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Regardless of the chilly weather during the winter season and the cool stone colored tones of the room, the dueling arena was comfortably warm. The arena itself would perhaps look different to some of the older students if they were able to get a look at it in the past. The dueling platform, target dummies, and even the stands were moved around in different locations, pushed to the side mostly, leaving a nice big empty space in the middle of the room. In that space were the familiar deep purple colored mats from the previous lesson lined up accordingly, including the deep red colored mat up at the front in-between the stands where Professor Romanos was currently seated, and in front of each purple mat was something that looked like a miniature tray. There won't be any food during the lesson unfortunately, but these trays will be acting as your desks. Unlike the last lesson, the room is illuminated and practically glowing from the winter sunlight streaming through the windows, giving the area a warm and welcoming atmosphere. Perhaps even make a few sleepy, but never fear. There will be no time to sleep during this class. And do ignore the added doorway in the back of the room. As strange as it's placement is, no one is allowed back there.
OOC: Please come in and take a seat on one of the mats [and be familiar with the rules and expectations]. The lesson will begin in about 12 18 hours or so.
Class has officially begun! Please don't post arriving late. Jump in as if your character has been here the entire time.
Final Task
Use of the Disarming and Shield Charms ONLY.
1st - 4th Years = No sense of SOUND
5th - 7th Years = No sense of SIGHT. You are all blindfolded.
It is alright to be disoriented and not get things right on the first couple of tries. Perhaps your aim is off or you can't say the spell correctly because you can't hear yourself speak. No one is perfect. It is okay. The Professor will be keeping a close eye on things, so please, no fatal injuries. And perhaps no drastic damage to the arena either. It's rather sturdy.
I'll give you a few days to RP, and we'll come to a close on things around the 13th.
Nate saw a hufflepuff still needed a partner. "I can be your partner."
Laura looked at the Boy, he was her year, yeah he would do though seriously the Professor could have allowed her too pick a seventh year or better still the Professor herself, Laura wasn't scared of no one not even if they looked like Giants to her. "I'd love to be your partner." Laura smiled.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Originally Posted by CassiopeiaAKTF
"Jory" Daichi repeated after the Hufflepuff had said his own name. He looked at the boy with an look on his face that showed he was NOT ready. The Slytherin wasn't the best in performing spells and so far he only succeeded in doing Scourgify in Potions now and then. Yes, he could do more spells but they required a lot of practise.
"Not really..." he therefore said and felt that his cheeks started to blaze fire. He ran a hand through his hair and touched the silver earring which he always did when he became a bit nervous. "I'm not really good at these stuff so i'm sorry if a blow you up" ......... and he meant that! He remembered almost hitting his friend and ex-Slytherin Prefect Evan with a spell gone wrong... poor boy, he hoped he hadn't to take him to the hospital soon O_o "Now we wait for further instructions, right?" he asked as he turned to look at the professor. And wondered if this kid still wanted to be his partner hehehe~
Jory's understood what the Slytherin's expression meant. He was not ready. "Don't worry,'' he said "You're not the only one who isn't ready.'' The Puff was a bit nervous himself.
Jory couldn't help laughing as Daichi said he might blow him up. "Come on, I'm sure you're not that bad,'' he said. "I hope I don't do you damage either, you know. So we're both evenly matched.''
"Yup, we wait,'' he answered looking around for the Professor.
A real duel! Whoaaa!, the third year thought while standing up from the mat. There were just two spells they were supposed to use, but it still counted. It was a duel. Wait- partners? I’ll have to find a partner?, she repeated in her head.
Oh, this is great, the third year told herself and tried not to roll her eyes. As she looked around, Gwendolyn spotted a few students of her age, but they seemed to have found partners already. It’s going to take forever for me to find someone, she dramatized. ‘Does anyone still need a partner? Third year?’, the Ravenclaw asked and looked around. Worst case- I’ll be stuck with someone from another year…
Welcome Witch | Blue Galactic Hand Slytherin Graduate
SPOILER!!: prof and spells
Originally Posted by Roselyn
After listening to the everyone else's answers, Medea flexed her hand, and a moment later, her wand slid into her palm. "The Shielding Charm has one of the easier wand movements. A waving motion, or in other more specific words, it's an upward arching flick." Demonstrating for them, she created the upward arching flick, before repeating a bit slower so they were able to clearly see it. "This spell requires your concentration to keep up, so if you cast another spell, be aware that your shield vill have been brought down."
"There's also a vay to increase the size of your shield. It requires an extra wand movement. A horizontal line." Creating the upward arching flick with her wand with a nonverbal 'protego', a very light blue shield appeared in front of her, glimmering almost as if trying to falter, though that was far from the case as the color only faded every now and then; results in having the shield look invisible. "And, add the horizontal line..." Demonstrating so, the shield expanded as slowly as her wand movement. "This should only be attempted when you've mastered the shield charm itself. It'd make it that much easier on you."
Letting her shield drop, she continued onto the next spell. "The Disarming charm does in fact have two wand movements. The simple 'point' is quite popular, and there's also the circular motion as some of you mentioned. This circular motion is actually more like a small 'd', with a snap of your wrist at the end." Pointing her wand to the side away from the students, she demonstrated by making a tight circular motion and ending with a small upwards snap at the end, much like the letter 'd'. "I'd like you all to practice the 'd' wand movement for today, which...brings us to our next activity."
"So, stand up if you aren't already, and look for a partner. Preferably someone in the same year as yourself. Ve'll be practicing the disarming spell first, and then the shield charm. Afterwards ve'll be going into a few duels vith these two spells. Let's go. Hop at it."
Originally Posted by Roselyn
OOC: The task for now is to look for a partner in your own year, and if that's not possible, than someone close to it. Don't RP practicing the spells yet. We'll get to that next.
Originally Posted by Quick Quotes Quill
A real duel! Whoaaa!, the third year thought while standing up from the mat. There were just two spells they were supposed to use, but it still counted. It was a duel. Wait- partners? I’ll have to find a partner?, she repeated in her head.
Oh, this is great, the third year told herself and tried not to roll her eyes. As she looked around, Gwendolyn spotted a few students of her age, but they seemed to have found partners already. It’s going to take forever for me to find someone, she dramatized. ‘Does anyone still need a partner? Third year?’, the Ravenclaw asked and looked around. Worst case- I’ll be stuck with someone from another year…
Olivia approached a girl who looked about the same age as her, maybe from another year." Hello, Need a partner"? she asked.
Olivia approached a girl who looked about the same age as her, maybe from another year." Hello, Need a partner"? she asked.
As she heard someone talking, probably to her, Gwendolyn turned her head. ‘Umm… all right’, the third year nodded. Finding a partner was way easier than she had expected. Maybe too easy… So maybe she should introduce herself this time and avoid repeating what had happened in HoM and CoMC class. ‘I’m Gwen, by the way’, she smirked and extended her hand. There- nice enough, right?!
So this was it? Not bad, the Ravenclaw thought and looked back at the Professor. She told them not to practice the spells yet, so there- there was nothing else she could do at the moment, just to wait for further instructions.
This was going to be hard! She never joined forces with anyone in her year. Just second years and firsties and fourth-ies and all the rest of them. She walked over to a girl that looked about her age, she was not a seventh year anyway. ''Umm.. Do you need a partner?''
Daisy smiled, she had found someone to go with. Although she had never spoken to the girl before, she waved and smiled.
'Yeah,' she said, 'I do. I'm Daisy,' she held her hand out for the other girl to shake. 'I'm a Hufflepuff third year.' She had seen the girl around school before, and was sure she was also a third year. Daisy took out her wand. 'What exactly are we doing?' she laughed, 'i've forgotten already, in all the madness to find someone to pair up with.'
Skiving Snackbox? A Headless Hat?
Only one place you can get all that...
Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes
Pranking just got professional...
Browncoat l Extra Syrup l Kita's Strong Confident Other Half l Lemon Patch
They were going to duel? Aweseome!
Arya glanced over at Elle cheerfully as she stopped stretching and flicked her wrist absently, taking hold of her wand as it slid smoothly into her hand. The prefect figured she could use Ellie as a partner, but she wanted to first see if someone older was around. Preferably someone her own age.
Where was Treyen or that Head Girl?
Glancing around the classroom, she stood on her tip toes. "Any seventh years still need a partner?" She paused and then added. "Or sixth or fifth years will do. My friend needs a partner too!" Someone her age as well. Heh.
♥ I won't pass up on the danger ♥ I'd miss out on the fun ♥_____ ______________♥We'll live while we're young ♥ We'll chase down the sun ♥_________________________
Welcome Witch | Blue Galactic Hand Slytherin Graduate
Originally Posted by Quick Quotes Quill
As she heard someone talking, probably to her, Gwendolyn turned her head. ‘Umm… all right’, the third year nodded. Finding a partner was way easier than she had expected. Maybe too easy… So maybe she should introduce herself this time and avoid repeating what had happened in HoM and CoMC class. ‘I’m Gwen, by the way’, she smirked and extended her hand. There- nice enough, right?!
So this was it? Not bad, the Ravenclaw thought and looked back at the Professor. She told them not to practice the spells yet, so there- there was nothing else she could do at the moment, just to wait for further instructions.
"Im Olivia" she replied, shaking Gwen's hand. If not a Slytherin,a Ravenclaw. Even though another Slytherin would have been her first choise, Olivia diddnt care that much. She was not too picky about who was her partner. But since Olivia was a good dueler, she thought going with an older student would be a good idea. Now what to do while we wait for further instructions "So what is your favorite class?"
With her head lying in her arms on her desk, Renesmee tried her best to listen to what the professor was babbling about. She was tired alright, she had been feeling tired quite often lately, which wasn't really a good thing. It was when she caught the word Partner, that she lifted her head of the desk and straightened up. She looked around and watched as people got into partners, she bit her lip. "Umm..Partners anyone?" she whispered, doubting anyone would want to be with her. She wasn't the greatest when it came to all the practical work, and from the experience that she had, had she was a little terrified of using her wand.
Sighing heavily, she slowly got to her feet and stood. As most of the class was partners, she looked a little silly standing on her own, but there wasn't much she could do.
Ariana Stood up "great now i have to be social.." she mumbled to herself. She looked around it looked like a lot of people were already paired up. Ariana put her left hand up "Second year. Any second years?" she said in a normal voice. not like anyone heard her, not that she cared either.
They were going to...practice spells on each other?!
Lewis' face fell a little at that announcement - though, he probably should have expected it, this was DADA after all. Well, at least it was only the Disarming Spell for now. There wasn't a lot that could go wrong there. Well, there was but nothing that could be dangerous or something. At least he hoped not. And he wouldn't have to work with some inexperienced first year so maybe he was safe for now.
The only problem was finding another student his age. He had met a couple of them or at least seen them around but finding them now seemed to be a little difficult. Not wanting to shout across the room, he reached into his bag and pulled out a blank piece of parchment on which he wrote Fifth Year. There, that should do.
Getting up off his mat, Lewis held his 'sign' over his head and waited for somebody to approach him. Hopefully that would happen soon so he could take down that parchment again.
When the professor instructed the students to search for a same-year partner, Eino stood up and looked around the room. Almost immediately he noticed a boy that was about as tall as he, so he approached him. As Eino tapped the boy on his shoulder he realized this was the mime boy, the one he had met by the armors on the third floor. "H-hello." Eino said suspiciously. Chances were the boy was going to said the same exact thing, stutter and everything. This would be a bad thing for practice... If they both used the same offensive spell and no defensive spell? Yeah, not good.
Stretching her arms, she looked back out to the crowd of students, taking note of who was stretching and who wasn't. She'd give the ones who were a few more minutes to do so, and the ones who weren't...a few minutes to start doing so if they so wished. "I think ve'll start now." Any more stragglers will have to do push ups. "Last class, I had you all do a few yoga positions. Any thoughts on why?" There was indeed a reason.
Lets see how many students were paying attention to each-other's answers and could actually remember them from the previous lesson.
Tayla raised her hand then followed the stretch Professor Romanos was doing. "It'll help us condition our bodies, so we move better in a duel," she replied. "And I think it also trains us to focus; to be able to think and act correctly, at the same time."
Originally Posted by Roselyn
Well, those were some better answers than she had at the beginning of the previous lesson. None of the creeped her out. "Most of you were on the right track vith vot I vos going for. However, there vos also a reason for the dark room as vell, as it ties in vith the yoga. Many of you, or even only a few of you, may have noticed that a few of your other senses were kicking into overdrive since your sense of sight vos blinded. Perhaps even letting you think a bit more clearly since you aren't distracted vith too many objects in front of you."
Having switched stretching her arms already, she started with stretching her legs. "I had you all do a few yoga positions to counter your train of thoughts. Challenge you if you vill. You could've thought clearly in the dark since ve were only going over review, something in which you should have been comfortable vith, but since I added in that little challenge, it made it that more difficult for you to do. Many of you right now had mentioned a bit of multi-tasking during dueling, or some encounter against your opponent, and most of the time, it vill not be in your comfort zone. The circumstances can vary depending on the outcome, but the end result is still the same, sometimes even making you frustrated to point of losing altogether."
"So, that is vot ve'll be vorking on today. Taking you out of your comfort zone. One of you had suggested it last lesson..." Though she forgot which. "Our five senses and how they come in handy during dueling, or in other vords, how to duel when one of them is taken away. You all know your five senses. Sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell. Which one do you think is the most important during dueling? And which is the least important?"
Tayla continued with the next stretch and thought about her answer for a while before raising her free hand. "I think the most important would be the the sense of hearing. I think some wizards and witches are able to duel even when they're unable to see. The least important would be...the sense of taste."
Originally Posted by Roselyn
As the answers started, at least three-fourths of them was what she'd been expecting them to say. Sight and sound as she had heard, were the most important to them. Though the few that mentioned touch caught her attention, and the ones that stated all were important had Medea smiling a bit more. At least there was some thinking out of the box going on.
"So most of you think that sight and sound are the most important, as vell as taste being the least important." she said, letting her foot lay back down on the ground. Done with the stretching. "There is no right or wrong answer. You're all entitled to your opinions. They are all important in their own vays, even taste, though I believe it's safe to assume that most people vould be rather unbalanced if they lost their sense of sight during a duel. While sound has it's privileges and certainly comes in handy, one doesn't rely as heavily on the sense of sound than they do vith sight. However, when you take sight away, your sense of sound becomes your right hand man. Learning to take advantage of it and using it to it's full potential is a whole other story though, and vice versa."
"Today ve'll be working on those two senses, but first, who can tell me vot spell is your greatest asset in a duel?"
Here was another question Tayla had to think over before answering. She raised her hand and replied, "I think a defensive spell would be one's greatest asset. You should be able to protect yourself, which will also allow you to better fight your opponent. I think there's a saying that goes, 'The best defense is a great offense.'" Tayla wasn't sure if her answer was right, but she thought it did make sense.
Originally Posted by Roselyn
"There really is not right or wrong answer here. A few of you had the right idea though. The spell that becomes a wizard's greatest asset is one that they've mastered and are comfortable vith doing. Like Miss Castell has said, if you can't do a spell, than it isn't vorth trying in the first place. You have no advantage over your opponent. Most often though, the two spells that vould most likely help you win a duel is the disarming charm and the shield charm. The disarming charm both disarms your opponent and knocks them back if used correctly, and the shield charm can become both a defensive and offensive spell depending on how you use it."
"Ve'll be practicing these two spells today as vell as use them in our duels ve'll do later on. I know you all know the incantations..." She'd heard it many times in their answers. "Though who can tell me the wand movements for the Disarming Spell and the Shield Charm?"
Tayla nodded and took down notes as she listened to Professor Romanos.
"For the disarming charm - expelliarmus - a sharp point towards the person or object you're disarming will be effective. For the shield charm, there are variations according to strength. You can move your wand over a wide area to cast a protective charm over it, or simply in front of you to protect yourself," she replied.
Originally Posted by Roselyn
After listening to the everyone else's answers, Medea flexed her hand, and a moment later, her wand slid into her palm. "The Shielding Charm has one of the easier wand movements. A waving motion, or in other more specific words, it's an upward arching flick." Demonstrating for them, she created the upward arching flick, before repeating a bit slower so they were able to clearly see it. "This spell requires your concentration to keep up, so if you cast another spell, be aware that your shield vill have been brought down."
"There's also a vay to increase the size of your shield. It requires an extra wand movement. A horizontal line." Creating the upward arching flick with her wand with a nonverbal 'protego', a very light blue shield appeared in front of her, glimmering almost as if trying to falter, though that was far from the case as the color only faded every now and then; results in having the shield look invisible. "And, add the horizontal line..." Demonstrating so, the shield expanded as slowly as her wand movement. "This should only be attempted when you've mastered the shield charm itself. It'd make it that much easier on you."
Letting her shield drop, she continued onto the next spell. "The Disarming charm does in fact have two wand movements. The simple 'point' is quite popular, and there's also the circular motion as some of you mentioned. This circular motion is actually more like a small 'd', with a snap of your wrist at the end." Pointing her wand to the side away from the students, she demonstrated by making a tight circular motion and ending with a small upwards snap at the end, much like the letter 'd'. "I'd like you all to practice the 'd' wand movement for today, which...brings us to our next activity."
"So, stand up if you aren't already, and look for a partner. Preferably someone in the same year as yourself. Ve'll be practicing the disarming spell first, and then the shield charm. Afterwards ve'll be going into a few duels vith these two spells. Let's go. Hop at it."
Tayla continued taking notes and listening to the professor.
Originally Posted by Tayla's Notes
sight and sound -- most useful senses in a duel
disarming and shielding charms -- most useful spells (both defense and offense)
Disarming Charm (Expelliarmus)
-- wand movements: pointing and circular motion (like a small 'd' with snap of wrist at the end)
Shield Charm (Protego)
-- wand movement: waving motion; upward arching flick
-- to increase protection: add horizontal line
Tayla stood up and hoped she could find a partner quickly. "Third year!
Originally Posted by ortalismusicoh
With her head lying in her arms on her desk, Renesmee tried her best to listen to what the professor was babbling about. She was tired alright, she had been feeling tired quite often lately, which wasn't really a good thing. It was when she caught the word Partner, that she lifted her head of the desk and straightened up. She looked around and watched as people got into partners, she bit her lip. "Umm..Partners anyone?" she whispered, doubting anyone would want to be with her. She wasn't the greatest when it came to all the practical work, and from the experience that she had, had she was a little terrified of using her wand.
Sighing heavily, she slowly got to her feet and stood. As most of the class was partners, she looked a little silly standing on her own, but there wasn't much she could do.
"Hi there," Tayla greeted, approaching a Hufflepuff who looked a little familiar. "Are you a third year? Want to be partners?"
Ravenpuff | Cap'n Crunch | Bedtime Queen | O Minion, My Minion
Originally Posted by grangerfan8
Glancing around the classroom, she stood on her tip toes. "Any seventh years still need a partner?" She paused and then added. "Or sixth or fifth years will do. My friend needs a partner too!" Someone her age as well. Heh.
Keefer heard Arya calling for a partner. The class was made up mostly of younger students, so he knew she would have trouble finding anyone. Especially with Treyen absent.
"Arya, I still need someone. I'm game if you are!" Prefect and Captain, an acceptable match.
Browncoat l Extra Syrup l Kita's Strong Confident Other Half l Lemon Patch
Originally Posted by hpluvr037
Keefer heard Arya calling for a partner. The class was made up mostly of younger students, so he knew she would have trouble finding anyone. Especially with Treyen absent.
"Arya, I still need someone. I'm game if you are!" Prefect and Captain, an acceptable match.
Arya turned on the spot to face her house's captain with a grin. "Sure!" He wasn't a seventh year, and probably better suited for Ellie, but he wanted her and who was she to deny him the challenge? Plus Quidditch Captains were tough, he was probably a good dueler she reckoned. "I think we have to wait for more instructions now."
♥ I won't pass up on the danger ♥ I'd miss out on the fun ♥_____ ______________♥We'll live while we're young ♥ We'll chase down the sun ♥_________________________
Minerva couldn't help but give a laughable grin towards Justin. 'So Just you ready to try and disarm me?" she looked around the room and then back to Justin and put her face into a little frown "You are going to partner with me, right?"
Justin smiled as she scrunched up her face and let out a little chuckle. " Of course I'm ready, Babe. Let's see what you've got. " he said playfully.
Elise grinned, pulling her wand out and twirling it around her left hand as she scanned the room for a second year who was free. Noticing a Ravenclaw that she'd never actually talked to before, she tapped her on the shoulder.
"Is it okay if we partner up?" she asked, twisting her hair into a messy bun and sticking a pencil in to hold it up.
"Oh yeah! Sure!" Jayden replied to the girl, her lips forming into a small grin.
Ariana Stood up "great now i have to be social.." she mumbled to herself. She looked around it looked like a lot of people were already paired up. Ariana put her left hand up "Second year. Any second years?" she said in a normal voice. not like anyone heard her, not that she cared either.
Jordan stood up, grabbing Ariana. "Mine!" he announced to no one in particular. "Hey Partner!" he smiled at Ariana, he had saved her from socialising and he most other second years had partners, so it was a win win situation.
Cardigan mentally freaked when she listened about the wand movement.She was not,in any way,excited for this lesson!Dueling just wasn't her thing,her interest,or her style!But anyways,she quickly copied down the wand movement information.
Hmm...let's see...who should be my partner?Cardigan thought as she scanned the dueling arena.Not much firsties as far as she could tell.But then,she did find one:Sophie Campbell the Hufflepuff!Well,she'd be perfect!As she traveled to where Sophie was,she tried to keep her mind off dueling.But,did so unsuccessfully,doing the exact opposite."I'd be happy to oblige!"Cardigan said to Sophie,returning the grin.Hopefully she would say yes!
Sophie turned around to face the person who was talking to her. "Oh, hey, Cardigan!" She sais smiling to her friend. "Cool then!" Now all they had to do was to wait for further instructions.
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿
Originally Posted by Poolicious
They're going to practice a spell?! YAY!
He already on his feet so now he only need to find another first year or a second year. He looked around the classroom for a partner then he noticed a Hufflepuff girl who happen to be a first year like he is. Slowly he made his way toward the girl. "Hey. I'm a first year." he said. "And I need a partner. Do you want to partner up?" he asked.
Ella looked up and smiled, happy that someone had agreed to partner with her. She recognized the boy and nodded. "Sure, sounds good to me. I'm Ella by the way. You're a hufflepuff too right?"
Jordan stood up, grabbing Ariana. "Mine!" he announced to no one in particular. "Hey Partner!" he smiled at Ariana, he had saved her from socialising and he most other second years had partners, so it was a win win situation.
Ariana was grabbed from behind. "Whoahh there!" then she turned & noticed it was Jordan. "HII JORDAN!" Ariana said and hugged her friend. "thank god you claimed me. it would of been horrible to have to have met someone new!
curly haired prefect - "sometimes I get angry!" - 30/90 - *chicken emoji* - probably @ Disney - I speak dog
Alex stood up and looked around. He wasn't honestly sure who was in his year and who wasn't...other than Sierra of course. "Any 4th years want to partner up?" he asked. He looked around hopefully and looked to see if he could spot his sister. Ehh. She could be a back up if necessary. Provided she wasn't taken already.
I'm still standin'________________________________________ better than I ever did
Lookin' like a true survivor_________________________________feelin' like a little kid
VM me if you're a second year who needs a partner :p
Maxwell walked around the class room looking for a partner it seemed like everyone was taken, Jordan and Ariana had teamed up so there went his first two options....now what?
The stretching had been nice. A lot easier than the full-on yoga from the last lesson, and Stella found herself oddly more energized as the discussion had continued. Especially as it seemed they were going to be focusing on spells she already knew rather well, even if they were going to use a more complex wand movement for the Disarming charm. At least she knew she wasn't going to fail, not when they were fairly easy spells in the first place. She fit in a couple more stretches as Professor Romanos had told everyone to pair off, though. She wanted to make sure she was fully relaxed before looking for anyone who could be willing to work with her.
There had to be some other sixth years in the lesson. Of course, it would help if she actually had paid attention to who was in the same year as herself all along, but she hoped she wasn't the lone sixth year in the lesson. In addition to hoping she wasn't going to end up being unable to find a partner at all. Flicking her wand out of its holster, she let her eyes gaze around the room. "Is anyone still looking for a partner?," she asked no one in particular. Most of the people closest to her mat and where she was standing had seemed to already have found a partner. Either that or they were obviously much younger and therefore the practice would be lopsided, unless she could ask the professor if she could just help others learn the spells. That was going to be plan B.
Finally. FINALLY, the questions and answers part was over. Yes, João very well knew their benefit, especially for the sake of younger students who were quite prone to miscast the spells; what bore him was hearing more or less the same answers over and over again. Though, at last, they were over and now he was to look for a partner.
He was left for a girl, it seemed. Huh. He wouldn't just disarm a girl... though she was a Ravenclaw, and right now he could do with her, seeing as Slytherin also needed points. Too bad she wasn't Louisa. Her, he would love to duel with. Anyways.
Approaching the girl, he smiled genuinely. She didn't need any of his hostility or condescending... yet.
"I am looking for a partner, hi," he greeted, holding out a hand already to shake. "João Neves at your service." Well, not at her service, really, but she should get the idea.