-   Term 30: January - April 2012 (
-   -   Charms Capture the Flag! (

TeafortheSoul 01-11-2012 12:29 AM

Charms Capture the Flag!

The grounds have become an arena of sorts for a game. Professor Schirmer has set up an area where students can prepare for the game and learn the rules. You are currently on a large grassy area not far from the Quidditch Pitch. There are seats here if you need to sit down while you're getting ready to play.

To practice the gripping charm, students are encouraged to play a modified version of capture the flag. The flags are coloured rectangular pieces of cloth, (with no sticks attached for safety reasons) and the cloth is very slippery and hard to grab hold of without the gripping charm. There is one flag for each house, and each house has a 'territory' to defend.

The object of the game is to sneak into enemy territory and take their flag. The winning team is the team with the most flags (there is one per house) in their possession at the end of the game.

Each house has a territory. Within this territory you will have to guard your flag and attempt to stop other players from capturing it and escaping to their own territory.

Each territory also contains a 'jail'. If you're captured by another house, you'll have to go to their jail (in their territory) and hang out there until someone from your team rescues you.

Capture the Flag Gameplay:
1. Its a good idea to split into attacker and defender groups within your team. Attackers and defenders can switch jobs as needed.

2. Attempt to sneak into enemy territory and find and capture the enemy flag, and then race back without being caught if you are an attacker.

3.Hide around your flag or along the border and try to intercept and catch any opposing players who sneak into your territory if you are a defender.

4. Capture enemy players by tagging them while they are in your territory

5. Win by capturing the most flags by the end of the game and safely stowing them in your territory. Flags can be recaptured!

6. Captured enemy players can be put in 'jail' in your territory, by tagging them when they are trying to get your flag.

7. Rescue housemates by sneaking into another territory finding the jail, tagging your teammate, then racing back to your own territory.

Role Play Instructions
  • See how there are neutral territories? They are there for a reason! If you make a raid into another territory and successfully capture a flag, you must make at least three posts in any one neutral territory before returning the flag to your own territory. These posts may NOT be all in a row. In other words, you need to wait for someone else to post before you post again.

  • Title your posts appropriately

  • You may NOT RP outcomes where it concerns capturing other people or capturing the flag. You can say your character tried to tag someone or reached for someone, but you can't say that you caught them for sure. With the flag, you will only have possession of one when the FLAGS! account quotes your post.

  • You MAY use spells to hinder other teams or to help your own housemates, but you may NOT injure anyone and the spells in question MUST be charms.

  • You MUST show your character applying the gripping charm in order to earn any points for this 'assignment'

  • Does your character want a break or some help with their charms? THIS thread is for RPing in. It is a 'safe zone' and you cannot be captured here, or bring the flag here.

    As long as you do your best to have your character follow the game rules, you can earn points. Remember this game is RP based, so you are free to make longer posts and really get into the fun of it with your character's friends.


Important Information:
Where can I play?
You may choose from:
The Front Gate - Gryffindor Territory!
The Lake - Neutral Territory!
The Vegetable Patch -Neutral Territory!
The Whomping Willow - Hufflepuff Territory!
The Duck Pond - Neutral Territory!
The corridor to the courtyard - Neutral Territory!
The Courtyard - Ravenclaw Territory!
The Lake - Neutral Territory!
The Pathways - Neutral Territory!
The Topiary Garden - Slytherin Territory!

If you want to play, you need to wear the appropriate house avatar:

How should I title my posts?
Flag! -for when you have the flag
Flag capture attempt!- for when you are trying to catch it
Enemy capture! - for when you're trying to catch an opposing team member. You can only do this when they're on your territory, and are making a grab for the flag.
Jail! - when you've been captured and are waiting to be released by a team mate.
Jailbreak! - for when you are rescuing house mates from an enemy territory.

You will earn points for the following:
Capturing the flag! -you will be quoted by the FLAGS! account so you will KNOW if you have the flag. You may only RP attempting to grab it, not that you caught it

Helping your housemates! -Freeing them from 'jail', helping a classmate get away with an opposing team's flag

Capturing an opposing house member! -if an opposing team member is in your house territory, you can try to tag them, and if they get caught they'll have to wait in the designated area until someone frees them.

Playing realistically! - that means getting caught sometimes, and not magically winning the game in one post! Those flags are tricky and might just wriggle away from you if you try this!

RPing for fun! - Yes the objective is to win, but its also to practice the gripping charm. That flag is awfully slippery!

No cloning! - The game is happening ALL at the SAME time. So your character can only be in one place as you play!

You will lose points for the following:
Hurting others
Bad sportsmanship

Remember that Site Rules apply at all times.
The game will end at some time on Sunday 15th January. The professor will call you all back to this thread when it is done!

A reminder:
The incantation for the gripping charm is 'Prehenso'
The wand movement is a twist and a tap

You are to cast this CHARM on your HAND so that you are able to GRIP the flag!

The incantation for the counter-charm is 'Finite'
The wand movement is a point

TeafortheSoul 01-11-2012 11:23 PM

After the ten minute break was up, Professor Schirmer led the way down to the grounds and waited for the students to meet her.

"Alright everyone, listen up, it is important you follow the rules when you are playing, and especially important that you remember this game is about applying the gripping charm you just learned AND about having fun. Any questions before we begin? Does anyone need a reminder about how to perform the gripping charm and counter-charm?"

OOC: Please read the instructions, but pay particular attention to the Role Play Instructions and the section on what will earn you points. This game is more about RPing than it is about winning! Points will be awarded based on having fun and taking your time, as well as for following the rules. I'm available for questions, you can VM me! Or ask Professor Schirmer in this thread!

Orla 01-12-2012 12:07 AM

LuLu followed proffeser schirmer outside, and stood there waiting for somthing very educational and BANG w-what, she was doing capture the flag? HER??? WHAT.. she loked generally conffused but excited cause it was a bit of fun.. She grinned at the proffeser and took her wand out "Finite," twist and tap she said pointing at her hand this would be good

Somnium 01-12-2012 12:10 AM

Taylor followed the professor. When the professor told them what game there were playing, she got excited.

ShadowButterfly 01-12-2012 12:13 AM

Butterfly followed the professer. She twisted and tapped while pointing at her hand,"Finite." She was ready and she headed to her territory in the the topiary garden.

TeafortheSoul 01-12-2012 12:16 AM

Althea eyed the students as they started trickling in. "You need to put the gripping charm ON your hand, not take it off." Then she smiled encouragingly.

Orla 01-12-2012 12:19 AM

Right "Prehenso," twist and tap "Sorry proffeser," she smiled and blushed ever so slightly

Somnium 01-12-2012 12:20 AM

TAylor put prehenso on her hand and got ready to play.

ShadowButterfly 01-12-2012 12:29 AM

How do we put the house colors on?
She blushed at her mistake she twisted and tapped while pointing at her hand,"Prehenso." She was ready to play.

Deezerz 01-12-2012 12:35 AM

Kennedy nodded and pulled out his wand. This was actually pretty exciting, although he wondered if he worked well under pressure. Hopefully the answer was yes, but the only way to discover this by playing the game.

He pointed his wand at his hand and gave a twirl and tap, "Prehenso," he said. There, he was REEEEADY.

iBeJenn 01-12-2012 12:39 AM

Oh yeah, Selena was so ready for this game. What did they have to do anyways? Just take a silly flag? Couldn't possibly be that hard, right? Selena finished off the last of her own chocolate frog, tossing the box into her bag. She took out her wand as she chewed. After swallowing, she cleared her throat. "Prehenso," Selena said, twisting and tapping her wand against her free hand. Oh yeah. Slytherin was so going to win.

Because they were Slytherins and Slytherins were cool. Just like hugs and chocolate frogs.

Con_Stripes 01-12-2012 12:41 AM

Yeah Corey was SO up for this. He thought he had the hang of the charm too, even though 'his' wand still sometimes didn't like to cooperate with him.

"Prehenso." He twisted and tapped his wand against his palm and then when it tingled, he did a fist pump. Yeah that's right wand, you DO what we tell you.

Ready, he headed off to the Topiary Garden.

AlwaysDance 01-12-2012 12:45 AM

Isabelle pulled her wand out of her pocket and twisted and tapped on her hand. "Prehenso," she said. Now Izzy was ready to play the game. She was super excited, she had not played capture the flag in forever. Isabelle couldn't wait to sneak into the enemy territory. Mwahahaha.

Holmesian Feline 01-12-2012 12:50 AM

Once the break was up, Gideon followed Professor Schirmer out of the castle and onto the grounds, the Gryffindor still quite curious as to what was up. It was only when they finally stopped in a clear grassy area that it became a bit clearer in what they would be doing. They were going to be playing Capture the Flag and using the gripping charm to help them. It certainly sounded like a fun way to practice and test the spells out.

Figuring his right hand was a better option for the spell seeing as he prefered to use it for grabbing quaffles and such, he switched his wand into his left hand. "Prehenso..." he cast, aiming a twist and a tap to his palm and feeling the tingling as he grabbed for his wand.

Now to head off...the boy walking off to find a place to start.

Jezabel Black 01-12-2012 01:10 AM

Jez was more excited about this than she should have been. She skidded to a halt near the other Ravenclaws, noticing that there were a lot more Slytherins, one Gryffindor, but no Hufflepuffs yet. Hmm, if no Puffs showed up, they could easily go for that first, although she'd like more Ravenclaws - just one more would be good. Then they could all travel in pairs, helping each other out. But she was getting ahead of herself on tactics. First came the charm. Jez decided to do it on her left hand, since she wanted her wand in her right and she didn't necessarily want to be stuck to it. Flexibility was key here. So she twisted and tapped. "Prehenso." There - left hand able to grip things. Now she just had to remember not to grab anything else ...

Originally Posted by Orla
Right "Prehenso," twist and tap "Sorry proffeser," she smiled and blushed ever so slightly


Originally Posted by Cassandra
Taylor put prehenso on her hand and got ready to play.

She tapped the Ravenclaws on the shoulder. "We should go for the Hufflepuffs first," she said in a low voice so the other houses couldn't hear them. "There's none here right now, we have a good chance of getting them. Since you," she pointed at the third-year, "are older and I'm assuming more experienced, maybe you should stay with the flag to protect it. If two people go to get the other flag, and one is caught, the other can make a rescue attempt." It sounded sane to her.

Uncle Moose 01-12-2012 01:13 AM

What!?!?!? Capture the Flag, this was starting to be the greatest year in Hogwarts for Oakey and he had only attended it for two years! TWO YEARS!

Taking his wand out he cast he pointed it at his right hand. Prehenso he said as the familiar feeling went through his right hand.

Mad Eye Touz 01-12-2012 01:14 AM

Aspen squinted at her wand, already a million and seven ideas on how to capture a flag. The problem was execution. If they could team up, with say... the Gryffindors... to do the grunt work, this would be SO much easier. But alas, Aspen could, perhaps, do some of her own dirty work.

First things first: charm her hand.

"Prehenso," she cast, her wrist turning JUST so, a practiced motion that become second nature.

Grip on!

Aspen tucked her wand away and casually wandered off.

Tazzie 01-12-2012 01:16 AM

The ten minute break was up. And Professor Schirmer was already standing there in a certain area in the Hogwarts Grounds.

Beezus read the rules all about the game they were playing and was once she had understood and glued on her mind everything, she pulled out her wand from its new amethyst colored holster. "Prehenso!" she muttered, with a twist and tap from her wand on her right hand. She was set to do the game now.

HOPEendures 01-12-2012 01:17 AM

"Prehenso," twist and tap. Jezzabelle's left hand tingled for a little and she pocketed her wand because she wasn't going to need it now. She disappeared to find a place to begin...or maybe she should find the rest of the Gryffindor's and they should plan. Oh now she was conflicted. She wandered off heading for neutral territory.

Jessiqua 01-12-2012 01:22 AM

Zhenya gathered with the others and cast the 'Prehenso' charm on her hand. She had that newly familiar feeling, and she ran off to join her Slytherin team mates.

natethegreat 01-12-2012 01:38 AM

Nate takes out his wand and points it at his hand saying "Prehenso." He then heads off to the whomping willow to meet with Oakey.

TeafortheSoul 01-12-2012 02:00 AM

OOC: Please don't clone. Its all at the same time so your character CANT be in more than one place at once. :)

slytherus 01-12-2012 02:20 AM

Games were fun. Capture a flag should be no problem for him. Hades will be the attacker. That was more like him. Sneaking around to fetch something. Hufflepuff was his first target, of course. Smirking to himself, Hades took out his wand, made twisting and tapping motions with it on his left hand. "Prehenso," he said performing the charm on his left hand.

Now, ready for some action.

TeafortheSoul 01-12-2012 02:24 AM

Was that a stupefy or two she heard being fired off in the distance?" The professor frowned. Hurting other students was against the rules and she would take points if it continued.

PatInTheHat 01-12-2012 02:27 AM

The Puff prefect was sooo excited about this game that if she hadn't needed to cast at her hand, she would have been bouncing on her toes. But she did. And she was. She did a little twist and tapped her hand. "Prehenso."

She glanced around once, and then wandered off in a no particular direction.

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