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The charms classroom was clean and bright and ready for the first lesson of the year and Professor Schirmer was waiting at the front of the class for the students to arrive.
Was she in a good mood? Well she was ALMOST smiling, at least.
The desks are set up in the usual way, no funny business today.
ooc: sorry for the time conversion confusion O_O I do not know how I got it so messed up, I'm totally usually an expert. I blame posting the notice before I was awake.
Don't worry if you can't join in from the beginning, this lesson will last through the weekend and this first post will be updated as the lesson progresses.
Questions so far: What should firsties know about charms? What do we know about incantations? How do we make a spell and its effects cease? Why do you think we will want to use Finite and NOT Finite Incantatem as the counterspell today? What do you know about Gripping Charms and what do you think they'd be useful for? The gripping charm you will learn today has the incantation 'Prehenso'. Can anyone guess how the meaning of this incantation relates to its purpose? Can you think of any related English words?
ooc instructions for practising activity can be found here and here
Class is OVER but come and play CAPTURE THE FLAG! This will be your homework and the game is worth 20 points each!
Browncoat l Extra Syrup l Kita's Strong Confident Other Half l Lemon Patch
Arya streeeeeetched like she'd just woken, but really she was just sore from having been in the library not long ago. It was a foreign way for the prefect to spend her morning, but she had her reasons.
A lazy smile was sent over to the professor as she made her way in, "Morning, Professor Schirmer."
She took her usual seat front and close to the center, and after unpacking all her things, she fiddled with her tie and waited absently for the first lesson to begin.
♥ I won't pass up on the danger ♥ I'd miss out on the fun ♥_____ ______________♥We'll live while we're young ♥ We'll chase down the sun ♥_________________________
Angelina smiled and walking into the Charms classroom. It was her first class of her second year at Hogwarts and she hoped she was better this year... She picked a spot in the middle of the classroom and sat down. Maybe she would see some of her friends in here... they never really talked about if they would be in charms or not. Smiling she looked up and said, "Good day Professor!"
There's some good in this world and it's worth fighting for| LOTR|Whovian|Sherlock Fan
Originally Posted by Bazinga
Minerva walked into the classroom. First class of the new term her anxiety was up a bit. "Hello Professor" she smiled and then found her seat waiting for one of her friends to hopefully come soon.
Alyssa entered the Charms classroom for the first time this term. It was definitely good to be back. She saw the Professor as she waited at the front of the class. Alyssa walked up to her and greeted her,"Good morning, Professor Schirmer. It is good to be back in Charms class again." Then she looked over and saw Minnie sitting at one of the desks. She walked over to her and asked,"Mind if sit next to you, Minnie or are you saving this spot for Harvey?" Alyssa whispered.
Emmaleigh entered the charms classroom, eager for the first lesson of the year to start. She had been distracted the previous year, and felt like she hadn't learned a thing, but now she was determined study hard and do her best. And hard work was just the thing she needed to get her mind off of the events of the summer. Heading to a seat near the front, dropping her bag at her feet, she sat and greeted the woman in front of her. "Morning Professor Schirmer. "
So many things are possible
just as long as you don't know they're impossible
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88
Alyssa entered the Charms classroom for the first time this term. It was definitely good to be back. She saw the Professor as she waited at the front of the class. Alyssa walked up to her and greeted her,"Good morning, Professor Schirmer. It is good to be back in Charms class again." Then she looked over and saw Minnie sitting at one of the desks. She walked over to her and asked,"Mind if sit next to you, Minnie or are you saving this spot for Harvey?" Alyssa whispered.
Minerva yawned a bit "Of course you can sit by me Alyssa. Harvey can sit on the other side." she smiled "It's so good to be back in class."
Laci came into class with a bouquet of gerber daisies. Skipping in the door (heels and all) she went right up to the teacher and handed her a BRIGHT RED ONE. And a smile of course, then her greeting... She couldn't forget it now... "Hello professor, I'd like to start this new school experience off right with a small gift from me. Thank you for taking time to educate me." SMILE!!! And, promise, those AREN'T the one's that squirt water, though those are lovely.
'Cause I saw the moon fall I watched the colors
Fade from everything, as winter stays...
Angelina smiled and walking into the Charms classroom. It was her first class of her second year at Hogwarts and she hoped she was better this year... She picked a spot in the middle of the classroom and sat down. Maybe she would see some of her friends in here... they never really talked about if they would be in charms or not. Smiling she looked up and said, "Good day Professor!"
TAylor saw Angelina, "Hey Angelina." She smiled and waved. They were sitting close to each other. Taylor was excited to see that they were in charms together.
Shel's owner<3 / SSRPG wanderer // Nat luffs you ^^/ Half Slyther half dor =))
Tennessee was ready for her first day of classes. "Good day Professor Schirmer," Tennessee greeted with a smile. She went to find a perfect seat for her and behaved herself. She didn't want to lose points especially not on the first day. She didn't forget to read the code of conduct for Charms. She watched as students filled the class and chatted to their old friends.
There's some good in this world and it's worth fighting for| LOTR|Whovian|Sherlock Fan
Originally Posted by Bazinga
Minerva yawned a bit "Of course you can sit by me Alyssa. Harvey can sit on the other side." she smiled "It's so good to be back in class."
Alyssa smiled and quickly took her seat."Thanks. Yes it is."she whispered back before taking out her journal, quill and ink bottle and placing them on the desk in front of her. She then waited for class to start.
Cornelius waltzed his way into the Charms classroom curiously, rather excited for his first Hogwarts class as a new student. He wasn't quite sure what to expect, but he was ready, or so he hoped. He had all of his supplies, held in the school bag he had slung over his shoulder casually. He wasn't entirely sure how soon class would be starting, but as he glanced over the many seats, he recognized that there would be a few minutes until the entire class arrived. A small smile on his features, he found an empty desk towards the middle of the room, not too far from a couple other students, and set down his book bag before starting towards the front of the classroom to greet the professor and introduce himself.
"Good morning, Professor Schirmer," he greeted with a grin and a nod, "I just wanted to introduce myself. I'm Cornelius Rune, I'm new this year. Looking forward to your class." He wasn't sure if introductions were necessary, but he also didn't want to just plop down in her class and be seen as disrespectful! With these words said, he started back towards his seat, realizing that other students might want to greet her as well. After removing his book bag, he plopped down into his desk and took out the necessary things for the class.
Kennedy made his way to the first Charms lesson of the term. He was actually looking forward to it that it showed in the bounce of his step. He was ready and THIS time he was going to do something he's never done. Not once in his entire life.
He was going to use a quill.
Last term the boy had been so stubborn that he refused to use quills as a writing utensil and used a pencil instead, but not anymore. His Godfather had given him a neat set of quills as a present for getting Prefect-ship.
He entered the classroom and walked to the front row seats. Anyone who knew him would know that he always preferred those seats. "Good morning, Professor Schirmer," he smiled. Yes, he finally knew all the professor's names, except for those who were new.
Carigan wore her fresh new uniform on the first day of classes. The sun was shining bright on the beautiful September day. She looked down at her schedule and saw that her charms lesson was about to begin. She walked into the classroom and went not quite in the front to seem too eager, but not quite the middle of the classroom either.
"Good day, professor." She said as she sat down. She set a flamingo quill and a roll of parchment onto the desk as well as her silver inkwell, just in case she needed to take notes. She pulled her wand from her wand pocket and sat that next to her quill. Everything was in readiness for the class and she sat quietly, waiting for class to begin.
No, Ellie was not going to drop a class just because she disliked the teacher. She'd grown more mature than that. But was she mature enough to put on a smile and greet the woman she disliked so much? No.
Which was why Ellie silently walked past Schirmer, avoiding eye contact, and took a seat in the back.
She just wanted to learn some charms today, okay? Okay.
Messer was really eager to go to his first class which happen to be Charm. It mean he'll finally use his new wand. He simply bounced along the way towards the Charm classroom. He entered the classroom with a wide grin in his face. "Hello, Professor." he greeted the Charm professor with a bright smile.
Then when Messer was about to find himself an empty seat, he saw a very familiar face. Ellie! He quickly made his way to Ellie. "Hello, Ellie. Mind if I sit here?" he pointed to the empty seat next to Ravenclaw captain.
All of the love for tomorrow______________________________________________ I know we're gonna be stronger than you'll ever known
Treyen gave one nod to Schirmer and said the usual 'Good day, Professor' before making his way to the back of the classroom. Seriously, Arya could've done the same.
Where had she been all morning, by the way?
Right. Charms. He wasn't particularly fond of the class but if he wanted to pass his NEWT exams, then he'd be better off NOT skipping lessons. So, Professor Schirmer, you were lucky to have him sitting here.
TAylor saw Angelina, "Hey Angelina." She smiled and waved. They were sitting close to each other. Taylor was excited to see that they were in charms together.
Angelina slowly looked over at Taylor and said, "Hey!" She waved back as well. She was very happy she wasn't going to be alone now in Charms.
Entering the classroom, Isaac wondered how his very first class ever in a classroom would go. Would he get antsy, nervous, spout off nonsense because he was nervous? Who knew, he didn't even really look around to see if anyone he knew was there yet. Finding an empty seat he sat down taking out his book, parchment, and a quill, placing his wand beside them. Was that what you were supposed to do?
His mum hadn't really used books when teaching him charms or transfiguration, just showed him the spell and helped him learn it. Glancing around at the other students he was too nervous to really say anything to anyone.
Messer was really eager to go to his first class which happen to be Charm. It mean he'll finally use his new wand. He simply bounced along the way towards the Charm classroom. He entered the classroom with a wide grin in his face. "Hello, Professor." he greeted the Charm professor with a bright smile.
Then when Messer was about to find himself an empty seat, he saw a very familiar face. Ellie! He quickly made his way to Ellie. "Hello, Ellie. Mind if I sit here?" he pointed to the empty seat next to Ravenclaw captain.
"Hi Messer," Ellie smiled at the boy. Yes, she could smile at the kid, but not the professor. Maybe it would make Schirmer jealous. Maybe.
Probably not.
Actually, considering Ellie's feelings toward the professor, she probably wasn't the best person for Messer to sit next to. However, if he wanted to, "Not at all. Go ahead." She just....will have positive things to say about the subject only, should Messer want her opinion. She still liked the subject.
a practical person, who may be considered a perfectionist,
perhaps you like being organised or paying close attention to detail, you are...
Nikolas woke up feeling not so happy to go to class and while walking to the classroom he yawned several times but tried not to do it once he was inside the room. He knew he had failed his favorite subject the Charms OWL but wasn't giving up on the subject, it wasn't that hard still he didn't knew the reason why he failed.
"Morning professor" he smiled and looked for a seat, ready to start another school year.
||Delta Goodrem Lover || Emma Watson Lover | | RavenPuff || 1 of 4 Amigos ||
Text Cut: Ame, Minnie and Alyssa
Originally Posted by PhoenixAuror169
Amethyst walked into the room, blushing as always. She was nervous, even though she had attended one of Schirmer's classes before. She smiled at the professor as she walked by, not wanting to be rude or anything. "Good Morning Professor..Hope your day is going well.." She noticed Butterfly and took the seat next to her waving, not saying a word. She didn't want to get she or Butterfly in trouble.
Originally Posted by Bazinga
Minerva walked into the classroom. First class of the new term her anxiety was up a bit. "Hello Professor" she smiled and then found her seat waiting for one of her friends to hopefully come soon.
Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88
Alyssa entered the Charms classroom for the first time this term. It was definitely good to be back. She saw the Professor as she waited at the front of the class. Alyssa walked up to her and greeted her,"Good morning, Professor Schirmer. It is good to be back in Charms class again." Then she looked over and saw Minnie sitting at one of the desks. She walked over to her and asked,"Mind if sit next to you, Minnie or are you saving this spot for Harvey?" Alyssa whispered.
Originally Posted by Bazinga
Minerva yawned a bit "Of course you can sit by me Alyssa. Harvey can sit on the other side." she smiled "It's so good to be back in class."
Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88
Alyssa smiled and quickly took her seat."Thanks. Yes it is."she whispered back before taking out her journal, quill and ink bottle and placing them on the desk in front of her. She then waited for class to start.
Harvey entered the first Charms class of his second year at Hogwarts "Hello Professor Schirmer. How are you?" he greeted his professor although he could see that it may have been a dumb question to ask.. but it was asked and he couldnt do anything about it.. so he looked around the room for her.. and saw her but she was not alone.. he walked to the two girls and as he did he noticed Ame sitting next to a girl and he gave a nod as he walked past greeting her silently.. he didnt want trouble in this first lesson so he took his seat next to Minnie after greeting Ame "Hello girls.. how are you both today" he whispered to them both... as he took out what he needed for the class today..
"Good day, professor." She said as she sat down. She set a flamingo quill and a roll of parchment onto the desk as well as her silver inkwell, just in case she needed to take notes. She pulled her wand from her wand pocket and sat that next to her quill. Everything was in readiness for the class and she sat quietly, waiting for class to begin.
Sophie entered the classroom skipping happily. She stopped, looked up to Professor Schirmer. "Good morning, professor!" she said smiling. Then turned around to look for a seat. She saw that Carigan was already there and rushed to sit beside her. "Hey there, Carigan!" she said taking her stuff out of her bag and putting it over the table right in front of her. She was excited and ready to go! Woop!