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Regardless of the chilly weather during the winter season and the cool stone colored tones of the room, the dueling arena was comfortably warm. The arena itself would perhaps look different to some of the older students if they were able to get a look at it in the past. The dueling platform, target dummies, and even the stands were moved around in different locations, pushed to the side mostly, leaving a nice big empty space in the middle of the room. In that space were the familiar deep purple colored mats from the previous lesson lined up accordingly, including the deep red colored mat up at the front in-between the stands where Professor Romanos was currently seated, and in front of each purple mat was something that looked like a miniature tray. There won't be any food during the lesson unfortunately, but these trays will be acting as your desks. Unlike the last lesson, the room is illuminated and practically glowing from the winter sunlight streaming through the windows, giving the area a warm and welcoming atmosphere. Perhaps even make a few sleepy, but never fear. There will be no time to sleep during this class. And do ignore the added doorway in the back of the room. As strange as it's placement is, no one is allowed back there.
OOC: Please come in and take a seat on one of the mats [and be familiar with the rules and expectations]. The lesson will begin in about 12 18 hours or so.
Class has officially begun! Please don't post arriving late. Jump in as if your character has been here the entire time.
Final Task
Use of the Disarming and Shield Charms ONLY.
1st - 4th Years = No sense of SOUND
5th - 7th Years = No sense of SIGHT. You are all blindfolded.
It is alright to be disoriented and not get things right on the first couple of tries. Perhaps your aim is off or you can't say the spell correctly because you can't hear yourself speak. No one is perfect. It is okay. The Professor will be keeping a close eye on things, so please, no fatal injuries. And perhaps no drastic damage to the arena either. It's rather sturdy.
I'll give you a few days to RP, and we'll come to a close on things around the 13th.
w.a.m.s|♩♫♪♬|sour gummy snakes| "DNA doesn't make a family, Love does"
Originally Posted by jujune29th
Sophie turned around to face the person who was talking to her. "Oh, hey, Cardigan!" She sais smiling to her friend. "Cool then!" Now all they had to do was to wait for further instructions.
"Okay then!"Cardigan replied back with a grin.But on the inside,she was all: Yay yuh!Sophie my buddy is my dueling partner and not some weirdo firstie attracted to attractiveness!!!Not to brag or anything but this girl IS attractive,no doubt."So what's been going on in your life lately?"Cardigan asked,
trying to bring up a conversation before the next set of instructions given by Professor Romanos.She had to be doing something productive at all times or she would get antsy!
Like a Domino ♥ Karma Kimalia ♥ ♥ Taco Bell ♥ Sorry for party rocking
Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom
Alex stood up and looked around. He wasn't honestly sure who was in his year and who wasn't...other than Sierra of course. "Any 4th years want to partner up?" he asked. He looked around hopefully and looked to see if he could spot his sister. Ehh. She could be a back up if necessary. Provided she wasn't taken already.
Kimalia's ears perked up at the word "4th years", looking towards the taller boy she smirked, remembering him from the train a while ago. "Hey again, wanna partner up? I'm a fourth year." Holding her hand out to shake.
Daisy smiled, she had found someone to go with. Although she had never spoken to the girl before, she waved and smiled.
'Yeah,' she said, 'I do. I'm Daisy,' she held her hand out for the other girl to shake. 'I'm a Hufflepuff third year.' She had seen the girl around school before, and was sure she was also a third year. Daisy took out her wand. 'What exactly are we doing?' she laughed, 'i've forgotten already, in all the madness to find someone to pair up with.'
LuLu simply smiled in reply ... such an awkward place to meet a DADA lesson. Possibly why she was being quite shy? "Great," a little startled by her approach but they didn't really have enough time to chit chat! "Nice to meet you Daisy ... I'm LuLu," she shook her hand and couldn't help but put a funny face on. Perhaps she found it an awkward place for introductions too! They were announcing their year and house now? Well okay! "Ravenclaw, third year?"
"Umm, I don't know yet, I don't think she mentioned it," she replied looking up at the teacher
*waves arms around* Seventh Year looking for a partner
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Amelia nodded as she listened to the Professor talk. This seemed pretty straight forward to her, and she wasn't surprised when everyone was asked to find a partner. The only problem was that she couldn't find anyone to work with. If only Zayden was here, she would be set. He was in her Year and everything.
She sighed as she raised her hand and said, "anyone want to work with me? I'm a Seventh Year." And hopefully she'd get a partner and not look like a total idiot. D:
Dani's Citrus Duck Spawn | Mama Giraffe | Lemon PATch | Pushed the Red Button
Alice stood up on her stretching mat as her Professor announced to find a partner in her year. Most of the second years were already taken, but she wouldn't mind a first or third year if needed. "Does anyone need a dueling partner?" she called into the crowded classroom.
and so i took an axe to a mended fence.___________________.______._________________ __________________________________..____this is why we can't have nice things, darling.
dream until your • dreams come true ~ Human pygmy puff
Originally Posted by SilverDragon
Silvia looked around. She wasn't sure if her two friends were in class today, so she might have to stop being shy and ask someone else to partner up.
"Anyone else still need a partner?" the first year asked a bit shyly.
Alex saw her friend and smiled. She was starting to think that there weren't any first years left. "Hey Silvia, I need a partner. Do you want to pair up?"
Shoe!Girl │ Rebel Ravie │ Confundus Queen │ RP Addict
Text Cut: Deniiz
Originally Posted by Deniiz
Finally. FINALLY, the questions and answers part was over. Yes, João very well knew their benefit, especially for the sake of younger students who were quite prone to miscast the spells; what bore him was hearing more or less the same answers over and over again. Though, at last, they were over and now he was to look for a partner.
He was left for a girl, it seemed. Huh. He wouldn't just disarm a girl... though she was a Ravenclaw, and right now he could do with her, seeing as Slytherin also needed points. Too bad she wasn't Louisa. Her, he would love to duel with. Anyways.
Approaching the girl, he smiled genuinely. She didn't need any of his hostility or condescending... yet.
"I am looking for a partner, hi," he greeted, holding out a hand already to shake. "João Neves at your service." Well, not at her service, really, but she should get the idea.
Everyone around her still seemed like they were finding partners much quicker than she was, but Stella was smart enough to know that she hadn't really tried. One moment of speaking didn't really count as much of an attempt at getting anyone's attention, after all, even if she knew how to pitch her voice so it could be heard. They weren't on stage, just in the classroom, and she idly twisted her wand in her hand as she continued letting her dark eyes scan the room. So far nobody had indicated they were also looking for a sixth year partner, although there had been a few seventh year requests. Worst case scenario, she'd go ask one of them. It might be more of a challenge, but if she couldn't find anyone else, or if nobody else found her.
Apparently she hadn't gone as unnoticed as she'd thought, as halfway through her musing about approaching any of the seventh years, she saw a Slytherin boy coming over to her. She couldn't recall ever having met him, although there was at least the possibility Matt knew him. Being Slytherin and all. Either way, she returned his smile as he'd spoken. "Hi," she replied, noting the accent as she took his outstretched hand. Another transfer, apparently, but not French. "It's nice to make your acquaintance, João." Definitely not French, as she stumbled the tiniest bit in trying to repeat his name like he'd pronounced it. "I'm Stella Gardiner," she added. At least that way they knew each other's names before dueling.
♥♥♥♥ It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me, at tea time, everybody agrees
...It must be exhausting, always rooting for the anti-hero ♥♥♥
Squinting her eyes a little, she tried to figure out which spell the girl may have confused the shield charm with, but decided against waiting to answer for too long. "Not quite, Miss Potter. However, you may add a horizontal line to the vand movement in order to increase the size of your shield though. I'll demonstrate that in a moment."
"Directing where you vont your spell to go is very important, yes." she nodded. "Good example."
"A bit backwards there, Miss Fischer." she chuckled lightly. "Turn that question mark upside down. It's more like a small 'd'." The girl's knowledge on the variety of shield charms though had Medea nodding a little. "There are indeed variations of the shield charm, each a bit more difficult to produce than the last and vastly more powerful as vell. Ve'll be sticking vith just the basic 'protego' today."
She'd been expecting these questions from the Gryffindor girl lately it seemed. "Not really no. Some spells do require the use of some hand gesture. It doesn't hurt though, to use the movements you vould use if you vere using a vand, it's second nature after all and easier to produce the results you vont, but when it comes down to it...you don't really need a hand movement. Intentions should be the focus alone. Underage magic vould be a good example to think about."
"The killing curse, Miss Hyde, should be the last spell you should use, if ever." she said, frowning a little. There was always one answer she wasn't fond of. "It is unfortunately true, though, there are other vays of defeating your opponent vithout having to result to the killing curse though. Keep up vith the lesson, Miss Hyde."
After listening to the everyone else's answers, Medea flexed her hand, and a moment later, her wand slid into her palm. "The Shielding Charm has one of the easier wand movements. A waving motion, or in other more specific words, it's an upward arching flick." Demonstrating for them, she created the upward arching flick, before repeating a bit slower so they were able to clearly see it. "This spell requires your concentration to keep up, so if you cast another spell, be aware that your shield vill have been brought down."
"There's also a vay to increase the size of your shield. It requires an extra wand movement. A horizontal line." Creating the upward arching flick with her wand with a nonverbal 'protego', a very light blue shield appeared in front of her, glimmering almost as if trying to falter, though that was far from the case as the color only faded every now and then; results in having the shield look invisible. "And, add the horizontal line..." Demonstrating so, the shield expanded as slowly as her wand movement. "This should only be attempted when you've mastered the shield charm itself. It'd make it that much easier on you."
Letting her shield drop, she continued onto the next spell. "The Disarming charm does in fact have two wand movements. The simple 'point' is quite popular, and there's also the circular motion as some of you mentioned. This circular motion is actually more like a small 'd', with a snap of your wrist at the end." Pointing her wand to the side away from the students, she demonstrated by making a tight circular motion and ending with a small upwards snap at the end, much like the letter 'd'. "I'd like you all to practice the 'd' wand movement for today, which...brings us to our next activity."
"So, stand up if you aren't already, and look for a partner. Preferably someone in the same year as yourself. Ve'll be practicing the disarming spell first, and then the shield charm. Afterwards ve'll be going into a few duels vith these two spells. Let's go. Hop at it."
OOC: The task for now is to look for a partner in your own year, and if that's not possible, than someone close to it. Don't RP practicing the spells yet. We'll get to that next.
Taylor turned and went to where Angelina was standing, "Hey want to be partners with me?" She smiled at her friend and was happy that she had a friend in her year.
Alice stood up on her stretching mat as her Professor announced to find a partner in her year. Most of the second years were already taken, but she wouldn't mind a first or third year if needed. "Does anyone need a dueling partner?" she called into the crowded classroom.
Maxwell noticed another Gryffindor looking for a partner, she seemed to be in his year, but he wasn't sure.
"Hello, I need a partner. My name's Maxwell." He said extending his hand. "Would you like to be partners?"
Taylor turned and went to where Angelina was standing, "Hey want to be partners with me?" She smiled at her friend and was happy that she had a friend in her year.
As Angelina stood around and started looking around for a partener she saw Taylor how came up to her and asked to be partners. Smiling Angelina nodded and said, "I'd love to"
As Angelina stood around and started looking around for a partener she saw Taylor how came up to her and asked to be partners. Smiling Angelina nodded and said, "I'd love to"
Taylor's smile brighten, "Ok." She looked over at the professor then back at her friend. She waited for the professor's instrutions.
Dani's Citrus Duck Spawn | Mama Giraffe | Lemon PATch | Pushed the Red Button
Originally Posted by HJPotter
Maxwell noticed another Gryffindor looking for a partner, she seemed to be in his year, but he wasn't sure.
"Hello, I need a partner. My name's Maxwell." He said extending his hand. "Would you like to be partners?"
Alice was still looking around for someone to practice her spells with, when she noticed a boy speaking to her. Not surprisingly, it was extremely hard to hear in the crowded DADA classroom, but she managed to make out the boy's name. "Hi Maxwell," she said brightly, relieved that she could work with someone her age. "My name is Alice and I would be really grateful if you were my partner." She smiled at the boy one last time and then turned to Professor Romanos once more, awaiting her directions.
and so i took an axe to a mended fence.___________________.______._________________ __________________________________..____this is why we can't have nice things, darling.
in request of another first year, or something close to it(vm me!)
Hit Wiz love | 1/2 of Bensky | Louisa's baby claw. <3 | kewe
Lily looked around, unsure of who was left without a partner. She kinda wanted to find another Ravenclaw, but that didn't always work. Lily spoke up so that she wouldn't be left out. "Does anyone need a first year partner?" She was getting kinda shy again, even though she had been getting more acquainted with the school recently and had successfully found a few close friends.
With her head lying in her arms on her desk, Renesmee tried her best to listen to what the professor was babbling about. She was tired alright, she had been feeling tired quite often lately, which wasn't really a good thing. It was when she caught the word Partner, that she lifted her head of the desk and straightened up. She looked around and watched as people got into partners, she bit her lip. "Umm..Partners anyone?" she whispered, doubting anyone would want to be with her. She wasn't the greatest when it came to all the practical work, and from the experience that she had, had she was a little terrified of using her wand.
Sighing heavily, she slowly got to her feet and stood. As most of the class was partners, she looked a little silly standing on her own, but there wasn't much she could do.
Selina was struggling with the whole yoga thing. She knew that it was all important and that junk, but she was not the most coordinated person in the world. In fact, she was one of the least coordinated people she knew when it came to the land. For some reason she was super graceful in the air, which was a mystery to her. Of course, if she wasn't graceful in the air she wouldn't be Quidditch Captain. Yet, that fact bothered her... why was she graceful in the air but not on land... ugh.
When Professor Romanos decided to have them partner up Selina watched as everyone scrambled to find a partner. Right, it seemed that most of her friends had already partnered up. It was time for Selina to get adventurous and meet new people... oh wait! She knew that girl. They had spoken briefly once. So the redhead approached the other girl and asked, "Hey you wanna partner up? We're only a year apart."
Dem Carters | even 🕊🕊 have pride | | Expecto PAWtronum 🐈 | U-NA-GI
Originally Posted by tomewitch
Other were already walking around there, asking anyone for partners. Beezus was about to approach one student from her own house when another approached her, saying she was also a second year. Oh well..anyone from her classmates really did not matter as long as they'd be able to practice and communicate with each other peacefully. "Hello!" she greeted the girl back as she took off the rubber band from her wrist and started tying her hair into a ponytail. Right, she wouldn't want her hair to get in the way once they start practicing the spells."I'm Beezus. Nice to meet you." she too introduced herself. "Let's just do our best?" The eaglette gave her a thumbs up.
Now, to wait for further instructions.
"Nice to meet you too," Sky responded, smiling slightly. She pulled her wand out of her pocket and held it by her side, ready for the next instruction. She was suddenly nervous and it showed a little. What if she wasn't good at this? That would be so embarrassing! Sky just nodded Beezus' suggestion they do their best, having barely heard her, as nervous as she was.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Originally Posted by Roselyn
"So, stand up if you aren't already, and look for a partner. Preferably someone in the same year as yourself. Ve'll be practicing the disarming spell first, and then the shield charm. Afterwards ve'll be going into a few duels vith these two spells. Let's go. Hop at it."[/color]
Sierra was already standing, but she was still in sort of an odd stretching position at the same time. Good. They'd stopped stretching for the time being. She hated yoga, no matter how important it seemed to be in Defense Against the Darks. She stood to her full height and looked around the room.
Great. Just about everyone had been taken.
She frowned then continue to look around the room. "Does anyone still need a partner?" she asked, her voice loud enough to be heard yet still at an appropriate volume.
Nate saw the girl he asked before he asked the hufflepuff introduce herself. Nate got confused. He didn't want to blow one off by saying that he already has a partner. He just was really confused at this point. He didn't know what to do or say. "Oops sorry, I forgot I asked you. When I was standing by you I must have forgot why I was there. Sorry but I have a partmer. If the teacher would allow it we could form a group of three. I'm so sorry." Nate was hoping she would accept his appology. Maybe they could form a group of three.
curly haired prefect - "sometimes I get angry!" - 30/90 - *chicken emoji* - probably @ Disney - I speak dog
Originally Posted by Kimalia
Kimalia's ears perked up at the word "4th years", looking towards the taller boy she smirked, remembering him from the train a while ago. "Hey again, wanna partner up? I'm a fourth year." Holding her hand out to shake.
Alex turned around and saw that someone had accepted his offer to partner up...and he knew her! Well, he remembered her face...ohmigosh, WHAT was her name? He couldn't remember. "Hey thereeeee...you!" he said with an awkward chuckle. It started with a K. Or a C. GOSH why couldn't he remember this was so embarrassing!
"Sure, partners," he agreed with a grin. Now if only he could just remember her name...
I'm still standin'________________________________________ better than I ever did
Lookin' like a true survivor_________________________________feelin' like a little kid
Baguette | there is no D in my name | TRAITORclaw | Queenie of Narnia
Text Cut: The Professor!
Originally Posted by Roselyn
After listening to the everyone else's answers, Medea flexed her hand, and a moment later, her wand slid into her palm. "The Shielding Charm has one of the easier wand movements. A waving motion, or in other more specific words, it's an upward arching flick." Demonstrating for them, she created the upward arching flick, before repeating a bit slower so they were able to clearly see it. "This spell requires your concentration to keep up, so if you cast another spell, be aware that your shield vill have been brought down."
"There's also a vay to increase the size of your shield. It requires an extra wand movement. A horizontal line." Creating the upward arching flick with her wand with a nonverbal 'protego', a very light blue shield appeared in front of her, glimmering almost as if trying to falter, though that was far from the case as the color only faded every now and then; results in having the shield look invisible. "And, add the horizontal line..." Demonstrating so, the shield expanded as slowly as her wand movement. "This should only be attempted when you've mastered the shield charm itself. It'd make it that much easier on you."
Letting her shield drop, she continued onto the next spell. "The Disarming charm does in fact have two wand movements. The simple 'point' is quite popular, and there's also the circular motion as some of you mentioned. This circular motion is actually more like a small 'd', with a snap of your wrist at the end." Pointing her wand to the side away from the students, she demonstrated by making a tight circular motion and ending with a small upwards snap at the end, much like the letter 'd'. "I'd like you all to practice the 'd' wand movement for today, which...brings us to our next activity."
"So, stand up if you aren't already, and look for a partner. Preferably someone in the same year as yourself. Ve'll be practicing the disarming spell first, and then the shield charm. Afterwards ve'll be going into a few duels vith these two spells. Let's go. Hop at it."
OOC: The task for now is to look for a partner in your own year, and if that's not possible, than someone close to it. Don't RP practicing the spells yet. We'll get to that next.
Vashti watched as Professor Romanos demonstrated the wand movements for each, though paying particular attention to the added horizontal movement to the Shield Charm and the "d" movement for the Disarming Spell. She was fairly good at the Shield Charm - she'd performed it a few times last year, come to think of it, and it seemed both incidents had something to do with Louisa, funnily enough - but she'd never tried the horizontal movement to expand her shield. Vashti was definitely going to try that today.
First, though, she needed a partner. Looking around, she didn't immediately see Treyen, which was a bit disappointing. What other seventh year could she partner up with...
Originally Posted by Squishy ♥
Amelia nodded as she listened to the Professor talk. This seemed pretty straight forward to her, and she wasn't surprised when everyone was asked to find a partner. The only problem was that she couldn't find anyone to work with. If only Zayden was here, she would be set. He was in her Year and everything.
She sighed as she raised her hand and said, "anyone want to work with me? I'm a Seventh Year." And hopefully she'd get a partner and not look like a total idiot. D:
Oh! There was a girl she recognized from Arithmancy. And she was a seventh year! Excellent! She walked over to the girl.
"I'll work with you," Vashti said, smiling.
if we fall, we will fall together; and when we rise, we will rise together__________________♥♥♥♥ together we are dangerous; together with our differences; together we are bolder, braver, stronger
*Everything I Know I Learned* *Adding Silently To The Noise*
Originally Posted by Roselyn
After listening to the everyone else's answers, Medea flexed her hand, and a moment later, her wand slid into her palm. "The Shielding Charm has one of the easier wand movements. A waving motion, or in other more specific words, it's an upward arching flick." Demonstrating for them, she created the upward arching flick, before repeating a bit slower so they were able to clearly see it. "This spell requires your concentration to keep up, so if you cast another spell, be aware that your shield vill have been brought down."
"There's also a vay to increase the size of your shield. It requires an extra wand movement. A horizontal line." Creating the upward arching flick with her wand with a nonverbal 'protego', a very light blue shield appeared in front of her, glimmering almost as if trying to falter, though that was far from the case as the color only faded every now and then; results in having the shield look invisible. "And, add the horizontal line..." Demonstrating so, the shield expanded as slowly as her wand movement. "This should only be attempted when you've mastered the shield charm itself. It'd make it that much easier on you."
Letting her shield drop, she continued onto the next spell. "The Disarming charm does in fact have two wand movements. The simple 'point' is quite popular, and there's also the circular motion as some of you mentioned. This circular motion is actually more like a small 'd', with a snap of your wrist at the end." Pointing her wand to the side away from the students, she demonstrated by making a tight circular motion and ending with a small upwards snap at the end, much like the letter 'd'. "I'd like you all to practice the 'd' wand movement for today, which...brings us to our next activity."
"So, stand up if you aren't already, and look for a partner. Preferably someone in the same year as yourself. Ve'll be practicing the disarming spell first, and then the shield charm. Afterwards ve'll be going into a few duels vith these two spells. Let's go. Hop at it."
OOC: The task for now is to look for a partner in your own year, and if that's not possible, than someone close to it. Don't RP practicing the spells yet. We'll get to that next.
Vlimia knew all about the simple spells they were learning, since she was forced to read up on all kinds of dueling and spells used while dueling. However, she had never tried to perform any of those spells: she hadn't gotten her wand then. Of course, her father loaned her his wand for the Unforgivables, but that was different. She twirled her wand like a baton, looking around for her best friend. Seeing that Cardigan had paired up with somebody else, Vlim was a little dissapointed. Oh well. "Are there any first years that would like to pair up with me?" She asked. Vlimia felt quite vulnerable, asking for help, but she supposed that it was everybody's first time too. Nothing to be embarassed about. If you get it wrong, don't worry.
Trencher for Life||Avril Lavigne|| Ni hen piao liang (You're very beautiful)
Violet looked around the room like all her other classmates to see if there were anymore people who didn't have a partner. She saw that Maxwell had a partner already and her heart sank a tiny bit. She was hoping she could partner with him, but another class and another time. She called out in class, "Would anyone like to partner up with me?"
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Originally Posted by AlwaysSnapesGirl
Vashti watched as Professor Romanos demonstrated the wand movements for each, though paying particular attention to the added horizontal movement to the Shield Charm and the "d" movement for the Disarming Spell. She was fairly good at the Shield Charm - she'd performed it a few times last year, come to think of it, and it seemed both incidents had something to do with Louisa, funnily enough - but she'd never tried the horizontal movement to expand her shield. Vashti was definitely going to try that today.
First, though, she needed a partner. Looking around, she didn't immediately see Treyen, which was a bit disappointing. What other seventh year could she partner up with...
Oh! There was a girl she recognized from Arithmancy. And she was a seventh year! Excellent! She walked over to the girl.
"I'll work with you," Vashti said, smiling.
Okay, Amelia was seriously starting to feel ridiculous right now as she waited for someone to come over and put her out of her misery. She didn't want to be the odd one out here. Nope.
So thank merlin when someone came up to her. She smiled at the girl. "Okay! I'm Amelia." Because introductions were always nice.