-   Term 30: January - April 2012 (
-   -   DADA Lesson Three (

Gabrielle 03-08-2012 06:44 AM

Glenn walked into classroom with her hair in a curly loose bun at the back of her head. She gave a wave to the professor, "Morning Professor Romanos!" She smiled and found a seat on a mat near her friends who where already in the classroom.

HaRoHeGiNeLu 03-08-2012 05:01 PM

Ellie really should have learned by now to just stay in her common room on days they had Defense Against the Dark Arts. Because no matter where else she was, it seemed like Arya ALWAYS found her. ALWAYS.

You know, it might not be such a bad thing that the Prefect wouldn't be here next term. Ellie'd finally get to drop this class properly.

Alas, it was still this term, and Arya had found her, and the Ravenclaw was here. Against her will again, but here.

Romanos got a small wave while Ellie paused upon entering. And which dreadful spot will they be taking today, Miss Lovegoods?

hpluvr037 03-08-2012 06:34 PM

Text Cut: Ellie - The OTHER redheaded Captain

Originally Posted by HaRoHeGiNeLu (Post 10941370)
Ellie really should have learned by now to just stay in her common room on days they had Defense Against the Dark Arts. Because no matter where else she was, it seemed like Arya ALWAYS found her. ALWAYS.

You know, it might not be such a bad thing that the Prefect wouldn't be here next term. Ellie'd finally get to drop this class properly.

Alas, it was still this term, and Arya had found her, and the Ravenclaw was here. Against her will again, but here.

Romanos got a small wave while Ellie paused upon entering. And which dreadful spot will they be taking today, Miss Lovegoods?

Keefer strode into the classroom and immediately located Romanos. "Hullo, Professor Romanos. Good to see you looking well today."

He noticed Ellie walk into class right in front of him. Probably looking for Arya, he thought. They tended to be buddies when it came to this class. He noted that she seemed to have a spring back in her step. Good, looks like she's focused back on the next Quidditch game rather than dwelling on the previous match.. which had ended disastrously in several ways.

"Hey Ellie, good to see you. How are your practices going?" he asked with genuine interest, taking a seat a seat as he spoke.

Lady of Light 03-08-2012 07:39 PM

Evelyn entered the classroom...and stopped.

Mats? Again? Gosh, she REALLY didn't want to go through all those exercises again. Sigh.

"Good day, Professor." Evelyn gave a small smile before she made her way to one of the mats near the front of the class. She sat down, placed her bag down next to her and waited for class to begin.

HaRoHeGiNeLu 03-08-2012 07:41 PM


Originally Posted by hpluvr037 (Post 10941410)
Keefer strode into the classroom and immediately located Romanos. "Hullo, Professor Romanos. Good to see you looking well today."

He noticed Ellie walk into class right in front of him. Probably looking for Arya, he thought. They tended to be buddies when it came to this class. He noted that she seemed to have a spring back in her step. Good, looks like she's focused back on the next Quidditch game rather than dwelling on the previous match.. which had ended disastrously in several ways.

"Hey Ellie, good to see you. How are your practices going?" he asked with genuine interest, taking a seat a seat as he spoke.


He was an excellent distraction from Arya and her mean-ness. Pffft.

"Hi, Keefer," she said, giving him a small wave. Ellie wanted to join where he was seated SO bad. At least it wasn't the FRONT of the class.

Pity those yoga mats were still out, though. She didn't wanna do yoga, okay, Romanos? Or rather...okay, Arya?

Anyway, her practices? "They're going well." Like she'd say otherwise. He was COMPETITION. Er....possible competition. But competition, nonetheless. "How're yours?" As if she didn't watch the Hufflepuff practices already.

hpluvr037 03-08-2012 09:05 PM

Text Cut: Ellie

Originally Posted by HaRoHeGiNeLu (Post 10941436)

He was an excellent distraction from Arya and her mean-ness. Pffft.

"Hi, Keefer," she said, giving him a small wave. Ellie wanted to join where he was seated SO bad. At least it wasn't the FRONT of the class.

Pity those yoga mats were still out, though. She didn't wanna do yoga, okay, Romanos? Or rather...okay, Arya?

Anyway, her practices? "They're going well." Like she'd say otherwise. He was COMPETITION. Er....possible competition. But competition, nonetheless. "How're yours?" As if she didn't watch the Hufflepuff practices already.

Keefer set his stuff down and began to stretch. It couldn't hurt.

"Glad to hear it!" And he truly was. He knew what it felt like to have poor sessions and then feel like the whole team was angry with you for letting it happen. Yes, he was sure Ellie, of all people, could understand that particular pressure. "Mine are..." Well, how were they, exactly? "I think they're going alright. We've only had one since our last match, but we have one tonight after class. I'm just glad it's finally getting warm again!" He was sick of freezing his butt to that broom.

"Er, wanna sit?" he asked, a bit unsure of how she would take the invitation.

hermygirl 03-08-2012 09:14 PM

Spike entered the classroom, a sleepy smile on his face. "Morning, Professor," he managed to say before attempting to stifle a yawn.

With a small stretch, Spike plopped himself down on one of the mats just behind Ellie. He would have sat beside her, but she appeared a bit preoccupied with the Huffie Keeper. He gave her a small wave instead.

He eyed the mats. This meant they were gonna do stretching again, right? He was all for practical lessons and being able to move around a bit...but that wasn't quite what he usually had in mind.

magikewe 03-08-2012 10:37 PM

Lily entered the DADA classroom with a tired but happy mood. "Hello Professor Romanos. How are you today?" the ravenclaw stated nodding at the professor before heading towards the back of the class to find somewhere to sit. It looked like more yoga...Taylor must be happy... Lily thought as she sat down and made herself comfortable.

Somnium 03-08-2012 10:47 PM


Originally Posted by Hermione Lily Potter (Post 10941566)
Lily entered the DADA classroom with a tired but happy mood. "Hello Professor Romanos. How are you today?" the ravenclaw stated nodding at the professor before heading towards the back of the class to find somewhere to sit. It looked like more yoga...Taylor must be happy... Lily thought as she sat down and made herself comfortable.

Tay noticed that Lily came into the classroom, "Hey Lily." She waved to her friend.

Deezerz 03-08-2012 10:58 PM

Kennedy rushed to his next class. He had almost forgotten to sleep last night. Yep, the prefect had been immersed in a herbology book and lost track of time. It had been happening often lately...the not sleeping thing. He's been trying to keep busy so he wouldn't think of the problems back home.

He entered the classroom and stifled a yawn, then made his way to the front. "Good day, Professor Romanos," he greeted with a grin.

Roselyn 03-08-2012 11:07 PM


Originally Posted by Cassandra (Post 10940928)
Tay walked into the classroom and nodded to the professor, "Hello Professor Romanos." She smiled.

"Good morning, Miss McIntyre." she nodded to the girl.


Originally Posted by HJPotter (Post 10940935)
Maxwell came to class shortly after Taylor, He said "Hello, professor." And took the mt next to Taylor's.

"Hello, Mister Rookwood." she greeted.


Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 (Post 10941004)
Jory walked quickly into the DADA classroom, hoping he was not late. But to his relief, he saw the class had not started as yet.

"Hello, Professor,'' he said before heading off to a seat a bit from the from of the room.

Medea smiled at the boy. "Good day, Mister Stonewall."


Originally Posted by Gabrielle (Post 10941083)
Glenn walked into classroom with her hair in a curly loose bun at the back of her head. She gave a wave to the professor, "Morning Professor Romanos!" She smiled and found a seat on a mat near her friends who where already in the classroom.

"Hello, Miss Reyes." she smiled at the Hufflepuff girl.


Originally Posted by HaRoHeGiNeLu (Post 10941370)
Ellie really should have learned by now to just stay in her common room on days they had Defense Against the Dark Arts. Because no matter where else she was, it seemed like Arya ALWAYS found her. ALWAYS.

You know, it might not be such a bad thing that the Prefect wouldn't be here next term. Ellie'd finally get to drop this class properly.

Alas, it was still this term, and Arya had found her, and the Ravenclaw was here. Against her will again, but here.

Romanos got a small wave while Ellie paused upon entering. And which dreadful spot will they be taking today, Miss Lovegoods?

It was as surprising to see the girl this lesson as it was the previous. If Medea didn't know any better, she'd have assumed Ellie might actually started liking the class. "Good morning, Ellie!" she as cheerfully as possible.


Originally Posted by hpluvr037 (Post 10941410)
Keefer strode into the classroom and immediately located Romanos. "Hullo, Professor Romanos. Good to see you looking well today."

He noticed Ellie walk into class right in front of him. Probably looking for Arya, he thought. They tended to be buddies when it came to this class. He noted that she seemed to have a spring back in her step. Good, looks like she's focused back on the next Quidditch game rather than dwelling on the previous match.. which had ended disastrously in several ways.

"Hey Ellie, good to see you. How are your practices going?" he asked with genuine interest, taking a seat a seat as he spoke.

"Good day, Mister Marius. You as vell." she nodded to the Hufflepuff Captain.


Originally Posted by Lady of Light (Post 10941435)
Evelyn entered the classroom...and stopped.

Mats? Again? Gosh, she REALLY didn't want to go through all those exercises again. Sigh.

"Good day, Professor." Evelyn gave a small smile before she made her way to one of the mats near the front of the class. She sat down, placed her bag down next to her and waited for class to begin.

"Hello, Miss Wellington." she smiled to the girl.


Originally Posted by hermygirl (Post 10941495)
Spike entered the classroom, a sleepy smile on his face. "Morning, Professor," he managed to say before attempting to stifle a yawn.

With a small stretch, Spike plopped himself down on one of the mats just behind Ellie. He would have sat beside her, but she appeared a bit preoccupied with the Huffie Keeper. He gave her a small wave instead.

He eyed the mats. This meant they were gonna do stretching again, right? He was all for practical lessons and being able to move around a bit...but that wasn't quite what he usually had in mind.

"Good Morning, Mister Hutchinson." she grinned, holding back the small laugh. "No falling asleep in class, alright?" Or be prepared to stand up and do jumping jacks.


Originally Posted by Hermione Lily Potter (Post 10941566)
Lily entered the DADA classroom with a tired but happy mood. "Hello Professor Romanos. How are you today?" the ravenclaw stated nodding at the professor before heading towards the back of the class to find somewhere to sit. It looked like more yoga...Taylor must be happy... Lily thought as she sat down and made herself comfortable.

"Good morning, Miss Potter." she greeted the girl with a smile. "I'm doing vell, thank you."


Originally Posted by Bubbles (Post 10941590)
Kennedy rushed to his next class. He had almost forgotten to sleep last night. Yep, the prefect had been immersed in a herbology book and lost track of time. It had been happening often lately...the not sleeping thing. He's been trying to keep busy so he wouldn't think of the problems back home.

He entered the classroom and stifled a yawn, then made his way to the front. "Good day, Professor Romanos," he greeted with a grin.

She should just take all the students yawning and stick them in the front of the class. "Good morning, Mister Escalante." she smiled to the Slytherin Prefect.

With another glance to her watch, Medea moved away from the windowsill and towards the front of the room. "Ve'll give the stragglers a few more minutes before ve start." Half the class looked to be in a tired daze anyhow. Might take twice as long for those remaining students to arrive then.

PatInTheHat 03-09-2012 12:28 AM

a bit for you too Keefer and Professeh :)

Originally Posted by HaRoHeGiNeLu (Post 10941370)
Ellie really should have learned by now to just stay in her common room on days they had Defense Against the Dark Arts. Because no matter where else she was, it seemed like Arya ALWAYS found her. ALWAYS.

You know, it might not be such a bad thing that the Prefect wouldn't be here next term. Ellie'd finally get to drop this class properly.

Alas, it was still this term, and Arya had found her, and the Ravenclaw was here. Against her will again, but here.

Romanos got a small wave while Ellie paused upon entering. And which dreadful spot will they be taking today, Miss Lovegoods?

Miss Puff Prefect was a still a biiiiiit groggy when she walked into defense with Ellie. Groggy, but cheerful as ever. Was it getting easier to find Elle? Actually, yes it was. There was only so many places the girl chose to hide after all. But the walks were long and had her waking up earlier than usual on lesson mornings.

"Sorry Keefer, we have seats up front saved for us." They always sat up front, Ellie should know that. Hehe. She half-smiled at the Puff captain though, and gave him finger wiggles as she hooked her arm through Ellie's and guided her to the front. "Morning, Professor."

She shooed the younger girl down into the seat up front beside her and then plopped down into her own with a sliiiiiight yawn that she tried to hide.

HaRoHeGiNeLu 03-09-2012 12:51 AM

Spike, too!
Text Cut: Keefer, Arya, Romanos

Originally Posted by hpluvr037 (Post 10941487)
Keefer set his stuff down and began to stretch. It couldn't hurt.

"Glad to hear it!" And he truly was. He knew what it felt like to have poor sessions and then feel like the whole team was angry with you for letting it happen. Yes, he was sure Ellie, of all people, could understand that particular pressure. "Mine are..." Well, how were they, exactly? "I think they're going alright. We've only had one since our last match, but we have one tonight after class. I'm just glad it's finally getting warm again!" He was sick of freezing his butt to that broom.

"Er, wanna sit?" he asked, a bit unsure of how she would take the invitation.


Originally Posted by grangerfan8 (Post 10941749)
Miss Puff Prefect was a still a biiiiiit groggy when she walked into defense with Ellie. Groggy, but cheerful as ever. Was it getting easier to find Elle? Actually, yes it was. There was only so many places the girl chose to hide after all. But the walks were long and had her waking up earlier than usual on lesson mornings.

"Sorry Keefer, we have seats up front saved for us." They always sat up front, Ellie should know that. Hehe. She half-smiled at the Puff captain though, and gave him finger wiggles as she hooked her arm through Ellie's and guided her to the front. "Morning, Professor."

She shooed the younger girl down into the seat up front beside her and then plopped down into her own with a sliiiiiight yawn that she tried to hide.


Originally Posted by Roselyn (Post 10941605)
It was as surprising to see the girl this lesson as it was the previous. If Medea didn't know any better, she'd have assumed Ellie might actually started liking the class. "Good morning, Ellie!" she as cheerfully as possible.

Ellie raised an eyebrow. Keefer was stretching? What...did he actually like this yoga nonsense?

It wasn't real exercise, you know.

"I think yours are going well." From what she's spied on. Hehe. Oh, and thanks for the heads up that there'll be one after class. It just so happened she had no other plans so....guess where she'll be?

She couldn't exactly agree with Keefer. So she shrugged. "I actually like the cold." You got less hot when it was cold outside anyway. The warmer air just made it easier to sweat.

Would she like to sit? Was that even a question? "Ye-"


Ellie sent Spike a wave and Keefer a look of apology mixed with a bit of 'help I'm being held against my will'. "See you later," she called him as the Prefect tugged her to the front of the classroom.

Front. Again. REALLY?


The Sixth year sat beside Arya.

'Good morning', Romanos? Says who, exactly? SAYS WHO?

Roselyn 03-09-2012 01:15 AM

Class has officially started!
"Good morning, Miss Lovegoods." she smiled to the Hufflepuff prefect, before one more glance at her watch. She'd given the stragglers enough time. After a few more students settled on their chosen mats, Medea spoke up. "Alright, everyone. I think ve've given the stragglers enough time to show up, so ve're going to get started."

Looking out to the class, Medea raised an eyebrow. At least half the students looked like they were about to fall asleep. "Wow, late nights for you all?" she commented, placing her hands on her hips, shaking her head in amusement. "Come on. All of you, stand up. Let's go." Off those be-hinds! "Up on your feet."

She originally wasn't going to make stretching mandatory this lesson, but now it was going to be.

OOC: Class has officially started! Please don't RP your character arriving late, or risk losing points.
Just pretend as if they've been here the entire time and jump in with the lesson.

sweetpinkpixie 03-09-2012 01:20 AM

Kurumi had literally JUST sat down on her mat and made herself comfortable when they were instructed to stand up. Reluctantly, Kurumi pushed herself up off the ground and idly rolled her ankles, making small circular movements as she wondered just what sort of yoga position they were going to have to get into first.

Somnium 03-09-2012 01:22 AM


Originally Posted by Roselyn (Post 10941798)
"Good morning, Miss Lovegoods." she smiled to the Hufflepuff prefect, before one more glance at her watch. She'd given the stragglers enough time. After a few more students settled on their chosen mats, Medea spoke up. "Alright, everyone. I think ve've given the stragglers enough time to show up, so ve're going to get started."

Looking out to the class, Medea raised an eyebrow. At least half the students looked like they were about to fall asleep. "Wow, late nights for you all?" she commented, placing her hands on her hips, shaking her head in amusement. "Come on. All of you, stand up. Let's go." Off those be-hinds! "Up on your feet."

She originally wasn't going to make stretching mandatory this lesson, but now it was going to be.

OOC: Class has officially started! Please don't RP your character arriving late, or risk losing points.
Just pretend as if they've been here the entire time and jump in with the lesson.

Tay smiled and got up. She stretched a little bit while she waited for the others to get up and for the professor to start.

Deezerz 03-09-2012 01:24 AM

Kennedy's cheeks grew crimson. Oh, she noticed his...well, all...sleepiness? Hehe, woops, but he couldn't help it. He didn't feel the need to sleep when there was a lot of things that needed reading and reviewing. Plus, he drank some coffee...that should help, right?


The prefect's body protested as he stood up, but this was no time for that. Come on body! UP! When his legs were straight and he was back on his feet, Kennedy waited for further instructions.

Enigma 03-09-2012 01:24 AM

Oh, why was the professor making them stand? Ira had quite comfortably settled down on the mat! Maybe that itself was the reason that Professor Romanos was making them stand and stretch...

Yawning with her hand covering her mouth, hoping that she wouldn't be noticed, she followed the other students and got up herself. She wondered what they were going to be doing today?

TakemetotheBurrow 03-09-2012 01:30 AM

Welp, looks like we're doing some Yoga. Ella stood up and stretched her arms over her head, looking around the room. Her eyes returned to the Professor and she waited for instructions, wondering what they would be doing.

WhittyBitty 03-09-2012 01:35 AM

Amelia gave a small groan as they were told to get to their feet. She had been hoping to be able to sit for at least some of the lesson.

Clearly she should have known better.

Slowly getting to her feet, she gave her body a stretch while yawning.

FireboltAvis88 03-09-2012 01:46 AM

Alyssa slowly dragged herself up from the comfortable purple mat and got up on her feet. She was hoping that they were going to do more sitting down yoga, but it sure didn't look like it.

Lady of Light 03-09-2012 01:52 AM

Oh, c'mon! They just came in. Evelyn gave a small groan and got to her feet, yawning as she did. Gosh, she was so tired and she wasn't sure if she really wanted to do all those exercises. Bleh.

She folded her arms and waited for further instructions.

Team ronmione 03-09-2012 02:18 AM

Ok. So maybe he was being lazy, but Adam just didn't like classes in which he had to stand up,it exerted energy, and he'd keep that for sleeping.He reluctantly got up along his classmates, sighing heavily as he did so. Standing in class was just not his thing, but he wanted to be part of it and didn't want to lose any points or make a scene.

AlwaysSnapesGirl 03-09-2012 02:19 AM

They had to stand up now? But they had just sat down...

Vashti got to her feet quickly though because there really wasn't a point in trying to protest. So long as they didn't have to do any crazy poses for the entire lesson, stretching and doing whatever it was Professor Romanos was going to make them do wouldn't be too bad for a short amount of time. Now...what were they going to do? She waited silently for the professor's instructions.

Daydreamer11 03-09-2012 02:20 AM

Alex stood on her mat, slowly and gently stretching her arms and back. She was ready to get started with her favorite class and curious to see what they would be learning today.

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