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-   -   BOOfire By The Lake (

Cassirin 12-05-2010 01:38 AM

BOOfire By The Lake
It seems the prefects have been hard at work this year on yet another event for the residents of Hogwarts. A pile of wood sits beside the lake lit up with a fire that can be viewed from the duck pond. Nearby is a pile of blankets for the students to pick out for sitting if they so chose, and a table laden with skewers and food for the hungry few. There's the makings for smores, hotdogs, chips, and drinks covering the table as well as napkins and plates for eating on.

The clear focal point of this bonfire, however, is the stage also beside the lake. It's devoid of props and decorations for now. But it does have an eerie sort of feel about it that makes you wonder just what it is the prefects have in store for you.

Lockhartian 02-22-2012 03:16 AM

Nighttime seemed like the most suitable of times to gather students, right? At least this year was beginning to feel that way.

There were no telescopes around, so Roslund had nothing to do with this. Vashtiiiii on the other haaaand...

...anyway, the Head Boy was simply making sure the fire won't be extending to the surrounding areas of this particular spot, he was sure they added too much wood to it...Keefer's idea. To add more wood.

The sky was free of stars, the moon was barely visible, which gave the fire a spooky look as it was the only thing that gave light to this place.

TakemetotheBurrow 02-22-2012 03:19 AM

Ella saw the notice about the boofire and headed down to the lake, excited and a bit nervous to see what the prefects had in store. She smiled at the sight of the fire, thinking of campfires and camping trips with her family. As she got closer, she saw the pile of blankets and picked one up, wrapping it around her body. The fire was warm but it still was a chilly night. She eyed the stage nervously, wondering what exactly was going to happen up there. Probably ghost stories, Ella thought with a shiver.

natethegreat 02-22-2012 03:19 AM

Nate saw a bonfire in the distance. So of course since he loves fire he came to it like a moth would come to light. He was wondering what it was. He looked around. He loved fire so of course he sat down by it. He then started to stare at it. But not to long or else it would damage his eyes. That would not end well. So he just sat there looking at the fire. He would wait until he would eventually get pulled into a conversation to start to interact with other people. Right now all he would be doing is sitting by the fire watching people come.

Bazinga 02-22-2012 03:28 AM

Minerva was surprised they were doing something outside so close to all the issues that happened at the balloon party, but she wasn't going to miss the fun so she walked with some of the other puffs to the boofire.

PatInTheHat 02-22-2012 03:42 AM

Head boy
Arya had come early, just to get the good marshmallows. The prefect wasn't pigging out while the students started to arrive, but she was looking mighty comfortable on a spare blanket with her skewer half in the blazing fire. She was totally ready for this...

But who was to say anything would be left over when it was done?

She wanted to have something before... yeah.

"Want one of these?"

iBeJenn 02-22-2012 03:49 AM

Selena was early as was Kent. And not Clarke. The lazy cruppy was being lazy and sitting in his little bed. Bad cruppy, Selena believed. Selena skipped down towards the "Boo-fire" humming to herself. She wanted chocolate and cookies and marshmallows. And if they didn't have chocolate... it was okay because Selena did in her bag and they were yummy. Selena also painted her face green. Because it was cool.

"HEEEELLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~" Selena called out to everyone with a wave of her arm, Kent on her head as she grinned at eveeeerrryone. Because everyone needed to know she was here.

And that her face was green. Because she was cool.

momentai 02-22-2012 03:50 AM

Julien sauntered his way on down in the direction of the bonfire. To be honest, he wasn't entirely into things like these...but, fires were just so entrancing. He would be flat out lying if he were to say that he wasn't curious.

There better be marshmallows. A bonfire was not a bonfire without marshmallows. Bonfires without marshmallows were abominations...

He paused when he was finally close enough and looked around. It seemed that there were others here as well. Guess he wasn't the only that was curious.

Holmesian Feline 02-22-2012 03:56 AM

Another nighttime outing.

Perhaps this one would end a little better then the last one had. At least it was a little warmed though weather or the fact that the fire was kicking up a decent amount of heat one couldn't be sure. Whatever the reason, Gideon had decided to head down to the campfire gathering , once more dressed in sweats, shirt and scarf. Once he had reached the spot, the 5th year took in the surroundings in an attempt to see what might be going on. including fixing for smores...Stage?

The last item certainly caught him off guard and unexpected. Where they in for a little nighttime theater? Or something of the more...questionable kind of entertainment?

SilverDragon 02-22-2012 03:58 AM

Silvia made her way in the dark towards the fire burning by the lake. After what had happened with the sleepover party not too long ago she wondered how tonight would end. Hopefully whatever was going wrong in the forest wouldn't be a problem this evening.

It was still chilly out at this time of year, so when Silvia reached the lakeside she sat on a blanket near the fire. She looked around; a few students had arrived before her. It was pretty quiet at the moment. It felt slightly eerie, but Silvia didn't mind so much; she sort of liked this feeling as long as she knew there wasn't any danger. Whatever they were doing tonight, it seemed like it was going to be fun.

Lockhartian 02-22-2012 04:21 AM

and all of you.
Text Cut: Arya

Originally Posted by grangerfan8 (Post 10924044)
Arya had come early, just to get the good marshmallows. The prefect wasn't pigging out while the students started to arrive, but she was looking mighty comfortable on a spare blanket with her skewer half in the blazing fire. She was totally ready for this...

But who was to say anything would be left over when it was done?

She wanted to have something before... yeah.

"Want one of these?"


Why was she always trying to feed him?

He still could refuse...but...well, a marshmallow couldn't hurt, and he liked those. So, he might as well take a couple. Only ONE marshmallow per person, okay Julien? Just ONE.

"Sure." He smiled. Wand-work around the bonfire done.

Hufflepuff one. Hufflepuff two. Hufflepuff three. All Hufflepuffs? They were the curious bunch, huh? He smiled at Nate and Minnie. Ella too, although Treyen was more concerned about the nervousness she displayed.

It was Selena the one that got his mind back on track with such a greeting, "HEEEEY, Prefect." And she had green face. Good. Oh, GREETINGS. That's right. "You guys are welcome to grab something to eat, by the way." Eyes on the few who were already sitting near him. He was still short ONE Head Girl, anyway, so they could start by taking some food, if they so wished.

HaRoHeGiNeLu 02-22-2012 04:22 AM

Honestly, she couldn't remember how she got roped into this. Not the bonfire. But the dress. The disgusting excess of material flowing from her waist. Ellie was not happy.

She stood by the stage, not sitting because she couldn't figure out how to sit in this, with her head down, frowning at the skirt part. She couldn't keep from pulling at it. It was just...weird and strange and she was not happy with it.

But she was wearing it. Because she was a good Captain or supportive person or something. Whatever.

Chocolate didn't even seem like it would help right now.

Cedric 02-22-2012 04:31 AM

Ohh. Oh, oh, oh.

Paulie could see the bright, alluring flames of the bonfire from across the grounds. It's like they were saying.. 'Come hereeeeeee, Paulie.' And, surely, Paulie would do so. Who could resist? Bonfires were always so much fun, and he rather liked the burnt wood scent that stuck to one's clothes afterward.

So, with his hands shoved in his jeans pockets, the Gryffindor started for the bright, beckoning fire.

Uncle Moose 02-22-2012 04:36 AM

It's Bonfire not Boofire what an awful misspelling(Shame shame shame) Who wants to RP
Oakey came down to the Lake.This whole Bonfire idea sounded fun and he needed that. Fun seemed to be missing from his life with all the classes and his recent run-ins with a couple of the Forbidden Forrest creatures, he even considered not coming out at all if it weren't for the Bonfire.

Harvey's Birthday was coming up soon and he needed to think of something real nice to get for his Foster Father. He grabbed one of the blankets and laid it down on the ground. Taking his place on it he looked up and watched the smoke rise into the cloudy dark sky.

ShadowButterfly 02-22-2012 04:51 AM

She walked over to the bonfire and sat near it, but out of everyone's way.

momentai 02-22-2012 05:04 AM

There was FOOD? Julien approached the table that had the food on it. Marshmallows...marshmallows...THERETHEYWERE.

Julien looked to his left. Then he looked to his right. No one was watching.

Being the greedy sneak that he was, Julien picked up the entire bowl of marshmallows and walked away. Be smooth. Don't act suspicious. Walk. Keep walking. Almost away...


Originally Posted by ShadowButterfly (Post 10924103)
She walked over to the bonfire and sat near it, but out of everyone's way.

In his attempt to make a smooth getaway, Julien noticed a young girl sitting near the fire and very much away from the crowd that there was. Well, that just wasn't right. Hmm..

Julien looked down at HIS bowl of marshmallows and then at the girl. Oh, he supposed he could share. Just this once. " want a marshmallow? I got plenty." A whole bowl's worth!

FireboltAvis88 02-22-2012 05:28 AM


Originally Posted by MyPatronusIsaMoose (Post 10924092)
Oakey came down to the Lake.This whole Bonfire idea sounded fun and he needed that. Fun seemed to be missing from his life with all the classes and his recent run-ins with a couple of the Forbidden Forrest creatures, he even considered not coming out at all if it weren't for the Bonfire.

Harvey's Birthday was coming up soon and he needed to think of something real nice to get for his Foster Father. He grabbed one of the blankets and laid it down on the ground. Taking his place on it he looked up and watched the smoke rise into the cloudy dark sky.

Alyssa came running up. "Hi Oakey, am I late? I only heard about what was going on today? I think that this Bonfire thingy is neat.....and...I'm sorry Oakey, am I making too much noise. I didn't even think that you might want to be alone. I'll go sit somewhere if you want me to."

Steelsheen 02-22-2012 05:57 AM

First he saw the announcement in their common room, then he saw the faraway bonfire flickering by the Lake. Given how easily he saw this from the Ravenclaw Tower, he deduced how large that bonfire must be.

He was curious when he read the announcement. But as he made his way towards the Lake he is both curious and slightly worried that a bonfire that big might spiral out of control. To the delight of some perhaps, but not for him.

He arrived at the site to see their Quidditch Captain in a dress. "Hello Captain. You look... nice." Well she looked different. But he figured nice would hopefully be received better. And she was standing by the stage. This brought a smile to the Ravenclaw boy "Are you going to be presenting something Captain?" Maybe thats why she looked nice.

His eyes trailed next to the lad he remembered from the train to Hogwarts. Which is a good thing because thats the one clue that got him to remember what his name was "Hello Treyen." he greeted the Head Boy. Then his eyes shifted to another girl-- the Hufflepuff Girl Prefect, which he figured given her badge.

Then his attention was taken by that bonfire that wont be ignored. And the table full for campfire fare. A bonfire party. Well he wasnt much for parties, but he does find it enjoyable sitting around the bonfire and stargazing....

... if only there were stars to be enjoyed that night.

pundantic 02-22-2012 05:57 AM

Right. Bonfire. Selina had almost forgotten; luckily for everyone else she had seen a crowd heading down so she had been sure to follow. It would have looked really awful if she was missing from the prefect event that she was involved in. Yet, she was there and so there was no need to worry. Of course unless the two Selina/Selena's got in an argument again about the redheaded Selina being an alien. To digress she was there and ready to do her part in the event. All in all it was looking to turn out to be a good event.

She approached the other student leaders. She saluted them all and said, "Hello all..."

FireboltAvis88 02-22-2012 06:30 AM


Originally Posted by Steelsheen (Post 10924139)
First he saw the announcement in their common room, then he saw the faraway bonfire flickering by the Lake. Given how easily he saw this from the Ravenclaw Tower, he deduced how large that bonfire must be.

He was curious when he read the announcement. But as he made his way towards the Lake he is both curious and slightly worried that a bonfire that big might spiral out of control. To the delight of some perhaps, but not for him.

He arrived at the site to see their Quidditch Captain in a dress. "Hello Captain. You look... nice." Well she looked different. But he figured nice would hopefully be received better. And she was standing by the stage. This brought a smile to the Ravenclaw boy "Are you going to be presenting something Captain?" Maybe thats why she looked nice.

His eyes trailed next to the lad he remembered from the train to Hogwarts. Which is a good thing because thats the one clue that got him to remember what his name was "Hello Treyen." he greeted the Head Boy. Then his eyes shifted to another girl-- the Hufflepuff Girl Prefect, which he figured given her badge.

Then his attention was taken by that bonfire that wont be ignored. And the table full for campfire fare. A bonfire party. Well he wasnt much for parties, but he does find it enjoyable sitting around the bonfire and stargazing....

... if only there were stars to be enjoyed that night.

Alyssa saw the older Ravenclaw boy that she had given flowers to in Transfiguration class. She waved over to him. "Hi there, remember me? I was the one that gave you the flowers in Transfiguration Class. I didn't get to say hi. My name is Alyssa."

Gabrielle 02-22-2012 07:27 AM

Hello again ^_^

Originally Posted by Lockhartian (Post 10924011)
Nighttime seemed like the most suitable of times to gather students, right? At least this year was beginning to feel that way.

There were no telescopes around, so Roslund had nothing to do with this. Vashtiiiii on the other haaaand...

...anyway, the Head Boy was simply making sure the fire won't be extending to the surrounding areas of this particular spot, he was sure they added too much wood to it...Keefer's idea. To add more wood.

The sky was free of stars, the moon was barely visible, which gave the fire a spooky look as it was the only thing that gave light to this place.

Glenn walked down to the lake, shivering despite her thick jacket that she had worn especially for the cold night. The night had sometimes scared her at home, with the creatures coming out by the forest and making weird noises. Here, the warm light of the bonfire flickered in the distance and the frosty wind blew her hair messily around her face.

As she neared the bonfire, she delighted in the sudden warmth and took a seat on the ground near it, dragging a blanket around her and warming her freezing hands over the fire.

Glenn saw the head boy and smiled cheekily, "Oi Treyen-Mr-Head-boy!" She waved to get his attention, "Want a butterbeer?" She had a couple in her bag to share around, along with the sweets that she had not yet eaten as well.

Jessiqua 02-22-2012 07:52 AM

Zhenya made her way to the bonfire Dressed in long pants and a woollen jumper. She had her beanie on with hanging earmuffs and mittens. When she got there she draped a blanket over her to stop the shivering.

She got a stack of marshmallows and ate them.

Then she spotted Glenn and said "hey Glenn!"

lazykitty 02-22-2012 08:48 AM

Bonfire, whoohoo! Sky had no idea what was up with the misspelling though. Was one of the castle ghosts going to pop up? And more importantly, was there going to be marshmallows to roast?! These were the thoughts rolling around in her head as she made her way to the lakeside bonfire area.

When she reached the place, the first thing young Sky did was walk over to the table of food and check for the marshmallows. There were none! What the… "There's no marshmallows?!" she exclaimed to anyone within hearing distance, her jaw dropping in shock. What were they supposed to roast over the fire?!

Gabrielle 02-22-2012 08:54 AM


Originally Posted by Jessiqua (Post 10924179)
Zhenya made her way to the bonfire Dressed in long pants and a woollen jumper. She had her beanie on with hanging earmuffs and mittens. When she got there she draped a blanket over her to stop the shivering.

She got a stack of marshmallows and ate them.

Then she spotted Glenn and said "hey Glenn!"

"Hey!" Glenn said, getting tired of sitting and lying down. She had taken off her jacket being so close to the bonfire one didn't need one so she used it as a pillow, leaving her blanket half covering her torso.

There were no stars out tonight but that didn't matter. The simple vision of the clouds, discussion and warm fire were enough. "Hogwarts is amazing, isn't it?" Glenn sighed. Her curly hair had settled itself around her shoulders, a couple of twigs in her it from lying down on the ground.

She turned her head towards Zhenya and giggled at how she was upside down from her point of view from the ground, "Want a butterbeer or some sweets? I've got plenty left over from Hogsmeade." She asked, pulling her over-the-shoulder bag from herself and dumping it by Zhenya. "Take your pick!"

Jezabel Black 02-22-2012 08:55 AM


Jez wasn't going to pass up a bonfire, despite the obvious lack of her two best friends. Nate and Pam had been MIA for a while now, and she was frankly getting concerned about the length of time they were spending in the library. Not that she didn't love the library, but sheesh ...

Anyway, she was out here, and she was in heaven. There was SMORES! And everything else, but really only the smores mattered at this point. Jez grabbed a plate and a skewer, and sat close to the bonfire, toasting a marshmallow while looking around expectantly. The stage was set, so where was the entertainment?

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