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One of the corridors on the third floor is home to a large collection of armor. Be careful not to touch or the caretaker may give you detention to clean up your fingerprints (and everyone else's).
As he strolled down the third floor corridor, Eino walked past the same armor gallery he had walked by for the past four years. This time, however, something was off, but he wasn't sure what it was. Maybe one of the armors had been moved, or maybe they just looked shinier than usual, or maybe it was the lighting in the room. He stood there pondering with one hand on his chin, gently stroking it.
As he strolled down the third floor corridor, Eino walked past the same armor gallery he had walked by for the past four years. This time, however, something was off, but he wasn't sure what it was. Maybe one of the armors had been moved, or maybe they just looked shinier than usual, or maybe it was the lighting in the room. He stood there pondering with one hand on his chin, gently stroking it.
How he had gotten onto the third floor he wasn't quite sure. Lewis hadn't really been paying too much attention to where he was going. It wasn't like he had to BE somewhere right now. He was still trying to figure out what to write Valerie. Or if he should. No, he had already decided that he would. She would want to know how he was after all. Just the what was what was still troubling him.
Rounding yet another corner, he looked up lazily just to get his bearings and...stopped dead in his tracks. Of course it was bound to happen but he still wasn't prepared for it. He had run into another person. Just standing there looking an armor. Had he noticed him? Probably. Lewis hadn't exactly been quiet or anything. Biting his lip for a moment, still considering to just leave again, he finally took a deep breath and said, "Hello." There, that hadn't been that hard.
How he had gotten onto the third floor he wasn't quite sure. Lewis hadn't really been paying too much attention to where he was going. It wasn't like he had to BE somewhere right now. He was still trying to figure out what to write Valerie. Or if he should. No, he had already decided that he would. She would want to know how he was after all. Just the what was what was still troubling him.
Rounding yet another corner, he looked up lazily just to get his bearings and...stopped dead in his tracks. Of course it was bound to happen but he still wasn't prepared for it. He had run into another person. Just standing there looking an armor. Had he noticed him? Probably. Lewis hadn't exactly been quiet or anything. Biting his lip for a moment, still considering to just leave again, he finally took a deep breath and said, "Hello." There, that hadn't been that hard.
Eino had been deep in thought, too distracted to notice anything else around him. What had started as a contemplation on how the armors came to look off ended up as an epiphany for a new potion he had to try out. As he attempted to recall what he was off to do before he became distracted by the armors, he heard someone's voice from behind him, a greeting, possibly directed at him. Eino lowered his hand and hastily turned around to face a boy. From a first glance, Eino did not recognize the boy, but he did notice the Hufflepuff crest on his robes. "Oh, hello." Eino replied with a rather cheery voice. Upon closer inspection, the boy seemed a little off just like the armors. Maybe... everything was off today, or maybe it was Eino who was off.
Oh. He had clearly interrupted the boy at...doing something. Lewis eyes darted back at the armor for a moment, wondering what in the world he could have been staring at so intently. Weird. Looking back at the boy, his eyes fell on the Prefect badge on the front of his robes. It was blue. So nobody from his house. Somehow he STILL didn't know who his Prefects were.
Okay, now that they'd both said hello could he leave again? Or was he expected to...linger? Talk some more? Hug the guy? Dance? Lewis really wasn't good at that kind of stuff! "Hello." It had worked before so why not just say it again, right?
Eino's eyes widened when the boy repeated the same word. Maybe Eino hadn't spoken loud enough? He tilted his head to the right, then to the left, then returned it to an upright position. Eino folded his hands behind his back before speaking. "Hello?" He greeted, this time less cheery and slightly more confused. The possibility that the boy was actually Peeves playing a prank on Eino crossed his mind, but Peeves usually liked to trick the younger students, so Eino discarded that idea. Something most definitely was off in this situation, and it was not because of the armors!
As he waited, he realized that the boy was about his own height so he couldn't be much younger than him. Still, he could not recall ever seeing him in the school, even if he was a Hufflepuff. After four years, Eino could recognize most of the students in his year and those older, even if he didn't know all of them.
The boy seemed...confused. So maybe it hadn't been such a brilliant idea after all to just say hi again. But what else could he do? Or say? They boy was tilting his head so - just because he didn't know what else to do - he mimicked the boy's actions, cocking his head to the left and then to the right. Then however he left it like that, just looking at the Prefect, frowning a little. Maybe he SHOULD have left after all when he'd still had the chance.
"Hi." There, he had come up with something else to say. Now it was the other boy's turn. Why did he have to be the one to initiate the conversation anyway?! The Prefect could start saying something too. Or do something. His eyes flickered back towards the armor he had been looking at. Would this do for a good conversation starter?
"By Jove!" Eino exclaimed and drew back a little when the boy copied his behavior. It was like he was looking at the mirror, but a wrong mirror, one that wasn't as precise and produced a shockingly different image. To Eino, this very much resembled a game, one he didn't mind playing, but he would very much like know what the purpose of the game was. Thus far, he gathered that copying others and repeating words the right way of playing it, so he supposed he should continue to do that. It would be rather rude to stop once it had already started, plus the boy seemed very determined to play no matter what.
The boy frowned and Eino frowned with him. The boy spoke, and Eino repeated. "Hi." He said, managing his voice to sound as close to the boy's as possible. Now it was the boy's turn to do something, which Eino hoped would involve relaxing his face. He was growing tired of frowning so hard.
When the Prefect stepped back, Lewis automatically did the same and by doing that he got closer to the corner he had rounded just a couple of seconds ago. Or was it minutes? Anyway, maybe if he could keep this up, he'd be able to just walk backwards and back around the corner where he'd come from. Because THIS...this was just starting to get weirder by the second.
The way he was frowning at him, made Lewis widen his eyes slightly in shock. What had he done to deserve such a look?! But then he echoed his greeting which seemed like a good sign. They were making some progress there, right? Awesome. "Hi!" This was going well after all! Smiling happily at the other boy, Lewis crossed his arms in front of his chest and continued to just look at the Ravenclaw.
Morgan turned around a corner, in which she found herself yet again in the wrong place. She was clearly never going to understand this school; however, she saw two boys standing there talking. Maybe they would be kind enough to help an adorable first year...and maybe give her a private tour. "Hello" Morgan said "erm, I seem to be a bit lost. Anyone fancy helping me?" she asked, then blushed...again. she was quite the chronic blusher.
she dreamed of para-para-pardise ♥ ily MY Sara x Sams twinny x Kake/Anastopher/Chalie
The armor gallery, full of shiny silver armor people.
Katelyn walked around looking at them all, it had been ages since she last saw this place, she had missed here, she was glad she was wondering around Hogwarts all today, she was meeting new friends and seeing new places and old. It was morning and Katie had done all the normal things for the morning, brushed her hair, had a shower, got into a nice pair of clothes, all normal stuff she had done.
Her cat that looked like a fox, was following slowly behind Katie, and didn't notice Katie had stopped and banged into her leg, "Vixy watch out" Katie said picking up her cat.
♡ A heart full of Love l ☾ A night bright as Day l
Originally Posted by PureBlood64
The armor gallery, full of shiny silver armor people.
Katelyn walked around looking at them all, it had been ages since she last saw this place, she had missed here, she was glad she was wondering around Hogwarts all today, she was meeting new friends and seeing new places and old. It was morning and Katie had done all the normal things for the morning, brushed her hair, had a shower, got into a nice pair of clothes, all normal stuff she had done.
Her cat that looked like a fox, was following slowly behind Katie, and didn't notice Katie had stopped and banged into her leg, "Vixy watch out" Katie said picking up her cat.
Violet lightly hummed through the halls as she walked around not really having any destination in particular. A few minutes later Violet found herself in an area she had never been in before, even though she had been going to Hogwarts for almost four years now you would think she would know about this gallery filled with suited armor.
She continued walking in her boots her eyes fixated on each suit of armor she passed, one looking different than the other. Another few moments had gone by until Violet heard someone speak and when she directed her head towards the voice she then saw a girl who looked around the same age as her, if not older picking up what almost looked like a fox.
Violet smiled and began walking towards the girl and then said brightly,"Good morning! My name is-" she stopped mid-sentence when her violet eyes settled on what was not a fox but a cat that simply looked like a cat in the girls' arms,"Oh Merlin! You're cat is beautiful and so absolutely adorable!" Violet squealed a little bit with excitement but then blushed realizing her sudden outburst and then cleared her throat. Then she said with a light blush upon her cheeks,"I am terribly sorry about my outburst..I do hope you'll forgive me..." Then she said sweetly,"My name is Violet...Violet Le Veela.."
she dreamed of para-para-pardise ♥ ily MY Sara x Sams twinny x Kake/Anastopher/Chalie
Originally Posted by SweetPeea
Violet lightly hummed through the halls as she walked around not really having any destination in particular. A few minutes later Violet found herself in an area she had never been in before, even though she had been going to Hogwarts for almost four years now you would think she would know about this gallery filled with suited armor.
She continued walking in her boots her eyes fixated on each suit of armor she passed, one looking different than the other. Another few moments had gone by until Violet heard someone speak and when she directed her head towards the voice she then saw a girl who looked around the same age as her, if not older picking up what almost looked like a fox.
Violet smiled and began walking towards the girl and then said brightly,"Good morning! My name is-" she stopped mid-sentence when her violet eyes settled on what was not a fox but a cat that simply looked like a cat in the girls' arms,"Oh Merlin! You're cat is beautiful and so absolutely adorable!" Violet squealed a little bit with excitement but then blushed realizing her sudden outburst and then cleared her throat. Then she said with a light blush upon her cheeks,"I am terribly sorry about my outburst..I do hope you'll forgive me..." Then she said sweetly,"My name is Violet...Violet Le Veela.."
Katie looked up as she heard the voice of a girl, the voice seemed to be talking to her, and Katie saw a girl around the same age as her was talking, but then she stopped and started talking about how beautiful her cat was, Katie giggled when she did, Vixy was a pretty cat, but if the girl knew how Vixy acted sometimes she probably wouldn't be saying that. Vixy meowed, "I can't speak cat but I'm sure Vixy says thanks" Katie smiled, it was either that or she was saying that she was hungry, but she would prefer not to say that.
"It's a pleasure Violet, I'm Katelyn Star" Katie said, then putting Vixy down on the ground, "And my cat is Vixy" Katie added smiling, yup, the cat that looked like a fox was named Vixy. Vixy again meowed and Katie knew for sure the cat was hungry, if only Katie had some food on her she could shut the cat up with it.
♡ A heart full of Love l ☾ A night bright as Day l
Originally Posted by PureBlood64
Katie looked up as she heard the voice of a girl, the voice seemed to be talking to her, and Katie saw a girl around the same age as her was talking, but then she stopped and started talking about how beautiful her cat was, Katie giggled when she did, Vixy was a pretty cat, but if the girl knew how Vixy acted sometimes she probably wouldn't be saying that. Vixy meowed, "I can't speak cat but I'm sure Vixy says thanks" Katie smiled, it was either that or she was saying that she was hungry, but she would prefer not to say that.
"It's a pleasure Violet, I'm Katelyn Star" Katie said, then putting Vixy down on the ground, "And my cat is Vixy" Katie added smiling, yup, the cat that looked like a fox was named Vixy. Vixy again meowed and Katie knew for sure the cat was hungry, if only Katie had some food on her she could shut the cat up with it.
Violet smiled when the girl had given her a friendly response. Her attention was averted back to the beautiful cat in Katelyn's arms that she called Vixy. When she meowed and Violet practically freaked out it, she loved animals very much and seeing Vixy immediately made Violet think of her cream colored cat Sadie who was snuggled up in Violet's bed back at her dorm. Then she replied in her bright tone,"Well you're very welcome Vixy..Such a lovely name for a lovely cat.." She then slowly reached out giving her a light stroke on her head.
Violet's attention was then drawn to the girl who introduced herself as Katelyn Star. She smiled saying,"And it is wonderful to meet you Katelyn Star!" Violet looked down at Vixy again smiling before looking back at Katelyn and then asked lightly,"So how are you on this lovely morning Katelyn?"
she dreamed of para-para-pardise ♥ ily MY Sara x Sams twinny x Kake/Anastopher/Chalie
Originally Posted by SweetPeea
Violet smiled when the girl had given her a friendly response. Her attention was averted back to the beautiful cat in Katelyn's arms that she called Vixy. When she meowed and Violet practically freaked out it, she loved animals very much and seeing Vixy immediately made Violet think of her cream colored cat Sadie who was snuggled up in Violet's bed back at her dorm. Then she replied in her bright tone,"Well you're very welcome Vixy..Such a lovely name for a lovely cat.." She then slowly reached out giving her a light stroke on her head.
Violet's attention was then drawn to the girl who introduced herself as Katelyn Star. She smiled saying,"And it is wonderful to meet you Katelyn Star!" Violet looked down at Vixy again smiling before looking back at Katelyn and then asked lightly,"So how are you on this lovely morning Katelyn?"
"Its an unusual name, to be honest I got it off Disney" Katie laughed briefly, she wasn't going to lie, she loved the name so she had to name her cat after that, and Katie loved Disney so it wasn't surprising to people who knew Katie that it was from Disney.
Katie could tell Violet loved Vixy, Vixy was a lovable Katie when first meeting her, to be her owner though, you only felt the love between a mother and a daughter, with her bossiness and that. "I've been well thanks, what about you?" Katie asked back smiling, Violet seemed so polite and nice, maybe future friend Katie's see's? Well defiantly they would be friends as Katie was friends with everyone no matter who they were, unless of course they were mean, then Katie doesn't care about them, "Do you have a pet yourself?" Katie asked sweetly, if she had a cat too maybe their cats could meet, but then again maybe that wasn't a good idea as Vixy might not get along with the other cat.
♡ A heart full of Love l ☾ A night bright as Day l
Originally Posted by PureBlood64
"Its an unusual name, to be honest I got it off Disney" Katie laughed briefly, she wasn't going to lie, she loved the name so she had to name her cat after that, and Katie loved Disney so it wasn't surprising to people who knew Katie that it was from Disney.
Katie could tell Violet loved Vixy, Vixy was a lovable Katie when first meeting her, to be her owner though, you only felt the love between a mother and a daughter, with her bossiness and that. "I've been well thanks, what about you?" Katie asked back smiling, Violet seemed so polite and nice, maybe future friend Katie's see's? Well defiantly they would be friends as Katie was friends with everyone no matter who they were, unless of course they were mean, then Katie doesn't care about them, "Do you have a pet yourself?" Katie asked sweetly, if she had a cat too maybe their cats could meet, but then again maybe that wasn't a good idea as Vixy might not get along with the other cat.
A little bit of a puzzled expression was on Violet's face when Katie said she got Vixy's name from something she called Disney? She then said,"Well I quite like her name..." Violet smiled and then couldn't help but ask,"Umm...What exactly is this Disney? Is it a person?" Being a pureblood that was clearly something Violet wasn't familiar with, and because of that she didn't always understand everything her friends told her. But it wasn't her fault, nor was it theirs.
Violet smiled and then said,"I am very pleased to hear it...And I am doing just wonderful thank you.." She couldn't help but notice that Katie seemed like a very fun and nice girl to be around. Violet was beginning to think that there might be a new friendship on the rise and she was becoming very excited about it. Then Katie asked her if she had a pet and then Violet eagerly nodded,"Yes I do! Well...actually I have several...You see my father takes care of Magical Creatures....Soo...My family has quite a few..." Violet smiled before continuing,"But I do have my own cat..Her name's Sadie.."
she dreamed of para-para-pardise ♥ ily MY Sara x Sams twinny x Kake/Anastopher/Chalie
Originally Posted by SweetPeea
A little bit of a puzzled expression was on Violet's face when Katie said she got Vixy's name from something she called Disney? She then said,"Well I quite like her name..." Violet smiled and then couldn't help but ask,"Umm...What exactly is this Disney? Is it a person?" Being a pureblood that was clearly something Violet wasn't familiar with, and because of that she didn't always understand everything her friends told her. But it wasn't her fault, nor was it theirs.
Violet smiled and then said,"I am very pleased to hear it...And I am doing just wonderful thank you.." She couldn't help but notice that Katie seemed like a very fun and nice girl to be around. Violet was beginning to think that there might be a new friendship on the rise and she was becoming very excited about it. Then Katie asked her if she had a pet and then Violet eagerly nodded,"Yes I do! Well...actually I have several...You see my father takes care of Magical Creatures....Soo...My family has quite a few..." Violet smiled before continuing,"But I do have my own cat..Her name's Sadie.."
Katie was shocked, how could she had never heard of Disney? It was amazing! As much as Katie did like this girl she was so amazed that she hadn't heard of disney! "Really? You don't know?" Katie asked, she wasn't going to judge her by her lack of Disney knowledge. Maybe she was a pureblood? But surely even a pureblood had heard of Disney... right? "Its a famous company that make thousands of movies" Katie explained, Katie knew that if Violet still didn't know what Disney was she was going to have to organize a disney marathon with her.
"Thats good" Katie smiled, she felt happy when others were okay, otherwise she felt so bad, even if she didn't know them, Katie was weird like that. That was cool that she had a lot of pets, Katie didn't have many herself, she wished to get more pets though, a lizard and a pygmy puff, thats what she wanted badly, "Cool, Sadie and Vixy should meet up one day" Katie nodded leaning down and giving her cat a pet, then standing back up straight, "I also have an owl called Destiny" Katie said, remembering her loyal owl that she could trust.
♡ A heart full of Love l ☾ A night bright as Day l
Originally Posted by PureBlood64
Katie was shocked, how could she had never heard of Disney? It was amazing! As much as Katie did like this girl she was so amazed that she hadn't heard of disney! "Really? You don't know?" Katie asked, she wasn't going to judge her by her lack of Disney knowledge. Maybe she was a pureblood? But surely even a pureblood had heard of Disney... right? "Its a famous company that make thousands of movies" Katie explained, Katie knew that if Violet still didn't know what Disney was she was going to have to organize a disney marathon with her.
"Thats good" Katie smiled, she felt happy when others were okay, otherwise she felt so bad, even if she didn't know them, Katie was weird like that. That was cool that she had a lot of pets, Katie didn't have many herself, she wished to get more pets though, a lizard and a pygmy puff, thats what she wanted badly, "Cool, Sadie and Vixy should meet up one day" Katie nodded leaning down and giving her cat a pet, then standing back up straight, "I also have an owl called Destiny" Katie said, remembering her loyal owl that she could trust.
Violet blushed a little redder when she could see the expression on Katie's face, clearly shocked that Violet didn't know about Disney. Then when she asked if she really didn't know Violet sheepishly nodded her head yes. Violet then nodded again when she told it was a famous company but then she said that made movies. Violet then asked sheepishly again,"...What's a movie?"
When she suggested that their cats should meet Violet eagerly nodded her head agreeing,"Oh yes! They must! Sadie is a total sweetheart!" Katie then went on to tell her that she also had an owl and she once again said,"I have a Barn Owl..Her name is Isis.." Then she asked,"What kind of an owl is Destiny?" Violet smiled eagerly awaiting Katie's response.
she dreamed of para-para-pardise ♥ ily MY Sara x Sams twinny x Kake/Anastopher/Chalie
Originally Posted by SweetPeea
Violet blushed a little redder when she could see the expression on Katie's face, clearly shocked that Violet didn't know about Disney. Then when she asked if she really didn't know Violet sheepishly nodded her head yes. Violet then nodded again when she told it was a famous company but then she said that made movies. Violet then asked sheepishly again,"...What's a movie?"
When she suggested that their cats should meet Violet eagerly nodded her head agreeing,"Oh yes! They must! Sadie is a total sweetheart!" Katie then went on to tell her that she also had an owl and she once again said,"I have a Barn Owl..Her name is Isis.." Then she asked,"What kind of an owl is Destiny?" Violet smiled eagerly awaiting Katie's response.
....This girl must be joking now, and the joke was going to far.
Katie knew it was hopeless to explain anything about the muggle world to Violet, she would just get more confused. Though Katie was half-blood she had grown up as a muggle until she was 11, so she knew everything about muggles, but she wasn't very good at magic stuff, but even then she knew stuff. Katie then got a brilliant idea, like she always did, "I swear, we must meet up in the summer and I'll show you disney and movies" Katie said, how much fun would that be? LOTS. It would give Katie a good excuse to watch Disney, and maybe some other amazing movies, Katie smiled at Violet to assure her that they were still cool even if she had a lack of knowledge of disney.
"Well Vixy is a little devil" Katie joked, Vixy meowed, she may be a cat but she could clearly understand that it was a bad thing Katie had said about her, Katie giggled, "Don't worry Vixy I was joking" She said looking down at her cat. Then went back to talking about their owls, "Destiny is a Dusty Barn Owl" Katie nodded, they were rare but thats what Katie had been told Destiny was when she was given to her. For some odd reason Katie's mind started to think about the thing she loved.... QUIDDITCH.
curly haired prefect - "sometimes I get angry!" - 30/90 - *chicken emoji* - probably @ Disney - I speak dog
Alex's head felt...well, it felt a bit naked to be honest. He'd made the decision to chop his hair on a whim, mostly because he was tired of having his hair fall in his face whenever he was trying to concentrate on something, and now it just felt WEIRD. It felt like part of him was missing!
As he walked along the corridor, he paused near the suits of armour and looked into their armour, using his reflection as a sort of mirror as he lightly ran his hand over the now-shortened tips of his hair. SO SO WEIRD!
I'm still standin'________________________________________ better than I ever did
Lookin' like a true survivor_________________________________feelin' like a little kid
Vanessa the Snot Girl l Rachels Rule | rock,tumble,&roll ❆ adorable coffee bean
Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom
Alex's head felt...well, it felt a bit naked to be honest. He'd made the decision to chop his hair on a whim, mostly because he was tired of having his hair fall in his face whenever he was trying to concentrate on something, and now it just felt WEIRD. It felt like part of him was missing!
As he walked along the corridor, he paused near the suits of armour and looked into their armour, using his reflection as a sort of mirror as he lightly ran his hand over the now-shortened tips of his hair. SO SO WEIRD!
Yawwn. Indiana was sleepy. She really did need her bed. Maybe she'd gotten up a bit too early today. The blonde yawned, shaking her head as she wandered along the corridor. Maybe she'd go have a little nap after dinner. That would be good. She was pretty hungry, so dinner would be good too. But as she was wandering along the the corridor, she saw something that she was sure wasn't really a daily thing.
Was that boy looking at his reflection in a piece of armour. That was weird. Indy mused, stopping when she was a few metres away from the boy. "Can't you find a better mirror?" She inquried with a little giggle. Well, he wasn't a girl. So she didn't think he would carry a mirror around.
It's the end of the show. Of the historemix. We switched up the flow. And we changed the prefix
But we want to say. Before we drop the curtain. Nothing is for sure. Nothing is for certain
curly haired prefect - "sometimes I get angry!" - 30/90 - *chicken emoji* - probably @ Disney - I speak dog
Originally Posted by RachieRu
Yawwn. Indiana was sleepy. She really did need her bed. Maybe she'd gotten up a bit too early today. The blonde yawned, shaking her head as she wandered along the corridor. Maybe she'd go have a little nap after dinner. That would be good. She was pretty hungry, so dinner would be good too. But as she was wandering along the the corridor, she saw something that she was sure wasn't really a daily thing.
Was that boy looking at his reflection in a piece of armour. That was weird. Indy mused, stopping when she was a few metres away from the boy. "Can't you find a better mirror?" She inquried with a little giggle. Well, he wasn't a girl. So she didn't think he would carry a mirror around.
Alex jumped slightly when someone seemed to sneak up on him...he turned and saw it was a younger girl, not one whose name he knew, but someone he knew he'd seen in class at least once or twice. He wrinkled his eyebrows and then realized that yes...he probably HAD looked really ridiculous. He chuckled and glanced back at his hair again, running a hand through it one last time and messing up all the work he'd just done fixing the tips. Ah well.
"Well, it's just...see I cut like, 5 inches off my hair today so I'm kind of trying to get used to it. Anytime I can sort of see my reflection I stop and play with it," he chuckled.
I'm still standin'________________________________________ better than I ever did
Lookin' like a true survivor_________________________________feelin' like a little kid
Vanessa the Snot Girl l Rachels Rule | rock,tumble,&roll ❆ adorable coffee bean
Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom
Alex jumped slightly when someone seemed to sneak up on him...he turned and saw it was a younger girl, not one whose name he knew, but someone he knew he'd seen in class at least once or twice. He wrinkled his eyebrows and then realized that yes...he probably HAD looked really ridiculous. He chuckled and glanced back at his hair again, running a hand through it one last time and messing up all the work he'd just done fixing the tips. Ah well.
"Well, it's just...see I cut like, 5 inches off my hair today so I'm kind of trying to get used to it. Anytime I can sort of see my reflection I stop and play with it," he chuckled.
Oh. So he wasn't just staring at his reflection. That was a good thing. Boys that liked looking at their selves were a bit weird to her. Weren't boys supposed to like looking in the mirror? Indy wasn't too sure, but she wasn't going to vocalise those thoughts. The boy might find that she was weird, and that was not good at all. "Oh..." The little ravenclaw nodded, looking up at the boys hair. "It looks nice." Since when had she scared about boy's hair though? Spike's hair was very different to this boys hair. Poofy. And huge. And home to a spider. Yeah. Spike's hair was wierd. This boys hair was nice.
She didn't know this boys name though. And that was kind of bad. She pondered looking at him. "I'm Indiana." She figured they may as well know each others names.
It's the end of the show. Of the historemix. We switched up the flow. And we changed the prefix
But we want to say. Before we drop the curtain. Nothing is for sure. Nothing is for certain
curly haired prefect - "sometimes I get angry!" - 30/90 - *chicken emoji* - probably @ Disney - I speak dog
Originally Posted by RachieRu
Oh. So he wasn't just staring at his reflection. That was a good thing. Boys that liked looking at their selves were a bit weird to her. Weren't boys supposed to like looking in the mirror? Indy wasn't too sure, but she wasn't going to vocalise those thoughts. The boy might find that she was weird, and that was not good at all. "Oh..." The little ravenclaw nodded, looking up at the boys hair. "It looks nice." Since when had she scared about boy's hair though? Spike's hair was very different to this boys hair. Poofy. And huge. And home to a spider. Yeah. Spike's hair was wierd. This boys hair was nice.
She didn't know this boys name though. And that was kind of bad. She pondered looking at him. "I'm Indiana." She figured they may as well know each others names.
"Oh, thanks!" Alex said with a smile. That was the first compliment he'd gotten on his new hair cut! Actually, now that he thought about it, that was the first compliment he'd gotten on his hair EVER. His mum used to say things sometimes like "Oh, your hair doesn't look as shaggy combed that way" but that had hardly been a compliment. This haircut was shaping up to be a very good decision!
"Nice to meet you Indiana, I'm Alex," he replied. Indiana, that was an odd name. It rang a bell somewhere..."Isn't that the name of some muggle explorer...guy? Person?" he asked. He was sure that was where he'd heard it before. Also for some reason snakes seemed to ring a bell in connection to the name too. He had no idea WHY though.
I'm still standin'________________________________________ better than I ever did
Lookin' like a true survivor_________________________________feelin' like a little kid
Vanessa the Snot Girl l Rachels Rule | rock,tumble,&roll ❆ adorable coffee bean
Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom
"Oh, thanks!" Alex said with a smile. That was the first compliment he'd gotten on his new hair cut! Actually, now that he thought about it, that was the first compliment he'd gotten on his hair EVER. His mum used to say things sometimes like "Oh, your hair doesn't look as shaggy combed that way" but that had hardly been a compliment. This haircut was shaping up to be a very good decision!
"Nice to meet you Indiana, I'm Alex," he replied. Indiana, that was an odd name. It rang a bell somewhere..."Isn't that the name of some muggle explorer...guy? Person?" he asked. He was sure that was where he'd heard it before. Also for some reason snakes seemed to ring a bell in connection to the name too. He had no idea WHY though.
"It's fine." Indiana beamed at him, leaning against the wall a little. She didn't really get why she liked his hair though. She hadn't like boys hair before. This was different. But maybe it was because this guys hair was completly different to her brothers hair. It was different. She couldn't work out why though. It didn't matter for now though, because she didn't really understand it. That would be okay. Indy was sure it'd work out. Things always did.
"It's nice to meet you too!" Indiana nodded with a smile. She liked to have lots of friends. Friends were good. Especially friends that had good hair. Back to his hair again. That was wierd. Oh. He was going on about her name. "I dont know..." She didn't. She'd not heard that before. "Someone told me it's the name of a state in America though. That's pretty interesting."
It's the end of the show. Of the historemix. We switched up the flow. And we changed the prefix
But we want to say. Before we drop the curtain. Nothing is for sure. Nothing is for certain