amelia again?
"You ready, Amelia?" she asked, perhaps a little louder than was necessary. She wasn't sure how far away her partner was anymore though, and she thought she needed to talk over the spell casting the other students were already doing.
Amelia was looking closely at Vashti now so that she would hopefully remember where her partner was located right now. When it was her turn to hit a spell at her partner, she wanted to make sure that she was disarming the right person.
She sighed when everything suddenly went black. She hated not being able to see. D: She felt helpless and even though she understood the Professor's point in this lesson, she still didn't really like being blindfolded.
Nate saw the spell coming towards him. He said "Portegio." He saw that nothing happened. When the spell hit he grabbed his wand from the air. He then gt ready again. He said "Expelliarmus." Nate saw that the spell must've worked because he saw it heading for her wand.
"Protego." She said and and though she couldn't hear, she was getting a hang of using her spells more because a sheild form around her.
Baguette | there is no D in my name | TRAITORclaw | Queenie of Narnia
Originally Posted by Squishy ♥
Amelia was looking closely at Vashti now so that she would hopefully remember where her partner was located right now. When it was her turn to hit a spell at her partner, she wanted to make sure that she was disarming the right person.
She sighed when everything suddenly went black. She hated not being able to see. D: She felt helpless and even though she understood the Professor's point in this lesson, she still didn't really like being blindfolded.
"I think I'm ready."
Vashti listened carefully for Amelia's reply, and when it came, she looked in that direction. So she was somewhere in that direction. She nodded to indicate she had heard her...but then realized she wouldn't be able to see that. "Okay."
The Ravenclaw carefully tried to point her wand in the direction Amelia's voice had come from, and she thought she had it right, but of course, since she couldn't see, she wasn't completely sure. She practiced the wand movement a couple times just to get the feel off it before finally speaking the incantation along with it. "Expelliarmus!"
if we fall, we will fall together; and when we rise, we will rise together__________________♥♥♥♥ together we are dangerous; together with our differences; together we are bolder, braver, stronger
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 40,105
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
Originally Posted by Roselyn
As the final few were spreading out, Medea started to move to the left side of the room. Before she started to taking away senses though, she made sure to start with instructions. Would be no use for her to speak when the younger students couldn't hear a thing. "Older students, try and remember where your partner stands as of this moment, and please, all of you, do not move around too much from your spot." She didn't need someone walking into the line of someone else's spell. "Remember! Use just the disarming and shield spells only. Any other spell used vill result in punishment. Last but not least, have fun vith this."
Despite knowing that she wouldn't be able to see in a few moments, it didn't make Kurumi any more calm about the situation. Had the professor randomly taken a sense away without telling them then, well.then she would have really been panicked to the point of her hair changing colors. Kurumi looked straight ahead, focusing on where Kennedy was standing in front of her. This was all going to go downhill the moment he moved so much as an inch though...
Originally Posted by Roselyn
Smiling and moving from student to student, she either tapped each side of their head near their ears with a nonverbal spell to make them momentarily deaf to surrounding noises or she used the more known obscuro spell to blindfold the older students. Once she was done, she hopped up to the dueling platform so she had a better view of everyone in the room, and they had a better view of her.
"Again. JUST the disarming and shield spells." Older students would have heard her. Younger students, not so much. "You may start!" She held two thumbs up to benefit the students that couldn't hear her as a signal to go.
Kurumi was so focused on trying to remember where Kennedy was standing that she didn't notice the professor come up behind her and cast Obscuro on her. And that was it. Now Kurumi's world was nothing but pitch black. She could hear people shouting, most likely the younger students who could no longer hear, and that made it even harder to try and figure out where Kennedy was. He hadn't moved yet, right?
Kurumi raised her wand in the direction of where Kennedy had last been standing. "Kennedy? You go ahead and cast first," she said. She could throw up a shield...hopefully. Probably would go with the wider range Shield Charm if she could manage. What had that wand movement been again?
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
Despite knowing that she wouldn't be able to see in a few moments, it didn't make Kurumi any more calm about the situation. Had the professor randomly taken a sense away without telling them then, well.then she would have really been panicked to the point of her hair changing colors. Kurumi looked straight ahead, focusing on where Kennedy was standing in front of her. This was all going to go downhill the moment he moved so much as an inch though...
Kurumi was so focused on trying to remember where Kennedy was standing that she didn't notice the professor come up behind her and cast Obscuro on her. And that was it. Now Kurumi's world was nothing but pitch black. She could hear people shouting, most likely the younger students who could no longer hear, and that made it even harder to try and figure out where Kennedy was. He hadn't moved yet, right?
Kurumi raised her wand in the direction of where Kennedy had last been standing. "Kennedy? You go ahead and cast first," she said. She could throw up a shield...hopefully. Probably would go with the wider range Shield Charm if she could manage. What had that wand movement been again?
After Professor Romanos passed by Kurumi, Kennedy kept his eyes on her. He wanted to engrave her location in his head, but he doubted that would be much help. What if she moved? Well, then...he would have to...yeah. This, though, would hopefully teach him to use all of his senses to his advantage.
Kennedy winced when everything was suddenly pitch black. He had the urge of extending his arms and swatting the air to check what was in front of him, but he kept still. "Kurumi," he answered. She still sounded like if she was in the same spot. Kennedy nodded, but then remembered that she wouldn't be able to see his gesture. "Alright," he said.
"Expelliarmus!" he said, extra loud. Yeah, he knew Kurumi didn't lose her sense of hearing, but it was so that she'll get an idea of his direction...which he probably shouldn't be doing because this was a duel. Meh.
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 40,105
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
Originally Posted by Bubbles
After Professor Romanos passed by Kurumi, Kennedy kept his eyes on her. He wanted to engrave her location in his head, but he doubted that would be much help. What if she moved? Well, then...he would have to...yeah. This, though, would hopefully teach him to use all of his senses to his advantage.
Kennedy winced when everything was suddenly pitch black. He had the urge of extending his arms and swatting the air to check what was in front of him, but he kept still. "Kurumi," he answered. She still sounded like if she was in the same spot. Kennedy nodded, but then remembered that she wouldn't be able to see his gesture. "Alright," he said.
"Expelliarmus!" he said, extra loud. Yeah, he knew Kurumi didn't lose her sense of hearing, but it was so that she'll get an idea of his direction...which he probably shouldn't be doing because this was a duel. Meh.
Bending at the knees, Kurumi reached her non-wand hand out for the wall and found it surprisingly quickly, her palms tracing its uneven surface. At least now she sort of knew where she was...or something.
Wand still out and pointing at where she hoped Kennedy was, not that it really mattered because she needed worry about herself for right now, Kurumi stumbled a bit when she heard Kennedy SHOUT the spell. Had he forgotten that she had lost her sight and not her hearing. She could hear him perfectly fine. In fact, Kurumi's hearing was sort of going into overdrive right now due to her not being able to see, so he could have kept his voice neutral and it probably still would have felt booming.
Arching her wand upwards, Kurumi added a horizontal movement to her wand to increase the size of her shield. "Protego!" Hopefully it had worked, because she couldn't see if it had or not. Bracing for impact, Kurumi heard a soft zapping sound. Hey, she had never heard that before. It was sort like a small bug flying into a bug zapper. Had that been his spell hitting her shield? Kurumi was just going to pretend that it was.
Countering quickly, Kurumi decided to mimic Kennedy and shout the spell at him as well. "Expelliarmus!"
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
There's some good in this world and it's worth fighting for| LOTR|Whovian|Sherlock Fan
As Alyssa faced Oakey, she decided to go for the Disarming Charm. Swishing her wand to form an invisible d, Alyssa said the Disarming Charm, "Expelleamoose" and aimed it at Oakey. Nothing happened. Alyssa was startled, the spell had worked for her in the past but it wasn't working now. She performed the wand movement again and aiming it at Oakey said the incantation again."Expellamoose." Again nothing happened.
Then Alyssa realized what was wrong. She thought that she was saying the spell but because she couldn't hear what she was saying, she was actually mispronuncing it and that was why the disarming spell wasn't working. She put down her wand and tried to figure out how she was going to cast the spell properly. She wasn't sure whether she was old or experienced enough to do a non-verbal spell, but she was try that if all her other attempts failed. That would be her last resort. Alyssa decided to say the spell slowly. Maybe if she pronounced each syllable carefully, she might actually cast the spell.
So she faced Oakey again and performed the wand movements forming an invisible d in the air and aiming her wand at Oakey, said the words of the spell slowly. "EX-PEL-LI-AR-MUS." Sure enough a beam shot out of her wand and headed for Oakey. She suspected that he would see the spell coming since she had said it slow enough that he could probably read her lips if he wanted to.
catching up as well (she says "You can always back out, you know." btw)
Shoe!Girl │ Rebel Ravie │ Confundus Queen │ RP Addict
Text Cut: Professor Romanos and João
Originally Posted by Roselyn
As the final few were spreading out, Medea started to move to the left side of the room. Before she started to taking away senses though, she made sure to start with instructions. Would be no use for her to speak when the younger students couldn't hear a thing. "Older students, try and remember where your partner stands as of this moment, and please, all of you, do not move around too much from your spot." She didn't need someone walking into the line of someone else's spell. "Remember! Use just the disarming and shield spells only. Any other spell used vill result in punishment. Last but not least, have fun vith this."
Smiling and moving from student to student, she either tapped each side of their head near their ears with a nonverbal spell to make them momentarily deaf to surrounding noises or she used the more known obscuro spell to blindfold the older students. Once she was done, she hopped up to the dueling platform so she had a better view of everyone in the room, and they had a better view of her.
"Again. JUST the disarming and shield spells." Older students would have heard her. Younger students, not so much. "You may start!" She held two thumbs up to benefit the students that couldn't hear her as a signal to go.
Originally Posted by Deniiz
Had he really missed? Mweh. He shrugged to himself. Sometimes he lost his concentration just like that. Maybe, if he hadn't been so occupied with cautioning her first that he was shooting, he could have hit her while she was watching the commotion. Oh well. At least no one could say he hit her from her back or anything, like she probably expected.
And now it was her tu--she hit him! Not physically, but she didn't even say she was going to cast the spell. The Brazilian tried to hold the wand, of course, but it was of no use and it was gone away in that room somewhere. Nevertheless, he nodded at her for her good work. He wasn't going to smile or anything, of course, because he wasn't pleased that she had lost his wand, but at least he acknowledged it. "I'd, er, better look for my wand." Yeah. There seemed like hundrends of people were in the room suddenly. And he hadn't even watched where it went.
...with all these wands flying around, it was impossible to find his. He had to run from getting hit, of course, or be prepared for people falling over. Then there was the threat of getting hit by a spell of those little brats who obviously thought magic was casting fires. The professor announced it was time to practise Protego, and his wand was still lost. Maybe he should just take that Stella girl's wand, since SHE lost it. Stupid Ravenclaws for being good at magic.
After a few more minutes' search, he finally found it somewhere near the windows. He sighed in relief that it was still one piece and made his way towards Stella, just in time for that... blindfolded game or something of that sort. Such fun.
"So, yeah, we couldn't really practise Protego." He paused, looking around thoughtfully. "But I guess you're good at it too," at least, HE certainly was, "so are we being blindfolded now?" He'd rather pass, thank you. He wasn't going to be bloody blind in a duel, at most, he would just lose his wand and be killed.
Everyone around herself and João had moved on to practicing the Shield Charm, but Stella was left surprised that the Slytherin had actually let himself be hit by her Disarming Charm from earlier. It was a good thing that she'd been fairly certain of her ability with both spells, although she silently practiced the wand movement that Professor Romanos had suggested they use for the second charm anyhow. At least it gave her something to do while he was searching for his wand. Honestly, even amongst the chaos in the room, she didn't understand why it was taking so long. Plus, she sensed a bit of irritation coming from him as well. There went any points she'd gotten earlier for being nice, but then, if he was going to get so irritated by letting his own wand fly away from him, she could deal with that. It just meant he was more of a stereotypical Slytherin.
As the lesson moved on, however, her attention went back to the professor. So now they were going to have to duel blindfolded. Interesting, she thought, stepping over to one side again to create more space between herself and the people standing nearest to her. She glanced at João again as he'd returned and spoken, nodding slightly at the act. He could act like it hadn't mattered, but she could see through that by now. At least, she could whiel she was waiting for the professor to get over to them to obscure their vision. "I'm not bad at it," she said with a shrug, " and it certainly does seem that way." She was fine with being blindfolded if she had to. "Vous pouvez toujours revenir en arrière, vous savez." Yes, now she was close to taunting him, but his demeanor deserved it. Besides, shortly afterward she'd ended up blindfolded, so she just had to wait to hear his reaction, keeping her wand at the ready just in case.
♥♥♥♥ It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me, at tea time, everybody agrees
...It must be exhausting, always rooting for the anti-hero ♥♥♥
Jacques had his wand in his left hand already so when she said he could take his wand out he frowned at her, puzzled, his wand was already out. He released his fist and readied himself "I am." Tayla seemed unsure about dueling with him which was unnecessary and irrational since they were only practicing but that was how women were, no matter the age. Irrationality was what they embodied. Perhaps he should start, he nodded to her and stomped to bring her attention to his feet then flicked his wand hand to begin the incantation, his thought was however cut off by Professor Romanos. He didn't take his eyes from her but it seemed already their little practicing session was over and all the older students would be the main focus.
He bowed to her and walked away finding spot where he could watch the action without being in the way, he was small though so he knew he would be blocked eventually so he shuffled through them. No one would take notice of him there but hopefully no one pushed because he'd just fall
Tayla looked around and realized Jacques wasn't with her anymore. Maybe she had backed off to much. But after a moment, she found him lurking in one spot. "Jacques, we're still partners aren't we?" she asked kindly. "I'm sorry we weren't able to practice yet, but Professor Romanos will be taking our sense of hearing soon. Then we can start." That made the duel a little more complicated though.
SPOILER!!: Professor Romanos
Originally Posted by Roselyn
As the final few were spreading out, Medea started to move to the left side of the room. Before she started to taking away senses though, she made sure to start with instructions. Would be no use for her to speak when the younger students couldn't hear a thing. "Older students, try and remember where your partner stands as of this moment, and please, all of you, do not move around too much from your spot." She didn't need someone walking into the line of someone else's spell. "Remember! Use just the disarming and shield spells only. Any other spell used vill result in punishment. Last but not least, have fun vith this."
Smiling and moving from student to student, she either tapped each side of their head near their ears with a nonverbal spell to make them momentarily deaf to surrounding noises or she used the more known obscuro spell to blindfold the older students. Once she was done, she hopped up to the dueling platform so she had a better view of everyone in the room, and they had a better view of her.
"Again. JUST the disarming and shield spells." Older students would have heard her. Younger students, not so much. "You may start!" She held two thumbs up to benefit the students that couldn't hear her as a signal to go.
OOC: Use of the Disarming and Shield Charms ONLY.
1st - 4th Years = No sense of SOUND
5th - 7th Years = No sense of SIGHT. You are all blindfolded.
It is alright to be disoriented and not get things right on the first couple of tries. Perhaps your aim is off or you can't say the spell correctly because you can't hear yourself speak. No one is perfect. It is okay. The Professor will be keeping a close eye on things, so please, no fatal injuries. And perhaps no drastic damage to the arena either. It's rather sturdy.
I'll give you a few days to RP, and we'll come to a close on things around the 13th.
A moment later, Tayla felt the professor tap each side of her head and felt a strange sensation when she started to no longer hear anything. "Odd..." she thought. She wasn't sure she could talk, but decided to try. "Expelliarmus," she said in her head, moving her mouth the way she thought it should. She wasn't sure if she was saying it aloud correctly, but decided what she was thinking was more important right now.
She motioned to Jacques that they begin. Making sure Jacques understood or at least saw her, she took her stance and pointed her wand to Jacques' wand hand. "Expelliarmus!"
BOOMBAYAH! | #PuedoPorquePiensoQuePuedo | Certified Blank and Random Person | Raventastic
Originally Posted by Jessiqua
"Oh.. sorry I forgot, I think," Zhenya said, about the shield charm.
She picked up her wand and pointed it at Raven and said "EXPELLIARMUS," and she felt confident about it. But would Raven's shield charm be better than her disarming spell? Probably...
She went to try it again but heard the Professor address them.
She saw a red light appeared from Zhenya's wand. Quickly she casted the shield charm
"Protego!" She waved her hand. A transparent-blue light appeared from her wand, repulsed Zhenya's disarming charm.
"Wow..." she could do the shield charm very good. "Okay, now it's your turn!"
Originally Posted by Roselyn
As the final few were spreading out, Medea started to move to the left side of the room. Before she started to taking away senses though, she made sure to start with instructions. Would be no use for her to speak when the younger students couldn't hear a thing. "Older students, try and remember where your partner stands as of this moment, and please, all of you, do not move around too much from your spot." She didn't need someone walking into the line of someone else's spell. "Remember! Use just the disarming and shield spells only. Any other spell used vill result in punishment. Last but not least, have fun vith this."
Smiling and moving from student to student, she either tapped each side of their head near their ears with a nonverbal spell to make them momentarily deaf to surrounding noises or she used the more known obscuro spell to blindfold the older students. Once she was done, she hopped up to the dueling platform so she had a better view of everyone in the room, and they had a better view of her.
"Again. JUST the disarming and shield spells." Older students would have heard her. Younger students, not so much. "You may start!" She held two thumbs up to benefit the students that couldn't hear her as a signal to go.
OOC: Use of the Disarming and Shield Charms ONLY.
1st - 4th Years = No sense of SOUND
5th - 7th Years = No sense of SIGHT. You are all blindfolded.
It is alright to be disoriented and not get things right on the first couple of tries. Perhaps your aim is off or you can't say the spell correctly because you can't hear yourself speak. No one is perfect. It is okay. The Professor will be keeping a close eye on things, so please, no fatal injuries. And perhaps no drastic damage to the arena either. It's rather sturdy.
I'll give you a few days to RP, and we'll come to a close on things around the 13th.
What did the Professor say? She couldn't hear her voice. OHMYGOD!!
She was DEAF!! She couldn't hear anything!
Okay, Raven. Just relax.. relax... Use your sight.. She was ready with her duel position and she casted the disarming charm.
AT THE HOGWARTS YULE BALL, YOU'LL BE HANGING OUT WITH....__________________ It's a fairytale evening, and you want the entire event to be totally dazzling and
a real experience with the friendliest people around you.
Laura looked at Jen and decided to ask her something. "Vho is Voing first?" Laura then realised what she was doing, the Professor's accent was cool and Laura liked it but maybe Jen wouldn't understand it. "I meant to say who is going first?" Because Laura seriously didn't want to try this, then she remember Jen probably couldn't hear her this was going to be cool, how was they going to do this?
Ella nodded at Messer after hearing the professor speaking. "Okay yeah, guess we should." No sense of sound huh? This is scary, she thought. She held her wand up as the lack of sound really started to freak her out. Now what?
Umm..So did they still work with their partner? Because Messer saw everyone still working with their partner. And the Professor said first years through fourth lose their hearing. How he's suppose to send a message to Ella that they still working together? "Are you ready?" Even though Messer know that Ella can't hear him but he asked it anyway.
He pointed his wand toward his partner and did the d movement "Expelliarmus!" he didn't realized that he said the incantation a little too loud.
All of the love for tomorrow______________________________________________ I know we're gonna be stronger than you'll ever known
"Protego." She said and and though she couldn't hear, she was getting a hang of using her spells more because a sheild form around her.
He saw that she did the shield charm correct. He started to wonder how she could do this so well without messing up. Huh. Anyways he casted another "Expelliarmus." at her wand.
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Originally Posted by Devina Wellheart
Justin looked at a freaked out Minerva and could sense her uneasiness. He gave her a confident yet reassuring look as he traced the D motion and said " Expelliamus. " as he tried disarming her. this lack of hearing greatly affected his balance yet his sight was enhanced periphrially.
Minerva was still off balance from no sounds when her wand jumped from her hand. She looked at her hand then around until her eyes fell on Justin. Did he really just disarm her when she was freaking out. Oh he was not getting away with this one. She went over and picked up her wand and headed back to her safe spot away from other spells as she walked she moved her wand "Expelliarmus" she said this carefully not knowing if she was saying it to loud or to soft, but she watched out the corner of her eye towards Justin.
She nodded back at her tightening her grip on her wand ''Well once or twice but I'm no master,'' she replied shrugging ''That's great then!'' she grinned back at her
''Nah.. I'm kinda dramatic some times,'' KINDA? HA!!!! She giggled
''Yeah, she said to start the shield charm now,''
Originally Posted by Roselyn
As the final few were spreading out, Medea started to move to the left side of the room. Before she started to taking away senses though, she made sure to start with instructions. Would be no use for her to speak when the younger students couldn't hear a thing. "Older students, try and remember where your partner stands as of this moment, and please, all of you, do not move around too much from your spot." She didn't need someone walking into the line of someone else's spell. "Remember! Use just the disarming and shield spells only. Any other spell used vill result in punishment. Last but not least, have fun vith this."
Smiling and moving from student to student, she either tapped each side of their head near their ears with a nonverbal spell to make them momentarily deaf to surrounding noises or she used the more known obscuro spell to blindfold the older students. Once she was done, she hopped up to the dueling platform so she had a better view of everyone in the room, and they had a better view of her.
"Again. JUST the disarming and shield spells." Older students would have heard her. Younger students, not so much. "You may start!" She held two thumbs up to benefit the students that couldn't hear her as a signal to go.
OOC: Use of the Disarming and Shield Charms ONLY.
1st - 4th Years = No sense of SOUND
5th - 7th Years = No sense of SIGHT. You are all blindfolded.
It is alright to be disoriented and not get things right on the first couple of tries. Perhaps your aim is off or you can't say the spell correctly because you can't hear yourself speak. No one is perfect. It is okay. The Professor will be keeping a close eye on things, so please, no fatal injuries. And perhaps no drastic damage to the arena either. It's rather sturdy.
I'll give you a few days to RP, and we'll come to a close on things around the 13th.
Daisy nodded, not saying much as it would be no use; the charm to stop her hearing had also been used on LuLu, which would make using the spells a little more interesting. She gestured to herself and then to her wand, hoping LuLu would get the hint she would use the disarming spell, but her partner could use a shield charm if she liked. It was up to her; that was what the lesson was all about, after all.
She raised her wand at LuLu, that would be the hint, if anything.
'Expelliarmus!' she said, not knowing how loud she had said it, as she moved her wand in the 'D' shape and waited to see how her 'opponent' would react, with a disadvantage of no hearing.
Skiving Snackbox? A Headless Hat?
Only one place you can get all that...
Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes
Pranking just got professional...
I'm guessing you do the d thing for Protego too...
w.a.m.s|♩♫♪♬|sour gummy snakes| "DNA doesn't make a family, Love does"
Originally Posted by jujune29th
Sophie was ready for a strong spell and firmed her feet on the ground. When the Slytherin's spell hit her, she felt her wand flying out of her hand and was pushed a couple of inches back, but didn't fall down like Cardigan had.
"Good one!" She said smiling and going to get her wand. "Should we keep practicing or what?" She looked around to see if they were supposed to be casting the same spell over and over again. It seemed some of her classmates were doing that several times. Right, then.
"Alright, Cardigan, get ready!" She finally said, pointing her wand at the Slytherin once more. She waited for her friend to be aware that she would be disarming her again. "Expelliarmus!" She cast, with the same 'd' shaped motion.
"Proteego!"Cardigan said,doing the 'd' shaped movement.She either said it wrong or she did the wrong movement because the shield charm didn't work and she was quickly knocked back,her wand flying back a few less inches than before.She must've said it wrong."Exspelliarmus!"She said,making the same 'd' shape motion with her wand.Wow.Magic just wasn't the same without hearing...
He saw that she did the shield charm correct. He started to wonder how she could do this so well without messing up. Huh. Anyways he casted another "Expelliarmus." at her wand.
"Protego." She said again. She smirked deviously at how she figured to use the spells without sound.
Minerva was still off balance from no sounds when her wand jumped from her hand. She looked at her hand then around until her eyes fell on Justin. Did he really just disarm her when she was freaking out. Oh he was not getting away with this one. She went over and picked up her wand and headed back to her safe spot away from other spells as she walked she moved her wand "Expelliarmus" she said this carefully not knowing if she was saying it to loud or to soft, but she watched out the corner of her eye towards Justin.
Justin gave her a naughty little grin as he saw her reaction to him disarming her. Then she picked up her wand and was ready for her spell to take his wand from his hand , but instinctively brought his wand up in a vertical motion as he said , " Protego." and sheilded himself from her incantation. He stood waiting to see her face redden with irration that he had again bested her. He loved how competitive she was. Always made things interesting.....