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As you enter the classroom, the first thing that you will notice is that this is no ordinary classroom. There are no desks, nor are there chairs but soft springy grass and a very large tree in the centre of the room.
In the back corner of the room is a small water fountain. The gentle sounds of trickling water has a very calming feel, but please make sure you go to the loo before coming to class. Also you will notice dotted around the room largestonestructures with strange looking inscriptions carved into them.
The room is light and airy thanks to the drapes being opened allowing sunlight to filter through the windows and a gentle breeze is flowing through one of the opened windows.
Professor Jenkins is seated on the grass with his back against the trunk of the tree, casually flipping through a magazine. He lazily flicks his wand at the door and it springs open allowing the students to file in.
“Come in and find yourselves a spot on the grass and park your bums.” he said with a small chuckle. Oliver pointed to a pile of stickers a couple of feet from his right. “Could you also please take a sticker and write your name and house on it and stick it onto your robes.” That would make life easier for him.
ooc: Class won’t be starting for approximately twelve hours. Please just post your charrie arriving and following the Professor's instructions. Also please keep chatting to a minimum or points will be lost
CLASS HAS STARTED!! Please do not announce your late arrival. Pretend your character has been here the whole time.
Kennedy smoothed the sticker on his robes, trying to stick it as straight as possible.
Name: Kennedy Escalante
House: Slytherin
He still couldn't get over how this classroom was arranged. It was wicked cool. Could he decorate his room like this? Maybe not.
Shaking his head from that very interesting thought, he switched his attention to the Professor. After thinking about it for a while, he raised his hand. "We study runes in order to learn about other influential forms of magic," he said. "In my understanding, they are used for protection too." That part he had learned last term.
Justin thought for a moment and then raised his hand, "m Professor, I think that we study ancient Runes to better understand the language of witches and wizard'd from centuries past. "
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Minerva struggled with this subject last term and she still didn't understand it very well. She put up her hand. "Professor is it so we can learn about what they believed back then like the good luck and stuff like that, as well as being able to translate the symbols into words."
||Delta Goodrem Lover || Emma Watson Lover | | RavenPuff || 1 of 4 Amigos ||
Text Cut: Professor
Originally Posted by Mell
"I am rather well, thank you...Harvey. And you?"
Deciding that it was probably a good a time as any, Oliver put away his magazine and lent forward slightly. "Okay I think we should probably get started. For those of you who don't know me, my name is Professor Jenkins and I am your new Ancient Runes Professor." He spread his arms out and gestured to their surroundings.
"As you can see by the slight changes I have made to the room, my teachings are a little unorthodox. But I assure that while it is different and not what you are used to, you will learn." Oh yes he would make sure of that. "It may not seem like it but the things in this room do have significance to Runes. Well except for the fountain. I put that in here because I like the sound of running water." Five years of being a surfer, what do you expect??
"Runes have two purposes. The first being literal. They were used to write messages. The second is magic. They were used for rituals and spellcasting. I, myself prefer the latter and during the course of this term we will be learning how to do Runic magic." He paused for a moment to look around at the students. Was he boring them yet?
"But before we can get to that, I need to know who much you know about Runes. I know, this is the boring part but unfortunately it must be done." Folding his arms across his chest, Oliver leaned back against the tree.
"So the first question I'll ask is this. Why do we study Ancient Runes? In your own words. I want to know why YOU think we study this subject."
ooc: There is no right or wrong answer here. Just your charries opinion. Be as creative as you like.
Harvery smiled as the professor asked him how he was.. "I am well. thank you professor" he replied back as he listened to the professor talk about the room and runes.. and then came the first question of the lesson.. Harvey put up his hand to answer the question "I think we study this subject so that we can study the runes and learn which runes could help us with our magic and which runes would not.." he answered the first question
Like a Domino ♥ Karma Kimalia ♥ ♥ Taco Bell ♥ Sorry for party rocking
Kimalia raised her hand, "Well, Ancient Runes is history basically and it involves early script writing and the alphabet showing how far we have come."
Nate raises his hand and says "I think we study this subject to get a better understanding of how wizards and witches used spells back then." That was just his opinion though.
"Yes, very good."
Originally Posted by Lady of the Lake
The Professor said this was the boring part, which implied that there would be a fun part afterwards, so Ariadne kept her hopes high. She was in a peculiarly good mood today, so she even raised her hand as quickly as possible to reply to the first question.
'I think the main reason to study Ancient Runes is that it will enable us to translate important texts which have been written using the Runic alphabet, and are otherwise inaccessible to the general public-people who have no clue about Runes.' the girl answered after having raised her hand.
"Good answer but that is not the only reason why we study the Runes."
Originally Posted by Anna Banana
On the grass...
On. The. Grass...
What exactly was it with the professors offering them the ground as a seat as if they were a mere animal or some lowly house elf?! Nevertheless, she found herself there with the others. As Sierra sat on the ground and made sure her sticker was in place, she glanced up at the professor then listened as he went on and on about Runes. It was his subject, yes, but at least he was admitting there were inevitable boring parts.
"I think it's just a way to enhance our magic," she said, raising her hand. "Each symbol means something different and is supposed to help our magic be stronger and better." She shrugged and lowered her hand. "I don't know if the actual symbol really does anything, though, or if it's just that our intent is stronger with the symbols there."
Oliver looked over to the young Slytherin girl and smiled. "Excellent answer Miss Greingoth. But you would be surprised what the symbols can actually do. We'll get onto that later though." Mmmhmm.
Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom
This class always confused Alex. Runes could be used to translate old text, but also used with spells??? Was it a language or a spell enhancer? He honestly did not really care either way. Sigh.
He raised his hand. "It's a more interesting way to study our history than History of Magic?" he replied. No one tell Scabior he said that!
Rising to his feet because he was starting to get a cramp, Oliver stared at the Hufflepuff for a moment before chuckling. "I think I'm gonna like you kid." Take that Dash. "But while the Runes are a part of history that's not exactly the reason why we study them."
Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88
Alyssa thought for awhile before she raised her hand and answered.
"Professor, we study Ancient Runes so that we can learn how people back in the times of the Norse, the Anglo Saxons and even those from the Netherlands used them to write messages to each other, for divination. But mainly how they used it to create protective amulets and charms."
He did a quick stretch before moving amongst the students. "Yes, but remember we do not use Runes for fortune telling. When used that way it is more for guidance. And yes the Runes were often made into protective charms. Good answer."
Originally Posted by Team ronmione
"Maybe we study Ancient Runes so that if there had been some hidden message that could predict some event of any sort we might've needed this message to be kept secret in a way that no other person would be able to read it. Thus creating the runes as a way of communicating in secret when needed." This class was about symbols an the sorts of. Sometimes when he was on his computer back in his house, there would be random pictures an symbols on his writing applications, ones he couldn't understand.
"Hidden messages yes. Predictions no. Remember Runes don't tell the future. Very good."
Originally Posted by Hermione Lily Potter
Lily looked around. It seemed that most were still trying to think of an answer to the professor's question. Lily didn't really have a clue but any answer could be a good one, especially for opinion questions. So she thought for a while before raising her hand to answer. "I think we study this subject somewhat as a guide to the past. Translating the history of magical persons, kinda like the Rosetta stone for muggles." She answered blushing. She hoped that her muggle connection would be understood by the professor, because she didn't have a better way of explaining it.
"Not bad but not quite." Oliver gave her an encouraging smile as he walked passed.
Originally Posted by Magical Soul
Louisa hugged her knees to her chest and raised her hand, "I think professor that learning Ancient Runes helps us find a way to strengthen or tame our magic." With all honesty, Louisa thought that the whole subject was not necessary unless they learn magic runes. "Like studying what rune affects what and which rune should be use in which situation to get a certain result." Did that... make sense to him? Well. It should be since he was the professor.
"Very good Louisa." Now they were starting to get there.
Originally Posted by Cassandra
Taylor hesitated but slowly raised her hand. She answered, "I believe that we study ancient runes since it is important since it can broaden our knowledge of magic by letting us read the olden texts and parchments that people without the skill of reading runes cannot access and so cannot use. It is suppose to make our magic stronger, but i do not know if it really does or not, it could just be a mind trick..." She blushed and grew quiet. Taylor didnt like speaking up in class... well except for Astronomy and Potions but she was trying to become less shy.
Oliver nodded his head and grinned. "Excellent. No mind tricks though, I can assure you."
Originally Posted by Squishy ♥
Amelia honestly had no idea why they studied this class, because she wasn't really good at it... but she had a feeling that there wasn't really any wrong answers if it was an opinion question.
She raised her hand now. "I think it's to know and understand how they were used in more ancient times. The Runes had meaning to the people who used them, and I suppose they could have meaning to us at this time as well." Like the sun dials which Wizarding people could still use even if they were ancient and there were newer inventions around now. "They also used runic text, so this subject can teach us now to translate it." Not that she really read any of said text, 'cause it wasn't exactly around everywhere. o_O "And lastly, Runes can be used as a form of Divination. You can ask a question and do a Rune spread and get an answer. Kind of like how Divination uses Tarot cards I suppose?"
"Nice answer. Although the Runes won't give you an exact answer. You have to read between the lines of what they are trying to say." That would make life way too simple if all their answers could be found in a bunch of symbols.
Originally Posted by PhoenixStar
Did he just say that this was the boring part? Great. There weren't in the best of places to have a boring subject to be taught. With the soothing sound of the fountain and the atmosphere around her it seemed like this would be a good place to fall asleep at. Maybe that was the hard part of the lesson...staying awake. Her thoughts were taking her everywhere other than where they needed to be. Focus Hannah she scolded herself. "Professor I think we study Ancient Runes to get a better understanding of what things meant in the old days. I guess I mean understanding what they stood for." Maybe she should just stop talking altogether. That nap sure was sounding good right about now.
Oliver gave his head a slight nod. "Yes, I agree it does help to understand what the Runes did back years ago."
Originally Posted by HOPEendures
SPOILER!!: Professor Awesome
Jezzabelle gave a sigh of relief and leaned against the base of the tree. "I promise, I have no interest in what you are writing but more in what you will be teaching." She smiled as she listened to the sound of the fountain and then there was the first question of class. Raising her hand, though she wasn't sure he could see it, "I think that we study Ancient Runes is so that we can, first off, learn what they mean in case we ourselves ever come across them at some point in life. Second, is so that is we need to we can use them. Thirdly, it's just a really interesting and fun things to learn."
She relaxed some more and said softly, "My personal favorite Rune is Gebo." Love and forgiveness.
"Very good Jezzabelle." She was very enthusiastic.
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow
Ella closed her eyes, thinking hard about the question. She didn't know much about runes but she did know the importance of history. She raised her hand. "Professor, I think we study ancient runes because they are a part of history and it is important to learn from the past." There, that sounded nice. "I guess learning about runes can help our understanding of how far we've come and how we've changed."
Oliver continued to move around the room, occasionally brushing his fingers over the leaves in the tree. "Hmm, yes but if that was all then you could learn about them in a History of Magic."
Originally Posted by Katergirl
Angelina really dind't know anything about Ancient Runes, this is why she was taking this class. For the answer she would just guess a little. "Don't we learn Ancient Runes so we know where some of our magic means behind signs and symbols?" She really doesn't have any idea.
"Yes, yes. You're on the right track. Very good."
Originally Posted by SilverDragon
Silvia thought for a moment and then raised her hand. "I think we study ancient runes because they can give us useful information, both about spells and other things. Just because the people who wrote with runes a long time ago didn't know everything we know today, it doesn't mean that they don't have valuable knowledge that we can still use."
""Good girl." Oliver was really enjoying this.
Originally Posted by Bubbles
Kennedy smoothed the sticker on his robes, trying to stick it as straight as possible.
He still couldn't get over how this classroom was arranged. It was wicked cool. Could he decorate his room like this? Maybe not.
Shaking his head from that very interesting thought, he switched his attention to the Professor. After thinking about it for a while, he raised his hand. "We study runes in order to learn about other influential forms of magic," he said. "In my understanding, they are used for protection too." That part he had learned last term.
Walking over to the fountain, Oliver dipped his fingers into the cool water. "Yes exactly." They were really starting to get it now. "Good job Kennedy."
Originally Posted by Devina Wellheart
Justin thought for a moment and then raised his hand, "m Professor, I think that we study ancient Runes to better understand the language of witches and wizard'd from centuries past. "
"Yes that is helpful. Good."
Originally Posted by Bazinga
Minerva struggled with this subject last term and she still didn't understand it very well. She put up her hand. "Professor is it so we can learn about what they believed back then like the good luck and stuff like that, as well as being able to translate the symbols into words."
"Translation. Yes very good."
Originally Posted by EW_FAN
Harvery smiled as the professor asked him how he was.. "I am well. thank you professor" he replied back as he listened to the professor talk about the room and runes.. and then came the first question of the lesson.. Harvey put up his hand to answer the question "I think we study this subject so that we can study the runes and learn which runes could help us with our magic and which runes would not.." he answered the first question
"Very good thinking." The students knew a lot more than he had first thought.
Originally Posted by Kimalia
Kimalia raised her hand, "Well, Ancient Runes is history basically and it involves early script writing and the alphabet showing how far we have come."
"It's a little more than just history. But yes the study of runic inscriptions is part of it. Nice answer."
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie
A grin! That was good, right? Kurumi bowed her had and laughed softly. Was their Runes professor going to be another Professor Vindictus? Demanding cookies before the lessons? Not that Kurumi wasn't willing to deliver - the girl always smelled of vanilla and sugar these days with the kitchens reopened. As for the truth, she always carried some cookies in her bag, but the man was probably asking her a rhetorical question...right?
But Kurumi never really got the chance to respond to the man as student after student came flooding into the classroom and soon the lesson had begun. Would it be too blunt to say that she was in this lesson right now because of OWLs? Truth be told, the class had become less appealing due to Professor Viking the previous terms, but that wasn't the subject's fault. It couldn't help it if it was an old form of magic that was often times too confusing for its own good.
Kurumi thought for a moment before raising her hand. "I've always felt that since runes are among the oldest forms of written language that they have some sort of deeper meaning and magic tied to them. Hieroglyphics as well. In previous terms, we have done some basic forms of Runic Magic, using runes to increase our own spells through galdr and so on, but I sort of feel like using runes for magical purposes is almost...a forgotten art." Merlin knew that Kurumi never really thought about using runes before a Charms or Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson to help her along the way. If done properly, they probably would help to. Hmmm. "So, I think studying Ancient Runes not only shows us ways to enhance our magic or how more ancient civilizations communicated with each other, as others have mentioned, but to also remind us that magic just isn't all about wand waving."
Oliver turned to see the Gryffindor Prefect speaking and a smile broke over his face. "Exactly Miss Hollingberry." He felt like going over and hugging her. He didn't of course. "Very good. Very good. Yes Runes are a part of history and yes they were used to write messages and used for guidance. But what people seem to have forgotten is that Runes can be just as powerful in magic as our wands are." Apparently waving your wand though, was easier. "And I will be showing you just how much." Though, probably not this lesson.
"Now, who can tell me what the word 'rune' means?"
Nate raises his hand and says "Runes are the letters (symbols representing various sound values) of a runic alphabet. They are also magical symbols sometimes used in rituals."
Ira had been still fascinated by the look of the class, and so had forgotten to answer the first question.
But as the professor asked the next question, she raised her hand up and answered, "Rune is a poem or incantation of mysterious significance, especially a magic charm."
Jezzabelle smiled and raised her hand, "A rune can be any of the letters in the alphabets used by the Germanic peoples." She took a breath and then continued. "There are a eight different versions of the alphabet, I think. That adds up to a lot of runes though, either way." She nodded to herself and Professor Jenkins as well. A lot.
She Can't Help Herself. Her Mind Won't Slow Down. Watch Out! There's A NEW Ravenclaw In Town.
Kennedy grinned and nodded at the Professor for the compliment. It made him feel smart.
He raised his hand once again to answer the following question. "The word rune means any character from the Germanic alphabet...and each letter has its own magical significance," he said.
Louisa's face brightened at the mention of her FIRST name! She was probably going to love this professor right away! Only Bentley called her Louisa.. nobody else did! And she loved her first name WAY over her last one... it was special and far away from a neglected family.
Raising her hand, Louisa answered, a bit more excitedly than her sleepy self before, "Rune meant... alphabets? From older languages when people didn't have parchments to use and wrote them down on rocks... I guess." Or was he looking for the root of the word and all that language talk?
Sophie had no idea about what Ancient Runes were. She really didn't know a thing about the subject, so she just looked around as her classmates spoke with both of her eyebrows raised. It all sounded quite interesting!
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
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Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
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Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
N'aw, he should have <3
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
Originally Posted by Mell
Oliver turned to see the Gryffindor Prefect speaking and a smile broke over his face. "Exactly Miss Hollingberry." He felt like going over and hugging her. He didn't of course. "Very good. Very good. Yes Runes are a part of history and yes they were used to write messages and used for guidance. But what people seem to have forgotten is that Runes can be just as powerful in magic as our wands are." Apparently waving your wand though, was easier. "And I will be showing you just how much." Though, probably not this lesson.
"Now, who can tell me what the word 'rune' means?"
Oh Merlin! The way that the man's face lit up just now was very surprising to the young lion and a stark contrast to what had happened at the opening feast when he had done more than a subtle eyebrow raise at her and her sweets. Jotting down a few notes, Kurumi looked back up when the next question was asked and raised her hand.
"The word I believe literally means secret or mystery. I think...it is Scandinavian in origin."
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Minerva thought for a second. "Professor does Runes mean something with mystery." she wasn't completely sure, but thought it has something to do with that.
Taylor hemmed and hawed on whether to answer this question or not since she answered last time and she didn't really like speaking up in class. She decided to give an answered since the professor did say excellent last time so she raised her hand slowly again, "Professor, a rune is a symbol representing the different sounds and letters......" She winced, "right?"
||Delta Goodrem Lover || Emma Watson Lover | | RavenPuff || 1 of 4 Amigos ||
Harvey was happy that he was along the right thinking.. it helped that he remembered his runes lessons from last year.. his first year.. he then heard the professor ask a question.. oh oh.. well lets at least have a go "Dont the runes have an ancient alphabet or something carved into them?" he said he tried to figure out what he meant by that.. hoping that the professor understood it more than he did..
Sassenach | RAVENPUFF | Sing me a song of a lass that is gone | bookDRAGON | #awkwardturtle<#
SPOILER!!: First Q
OOC: Sorry - busy sleeping
"So the first question I'll ask is this. Why do we study Ancient Runes? In your own words. I want to know why YOU think we study this subject."
Zhenya thought about that. She hadn't really had much to do with this subject before but was determined to understand it by the end of the year. It sounded so important! She raised her hand and said "Professor I can't help but think the Ancient means they have been used to centuries, and the Runes meaning what was used. So I think we study the subject to learn about how people used to communicate centuries ago, and how they made magic." she hoped that was right in some way.
"Now, who can tell me what the word 'rune' means?"
Rune... rune... rune. What did it mean? She hadn't been prepared enough for this subject and made a mental note to study the text book when they got back in the common room. She raised her hand, remembering what her brother had told her, and said "I remember something about the word rune meaning secret and magic, and mystery, I suppose because of the alphabet..." she said. That was a short answer, but she thought it might be a decent answer to the question. She wasn't sure...
Ability is nothing without Opportunity | | Creativity is Intelligence having FUN
Originally Posted by Mell
"Now, who can tell me what the word 'rune' means?"
Vickers paused and looked up from his notes. What did the word Rune mean? He didnt know. Not off the top of his head. Thats why he was in class, he needed to learn more about this subject given that it was his first time to take Runic anything. Given that he was already very nervous at drawing a complete blank on the Professor's question he did the next best thing--he reached out for his text book.
Reading through a few pages quickly he tentatively raised his hand "Professor, the word Rune goes as far back as the Old English word run, which had taken various meanings-- from to consult/ consultation to runic letter to secret or mystery . The modern meaning, which took that spelling from the Old Dutch word rune means utterance or whisper or message, it has even taken on further meaning such as song or poem"
++Tenacius ++🐦++ Salander++🐦++ Deo ++🐦++ Vickers ++🐦++ Huxley ++🐦+ Aquila++ Yeah thats what crazy is, when its broken you say theres nothing to fix++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++And you pray that everything will be okay, while you're making all the same mistakes
Oliver turned to see the Gryffindor Prefect speaking and a smile broke over his face. "Exactly Miss Hollingberry." He felt like going over and hugging her. He didn't of course. "Very good. Very good. Yes Runes are a part of history and yes they were used to write messages and used for guidance. But what people seem to have forgotten is that Runes can be just as powerful in magic as our wands are." Apparently waving your wand though, was easier. "And I will be showing you just how much." Though, probably not this lesson.
"Now, who can tell me what the word 'rune' means?"
August was glad to hear that Kurumi had done so well as to get a great reaction from the Runes Professor and gave her a thumbs up before turning back to the front of the room to answer the Professor's next question.
"Sir, Runes are magical objects used to help protect the reader or person being read for. They can also be used to help predict the future." He then added. "They are also physical little blocks of material that are tossed or drawn by the reader."