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As you walk into the barnyard, you might be disturbed by the professor's slightly glazed look as he sits on a stool and stares off into the distance. The man snaps to, however, as soon as he sees you and offers you a soft smile and a friendly wave. Williamson waits for the rest of the class to arrive and then explains your final. As he is explaining, you notice the corral of new pygmy puffs (on temporary loan from Weasley's Wizard Wheezes) and the buffet table set up near the empty winged horse stalls.
"First of all," the professor starts, "your task today is half practical and half theoretical. You're going to pick a pygmy puff you've never worked with before, select three of the foods for it to eat, and then document your process with discovering whether or not it will eat the foods. You will also describe the pygmy puff in detail and make an educated guess as to its gender, with reasoning behind your guess.
"You last step is a short essay in which you explain how you would go underwater for some reason --- that part is up to you --- and you find yourself surrounded by grindylows. Write how you would handle the grindylows, keeping in mind what we learned about dangerous creatures and the spell we used in our first class of the year. Explain why you would react to a dangerous creature that way. Wrap up your essay and your final with a small conclusion about what you learned this year in Care of Magical Creatures and what you would like to learn next year."
His spiel done, the professor gestured toward the pygmy puffs and then toward a stack of parchment and anti-cheating quills near his stool. "You may begin!"
OOC Directions:
Make one post.
Label it with your username; your member number; and your character's name, year, and house.
RP out the pygmy puff practical portion.
THEN, under a spoiler tag, and beneath your RP, write your essays.
Your essay portion should consist of at least three paragraphs: one about the pygmy puff's reaction to the foods and your process to discover its gender; one about the grindylow and how you should handle such a creature; and one conclusive paragraph about what you learned/want to learn in CoMC.
This thread will close on April 4, 2012. Good luck!
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿
Ella walked into the Barnyard and gave Professor Williamson an odd look. He seemed a bit out of it. The first year sincerely hoped things were okay with him but chalked it up to him having a long term or something. "Hi Professor!" She greeted happily, then went over to find a seat. Once seated, she waited for instructions, eager to get going.
The young badger listened carefully as Professor Williamson started explaining the task for the final. Pygmy Puffs! They were working with Pygmy Puffs?! Ella felt a wide smile appear on her face and glanced over at the pen, wondering which puff she would pick. She also felt kind of bad, working with another puff besides Barny. She hoped the little guy wouldn't be jealous! Next the first year's attention fell on the table full of foods, suddenly feeling like it would be a struggle to not just inhale the sweets herself! She already had her eyes on a plate of cookies but tried to regain her composure. Pygmy puffs had to eat too! When the Professor had finished explaining the essay portion of the final and dismissed them, Ella hopped up and first brought some parchment and an anti-cheating quill back to her desk. That way she would be ready when it came time to write. Then she headed for the puff pen, excited to meet a new little friend.
Approaching the pen, Ella eyed the puffs curiously, tilting her head to the side to get a better look. For some reason, this bunch didn't seem as impressive as the first she had been exposed to, maybe cause Barnabus was no longer there. Hmph. Continuing her search, Ella's wide eyes fell on a extremely fluffy bright green pygmy puff. The puff's size and attributes led Ella to belive it was a male and she had had great success with Barny so it seemed like a good choice. "Well hello there, you look like you're in need of a friend." Ella said to the puff, picking it up gently and placing it in the palm of her hand. "I'm Ella and you're...well I guess I need a name for you huh?" But what kind of name did this green puff deserve? Something as bright and attention grabbing as it was, that's for sure. "How about Green Machine? That's pretty awesome and it makes you sound tough. You like that?" The first year lightly tickeled the puff with her finger, causing it to squeak loudly. "I'll take that as a yes...Now lets go see what you eat!"
With Green Machine on her shoulder, Ella approached the table that was filled with food and let her eyes wander. There was a lot to choose from and Ella wanted to get a good variety. She settled on purple grapes, a piece of bread, and a brownie and brought the items back to her seat, placing Green Machine down next to the food. "Alright, lets try a grape first." The first year picked up the grape and placed it directly in front of the green puff, watching it closely. The puff narrowed its eyes, gave the grape a serious look, and sent its tongue flying towards the food and bringing the grape to its mouth. "Whoa! That was like a frog move or something!" Like a frog catching a fly! SQUEAKKK SQUEAKKK! "So you liked that, huh? That's great!" Next came the bread which the first year placed in front of Green Machine, watching his reaction. This time, the puff rolled towards the bread but no tongue came out to try it. SQUEAK. "What's the matter, Green Machine? You don't eat bread?" Which was weird cause Ella loved bread...all food actually. "Okay, well here, I'll take this and you try some brownie instead." At the mere sight of the chocolatey treat, the puff started to go crazy. SQUEAKKK SQUEAKKK SQUEAKK! "Whoa! Settle down now, it's coming." Ella placed the brownie in front of the puff and watched in shock as the entire thing was devoured by the creature. O__O "Uh Green Machine...you really are a machine! An eating machine, that is." Apparently brownies were on the like list. "Alright, well since you like brownies so much, I'll grab you an extra if you promise to eat quietly, I have some stuff to write...that means no monkeying around." With that, Ella grabbed an extra brownie for the little guy and pulled her parchment and no cheating quill forward.
SPOILER!!: Essay Portion
1. When I went over to the pygmy puff pen, I knew that I wanted to work with a male pygmy puff. In a previous lesson, I had the pleasure of working with a male and thought it might bring me the same kind of good experience to work with one this time. In order to ensure I got a male, there were several traits I looked for. First, I looked for the brighter puffs, because males are brighter in color. Then, I looked for the fluffiness of the puffs as males are usually fluffier. Lastly, I looked for the general size of the puffs, knowing males are usually smaller. I settled on a small, extremely bright green, fluffy puff, which I named Green Machine.
For the food portion of the pygmy puff practical, I settled on three different types of food. First, purple grapes, which Green Machine seemed to enjoy. When I put a grape in front of the little guy, he eyed it suspiciously, making me think he wouldn't eat it. Then, he surprised me by attacking the fruit with his tongue and eating the entire thing! He then starting to squeak loudly. Next, I put bread in front of Green Machine. He was less than enthused by this choice. He didn't even bother trying the bread and instead squeaked once, with no energy behind the noise. I guess Green Machine isn't big on carbs or something. Lastly, I placed a brownie in front of Green Machine. This caused the puff to start squeaking loudly, even before tasting it! Maybe he could smell the chocolate. When he got the chance, he ate the entire brownie so quickly! Actually I'm sure the poor creature has a belly ache now. His enthusiasm, plus the speed with which he ate the brownie, made me believe he liked it.
2. During the warmer months, I find myself wanting to swim a lot, a great way too cool off. Swimming in the black lake, however, can sometimes be dangerous. If I were to go swimming in the lake, I'd probably play games with my mates, one of which is called Marco Polo. In this game, one person has to find the others with their eyes closed. Sometimes during this game, I would dive down under water to escape the grasp of the seeker. This is when a group of grindylows would have the oppertunity to surround me, trying to drag me down to the bottom of the lake. In the situation, I would first try not to panic, this would only excite the grindylows and make escaping next to impossible. Next, I would locate my wand and hold it out, ready to act. Then, I would use the relashio spell, a spell which causes whatever is grabbing you to release its grip. This spell is perfect for an encounter with grindylows as their grasp is what pulls you down. Above all, I would try and keep a calm head. This way, I would escape unharmed and not have to harm any of the creatures, grindylows in this case, in the process.
3. This year in Magical Creatures I learned a lot. First, I learned that I was not prepared for an encounter with a dangerous creature. In the beginning I was frightened and panicky, causing me to freak out rather than assess a situation and handle it the right way. After taking this class, I feel I can more properly deal with those types of situations now. I also learned that pygmy puffs aren't just cute shoulder decorations. They have feelings and likes and dislikes. They even have talents, like being able to pygmy puff bowl! They definitely are more complex than I thought. Overall, I think this year in Care of Magical Creatures was fun and more importantly, interesting. Next term I hope we can meet different creatures we haven't been exposed to yet. Perhaps we can take another creature home to care for like we did with the pygmy puffs, that was quite fun! I also hope we get to talke to Mr. Henry in the lake again. He was quite knowledgable. In closing, thanks for a great term, Sir. I can truthfully say that Care of Magical Creatures is my favorite class.
(Squishy ♥ 76092) Amelia Reinhart, 7th Year Hufflepuff
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Amelia wasn't too sure how this final would go for her because she had spent the whole night studying and was now exhausted. What if she collapsed in the middle of it? Personally, if she had to fall asleep in the middle of this, she preferred doing it in the theory portion so she wouldn't faceplant on the ground or crush a poor little Pygmy Puff.
She kinda wanted to work with Pixie for this portion, but she supposed it was okay not to when Pixie was up in her Dorm. At least her girl wouldn't be offended that Amelia had befriended someone else while she was around. D: Pixie would never know unless she sensed another Puff on her later.
Deciding that now was as good time as any to do this, Amelia slowly approached the pen and looked inside to see the little Pygmy Puffs. Oooh. So many cute balls of fluff. But which one to choose? D: She scanned all he Puffs until she reached a blue one. "I am going to call you Bluie because I am not original." She picked the little Puff up and smiled.
Hopefully that was a yes to the name, and not a sign of distaste. "Well, it's simple and will work with whatever gender you are." Which was something that she was going to determine now. She looked over her Puff carefully and the fact that the blue wasn't very bright was one indicator of the Puff's gender. As was the fact that it felt and sounded like Pixie. "It looks like you are a female." She seemed to be good at picking out girl Puffs. "That's one part done, now it's just the food part."
And speaking of which... With the Puff placed on her shoulder now, she made her way over to the table and looked at the different food items. The first thing that was to be tried was the muffins, but when she tried feeding some to the Puff, it made what she imagined to be a disgusted look.
"Okay, okay. We'll find you something else..." But what? :/ Amelia scanned the table and saw that there were a lot of grapes on it. Shrugging, she picked one up and offered it to her new buddy. Bluie stared at it for a few moments and then ate it. Which was a good thing... but she didn't seem too thrilled about it either. "So it's not like Pixie and potatoes or cupcake icing." But at least it was better than the look of disgust.
Lastly, she picked up what looked like berries in cream. She picked some cream up with her finger and offered it to Bluie. This was met with the enthusiasm that reminded her of Pixie with her favourite foods.
Bluie was licking up all the cream from her finger, and when the Puff was done she started to bounce as she squeaked some more. Amelia giggled. Clearly Bluie liked the cream a lot... maybe Puffs liked dairy?
Amelia petted Bluie a bit, keeping the Puff on her shoulder, and then determined that it was probably time for her to do the written part of the final. "You be a good girl while I work, Bluie!" Or she wouldn't get anymore cream! That was if Professor Williamson would allow Bluie to have more cream. She began to write now:
SPOILER!!: le essay
1) The Pygmy Puff I chose to work with for my final was a blue one that I named Bluie because I am a really original person. The first thing that I worked on determining as soon as I had Bluie in my hands was the gender. Owning a female Puff made it rather easy for me since it gave me a comparison, and I can say that Bluie is a female Pygmy Puff. There are a few things that work to determine this. For one thing, she is not of a very bright blue. Males are typically brighter than females, and there were definitely Puffs in that pen who were brighter. The colouring makes me think of how it is with birds where the males are generally a lot brighter than the females, who are normally rather drab looking. Not that Pixie or Blue are drab by any means!! I also saw that Bluie isn't as fluffy feeling as the male Puffs would be. You can just see how fluffy they are and imagine the feel of it in your head. I find Bluie fluffy, but not as fluffy as some of the others. She also has a high-pitched squeak. Males don't really have that. It's like with people, where generally girls have higher-pitched voices and boys have deeper voices.
Gender determined, I then proceeded to head over to the food table in the hopes of finding at least one of three foods for my new friend to enjoy. The first item that I selected for her was a muffin. I broke off part of it and tried feeding it to her... but she seemed to hate it by the look of disgust on her face. It reminded me of when I tried to give Pixie tomato. Maybe Puffs don't enjoy this kind of food, because Bluie doesn't like muffins, and Pixie doesn't care for cupcakes. After the failed muffin attempt, I tried giving her some grapes, and this was received better than the muffin had been even though she didn't seem too in love with it. She ate the grape and probably eat some more of them if they were offered, but it doesn't seem to be one of her favourites. That would have to be the cream I gave her from the bowl with the fruit. She lapped that up eagerly and wanted more. When she had finished licking it off my finger, she bounced excitedly and squeaked some more. This Puff loves cream like my Pixie loves cupcake icing.
2) I love the lake at Hogwarts. I always have. And during she Spring/Summer months I love going swimming in the lake as well as exploring it a bit. I never go too far or too deep, but I like looking at anything that resides in the lake as well as imagine that I am looking for treasure. Like if there was a ship at Hogwarts (like the one from Durmstrang) and it was in a shipwreck and sank, leaving all this treasure lying at the bottom of the lake... ANYWAY. If for instance I was down swimming in the lake one day and a group of Grindylows surrounded me, I would have to try to fight off panic. I would have to try my best to keep my head in the situation like we did with the Skrewt in the last class. I would then pull out my wand and fire Relashio at any who grab me or get too close to grabbing me. When used under the water, this spell releases a jet of boiling water. That would hurt the creature a little but not too much and also cause it to either let me go or move away. This would give me an opportunity to get away. I would just have to send spells at the other Grindylows in the process to make sure that they didn't try to grab at me.
3) I learned quite a lot in class this term. I learned about Pygmy Puffs. I learned how to determine their genders, to try and find foods that they like, as well as other things about them that have helped me understand them better and to bond with Pixie more. I also learned about Skrewts even though they weren't supposed to be the focal point of the lesson. I dealt with a threatening creature in person and as a team... even though we weren't all working together as a unit, we still got the job done. That has given practical knowledge to me that I find useful and I hope that I won't face another Skrewt, or another creature worse than a Skrewt. Lastly, I also learned more about the Great Lake and the creatures that reside in it. I now appreciate it more even if I still don't care for Grindylows. I saw Bartholomew, the Great Giant Squid and got the chance to hear him speak to the class about his life and his home. I found that a really good experience, because it's not often that you get to talk to a giant squid or hear directly from a creature that calls the water it's home. At least not when I don't speak Mermish. This class has really helped me, and I am sad to think that I won't be back here again to enjoy this class. This is my favourite class, and sir I would like to thank you for being an amazing Professor and for making my enjoyment for this subject grow. I love it even more than before now.
FireboltAvis88/170888/Alyssa Potter/3rd Year Hufflepuff
There's some good in this world and it's worth fighting for| LOTR|Whovian|Sherlock Fan
Alyssa entered the barnyard and noticed the Professor sitting on a stool and staring into space. However, when he saw her enter he smiled at her and waved. Alyssa listened as the Professor as he gave them instructions on what they would be required to do for the practical portion of their finals. Once he was done, Alyssa went over to the corral, leaned down and looked down before picking up a bright purple Pygmy Puff. It kept making low pitched squeaking sounds to the other Pygmy Puffs, and some responded back in higher pitch squeaks. Alyssa noticed that those that did, were fluffier than hers and weren't so brightly colored. They also tended to be bigger too. "It's either I picked the runt of the litter, or you are a male my friend,"Alyssa whispered to the puff that she had picked. "Okay first things first. I'm going to call you, Fonzie, if that is okay with you."Alyssa said to her little friend. The Pygmy Puff seemed to agree with her because it bumped its nose against hers.
Then Alyssa walked over to the stack of parchment paper and anti-cheating quills, picked up a parchment and quill before sitting down, playing with Fonzie for a couple of minutes before getting up. "Okay let's start with the first part of the practical." Alyssa told Fonzie as she walked over to the buffet table, where a large spread of various dishes had been laid out. Looking at the food made Alyssa hungry, but she knew that she would have to squelch down her hunger for now and just select the food that she believed Fonzie would eat.
Picking up an empty plate, Alyssa leaned over and filled her plate with grapes, salad and some strawberry pudding. Then she found a place to sit on a bale of hay before placing the plate of food on the ground and cuddling Fonzie in her hand. "Hello there, my name's Alyssa. I know that we've never met before but I hope that by the time I'm done with this assignment, that I'll have learnt a lot more about you."Alyssa whispered to her hairy friend.
According to Professor Williamson, she had to figure out what Fonzie liked to eat. She placed Fonzie on the ground for a second, while trying to balance the plate next to her. Then she picked up the parchment and quill and got ready to start the practical, but when she looked up she discovered that the Fonzie had rolled all the way to the other side of the barnyard. Alyssa quickly chased after him, picked him up and returned to where her things lay and the plate of food. Holding Fonzie, Alyssa started documenting what he liked to eat.
“Okay, let’s see whether you like eating grapes,”Alyssa said to Fonzie. She broke off bits of the grape and fed the first one to the puff. It first sniffed it, then licked it before curling its tongue around the grape bit and pulled it into its mouth. Now that she knew that Fonzie liked grapes, Alyssa fed it a few more, before moving on to next food that she had selected, which was salad. She picked up a salad green and tore it into smaller bits and fed it to Fonzie. Fonzie first licked the dressing off the salad green, looked up at Alyssa before, sticking its long tongue out and pulling the rest of the salad green into its mouth. Once the puff was done chewing, Fonzie immediately stuck out its tongue like as if it was begging for more and squeaked. SQUEAK! SQUEAK! SQUEAK!
Alyssa laughed and fed Fonzie more lettuce before moving on to the last type of food she had picked to feed it, which was the Strawberry Pudding. Alyssa stuck her finger into the pudding and scooped it up and placed her finger in front of Fonzie. Fonzie’s long tongue flew out and curled around Alyssa’s finger and tried to pull it into its mouth along with the Strawberry Pudding. “Whoa there!! My finger is not for eating. Let’s try feeding this to you another way without getting my finger slimed, ”Alyssa laughed looking down at Fonzie. She moved the plate of food closer to it and let Fonzie sniff the pudding. Again, without even a moment’s hesitation, Fonzie’s tongue flew out, curled around the pudding, and slurped every bit of it up. Then noticing that there were more grapes and salad leaves on the plate, it proceeded to sweep its tongue around the other food and pulled each one into its mouth until the plate was empty. “Oh my, you are definitely hungry aren’t you. Well I tell you what, once I’m done with my Finals, I will see whether there’s anymore food left, and if there is, I’ll get more for you ear. Now you need to sit quietly in my pocket while I finish up the rest of my Finals. ” Alyssa whispered to Fonzie before tucking it back securely into her robes pocket and picking up her quill began writing on the parchment.
SPOILER!!: The Essays
I selected some grapes, the vegetable salad and strawberry pudding as my test foods for Fonzie. He seemed to like the grapes because after inspecting it for a few seconds, he just wanted more of it. So before he got too full, I switched over to feeding him some lettuce from the salad I had picked out. He definitely loved the dressing on the salad because that was the first thing he licked off. Then he went for the lettuce itself. I can safely say that Fonzie loves eating vegetables, because no sooner had he chewed on one, his tongue was already sticking out, like he was begging for more. I let him eat a little more of the lettuce before introducing him to the strawberry pudding. I initially made the mistake of scooping the pudding and trying to feed him using my finger. His tongue which is very strong by the way, immediately grabbed my finger and tried to slide it into is mouth. I know that Pygmy Puffs don't eat humans but I wasn't going to be it's test subject. Anyway, I fed Fonzie the strawberry pudding and he immediately slurped it all up. From what I have fed him today, I can confidently conclude that Fonzie likes vegetables, fruits and anything that is especially sweet. I haven't tried the boogers but I'm sure that he would have liked that too.
Fonzie looks like a small, fluffy light colored purple ball and seems to love rolling around because the moment I placed it on the ground for just a couple of seconds, it had already rolled to the other side of the barnyard. I have also determined that it has a very strong, long tongue because it gripped my finger really hard and tried to get it into its mouth when I tried to feed it the strawberry pudding. It has been determined that Pygmy Puffs communicate through a series of squeaks, because I couldn't seem to hear anything else coming from it, except for the low humming sound it produced when I rubbed its tummy. When it came to determining its gender, I compared it with the other puffs that were still in the corrall. Mine was a little less fluffier, had a brighter color, but I noticed that it had a lower pitch squeak than some of the others Puffs, that seemed to be larger than mine, were more fluffier and had higher pitch squeaks. I remembered that Nerfball also had a similar lower pitch squeak and he turned out to be a male. So unless I am able to locate the reproductive organs of Fonzie to really confirm his gender (even if I knew where to look), I am going to base my decision on the characteristics I have identified. I believe that Fonzie is a male Pygmy Puff.
2. While I was packing my bags and getting ready for the end of the term, I discovered that I had lost my knife. I remembered the last time I had it was back that the lake at the beginning of the term during CoMC class. I must have dropped it while we were in the lake. Glad that I had some gillyweed, which I had kept in a bottle, I quickly changed into my swim suit and rushed down to the lake. I popped the gillyweed in my mouth, chewed on it and waited for it to take effect. Once I could see that my hands and fingers were webbed, and making sure that I had my wand in my holster, I ran into the lake and swam out to the middle of the lake, before diving down into the depths of the lake. I quickly looked around trying to see locate my knife. I saw it a glint of something metallic from the corner of my eye and turned to see my knife lying on a rock, the rays from the sunlight shining on it. I quickly swam to it, picked it up and holstered it securely in my left leg holster.
I was about to swim back up when I realized that in my determination to find my knife, I had been careless. I had forgotten to keep an eye out for the grindylows that lived in the lake and was now surrounded by them!! I slowly reached down and pulled out my wand, taking great care not to make any sudden moves that the grindylows might mistake as a form of attack. I had already decided that I would not be the first to attack them. It was I who had invaded their territory, and so I had to respect that. For all I knew, they were just curious as to why I was swimming in the lake by myself. Keeping a cautious eye on them, I slowly began swimming towards the surface, keeping an eye on all of them, waiting to see what they would do. I was about to reach the surface when I felt something grab my leg and pull me down. I looked down and to my dismay found that one of the grindylows had grabbed my leg. I really didn’t want to hurt it, so I first struggled to pull my leg loose from its grip, but unfortunately the grindylow’s grip was too strong. Realizing that I had no choice, I jabbed my wand at the hand holding onto my leg I said “RELASHIO”. A beam shot out from my wand and hit the grindylow. It immediately released my hand and swam away. Putting down my wand but keeping it next to my side, I waited for the others to attack but they kept their distance from me. I bowed and nodded at them acknowledging their presence, before quickly swimming up to the surface and back to the shore. I know now that I had made mistakes that almost cost me my life. First, I had entered another creature’s territory alone. Second, I had forgotten to keep a look out for the creatures living in that territory. I should have remembered that when a creature feels threatened or feels that their space has been violated, that they can be more dangerous than normal. I will definitely not make those mistakes again. However, at the same time, I had learned something useful. I was glad that I had remembered not to attack first, that I had not immediately assumed that the creature was going to attack me. Even when attacked, I would first try to escape without causing harm to the creature. Force is only used, when one doesn’t have any other choice. I am glad that I had decided to cautiously wait, while at the same time try to escape without making any sudden moves. Sudden moves might have alarmed the Grindylows even more.
3. This year I learned a lot in CoMC class. I first learned that most creatures are intelligent even though they don’t speak our language. They are very protective over their territory and will fight to keep invaders out. Working and taking care of the creatures in the Sanctuary, I’ve learned that all creatures, whether they be ranked XXXXX or X, should be treated with the same kind of respect and care, that we as human beings expect from each other. As for encountering the creatures that ‘accidentally’ found their way onto the castle grounds or even in the animal sanctuary, I’ve learned that we should not always assume that just because they are classified as dangerous, that they are automatically out to harm or kill us. I’ve learned that we need to be vigilant and cautious and try to get out of their way if we happen to come across them, and that while we are doing that, we should already be planning what we should be doing in the event that they do attack us. Violence or attempting to kill the creature is always the last resort. If there are other ways to subdue the creature, that should be always explored first. Most important of all, we should not panic but instead try to remain calm. The more we panic, the more mistakes are made. In our future lessons, I would like to learn more about how to work with creatures that tend to shy away or hide from humans. But of course I would like to work with the Hippogriffs again or maybe a Dragon. As for working with the Pygmy Puffs, I've learned that they aren't that really hard to take care of. They seem to just enjoy life and given the chance they love to be used as bowling balls. They may not look like it but they are very intelligent creatures and can even sense your emotions. I remember Nerfball knew when I was feeling sad and how he tried to console me. All in all, Care of Magical Creatures class is one of my favorite classes, despite the fact that I pushed you down in the Forest.
Last edited by FireboltAvis88; 04-03-2012 at 01:03 AM.
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
Having somehow overslept, which was very unlike the Gryffindor, Kurumi sprinted down to the barnyard for her Care of Magical Creatures final with a heavy heart. She really didn't want the term to come to an end...for several reasons. The one in the foreground was having to spend an entire summer away from magical creatures. It was always hard doing so, but this summer would be especially so. It had been the first time in a long time that she had had a proper year of lessons on the subject, and she really didn't want to say good bye to Professor Williamson - even if it was just for the summer.
Kurumi waved, rather awkwardly mind you, at Professor Williamson as she took her place in the barnyard and listened to the instructions for the final. More pygmy puffs? Kurumi thought that Professor Williamson was more of a dragon and winged creature person, but he sure seemed to like the small fluffy variety of creatures. Kurumi frowned just a bit. She was rather hoping to be able to work with Momotaro II again. She was missing that pygmy puff a lot. Frowning just a little, Kurumi walked over to the herd of pygmy puffs and stuck her hand in to wait for one to come to her. After a few moments, a VERY fluffy rosy colored on hopped into her hand and began to make soft humming noises. It reminded her of Momotaro...and Momotaro II...maybe she would call this one Momotaro II?
Sounded good to the Gryffindor.
Placing the little guy (or gal) on her shoulder, Kurumi walked over to the buffet and examined the food. Momotaro II had only eaten sugar, shrimp, and sort of pumpkin soup. She was rather curious as to whether or not the one she currently had felt the same about these items, and quickly selected them before taking a seat and setting the pygmy puff on her lap, patting its head for a moment to gain some more skinship before proceeding. It needed to feel comfortable around her or else her results would be skewed. She spoke to it for a few minutes, just to let it get used to the sound of her voice, and when the little guy had stopped shivering, Kurumi knew that it was alright for her to proceed.
First up, the sugar cubes. Taking one in the palm of her hand, Kurumi held it out for the pygmy puff to sniff and do whatever it wanted to. It hopped onto her hand and pressed its face against the cube, squeaking several times, and then eventually gave it a lick with its tongue. The creatures tongue quickly recoiled back into its mouth and a sort of low hissing noise came from it. Nope...not a fan of the sugar. "S-S-S-S-Sorry," she stammered, banishing the sugar cube and reaching for some cooked shrimp, which he eagerly gobbled up. Hmm...perhaps her theory about colorization had some truth in it?
Kurumi jotted down a few more notes, Kurumi nervously pushed the bowl of pumpkin soup towards the pygmy puff and braced for impact. Which, fortunately (?), never happened. Momotaro III didn't seem to have the same inkling towards the liquid. Not that Kurumi really minded this. She didn't want to have to bathe the pygmy puff in the middle of the final because he decided to take a swim. It did, however, lap some of the soup up with its tongue, squeaking and bouncing afterwards.
Jotting down some last minute notes on the food situation, Kurumi grabbed one more shrimp and fed it to Momotaro III before setting to do the...more awkward part of the assignment. Finding out the gender. Kurumi really did not want to actually touch that part of the pygmy puff again if she could help it. Once was enough and it had been traumatizing. So, she was going to venture a guess using the others gender definitions. It certainly was a lot fluffier than some of the others, and Kurumi supposed that its coloring was rather bright. It certainly wasn't a dark color, but it wasn't neon either. Somewhere in the middle, perhaps this implied adolescence? Something else to think about at least. Kurumi noted a few more differences on her parchment, studying the pygmy puff after each sentence she wrote, and then plopped it back on her shoulder while she turned around towards the table so she could work on the theoretical part of the exam.
SPOILER!!: Kurumi's theoretical
1) Dietary Habits & Gender Identification of Selected Pygmy Puff
I based my food selection off of the long term assignment we were given earlier in the term. However, just like people, pygmy puffs each have their likes and dislikes. Whereas my first pygmy puff enjoyed sugar, the one I selected today did not like sugar at all. In fact, I would venture to say that sweet things in general are not something that meets this particular pygmy puff's pallet since pumpkin soup was also met with mediocre reactions - meaning that he didn't try to bathe himself in it. It DID, however, enjoy eating shrimp which still leads me to believe the theory I wrote about in my pygmy puff diary about carotenoids, beta-carotene, and lycopene perhaps contributing to the coloring of pygmy puffs. It is certainly something I would like to try and experiment with in the future should the opportunity arise.
Momotaro III, as I decided to call today's pygmy puff, was similar in coloring to Momotaro II - perhaps just a shade darker. I wonder if the coat of a pygmy puff changes as time progresses, like how baby deer lost their spots and other camouflage aspects to their coat as they become more able to fend for themselves. While pygmy puffs really do not need to defend themselves, perhaps male pygmy puffs become brighter as time progresses so as to attract females? Momotaro III's tongue was not unusually long and was very VERY fluffy. These two facts, along with his brighter coloring, lead me to believe that Momotaro III is a male pygmy puff. His squeak was not as high pitched as some of the others I heard, and he seemed to be more inclined to hum. This, on top of previous evidence, I believe confirms Momotaro III to be male.
2) Handling Grindylows & Other Dangerous Creatures
Dangerous creatures, not just grindylows, will usually not attack unless provoked. Granted, some dark creatures are an exception to this, but for the sake of this essay I am going to set those to the side. So, in general, the best thing to do when meeting a grindylow or any potentially harmful creature is to keep your distance and not panic. Hasty actions will only startle it into a defensive position and nothing it more fierce than a cornered creature that has been taking over by its flight or fight instincts.
As we learned in our lesson where we went into the Black Lake, grindylows have been known to be domesticated by merpeople. This to me shows that, while they are dangerous creatures and considered dark because they have been known to eat humans, they are not innately evil things and that keeping your distance and respecting their space will get you far. However, you should have your wand ready just in case, but should not use any spell against one until it gives you reason to. If a grindylow happens to attack you the best thing to do would be to use Revulsion Jinx something even stronger on its fingers. While it's grip is very strong, a grindylow's fingers themselves are very brittle, meaning that by snapping its fingers you should be able to get away.
3) Reflection on the term and looking forward
Having not had a proper term of Care of Magical Creatures for a while now, I cannot even begin to put into words how much I learned this term. Of course, there are specific details - especially in regards to pygmy puffs who I never had given much thought to before - but I think the most important lesson I took away from the term came from our final lesson of the term. As I admitted in the beginning of that lesson, I panicked and froze up when faced with a dangerous creature outside of a classroom environment. Not every creature can be a kneazle, or can every dragon we face be within the comforts of a classroom setting. When the blast-ended skrewt appeared and I saw everyone else panicking, I realized how foolish I had been previously and just now ineffective my actions had been. I had always looked to someone older, a professor, to tell me what to do. However, in this lesson, I was able to keep calm and practice constant vigilance. This in turn gave me confidence that I can handle myself around creatures in and out of the classroom. I can memorize facts in a book, recite them at will, know what I SHOULD do in a situation, but this term I was tested on whether or not I WOULD actually perform. I made mistakes, but the important thing is that I learned from them. As to what I want to learn in the future, I think that what I don't want to learn would be a shorter list. I have a fascination with winged creatures - dragons and winged horses especially - so a lesson about both either of them would certainly be of interest to me. Helping a dragon hatch is something that I have sort of had fantasies about doing. I know that dragon eggs are considered a Class A Non-Tradeable Material, but it would be amazing if some sort of deal could be made so we could handle them.
Returning her quill to her bag, Kurumi gathered up her things and returned Momotaro III, waving good bye to him before handing in her parchment to Professor Williamson - who seemed rather out of it. Having done so, Kurumi took one last look at the area before heading back up towards the castle.
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
Last edited by sweetpinkpixie; 04-03-2012 at 02:45 AM.
Reason: permission given ^^ *snuggles Roro's face*
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Jory listened to the Professor's instructions carefully. Another year was almost done. He was looking forward to summer. He headed over to collect a pygmy puff. The third year stood looking at them all for a while before he decided on a bright green one. It was extremely fluffy. He reached out and gently took it into his hand, as he did so the Puff squeaked. "Hey there, little guy,'' Jory said patting the Puff. "We're going to be working together today. I hope you don't mind if I call you Furry.''
With Furry in his hand, Jory headed over to the food laden table. He plucked a grape from the cluster and held it to Furry who was now riding on his shoulder. Instantly, it was in the puff's mouth. "So you love grapes,'' Jory said as he selected something else. "So do I.'' He held up a piece of potato. Furry seemed to be taking a good look at it or even sniffing it. But then it just turned away. "Not a fan of potato,'' Jory said to himself looking around for the third food item. He scooped up a bit of pudding onto two of his fingers. Instantly, Furry's tongue was licking up all of it. "Loves pudding,'' Jory said scooping up some more for the Puff as a treat. "Squeak!'' Fluffy said and began having the second set of pudding.
Finished with this part of the practical, Jory sat on the ground cross legged, and with Fluffy still on his shoulder and armed with an anti cheating quill, he began to write.
SPOILER!!: Essays
1. Furry seems to relish on grapes and the pudding. I remember from the class on Puffs, it was said that the creatures are are like vegetarians. And also they have a sweet tooth. Though potato may be in this case considered a vege, Furry seemed not to like it. Maybe because of the way it was cooked but he just seemed to stare at it, and even sniffing at it. In the end, he just turned away from the potato all together. The grape, I guess is sweet so he gobbled that up in no time. Instantaneous consumption also came to the pudding. So in general, for Furry, I'd say he's like most Puffs. Vegetarian and likes sweet.
For gender, I knew instantly that Furry was male. I also remembered what the Professor had told us earlier and Furry was bright green and very fluffy. And he did make high humming sounds.
2. Like most dark creatures, Grindylows attack when necessary. Those creatures have long strong fingers but it can be broken.
It was a hot day and I desired a swim. I used Gillyweed to be able to breathe underwater and swam off. Minutes later, I was being attacked by a few Grindylows. I was about to panic but I knew I had to keep my head on. Recalling what was done earlier lesson in the Lake, I quickly took out my wand and used the appropriate spell. "Relashio!'' I repeated the spell causing those Grindylows that had grips to release me immediately. I swam away trying not to attract any more of those scary creatures.
3. I've learnt things that couldn't have been thought better. My favourite class was about the Puffs. I never knew what they ate and was particularly interested in how their genders were determined as well as finding out what food they ate. Another class I enjoyed and learnt alot from was the class where the Skrewt attacked. I learnt that panic can make a situation turn dangerous and if there's team work, an attacking creature can easily be defeated. I learnt about dangerous creatures and how to deal with some.
For future lessons,I'd like to learn about Hippogriffs. The cross between a horse and eagle fascinates me. Practical lessons are highly anticipated too.
Ira entered the barnyard for her CoMC final, feeling all sweaty. Rubbing her hands together, Ira could literally feel her nervousness. She wondered what they would be doing. She smiled at Professor and greeted, "Hello Professor.." He seemed a bit absent minded, which in a way was good, because maybe he won’t notice if she would go wrong somewhere. Hehe…
The second year listened carefully as Professor Williamson started explaining the task for the final and gave instructions. Yes! Pygmy Puffs! She loved Pygmy Puffs! Ira grinned widely and glanced over at the pen, wondering which puff she would pick. Pink one? Or grayish one? Or the maroon one?
She went inside and stood there looking at them all for a while before deciding on a nice little purple one. It was so cute! She reached out and gently took it into her hand. And the Puff squeaked! Squeak! Squeak! "Awww!'' Ira exclaimed. “Hi beautiful! We can be friends today right!!” she said and softly cuddled it. “So what to call you? Fuzzy? Or Squeaky? Or something else?” Ira playfully asked it.
It seemed to be a female. Because its squeak was high pitched. So she began pondering over girly names. And then she got a name! “You’ll be my Bela, won’t you?” she asked with a big smile. So Bela it was.
Then Ira’s attention fell on the food table. So much food! Ira’s tummy slightly growled at the sight. But she somehow controlled herself, reminding herself that it was all for the cute little pygmy puff, Bela. Grapes, Muffins, cupcakes, salad… there were so many things! Ira wondered what to feed Bela. Maybe it would like muffins as she did? So she broke the muffin into pieces and took a small piece on her finger and held it in front of Bela. But nope, it didn’t seem interested in it. So cross off muffins. Now for some berries. She took a small berry and held it in front of it. It came a little forward and nibbled at it slightly. It was little interested in that. Then she tried pudding. But nope, it was rejected too. “It seems that you’re a very choosy little puff, right?” she chided it. But what else to feed? Grapes! Yup, that might be good. So, she broke off bits of the grape and fed the first one to the puff. It first sniffed it, then licked it before gulping down the grape piece. So that meant Bela liked grapes! Huh!
Now came some bread which the second year placed in front of it, and waited for its reaction. This time, the puff inched forward a little but still didn’t try it. “No bread! No muffin! No berries! So what do you actually like??" Because Ira loved the brownies and muffins. “So is it only veggies for you, like grapes and this salad maybe…” she said, extending her finger, having some sald. And Bela immediately gulped it down! So her theory was true. The pygmy puff liked only veggies, or rather the healthy stuff. Unlike her….
Finished with this part of the practical, Ira sat on the ground, placing Bela besides her with some grape pieces and salad in front of it. Then grabbing a blank parchment and anti-cheating quill, Ira began her essay:
SPOILER!!: Essays
1)I chose a purple colored pygmy puff and named her Bela. I named it so because I figured that it was a female, since its squeak was relatively high-pitched. And it also looked a bit less fluffy than others in the pen. And also it is a bit dull. And I do remember that female puffs were duller than the male ones.
As far as the puff’s food habits are concerned, Bela seems to just like the veggies like grapes and salads, and is not interested in eating the unhealthy junk food. I tried feeding it brownies, muffins, pudding, but it rejected it all. Bela showed some interest in berries, and literally gulped down grapes and salad. So I totally agree that pygmy puffs like only the healthy, nature-loving foods like veggies.
2) I love swimming. And the Hogwarts lake is perfect for it. Especially in these summer months.
One day, feeling all hot and sweaty, I decided to go out swimming, since I had no more classes that afternoon. Then feeling a bit adventurous, I decided to go a little deeper. So I figured that using gillyweed would be better and safe. So I used it and dived underwater. The underwater scenery was really beautiful!
As I was admiring the plants, suddenly, I was surrounded by grindylows! I hadn’t really expected it, but I did not panic much. After all, we had been taught to defend ourselves in CoMC class, right?
So, keeping a calm head, I quickly took out my wand and used the appropriate spell. "Relashio!'' I cast the spell pointing towards the Grindylows, which made them release me immediately. This gave me a chance to escape, and so I did. I swam away quickly.
That sure was enough of an adventure!
3) I really enjoyed CoMC class this year. It had all the right amounts of fun and adventure. Though I really liked the Under the lake lesson, because of the thrill, I loved pygmy puffs much more.
I learnt that keeping a calm head could save me from some very dangerous situations. I learnt how to deal with some dangerous creatures like Skrewt and Grindylows and Squid. This can prove to be very useful in later life, I’m sure.
Thank you Sir, for making this year’s CoMC lessons so exciting and fun I hope that next term too would be like this one.
jujune29th; 196269; Sophie Campbell; First year; Hufflepuff
Sophie was excited about the CoMC final. She had never had troubles with exams and whatnot back at her muggle school, and was looking forward to Hogwarts exams, since she knew some of them would consist on a practical part. "Hello, professor!" She smiled at him when she entered the barnyard. Her eyes were immediately drawn to the Pygmy Puffs. They were working with them again?? YAY! Sophie was even more excited now! She listened closely as professor Williamson gave the instructions.
That didn't sound difficult! Sophie went over to where the small creatures were and chose a bright orange Pygmy Puff this time. It looked really pretty! "Hey there, little one! You're coming with me!" She walked back to her spot, staring at the orange ball of fluff. It was adorable and really fluffy. Even fluffier than Lavender. "Bright orange... extremely fluffy... you must be a boy then!" Sophie told the Pygmy Puff as if it could understand her. "Let's see what you like to eat, mister!" Walking up to the table, Sophie remembered that Lavender was more into sweet foods, so she decided to try the same thing with... Orange Fluff. She looked around and grabbed a muffin. "Try this, Fluff!" She put the muffin in front of Orange Fluff and watched him sniffing it. ADORABLE, just like Lavender! Sophie's smile widened as Orange Fluff ate the whole muffin! "You seem to be hungry! Here, try this!" She now offered some grapes. The Pygmy Puff didn't even sniff the fruits and swallowed them whole. "Geesh, calm down, Orange Fluff! There's enough food here!" Sophie was impressed. This little creature was either really hungry or was a disguised ostrich! "Now thi-- CALM DOWN!" She wasn't even able to offer him anything else, the Puff had used his really long tongue to scoop some of the whipped cream from a pie. Sophie's eyes widened as she pulled Orange Fluff away from the table. She gave Orange Fluff some chips as watched it eat everything. "I think you're good now." She added walking further away from the table.
Sophie sat down and put Orange Fluff next to her. "You stay here while I , Orange Fluff!" She told it, doubting that the Pygmy Puff would obey her. While writing, Sophie checked to see if the creature was still next to her.
Text Cut: Parchment
The Pygmy Puff I picked today was bright orange and really fluffy. Because of these characteristics, I called him Orange Fluff. I know it is 'him' because of the brightness of its fur color and the fluffiness of it. Orange Fluff had no problems with any kind of food. He ate everything I offered him: grapes,a muffin and some chips. In fact, it probably wanted to taste more food, since he stuck his tonge out and had some whipped cream by himself. He is not picky at all and would eat everything from the table if I let him.
Pygmy Puffs won't harm you, they are very sweet creatures, but there will be sometimes that we will see ourselves in a very bad and dangerous situation. For example, while fishing. Fishing in the magical world, to be more specific. The reason I am saying this is because the person that is fishing can fall out of the boat and drown. If not drowning, he or she can encounter some dangerous creatures, like grindylow! In this kind of situation, the person should not panic. If possible, not do anything to harm and/or scare the creature. But, if the grindylow attacks for some reason, the wizard or witch must defend themselves. In this case, they could use a spell like "Relashio". It will not kill the grindylow, but will make it go away, so the witch or wizard will be safe without harming the creature!
This year I learned a lot of things, including these two stated above. Also, I noticed how fun it can be to have a pet, when they don't give you too much trouble. Us, humans, should take care of creatures, both magical and non magical. We can think and they can't, so we should not harm them, unless is extremely necessary for our own safety. Of course, I learned that we shouldn't always expect the best of creatures, because sometimes they do want to harm you. The best thing to do, then, is not to bother such creatures and leave them alone.
Ameliah nodded. Simple. Sh walked over to the cute little furballs. OMIGOSH?! "This one!" she decided on a particularly cute purple one. The little puff spun around happily, wanting to be chosen. She picked her up. "Hi girlie," she could tell it was a girl because it was bigger, duller-colored, and less fluffy than some of the others, "I'm Ameliah! I''l be experimenting on you!" She thoughtfully looked at her. She needs a name..."I'll call you... Pitz!!" Yeah. It's creative.
Ameliah walked to the food, Pitz on her shoulder, sniffing her curiously. She took a deep breath.
Ameliah started with a few slices of banana. The puff looked at it, then the red-head witch. SQUEEEAK she complained. "Alright, alright, we'll find something else." She then selected the raison bread. Pitz sniffed it, then looked at it in a would-be disgusted sort of face. Ameliah groaned. "You are so picky!" she sighed. "Last resort." She the picked up the one thing she knew no puff could resist-- a brownie. Pitz started to freak out! SQUEEE!! SQUEEE!! She ran down Ameliah's arm and onto the brwonie, devouring it happily. "Guess you're a sweets girl like me!"
She grabbed another (small) brownie to keep Pitz content while she wrote the essay.
Text Cut: ESSAY TIME!!!!
1. I chose a purple Pygmy Puff. I could tell it was a female because it had a duller coat, was a bit less fluffy, and was bigger. I called her Pitz, because I felt she needed a name.
Then, I began the practical portion. First, I tried the banana wheels. Pitz made a complaining squeak, sounding offended. I tried the bread next. The purple puff sniffed, and I thought she would eat it. But then she made a face that I assumed was of disgust. Finally, I tried the brownie. She LOVED the brownie, and ate it quickly.
2. I am horribly clumsy! There is a great chance I could fall into the lake. If I fell, grindylows would see it as a chance and grab me, trying to pull me to the bottom. In this case, I would definently not struggle. This would only egg on the water demons, making chance of escape next to impossible. I would reach for my wand (kept in my boot), and hold it at ready. I excel at nonverbal spells, so I would use Relashio. Doing so would release the grip, as grindylow fingers are brittle, and I could return to land.
3. I learned a lot in Care of Magical Creatures. I learned that dealing with dangerous creatures isn't all spell (which I was slightly disappointed about). You need to keep a cool head at the same time. I also learned about diversity. Many of the creatures we discussed had completely different physical traits, as well as different ideas. For example, Pitz refused several foods, while my pet puff, Mel, eats everything! I want to learn about creatures in the Forbidden Forest to further my knowledge of how to care for and confront different magical creatures. Thanks for a great term, Proffesor!
Last edited by ameliah_longbottom; 04-03-2012 at 11:59 PM.
Reason: had to do text cut
Anna Banana; 85591; Sierra Greingoth; 4th; Sytherin
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
So they were working with Pygmy Puffs today.
Yippy Skippy...
Sierra chose one she'd never worked with before and carried it with her to the stash of food. It honestly didn't matter which foods she chose, as all she'd really done before, in that one class earlier in the term, was try and pry the Puff off someone else's hair. Nevertheless, she chose a crescent roll, a grape, and a strawberry covered in whipped cream.
Sierra plopped the Puff onto her shoulder and headed back to her work area, food in hand. Once she'd deposited the food onto the desk, she gave her Puff a good look. It was purple and extra fluffy. She stared into its eyes and tried to figure out if it was a girl or a boy. She couldn't really tell right now, so she just shrugged and picked up the grape.
She then proceeded to put the Puff on one side of the desk and the grape on the other. She then sat back to see what the Puff would do. Nothing was the answer. Well, it may have stared at the grape a bit, trying to decide whether or not it liked it, but she guessed in the end the creature decided it didn't. When a good ten minutes passed and the Puff still seemed disinterested, Sierra put the grape off to the side then reached for the crescent roll.
Again, she sat back and watched. At least the Puff made an effort to cross the table, even if it did take it a good five minutes to do so. Rolling her eyes, Sierra mumbled at the Puff under her breath. "What a lazy pig," she said. Who ordered this pig?! Once the Puff finally reached the other side, Sierra became more alert and watched it interact with the crescent roll. It appeared to be sniffing at it, trying to figure out if it wanted to eat it or not. In the end, it ended up turning its nose up--literally--and walking back across the desk.
Sierra couldn't blame the Puff there. Crescent rolls were bland. Finally, Sierra placed the strawberry with whipped cream at the other end of the table. You'd have thought the Puff's fur was on fire or something. It dashed across the desk as if the doors to Macy's had finally opened on the day after Thanksgiving. Once it reached the strawberry, it dived straight onto it, picking away at it as fast as its little Puffy mouth could go. Sierra actually starting laughing under her breath a little. Weird little guy...
Yes, guy. She'd decided this Puff was a boy. Why? Well, duh. It was a lazy pig, it was a picky eater, and when it did decide to eat something, it ate it like a hog.
Done with this portion of the final, Sierra returned the Puff then sat down to write her essay.
Text Cut: Essay
Did you know that Pygmy Puffs like strawberries covered in whipped cream? Well, at least male Puffs do. I'm not sure about the female Puffs. Anyway, I tested three different foods with the Puff I chose: a grape, a crescent roll, and a strawberry covered in whipped cream. The first food I placed before the Puff was the grape. All the Puff did was stare at the grape. I even let ten minutes pass, but the Puff never showed any interest at all in the grape. Secondly, I placed the crescent roll toward the Puff. Let me add in here that my puff was L-A-Z-Y! It took him five whole minutes just to cross my desk! When it finally got there, it just sniffed at the crescent roll then turned his nose up. Finally, the Pygmy Puff came into contact with the strawberry covered in whipped cream. Professor, you'd have thought the Puff hadn't eaten in YEARS. It literally ran across the desk and jumped on the strawberry! This is how I figured out my Puff was a male. It was a lazy pig, it was a picky eater, and when it did decide to eat something, it ate it like a hog.
Sometimes during the summer months, I go swimming with my family. Now-a-days, it's just Mom, Dad, and I, but in the past, I lived in the same house my brother did. We'd go swimming together, and of course I'd just have to give him a hard time. So it's situations like this one that can put me underwater at any random time. I might challenge my brother to a race or dive down below the surface the pop up and startle him. Anything to give him a hard time, really. So let's just say that on one of these underwater excursions, I happen to come across a grindylow. Annoying, right? Anyway, I learned earlier in the year that you should keep calm when faced with a dangerous creature. If you get overly-excited, they might, too, and then that's what might make them want to attack. Secondly, if I did come in contact with one, and it was reaching for my legs or arms, I'd use Relashio to force it to lose its grip on me. Lastly, I'd get the heck out of dodge and leave my brother to deal with the rest of the grindylows.
In conclusion, I have learned that grindylows are selfish creatures that require a bit of manhandling to control, you should just chillax when faced with a dangerous creature (although, if a Nundu appeared, I may take three steps backward, turn around, and run to safety), and that Pygmy Puffs are picky eaters who like to squeak and pull hair. Oh, and when they find something they like to eat, it's possible they may take on the personality of a hog. In the future, I'd like to learn more about trolls. This is something we don't discuss a lot, so it might be interesting. Plus, I heard they're really stupid, so maybe you could bring some here and we could train them to clean up after us.
Finished. WOOT! Sierra gathered all the materials belonging to her, turned in her essay, and then left the room.
A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
Daichi was a bit reluctant to go to the CoMC final. He felt stupid at how he had behaved the previous lesson and the Slytherin could not help the embarrassed blush on his cheeks as he entered the barnyard. The look on his face could be described as anxiousness as he looked around for a sign of any....danger.... His eyes landed on the Professor who was seated on a chair with a somewhat dazed expression. Was everything alright with him? It wasn't the first time he had seen the man dazing off in to space during a lesson. But just as he was about to ask if he was fine the man smiled and waved making Daichi feel somewhat relieved. But not completely. If a Skrewt or any other fire breathing creature showed up he was out of here!
A loud squacking noise some to his left caught his attention and as he turned he saw the Pygmy Puffs. And after listening to the instructions the anxious look on his face faded away and turned in to one with joy. He loved Pygmy Puffs! Not as much as Ducks but Prefect Pymy Girl had been right, they were lovable. The Slytherin rushed over to the Puffs that were squacking away. He picked a bright lime green colored Puff and placed it on his shoulder. The Puff didn't like being on his shoulder and continued to climb upon the top of his head, making Daichi smile broadly before he headed towards the table with the delicious looking food.
His mouth watered at the sight and...the Professor wouldn't mind if he took a bite as well right? There was enough! Turning to look at Williamson he quickly stuffed his mouth with a piece of muffin and quickly ate it. Okay, now he had to pick three kinds of food for his Puff that he decided to call Dhany. Daichi grabbed another muffin, a piece of lettuce and a grape.
Holding the ingredients in his hands and Dhany sitting on the top of his head, Daichi made his way towards an empty table and placed the food down. He opened up his notebook and after he managed to place Dhany on the table as well he began to take notes. He remembered that the bright colored Puffs were usually classified as males. Because his Ducky Duck had a grey color and was a female. And now he looked better he thought that this Puff was fluffier. Daichi grabbed the grape and slowly reached with his hand to feed Dhany. The Puff was looking the other way however and did not seem to notice the grape. "Dhany..here" The puff turned around to look at him and before he had time to retreat his hand, Dhany had already jumped on it. It was clutching on his hand as if his life depended on it and began to eat from the grape. Well... atleast he liked it?
Dhany was still holding on on his hand even after he finished up his grape. The Slytherin tried to shake him off but it didn't work. With a loud sigh, Daichi decided to continue giving the food to it. Next was the muffin. He tore off a piece and showed it to the Puff who began to sniff on it before he turned away with a loud humming sound. Okaaaay... no muffin. HEH more for him~ Daichi ate the muffin himself and with a mouthful he took the piece of lettuce from the table. Dhany eyed the lettuce and began to nibble on it as if it had never tried this piece of food before and didn't know wether it was good or not. It didn't take long before Dhany decided that the lettuce was good and as he wrapped his little legs tighter around Daichi's hand he ate the lettuce with a rapid speed.
SPOILER!!: essay
1. I had decided to call the Pygmy Puff i am working with, Dhany. Which stands for Doesn't Have A Name Yet.. D.H.A.N.Y. My puff is a bright colored lime green puff and because of these colors i think it is a male. Dhany is very...clingy. Meaning when he had sat him on my shoulder on my way to the food table, he immediatelly climbed on top of my head. Not that it mattered though because i thought it was cute. I picked out three kinds of foods which were a grape, lettuce and a muffin. Dhany seemed to love the grape i gave him. It ate from it while clutching my hand but remember when i wrote he was clingy? Well, he continued to cling on my hand even after he had finished the grape. He wasn't very fond of the muffin however because he turned away from it so i decided to eat it. The lettuce was a piece of food he seemed like he had never tried before. At first it was nibbling on it curiously the next he was eating as fast as he could and he continued to cling on my hand with it's little legs.
2. Personally, i can not swim! I can swim with the help of gillyweed but not without it. So it would be very unlikely for me to be near water. But then again, i had fallen in the lake after a prank went wrong in my second year and a first year Snake together with the now Prefect Kennedy had saved me. Before the joint lesson with HoM and CoMC i would have panicked if Grindylows grabbed me. But after that class i realized that i need to try and stay calm and would use the Relashio spell to break free.
3. When you face with a dangerous creature you have to be relaxed. I think that if you show any signs of fear it will defenitely target you because i think they can sense it. Writting this down it easy, showing no fear and all but i know that i personally can not do that. So what i want to learn is, i want to become braver when coming in a situation like we had with the Skrewt. And i have to say i thought it was amazing how Kurumi and Arya kept their cool and i hope to be like that one day as well. With Pygmy Puffs i learned that brighter colored puffs are males and the darker colored are females. They like to bowl and eat so quickly even i cannot win from them...
Daichi smiled at his essay and placed the table. Now he needed to try and get Dhany off of his hand. "Dhany~ i like you too but..." The Slytherin bit his lower lip as the Puff was still clutching on his hand and looked at him with those cute adorable eyes. "Okay..but be quiet" Daichi whispered and walked to the other puffs and PRETENDED to place Dhany with them. But in reality he was hiding the Puff under his robe and trying to keep is face straight, the Slytherin gave the Professor his essay and bowed. "Thank you for the ...some great...some horrible lessons this year Professor~" he said with quickly and with on last bow he rushed out of the barnyard with a humming bright colored pygmy puff hidden inside his robe.