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Going over the curriculum Edvard decided that a freshen up on some basic astronomy knowledge was in order. With his usual classroom setting in place the Swede sat down at his desk up front to read a novel as he waited for his night lesson to commence and some student's to arrive.
OCC: The lesson won't start until after 7 pm GMT tonight. Arrive in a timely manner. Keep chatting to a minimum.
"There are 8 planets in our solar system now that Pluto is out and our galaxy is called the Milky Way Galaxy," he replied before lowering his hand. He could go into more detail but he didn't want to ruin any possible later questions.
Originally Posted by Bubbles
After the greeting exchange, Kennedy took out a piece of parchment and a quill. He jotted down the basics like his name, house, year, etc. At the question asked, he raised his hand and said, "There are eight planets in the solar system." Yep, no more nine. "And the name of our galaxy is the Milky Way."
Talking about the Milky Way...he wanted one right now. You know, the chocolaty yumminess.
Originally Posted by RachieRu
Ooooh. They were talking about planets. Indiana liked planets. The little Ravenclaw smiled, drawing a few planets on the top of her parchments. Hehe. Totally looked like the real thing. Then she figured that she had better answer the question. Instead of being a distracted little thing. Indy mused, raising her hand. "There are 8 planets in our solar system." Yes. 8. She was pretty sure. "There used to be 9. But the planet furthest away from earth, which is called pluto, was degraded." Was that she right word? "to a dwarf planet, because it is very small. So...8 proper planets in our solar system." Yes. Go Little Hutchinson.
Originally Posted by SilverDragon
Silvia raised her hand; this was an easy question. "There are currently eight planets in the solar system, and we are in the Milky Way Galaxy."
Originally Posted by Katergirl
Raising her hand she said, "There are eight planets in the solar system and the name of our galaxy is the Milky Way." Angelina thought about how there used to be nine planets but now there are eight.
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow
Ella raised her hand excitedly. She had learned all about the solar system when she attended her old school and was happy to actually know what they were discussing for once. "Professor, there are eight planets and the galaxy is...it's called..." Oh merlin, what was it called again? Something milky... "The milkyway!" She said, snapping her finger as she remembered.
Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88
Alyssa thought for awhile making sure that she had all the names of the planets before raising her hand."Professor, There are 9...oh wait 8 planets now in our solar system. Uh...I believe that our galaxy is called the Milky Way."
Originally Posted by Harry174
Laura looked at the Professor and smiled. "There is chocolate in the Galaxy." Laura giggled, surely the Professor knew that. "There is loads of planets because the moon and sun counts as planets right?"
Originally Posted by Hermione Lily Potter
Lily listened as the professor started the lesson. Planets... this could trigger some discussion. So Lily decided to raise her hand even though she couldn't decide whether to say the typical eight or say eleven because of the better know dwarf planets. "Depending on how you look at it, there could either be eight... or eleven. But I only know the names of nine..." Not exactly the best answer but it worked. As for the galaxy, "We live in the milkyway galaxy." That should suffice as an answer and might even trigger discussion.
Originally Posted by Cassandra
TAylor raised her hand, "Professor we are in the milky way galaxy. There is a debate about how many planets there are in the galaxy but i believe it is 8 official ones if i am not mistaken."
Originally Posted by sarahlooo
Pshhh. Eight planets. Whatever. Ellie raised her hands instantly. "Professor, I personally like to include Pluto as a planet still. He's little and cute and his feelings are probably hurt now that they kicked him out. I mean, how you would feel if someone thought you were too inadequate for the human race? That's harsh."
And with that she leaned back in seat and crossed her arms over her chest. "Oh, and we're part of the Milky Way galaxy," she added.
Originally Posted by Squishy ♥
Oooh, the solar system! Amelia actually found this stuff interesting. She liked learning about planets. But then she liked learning about a lot of things. :/ She was a learning junkie.
She raised her hand now. "There are eight planets in the solar system. There used to be nine, but Pluto was determined not to be a planet a while ago. And we are in the Milky Way galaxy."
Originally Posted by Jessiqua
Zhenya's arm shot up into the air, and she said "Professor the solar system is eight planets, five dwarf planets, and loads of other, smaller bodies that I don't think are classified as Planets. And our galaxy is called the Milky Way," she said. Oh, the milky way, it always reminded her of the delicious muggle candy bars. Maybe Professor Roslund would have some for the lesson, she thought.
Originally Posted by Luna_Midnight
She said Good evening to you too!
Ooo, she knew that one! She raised her hand and said There used to be nine planets but the scientists thought that Pluto was too little to be a planet so now there are eight planets in our Solar System. And the galaxy that we are in is the Milky Way Galaxy. Smiling happy she knew at least one anwser..yet.
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie
Smiling to each student that entered and came near her, Kurumi was just about to show Lewis just what she was talking about with the movement of Mars on her charts when Professor Roslund spoke. Oh well, she would have to wait until after the lesson.
Thinking for a moment, Kurumi wanted to say nine. She still thought the whole kicking out of a certain planet because it was a little different was mean. But, they had already discussed the planet in a previous lesson when they had gone over dwarf planets as opposed your standard planets, so there really was no sense in arguing the matter at the moment even if she thought it was rubbish. Poor Pluto...and it totally ruined her favorite television program.
So, Kurumi raised her hand. "Our galaxy is called the Milky Way galaxy and is a spiral galaxy." Because she felt the need to include something extra since so many others had already answered. There were three types of galaxies after all, so it was important to know which was which. And then came the planet discussion. Kurumi KNEW what the logical and accepted answer of the day was, but she couldn't put her emotions aside for the poor planet. It was like her in a way. Belonging to a certain group but had somehow become the nail that stuck out and therefore had to be hammered down or removed. Well, you can't exactly force a planet cleared the neighborhood of its orbit. It just didn't work that way. So, hand back up in the air, Kurumi replied. "There are nine planets in our Solar System."
A dwarf PLANET was still a PLANET after all. It had the word in its name!
Originally Posted by jujune29th
"It's called the Milky Way!" Sophie said happily. She had always found it to be a fun name. "And there are..." wait... people were saying eight, then the Gryffindor prefect - who did seem to always have the best answers - said there were nine. "there are... uh... n-nine planets? Eight? Nine?" Yep, she was completely confused now.
Originally Posted by natethegreat
Nate went bam. I knew the answer to this question was the only thing going through his mind. He raised his hand and said "Professor there are currently eight planets. We had nine before pluto became a dwarf planet. Our galaxy is called the milky way galaxy." Nate was confident about his answer. He knew he couldn't mess any of this up. He learned a lot about this in muggle school.
Originally Posted by Anna Banana
Sierra just sat there as the 'hey's, hi's, and hello's' were going on. She wasn't much for such obvious friendliness, so she just kept quiet and occasionally eyed the professor as she waited for the lesson to begin. When it finally did, she adjusted her position and sat up a little straighter. Not so straight that she looked like an overeager Ravenclaw, but she didn't want to lose points for slacking off either. "There's eight planets, and we're in the Milky Way Galaxy," she said, her hand raised. Her answer was plain and simple. After all, that's all he'd asked for.
Originally Posted by alchemist_18
Raven tried to answer the question though today she was not in good condition. "Well, we live in Milky Way galaxy and there are 8 planets in this galaxy." she said after she raised her hand.
Originally Posted by iceblossom22
Elise smiled and pulled out her notebook. Yaaay! Astronomy! The awesomest class ever... After Herbology, of course. Right, down to business. How many planets. She'd answered the same question before, so she raised her hand.
"We have eight planets in the solar system," she grinned. "And five dwarf planets. And our galaxy's called the..." Milky something... Milky path? "The Milky way."
How did that take so long to figure out?
Originally Posted by Poolicious
"I'm very good." Messer gave the Professor a wide smile back.
Messer was flipping his Astronomy notebook while waiting for the lesson to start. Then after Ella entered the classroom, Professor Roslund finally started the lesson with the first question about their galaxy. The first year raised his hand "Our galaxy is called the Milky Way and there are eight planets in the Solar system and five dwarf planets."he said.
Originally Posted by Steelsheen
Hmm how many planets are there? There has been that never ending controversy since Pluto was downgraded to a "non-planet" but then other worlds were discovered after it that was even smaller. The Ravenclaw pressed his lips together as he pondered a sufficient answer before raising his hand "Professor, there are 8 major planets in our solar system called the Milky way. The four inner planets are also called terrestrial planets and are compose of Mercury, Venus, our Earth and Mars. The other four planets are generally referred to as the outer planets and are substantially larger than the terrestrial planets. Of the four planets, two of these are called gas giants-- Jupiter and Saturn. The other two, Uranus and Neptune are usually referred to as ice giants." He paused for a moment, there was a part of him that didnt like Pluto's downgrading "Then there are other planets beyond the eight major planets called the Trans-Neptunian region. Pluto, which was once the 9th planet, belongs to this region. "
Originally Posted by cheeseStrings
Janice raised her hand up after she did some thinking in her head.
"Our galaxy is the Milky Way and there are currently 8 planets in the solar system," she answered shortly.
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
Jory raised his hand. he knew the answer to this question. "There are eight planets, and five dwarf planets. Our galaxy is called the Milky Way,'' he said. As he said it, Jory wish he could have the chocolate bar named milky Way.
Originally Posted by weasleytwinsROCK
Daisy raised her hand, thinking of the poster she had of the stars and planets on her bedroom wall at home. She'd learnt all the planets names, but that seemed like too much detail to go into.
'Our galaxy is the milky way,' she began, thinking it looked nothing like milk, except for the colour, in a way, 'and there are eight planets. There were nine, then some muggle scientist decided there weren't,' She frowned, not understading why Pluto wasn't good enough to be a planet.
Originally Posted by DanialRadFAN01
After finally settling in to his chair and getting his quill and parchment out, the Gryffindor looked up excitedly to see Professor Roslund taking his spot at the head of the classroom where he usually lectured. Not exactly expecting a question right off the bat, the lion set aside his poised quill and then raised his hand. "Sir, the galaxy we live in is called the Milky Way, and including Earth, our own planet, it is made up of eight planets." There were tons of other bodies like comets and such but they weren't asked about them.
Originally Posted by CassiopeiaAKTF
Daichi sat in the middle of the classroom and had his parchment rolled out to write notes on. But right now he was just staring in to the distance with his elbow on the table, supporting his chin. Class had already begun and the Slytherin tried to focus on the question.
He listened to the others answering first and heard the name Milky Way galaxy. A stupid grin spread on his lips as he raised his hand in the air. "Professor, Milky Way is also a muggle chocolate!" he said, his eyes were sparkling at the thought. But maybe he shouldn't talk too much about it seeing since Lafay had already snapped at him angerly in potions when they had chocolate..hehe...
So now he at least tried to answer the second question. "And there are eight or nine planets in our solar system, but i'm not sure..." he trailed off and bit his lip before going back to gazing off , thinkin about chocolate now and ducks...because ducks were always worth to think about~!
Originally Posted by Hayden
Was his bag troubling him? No way! No, it didn't! Of course it didn't because he had some stuffs he used for practical jokes in there. Excluding the dung bombs and stink pellets, of course. Hades didn't like the odour at all, but worse, he was afraid that they'd be confiscated. So, those stuffs shall remain safe in his chest under his bed right now. "Our galaxy's called the Milky Way. There are total of nine planets," yes, nine. 'Course he included Pluto! That was his name in Greek!
Originally Posted by hpfan18
Belle heard the professor's question. "Hmm...i think our galaxy is named the Milky Way!" she said with a snap of her finger. She remembered it because there is a candy bar in the muggle world named the exact same thing. "I think there is about 8 planets.." she said even though she was unsure of the details.
Originally Posted by affy7ann
Tayla was eager to be in this class again. Professor Roslund was one of her favourite teachers. She raised her hand and answered, "There are eight major planets, Professor. And our galaxy is called 'The Milky Way'." She loved that name. It reminded her of a yummy chocolate bar in the Muggle world.
As the student’s began spilling out answers left and right Edvard zoned out and thought about his sister of all people and her never ending line of problems. When Tayla stopped talking he shook his head and mumbled absent-mindedly to himself but the whole class could hear him. "What where we talking about again? Um planets right…"
Letting his gaze drift from face to face Edvard began his lecture "The majority of you have answered correctly there are currently 8 classified planets in our Solar System and we live in the Milky Way Galaxy. The planets are Neptune, Mars, Jupiter, Mercury, Saturn, Uranus, Earth and Venus. There used to be 9 planets but Pluto as some of you have mentioned have been degraded to a dwarf planet."
Starting to walk around amongst the student desks Professor Roslund continued "To be classified as a planet by the International Association Union a planet has to orbit the sun, has to have sufficient mass to have a nearly round shape and has cleared its neighborhood of other celestial bodies."
Retracing his steps back up front he said "Now that you know the definition of a planet I want you to discuss a few minutes with your nearest desk mate. Should Pluto be classified as a planet or a dwarf planet? What are your views? We will discuss it together in about 8 minutes."
OCC: Together in two’s or threes discuss if Pluto should or shouldn’t be classified as a planet. You will then share your thoughts with the class after I post next.
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
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Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
Taylor <3
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
Kurumi cocked her head to the side. Hadn't they...gone over this already last term? The whole Pluto situation? While Kurumi wanted to still think of the celestial object as a planet because it seemed too unfair to just kick it out like that...facts were facts. Professor Roslund had even confirmed it last term. Just to be sure, Kurumi pulled out her notes and flipped through them. Yep, right there.
Kurumi turned to Selina who, as always, was sitting next to her. "So...thoughts?" she asked. Because she already had them outlined. "We know that Pluto is now classified as a dwarf planet because the requirements for being considered a planet back in 2006. We know that a planet needs to be in orbit around the Sun, so Pluto is alright here. It needs to have enough gravity to pull itself into a spherical shape, once again, alright. And a planet needs to have 'cleared the neighborhood' of its orbit...which...Pluto isn't capable or doing and hasn't...so it falls under the category of a dwarf planet." Sad...but true, and even Kurumi hated to admit it, but facts were facts.
See, it paid off to keep notes from previous terms.
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿
Ella looked at the Professor curiously as his mind seemed to be somewhere else. She sincerely hoped everything was okay with him. She was relieved when he seemed to regain himself, beginning the lecture. Though Ella knew most of what the Professor was saying, she scribbled down notes anyway. She frowned when he spoke about Pluto being cast aside as a dwarf planet. Poor Pluto! It wasn't his fault he was small!
When it was time to discuss, Ella looked around her anxiously, ready to discuss the topic.
There's some good in this world and it's worth fighting for| LOTR|Whovian|Sherlock Fan
Alyssa listened as the Professor told them to discuss why Pluto should be classified as a Dwarf Planet or go back to being a Planet. They had to do it in groups. So Alyssa looked around and asked."Does anybody want to partner up with me for group discussion?"
Then she heard Ella ask for partners the same time she did. "I'll partner with you, Ella, if it's okay with you?"
Last edited by FireboltAvis88; 03-19-2012 at 04:31 PM.
Reason: Adding Ella in.
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿
Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88
Alyssa listened as the Professor told them to discuss why Pluto should be classified as a Dwarf Planet or go back to being a Planet. They had to do it in groups. So Alyssa looked around and asked."Does anybody want to partner up with me for group discussion?"
Ella spotted Alyssa sitting near by and responded to the older puff. "I'll partner with you." She turned her body so she was facing her fellow badger and began to talk excitedly about the subject. "You know, I really feel quite bad for Pluto! There the poor planet was, all used to being classified as a planet, and then BAM...his status is revoked! It isn't fair. I mean I'm a small human right? That doesn't give someone the right to like revoke my human status cause I'm smaller than other humans!" She crossed her arms against her chest and nodded her head, satisfied.
Kurumi cocked her head to the side. Hadn't they...gone over this already last term? The whole Pluto situation? While Kurumi wanted to still think of the celestial object as a planet because it seemed too unfair to just kick it out like that...facts were facts. Professor Roslund had even confirmed it last term. Just to be sure, Kurumi pulled out her notes and flipped through them. Yep, right there.
Kurumi turned to Selina who, as always, was sitting next to her. "So...thoughts?" she asked. Because she already had them outlined. "We know that Pluto is now classified as a dwarf planet because the requirements for being considered a planet back in 2006. We know that a planet needs to be in orbit around the Sun, so Pluto is alright here. It needs to have enough gravity to pull itself into a spherical shape, once again, alright. And a planet needs to have 'cleared the neighborhood' of its orbit...which...Pluto isn't capable or doing and hasn't...so it falls under the category of a dwarf planet." Sad...but true, and even Kurumi hated to admit it, but facts were facts.
See, it paid off to keep notes from previous terms.
Okay, so it was not that Selina was a bad student- in fact quite the opposite- but something about sitting in a classroom all day made Selina want to sleep. In her opinion, classes were held too early in the morning or too late at night. All classes needed to be held after lunch and before dinner. It was honestly a simple request if one asked her. And snacks should be allowed in every class... seriously, Selina was certain with those few changes the school would run much smoother.
So sitting in Astronomy, as much as she loved the class and the teacher, at a late hour because it was, well, Astronomy made Selina want to sleep. She was paying attention, but her eyes were sort of droopy under the wisps of blonde hair that covered her face.
When a voice started to talk to her she startled awake and tried to focus in on what Kurumi was saying. The problem was that everything was a tad hazy at the moment. Finally, she caught up to what was going on and Selina started to follow Kurumi. Once Kurumi was done spouting off her no doubt correct knowledge Selina nodded and then said bluntly, "Okay, that's all very nice and well... but what even brought on the doubt that Pluto was not a full blown planet??"
There's some good in this world and it's worth fighting for| LOTR|Whovian|Sherlock Fan
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow
Ella spotted Alyssa sitting near by and responded to the older puff. "I'll partner with you." She turned her body so she was facing her fellow badger and began to talk excitedly about the subject. "You know, I really feel quite bad for Pluto! There the poor planet was, all used to being classified as a planet, and then BAM...his status is revoked! It isn't fair. I mean I'm a small human right? That doesn't give someone the right to like revoke my human status cause I'm smaller than other humans!" She crossed her arms against her chest and nodded her head, satisfied.
Alyssa nodded her head in agreement with Ella."I agree with you. I mean Pluto has been part of the Solar System and called a planet for ages. I don't think that it's right that people just up and say that it isn't just because it is smaller than the rest of the planets and can't clear objects out if it's orbital path like the other bigger planets can. I mean all those books had to be rewritten just because a group of people decided what size a planet should be and anything smaller than that is then called a dwarf planet. I mean if I was as short as a House Elf...and no offense to the House Elves because I think that they are really smart...I wouldn't want to be classified as them and not a human!" Alyssa said indignantly.
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 40,105
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
Originally Posted by fanficfanatict
Okay, so it was not that Selina was a bad student- in fact quite the opposite- but something about sitting in a classroom all day made Selina want to sleep. In her opinion, classes were held too early in the morning or too late at night. All classes needed to be held after lunch and before dinner. It was honestly a simple request if one asked her. And snacks should be allowed in every class... seriously, Selina was certain with those few changes the school would run much smoother.
So sitting in Astronomy, as much as she loved the class and the teacher, at a late hour because it was, well, Astronomy made Selina want to sleep. She was paying attention, but her eyes were sort of droopy under the wisps of blonde hair that covered her face.
When a voice started to talk to her she startled awake and tried to focus in on what Kurumi was saying. The problem was that everything was a tad hazy at the moment. Finally, she caught up to what was going on and Selina started to follow Kurumi. Once Kurumi was done spouting off her no doubt correct knowledge Selina nodded and then said bluntly, "Okay, that's all very nice and well... but what even brought on the doubt that Pluto was not a full blown planet??"
Kurumi sighed. Did she really have to dangled a cookie or a steak in front of Selina's nose to get her to pay attention properly? Problem was, the prefect couldn't very well carry a cooked steak in her robe's pocket. She could carry cookies, and she did have some with her now - raspberry macaroons to be exact - but she couldn't very well just bring those out now...and it seemed silly to ask Professor Roslund if she could offer her best friend cookies right now.
"Because...Professor Roslund asked us to?" she said, sort of confused by Selina's question. "Oh, wait, you meant in general?" Possibly? "Well, astronomers discovered what they thought was a tenth planet, Eris, and then they got to thinking that there might be more similarly sized objects discovered in the future. Eris is, actually larger than Pluto, so then they all sat down and came up with a proper definition for a planet. I suppose you could say that the discovery of Eris was the catalyst for it all."
Kurumi frowned a bit and idly drew some circles on her parchment. "I still think it's sad though. They should have come up with a definition sooner, you know? Avoided all the inconsistencies and whatnot." Kurumi wasn't a fan of that. She liked things to be neat and organized.
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
Kurumi sighed. Did she really have to dangled a cookie or a steak in front of Selina's nose to get her to pay attention properly? Problem was, the prefect couldn't very well carry a cooked steak in her robe's pocket. She could carry cookies, and she did have some with her now - raspberry macaroons to be exact - but she couldn't very well just bring those out now...and it seemed silly to ask Professor Roslund if she could offer her best friend cookies right now.
"Because...Professor Roslund asked us to?" she said, sort of confused by Selina's question. "Oh, wait, you meant in general?" Possibly? "Well, astronomers discovered what they thought was a tenth planet, Eris, and then they got to thinking that there might be more similarly sized objects discovered in the future. Eris is, actually larger than Pluto, so then they all sat down and came up with a proper definition for a planet. I suppose you could say that the discovery of Eris was the catalyst for it all."
Kurumi frowned a bit and idly drew some circles on her parchment. "I still think it's sad though. They should have come up with a definition sooner, you know? Avoided all the inconsistencies and whatnot." Kurumi wasn't a fan of that. She liked things to be neat and organized.
When Kurumi answered Selina question with a question of her own Selina wanted to smack her head against the desk. As smart as Kurumi was sometimes she said the silliest things and her response to the fourth year's question was no doubt, well, not very clever. But when Kurumi caught on Selina chuckled a little and then listened as Kurumi taught her astronomy.
She swore... her friend was amazing. Kurumi was perhaps the smartest witch in their class and she was always working to upkeep her knowledge. She craved it like Selina craved a midnight snack. So it was no surprise to her when Kurumi started to explain all about the reasoning behind why Pluto was dwarfed.
As soon as she was done Selina chimed in, "Well it was known as a planet for all of those years. Why did they have to change the definition of what a planet meant when human beings are the people who set the standards in the first place. What I mean by that is that we set the limitations of categories on everything. So why did scientists have to narrow down the definition to exclude two planets? What did they gain from dwarfing Pluto?"
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿
SPOILER!!: Alyssa
Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88
Alyssa nodded her head in agreement with Ella."I agree with you. I mean Pluto has been part of the Solar System and called a planet for ages. I don't think that it's right that people just up and say that it isn't just because it is smaller than the rest of the planets and can't clear objects out if it's orbital path like the other bigger planets can. I mean all those books had to be rewritten just because a group of people decided what size a planet should be and anything smaller than that is then called a dwarf planet. I mean if I was as short as a House Elf...and no offense to the House Elves because I think that they are really smart...I wouldn't want to be classified as them and not a human!" Alyssa said indignantly.
Ella sat back, nodding in agreement. She didn't completely understand Alyssa's comment on clearing objects from an orbital path so she decided to ask the older badger what that meant. "Clearing objects from it's or-orbital path? How does any planet do that?" Seemed like a hard job, even for bigger planets, but Ella was sure Alyssa could clear it up. As for the house elf point. "That's true. I mean if someone were to do such a thing to humans, there would be...I don't know...protests and things! Who is standing up for Pluto?" Ella frowned, thinking someone should. Maybe she would make some posters for the poor unrepresented planet, hang them around school or something. "I mean I know they can't classify all the round balls in space as planets but Pluto should have been grandfathered in or something!" Ella said passionately, slamming her hands on her legs. She was surprised at her own intensity and smiled sheepishly at her partner.
Alyssa nodded her head in agreement with Ella."I agree with you. I mean Pluto has been part of the Solar System and called a planet for ages. I don't think that it's right that people just up and say that it isn't just because it is smaller than the rest of the planets and can't clear objects out if it's orbital path like the other bigger planets can. I mean all those books had to be rewritten just because a group of people decided what size a planet should be and anything smaller than that is then called a dwarf planet. I mean if I was as short as a House Elf...and no offense to the House Elves because I think that they are really smart...I wouldn't want to be classified as them and not a human!" Alyssa said indignantly.
Ella sat back, nodding in agreement. She didn't completely understand Alyssa's comment on clearing objects from an orbital path so she decided to ask the older badger what that meant. "Clearing objects from it's or-orbital path? How does any planet do that?" Seemed like a hard job, even for bigger planets, but Ella was sure Alyssa could clear it up. As for the house elf point. "That's true. I mean if someone were to do such a thing to humans, there would be...I don't know...protests and things! Who is standing up for Pluto?" Ella frowned, thinking someone should. Maybe she would make some posters for the poor unrepresented planet, hang them around school or something. "I mean I know they can't classify all the round balls in space as planets but Pluto should have been grandfathered in or something!" Ella said passionately, slamming her hands on her legs. She was surprised at her own intensity and smiled sheepishly at her partner.
'Hey guys,' Daisy smiled, walking over to Alyssa and a younger Hufflepuff girl, both of whom already seemed to be in deep conversation about the topic they had been told to discuss. But they were both nice people, and hopefully wouldn't mind her joining. She didn't want to end up by herself, that would suck. 'Can I work with you two?' She smiled, sitting next to them.
Daisy nodded at their own points, before adding her own, 'I think it should still be a planet. I probably don't know enough... but can't they just tweak the requirements slightly?' She wondered aloud. To be fairly honest, Daisy thought it was kind of silly that people made this much fuss about denoting Pluto. It wasn't as if it would affect the whole world, and once it had been changed people would waste a load of time re-teaching and correcting both muggle and wizarding books. 'Big fuss over nothing, if you ask me.'
Skiving Snackbox? A Headless Hat?
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Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
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x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
Originally Posted by fanficfanatict
When Kurumi answered Selina question with a question of her own Selina wanted to smack her head against the desk. As smart as Kurumi was sometimes she said the silliest things and her response to the fourth year's question was no doubt, well, not very clever. But when Kurumi caught on Selina chuckled a little and then listened as Kurumi taught her astronomy.
She swore... her friend was amazing. Kurumi was perhaps the smartest witch in their class and she was always working to upkeep her knowledge. She craved it like Selina craved a midnight snack. So it was no surprise to her when Kurumi started to explain all about the reasoning behind why Pluto was dwarfed.
As soon as she was done Selina chimed in, "Well it was known as a planet for all of those years. Why did they have to change the definition of what a planet meant when human beings are the people who set the standards in the first place. What I mean by that is that we set the limitations of categories on everything. So why did scientists have to narrow down the definition to exclude two planets? What did they gain from dwarfing Pluto?"
Kurumi thought for a moment. That was an interesting question. Kurumi wasn't entirely sure that a concrete definition had been established previously, and perhaps people were just judging things based on size. But, well, really...size didn't matter so much when it came to planets. It did, but it didn't. The gravitational pull was the more important concept of that notion. Big or small, if it meet those criteria it was a planet. "Hmmm, I'm not sure exactly, but without strict criteria in place...they would constantly be discovering new so-called planets and the whole astronomical community would be thrown into chaos." Was there a way that she could put that in terms that Selina would understand? Quidditch perhaps...Kurumi was rubbish at that though. Or, maybe she wasn't? "Imagine...you have a giant basket of all sorts of balls...and someone on the Gryffindor team picks up a baseball and say to everyone, 'hey, this would make a great bludger.' What would you say, as a Quidditch captain?"
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿
Originally Posted by weasleytwinsROCK
'Hey guys,' Daisy smiled, walking over to Alyssa and a younger Hufflepuff girl, both of whom already seemed to be in deep conversation about the topic they had been told to discuss. But they were both nice people, and hopefully wouldn't mind her joining. She didn't want to end up by herself, that would suck. 'Can I work with you two?' She smiled, sitting next to them.
Daisy nodded at their own points, before adding her own, 'I think it should still be a planet. I probably don't know enough... but can't they just tweak the requirements slightly?' She wondered aloud. To be fairly honest, Daisy thought it was kind of silly that people made this much fuss about denoting Pluto. It wasn't as if it would affect the whole world, and once it had been changed people would waste a load of time re-teaching and correcting both muggle and wizarding books. 'Big fuss over nothing, if you ask me.'
Ella smiled when another badger approached them, wanting to join there group. "Sure you can, the more the merrier." She said cheerfully. "Oh and I'm Ella." She added, remembering she hadn't met this girl before.
The first year listened to the girl's thoughts on Pluto and was happy to hear that she agreed with them about Pluto. "I think they should tweak them or they should have just left Pluto alone since he's been a planet for so long. I mean what's the harm really?" What did it matter really if Pluto was kept a planet or not. Ella didn't see the big deal. She nodded, agreeing that the fuss being made now could have easily been avoided if they just kept things as they were.
Laura looked around and sighed it seemed that all her friends already had partners so well she'd have to wait and see if anyone didn't have someone to talk to about Pluto.
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna
They were back to the discussion on Pluto. And why it was no longer considered a full-blown planet. Gideon could go both ways with his opinion, though in favor of Pluto....why did the definition of a planet have to change? The smallest pl--dwarf planet had been considered an important player for numerous centuries...had been included in myths and legends and history and all of sudden...POOF!
Finally remembering they were supposed to be discussing the issue with small groups, Gideon got up to see who was nearby. He was looking around for someone or someones to work with he heard Kurumi and Selina's discussion. The older girl apparently trying to use a quidditch reference to help the captain understand. Stepping closer, he offered his own comment joining the discussion.
"Well it would certainly be more of a challenge to hit..." he mused moving his chair closer to the duo and sitting back down. "Maybe cut down on types of injuries," he added remembering what it felt like with the current bludger. "But would cause drama in the change and take some getting used to, just as the change with Pluto."
There's some good in this world and it's worth fighting for| LOTR|Whovian|Sherlock Fan
SPOILER!!: Daisy
Originally Posted by weasleytwinsROCK
'Hey guys,' Daisy smiled, walking over to Alyssa and a younger Hufflepuff girl, both of whom already seemed to be in deep conversation about the topic they had been told to discuss. But they were both nice people, and hopefully wouldn't mind her joining. She didn't want to end up by herself, that would suck. 'Can I work with you two?' She smiled, sitting next to them.
Daisy nodded at their own points, before adding her own, 'I think it should still be a planet. I probably don't know enough... but can't they just tweak the requirements slightly?' She wondered aloud. To be fairly honest, Daisy thought it was kind of silly that people made this much fuss about denoting Pluto. It wasn't as if it would affect the whole world, and once it had been changed people would waste a load of time re-teaching and correcting both muggle and wizarding books. 'Big fuss over nothing, if you ask me.'
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow
Ella smiled when another badger approached them, wanting to join there group. "Sure you can, the more the merrier." She said cheerfully. "Oh and I'm Ella." She added, remembering she hadn't met this girl before.
The first year listened to the girl's thoughts on Pluto and was happy to hear that she agreed with them about Pluto. "I think they should tweak them or they should have just left Pluto alone since he's been a planet for so long. I mean what's the harm really?" What did it matter really if Pluto was kept a planet or not. Ella didn't see the big deal. She nodded, agreeing that the fuss being made now could have easily been avoided if they just kept things as they were.
Alyssa looked up and smiled to her friend,"Hi Daisy, sure join us. We would really love to hear your opinion too."
Then Alyssa listened as her friends basically agreed with her. "I know that they now call it a Dwarf Planet because it is smaller in size than what the IAU classifies what a Planet should be and because it's gravitional pull is not strong enough to clear objects like asteroids and other debris from it's orbital path like the other 8 planets are able to do. But it's just a name. Why is it so important that all the celestial bodies floating up there have to have a specific name given to them. Planets, Dwarf Planets, satellite moons, and oh yeah there's a new one, small solar system bodies. I mean who cares? I mean what happens if another 100 years from now, another scientist decides that Earth is not the right size, does that mean that we are no longer living on a Planet?" Alyssa asked her friend.
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Originally Posted by Harry174
Laura looked around and sighed it seemed that all her friends already had partners so well she'd have to wait and see if anyone didn't have someone to talk to about Pluto.
Amelia listened carefully as the Professor went on to talk more about the planets in the solar system and such. When they were asked to talk to the people around them about Pluto, she searched to see if there was anyone she could work with. Most people seemed to be paired off, but she noticed a girl right by her who didn't seem to have a partner either. "I can work with you if you want," she told her.
Amelia listened carefully as the Professor went on to talk more about the planets in the solar system and such. When they were asked to talk to the people around them about Pluto, she searched to see if there was anyone she could work with. Most people seemed to be paired off, but she noticed a girl right by her who didn't seem to have a partner either. "I can work with you if you want," she told her.
Oh cool another Hufflepuff to make friends with. "HI I'm Laura Hope Hyde, but you can just call me Laura." Laura giggled. "And I'd love to work with you, we can talk a lot about Pluto." Laura smiled or talk about boys or anything really. "Did you see that cartoon that had the dog Pluto?" Laura giggled. "I really don't think he would be a good planet."
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Originally Posted by Harry174
Oh cool another Hufflepuff to make friends with. "HI I'm Laura Hope Hyde, but you can just call me Laura." Laura giggled. "And I'd love to work with you, we can talk a lot about Pluto." Laura smiled or talk about boys or anything really. "Did you see that cartoon that had the dog Pluto?" Laura giggled. "I really don't think he would be a good planet."
Amelia smiled at Laura now. "I'm Amelia! You can call me Mia." YAY for meeting new people and possibly making new friends. She remembered Laura as the girl who didn't seem afraid of the Skrewt. That made her rather... interesting in Amelia's opinion. Laura must be rather brave.
She chuckled at what Laura said now. "I don't know what dog you're talking about, but I'd love to see it some time." It seemed rather interesting and as a Pureblood, she liked seeing Muggle things. "But we are supposed to talk about the Pluto that exists in space," she explained now. "I don't think that it should be a planet either, because it doesn't fit all the categories. I think it works best as a dwarf planet."
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿
SPOILER!!: Alyssa
Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88
Alyssa looked up and smiled to her friend,"Hi Daisy, sure join us. We would really love to hear your opinion too."
Then Alyssa listened as her friends basically agreed with her. "I know that they now call it a Dwarf Planet because it is smaller in size than what the IAU classifies what a Planet should be and because it's gravitional pull is not strong enough to clear objects like asteroids and other debris from it's orbital path like the other 8 planets are able to do. But it's just a name. Why is it so important that all the celestial bodies floating up there have to have a specific name given to them. Planets, Dwarf Planets, satellite moons, and oh yeah there's a new one, small solar system bodies. I mean who cares? I mean what happens if another 100 years from now, another scientist decides that Earth is not the right size, does that mean that we are no longer living on a Planet?" Alyssa asked her friend.
Ella looked at Alyssa and her eyes grew wide. O__O What if they did decide earth was no longer a planet?! That would be crazy! "Holy cow! They wouldn't do that would they? I mean to earth? Then we'd be living on a dwarf or something!" And it really seemed kind of silly to be living on a dwarf (planet).
Amelia smiled at Laura now. "I'm Amelia! You can call me Mia." YAY for meeting new people and possibly making new friends. She remembered Laura as the girl who didn't seem afraid of the Skrewt. That made her rather... interesting in Amelia's opinion. Laura must be rather brave.
She chuckled at what Laura said now. "I don't know what dog you're talking about, but I'd love to see it some time." It seemed rather interesting and as a Pureblood, she liked seeing Muggle things. "But we are supposed to talk about the Pluto that exists in space," she explained now. "I don't think that it should be a planet either, because it doesn't fit all the categories. I think it works best as a dwarf planet."
Laura looked at Amelia and giggled. "I'll show you a picture of him, I have one in my trunk." Laura smiled, she loved the Programme and thought it was cool, but well maybe he wasn't a planet. "Yeah but Mia you know that there isn't any such thing as a Dwarf Planet, that's just an astoroid." Laura had suddenly gone serious now. "And you can't just down grade something without talking to the public about it first, NASA should appologise to everyone for making the decision for us, they are mean to do so." Laura thought they were anyway. "And just because they find another planet doesn't give them the right to downgrade something, they should have just called that planet something else, and maybe Pluto looks small but well it is far, far, far away and it would take you ages to get there."
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Originally Posted by Harry174
Laura looked at Amelia and giggled. "I'll show you a picture of him, I have one in my trunk." Laura smiled, she loved the Programme and thought it was cool, but well maybe he wasn't a planet. "Yeah but Mia you know that there isn't any such thing as a Dwarf Planet, that's just an astoroid." Laura had suddenly gone serious now. "And you can't just down grade something without talking to the public about it first, NASA should appologise to everyone for making the decision for us, they are mean to do so." Laura thought they were anyway. "And just because they find another planet doesn't give them the right to downgrade something, they should have just called that planet something else, and maybe Pluto looks small but well it is far, far, far away and it would take you ages to get there."
"That would be great," Amelia said with a smile and a nod. She thought that it would probably prove to be interesting. But now she focused on what Laura had to say about Pluto.
"But there are dwarf plants." Amelia smiled now. But Laura supposed Laura did have a point with what she was saying in a way. "Yes, I suppose. But they have to be careful with what specifications they use as far as what constitutes a planet. Otherwise, a lot of things could be classified as a planet."
There's some good in this world and it's worth fighting for| LOTR|Whovian|Sherlock Fan
Alyssa listened as each of her housemates argued their points. Then she realized that no one was writing anything down. "Uh guys. I think that we're supposed to present to the Professor what we think. So continue discussing and I'll write down what we just talked about."
Alyssa quickly picked up her quill and starting writing down on a parchment what they as a group had discussed.
Text Cut: Parchment
Why Pluto should be a Planet
1. Because it's been known as that, like forever.
2. Because it's size shouldn't matter.
3. Because a name is just a name so why change it.
4. Because the scientists should just tweak their definition to include Pluto.
5. Because that means changing everything...books, maps, charts!!
They needed to talk about Pluto. Well Auggie had plenty to talk about.
He was ready to rant but first he needed to hold his tongue and find someone to discuss with. Looking around the fourth year saw that many people already had partners so he would have to be social and ask if others were in the same situation as he was.
Hmm...Kurumi was with Selina...and Gideon was now joining them. The girls had been conversing for a while so maybe they were already done. "Hey Gideon, do you want to come work with me?" he asked with a smile. You know they could have a guys chat about Pluto, whatever that meant.
Kurumi thought for a moment. That was an interesting question. Kurumi wasn't entirely sure that a concrete definition had been established previously, and perhaps people were just judging things based on size. But, well, really...size didn't matter so much when it came to planets. It did, but it didn't. The gravitational pull was the more important concept of that notion. Big or small, if it meet those criteria it was a planet. "Hmmm, I'm not sure exactly, but without strict criteria in place...they would constantly be discovering new so-called planets and the whole astronomical community would be thrown into chaos." Was there a way that she could put that in terms that Selina would understand? Quidditch perhaps...Kurumi was rubbish at that though. Or, maybe she wasn't? "Imagine...you have a giant basket of all sorts of balls...and someone on the Gryffindor team picks up a baseball and say to everyone, 'hey, this would make a great bludger.' What would you say, as a Quidditch captain?"
Originally Posted by Macavity
They were back to the discussion on Pluto. And why it was no longer considered a full-blown planet. Gideon could go both ways with his opinion, though in favor of Pluto....why did the definition of a planet have to change? The smallest pl--dwarf planet had been considered an important player for numerous centuries...had been included in myths and legends and history and all of sudden...POOF!
Finally remembering they were supposed to be discussing the issue with small groups, Gideon got up to see who was nearby. He was looking around for someone or someones to work with he heard Kurumi and Selina's discussion. The older girl apparently trying to use a quidditch reference to help the captain understand. Stepping closer, he offered his own comment joining the discussion.
"Well it would certainly be more of a challenge to hit..." he mused moving his chair closer to the duo and sitting back down. "Maybe cut down on types of injuries," he added remembering what it felt like with the current bludger. "But would cause drama in the change and take some getting used to, just as the change with Pluto."
Selina looked curiously as Kurumi tried to break down her rationale on Selina's question to the best of her ability. It seemed that Kurumi was floundering which must have meant that Selina asked a good question. There was a part of her that was sort of proud that she had stumped Kurumi. But in all honesty, the whole thing seemed kind of pointless to Selina. Why did they have to define something a certain way to exclude Pluto. Who was the person who decided the limitations pressed upon the poor little dwarf planet? And why did they have the right to subject their views on an entire population?
However, if Kurumi was making any headway with Selina's question she destroyed it when she brought up Quidditch. The blonde shook her head and said, "If anyone on my team ever asked that question, I'd kick them off the team. Besides none of my players ask that question. So your point is mute. Quidditch is on a very different level than the debate about Pluto. Quidditch is life or death."
Then Gideon stepped in and tried to assist Kurumi in the whole joke of her posed question. It was not funny! Quidditch was no laughing matter! Thankfully for Gideon, Auggie had called his teammate and friend over to help him. Selina was starting to wonder if everyone had gone to the dogs, poking fun at QUIDDITCH!