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Nicki waked in and put her stuff out of the way "hello Jayden i am Nickayla but you can call me nicki" nicki said as she looked at the floor she didn't want to make eye contact with new people
"Nice to meet you Nickayla! I take it you're a firstie?" She asked, eying the girl curiously.
Originally Posted by EastonionNW
Nate trudged, bored, down the aisles. He had managed to lose both Pam and Jez in the station, and had been searching the train for a while to find them, from back to front. He only made it to the middle, though, before he saw the familiar long, black braid that could only be Jez. He picked up his pace, dragging his trunk along behind him to the rather full compartment.
"Hey guys!" he greeted breathlessly as he leaned on the door to slide it open. As he glanced around, Nate saw that not only were Jez and Jayden in this compartment, but also Jordan--to whom Nate nodded--and two other girls he hadn't met yet. "Ah, yes. Hello, I'm Nathaniel. You can call me Nate," he said, smiling to both the first year and to the other, who seemed to be his age. He recognized this one to be one of Jayden's friends. Well, now she could be Nate's too.
As he took a seat next to Jez--which he did a lot--Nate poked his head outside the door quickly to look up and down the corridor. "Has anyone seen Pam?" he asked, sliding the glass door shut behind him as he sank back into the seat. It's good to be going back. he thought with a smile as his hand unconsciously found Jez's.
"I haven't seen Pam at all yet, although I did make a point to owl you all about sitting in the back this year so she should be arriving soon." Jayden replied lazily as she went to put her hair up into a nice secure bun.
Originally Posted by Jezabel Black
Jez smiled as another girl came in. She looked like a first-year. "Of course not, come on in! Need some help with that luggage?" She waved her wand at the girl's trunk. "Wingardium Leviosa!" The trunk floated gently into the air. "I'm Jez," she introduced. "What's your name?"
"Nice to meet you Elliot," said Jez, shaking the girl's hand. "Yeah, it's short for Jezabel, but everyone just calls me Jez." NOT Jezy ... the person to call her by her brother's pet name would get a fist in the face. "Did you have a good holiday?"
Jez smiled at Nate as he entered too. "Hello," she said happily, then frowned slightly when he asked about Pam. "Nope, haven't see her, I thought she was with you." She bit her lip in concern, then noticed Nate's hand holding her own. She gently squeezed it, a faint blush entering her cheeks.
Jayden nodded, smiling over at the newest Ravenclaw couple. Her two closer friends were finally together. It was becoming quite the couplesome group! Nate and Jez, Jordan and Fai, and of course Caelius and herself!
"Awwww! You two!" Jayden teased.
"Angie, I was wondering... Would...would you...g-go out with me...?" He hoped she didn't think that was too forward...
So... She'd been correct.
"I would.. Really... Love to..." Angie said, her voice wavering slightly. Then she promply moved herself right next to Chris, very close to him, feeling warmth spread throughout her body in a delightful way as she put her arm around him shyly...
A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
Originally Posted by MysteriesOfFate
Carigan boarded the Hogwarts Express in wide-eyed wonder. She couldn't believe she was leaving her family and friends behind to go to Hogwarts. She was now officially alone, her Raven Hamlet her only friend. She really hoped she would meet someone soon, she didn't want to be alone in a big cold castle: countries away from her home.
She dragged her trunk up the corridor awkwardly, a briefcase dangling from her arm, looking into every compartment until she found an open compartment. She opened the door and entered the compartment. She climbed up onto the seat and, balancing precariously, put her trunk into the overhead compartment. Once the trunk was safely stowed away she turned around and jumped back down to the floor, then fell backwards into her seat.
She stroked Hamlets head with her fore and middle fingers before opening the old, tattered, briefcase and pulling out a half made friendship bracelet. She pinned the project to the top of her white stocking and began working on the bracelet. She stared intently at the project but hoped someone would come into the compartment with her.
Dragging his luggage through the corridor , Daichi tried to find a compartment to sit in while trying to keep control of his owl. Ever since he had boarded the train , his owl was sitting on top of his head. Nothing wrong with that because he was used to it. But when the train had started to move, hell broke loose.
Desperately, really desperately trying to find an empty compartment so that the owl wouldn't hurt anyone, Daichi winched in pain as the owl scratched the top of his head. As the owl started to fly around like it was mad, Daichi knew he had to do something before someone got hurt. He quickly opened one of the compartment doors and shoved his luggage inside. He then tried to reach for his owl but he had already flew in to the compartment and he quickly shut the door.
Okay, maybe not... The owl was still flying around in the small compartment like a mad bird and Daichi was so in to his task of catching the bloody owl that he hadn't even noticed there was a small girl sitting there....
"Nice to meet you Nickayla! I take it you're a firstie?" She asked, eying the girl curiously.
"I haven't seen Pam at all yet, although I did make a point to owl you all about sitting in the back this year so she should be arriving soon." Jayden replied lazily as she went to put her hair up into a nice secure bun.
Jayden nodded, smiling over at the newest Ravenclaw couple. Her two closer friends were finally together. It was becoming quite the couplesome group! Nate and Jez, Jordan and Fai, and of course Caelius and herself!
"Awwww! You two!" Jayden teased.
Nate smiled, himself now blushing along with Jez. "What about us?" he said, returning the quick hand squeeze he'd received from Jez. He couldn't help himself, though, and just started chuckling and shaking his head before closing his eyes and leaning back on Jez's shoulder. "Well," he said from his sort of tired trance, "We ought to send up a flare or something to get Pam's attention, because we're one Barstow short here." And as far as he knew, Pam was the only Barstow at Hogwarts...
"I would.. Really... Love to..." Angie said, her voice wavering slightly. Then she promply moved herself right next to Chris, very close to him, feeling warmth spread throughout her body in a delightful way as she put her arm around him shyly...
"You have just made me extremely happy," Chris said as he put his arm around Angie... "I really do love you very much..."
Harlow shook her head, "Boys. What is the fascination with exploding things?" she asked him. Her brothers loved blowing things up. Usually at her expense.
Harlow nodded, "Nice to meet you too." She dug in her purse for another piece of chocolate, "Want one?" she asked him as she held out the bar of Sugarplum's chocolate. "I'm in Slytherin." she told him proudly. "What house are you in?" Not that it would be as awesome as Slytheirn but it was still nice to ask.
Charles chuckled and shook his head at Harlow, "It's not exactly a fascination with exploding things but rather payback." Yup and that's how he'd keep viewing it. Stupid older kids.
Watching her pull out a bar of chocolate he stood up, grabbed his bag and magazine off the floor and sat across from her on the seat. "Sure. Thank you," he said with a smile as he took the bar. "I'm a Ravenclaw. Something about being too smart for my own good or something. But all they do is read books. I want adventure!" He grinned at her as he pulled apart the wrapper.
TAylor carried her stuff to the back of the train. She entered an empty compartment na dput her things above one of the seats and sat her owl in its cage across from her. She cracked open a book, a little lonely but hoping her twin and cousin will get on soon.... or anyone really. Her cell rang with a text telling her to move up front. She sighed but was happy and so she grabbed her things and left.
"You have just made me extremely happy," Chris said as he put his arm around Angie... "I really do love you very much..."
"Love..." Angie repeated softly. She hadn't expected him to use that word... But she didn't really mind it... "To tell you the truth, I have no idea what to say now." Angie smiled at Chris as she said this, indeed very happy just to be with him.
"Love..." Angie repeated softly. She hadn't expected him to use that word... But she didn't really mind it... "To tell you the truth, I have no idea what to say now." Angie smiled at Chris as she said this, indeed very happy just to be with him.
"I don't know what to say, either..." Chris said, extremely happy to be with her...
Dragging his luggage through the corridor , Daichi tried to find a compartment to sit in while trying to keep control of his owl. Ever since he had boarded the train , his owl was sitting on top of his head. Nothing wrong with that because he was used to it. But when the train had started to move, hell broke loose.
Desperately, really desperately trying to find an empty compartment so that the owl wouldn't hurt anyone, Daichi winched in pain as the owl scratched the top of his head. As the owl started to fly around like it was mad, Daichi knew he had to do something before someone got hurt. He quickly opened one of the compartment doors and shoved his luggage inside. He then tried to reach for his owl but he had already flew in to the compartment and he quickly shut the door.
Okay, maybe not... The owl was still flying around in the small compartment like a mad bird and Daichi was so in to his task of catching the bloody owl that he hadn't even noticed there was a small girl sitting there....
Carigan looked up as an older boy had come into the compartment and his owl now flew about the compartment. Hamlet still sat on her shoulder, completely calm, not phased by the crazy owl that had joined them.
Carigan stood up to her full height of four foot nine, much taller than the average ten year old (She was turning 11 in November). The bracelet that she was working hung from the top of her stocking. She held out her hand to the boy "Hello, My name is Carigan Tanner. Would you care for some help with your luggage?" she asked kindly. Her smile making her already tiny eyes into slits.
Charles chuckled and shook his head at Harlow, "It's not exactly a fascination with exploding things but rather payback." Yup and that's how he'd keep viewing it. Stupid older kids.
Watching her pull out a bar of chocolate he stood up, grabbed his bag and magazine off the floor and sat across from her on the seat. "Sure. Thank you," he said with a smile as he took the bar. "I'm a Ravenclaw. Something about being too smart for my own good or something. But all they do is read books. I want adventure!" He grinned at her as he pulled apart the wrapper.
Harlow nodded, "Ahh, well that makes sense then." she told him. Not really, but she understood boys and their needs for revenge.
She smiled as he took her chocolate. She had plenty to go around. Not that her mother needed to know that. "Maybe you should have been a Slytherin then. We love adventure." she chuckled. "But I think blowing up something to get even with someone might fall under the umbrella of too smart for your own good." she pointed out.
♣♣To see a World in a Grain of Sand
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower♣♣
♣♣Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour♣♣
"I don't know what to say, either..." Chris said, extremely happy to be with her...
"I reeeally hope to be in Gryffindor now," Angie said. Man, my parents would disown me if they knew I was going out with a Gryffindor boy... she thought to herself and chuckled.
Nate smiled, himself now blushing along with Jez. "What about us?" he said, returning the quick hand squeeze he'd received from Jez. He couldn't help himself, though, and just started chuckling and shaking his head before closing his eyes and leaning back on Jez's shoulder. "Well," he said from his sort of tired trance, "We ought to send up a flare or something to get Pam's attention, because we're one Barstow short here." And as far as he knew, Pam was the only Barstow at Hogwarts...
Originally Posted by Jezabel Black
Jez cast her eyes to heaven. "Nate, relax. I'm sure Pam will be fine. And if she doesn't find us before the train leaves, then I'll send Ro to find her."
"No you will not," said the cat huffily, jumping down from the luggage rack where she'd been observing the students, and landing lightly on Jez's lap. "I'm not an owl."
"No, you're less helpful." Jez scratched behind Rowena's ears in her ticklish place, trying to get the cat into a good mood. "Oh, Jayden, I don't believe you've met my little ray of sunshine, Rowena. Ro, this is Jayden, one of my friends."
Rowena turned her unblinking blue eyes to Jayden. "Pleasure, I'm sure," she said with a hint of sarcasm. Jez rolled her eyes.
"Yeah Nate! Relax.... Merlin!" Jayden teased, wrinkling her nose.
And then Jez took the time to introduce her cat. How cute.
Not. Jayden hated cats.
"Erm.... hello there young fur-ball." She replied awkwardly, trying to be both polite and as far away from the thing as possible.
"I reeeally hope to be in Gryffindor now," Angie said. Man, my parents would disown me if they knew I was going out with a Gryffindor boy... she thought to herself and chuckled.
"I hope you are too, but even if you're not, I'm sure we'll find other places to meet together besides the common room..." Chris hoped they would find somewhere, he would really want to see Angie. A lot...
Harlow nodded, "Ahh, well that makes sense then." she told him. Not really, but she understood boys and their needs for revenge.
She smiled as he took her chocolate. She had plenty to go around. Not that her mother needed to know that. "Maybe you should have been a Slytherin then. We love adventure." she chuckled. "But I think blowing up something to get even with someone might fall under the umbrella of too smart for your own good." she pointed out.
YAAAAAY he made sense. Well of course he did he was just that awesome. Sliding over to the window he looked out at the scenery and sighed. What he wouldn't give to be able to explore EVERYTHING.
"Really? I've heard a lot of them are just rude," he said honestly and shrugged. "Of course I've heard that from Ravenclaws who think they rule all since they are apparently smarter than everyone. Load of rubbish to me really." He stuck a piece of chocolate in his mouth and turned back to her with a grin. "And I think pointing that out puts you right with me," he said with a laugh. "So...are there a lot of places to explore down there in the dungeons?" he asked eagerly.
"I hope you are too, but even if you're not, I'm sure we'll find other places to meet together besides the common room..." Chris hoped they would find somewhere, he would really want to see Angie. A lot...
"I hope so too... Hogwarts is huge after all, there has to be SOMEWHERE we could meet up in." Reassured, the only immediate worry in Angie's mind was resolved. Not completely realizing it, she leaned against Chris, and her head was almost resting on his shoulder...
A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
Originally Posted by MysteriesOfFate
Carigan looked up as an older boy had come into the compartment and his owl now flew about the compartment. Hamlet still sat on her shoulder, completely calm, not phased by the crazy owl that had joined them.
Carigan stood up to her full height of four foot nine, much taller than the average ten year old (She was turning 11 in November). The bracelet that she was working hung from the top of her stocking. She held out her hand to the boy "Hello, My name is Carigan Tanner. Would you care for some help with your luggage?" she asked kindly. Her smile making her already tiny eyes into slits.
Daichi literally jumped in the air from shock when a VOICE was talking to him. Was he hearing voices? Because he had been sure he was alone in the compartment, besides the crazy owl that is. The owl continued to circle around the room but Daichi didn't pay any attention to it anymore.
Slowly, the Slytherin turned around to become face to...top the head with a girl. First year probably. "WHERE DID YOU COME FROM?!" He shouted in shock as he jumped back instinctively and grabbed his chest. Taking control of his breathing, Daichi calmed down and scratched the back of his non itchy head.
"Ah, i'm sorry..." he quickly apologized as the girl smiled to him and he smiled back. "didn't mean to yell at you" he chuckled and took the girl's hand. "Hiya Car..cari...you have a unusual name, i'm going to call you Cari from now on" yes he was. It was funny how everyone he had met had nicknames because he could never remember their full names.
Daichi looked at the luggage on the ground he had shoved in earlier and then at SuSu sitting QUIETLY on top of it! "Stupid bird, what's wrong with you?" he mumbled under his breath before looking at Carigan again. "Nah, it's okay" he said and bend down to pick of his luggage and placed it away. "Thanks for the offer though"
Daichi let out a deep breath as he sat down on the couch. SuSu his owl was sitting next to him as though nothing had happened. "Oh, i'm Daichi Katharos by the way. Third year Slytherin" The boy looked over at the girl and he frowned as though he was in concentration. She was small... "You're a first year, right?" he asked while checking with his right hand if his small winged earring was still in his ear.
"I hope so too... Hogwarts is huge after all, there has to be SOMEWHERE we could meet up in." Reassured, the only immediate worry in Angie's mind was resolved. Not completely realizing it, she leaned against Chris, and her head was almost resting on his shoulder...
"Maybe we'll discover a new place. Our place..." Chris noticed her leaning against him, and he pulled her closer...
Wolfy | 1 of 4 Amigos! | ♥ Badger! | Slytherpuff | S. Snape Lover ♥ | Lil' Pup
Originally Posted by EW_FAN
Harvey smiled as he heard her giggle. "Oh! er... I am good and so is she... how are you? Is everything ok now?" he asked knowing that she had been having some problems, and so had Justin.
She shrugged looking back at her paper. She really didn't know but he was trying to make things better. So she guessed that they were okay. Though she was still bothered by the whole Minerva thing. "I guess we are okay." She smiled at him.
I'll miss my breath; there's no more left. ⚓.⚓.⚓______________________________I'll miss the sound of the wind up my back. ⚓.⚓.⚓___________The Depths have a number, they call you by name; fall asleep.
Davy Jones calls you, so fall asleep and dream.
YAAAAAY he made sense. Well of course he did he was just that awesome. Sliding over to the window he looked out at the scenery and sighed. What he wouldn't give to be able to explore EVERYTHING.
"Really? I've heard a lot of them are just rude," he said honestly and shrugged. "Of course I've heard that from Ravenclaws who think they rule all since they are apparently smarter than everyone. Load of rubbish to me really." He stuck a piece of chocolate in his mouth and turned back to her with a grin. "And I think pointing that out puts you right with me," he said with a laugh. "So...are there a lot of places to explore down there in the dungeons?" he asked eagerly.
Harlow pulled a face, "That is a unfair assumption. I could say all Ravenclaws are snotty brats based on the few encounters I've had with your housemates, but I don't. I don't judge a whole house based on the misdeeds or a few idiots." she told him hotly. She hated people thinking all Slytherins were evil. "And I would point out that we've smashed everyone for the House cup as well." she added smugly. That was a bratty thing to do she knew but he was needling a sore spot all Slytherins had at being typecast. "Just saying." after he added he thought it was all a load of rubbish.
She opened her mouth to conter his point, but closed it again when she thought about it. Harlow guessed he was right. "We have some secret passageways and whatnot. But the whole castle is full of places to explore and things to see. Don't you get out much?" He looked to be older than her so he should know more about Hogwarts than she should.
♣♣To see a World in a Grain of Sand
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower♣♣
♣♣Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour♣♣
"Maybe we'll discover a new place. Our place..." Chris noticed her leaning against him, and he pulled her closer...
"That would be amazing," Angie said to Chris, and her smile was brilliant. As she was pulled closer to him, the warm fuzzy feeling in her tummy spread and she felt suddenly light-headed...
curly haired prefect - "sometimes I get angry!" - 30/90 - *chicken emoji* - probably @ Disney - I speak dog
Originally Posted by AuroraQuinn
Aurora laughed, "I don't know, I never had a dog. Sebastian loves them though." she said, grinning. Sebastian looked up at her, one of Alex's shoelaces hanging out of his mouth, meowed, dropped it, and went back to trying to catch it again. "I promise I'll fix them if he chews them off." she said - not prepared to stop her cat from having fun, obviously.
"Well you might have to do something about that." she said, moving over and grabbing the cat, moving him onto the floor - nudging the thing wasn't going to do anything. She jumped into the seat and crossed her legs, letting Sebastian jump onto her lap and curl up, purring softly. "Else you wont fit on the train next year. You'll have to have a whole carriage." She dug into her pocket and produced her bag of jelly babies, she popped one into her mouth and shook the bag at Alex. "Want one?"
"It's ok, these are an old pair of shoes, I don't really mind," Alex assured her with a laugh. He watched the cat chewing on the shoelaces of his Converse and shrugged. He was sure the cat couldn't do THAT much damage in one sitting, right?
"Sure, thanks!" Alex said with a smile, taking one of the jelly babies Aurora had offered him. He tossed it in his mouth and stretched his legs out again. "I used to have a toad...I didn't really like him, though. My brother-in-law gave him to me and I swear the thing KNEW I wasn't an animal person and always ran away from me and stuff...I'm much happier with stuffed animals than real ones," he joked.
I'm still standin'________________________________________ better than I ever did
Lookin' like a true survivor_________________________________feelin' like a little kid
||Delta Goodrem Lover || Emma Watson Lover | | RavenPuff || 1 of 4 Amigos ||
Text Cut: Ame
Originally Posted by PhoenixAuror169
She shrugged looking back at her paper. She really didn't know but he was trying to make things better. So she guessed that they were okay. Though she was still bothered by the whole Minerva thing. "I guess we are okay." She smiled at him.
Harvey smiled "Well I am glad to hear that.. what are you looking forward to this year?" he asked Ame.. he was looking forward to spending time with Minnie and their many friends..
Harlow pulled a face, "That is a unfair assumption. I could say all Ravenclaws are snotty brats based on the few encounters I've had with your housemates, but I don't. I don't judge a whole house based on the misdeeds or a few idiots." she told him hotly. She hated people thinking all Slytherins were evil. "And I would point out that we've smashed everyone for the House cup as well." she added smugly. That was a bratty thing to do she knew but he was needling a sore spot all Slytherins had at being typecast. "Just saying." after he added he thought it was all a load of rubbish.
She opened her mouth to conter his point, but closed it again when she thought about it. Harlow guessed he was right. "We have some secret passageways and whatnot. But the whole castle is full of places to explore and things to see. Don't you get out much?" He looked to be older than her so he should know more about Hogwarts than she should.
His eyebrows raised as Harlow got all irritated with him and he held up his hands. "Don't get mad at me. I didn't say I thought it." Geez. Touchy touchy. "Besides I'd agree with you about them being snotty brats. Though I think the Gryffindors are actually a little worse," he said with a smirk as he ate another piece of chocolate.
"Secret passageways?!" Now that was cool. "I um...kind of had an incident with a wall and a broom and spent most of my first term last term in the hospital wing." He said with a shrug and dropped his head down, "But see all healed up." YAAAAAAAAAAY!
"That would be amazing," Angie said to Chris, and her smile was brilliant. As she was pulled closer to him, the warm fuzzy feeling in her tummy spread and she felt suddenly light-headed...
At that moment Christopher didn't know what to say... So he said nothing, just enjoyed Angela's company...