Roselyn | 03-07-2012 11:06 PM | Quote:
Originally Posted by natethegreat
(Post 10940341)
Nate walked into the classroom. He then said "Good morning Professor. How are you?" After that Nate found his seat and sat down. | And here was the first. "Good morning, Mister Jones. I'm doing vell, thank you." she smiled. "How are you?" Quote:
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie
(Post 10940347)
Kurumi walked into the classroom with her hair tied back in a tight ponytail since having it down seemed to be rather impractical for Professor Romanos' lessons. Yoga with your hair down was very difficult. As she entered, she smiled at the woman before taking a spot on a mat nearest to her's and set her things down.
"Good day, professor," she said with a polite bow now. "I've been practicing a bit on my own and I think I am improving." Although it was sort of hard to know for sure if you were clearing your mind or not because you were thinking about whether or not your mind was clear and therefore it wasn't clear at all. | "Good morning, Miss Hollingberry." She smiled at the mention of improving. She had no doubts there would be some improvement, however large or small it was. "Vell you know the saying. Practice makes perfect." Quote:
Originally Posted by alchemist_18
(Post 10940351)
Another DADA lesson! Raven didn't want to miss the class! DADA was her favorite subject. She walked happily to the classroom though she looked very pale and the headache came again attacked her head. "Good day Professor Romanos." she smiled. Then she took a seat at one of the purple mat. | "Hello, Miss Charlotte." she eyed the young pale girl. She would be keeping an eye on her. Quote:
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow
(Post 10940353)
Ella was excited for another DADA lesson and walked into the classroom cheerfully. "Hello Professor Romanos, hope you're well." She said with a smile. Then Ella quickly found a seat towards the front, ready for the lesson to begin. | "Good day, Miss Bishop!" she said just as cheerfully. "I'm doing fine, thank you." Quote:
Originally Posted by Harry174
(Post 10940356)
Laura walked into the classroom, she wasn't in the best mood today, she had fought with her sister for some unknown reason. "Hi Professor Romanos." Laura would have said vrofessor if she had been in the mood but she wasn't and so the Professor was spared Laura trying to copy her language. | "Good morning, Miss Hyde." Perhaps there was some bug going around? Apart from the pale girl, even Laura didn't seem like her usual self. Quote:
Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88
(Post 10940387)
Alyssa quickly entered the class and was glad to see that it hadn't started yet. She quickly walked up to the Professor who was standing near a window and greeted her,"Hello Professor Romanos. It is good to be back here. I'm definitely looking forward to another class of yours." Alyssa then looked around before taking a seat on one of the purple mats and waited for class to start. | Oh? "Good day, Miss Potter." she smiled. "It's good to have you back here." Quote:
Originally Posted by iceblossom22
(Post 10940394)
Elise stumbled into the classroom again. What was with her and tripping over things?! Waving at Professor Romanos, she grinned a cheery "Good Morning," before finding a mat and flopping herself down again.
Maybe she'd have them do yoga again... *shudder* | "Good morning, Miss Fairfield." she greeted. Quote:
Originally Posted by SilverDragon
(Post 10940399)
Silvia walked into the classroom. She was eager to find out what they would be learning today, despite being a bit exhausted from the amount of school work as of late.
"Hello Professor," she said, then made her way to one of the purple mats and took a seat. | "Hello, Miss Talbot." she smiled and nodded to the young girl. Quote:
Originally Posted by Poolicious
(Post 10940402)
DADA lesson! Yay! Messer was really excited for this particular subject because he had a lot of fun in the last DADA lesson even though he had to lose his hearing but its still fun. Maybe today they'll have another duel practice again, no? "Hello, Professor Romanos. Are we gonna do some exercises again before we begin?" He liked the exercises its very refreshing. | "Good morning, Mister Messer." she smiled at the young Hufflepuff while she nodded. "Naturally. You can start now if you vont to." Stretching was good for the body! Quote:
Originally Posted by jujune29th
(Post 10940404)
Sophie entered the classroom and smiled. It wasn't dark or scary in any way today and the atmosphere felt good and calm. "Good day, Professor Romanos!" She greeted the older witch while taking a seat. | "Hello, Miss Campbell." she greeted. Quote:
Originally Posted by weasleytwinsROCK
(Post 10940410)
Daisy walked into the lesson and smiled. She looked around, taking in the contrasting appearance from last time and the temperature change from outside. Not that it was cold, just chillier. Light streamed in through the windows and Daisy took a seat by one, letting the sun's light fall on her.
'Hello Professor,' she smiled, looking forward to the lesson. | "Good morning, Miss Tucker." she nodded to the young Hufflepuff. This class was full of them. Quote:
Originally Posted by sevensnared
(Post 10940414)
Lately, he had been slacking a lot. Didn't pay attention in class neither did he submit his homeworks. Soon enough, Hades bet he'd end up in the detention cell whatsoever. This was nothing surprising. He had done far worse things before. Better not think about it. Who knew if Romanos was a Legilimens. "Good mornin', prof," said Hades as he yawned and scratched the back of his head before he proceed to his seat. | "Good day, Mister Vaughn." she grinned, eying the yawn that just took place. Hmmm. "Not going to fall asleep in the lesson, are you?" Quote:
Originally Posted by nups21
(Post 10940431)
Ira was aware that she hadn't been attending too many classes nor had she submitted much homework. And no, she really didn't want to be punished for it.. or worse, definitely didn't want this complaint to reach her parents. So, for the DADA class, she hurried and arrived at the classroom. Thank Merlins that she wasn't late!
Ah! There were the now-familiar mats. Looking around, she smiled at the others who had arrived and then went and took a seat. But before that she greeted the professor, "Good Day Professor!" | "Good morning, Miss Wilson." she greeted the young Gryffindor. Quote:
Originally Posted by Kimalia
(Post 10940435)
Kimalia walked in following a few people, she was familiar with the routine purple mats. "Good day, Professor." Briskly taking a spot on a mat, she probably should begin stretching again now, yes? | "Hello, Miss Fanster." she nodded to the girl. Quote:
Originally Posted by Lara_the_Firelady
(Post 10940442)
Lea was feeling energetic today. Actually she had never really felt tired but today, today was different for a reason she did not know. She did not care about knowing the reason anyway. The only mattered was that she felt good and ready for the class that was going to be started soon. She hoped that the professor would let them to practice stuff that could mask her attempts to make others suffer. The idea brought a little smirk to her face. ''Hello Professor!'' she said with a loud tone and waved at the woman. The only thing that she was not happy about the classroom was the seating. What were those anyway? Where were ordinary desks? Giving the purple mats a look of dislike, she stood right beside one refusing to sit down. | It was easy to spot the Gryffindor girl, mostly because she gave the loudest greeting so far. "Good morning." she grinned, taking note that the girl wasn't sitting. Perhaps wanted to wait until the lesson began? It didn't matter to Medea either way. Quote:
Originally Posted by Jessiqua
(Post 10940521)
Zhenya walked in to the Defence against the Dark Arts lesson, wearing her nice and warm uniform with a Green and White scarf. She saw the mats were back and smiled, maybe there would be yoga. She walked up to the Professor and said "Hello Professor Romanos, How are you today?" and found a mat near Raven and Laura. | "Good morning, Miss Burton." she smiled. "I'm fine, thank you." Quote:
Originally Posted by Squishy ♥
(Post 10940523)
Amelia wasn't surprised when she came into the classroom and saw that there were still mats laid out. It seemed to be a setup that the Professor liked, so she didn't even blink at it anymore.
She smiled at the Professor. "Hello, Professor," she said before finding a place to sit. | "Good day, Miss Reinhart." she greeted. Quote:
Originally Posted by SilverTiger
(Post 10940538)
As Stella walked into Defense against the Dark Arts, she barely reacted to the fact they still had the mats and trays from the last lesson. Apparently Professor Romanos had something against them sitting in desks, and she wasn't about to question that. They were always supposed to be ready for anything in DADA anyway. She was kind of hoping that they weren't going to be doing yoga again, but as long as there was actual teaching going on as well she would handle it. And, making her way to an open mat, she settled into a seated position as she sent a smile over to the professor over at the window. "Good morning, Professor Romanos. It's a beautiful day, isn't it?," she said. It was getting warmer, at least, so she could spend more time outside soon. | "Good morning, Miss Gardiner." Medea smiled and nodded to the Ravenclaw girl before pushing away from the windowsill. Warm enough. Quote:
Originally Posted by Macavity
(Post 10940599)
On the day of the latest DADA class, Gideon was headed to the classroom, his belongings in his satchel slung over his shoulder all ready for the lesson. He stepped inside the room once he was there, glancing around to take in the setup though he should have known it would likely be the same. Hopefully he would continue to improve in his ability of following along with the lesson, having gotten better from the first to second class. "Good day Professor Romanos," he greeted with a polite smile as he made his way closer to where the mats and trays were laid once more. Finding an empty mat, Gideon took a seat upon it and set his bag down beside him to await the class to begin. | "Hello, Mister Gert." she greeted in return before glancing at her watch. Right. Almost time. |