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The months flied by in gush of leaves and when Edvard was prepared and ready to hold his first lesson of the term they were entering October. The leaves had taken on a fuller red or brown and yellow colour as the storms started to pick up and the first snow was hanging in the air. Edvard couldn’t help that he had been a bit preoccupied up till now with fixing the observatory and hosting his challenge.
Clad in magnificent space coloured robes he took up his place at the front in his oak desk with the evening Prophet stuck under his nose as per usual at the start of a lesson. It was Edvards way of getting into teaching mode.The desks are arranged in a typical classroom fashion today with neat rows and parchments on each desk. Make use of the parchment. On the black Professor Roslund has written in his curvy distinctive hand writing.
Welcome to another term of Astronomy!!!
Please take a moment and write your name, house and year on the parchments and they will magically turn into name plates.
Opening the Prophet on the first page Edvard engaged himself in the latest news after the cult of Walpurgis throw down, apparently there had been a ball at the Ministry.
Occ:Make yourselves comfortable. We'll officially start in a few hours. Keep the chit-chat to a minimum. Class has started! Acquaint yourself with the Rules, if you haven't done so already. All Astronomy classes are set at night after dinner.
India looked at the obvious Celestial Compass, or nocturnal compass. She didn't answer however as sitting there she felt awkward and out of place - odd really. She loved learning so for now what she was going to do was take notes. Notes meant she'd do better in future classes.
IT'S NOT AN ACT OF LOVE __________________________________________________ ___________ ____________
IF YOU MAKE HER ____________
Ushuring everyone to their seats he felt that it was high time to start the lesson. "Good evening everyone and most welcome to a new term of Astronomy. For those of you who do not know me I am Professor Edvard Roslund and i am Hogwarts resident Astronomy professor."
Pointing at his own robes he continued "Many of you are probably like Tayla wondering why I've given you special astronomer robes. One reason is simply that the Astronomy tower gets awfully chilly at night. Second because its a celebratory term with Hogwarts being in its 1000th year of teaching young minds like i all of you that I should give you all a special treat."
He paused for a moment to let the last student's slip into their robes and slippers. "Now let's start with some basics. First years what do you know about Astronomy? All other years why do you think we learn about Astronomy?"
Originally Posted by Nordic Witch
He changed his footing and spoke to the whole class "As the majority of you have argued, the sun dial can still be of us to us in the modern wizarding or muggle world. Even though the sundial is impractical and might be less accurate on rainy/cloudy days people can still use them if they want as to check their clocks against or as a backup if modern technology fails."
"We should not forget where the idea of clock originated from and if you maintain it properly then sundials don’t need to be only used a pretty garden decoration. As some of you have said in certain situations where technology may not work or is unavailable a sun dial can prove to be essential."
Putting the sun dials back down into its box he picked up a new object and held it up to the class. "Lets move on. Does anyone know what this object is and what it might be used for?"
"Studying the stars helps us understand the universe, the Earth, the creatures, and the events that happen - or will happen. Centaurs study the stars and planets for those reasons, too..." Tayla thought quietly as she listened to her classmates. She took quick notes and wanted to raise her hand to reply, but just when she was about to do so, Professor Roslund had asked another question.
Tayla looked carefully at the object the professor was referring to. She thought she recognized it. Tayla remembered seeing it in his office before, and also in an Astronomy book she had read at the library.
"It looks like some sort of compass..." Tayla began as she raised her hand. "But I think it's...an armillary sphere. It was developed after the gnomon, a less accurate instrument. The armillary sphere is one of the most accurate sundials. They extend observations to the stars and the sun."
A little lost in thought, Tayla continued, still staring at the pretty object. She pointed at it as she spoke. "The armillary sphere's arrow points polar north and a shadow casts onto that band etched with Roman numerals to indicate the local time."
Tayla looked up towards the professor, hoping her answer was correct.
Last edited by affy7ann; 01-26-2012 at 09:06 AM.
Reason: added Professor (spoiler)
Raising her hand, and slightly getting off her chair to get a better look at the new instrument, "That's a nocturnal instrument, right sir? The tool people used to use to determine time depending on a star's position in the sky." Theoretical knowledge over here, she had no idea how to use it practically.
“Very good Louisa. 3 points to Ravenclaw. It’s a nocturnal instrument.” Edvard said.
Originally Posted by Katergirl
"Excuse me Professor, but i am in Slytherin not Hufflepuff..." Angelina said, about the Professor giving three points for the correct answer to her but to the wrong house.
Raising her hand to answer the next question Angelina called out, "That object there Professor is a noctural insterment. It is use to determine th time potion of a star in te sky."
*facepalm* Embarrassed Professor Roslund said “Of course you are a Slytherin Angelina. I’m sorry.” Noting that on a separate parchment he continued “Very good, 3 points to Slytherin. It is a nocturnal instrument.”
Originally Posted by SilverDragon
She raised her hand. "Um, it looks sort of like a clock or another type of sundial. So I'm guessing it's also used to tell time, maybe when a sundial won't work like at night?"
“Very good Silvia. This object is also used to tell time. It’s called an Nocturnal. 2 points.” He replied.
Originally Posted by Devina Wellheart
Justin looked at the object the professor was referring to . After a moment of thought he raised his hand and spoke. " Proffessor, that is a nocturnal device that was used to figure the position of the stars in the sky to determine direction."
“Very good Justin. This object is used to tell time. It’s called a Nocturnal instrument. 3 points.” He said.
Originally Posted by CJP
olivia examined the next object, yes she has seen this one before; but she couldnt remember what it was called. The other students were mostly getting it right so far. Raising her hand, she answered "That device tells the time at night, but it has to be aligned with certain stars such as the North Star. Its kind of like a compass".
“Good Olivia it is similar to a compass. 2 points.” He nooded.
Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88
Alyssa studied the object before raising her hand and answering,"Professor, that instrument is called an Nocturnal Instrument and it is used to tell time by using the position of certain stars in the sky as a point of reference. I think sailors and fishermen still sometimes use that."
“Very good Alyssa sailors and fisherman can still use the nocturnal instrument but it is like the sundial not as efficient as modern devices. 3 points.” Professor Roslund said.
Originally Posted by Cassandra
Taylor smiled and raised her hand, "Professor, that is a noctural instrument. It is used to tell time at night based on a certain star's position. The big and little dipper stars are usually what people try to go by when using it."
“Good, good Taylor. 3 points. People can use the big dipper and little to stay on course at night on the seas.” Edvard responded.
Originally Posted by Squishy ♥
Amelia raised her hand immediately after she saw the instrument they had to identify next. "That's a nocturnal instrument. It works like a sun dial, but instead of using the sun to tell time, it uses the position of certain stars in the sky at night time." She had never used one before, and she was rather interested in trying it out. Though, she hadn't had the best experience with a sun dial when she attempted using it once.
“Very good Amelia. 3 points. Unlike the sundial a nocturnal can be used at night since it relies on the position of stars, but on a cloudy night it can be just as unreliable.” Professor Roslund explained.
Originally Posted by tomewitch
Hmm.. How can a sundial be used in the ongoing modernization? Putting her hands together, she answered, "Well Professor, first and foremost we all know that it helps us determine the time based on the position of the Sun. However nowadays, especially in the Muggle world, more advanced instruments are available for the same use such as watches," she held her watch in front of her, "and clocks. Although this may give us the time, it does not tell us what the time really is in a certain time of the day. I mean, if the watch wasn't set beforehand and there isn't any device around that would tell you the time then you still won't know the time. Also, sundials could help us determine the day of the year." Did that answer the question? She hoped so.
Then a new object. What was it?
Beezus thought for a moment. She had seen that instrument on her grandmother's backyard. "I believe that's a nocturnal instrument Professor," she said after raising her hand. "And in contrast to the sundial, it's used to determine time based on the position of a certain star in the sky.
Professor Roslund smiled “Good Beatrice. A sundial can used in modernization as you exemplify. A modern watch can state the date and day but that’s only on advanced ones. Most watches just give the time. An extra 2 points for you and another 3 points for knowing that I’m holding a nocturnal instrument.”
Originally Posted by PhoenixStar
Hannah looked at the instument to professor was referring to and a couple of things went through her mind. She wasn't sure if she knew the technical term, but she decided to give it a go anyways. With her hand raised she said "Professor I think that is a Nocturnal instrument and it tells time with the help of certain stars." She wasn't sure if nocturnal was the right word for it, but she was sure that the professor would know what she was talking about at any rate.
“Very good Louisa. 3 points to Ravenclaw. It’s a nocturnal instrument.” Edvard said.
Originally Posted by CassiopeiaAKTF
Daichi looked at the object the professor held in the air. He had never seen it before nor did it look familiar. Still, he wanted to try give an answer instead of just quietly sitting down so he raised his arm high in the air. It looked like "A compass with a ruler?" O_o
Edvard smiled “Yes it does look like a compass with a ruler doesn’t it? The device is called a Nocturnal. 2 points.”
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow
Ella wasn't too sure what this new object was. Since they were on the subject of telling time, she chanced a guess. "Professor, could that object have been another instrument used to tell time back before modern technology?" It was quite similar to the sundial after all.
“You are on the right track Ella. 2 points. It is used to tell time but with help of the stars not the sun.” Edvard responded.
Originally Posted by Macavity
Gideon listened as students gave their opinion on the usefulness or unnecessarity of the sundial by modern day wizards. He chose not to comment seeing as his might be seen as a jaded view given his family background. Instead he waited until Professor Roslund set it aside and showed the class a new instrument and asked them if they knew what it was. "That would be a Nocturnal, Professor," he answered after raising his hand once more. "Its a nighttime version of a sundial and used to tell time by measuring the northern stars circular journey around the Pole Star."
“Good Gideon, the nocturnal is a nighttime version of the sundial. 3 points.” He replied.
Originally Posted by KP1
Ryan smiled and wrote it down on parchment.He looked up and thought of what it could be.''Professor thats a Nocturnal version of the Sundial so it could be used at night.''He paused then continuing''It's portable instrument used to tell time by the apparent revolution of the stars on the celestial sphere.''He finished.
“Very good Ryan. The instrument is indeed a nocturnal instrument, since it’s portable and much easier to use unlike a sundial. 3 points.” Edvard nodded.
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie
Nodding as Professor Roslund made some more points and responded to each student's answer, Kurumi tried to keep up with note taking. When he held up the next item, Kurumi leaned forward on her desk a bit to get a closer look at all the detailing on it. "Professor, I believe another name for that is a horologium nocturnum, which means time instrument for night, and is closely related to a sundial. The primary difference, as the name implies, is that this particular instrument is used at night and uses the stars' apparent rotation around the Pole Star, which we more commonly call the North Star."
“Good Kurumi 3 points. The latin name for the instrument is indeed horologium nocturnum.”
Originally Posted by Anna Banana
"That's a Nocturnal," she pointed out, her hand raised. "It serves a similar purpose as the sundial, but this one is mainly used at night. The Nocturnal tells the time based on the position of a star in the sky, not the position of the Sun like the sundial." She studied the layout of the instrument, trying to remember what she'd heard about it. "During the night, all the stars usually turn around the North Star, and depending on where they are in their rotation, the Nocturnal can give you the time of day." "Oh, and it's also mainly used for navigational reasons, like telling the time for calculating the tides," she added.
“Very good Sierra. 3 points. The nocturnal is used mainly for navigational purposes at night and calculating tides which can be tricky.” He agreed.
Originally Posted by Bazinga
Minerva looked at the object for awhile. She wasn't sure if she was right or not putting up her hand "Professor is it a nocturnal instrument to tell time at night."
“Very good Minerva. 3 points to Hufflepuff. It’s a nocturnal instrument.” Edvard said.
Originally Posted by Bubbles
Kennedy sat up straighter as if that would help him answer the next question. He's never in his life seen such interesting thing. It looked like a compass, but he wasn't quite sure. He slowly raised his hand and said, "It resembles a mathematical compass with a round protractor attached to it," he said. "Those are muggle instruments," he murmured.
“Yes Kennedy you are very close it’s a nocturnal used to tell the time at night and both of the instruments I’ve shown you tonight are invented by muggles. 2 points.” Professor Roslund replied.
Originally Posted by alchemist_18
"That is a nocturnal instrument, Professor. It is an instrument used to determine the time based on the position of a certain star in the night sky. Sometimes called a horologium nocturnum or nocturlabe, it is closely related to the sun dial." she explained.
“Very good Raven. 3 points to Slytherin. It’s a nocturnal instrument.” Edvard said.
Originally Posted by EW_FAN
Harvey nervousily raised his hand... "Is it something that would be used at night? We just looked at an instrument that would be used during the day.. so maybe this one would be used at night.. for the same purpose maybe.." he answered the question.. hoping that he was somewhat correct.
“Good reasoning Harvey… 3 points. The nocturnal is a nighttime version of the sundial but uses the stars and not the sun to work.” Professor Roslund explained.
Originally Posted by DanialRadFAN01
"Well sir, if you are out in the wild, you could find a clear, open area then set stones in a circle in roughly the positons of the numbers on a clock. Next you would take a tall, thick branch (as straight as you could find) and then stick it in the center pointing at the sky. The shadow should then point towards roughly the hour."
Yeah that should work. He hadn't done it though.
After sort of freaking out about his explination of building a rough sundail, the Gryffindor took a look at the new item the Astronomy Professor had brought out to show them. "My guess would be it was some sort of nocturnal device for some sort of astrological use." Meaning stars.
He had never seen one and Auggie didn't have the foggiest as to what it would do.
“It might actually work August. I shall test it out on a clear day unless you want to? Also you are correct it’s a sundial 3 points for that knowledge.” Edvard said scribbling some more on his parchment. Maybe Fina would join him for the attempt? She needed to get out more anyway.
Originally Posted by Jessiqua
Zhenya took a close look at the object, and frowned. Hmm... she had seen it at her grandparents house... yes, but wasn't 100% sure about the use of it. Anyway, not to matter, she raised her hand and said "Professor... that's a nocturnal, a type of instrument used during the night. I think it's similar to the Sundial but instead of requiring the positioning of the sun, the nocturnal requites a position of a star to determine the time," she said. Then she had some other information, "It's a good instrument to use during navigation. But Professor, with this instrument does it work on a certain star, or can it work on any star?" she asked.
“Very good Zhenya. 3 points to Slythern. It’s a nocturnal instrument. It can work on any star yes but the most common reference stars are the big and little dipper and the North star.” Edvard said.
Originally Posted by Steelsheen
He raised his hand as he replied "Professor, its called a Nocturnal, and just as Sun dials are used to tell time during the day with the help of the sun, Nocturnals are used to tell time at night with the help of using the North Star as its main reference point, along with other stars in the Big dipper or the Little dipper. Mariners use these most often along with their other navigation tools, since they plot out the course of their travels even at night. "
“Very good Vickers. 3 points to Ravenclaw. It’s a nocturnal instrument.” Edvard said.
Originally Posted by iceblossom22
Elise nodded, taking more notes before looking up to see what it was that Professor Roslund was showing the class. A night-time instrument thingy. Noct... Noct-something. Nocturnal. "It's a Nocturnal, professor. It's used to determine time, much like a sundial, but only at night. It uses the North Star as a reference point and is a navigational instrument too."
“Very good Elise. 3 points to Ravenclaw. It’s a nocturnal instrument.” Edvard responded.
Originally Posted by sevensnared
Another instrument was to identify. Hades gazed at it for long, then mused into his own thoughts as he tried to recall the item. "I've seen it before, but where?" the Slytherin mumbled to himself, shrugging his head. Several more mumblings and he shut and opened his eyes for a few time before he remembered what it was. "It's a nocturnal. I think it's used to determine time too, but using the position of stars at night time,"that he didn't know how to use.
“Very good Hades. 3 points to Hufflepuff. It’s is correctly a nocturnal instrument.” Edvard said.
Originally Posted by Poolicious
Messer smiled widely when Professor Roslund gave points for his answer. Then the Professor put back the sun dial and held up a new object. His eyes automatically went to the object. Oh he know that one. Messer raised his hand up in the air "Its a Nocturnal, Sir. Its a portable instrumentused to determine the time based on the position of a certain star in the night sky. The nocturnal is an instrument developed for use by sailors who noticed that the northern stars appeared to rotate around the Pole Star." Speaking of Pole Star he felt a little deja vu.
“Very good Messer. 3 points to Hufflepuff. Its indeed a nocturnal instrument which was developed for use by sailors and fishermen.” Edvard said.
Originally Posted by Harry174
Laura looked at the Professor. "It's a clock that someone made wrong, you see it suppost to have number all the way around and also the thing that points to the numbers is suppost to be small and there are suppost to be two of them." Laura sighed. "Professor if I was you I'd go ask for my money back, that's just rubbish workmanship there." Laura looked at the Professor.
“No on the contrary Laura. The instrument is supposed to look like this it’s called a nocturnal and is used to tell time at night via the stars.” Professor Roslund explained.
Originally Posted by cheeseStrings
"It, err, a time measureing device, right?" Well that was just plain obvious. "Is it a calendar, or a clock that doesn't uses sunlight to determine the time?"
“Yes you are on the right track Janice it’s a time measuring device. Its called Nocturnal and is a nighttime version of the sundial. 2 points.” He commented
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
"It's a Nocturnal, Professor," Jory said raising his hand after taking a good look at the object. "It's used during the night instead to tell time by using a particular star as a reference point.''
“Very good Jory. 3 points to Hufflepuff. It’s indeed a nocturnal instrument.” Edvard said.
Originally Posted by affy7ann
"It looks like some sort of compass..." Tayla began as she raised her hand. "But I think it's...an armillary sphere. It was developed after the gnomon, a less accurate instrument. The armillary sphere is one of the most accurate sundials. They extend observations to the stars and the sun."
“It does look like a compass Tayla. It’s called a nocturnal and is used for telling time like the sundial but is used at night and uses the starts positions for accurately giving the right time not the sun.” Edvard said.
Turning to address the whole class Professor Roslund started his lecture "The object in my hand is as most of you have correctly stated a Nocturnal instrument. The latin name for it as some of you have given is horologium nocturnum it can also be called nocturlabe."
"The nocturnal is an instrument used to determine the time based on the position of a certain star in the night sky. The referance stars sailor use are often the North star, the big and small dippers. The nocturnal is most commonly used as navigational instrument since on the sea its important to be able to calculate tides."
"The instrument can be constructed from wood or brass. The outer disc/layer has the months of the year and an inner disc with hours and in some cases half hours even. It will also have a pointer rotating on axis as the discs. The axis or pointer has a hollow in the middle to allow for a star to be sighted through it."
Looking down at his watch for a moment he nodded to himself and then looked up at his students "It’s getting late so we shall jump to the last portion of tonight. I hope you all brought along your telescopes?"
Edvard waited a moment and then continued as the students extracted telescopes from their bags. "We are going to star gaze but not for stars but balloons located on the grounds. So set up your telescopes and get to work!"
OOC Rules: There are 42 balloons floating around the grounds. Your task is to use your telescope to spot them. Balloons are hidden in posts within the school grounds. In order to have your character spot a balloon, you must QUOTE that post and link directly to it. You may only spot ONE balloon per post and once a balloon has been spotted, it will no longer count so you should be careful not to quote or post spotting one that has already been posted in the lesson. If your post contains more than one balloon or a balloon that has already been spotted, it won't earn you any points.
Example of how a correctly spotted balloon post should look like:
Originally Posted by Ballon spotting
Edvard stuck his eye to the lens and began his search. Searches, searches 'Oh i see one'. "I see an X balloon professor." (You will of course add more text/RP than this)
Originally Posted by Gabrielle
"Here, you can read it if you want." Glenn said, chucking the letter to Sophie, "My dad was in Gryffindor and my mum's a muggle. How about your parents?" Glenn watched as Sophie read the letter, "That's a nickname, my brother gave it to me." She blushed and busied herself with watching an inquisitive little panda topiary, creeping towards where they were sitting.
Topiary Garden, Page 30, post # 735
Balloons may be found in any of the following threads:
- Each student can find/spot a maximum of 5 balloons each to give everyone a chance to take part.
- NO double posting. Double posts will be deleted and will not give you any points or count as a balloon being spotted.
- The floating balloons are pictures/balloon gifs in peoples posts.
- House balloons are more valuable than the generic ones.
- When you quote a balloon post also add info on in what thread, page and the post number where the balloon was found. + important RP your charrie spotting the balloon with their telescope.
- Don't panic, Have Fun!
- I'll post point results at the end of the game.
Last edited by Nordic Witch; 01-26-2012 at 07:00 PM.
Aaah, another three points. That was pure fantastic. Louisa's smile broadened and any trace of being crossed with Roslun had vanished. This class was even more entertaining than the ones from last term. Hehe.
Taking notes of what the professor was saying, careful to spell all the Astronomy nerdy talk right too, Louisa put down her quill and pushed it to the side. Hearing the instructions of their stargazing for the night- or should she say balloongazing? Because apparently they had to spot balloons scattered around in the grounds.
With an amused look out at the grounds, the girl absolutely saw nothing yet. Once the professor ushered them to start on their telescopes, the girl pulled the telescope closer and directed it toward the right sight. Putting her eyes on the lens she worked delicately with her hands to adjust the lens. After few tries, she fixed it at the best view and started looking.
From the pathways, over to the Topiary garden.. nothing her telescope captured yet. She slowed down her motion and from far away something was floating with a tail wiggling in the wind. Her hands played with her telescope to focus more on the thing and determine what kind of 'floating thing' was. "Bingo." She murmured before scribbling down her first spot.
Text Cut: Balloon spot #1
Originally Posted by EW_FAN
Harvey smiled and for a brief moment he stopped smiling before he resumed his smile again. "Turn that frown upside down... no frowning in front of me is allowed.. hmm.. maybe I should make that a rule for everyone" he said to her chuckling.
The Corridor To The Courtyard, Page 3, post #50
Last edited by Magical Soul; 01-26-2012 at 07:14 PM.
Selena liked looking through the thing. It was fun, looking through the telescope that is. Selena grinned and took her own out before looking around for pretty balloons. Balloons were cool. Until they popped, because they you couldn't whack them anymore. She wondered if the professor would allow them to keep the balloons later. Selena certainly wouldn't mind. She bent her head slightly to look out at the grounds for floaty balloons.
C'mon, pretty thingies. Where you at?
She squinted, determined to find the dratted floating, bouncy balloons. Wait.
What was that?
SPOILER!!: balloon 1 spotted.
Originally Posted by Balloon Spotting
Originally Posted by Colley ♥
Taryn had caught sight of the pretty new Groundskeeper during the feast and MAYBE... just maybe she'd been hoping to bump into him whilst on a stroll of the LOVELY grounds...
Hehe. Not like she'd even be able to talk to him if she ever DID bump into him. Hehe. She'd have to admire from afar...
But then, she got distracted by the DUCKS. Eeek! Duckies. Clara saw the ducks too, and she crouched down low, looking much like a lioness about to attack. Taryn knew she wouldn't though, Clara wasn't much of an action cat, she was lazy.
The Duck Pond, top of page 1, post number 2
Was the balloon purple? Or was it blue? Or was it red? None of the above. It was green. Like Selena's favorite color. Yup.
"OOOOH. OOOH! Balloon!" Selena exclaimed, pointing at the thing in the distance with her hand as she continued to eye the green balloon through her telescope. "PROFESSSOOOOR!!" Her hand continued to point at the balloon, though it was clear no one could see it without a telescope. "It's GREEEEEEN!" Selena added, beaming from ear to ear, determined to not let anyone see the epic green balloon.
she did want them to see it, they just wouldn't be able to see it without a telescope, so what exactly was Selena doing? Did it matter? No. Because there was an awesometastical green balloon floating around the Duckie Pond. Full of Ducks. That quacked but should hiss. Because they owned the Green balloon now.
though we're strangers 'til now, we're choosing a path between the s t a r s________________._____________ ♡♡_______________________.__________________________ ____i'll leave my .l o v e. between the stars...
Silvia was glad to be earning a few house points in this class, especially since astronomy was the subject she was most interested in. She finished writing a few notes and then stored them in her bag and pulled out her telescope.
Silvia set up her telescope and began to look around. The grounds were large and the balloons could be almost anywhere. It was hard to know where to start. She started by randomly pointing the telescope in various directions hoping to spot one, but that didn’t seem very effective. Maybe she needed to focus the search by searching one area thoroughly before moving on to the next area. She decided to turn her telescope first to the courtyard and scanned it for a few minutes.
Finally she found one.
SPOILER!!: balloon 1
Originally Posted by WitchLight27
Erin opened her eyes again when she heard a soothing voice, but what the? That couldn't be? That couldn't be his voice. "I swear to Merlin," Erin muttered under her breath with all her eyes fixed to Jonathan. She moved backwards without intending to, eyes still on him. Is he just an apparition or something? Is he real? Is Erin's imagination fooling her this time? Is it night time? Did the moon came down from above? Fool! She fell. Literally, she fell down on her butt.
Aaaah! You are shameful Erin Heyman! Why would you fall in front of him? Why him? The wish came too soon. She didn't even had her deep breath yet. Called him? Called him? Yeah right. But Erin would never admit that. Never in her entire life.
Louisa literally jumped when Selena shrieked declared her balloon spotting. She snickered at the girl and went back to her telescope. Moving it away from the courtyard, over to the vast grounds of Hogwarts. Over the lake, that looked quite intimidating, the Quidditch Pitch that was barely visible from here, then to the Topiary Garden that was creepy looking at this time of the night. Then, and the furthest from the castle, Louisa had spotted her next balloon.
Text Cut: Balloon #2
Originally Posted by jujune29th
"HAH!! I GOT IT!!" Sophie said happily. Her smile vanished. What was she going to do now??
"HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELP!!!" she screamed at the top of her lungs.
After finding the first balloon, Selena wanted to find more balloons. But not just any ordinary balloon though. She wanted to find the green ones. Only the green ones. Or maybe shiny ones, shiny balloons would always be easy to find. Selena allowed her telescope and her eyes to pan across the school grounds. She wondered if this was what an owl did before swooping down and dropping stuff on people in the Great Hall. Probably, it did seem like fun... the dropping part not everything else. She'd try to-
Selena saw the slight flicker of something. She stopped moving and tried to find the thing that had moved. Student on the loose? No... Selena squinted a little before seeing a little string floating and following it she found a big round, oval-y GREEN balloon. See, she'd definitely find all the green ones now.
Slytherins did know how to find each other and the balloon was so obviously Slytherin with its green hues.
SPOILER!!: balloon 2 spotted.
Originally Posted by balloon spotting
Originally Posted by Lislchen
More questions. "Yes." Lewis replied with a smile and a nod before realizing that he should probably add something there. At least the boy was looking at him expectantly, or so it seemed. "From Salem. That's in America." He offered, adding the last part because that boy Messer from the feast had thought Nebraska was next to Alaska, so they clearly weren't that good with geography here.
WHY had he come?! "I had to." Cue sadface. "My dad had to move her because of work and then we all had to move here too. And now...here I am." Obviously. He was also very obviously not too excited about it. But it was going to be fine.
Yes! He had said thanks. That was a good sign, right? AND he had introduced himself. At least he knew what the Head Boy's name was now. One less thing on his checklist. "Nice to meet you, Treyen." That was what people usually said in reply, right? Plus, it WAS nice to meet him. "I'm Lewis." Though, he wasn't sure if he would be interested in his name too.
The pathways, top of page 2, post number 27
Then she heard someone snicker. Who was snickering? It didn't matter. They obviously didn't find an EPIC balloon like she had. Mmmmhmmm. "GREEEEEEN OOOONEEE!" Selena exclaimed again, brightly, as she continued to grin from ear to ear. She rather liked this game of finding balloons.
though we're strangers 'til now, we're choosing a path between the s t a r s________________._____________ ♡♡_______________________.__________________________ ____i'll leave my .l o v e. between the stars...
Vanessa the Snot Girl l Rachels Rule | rock,tumble,&roll ❆ adorable coffee bean
Theeey had to find balloons in the grounds? Well that seemed interesting. Indiana liked balloons. They were pretty. Ravenclaw totally had to win this, well because they were really just the most epic beings ever. The little ravenclaw pulled her telescope close, and began looking out at the grounds. She couldn't see anything at first, but she figured that she just needed to get used to using her telescope. She hadn't used it all over summer after all. Smiling, she hummed, tapping against the telescope a little. Little Indy was looking all over the grounds, trying to sort of look hard. She wasn't really this good at this. Blue totally blended in with the black sky. That was so not a cool colour.
OOH. Wait she'd got onee. "Yaaay!" Indiana giggled, realising that she'd got one. This was soo coool. Indy felt pretty happy with herself. Now onto finding the next one
SPOILER!!: balloon
Originally Posted by fanficfanatict
Selina was so distracted. Every since Gideon had his episode during try outs, which consisted of him almost falling off his broom and hurting his wrist, the redhead could not help but worry about her boyfriend. Fulfilling her duties as Captain continued on for the rest of the try outs, but in the back of her mind she kept wondering if Gideon was alright. So when the try outs ended she changed her clothes quickly, she did not need to shower because she had just sat and watched try outs, and ran down the pathway. Hopefully she could catch up with Gideon after he visited the hospital wing.
As if by fate, she saw her boyfriend, wet hair and all, on his way up to the castle. She jogged beside him and gingerly reached for his wrist. Her eyes met his and she asked genuinely concerned, "Hey are you alright?"
The Pathways, Post 201 Page 9
It's the end of the show. Of the historemix. We switched up the flow. And we changed the prefix
But we want to say. Before we drop the curtain. Nothing is for sure. Nothing is for certain
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Amelia thought that this game sounded like a lot of fun, so she excitedly set her telescope up and started looking around her in the hoped that she'd be able to spot a balloon. She fiddled with her telescope a little, and kept searching until....
SPOILER!!: balloon 1
Originally Posted by JacquiMalfoy
The blonde Slytherin entered the court yard twirling her wand in her hand. Beautiful day. Happy. Yep, it was a good day. And hogsmeade was finally open, so she could get more sweets whenever she decided to go. Now just to find a friend to go with her. Or her boyfriend whenever he showed up again.
Speaking of the boyfriend, there he was. Chelsea snuck up behind him "Guess who?" she smiled. Obvious. Ryan knew her well enough to know who it was.
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Minerva went to her telescope. This was an interesting game now wasn't it. She set up her telescope and began to look around the grounds. Balloons, would they even be able to see balloons this far away. Well it is a telescope dumb dumb she thought. She looked over at the courtyard and thought she saw something. Focusing her telescope she looked harder. Hmmm "Yes I found one it's purple.'
Balloon 1:
Originally Posted by Krel Ansell
Sorry? Well, that was - - something.
Daisy’s mouth opened and closed a few times like a cod fish as she tried to find something else to yell at him for while his sad puppy dog eyes pored into hers. She suddenly was done yelling. It’s amazing what an apology can do.
“Well,” she uncrossed her arms, placing her hands on her hips. “Apology accepted.” Pause. “Just don’t do it again.”
For the first time since seeing him, she gave him a good look over. He did look rather miserable; tired even, with bags under his eyes and his hair a bit askew. She knew it was more than just her whack with the book. “You look like a hippogriff ran you over. Did one?”
Astrid, sensing that the danger had ended, crawled out from behind Daisy's ear and settled back onto her shoulder, ignoring Damien.
The courtyard post #200
She smiled searching again for the next one.
Last edited by Bazinga; 01-26-2012 at 08:21 PM.
Reason: Forgot post number...
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
This was actually really fun, and easier than Amelia had thought that it would be. At least for now. Hopefully she'd manage to find more House balloons, though she wouldn't object to some nice generic ones if they were pretty. And well, any balloon was good, really.
She repositioned her telescope to look over the lake because it was pretty, and "Got one!"
SPOILER!!: balloon 2
Originally Posted by alchemist_18
Wow, Finally THE LAKE!!!
It was the most favorite place in Hogwarts and Raven also loved it too. She walked enthusiast to the lake and... Thank Merlin it was quiet here!
"YAY!!!!!" she screamed loudly. She didn't care what people said to her about this. Maybe just.. insane?
"Ah, I really missed this place!" said her. Then she sat under the tree near the lakeside. She took a book from her bag and started to reading.
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Minerva quickly began to looking for the second balloon. She moved on from the courtyard to the Vegetable Patch. The minute she moved to the patch she noticed another balloon. "Found a second balloon. This one is orange." she said happily.
2 Balloons:
Originally Posted by PhoenixStar
SPOILER!!: Presley
Presley knew Elliot was refferring to Leo's veiws when she said that it was interesting. Presley herself wasn't sure what she thought. She tended to lean toward her father's point of view. After all, all she wanted was his approval.
Suddenly Presley flipped around and full out glared at Hannah. "Not worthy?" she asked sharply. Presley may have been from Noble blood, but that didn't mean she was a pureblood. "My mother was a muggle." Presley threw the words accusingly toward the first year. Not only was Presley older, but her family still had more social recognition than the Lockwoods. People knew when she said her last name that Presley was noble. Hannah had no such recognition. She had no right to say such things about Presley's family. No right. "How dare you speak to me that way?" Presley could let insults slide over her often, but not this time. That comment was just wrong, and Presley wasn't going to take it sitting down.
She cooly turned to Elliot, realizing that the Morganzo hadn't made the statement, and calmed slightly. "Yes, your father always has been very mysterious about his work. Have you ever speculated about it?" Presley's own father was as well. She knew he worked with books and numbers, but what he did with them and how they were useful was a mystery to his children.
She was listening to Presley answer Elliot's questions when all of a sudden the girl turned around and lashed into her. Hannah's blood automatically boiled. She didn't care who you were or how pure your blood was nobody was going to talk to Hannah like that. Not to mention that she couldn't be that noble with a muggle as a mother. It usually wouldn't bother her so much whether or not other people's parents were pureblood, but this girl did ask her how her parents felt did she not? Sure she shared her parents views on the matter, but if someone did not want to know something then why ask? "Being married to a wizard and knowing about us is different from exposing to the general population about us." Which was true and besides she didn't really care what this girl thought. Presley isn't anything to her. She wasn't going to apologize for how she felt. It wasn't her fault that her father married a muggle.
Hannah was not somebody that was going to go with the flow. She believes in what she believes in and that's that. She wasn't even trying to be rude to the girl. She was over it now though. She was acting as if she was ranting on about her mother personally. Once she was told that her mother was a muggle she would have let the subject drop but not after she went off the deep end. "I wasn't speaking to you any kind of way...you asked me a question and I answered." Surely this girl did not think that life was always rainbows and sunshine. People were not always going to have the same views or opinions. Hannah wasn't going to change her views to appease anyone. That much she was sure of. Hannah was done with the foolish girl. So she stared her down before turning to Elliot.
SPOILER!!: Elliot
Elliot raised her eyebrows at Presley with s smirk on her face, which was meant to tell the other girl that she understood. Hmm. Preset didn't know how she felt about Hannah yet, she could tell. Pity, really. Hannah was a lot like Elliot.
It didn't surprise Elliot that Mr. Black agreed with Darius about the cult. Afterall, they were in the same circle of friends. What DID surprise was Leo's opinion. He disagreed with his father? How weird. Darius would never allow that.
"How...interesting," she commented.
What also surprised her was the fact that Hannah's parents were against the cult. But she supposed that the reasoning behind it was good enough. However, she doubted this comment from comment would earn any like from Presley. Her mother had been a muggle, afterall. Hmm. If it suddenly got quite heated...how fun that would be.
Mysterious jobs? Sounded like Elliot's dad! Except he didnt work for the ministry...he had his own business.
"Oh, my mother always says her job is maintaining her household and her children. So, in other words, she doesn't have one, either," she replied as she rolled her eyes. " my father, too, has a mystery job. But I think we have some type of family business...."
Elliot wondered what Presley's dad did...she couldn't remember. She knew Leo worked at the ministry, though.
As she looked at Elliot she couldn't even remember what she had said at first still fuming about the silly Presley girl...noble blood....right! She wondered for a moment how Elliot could be friends with such a person and then she thought back to Diagon Alley when she had met another girl that wasn't sure her blood and realized that it didn't matter because they had gotten on so well. Makes no difference now she would never be ok with someone talking to her like that. Ahh yes it was coming back to her...their mothers. Your mom sounds a lot like my mom." Which is a lot more than she could say about Presley's mom. Then Hannah stood there because she was not going to let Presely run her off and she sure wasn't intimidated!
Selena was on a crazy search for the next epic green balloon. But it wanted to hide. WHY?! Was sitting still and putting itself in front of Selena a really hard thing to do? Well... she supposed it was for the balloon, not because it didn't have a brain - it totally had one - but because it was floating around, waiting to be spotted.
"Ballooooon, where you at?" Selena called out quietly, looking for the greeness of the great house of Slyther- ewh. There was a red thingy in the sky. Or well, above the veggie patch. Which made no sense because the balloons there all ought to be GREEN .... to go along with the plants that is. Which was also when Selena realized what she had seen.
SPOILER!!: balloon 3 spotted.
Originally Posted by balloon spotting
Originally Posted by Sneakeh Cat
Who in their bloody right minds wanted vegetables?
Zayden Abrams found himself standing outside of the gate at this so called "veggie patch" for the first time since school began. He absentmindedly scratched the back of his neck as his green eyes scanned the patches of leaves that covered the area in front of him.
Once again, here was the million galleon question: why vegetables? Why couldn't it be a donut patch? Or a cupcake patch? Or... heck, he'd even take a lightsaber patch! He was sure they could magically make plants grow little lightsabers that he could come harvest and play with it. It was every man's dream -- or maybe it was just his.
The Vegetable Patch, middle of Page Four, post number 89
Beaming Selena almost clapped her hands and dropped her telescope. "YAY! RED ONE!" Selena exclaimed, grinning. Now... if only the professor would change it to greeeen then Selena would be all happy. The balloons did have to REPRESENT for their epic houses after all. Well, just one epic house of Slytherin, that was it.
She also wanted a chocolate balloon. So she could eat it. It sounded quite delicious.
though we're strangers 'til now, we're choosing a path between the s t a r s________________._____________ ♡♡_______________________.__________________________ ____i'll leave my .l o v e. between the stars...
Five minutes have passed. Louisa's face was still buried in the telescope, her hands were very delicately focusing the lens once the girl felt them change or get unclear. She stared out at the trees. They weren't so creepy so perhaps it was just the Forbidden Forest? Well... no balloons should be floating over that doomed place.
Moving slowly to the side, she located one dot suspended in the air. Moving the dials slowly to adjust the lens to a further point, the girl fumbled with her fingers causing the view to go horribly wrong, then mildly wrong until finally focusing on the one blue balloon.
Text Cut: Balloon #3
Originally Posted by HOPEendures
"I don't really have a favorite team. I just enjoy playing it," Jezzabelle said smiled. "I prefer beater but I can also play chaser." She would never be one for seeker. Too much pressure and too much skill need that she just didn't have at the moment. "I'm going to tryout for the Gryffindor team so hopefully I'll be lucky enough to be a beater."
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
After having success at the lake, Amelia decided that she would look over towards the topiary garden, because that was a cool place, and where she had seen the pretty teddy bear and the unicorn that she wanted to take home and keep as a pet.
She pouted as she tried to forget about unicorns and focus on what she had to do. And it was rather hard to look in this spot because of some of the bigger animals. She did a few adjustments and then she spotted another one!
SPOILER!!: balloon 3
Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl
William was out and about the first morning back at school, exploring the grounds as usual. This year, however, he was accompanied by someone different, a companion he had never had back when he roamed the grounds as a student.
Jack was Willy's favorite new friend, his adorable cruppy that he had adopted at the end of summer and trained up already. The pup was so well behaved that most days, Will didn't even keep him on a leash as they roamed about in the mornings. It wasn't like there were going to be any students up this ear---
"YIP YIP!" the little dog barked excitedly, running off into the topiary gardens as he apparently picked up some scent. Will shrugged it off and didn't bother chasing after him, choosing instead to tilt his head at a garden... sculpture...? that seemed to be a giraffe made of leaves eating... more leaves.... Odd choice, Waylon, odd choice. But that was his Hufflepuff friend for ya.
Jack, meanwhile, busied himself with sniffing all around the shoes of a HUMAN!BOY who was patting a fake horse. Silly boy, didn't he know the horse was FAKE?!
There's some good in this world and it's worth fighting for| LOTR|Whovian|Sherlock Fan
Alyssa quickly set up her telescope and started looking for the balloons as she focussed and scanned the grounds she spotted one in the Vegetable Patch
Balloons #1
SPOILER!!: Balloon #1
Originally Posted by MyPatronusIsaMoose;10855356
Having had finally digested the giant meal he had. Oakey set out to walk around the grounds. He was curious to see if there was anything new and different.
He found himself close to the old hut. When he heard something being yelled about Tomatoes. [I
That's a strange thing to yell about[/I] Oakey thought. He inched his way closer to what seemed like a garden. He peeked over the white fence to see a girl dancing around on the plants. Hey, you! He called out to the girl. What about Tomatoes?
he looked around and saw that this wasn't some magical Herbology garden, but a normal vegetable one, No Man-Eating-Plants in here he thought. This looked just like the one that Granny Gunter has back at home. Oh cool, he hoped over the fence only to catch the back of his robe to it and fell flat on his into the soft brown soil. He sat up and rubbed some of the dirt from himself off. He then looked around curiously. didn't I hear another voice? he asked the girl.
Vegetable Patch, Page 1 Post 5
Last edited by FireboltAvis88; 01-26-2012 at 09:54 PM.
Reason: Coding problems. Trying to correct them.
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Minerva turned her telescope to face the Willow. She looked around at the willow punching at something and giggled a bit. "I found a third balloon, but I think it might be in a fight with the willow."
Balloon #3
Originally Posted by natethegreat
Nate decides to see if what his dad said were true if there was a whomping willow. Once he gets down there he already sees someone there. So he decides to greet her. He wals up to the person and goes "H I'm Nate. I came down here to see if what my father told me was true about this tree. He once had a broken arm from this tree. It just whacked him and he went flying. He landed on his right arm."
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿
After finding the 1st balloon, Ella got quite excited. She looked again and saw an orange balloon floating near the front gate..."Wow, another one!"
Originally Posted by THESTRAL!
Head down, ears pinned back, this lonely thestral made it's way across the not so familiar grounds of Hogwarts. Exposed, confused and feeling vulnerable, he moved toward the front gate at a glacial pace.
His skeletal frame jutted along, hooves clinking on loose stones uncomfortably. It was at this point he came to a halt, ears perking slightly, and nostils flaring. There was a gate in his way, technically though, there was nothing really keeping him here. He could always return to the forest, spread his wings and disappear like the ghost that he was to most people.
Feeling a little frustrated and out of place, he took to gnawing at the harsh iron gate, withers quivering as he did so.
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
With three balloons down and two to go, Amelia was starting to wonder to herself if it was possible for balloons to get close to the Whomping Willow and not get popped right away. Okay, that wasn't really possible as the tree was evil, but maybe she would be able to see some before they got destroyed.
Rotating her telescope again, she tried to locate the big tree. After finding it, she zoomed in to see what she could find.
SPOILER!!: balloon 4
Originally Posted by Lottiepot
Despite the fact he had been at the school for a couple of months now, Bradley hadn't particularly got out the castle a lot. He preferred the comfort of the Common Room, despite that he still knew very few people. even those in his own house. It wasn't that he was anti sociable, or felt that couldn't make any friends, it was just that he still wasn't comfortable in this environment entirely.
But today was the day he was gonna get out and about for a bit. Wrapped up in a simple jacket and with a grey scarf hanging loosely around his neck and his arms shoved into his pockets, the fourth year made his way down towards the Whomping Willow, an area that had remained fairly unvisited by him. He stopped when he noticed the amount of students that were down here. It wasn't busy but there had been more than he expected. He breathed out, his warm breath noticeable as a small whisp as he scanned for somewhere to sit.
He noticed the hair at first, it was very recognisable, stood out from a mile away and he made his way over to his fellow Slytherin. He sat, tilting his head towards her at first before turning his lips up into a small smile. "Nice to see some friendly company out here. Beginnin' to think I'm a bit of a nobody at this school" he laughed slightly turning back to look over at the tree.
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Minerva giggled again as she looked at the Willow. "I found another balloon. I hope they are charmed because that tree does not like them around." She was enjoying this game and she was loving finding the purple balloons. She knew they weren't her house balloons, but oh well.
Balloon 4
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow
Ella nodded. Sophie had a good point about that song. It was definitely cool despite the person singing it! "You're right, it definitely is. That was proven to me when my dad would sing it in the car!" She laughed, remembering how terrible her dad's singing had been. "Homework has definitely been challenging! Especially when all I want to do is explore the castle!" She drummed her fingers together mischievously thinking of all the places she still had yet to explore. After hearing Sophie's invitation, Ella lay back on the grass and looked up at the sky. "Yeah, I bet it will be a great night for stargazing. Count me in!"
Taking a break from gazing through the telescope, Louisa pulled away and stretched her arms and back. Glancing around to see how students were doing by far, she turned around in her seat taking in the class before settling back before her table again.
She refocused the telescope, better this time and faster. Placing her face to the Astronomy instrument, the girl started maneuvering it until she got something again.
Text Cut: Balloon #4
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow
Ella was trying to figure out the best setting to use for the pictures she wanted to take when someone jumped out at her! "What are you doing you Loon-OH! Logan! Merlin's pants you scared me!" She steadied her camera and snapped a picture of Logan, laughing all the while. "I thought you were a kidnapper or a crazy person!" She put her camera down by her side and walked up to him, shoving him playfully. "You can't scare a girl like that! Just wait til I get you back!" She grinned at him mischievously while drumming her fingers together.
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Minerva moved to the duck pond to see if she could find any there. She was watching the ducks and almost forgot to look for balloons when another purple ballon came into sight. "Found a fifth balloon at the duck pond." she smiled.
Balloon #5
Originally Posted by Poolicious
He cringed when Ellie mentioned about house elves. He never really fond with those creatures, sooner or later he has to face them but he prefer later though. He can't just rely on his snack supplies they might be run off sometime. "They seems pretty handy." And weird too with those big eyes.
"Thanks Ellie." He really need that. Oh. Ellie is a seeker? "That's cool. You must be pretty fast flier." Maybe he should try out as a keeper rather than beater because the first rule in the beater's bible is take out the Seeker. He didn't mind aiming those bludger to the other Seeker but at Ellie not so much.
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿
Turning her telescope toward the Topiary Garden, Ella peered through and found yet another balloon. "Yes, number 3! This is fun!" She said aloud, pleased with the balloons she was finding.
Originally Posted by Gabrielle
"Yeah, yeah I have!" Glenn gushed, "I don't really understand the Care of Magical Creatures one though, how are we supposed to write from our doll's perspective?" She frowned slightly, it had been bothering her a little. "Do we make up it's personality or something...?"
Glenn shook her head and smiled, "I could make a photo frame with one of these pictures in the middle! We're supposed to give it to someone anyway? Right?"