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"You're telling me you had no idea any of this was going on?" She hissed, her cheeks turning a light shade of pink. "You weren't in on this at all?" She asked, her voice growing quiet. "I just feel hurt, and so left out! I trusted you all!"
"Okay Jayden, I knew that Jez's family had been murdered," Jordan said to Jayden. "That's all I really knew." he shrugged, "I had no idea of the finer details. I didn't know what exactly was going on, I just knew that my friend needed our help." he finished. "I was just as shocked as you were when Jez explained it all, I'm sorry okay?"
"Okay Jayden, I knew that Jez's family had been murdered," Jordan said to Jayden. "That's all I really knew." he shrugged, "I had no idea of the finer details. I didn't know what exactly was going on, I just knew that my friend needed our help." he finished. "I was just as shocked as you were when Jez explained it all, I'm sorry okay?"
Jayden took a deep breath in, closing her eyes for a few seconds taking in the silence. "Oh." She breathed, looking at Jordan apologetically. "I didn't even know that they were killed!" She cried, tears flowing down her face. "I feel terrible... and the only thing that makes it worse is that you guys didn't seem to trust me with this!"
She then walked up to Jordan slowly, embracing him in a soft, quick hug. "I'm sorry." She whispered.
Slytherindor ♛ The Crazytastic Besties ♛ Shan Watson ♛
Originally Posted by iBeJenn
Selena needed to find Emma. For a very important reason. Obviously it was important, Emma was her best friend. So everything was important. She ran down the train's corridor, past compartments and other kids who were taller than her. "EMMAAAAAA. Where are you?!" Selena called out loudly as she continued to run back and forth throughout the train. Emma had to be around here somewhere. Because last Sel checked, Emma was going to Hogwarts like she had years before so this term was no different. The cruppy in Sel's arm was slowly waking as Selena ran and Kent was not please with being shoved into a cross-body bag that Selena was wearing.
"EMMMAAAAA???!?!' she called out again. Where was her tall blonde bestie?! WHERE WAS HER CRAZYTASTIC BESTIE?! What was this chaos?!
The blonde was walking down the corridor when she heard someone call out her name. Wait, was that Selena? Her bestie? The blonde's brownish green eyes searched hungrily through the crowd looking for her brunette Snake. Aha! "MISS PREFECT!? Selenaaaaaa!" she cried as she made her way over towards the shorter girl, trying to get her attention.
Squeezing in between seventh years and first years, the blonde made her way over to Selena. Then she hugged her tightly. Her bestie. It felt as if she hadn't seen her in ages even though the blonde had only seen her a couple of days ago in Diagon Alley. "SEL! Congratulations on making the Slytherin Prefect. You're going to be a great Prefect! How are your duties going so far?" she asked, smirking a little.
Jordan smiled at Cael, but he was slightly bored so he decided to go all dramatic, "A nod?" he cried standing up, "we haven't seen eachother in months and all I get is a nod?" he could go dramatic when he wanted. "No Cael, I don't want to hear it!" he turned his back to the other boy. He slowly turned back again, looking into his eyes. "I can't stay mad at you for too long," he said, charging towards cael and wrestling him into a tight hug.
"Oof!" Cael wheezed as he was crushed against the other boy. "Sorry," he coughed lightly as he extricated himself from Jordan's embrace, "I know, but I was a little side-tracked by all the...tears and yelling," he made a nondescript hand gesture towards the others still engaged in their debate.
"I'm not even sure I want to know. Truly. Drama already and we haven't even arrived? Second year is shaping up to be wonderful, I can tell. By the way," he nudged Jordan lightly, "How did your re-sorting request go? Was Tate up for it?"
He smacked his fist against his open palm as a stray thought crossed his mind. "And come to think of it, have you seen Jupiter anywhere? The little bugger bit me when I tried to adjust his collar and now he's loose on the train somewhere, the hellion."
Originally Posted by HazelStone101
Tears threatened to fall as Elliot rambled on about family secrets and the like. "But Elliot, we're friends! Or so I thought...." She mumbled, looking up at her friend sullenly. "I thought they trusted me. I would have been there to help them in a split second!" She groaned, putting her hair back up into a more secure, more business-like bun. She could never think right with her hair down.. and it was getting so long!
"I think we are all making this a bit more dramatic than it should be!" Jayden cried, her eyes flashing with fury and hurt. "We're only twelve, Jez! We shouldn't be in this much trouble!" She whined, biting her lip nervously as she looked over at her friends and turned to look at Jordan.
"You're telling me you had no idea any of this was going on?" She hissed, her cheeks turning a light shade of pink. "You weren't in on this at all?" She asked, her voice growing quiet. "I just feel hurt, and so left out! I trusted you all!"
And then Cael showed up and came to the rescue...
"No. I am not alright!" She cried, shrugging his hand off of her shoulder. "Your... My.... Frien.... These people...." She pointed, glaring at each of them for a few seconds in turn. "Have been hiding things from us... and putting each other in danger, and they didn't think to notify us or tell any adults... like the Headmaster. He should know." Jayden blurted out in a huff.
"I don't even know what to do right now. I thought we were all friends... now I'm not even sure what we are anymore with all these secrets!" She sobbed, looking up at Cael with tears in her eyes. Even though the world seemed to be caving in... Cael was there. Cael was calm.
"Shh, everything's fine," he folded her into a light embrace, tucking her head into his shoulder so that she wouldn't have to let the others watch her cry. Rubbing her back in light circles, he mentally rewound her outburst trying to figure out what had turned the carefree girl he'd seen in Hawaii into this.
Things had definitely gotten better since last winter when he'd had a chance to fix his little... problem. He was more objective now, less rash. It was easier to step back and see things from a different perspective rather than leaping in blindly with pure emotion. That was one benefit at least.
"Everyone has secrets, Jay, even best friends. I think it's impossible to ever really know someone other than yourself. You have to love people despite their flaws. And I know for a fact that everyone here loves you, I don't think that's changed just because something's come to light. We're only kids, Jay, we're allowed to make mistakes. It's expected of us," he smiled kissing her forehead lightly.
"I'm sure it's nothing that can't be understood or forgiven in time, hm?" he squeezed her tighter, willing her to get how much she was loved.
Oh. So his... mum was dead and his father neglected him. At least he was with his other family - Vlimia was stuck being controlled by her parents... no, she couldn't even think about them. It was too painful. But instead of saying all that, Vlim said "I'm sorry. It must be tough." After that Vlimia pretended not to hear the part about him being Half-blood, and listened intently when he asked where they were going. "Oh, to the other compartment with more people." Vlim explained. Now they were waiting on Logan to lead them out of there, since none of them knew which compartment he was in.
''Not really though.''He said flashing a smile.''Oh right.''He said smiling.As he waited to leave he wondered how many people would be in the other compartment.
Logan smiled. It was so great to have all his friends sit together. It was really great. He had a feeling this was going to be a great year. Most of them were girls.....he hadn't met much boy first years. Only one, and that was Sam, one of his main best friends. He was so happy to have such amazing friends.
"So are you ready to eat?" Jezz felt her stomach rumble as she thought about food.
She Can't Help Herself. Her Mind Won't Slow Down. Watch Out! There's A NEW Ravenclaw In Town.
A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
Originally Posted by MysteriesOfFate
Carigan noded slowly "Her name is Reagan. I don't know why she didn't want to go to Hogwarts... I'm just really close to her, my family, and my friends. She really doesn't like spending a lot of time with people, so maybe it's just the fact that she wanted to get away from me..." She trailed off.
After a moment of silence she snapped back to the present and flashed her eyes back at Daichi. She watched him carefully while he talked about his mother before stopping abruptly. "Nonono, I completely understand, we wont talk about her." She said.
There was a short moment of awkward silence before Daichi pointed at what she was working on, which she was now just braiding and tying off the end. "Friendship bracelets. You make them for your friends. You can also make a wish when you tie them on and they say the wish comes true when it falls off." Carigan smiled and lifted up her work. "See?" She asked and showed Daichi the bracelet with the green, yellow, white, and black arrow pattern with the braided ends.
"Would you like it?" she asked, after all Daichi had been so kind to her so far on the train ride, they had only been talking for around forty five minutes to an hour, but Carigan knew he was a kind soul.
Daichi listened as Carigan was talking about her sister. He nodded his head here and there to show he was listening and not trailing off and sighed. "It must be hard not having your twin sister around" he said and he remembered his first day at kings cross station when he had hugged his brother goodbye with tears in his eyes and his father trying to drag him towards the train. Of course he wasn't going to mention that hehe...
The girl sounded sad when she mentioned the last part and he tried to cheer her up. "You know, i heard about a muggle friend that twins have a special connection to each other.." he wasn't sure if it was true though.. "So..i don't know, maybe ... because you sound a little sad while speaking of her you miss her and ...and uhm..maybe you feel this way because she misses you too.." He stopped talking before he started to laugh. A nervous , high pitched laugh. "I'm sorry, i'm so bad at this" he laughed some more.
Daichi smiled greatful when Cari seemed to understand but in the back of his mind he felt ...strange. A part of him wanted to tell someone what was bothering him. But another part, which was stronger refused it and he was sure he would be called a crying wimp. And there was one thing he didn't like and that was being a cry baby.
Eyeing the bracelets, the Slytherin found himself nodding his head to her question. "Sure, why not?" He grinned as he extended his arm and pulled up his sleeve so the girl could tie the bracelet around his wrist. "Since your parents attended Hogwarts too... do you know which classes you would like?" he asked , trying to get the conversation moving.... wait... did that bracelet meant they were friends?
He laughed in his mind at his earlier thoughts of needing to find friends his own age and her he was, befriending a first year...again...
"Shh, everything's fine," he folded her into a light embrace, tucking her head into his shoulder so that she wouldn't have to let the others watch her cry. Rubbing her back in light circles, he mentally rewound her outburst trying to figure out what had turned the carefree girl he'd seen in Hawaii into this.
Things had definitely gotten better since last winter when he'd had a chance to fix his little... problem. He was more objective now, less rash. It was easier to step back and see things from a different perspective rather than leaping in blindly with pure emotion. That was one benefit at least.
"Everyone has secrets, Jay, even best friends. I think it's impossible to ever really know someone other than yourself. You have to love people despite their flaws. And I know for a fact that everyone here loves you, I don't think that's changed just because something's come to light. We're only kids, Jay, we're allowed to make mistakes. It's expected of us," he smiled kissing her forehead lightly.
"I'm sure it's nothing that can't be understood or forgiven in time, hm?" he squeezed her tighter, willing her to get how much she was loved.
"I know, this is just so hard!" She sobbed, moving into his chest so that they wouldn't see all the tears that were falling down as if she had just opened the floodgates.
"I'm so worried, and I feel so helpless! We need to do something!" She cried, entwining her fingers with his.
The blonde was walking down the corridor when she heard someone call out her name. Wait, was that Selena? Her bestie? The blonde's brownish green eyes searched hungrily through the crowd looking for her brunette Snake. Aha! "MISS PREFECT!? Selenaaaaaa!" she cried as she made her way over towards the shorter girl, trying to get her attention.
Squeezing in between seventh years and first years, the blonde made her way over to Selena. Then she hugged her tightly. Her bestie. It felt as if she hadn't seen her in ages even though the blonde had only seen her a couple of days ago in Diagon Alley. "SEL! Congratulations on making the Slytherin Prefect. You're going to be a great Prefect! How are your duties going so far?" she asked, smirking a little.
Selena realized something. It was actually really hard looking for a tall person with a head full of blonde hair. It was... really hard. And Clarke was waking up so the last thing she needed was to run after a cruppy right now and have a sick little pygmy puff. Frowning, she continued to weave through the crowd of people who were going to their compartments or heading towards the food trolley or whatever. BUT. She heard it!!
"EMMA!" Selena exclaimed, beaming and hugging her friend back tightly with one arm. The other one made sure the cruppy didn't fall. "Thank you Emma!" she said, still grinning. It would prepare her for world domination one day... no... universal domination with Emma. "Eh, they're going," Selena said. And they wouldn't be running either. "Come on, let's find a compartment before Clarke wakes up and decides he wants to eat someone's shoes," Sel said, with a smile.
Because for some unexplained reason, the Cruppy seemed to like shoes... and hair ties.
though we're strangers 'til now, we're choosing a path between the s t a r s________________._____________ ♡♡_______________________.__________________________ ____i'll leave my .l o v e. between the stars...
Jessie, to her extreme happiness, managed to find the very last empty car. The shy firstie dropped her trunk and sat for a minute to catch her breath. Her baby owl hooted again to remind her he wanted to stretch his wings. She let him out and watch him fly out for a few minutes. "You know," she said aloud to him, "I can't keep calling you 'little boy' or 'baby' forever. You need a proper name." He landed on her arm and she nuzzled him under his chin. "Do you have any suggestions, little friend," she said with a laugh. As she sat back, thinking of a name, she heard a knock on the door.
Wolfy | 1 of 4 Amigos! | ♥ Badger! | Slytherpuff | S. Snape Lover ♥ | Lil' Pup
Text Cut: Justin
[QUOTE=Devina Wellheart;10847290]
Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88
Justin Looked up and saw his friend and teammate. " Hey, Lyssie. Just needed some time to thibk and clear my head. How are you? " he said as he managed a weak smile.
Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88
Harvey could not believe what he was hearing.. Justin was breaking up with Ame "You cant do that mate.. you both love each other too much" he said ... but Harvey saw it was no use.. Justin had already written half a letter and was still going.. he could not believe that this was happening... he was just about holding on with Minnie being the way she was .... now he had to keep the group together... he didnt know how much more he could take.. he was only 12.. and already so much had happened.. he knew he would some alone time at school.. to let out all that he was feeling... he had to be strong for not just one person anymore.. he had to be strong for 3 of them... all in pain and all going through some tough times... if it carried on for too long like this... he may have to make a decision that he doesnt want to make.. he couldnt think of it right now.. just then Justin told him to take the letter to Ame.. reluctantly Harvey got up and walked to the compartment where the girls were.. he looked at Ame and the letter... and then back at Ame "Er... Ame this is for you" he said as normally as he could.. and he handed her the letter.. and sat down between her and Minnie "See I told you I would be back" he said to Minnie.. smiling weakly.. he then watched Ame open the letter..
Amethyst smiled slightly when she saw Harvey. What a pleasant surprise. Or so she thought. Amethyst looked at the letter than at Harvey who looked like he was going to be sick. She opened the letter slowly and read slowly as she lingered on every word. She could feel her heart rip at the steams as tears started to rise. She folded the letter and tucked in her trunk. She gathered her things without a word and walked past her friends, past Justin's compartment and to the corridor, where she sat against the wall. Keeping to herself. She didn't wipe her eyes and she didn't make a scene or a fuss. She just tried to keep her mind on the orphanage. She was going back.
I'll miss my breath; there's no more left. ⚓.⚓.⚓______________________________I'll miss the sound of the wind up my back. ⚓.⚓.⚓___________The Depths have a number, they call you by name; fall asleep.
Davy Jones calls you, so fall asleep and dream.
Tears threatened to fall as Elliot rambled on about family secrets and the like. "But Elliot, we're friends! Or so I thought...." She mumbled, looking up at her friend sullenly. "I thought they trusted me. I would have been there to help them in a split second!" She groaned, putting her hair back up into a more secure, more business-like bun. She could never think right with her hair down.. and it was getting so long!
Elliot scowled at Jayden. "Honestly, Jayden, I think you're being a bit-" but she suddenly stopped when she saw the look on her face. She looked as if she might cry...Merlin, Elliot did NOT do tears. Not not not. She was NOT comforting, and NOT a good friend at all when it came down to that stuff! She coughed uncomfortably, and remained silent for a few awkward minutes.
Merlin. If only Dani was here. Dani was good at this stuff. Four years younger, but already a true girl when it came to 'feelings.' Elliot would never be that way. "Uh...well. Uh, Jayden..don't be..upset," she coughed out, her icy eyes widening in fear. No tears, please. "You're above that...weakness," she finished, gulping. Elliot Morganzo was FEARLESS....except when tears were involved.
"You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough."
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin
Amethyst smiled slightly when she saw Harvey. What a pleasant surprise. Or so she thought. Amethyst looked at the letter than at Harvey who looked like he was going to be sick. She opened the letter slowly and read slowly as she lingered on every word. She could feel her heart rip at the steams as tears started to rise. She folded the letter and tucked in her trunk. She gathered her things without a word and walked past her friends, past Justin's compartment and to the corridor, where she sat against the wall. Keeping to herself. She didn't wipe her eyes and she didn't make a scene or a fuss. She just tried to keep her mind on the orphanage. She was going back.
Justin saw Amethyst go down the corridor past his compartment. He let out a big sigh and smiled weekly at Alyssa. " 'scuse me. I'll be right back. " he said to her.
Then he went out into the corridor and saw Ame against the wall and walked down and knelt beside her. " Ame...I'm sorry. I just need time....To myself. I didn't want you having to deal with my now ill tempered self. This way we can both focus on the things that have happened. I don't want to lose you completely though..... I still really want to be friends. " Justin said as he sat next to her.
Wolfy | 1 of 4 Amigos! | ♥ Badger! | Slytherpuff | S. Snape Lover ♥ | Lil' Pup
Originally Posted by Devina Wellheart
Justin saw Amethyst go down the corridor past his compartment. He let out a big sigh and smiled weekly at Alyssa. " 'scuse me. I'll be right back. " he said to her.
Then he went out into the corridor and saw Ame against the wall and walked down and knelt beside her. " Ame...I'm sorry. I just need time....To myself. I didn't want you having to deal with my now ill tempered self. This way we can both focus on the things that have happened. I don't want to lose you completely though..... I still really want to be friends. " Justin said as he sat next to her.
Amethyst felt him coming and she wasn't sure what to do or say. As he spoke, she shook her head. "Justin..." She was whispering, not looking at him. "I accepted your new self. I was by you most of the way." Looking at her was like seeing an abandon wolf. "Justin this whole time, I've been focusing on the things happening. But if you want time for yourself." She slipped the promise ring off her finger and handed it to him. "In case someone better comes along." She curled up covering her face. She never said she didn't want to be friends, because she didn't want to lose him either but she just couldn't find the strength to hold on anymore. She heard a wicked laughing in her mind. Edward was satisfied.
I'll miss my breath; there's no more left. ⚓.⚓.⚓______________________________I'll miss the sound of the wind up my back. ⚓.⚓.⚓___________The Depths have a number, they call you by name; fall asleep.
Davy Jones calls you, so fall asleep and dream.
Amethyst felt him coming and she wasn't sure what to do or say. As he spoke, she shook her head. "Justin..." She was whispering, not looking at him. "I accepted your new self. I was by you most of the way." Looking at her was like seeing an abandon wolf. "Justin this whole time, I've been focusing on the things happening. But if you want time for yourself." She slipped the promise ring off her finger and handed it to him. "In case someone better comes along." She curled up covering her face. She never said she didn't want to be friends, because she didn't want to lose him either but she just couldn't find the strength to hold on anymore. She heard a wicked laughing in her mind. Edward was satisfied.
" No, Ame you keep it and wear it. I did make a promise that we would make that decision when we were older...."He said as he put an arm around her. " I do still love you. I just didn't want you to take the brunt of me. I don't feel right and I won't let anyone take you away from us. Of that you can be sure of. "
Elliot scowled at Jayden. "Honestly, Jayden, I think you're being a bit-" but she suddenly stopped when she saw the look on her face. She looked as if she might cry...Merlin, Elliot did NOT do tears. Not not not. She was NOT comforting, and NOT a good friend at all when it came down to that stuff! She coughed uncomfortably, and remained silent for a few awkward minutes.
Merlin. If only Dani was here. Dani was good at this stuff. Four years younger, but already a true girl when it came to 'feelings.' Elliot would never be that way. "Uh...well. Uh, Jayden..don't be..upset," she coughed out, her icy eyes widening in fear. No tears, please. "You're above that...weakness," she finished, gulping. Elliot Morganzo was FEARLESS....except when tears were involved.
"I'm trying not to cry Elliot! This is just so... so... so upsetting!" She wailed, pulling her embroidered blue and silver handkerchief out of her color changing purse and wiping the tears away. Crying was unattractive. And Jayden hated crying.
"I'm sorry. Merlin knows we all have skeletons in our closets sometimes..." Jayden admitted, sniffling a bit. "But this is ridiculous. They could have told me." She hissed.
"Whaa.." was all Louisa could say. B-b-but Selina was.. with fifth year gangs all the time! How could. Oh well, it only proved the girl to be one year maturer than her peers. Hehe. So the fifth year chuckled at that and shook her head, "Yeah, sorry. Well then, you have quite a clear idea about the pressure now though." Yep, mind those pearls dear old Louisa cough up once in a while. Heh.
Listening to the Gryffindor's advice, Louisa's face turned slightly serious, pondering over that. "You're right." She said quietly, "Which is why set me off in the first place but..." Siiiiigh again, It's just that I understand why he did it." The girl dropped her legs and stuffed them underneath her, "He has a hard time trusting people. That's what I saw after being with him for three weeks. I think he doesn't really have a problem with my friends rather than he has a problem trusting...me." That didn't sound so good. Nor refreshing. Louisa's face paled just slightly as this fact swirled in her head.
Selina nodded, "Yeah I know. I have a pretty clear view about how stressful its going to be. Kurumi is my best friend. I mean, that alone is enough to show how much I understand the whole OWLs pressure thing. 'Course she's daft. She's going to get all O's and have worried for nothing." It was true. Kurumi was the brightest witch that she had ever met. Not only did she know everything about her school work, but she was a fact machine. Selina attested that to the fact that Kurumi was the hardest worker she had ever met when it came to her studies. No one else worked nearly as hard as Kurumi did.
Then Louisa went into explaining more about her boyfriend. She knew that the girl was trying to dispel Selina's case, but in all honesty everything she was saying was only supporting her case. The fact that Louisa's boyfriend did not trust her was problematic. Their could be no relationship without trust. I mean, at least that was what her parents always said. There was also the fact that she pretty much trusted Gideon right, wrong and indifferent. Relationships were supposed to be pleasurable, fun. It sounded like all Louisa did was worry about pleasing her boyfriend, "I don't know, Louisa. I don't know your boyfriend at all or your relationship. But if I am going to be honest he should trust you. That is kind of a given in relationships."
Wolfy | 1 of 4 Amigos! | ♥ Badger! | Slytherpuff | S. Snape Lover ♥ | Lil' Pup
Originally Posted by Devina Wellheart
" No, Ame you keep it and wear it. I did make a promise that we would make that decision when we were older...."He said as he put an arm around her. " I do still love you. I just didn't want you to take the brunt of me. I don't feel right and I won't let anyone take you away from us. Of that you can be sure of. "
Amethyst slipped the ring back on as she looked at Saber who was trying his best to comfort her. She scratched his ears as she listened. "I never did.." She mumbled under her breath as she glanced up at him. "I still love you too...take all the time you need.." She leaned against him, her head beginning to hurt as Edward knew his plan had back fired.
I'll miss my breath; there's no more left. ⚓.⚓.⚓______________________________I'll miss the sound of the wind up my back. ⚓.⚓.⚓___________The Depths have a number, they call you by name; fall asleep.
Davy Jones calls you, so fall asleep and dream.
Selina nodded, "Yeah I know. I have a pretty clear view about how stressful its going to be. Kurumi is my best friend. I mean, that alone is enough to show how much I understand the whole OWLs pressure thing. 'Course she's daft. She's going to get all O's and have worried for nothing." It was true. Kurumi was the brightest witch that she had ever met. Not only did she know everything about her school work, but she was a fact machine. Selina attested that to the fact that Kurumi was the hardest worker she had ever met when it came to her studies. No one else worked nearly as hard as Kurumi did.
Then Louisa went into explaining more about her boyfriend. She knew that the girl was trying to dispel Selina's case, but in all honesty everything she was saying was only supporting her case. The fact that Louisa's boyfriend did not trust her was problematic. Their could be no relationship without trust. I mean, at least that was what her parents always said. There was also the fact that she pretty much trusted Gideon right, wrong and indifferent. Relationships were supposed to be pleasurable, fun. It sounded like all Louisa did was worry about pleasing her boyfriend, "I don't know, Louisa. I don't know your boyfriend at all or your relationship. But if I am going to be honest he should trust you. That is kind of a given in relationships."
"Really?" Kurumi was her best friend? That was good. Louisa liked Kurumi, she did criticize her awkwardness but the girl was definitely bright and kind. Too bad she had to find a boyfriend as JONATHAN. Heh. "Yes. I like Kurumi. She's really smart." Nodding her hear at the girl. It was weird that the sorting hat chose Gryffindor for the Prefect though. Hmm.
Louisa fell silent at Selina's words, her eyes hung on the book's cyan blue cover. The sad thing was that everything Selina said was true and Louisa knew it, somehow. She just didn't know how to act, justify or even understand why didn't she just leave him to his loneliness. "Yeah.." she croaked. Cleared her throat and continued, "Maybe this term will determine whether I succeeded in making him trust me or not." Looking at the hopeful side here.
"You seem to know much about relationships." She said after a pause, smiling impressed at the younger girl, "Do you have a boyfriend?" It might be the reason.
"I'm trying not to cry Elliot! This is just so... so... so upsetting!" She wailed, pulling her embroidered blue and silver handkerchief out of her color changing purse and wiping the tears away. Crying was unattractive. And Jayden hated crying.
"I'm sorry. Merlin knows we all have skeletons in our closets sometimes..." Jayden admitted, sniffling a bit. "But this is ridiculous. They could have told me." She hissed.
Elliot didn't say anything, again. Gah! What to do?! Elliot simply reached into her pocket and pulled out a couple of chocolate frogs. "My stupid sister insisted on giving me these before I left, but she forgot that I dislike sweets. I say that your need is far greater than mine," she told her slowly, her drawl a bit less warm than a normal person would be in this situation, but Elliot was...Elliot.
"Yes...they could have. How utterly rude and inconsiderate of them, Jayden," she said, finally giving in to saying what she thought jayden would want to hear. She just wasn't good at this stuff.
"You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough."
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin
"I know, this is just so hard!" She sobbed, moving into his chest so that they wouldn't see all the tears that were falling down as if she had just opened the floodgates.
"I'm so worried, and I feel so helpless! We need to do something!" She cried, entwining her fingers with his.
Thank Merlin for caring boyfriends...
"I- What do you think we should do?" Cael asked haltingly, still not exactly sure what was wrong. His chest felt like someone was squeezing it in a vice as she really gave in and sobbed against him. Merlin...
Originally Posted by kayquilz
Elliot scowled at Jayden. "Honestly, Jayden, I think you're being a bit-" but she suddenly stopped when she saw the look on her face. She looked as if she might cry...Merlin, Elliot did NOT do tears. Not not not. She was NOT comforting, and NOT a good friend at all when it came down to that stuff! She coughed uncomfortably, and remained silent for a few awkward minutes.
Merlin. If only Dani was here. Dani was good at this stuff. Four years younger, but already a true girl when it came to 'feelings.' Elliot would never be that way. "Uh...well. Uh, Jayden..don't be..upset," she coughed out, her icy eyes widening in fear. No tears, please. "You're above that...weakness," she finished, gulping. Elliot Morganzo was FEARLESS....except when tears were involved.
'Weakness?' Cael mouthed at Elliot across the compartment with a wry grin. That was the best she could come up with?
"Merlin, Elliot. Please, for the love of magic, don't become a therapist," he laughed, winking at the other and trying to lighten the mood.
"Really?" Kurumi was her best friend? That was good. Louisa liked Kurumi, she did criticize her awkwardness but the girl was definitely bright and kind. Too bad she had to find a boyfriend as JONATHAN. Heh. "Yes. I like Kurumi. She's really smart." Nodding her hear at the girl. It was weird that the sorting hat chose Gryffindor for the Prefect though. Hmm.
Louisa fell silent at Selina's words, her eyes hung on the book's cyan blue cover. The sad thing was that everything Selina said was true and Louisa knew it, somehow. She just didn't know how to act, justify or even understand why didn't she just leave him to his loneliness. "Yeah.." she croaked. Cleared her throat and continued, "Maybe this term will determine whether I succeeded in making him trust me or not." Looking at the hopeful side here.
"You seem to know much about relationships." She said after a pause, smiling impressed at the younger girl, "Do you have a boyfriend?" It might be the reason.
Selina smiled to herself when Louisa mentioned Kurumi. Honestly it was an unconscious smile. The Gryffindor Prefect was the other half of Selina's brain, the peanut butter to her jelly, the ying to her yang and all of the other cheesy duos she could think of. No one else had been a best friend to Selina the way Kurumi had, mostly because Kurumi understood what it was like. They were different the pair of them. "Really." She affirmed, "And she is more than just smart. She is super smart. That girl has the craziest drive I've ever met."
She could tell that she had made Louisa uncomfortable. Merlin, she had not intended to do that at all. Selina and her stupid opinions. Christopher always said that she said and here she was giving advice on a relationship she knew virtually nothing about. "Yeah." She said quietly. Maybe she should just keep her mouth shut.
Then she turned the question back on Selina. Did she have a boyfriend? She cleared her throat with surprise and replied, "Right... um yeah I do. Gideon Gert. He's a fifth year."
Elliot didn't say anything, again. Gah! What to do?! Elliot simply reached into her pocket and pulled out a couple of chocolate frogs. "My stupid sister insisted on giving me these before I left, but she forgot that I dislike sweets. I say that your need is far greater than mine," she told her slowly, her drawl a bit less warm than a normal person would be in this situation, but Elliot was...Elliot.
"Yes...they could have. How utterly rude and inconsiderate of them, Jayden," she said, finally giving in to saying what she thought jayden would want to hear. She just wasn't good at this stuff.
"Thanks Elliot." Jayden mumbled, taking a small bite out of the chocolate frog. She was so stressed, chocolate was a good calming mechanism though.
"Well... I wouldn't go so far as to say rude... but it does sting my ego a bit." She admitted, wiping off the last of the tears as she regained her composure.
"So how was Egypt?" She asked, attempting to change the subject.
"I- What do you think we should do?" Cael asked haltingly, still not exactly sure what was wrong. His chest felt like someone was squeezing it in a vice as she really gave in and sobbed against him. Merlin...
'Weakness?' Cael mouthed at Elliot across the compartment with a wry grin. That was the best she could come up with?
"Merlin, Elliot. Please, for the love of magic, don't become a therapist," he laughed, winking at the other and trying to lighten the mood.
Originally Posted by HazelStone101
"Thanks Elliot." Jayden mumbled, taking a small bite out of the chocolate frog. She was so stressed, chocolate was a good calming mechanism though.
"Well... I wouldn't go so far as to say rude... but it does sting my ego a bit." She admitted, wiping off the last of the tears as she regained her composure.
"So how was Egypt?" She asked, attempting to change the subject.
Elliot's head snapped her head in the direction of Caelius. She hadn't seen the boy enter. She straightened up and glared at him icily. Eh.
"Its definitely not in the cards for me. Dont worry Caelius. World ruler is more of the career for me.." she told him with her eyebrows raised.
She then turned back to Jayden.
"You're very welcome, miss Salmonface,"she replied with a smirk. Then she asked about Egypt...
"Oh it was absolutely stunning! And very...magical. I have many pictures I will show you later. They're all in my bag,"she said with a maniacal chuckle.
"You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough."
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin