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Roselyn 02-03-2012 08:58 PM

DADA Lesson Two
Defense Against the Dark Arts Lesson Two

Regardless of the chilly weather during the winter season and the cool stone colored tones of the room, the dueling arena was comfortably warm. The arena itself would perhaps look different to some of the older students if they were able to get a look at it in the past. The dueling platform, target dummies, and even the stands were moved around in different locations, pushed to the side mostly, leaving a nice big empty space in the middle of the room. In that space were the familiar deep purple colored mats from the previous lesson lined up accordingly, including the deep red colored mat up at the front in-between the stands where Professor Romanos was currently seated, and in front of each purple mat was something that looked like a miniature tray. There won't be any food during the lesson unfortunately, but these trays will be acting as your desks. Unlike the last lesson, the room is illuminated and practically glowing from the winter sunlight streaming through the windows, giving the area a warm and welcoming atmosphere. Perhaps even make a few sleepy, but never fear. There will be no time to sleep during this class. And do ignore the added doorway in the back of the room. As strange as it's placement is, no one is allowed back there.

OOC: Please come in and take a seat on one of the mats [and be familiar with the rules and expectations]. The lesson will begin in about 12 18 hours or so.

Class has officially begun! Please don't post arriving late. Jump in as if your character has been here the entire time. ;)

Final Task
Use of the Disarming and Shield Charms ONLY.

1st - 4th Years = No sense of SOUND
5th - 7th Years = No sense of SIGHT. You are all blindfolded.

It is alright to be disoriented and not get things right on the first couple of tries. Perhaps your aim is off or you can't say the spell correctly because you can't hear yourself speak. No one is perfect. It is okay. The Professor will be keeping a close eye on things, so please, no fatal injuries. And perhaps no drastic damage to the arena either. It's rather sturdy.

I'll give you a few days to RP, and we'll come to a close on things around the 13th.

TakemetotheBurrow 02-03-2012 09:31 PM

Ella entered the classroom and smiled. It was warm and cozy in the room and though the dummies and dueling platform were a little intimidating, Ella was excited. She greeted the Professor with a cheery "Hello!" before taking a seat on one of the purple mats. She eyed the little tray suspiciously, thinking of the one her mother had used to feed her when she was sick and bed. Surely they wouldn't be eating chicken soup during the lesson. Ella drummed her fingers on the mat anxiously as she waited for the lesson to start.

CurlyPotter14 02-03-2012 09:33 PM

Jordan made his way into the Duelling Arena, ready for the DADA lesson. His heart fell slightly when he saw the purple mats from last time, Please no yoga! he begged no one in particular. He was pleasently surprised to find he was one of the first to arrive as well. "Hello Professor?" he smile cheerfully, taking a seat on one of the mats.

klexos24 02-03-2012 10:05 PM

Cardigan walked into the Dueling Arena,feeling rather excited.They were gonna learn to duel!!!!!!!!That made her all giddy and want to do a backflip,but here was not the best place to do it.Before scoping the room for any familiars,she said to the professor,"Hello Professor Romanos!"She hten scaned the room for anyone that look familar.In a matter of minutes,she saw Ella!With a hyper grin,Cardigan sat down on the mat next to Ella`s and said,"Hey!",softly before turning her attention to her robe which she was "fiddling" with.When in boredom,fiddle with your Hogwarts robe.It makeseverything better.....

magikewe 02-03-2012 10:12 PM

Lily was having a good day. She was excited for another DADA class, even though she didn't exactly like the yoga from the last class. As she walked into the class, she noticed a big difference, it was light in the room. After spotting the professor, Lily entered the room. "Hello, Professor. How are you today?" She greeted the professor before finding a seat on one of the mats.

TakemetotheBurrow 02-03-2012 10:21 PM


Originally Posted by DeathEater1 (Post 10903459)
Cardigan walked into the Dueling Arena,feeling rather excited.They were gonna learn to duel!!!!!!!!That made her all giddy and want to do a backflip,but here was not the best place to do it.Before scoping the room for any familiars,she said to the professor,"Hello Professor Romanos!"She hten scaned the room for anyone that look familar.In a matter of minutes,she saw Ella!With a hyper grin,Cardigan sat down on the mat next to Ella`s and said,"Hey!",softly before turning her attention to her robe which she was "fiddling" with.When in boredom,fiddle with your Hogwarts robe.It makeseverything better.....

Ella smiled when she saw Cardigan sit down next to her. She returned her greeting and whispered, "Hi!" She felt weird talking in a voice any louder than a whisper as there weren't too many students in the class yet and she had a tendency to speak loudly when she was excited. Plus, the Professor was sitting in front of them on a mat and she didn't want to get into trouble. Ella smirked a little when she saw Cardigan fiddling with her robe and she began her own finger drumming again, creating a nice little beat on her mat-a quiet one of course!

Bazinga 02-03-2012 10:27 PM

Minerva walked into class and looked around. "Hello Professor, will we be doing more Yoga today?" she found an empty mat and sat down waiting for class to begin.

natethegreat 02-03-2012 10:34 PM

Nate walked into the room and said "Hello professor."

Hey Ju 02-03-2012 10:48 PM

Sophie walked into the room and saw the dueling arena. She didn't know if she was scared of excited about it. Dueling never sounded like a good thing in her mind, but she had a lot of fun using spells and whatnot. Just as she thought in their last class, it was Hogwarts, so there was nothing for her to fear hopefully. They wouldn't hurt one another, would they?

"Good day, Professor Romanos." She said politely as she went to sit on one of the purple mats.

Somnium 02-03-2012 10:50 PM

Taylor walked into the classroom. "Good day Professor." She smiled and went to sit on a mat. Tay hoped that they would be doing more yoga today since she loved doing yoga. The last lesson was fun and the professor was nice. She loved listerning to the teacher speak because of the professor's accent.

Deezerz 02-03-2012 10:54 PM

As Kennedy entered the classroom he was surprised by yet another change in scenery. The professors at Hogwarts sure liked to re-decorate for every lesson, huh. Liking this bright atmosphere, he went to sit at one of the mats in the front row.

"Good day, Professor Romanos," he greeted with a grin.

Lissy Longbottom 02-03-2012 11:03 PM

Alex barely registered the changes in the classroom as he entered the second defense lesson of the term. All that he noticed were the mats. "YES! MORE YOGA!" he exclaimed in excitement as he walked into the room and headed to a mat. Despite the fact that DADA was never really his strong suit, he'd LOVED the last lesson. It was so...chill.

"Hello Professor," he added with a smile as he settled onto the yoga mat.

Frankie 02-03-2012 11:10 PM

Autumn walked in and looked around... mats... everyone else knew what was going on she didn't!
She decided to sit on one of the mats she chose one slightly to the left of the middle and sat down looking for any of her friends.

CJP 02-03-2012 11:11 PM

It was time for Olivia's favorite class, Defence Against the Dark Arts. She waved hello to the professer and chose a mat near the middle, right of the room, somewhat twards the back. The bench things beside that mats reminded Olivia of Kung Foo chopping blocks, Maybe they were going to tie Marshel Arts in with yoga in this Defence against the dark Arts class.

Jessiqua 02-03-2012 11:14 PM

Zhenya made her way to Defence against the Dark Arts lesson and walked in to the room. She looked around worried that they would be doing more yoga whilst answering questions. Not that it was bad, she just had difficulty doing it.

She walked in and said "Hello Professor, enjoying the cold weather?" and took a seat. She looked at the tray and felt like she would like some biscuits.

astoriagreengrass:) 02-03-2012 11:18 PM

Brooke entered the classroom, her long brown hair flowing past her shoulders in swishy motion as she walked. A glum look plastered on her face, she walked past the proffessor and took a seat on a mat. "Hello Professor" she murmered.

ShadowButterfly 02-03-2012 11:29 PM

"Hello Professor." She said as she went and sat on one of the mats.

Uncle Moose 02-03-2012 11:37 PM

Oakey came into class very excited. This one was taking place in the dueling arena and Oakey had found a new passion in dueling thanks to the small fair that they had the previous month. He lost the two duels he partook in but it was the greatest thrill Oakey ever experienced.
Hiya Professor Romanos. He gleefully greeted the DADA professor.
Taking up one of the empty mats Oakey sat with his legs crossed and slide his bag underneath the small tray that was raised next to him.

pundantic 02-03-2012 11:39 PM

Right. It was time for yoga Defense Against the Dark Arts. The last time she had come to this class she had ended up in all sorts of positions that only pretzels could transform themselves into. In all honesty her entire body was sore the next day. Selina was going to stick to Quidditch if she had a choice in exercise.

As she walked into the room she smiled at her Professor and said, "Good morning Professor Romanos.". Then she took a seat at one of the mats. O Merlin, were they going to do yoga again.

PhoenixWizard 02-03-2012 11:58 PM

Sadly this was Angelina's first DADA class and she wondered what she would be learning today. Walking into the Duelling Arena she took a seat on one of the purple mates read for class. Smiling she looked over and said, "Hello Professor."

FireboltAvis88 02-04-2012 12:05 AM


Originally Posted by MyPatronusIsaMoose (Post 10903549)
Oakey came into class very excited. This one was taking place in the dueling arena and Oakey had found a new passion in dueling thanks to the small fair that they had the previous month. He lost the two duels he partook in but it was the greatest thrill Oakey ever experienced.
Hiya Professor Romanos. He gleefully greeted the DADA professor.
Taking up one of the empty mats Oakey sat with his legs crossed and slide his bag underneath the small tray that was raised next to him.

Alyssa walked into the DADA classroom and greeted the Professor,"Hello Professor Romanos. I'm looking forward to our class today." She then noticed some of the students sitting down on the mats and spotted Oakey."Hi Oakey, is it okay if I sit next to you."Alyssa asked her friend.

lazykitty 02-04-2012 12:11 AM

Sky was uncertain about this lesson being in the dueling arena. Did this mean they were going to be dueling? But as she walked in, she saw that the mats from the last lesson were set up. And what were those trays all about? Were they about to have tea or something? Shaking off the slight confusion, Sky found herself a mat and plopped herself down on it, crossing her legs. "Hello, professor."

sweetpinkpixie 02-04-2012 12:12 AM

Kurumi had been a little surprised when she had seen the notice go up on the DADA announcement board in regards to the lesson. The Dueling Arena? Kurumi had been expecting another theoretical lesson in the classroom on, hopefully, dark creatures and not what she assumed was going to be a very VERY hands on lesson.

Bag slung over her shoulder, Kurumi entered the arena and noticed the changes - namely the mats on the floor and...benches? Tables? What were those things? Kurumi walked all the way towards the front where the professor was and set her things down. "Good day, professor," Kurumi said with a small smile as she took a seat on her yoga mat and took another careful glance around the room.

Constant vigilance! Right, Headmaster?

AlwaysSnapesGirl 02-04-2012 12:14 AM

Interesting that this Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson was taking place in the dueling arena. Vashti really hoped this meant they would be dueling today, and if they were, she hoped Treyen would be coming. She hadn't dueled with him since that one lesson last term, and she really wanted another shot at it. He WOULDN'T catch her off-guard this time.

"Hello, Professor Romanos," she said, greeting the professor with a smile before taking a seat on a purple mat in the front. She wanted the best view possible of whatever the professor was going to teach them.

HaRoHeGiNeLu 02-04-2012 12:29 AM

Again, Arya Lovegoods?

They would seriously have to have a serious TALK after class today. About the freedom of choice, and respecting others' decisions. For now, the Prefect will just be getting the silent treatment. Because once again, Ellie was brought here against her will. She was especially against this lesson since they were in the Duelling Arena. And Ellie hated duelling.

Only, she came in to see the mats and she definitely heard a kid shout something about doing yoga. "Are we?!" Hope could be heard in her voice. She promised she would actually DO the yoga if she didn't have to duel.


"Oh, and hi, Romanos." Lookit! She survived her broomstick joyride after all.

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