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Professor Williamson finished putting the last little spell on the enclosure containing more than a dozen happy, humming pygmy puffs of every color before stalking over to the doors of the barn. He threw them open with a grin, shivered a bit as the nippy air started to filter in, and then moved back inside where it was warm.
The man took a seat on one of the bales of hay scattered in a semi-circle near the pygmy puff enclosure and nodded to the students who were filtering in. "If you have a pygmy puff, feel free to pick out your own hay bale and create a name card for you and your puff. If you don't have a pet puff already, grab one out of that corral over there and settle down. Feel free to name it, make a name card, pet it, get to to know it, all that."
He picked up his own pygmy puff for the day, a lime green one named Nerf, and started petting it til it purred. Hehehee. Hopefully the class would enjoy this low-key lesson a bit more than the ah, last eventful one.
Oh yes, and he named a name card for himself too! Williamson flicked his wand at the stack of scrap parchments in the corner and caused one to decorate itself for him and Nerf.
Name: Professor Williamson Year: Graduated House: Slytherin Pygmy: Nerf
Welcome Witch | Blue Galactic Hand Slytherin Graduate
She claimed a bail of hay and a pygmy puff which was teal in color.In responce to the professers second question, she said They've been known to sing on boxing day, and eat boogers and dust. She wrote the required information on her papper, then coppied down notes.
Name: Olivia Wenesko
Year: Second
House: Sly their in
Pygmy: Flippert
It was time to look for a partner, sigh. Olivias favorite part of the lesson, as much as she liked to meet new people. New people diddnt seem to like meeting her...
Originally Posted by hpfan18
Annabelle took down the notes in her notebook. She was really keen to learn more about pygmy puffs. "Does anyone need a partner? Annabelle asked. She turned red because she didn't particuarly like meeting new people.
Olivia was still looking for a partner, she noticed sanother girl was looking for one, she may not be Slytherin but Olivia was not picky about partners. The points she earned would go to Slytherin anyway! "I need one!" Olivia responded to the girls question. Olivia hoped she was not being awkward.
Minerva was a little surprised at Justin's response they weren't trying to figure out what the puff ate they were trying to figure out what magic powers it might have, but then she realized he was trying to see if the puff might use some magic at the cookie. She took out her parchment and her quill. "Well the professor said to come up with a process. So if we are doing the magic question then we need to figure out ways to get it to use magic. What type of magic do others animals have?" she wasn't sure other then what she read in books at the library and come to think of it she didn't take out many animal books. She made a mental note to go check some out.
" Well..." said Justin, " I think the best way of going about this is to provocate a little. " he said as he put down the cookie and looked at it closely. " What do you suppose we do? I don't want to get it too upset. "
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Originally Posted by Devina Wellheart
" Well..." said Justin, " I think the best way of going about this is to provocate a little. " he said as he put down the cookie and looked at it closely. " What do you suppose we do? I don't want to get it too upset. "
Minerva looked at the little puff sitting so cute and nicely. Maybe it didn't have any magic to it she wasn't sure. "Well I don't know. Can you tell me what type of magic other animals have? Muggle animals don't have magic and I haven't come across to many animals with magic powers." starting there might help figure this out. "Then I think we need to write down some steps we would use to get it to use the powers. Like talking to it, that is if it understand us."
There's some good in this world and it's worth fighting for| LOTR|Whovian|Sherlock Fan
Originally Posted by Cassandra
Taylor saw the older hufflepuff girl that she met at the starting feast asking for a partner, "Alyssa if you want i can be your partener." TAy smiled and walked over to ALyssa.
"Hi Taylor. Thanks for partnering up with me. So which question do you want to work on? I looked at the questions and I think "What They Eat" would be interesting question to work on. Are you okay with that or do you have another preference?"Alyssa asked Taylor.
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Amelia was quickly jotting down everything that they had come up with so far as far as Pygmy Puffs went and she was trying to decide how on earth she'd go about answering some of these questions when she was asked to form partners. What was with these Professors and wanting partners this Term? It was weird.
"Anyone want to work with me?" she called out now. Hopefully she wouldn't be left partnerless.
"Hi Taylor. Thanks for partnering up with me. So which question do you want to work on? I looked at the questions and I think "What They Eat" would be interesting question to work on. Are you okay with that or do you have another preference?"Alyssa asked Taylor.
TAylor nodded and replied to the thanks, "Anytime Alyssa." She smiled and about the question, "That would be interesting to work on." Tay nodded and laughed. She held Mercy, her own pygmny puff in her arms but she wiggled out and climbed up onto Taylor's head. Taylor looked up at the puff and giggled, she raised her arms and took the puff off her head and held Mercy again in her arms.
Minerva looked at the little puff sitting so cute and nicely. Maybe it didn't have any magic to it she wasn't sure. "Well I don't know. Can you tell me what type of magic other animals have? Muggle animals don't have magic and I haven't come across to many animals with magic powers." starting there might help figure this out. "Then I think we need to write down some steps we would use to get it to use the powers. Like talking to it, that is if it understand us."
" Good idea. " Justin said as he took out a piece of parchement and began a list of magical creatures that had powers.
SPOILER!!: Steps used to identify if any Powers of a Pygmy Puff
List magical creatures with powers:
Basilisk - Will kill anyone who looks into it's eyes
Boggart - shapeshifts into your worst fear
centaurs - Have super human intelligence
Thestrals - Only visable to those who have seen death occur and accept it
Phoenix - Their tears possess healing qualities and they can also carry immense amount of weight.
" There take a look. That's as far as I got. What do you think? Can you add anything? " Justin asked as he showed Minerva his parchement.
Ability is nothing without Opportunity | | Creativity is Intelligence having FUN
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie
Kurumi's head spun around when she heard someone say they wanted to work with her and her face brightened just a bit. "It would be my pleasure," she said with a small bow of her the head as she scooted over a bit so they could work together more easily.
Now...where to even begin with this task? "I suppose...we should start with the actual wording of the ban?" she suggested as she began flipping through the pages of her textbook. That should be in here somewhere...right?
Vickers flipped through his textbook until he found the page "Says here the ban started in 1965, put forward by Newt Scamander...." he started as his eyes travelled down the page "... it seems to me that its primary intention was to prevent the creation of new and untameable monsters within Britain. "
++Tenacius ++🐦++ Salander++🐦++ Deo ++🐦++ Vickers ++🐦++ Huxley ++🐦+ Aquila++ Yeah thats what crazy is, when its broken you say theres nothing to fix++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++And you pray that everything will be okay, while you're making all the same mistakes
Amelia was quickly jotting down everything that they had come up with so far as far as Pygmy Puffs went and she was trying to decide how on earth she'd go about answering some of these questions when she was asked to form partners. What was with these Professors and wanting partners this Term? It was weird.
"Anyone want to work with me?" she called out now. Hopefully she wouldn't be left partnerless.
When the Professor jotted down the lists of knowns/want to knows about the Pygmy Puffs, Messer quickly copied it down to his notebook. Then he heard Professor Williamson asked them to find a partner to try to answer one of the question in the board. He looked around to find someone who still partnerless like him.
Then he saw an older Hufflepuff girl whom he met at the Diagon Alley before the school started. What's her name again? Errr..Amalia? Kimialia? No that's the SLytherin Quidditch Captain' name. Amelia? Oh yeah its Amelia. "ME!" he said raising his hand up in the air and slowly walking toward the girl with the Pgymy Puff resting in his shoulder. "I hope you don't mind working with a first year." he said because he know some of the students usually prefer looking for a partner in his/her year rather partner up with a younger students.
Name: Edvard Messer
Year: First
House: Hufflepuff
Pygmy: Pooh
All of the love for tomorrow______________________________________________ I know we're gonna be stronger than you'll ever known
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Jory took down all the information on Pygmy Puffs and then provided his own:
Name: Jory Stonewall
Year: Third
House: Hufflepuff
Puff: Furball
Originally Posted by Squishy ♥
Amelia was quickly jotting down everything that they had come up with so far as far as Pygmy Puffs went and she was trying to decide how on earth she'd go about answering some of these questions when she was asked to form partners. What was with these Professors and wanting partners this Term? It was weird.
"Anyone want to work with me?" she called out now. Hopefully she wouldn't be left partnerless.
Partner! Again... At that moment he heard someone asking for a partner. "Hi there!'' he said "Do you mind if I be your partner?'' he asked hopefully.
It took Jory a while to realise someone else had already asked the older girl. "Looks like you already got someone,'' he said..
Looking around, he asked "Anyone wanna partner up with me?''
There's some good in this world and it's worth fighting for| LOTR|Whovian|Sherlock Fan
Originally Posted by Cassandra
TAylor nodded and replied to the thanks, "Anytime Alyssa." She smiled and about the question, "That would be interesting to work on." Tay nodded and laughed. She held Mercy, her own pygmny puff in her arms but she wiggled out and climbed up onto Taylor's head. Taylor looked up at the puff and giggled, she raised her arms and took the puff off her head and held Mercy again in her arms.
Alyssa looked as Taylor's Pygmy Puff climbed all over her head before Taylor was able to grab it and hold it back in her arms. She wished that she had got her own Pygmy Puff when her mother had suggested that she get one. But she already had her Owl to take care of, and with classes and homework, Alyssa didnt think that she would be able to take care of another creature, let alone have time to play with it. But she decided that she would visit the Pygmy Puffs here in the corrall after class. But for now, they had to work on their assignment.
"Great. So we'll work on What they Eat. Why don't we write down a list of food that we'll feed it and eliminate the ones that they don't want to eat. Hopefully, we'll be able to come up with a complete possible list when Professor Williamson asks for it."Alyssa told Taylor. "If you want I can start off the list and you can add to it when you see something I've missed. And then we'll work off the list."
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Originally Posted by Poolicious
When the Professor jotted down the lists of knowns/want to knows about the Pygmy Puffs, Messer quickly copied it down to his notebook. Then he heard Professor Williamson asked them to find a partner to try to answer one of the question in the board. He looked around to find someone who still partnerless like him.
Then he saw an older Hufflepuff girl whom he met at the Diagon Alley before the school started. What's her name again? Errr..Amalia? Kimialia? No that's the SLytherin Quidditch Captain' name. Amelia? Oh yeah its Amelia. "ME!" he said raising his hand up in the air and slowly walking toward the girl with the Pgymy Puff resting in his shoulder. "I hope you don't mind working with a first year." he said because he know some of the students usually prefer looking for a partner in his/her year rather partner up with a younger students.
Amelia was looking around the class area looking like a dork when she spotted a boy walking towards her. He was adorable. :33 And she was sure that she had seen him somewhere before. His name was Edgar. Or no... Edward. Something like Edward. :/ Or was it Edvard? o_O Meh, she had no idea. Maybe he'd let her call him Ed?
"Of course I don't mind working with you... Edvard."Please let that be his name.
Amelia was looking around the class area looking like a dork when she spotted a boy walking towards her. He was adorable. :33 And she was sure that she had seen him somewhere before. His name was Edgar. Or no... Edward. Something like Edward. :/ Or was it Edvard? o_O Meh, she had no idea. Maybe he'd let her call him Ed?
"Of course I don't mind working with you... Edvard."Please let that be his name.
He was glad that she didn't mind working with a younger student. But then he frowned when the older girl called him Edvard. "Umm..Its Messer." You don't want to mix up him with Professor Roslund since they share the same first name. "And umm..You're Amelia, right?" That's her name, right? He didn't say the wrong name didn't he?
"So which question do you want to work on?" He didn't really know much about Pgymy Puffs maybe she knows more about the creatures.
All of the love for tomorrow______________________________________________ I know we're gonna be stronger than you'll ever known
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
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Owl Post
x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
Originally Posted by Steelsheen
Vickers flipped through his textbook until he found the page "Says here the ban started in 1965, put forward by Newt Scamander...." he started as his eyes travelled down the page "... it seems to me that its primary intention was to prevent the creation of new and untameable monsters within Britain. "
Kurumi leaned over a bit in her seat to see the page Vickers was looking at. "Hmmm...does that mean that perhaps pygmy puffs are considered tamable creatures?" she asked, cocking her head to the side a bit as she thought more, returning her gaze to her own textbook. "It seems like the creatures that the law seems to come down on are those with a Ministry rating of XXXXX..." she continued, looking at her own book and following a few lines with her finger. Kurumi flipped through the pages of her book again, looking up various creatures, when she stopped on Blast-Ended Skrewts. "Wait...Blast-Ended Skrewt aren't tamable either, are they? I don't believe that Rubeus Hagrid was ever punished for breeding them illegally either..."
So...what? Pygmy puffs had never killed someone so they were an exception?
"There must be a loop hole somewhere..."
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
There's some good in this world and it's worth fighting for| LOTR|Whovian|Sherlock Fan
Alyssa started working on the feeding list. As she wrote, she smiled thinking of the various possibilities that the Pygmy Puff could eat. She wrote down their options in her journal.
Text Cut: Pygmy Puff feeding list
1. Cookies
2. Leftover tuna sandwich
3. ants
4. lettuce
5. carrots
6. apples
7. chocolate frogs
8. nose boogers
9. spiders
"Want to add or take anything off the list, Taylor?" Alyssa asked her partner.
Jory took down all the information on Pygmy Puffs and then provided his own:
Partner! Again... At that moment he heard someone asking for a partner. "Hi there!'' he said "Do you mind if I be your partner?'' he asked hopefully.
It took Jory a while to realise someone else had already asked the older girl. "Looks like you already got someone,'' he said..
Looking around, he asked "Anyone wanna partner up with me?''
Sophie was still staring at her ADORABLE Pygmy Puff when she noticed they should partner up. "Oh!" She got up and started looking for a partner.
She spotted a Hufflepuff boy she had never met before and walked up to him. "Hello there! I'm Sophie!" She smiled and waved at him. "Do you need a partner? Because I do!" Heh!
Kennedy jotted down the list Professor Williamson had provided them. He was curious about all of them, but one thing he was curious of the most, was how people could tell the gender of a Pygmy Puff. Before Puff betrayed him he found out she was a girl because she bit him when he called her a him.
Yeah, he didn't want a repeat of this. The Pygmy Puff he had borrowed he had named it Violet because it was...violet. He had NO idea if it was a female or male.
Originally Posted by iBeJenn
What did the professor mean exactly by thinking scientifically?! Selena scratched her pygmy puff's head as she thought about it. She supposed she'd just need a SMART partner then because Selena knew about pygmy puffs. Kinda. Right. Partner.
"HEEEEEY! Who wants to be partners with me and the KING of all pygmy puffs?"
Because it didn't matter what the professor said, Kent wasn't going to be dethroned. Psht. Silly professor.
When they were instructed to find a partner to do some scientific stuff Kennedy stood up and glanced around. He was excited about going about this the scientific way. The boy even pushed his glasses up so that they were perfectly balanced on the bridge of his nose.
He jumped when he heard a very excited voice. Selena.
"I do!" he said, his hand shooting up into the air as if he was answering a question. He waled to her along with Violet who was shyly perched on his shoulder.
Glenn took a Pygmy Puff from the corral and held it gently in her hands. It was a deep purple one and it's fur felt surprisingly soft in her hands. She shifted it to her shoulder and smiled at the small Pygmy Puff that had nestled into her curls that were out around her shoulders. She set about making a name tag.
Name: Glenn Reyes
Year: Second
House: Hufflepuff
Pygmy: Elliott
Glenn looked around the other students and asked, "Um- anyone want to partner up with me?" Hmm.
Last edited by Gabrielle; 02-10-2012 at 07:24 AM.
Reason: Coding
Shoe!Girl │ Rebel Ravie │ Confundus Queen │ RP Addict
Stella had stayed quiet during the discussion part of the lesson, instead just taking the time to pay attention to her little cloud puff. She'd had the faintest memory of last term and Professor Lafay's offering pygmy puffs to test their hate potions on, but luckily the pleasant humming coming from the pale purple-gray puffball was helping her not remember how that homework had gone bad. Things had worked out, but she still didn't like remembering that time. She'd looked up as Professor Williamson had suggested the note down the discussion points and then pair up, however. Settling Nuage on her lap, she searched her bag for some parchment, then quickly noted the information down.
Text Cut: notes
things we know
magical creatures
girls seem to like them
resemble overly fuzzy hamsters
round balls of fluff
eat snot
found at WWW's in Diagon Alley
first bred by Fred/George Weasley
miniature puffskeins
things we want to know
exception to the Ban on Experimental Breeding???
eat what???
why are they so adorable???
can be trained to NOT eat snot???
what does pygmy mean???
how does one discover a puff's gender???
what magical properties do they possess??
Once she'd finished that, however, she looked up to see if anyone needed a partner. It seemed like most people were finding partners much easier than she usually did.
Text Cut: Gabrielle
Originally Posted by Gabrielle
Glenn took a Pygmy Puff from the corral and held it gently in her hands. It was a deep purple one and it's fur felt surprisingly soft in her hands. She shifted it to her shoulder and smiled at the small Pygmy Puff that had nestled into her curls that were out around her shoulders. She set about making a name tag.
Glenn looked around the other students and asked, "Um- anyone want to partner up with me?" Hmm.
But, as she continued to look around, one hand protectively making sure her pygmy puff didn't get jostled in her lap, she noticed a little Hufflepuff quietly asking for a partner. Picking her puff up again, she settled it on her shoulder as she walked over. "I'll partner up with you," she said gently, giving the girl a smile. "I'm Stella, by the way. And this is Nuage," she added, gesturing at the pygmy puff on her shoulder, kind of perched on top of the strap of her school bag.
♥♥♥♥ It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me, at tea time, everybody agrees
...It must be exhausting, always rooting for the anti-hero ♥♥♥
A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl
Ahh, and here were the last few students now. Williamson spotted Daichi and wondered if he should just pretend to communicate with him via telekinesis or should actually greet the boy?
He went with the later. "Hello," he winked at him. "Nice hairdo."
He thought his hair was nice?! Daichi's eyes twinkled as he heard that comment. He ran a hand through his REALLY messy hair and grinned proudly. "Thanks sir~!" he shouted excitedly because someone liked his hair. "I worked reeeeaally hard on it" and it was true. Styling his hair was a task already but making it stick out in every direction... it was art! And the Slytherin couldn't believe he used to dislike it. Stupid friends for ruffling his hair all the time...it was their fault he looked so cool now! hehehe
As the first question came, Daichi decided to play with his grey pygmy puff, Ducky Duck instead of answering the question. He didn't know anything about puffs and the things he wanted to know where already ask sooo...why bother eh?
As it was time to partner up, the Slytherin got up from where he was sitting and placed Ducky Duck on his head just like he had seen Pygmy Girl do at the lake. Too bad that his puff didn't like being on top of his crazy hair so he settled it...her...him...back down. It was a him in Daichi's mind. yesh. "Anyone want to be my and ducky duck's partner?!" he asked.
Last edited by DuckyLinJi; 02-10-2012 at 09:50 AM.
Reason: hadn't seen that the person he ask to partner up had already been taken ^_^
Ira jotted down the points written on the blackboard. She had her pygmy puff Viola on her lap and was delicately petting it with her left hand. And then she saw what she was writing.. was it really written that 'girls seem to like them'? Boys didn't like them or what? Whatever!
She nodded at the task set out by the professor. Thank God, they didn't have to go swimming in dark waters or anything like last lesson. This time they just had to get to know the pygmy puffs. That was interesting.
Ira looked around for a partner, and saw Zhenya. Ira waved to her.
SPOILER!!: Zhenya
Originally Posted by Jessiqua
SPOILER!!: previous stuff
Name: Zhenya Burton
Year: Second
House: Slytherin
Pygmy: Bobble
Zhenya listened to the questions and thoughts other students had. They ate SNOT? She snorted in disbelief.
Oh no, not more partners. Zhenya sat there and stroked her red Pygmy Puff. "Does anyone want to partner up?" she asked
"Hey Zhenya! Can we be partners for this lesson?" Ira asked her.
Ability is nothing without Opportunity | | Creativity is Intelligence having FUN
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie
Kurumi leaned over a bit in her seat to see the page Vickers was looking at. "Hmmm...does that mean that perhaps pygmy puffs are considered tamable creatures?" she asked, cocking her head to the side a bit as she thought more, returning her gaze to her own textbook. "It seems like the creatures that the law seems to come down on are those with a Ministry rating of XXXXX..." she continued, looking at her own book and following a few lines with her finger. Kurumi flipped through the pages of her book again, looking up various creatures, when she stopped on Blast-Ended Skrewts. "Wait...Blast-Ended Skrewt aren't tamable either, are they? I don't believe that Rubeus Hagrid was ever punished for breeding them illegally either..."
So...what? Pygmy puffs had never killed someone so they were an exception?
"There must be a loop hole somewhere..."
Vickers looked up at Kurumi "But pygmy puffs are already tame.... " he uttered baffled. Then it was his turn to lean towards Kurumi as she read from her book "Yeah.... Groundskeeper Hagrid wasnt punished about those screwts.... then again maybe Headmaster Dumbledore protected him from the Ministry, made it appear like it was his idea." he shrugged slightly. That sounded like politicking that the Ravenclaw boy wasnt sure to pursue at this point.
He leaned back in his seat, playing with the corners of the page as he pondered "I think it was clear that Scamander didnt want cross-breeding between species that would result in a creature thats unpredictable or impossible to control. Things like the Blast-Ended Screwt. Maybe Hagrid got lucky that he wasnt penalized-- and besides he didnt continue breeding those things after the first generation did he?"
"But the Weasleys..... they made a business out of pygmy puffs-- they were breeding them continuously. I mean with that alone-- shouldnt they have gotten a permit?" he continued, flipping the book for something that covered the Weasley Duo "Or maybe Experimental Banning doesnt cover miniature versions of an existing creature-- like how some Muggles would breed miniature horses. They're not exactly creating a new specie, just another kind of breed. I guess the same goes with pygmy puffs? After all they are miniature versions of puffskeins."
++Tenacius ++🐦++ Salander++🐦++ Deo ++🐦++ Vickers ++🐦++ Huxley ++🐦+ Aquila++ Yeah thats what crazy is, when its broken you say theres nothing to fix++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++And you pray that everything will be okay, while you're making all the same mistakes
Name: Laura Hope Hyde
Year: first year
House: Hufflepuff
Pygmy: SuperPygmy.
Laura looked at the Professor and then listened so she needed to find a partner, this was something Laura wasn't good at but well she'd try and find one anyway. "Anyone want to be partners?"