Nordic Witch | 03-09-2012 07:05 PM | Quote:
Originally Posted by Quick Quotes Quill
(Post 10942230)
Although she wasn't really fond of astronomy, and her 'skills' at this subject hadn't improved at all since last year, Gwendolyn found herself walking along the corridor, towards the astronomy classroom. As she opened the door, the third year stared blankly at the room. Why wasn't anyone there yet? Maybe it was canceled and ONLY SHE had no idea about it. Maybe only the ones who have the biggest chances to fail at the OWLs in Astronomy had to come... Or maybeeeee.... she arrived early. Hmm. 'Hello Professor', the young Ravenclaw said, giving a small nod. Then she dragged herself towards a random seat and waited patiently for class to start. | The clattering of feet announced the arrival of the first student. "Good evening Miss Greene!" he greeted the young Ravenclaw. "How are you tonight?" Quote:
Originally Posted by Hayden
(Post 10942234)
This time Hades had a normal facial expression as he entered the Astronomy Tower. Not a worrisome grin, not a fearsome frown either. With a bag slung on one shoulder, he held the strap tightly just in case if it slipped off. "Good evening, Professor Roslund," said the boy calmly as he gave the professor a small nod. Then, he walked the his usual seat and settled his bag next to the desk. | Eyeing the boy with his hand tightly around his bag strap Professor Roslund smiled "Good evening Hades! Is your bag giving you trouble?" Quote:
Originally Posted by alchemist_18
(Post 10942235)
Raven reached the astronomy tower. She wanted to attend the astronomy class though she didn't look okay. Her face still looked pale. She arrived the classroom, noticed that Professor Roslund was already there. "Hello Professor." She smiled. She decided to sit at the corner. | "Hello Raven!" Professor Roslund greeted the young snake. Raven looked awfully pale in the face. He was going to keep an eye on her. He didn’t want her to pass out during class. Quote:
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie
(Post 10942259)
"Evening, professor," Kurumi said as she took her star chart out of her bag and decided to get some work done on her and Lewis' quest to spot all the planets in the night sky. Figuring out the paths of the planets at night called for some complicated math but it was worth the effort. She had to figure out when they would be able to see Mars. | "Good evening Miss Hollingberry!" Professor Roslund greeted the Gryffindor prefect. "Already eager to start class Kurumi?" he asked with a grin as he motioned towards the charts on the girl’s desk. Quote:
Originally Posted by Squishy ♥
(Post 10942261)
Amelia excitedly made her way up to the Astronomy classroom. "Hello, Professor Roslund!" she he said happily before taking a seat.
She loved Astronomy! | "Good evening Amelia!" Edvard greeted the 7th year badger girl. She had also been in his previous lessons he vividly remembered. Quote:
Originally Posted by Jessiqua
(Post 10942263)
Zhenya sprinted up the stairs, all the way from the dungeons, up and up until she reached the Astronomy Tower. She huffed and puffed until she reached the top stair, then wobbled slightly. She walked in and took a look around and saw Raven sitting there. She walked up to the Professor, one of her most favourite ones, and said "Good Night Professor!"
She look a few hesitant steps towards the corner where Raven was sitting, but wasn't sure if she should sit somewhere else. Deciding she would sit there, she went and sat next to Raven. | "Good evening Zhenya." Professor Roslund greeted the young snake. He watched her hover by Raven for a bit before sitting down in the seat next to the other Slytherin girl. Quote:
Originally Posted by Macavity
(Post 10942319)
"Good evening Professor Roslund," he greeted the man as he passed, taking a seat near the front. Spotting Kurumi with an open star chart, he was curious as to what she was up to but decided to keep quiet flashing her a simple smile instead. His fellow 5th year had seemed distant and distracted for a while now and Gideon just couldn't think of what to say or do with his friend really. | "Good evening Gideon." Edvard greeted the lion boy with a smile. At least a few lions had found their way over to the Astronomy classroom. Quote:
Originally Posted by Lislchen
(Post 10942339)
Walking through the door, he first glanced at the professor who was sitting at his desk reading some kind of book. "Good evening, Professor." Lewis greeted him quietly before letting his gaze dart around the room for a moment, clearly in search for somebody. Aaaand there she was. With a small smile on his lips, he slowly made his way over to where Kurumi was sitting. "Hey. Can I...sit here?" He asked softly with a nod at the seat next to her. | "Good evening, Master Sterling." Edvard greeted the badger youth with a grin as Lewis went over to join Kurumi and Gideon. Kurumi seemed to have her own little fanclub. Quote:
Originally Posted by Luna_Midnight
(Post 10942420)
Nerida walked into the classroom, looking around, Sarassi wasnt there...Hmm She went to the front of the classroom and sat a one seat away from Kurumi. She said Hello Professor. Sitting down she said Good afternoon Kurumi. Noticing she had her star map open she didnt try for conversation... | "Good evening Nerida." Edvard said as he flashed the little claw a smile. A new face among all the other faces was always welcomed and appreciated. Quote:
Originally Posted by cheeseStrings
(Post 10942434)
Janice skipped into the classroom, feeling not sleepy as usual. She had somehow gotten over her sleepiness when it comes to Astronomy lessons that is held midnight, maybe because she knows that looking over the telescope and see a lot of random but pretty stars is something she really enjoy.
"Hello, professor!" she greeted him, then taking a seat. | "Good evening Janice!" Professor Roslund called after the Hufflepuff as she went and found herself a seat. The girl didn’t look tired at all which was odd. Quote:
Originally Posted by Poolicious
(Post 10942442)
Messer entered the classroom with a big grin. He really love Astronomy and of course Professor Roslund. "Hello, Professor Roslund. How are you?" he greeted the Professor. He saw Lewis the Huffie's Nanny and Kurumi, he gave them a quick nod before he proceed to take a seat in one of the empty chair. | "Good evening Messer." Edvard greeted his name counterpart with a wide smile. "I’m very well, thank you. How are you tonight Messer?" Quote:
Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88
(Post 10942463)
Alyssa entered the Astronomy Tower and smiled. She was glad that class hadnt started yet and that she wasn't late. She noticed Professor Roslund sitting at his desk reading a book and so walked up to him and greeted him,"Good Evening Professor. I hope that you are doing well." She then looked around and before taking a seat and got ready for the lesson to start. | "Good evening Alyssa." Professor Roslund said as he closed his novel and put in a page marker before shoving the novel down a desk drawer. "I’m very well dear. How are you tonight?" Quote:
Originally Posted by SilverDragon
(Post 10942467)
Silvia quickly made her way into the Astronomy classroom. She felt a bit tired, but her excitement for Astronomy kept her wide awake. “Hello Professor Roslund,” she said as she made her way to a seat and pulled a notebook from her bag, eagerly waiting for one of her favorite classes to start. | "Good evening Silvia." Edvard said flashing the girl a smile. It was nice to see that she had come prepared for the lesson which was a plus in his book. Quote:
Originally Posted by Bubbles
(Post 10942479)
Kennedy had just finished a bagel when it was time to go to Astronomy class. Oddly enough, he was up and going, not like other times when he'd be sleepy. He tried to ignore the fact there was a lot of problems he was trying to avoid at the moment...and he was also ignoring that he had developed insomnia. Stressful day, these days were for the kid.
He entered the classroom and took his usual seat at the front. "Hello, Professor Roslund," he greeted with a smiled. | "Good evening Mister Escalante." Professor Roslund flashed the snake a smile as he claimed a seat up front. Quote:
Originally Posted by weasleytwinsROCK
(Post 10942550)
Daisy walked slowly up what felt like the thousands of steps to her astronomy lesson. Hopefully it wouldn't involve too much movement, because her legs ached like mad for some strange reason and she was already tired from the ascent of the stairs. Wishing she could just apparate with a click, or floo instead of having to walk, she walked into the classroom, looking around to find it in a normal state; something that was unusual. Most classes at Hogwarts were held in room that had been magically specially made for them, and however fun they were, it got tiring and difficult to remember what the room originally looked like.
'Hello, Professor,' Daisy smiled at Roslund, glad she had had some coffee to drink before the lesson as she slipped into a seat. | "Good evening Daisy." Edvard greeted the young badger. Was it him or was his classroom over crowded with Hufflepuff students? Quote:
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow
(Post 10942644)
Ella made her way to the astronomy tower rather sleepily. She was tired but knew that Astronomy had been really interesting the first time so she figured she'd wake up once they got going. She smiled at the Professor as she looked around for a seat. "Hey Professor Roslund, hope you're well." The tiny badger said cheerfully. Spotting an empty seat close by, Ella walked over and got settled. | Edvard was just about stand up and start the lesson when another student from Hufflepuff filed into the classroom. "Good evening Ella." He greeted the badger with a smile.
Getting to his feet Professor Roslund pulled out his wand and used it to shut the door as he claimed his favourite spot up front and center. Looking out over the sea of faces he said "Welcome everyone to a new lesson in
Astronomy. Tonight we are going to focus our attention on the Solar system."
"To get a ground to stand on can somebody tell me how many planets there are in the Solar system and what our galaxy is called?"
[occ: Just state the galaxy and how many planets you think there are. Don’t start a discussion just yet about Pluto. We will come to that later. The lesson has now STARTED! Don't RP arriving late] |