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Hecate had brought a tray with a few items on them. Flowers, Shellfish, Strawberries, peanuts and other things. Her large cauldron was seated on it's burner, which was not lit, before her.
She was in a good enough mood. Things were going well in her personal life. She just needed to get used to certain things... that would come with time. She opened the classroom, and waited for her students to file in.
ooc: This class will stay open for at least 72 hours (probably more.) Also thanks to Antarctica! for taking the picture of the Potions Classroom for me at the WWoHP, and to Ameh for makin it into a pretty graphic!
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Jory listened intently to the Professor's instructions before he started them. He cast the cleaning charm on the grater before he stared to grate the ginger root directly over the cauldron. "Now for a five minute simmer,'' he thought.
To pass the time, he sliced the seventeen mushrooms thinly. By this time, five minutes were up. He checked his watch to make sure. Then he added all the slices to his potion. Next, he took his wand and waved it over the cauldron with the fast strinking oblique motion that was demonstrated. "Sanum!'' he said.
♣ Heejin here | Did somebody say coffee & cakes? | cat lover ♣
Originally Posted by Droo
The students were doing well. Good.
"Alright, take the ginger root and grate it directly over the cauldron. Then let simmer for about 5 minutes." She demonstrated, and then summoned reishi the mushroom showing it to the class.
"This red, heart shaped mushroom is called a reishi mushroom. It is nicknamed the mushroom of immortality because of its healing properties. Some muggles think it cures cancer, diabetes, liver problems... It depends on how it's used. Thinly slice all the mushrooms and add them to the cauldron. Take your wand and wave it over the cauldron with a fast strinking oblique motion and cast the spell." She said and once she was finished diffindoing them and adding them she performed the wand movement and cast "Sanum!"
Time for the next step. Wow, he's doing quite well. Must be because he's focusing on this a lot.... which is a good thing.
Jonathan grabbed the ginger root and grated it directly to the cauldron as the professor had told them to do. And now to let it simmer for about 5 minutes this time. He took his pocket watched and timed himself for 5 whole minutes. He looked at the other students doing the activity. They're doing quite well too. Potions.... such a fun, loving subject.
When the 5 minutes were over Jonathan took those heart shaped mushrooms that Lafay had demonstrated in front of the class. What was it called again? Reishi? Sounds kind of Japanese-y in his opinion. He hasn't heard of it though so it could be a possibility right, no?
He took this silver knife and tried cutting it as thinly as possible. The professor showed them how but cutting stuffs especially cutting it thinly is not something Jonathan is skilled off. Heck, he's not allowed in their own kitchen because of the baking incident that happened one summer day. But that was a long time ago now.
Okay... FOCUS!
Jonathan cut the mushrooms thinly and was pretty happy with the results. This will have to do. He then added them into the cauldron now that the ginger root has been grated and simmered for 5 minutes. He took his wand that was also on the table and waved it over the cauldron with a fast strinking oblique motion.
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿
Originally Posted by Droo
The students were doing well. Good.
"Alright, take the ginger root and grate it directly over the cauldron. Then let simmer for about 5 minutes." She demonstrated, and then summoned reishi the mushroom showing it to the class.
"This red, heart shaped mushroom is called a reishi mushroom. It is nicknamed the mushroom of immortality because of its healing properties. Some muggles think it cures cancer, diabetes, liver problems... It depends on how it's used. Thinly slice all the mushrooms and add them to the cauldron. Take your wand and wave it over the cauldron with a fast strinking oblique motion and cast the spell." She said and once she was finished diffindoing them and adding them she performed the wand movement and cast "Sanum!"
Ella watched as the Professor demonstrated the next steps they would need to do to finish the potion. When the demonstration was finished, Ella grabbed her grater and cleaned it before picking up her ginger root and beginning to grate over the cauldron. Checking her watch, Ella noted when five minutes would be up and let her cauldron simmer while she quickly gathered her 17 mushrooms. She grabbed her knife again and checked that it was clean from when she had used it previously. She then began to chop the mushrooms thinly, noting the time on her watch. Five minutes were up and Ella added her mushrooms to the cauldron, watching them drop into the potion with a *plop.* When all the mushrooms were added, Ella picked up her wand and focused on the spell she would be using. Using the motion the Professor had used, Ella looked at her cauldron saying "Sanum!"
While she was waiting for the Professor to tell them what to do next, Ella cleaned her knife and grater again, wanting something to do while she waited anxiously to see if her potion looked good? correct? She just wanted to know she hadn't messed it up royally.
"Alright, take the ginger root and grate it directly over the cauldron. Then let simmer for about 5 minutes." She demonstrated, and then summoned reishi the mushroom showing it to the class.
"This red, heart shaped mushroom is called a reishi mushroom. It is nicknamed the mushroom of immortality because of its healing properties. Some muggles think it cures cancer, diabetes, liver problems... It depends on how it's used. Thinly slice all the mushrooms and add them to the cauldron. Take your wand and wave it over the cauldron with a fast strinking oblique motion and cast the spell." She said and once she was finished diffindoing them and adding them she performed the wand movement and cast "Sanum!"
Jezzabelle took the ginger root and did the exact same thing that Professor Lafay did. She adjusted the heat just a little. Well then, if she had to wait a five whole minutes she figured she might as well go ahead and start slicing up that mushroom.
Once she cleaned her knife she began to thinly slice the mushroom up. She could have done it the same way as Professor Lafay but she had the time to spare. It took all of the five minutes to make sure that the slice she made weren't all too thick nor were the too thin. She added those to the cauldron and then made the same fast striking oblique motion and cast the spell, "Sanum!"
She Can't Help Herself. Her Mind Won't Slow Down. Watch Out! There's A NEW Ravenclaw In Town.
Trencher for Life||Avril Lavigne|| Ni hen piao liang (You're very beautiful)
Text Cut: Lafay
Originally Posted by Droo
The students were doing well. Good.
"Alright, take the ginger root and grate it directly over the cauldron. Then let simmer for about 5 minutes." She demonstrated, and then summoned reishi the mushroom showing it to the class.
"This red, heart shaped mushroom is called a reishi mushroom. It is nicknamed the mushroom of immortality because of its healing properties. Some muggles think it cures cancer, diabetes, liver problems... It depends on how it's used. Thinly slice all the mushrooms and add them to the cauldron. Take your wand and wave it over the cauldron with a fast strinking oblique motion and cast the spell." She said and once she was finished diffindoing them and adding them she performed the wand movement and cast "Sanum!"
Violet watched as the teacher demonstrated the last few steps to making the potion. She was so concentrated on making everything perfect that she hadn't realized it was almost the end of class. When the professor brought the mysterious ingredient out called the reishi mushroom, Violet thought it seemed vaguely familiar after her vacation to Korea with her parents. Slicing up 17 mushrooms was going to be a lot of work.
Violet got back up from her chair and took her grater off the table. She made sure to Scourgify it first and carefully grated the ginger over her cauldron. How was she going to keep time for 5 minutes though? She knew her muggle watch wasn't going to work at Hogwarts. Violet panicked again. Hold on! She had the small pocket watch from her grandfather! Violet quickly took it out of her bag and placed it on the table checking to see approximately what time she placed the grated roots in.
Violet then went to retrieve 17 of the reishi mushrooms. She scourgified her knife once more and started to slice them as quickly as she can. How were the other people in her class doing it so fast? It's probably a spell they use that I haven't learned yet. After finishing to slice them, Violet checked her pocket watch to see that there was still 30 seconds until the potion was ready. She scourgified her knife once more and added the roots to the cauldron.
Before doing the actual spell, Violet practiced the wand movements with no incantation before she said clearly. "Sanum!" and did the fast strinking oblique motion over her cauldron. She held her breath, too scared to anticipate what this spell was going to do to her potion.
Text Cut: Violet's notes
Violet Cassandra Silverstar, Ravenclaw, first year
Antillergen Potion Uses: deaden one's allergic reactions for a year at a time
Five C's of Potion Making: Color, concentration, care, cleanliness, and content.
Clean cauldron
Fill cauldron with water
Add the 10 drops of valerian root & salamander blood one at a time alternating between the two
Clean mortar and pestle
Crush dock leaves
break Ashwinder egg into the mortar with the crushed leaves
QUICKLY add fluxweed
Add 10 drops of 10 drops Murtlap Essence
Stir contents 8 times counter clockwise
Crush 2 sprigs of Parsley loosely in your hand and let the flakes fall into the cauldron
Add 3 spoonfuls of raw honey to the cauldron
Slice 5 basil leaves with the silver knife(cleaned) as thin as you can
Take a papaya, stab with several holes and stuff sliced basil leaves into the holes.
Add whole papaya into the mixture
Grate one Ginger root over the cauldron
Let simmer for 5 minutes
Thinly slice 17 reishi mushroom and add them to the mixture
Cast "Sanum" spell over the potion with a fast strinking oblique motion
"Alright, take the ginger root and grate it directly over the cauldron. Then let simmer for about 5 minutes." She demonstrated, and then summoned reishi the mushroom showing it to the class.
"This red, heart shaped mushroom is called a reishi mushroom. It is nicknamed the mushroom of immortality because of its healing properties. Some muggles think it cures cancer, diabetes, liver problems... It depends on how it's used. Thinly slice all the mushrooms and add them to the cauldron. Take your wand and wave it over the cauldron with a fast strinking oblique motion and cast the spell." She said and once she was finished diffindoing them and adding them she performed the wand movement and cast "Sanum!"
Autumn grated ginger route over the cauldron, and waited five minutes she watched the potion swirl about making pretty atterns in the cauldron.
Autumn looked at the mushroom.... that thing was a mushroom it looked disgusting! None the less Autumn took her knife and grimicing sliced the mushroom thinly and as quickly as she could put them in the cauldron.
Autumn took her wand and pictured the professor's actions and performed them herself saying "Sanum."
Ravenpuff | Cap'n Crunch | Bedtime Queen | O Minion, My Minion
Originally Posted by Droo
"Alright, take the ginger root and grate it directly over the cauldron. Then let simmer for about 5 minutes." She demonstrated, and then summoned reishi the mushroom showing it to the class.
"This red, heart shaped mushroom is called a reishi mushroom. It is nicknamed the mushroom of immortality because of its healing properties. Some muggles think it cures cancer, diabetes, liver problems... It depends on how it's used. Thinly slice all the mushrooms and add them to the cauldron. Take your wand and wave it over the cauldron with a fast strinking oblique motion and cast the spell." She said and once she was finished diffindoing them and adding them she performed the wand movement and cast "Sanum!"
Finding his ginger root, Keefer picked it up in one hand and the grater in the other. He set to work shaving the root, letting the small bits fall into the cauldron. When the proper amount was in the potion, he let it be. At least we only have to let it simmer for five minutes. He was anxious to be done and see what color it would be.
Once enough time had elapsed, he set to work slicing his mushrooms. He took great care in giving each piece the same width, all very thin. Satisfied, he tipped the contents into the brew. He dug in his robes for his wand holster. Finding it, he drew his wand and prepared himself. He mimicked the quick motion Lafay had used over her cauldron. "Sanum!" he said, not knowing what was about to happen.
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Amelia waited patiently for the Professor to continue, perking up again when Lafay went on with her demonstration again. She watched the Professor carefully, making sure to take notes of everything that was said.
Picking up her clean grater and a Ginger Root, she started to grate it over her cauldron until all of the Ginger was gone. Now she had to wait for five minutes, so she decided to be productive. Taking out 17 Reishi, she started to thinly slice them. When she had done all 17 of them, she added them to the cauldron.
Grabbing her wand off of the table now, she quickly waved it over her cauldron with the same movement that Lafay had performed while saying, "Sanum!"
1. Add water to cauldron after cleaning it.
2. Add ten drops each of Valerian root and Salamander Blood, alternating between the two.
3. Crush the dock leaves with a (clean) mortar and pestle.
4. Break an Ashwinder Egg and add it to the mortar before quickly adding the four sprigs of Fluxweed. Add mixture to cauldron.
5. Add ten drops of Murltap Essence and stir eight times (counter-clockwise).
6. Loosely crush two sprigs of Parsley (in your hand) and add the flakes.
7. Add three spoonfuls of Raw honey, letting the hot potion melt the honey off of the spoon.
8. Slice the five Basil leaves as thinly as possible.
9. Stab the whole Papaya and stuff the wound with the Basil leaves, making more holes as needed until all the Basil is in the fruit. Add the whole Papaya to the cauldron.
10. Grate the Ginger Root directly over the cauldron and then wait five minutes.
11. Thinly slice all of the Reishi then add it to the cauldron.
12. Wave your wand over the cauldron with a fast strinking oblique motion while casting the spell "Sanum".
Like a Domino ♥ Karma Kimalia ♥ ♥ Taco Bell ♥ Sorry for party rocking
Originally Posted by Droo
The students were doing well. Good.
"Alright, take the ginger root and grate it directly over the cauldron. Then let simmer for about 5 minutes." She demonstrated, and then summoned reishi the mushroom showing it to the class.
"This red, heart shaped mushroom is called a reishi mushroom. It is nicknamed the mushroom of immortality because of its healing properties. Some muggles think it cures cancer, diabetes, liver problems... It depends on how it's used. Thinly slice all the mushrooms and add them to the cauldron. Take your wand and wave it over the cauldron with a fast strinking oblique motion and cast the spell." She said and once she was finished diffindoing them and adding them she performed the wand movement and cast "Sanum!"
Grater, grater, grater.. Aha! Kimalia took the grater "Scorgify". Now did she have to clean the ginger root too? Hopefully not, so Kimalia took it right over the cauldron and proceed to *grate* *grate* grate* it. Perfect! Now she had to wait five minutes for it to simmer. Of course she wasn't done yet. First she checked it off her instructions list before moving on.
Okay, thinly slice the mushrooms, okay.. Now should she attempt diffindoing them in midair like the Professor or the safe way by manually slicing? Hmm... HMMMM.. Yeah, she never tried doing that before, and not wanting to risk a whole redo of the potion, took the knife out again "Scourgify" and thinly sliced all seventeen reishi mushrooms before dumping them into the cauldron. This was after the five minute simmering of the grated ginger root, by the way. Anyways, mimicking the Professor's wand movement, over the cauldron in a fast strinking oblique motion, "Sanum!"
SPOILER!!: Instructions/Ingredients
Clean Cauldron - "Scourgify" Water - "Aguamenti" 10 drops Valerian root - add alternatively 10 times 10 drops Salamander Blood - add alternatively 10 times 2 dock leaves - Crush it in *clean* mortar 1 Ashwinder Egg - In refrigerated section, take it then break it before adding in mortar 4 sprigs Fluxweed - Make sure to add it immediately after the Egg 10 drops Murtlap Essence - stir it eight times counter-clockwise right after adding it 2 sprigs Parsley - Crush it loosely above cauldron, add the flakes as they fall 3 spoons Raw honey 5 Basil leaves - Slice it as thinly as possible 1 whole Papaya - Stab enough holes in it to let the basil fit inside 1 Ginger Root - Grate it over cauldron, and let it simmer for five minutes afterward Reishi (mushroom of immortality) - thinly slice, add into cauldron, then wave wand in a fast strinking oblique motion over the cauldron, and cast "Sanum"
Hit Wiz love | 1/2 of Bensky | Louisa's baby claw. <3 | kewe
Text Cut: professor
Originally Posted by Droo
The students were doing well. Good.
"Alright, take the ginger root and grate it directly over the cauldron. Then let simmer for about 5 minutes." She demonstrated, and then summoned reishi the mushroom showing it to the class.
"This red, heart shaped mushroom is called a reishi mushroom. It is nicknamed the mushroom of immortality because of its healing properties. Some muggles think it cures cancer, diabetes, liver problems... It depends on how it's used. Thinly slice all the mushrooms and add them to the cauldron. Take your wand and wave it over the cauldron with a fast strinking oblique motion and cast the spell." She said and once she was finished diffindoing them and adding them she performed the wand movement and cast "Sanum!"
Once the professor was finished explaining how to proceed, Lily got to work. She carefully grated the ginger into the cauldron, and then let it simmer for five minutes. While it was simmering, Lily copied down what she would need to do next, and practiced the wand movement, so that when the time came, she would be able to perform the spell. When the five minutes were up, Lily got her mushrooms, and thinly sliced them. She didn't want to get in trouble at this stage of the potion. She looked at her notes, then put the mushroom slices into the cauldron before quickly taking out her wand, she performed the movement while saying, "Sanum." Lily put her wand away, took a peek at her potion and then sat down, waiting to see what was next.
Mom says I have no sense of direction, so I packed my bags and right.
Originally Posted by Droo
The students were doing well. Good.
"Alright, take the ginger root and grate it directly over the cauldron. Then let simmer for about 5 minutes." She demonstrated, and then summoned reishi the mushroom showing it to the class.
"This red, heart shaped mushroom is called a reishi mushroom. It is nicknamed the mushroom of immortality because of its healing properties. Some muggles think it cures cancer, diabetes, liver problems... It depends on how it's used. Thinly slice all the mushrooms and add them to the cauldron. Take your wand and wave it over the cauldron with a fast strinking oblique motion and cast the spell." She said and once she was finished diffindoing them and adding them she performed the wand movement and cast "Sanum!"
While Oakey waited the 5 minutes for his concoction to simmer he scourgified his grater. When the 5 minutes were up he picked up the ginger root and grated it over his cauldron.
Taking reishi mushrooms he took wand once more and sliced them thinly with Diffindo! and lightly tossed them into his cauldron watching them make tiny splashes.
wand still in hand he waved his wand in the fast striking oblique motion and cast Sanum! over his cauldron.
Dem Carters | even 🕊🕊 have pride | | Expecto PAWtronum 🐈 | U-NA-GI
Ginger root. Okay… Sky found the ginger root and grated it over her cauldron. Then she left the potion to simmer five minutes exactly. Once that was done, she looked for the weird looking mushroom Professor Lafay was showing them. Who knew a mushroom could look like that? She chopped all her mushrooms into thin pieces, then tossed them into her potion. Picking up her wand and holding over her cauldron, she made the same striking motion the professor was showing them. "Sanum!"
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Sierra looked into her cauldron. Things were coming along nicely now. They should be about done, hmm? Her brown eyes flickered away long enough for her to grab the ginger root and hold it directly over the cauldron. After grating it, she backed away to let the brew simmer for five minutes. In that time, she looked around the room, absentmindedly taking in what everyone else was doing.
Mehh. Nothing going on but the brewing process. She sort of missed those days when someone would set Lafay into a angry mood, causing her to shoot daggers with her eyes at everyone in the vicinity. It always made for a good show.
When the five minutes passed, Sierra began diffindo'ing the mushroom into thin pieces. What a weird looking mushroom... When it was all sliced up, Sierra added the thin pieces to the cauldron then reached for her wand. With a wave over her cauldron just as Lafay had demonstrated, she said, "Sanum!"
Wolfy | 1 of 4 Amigos! | ♥ Badger! | Slytherpuff | S. Snape Lover ♥ | Lil' Pup
Originally Posted by Droo
The students were doing well. Good.
"Alright, take the ginger root and grate it directly over the cauldron. Then let simmer for about 5 minutes." She demonstrated, and then summoned reishi the mushroom showing it to the class.
"This red, heart shaped mushroom is called a reishi mushroom. It is nicknamed the mushroom of immortality because of its healing properties. Some muggles think it cures cancer, diabetes, liver problems... It depends on how it's used. Thinly slice all the mushrooms and add them to the cauldron. Take your wand and wave it over the cauldron with a fast strinking oblique motion and cast the spell." She said and once she was finished diffindoing them and adding them she performed the wand movement and cast "Sanum!"
Amethyst smiled as she listened to the professor. She found it so amusing that just by how the mushroom was used, it depended on how it worked in medicine. Amethyst took up her knife and pointed her wand at it. "Scourgify."
The knife was clean.
She thinly sliced all of the mushrooms and added them to the cauldron. She took up her wand and waved it over the cauldron with a fast, striking, oblique motion and spoke softly but clearly. "Sanum!"
I'll miss my breath; there's no more left. ⚓.⚓.⚓______________________________I'll miss the sound of the wind up my back. ⚓.⚓.⚓___________The Depths have a number, they call you by name; fall asleep.
Davy Jones calls you, so fall asleep and dream.
The Harpy of Hogwarts | Dungeon Mistress | Bimba di Serpeverde
"Leave the cauldron to cool. The ones of your who are allergic now take a cupful and drink it, see if that works. Those who aren't. Can come here and retrieve a vial of this." She showed a potion that induced an allergy. Take the counter-measure and then take one of the items on the table to see which you are now allergic to.
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Originally Posted by Droo
"Leave the cauldron to cool. The ones of your who are allergic now take a cupful and drink it, see if that works. Those who aren't. Can come here and retrieve a vial of this." She showed a potion that induced an allergy. Take the counter-measure and then take one of the items on the table to see which you are now allergic to.
Minerva left her cauldron to cool. She has never been allergic to anything so she went up front and nervously took the vial. She was scared to drink it knowing what was about to happen. She took a deep breath and drank the potion and went back up and picked up one of the item off the table. She picked up the nuts.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Originally Posted by Droo
"Leave the cauldron to cool. The ones of your who are allergic now take a cupful and drink it, see if that works. Those who aren't. Can come here and retrieve a vial of this." She showed a potion that induced an allergy. Take the counter-measure and then take one of the items on the table to see which you are now allergic to.
Jory was not to allergic to anything he knew about, so he went over to Professor Lafay and collected a vial of what she had indicated. He couldn't help but feel a bit nervous. He decided on the strawberries so he picked up one from the tray.
He took a deep breath and swallowed the potion in one go. Then he popped the strawberry into his mouth.
There's some good in this world and it's worth fighting for| LOTR|Whovian|Sherlock Fan
Originally Posted by Droo
"Leave the cauldron to cool. The ones of your who are allergic now take a cupful and drink it, see if that works. Those who aren't. Can come here and retrieve a vial of this." She showed a potion that induced an allergy. Take the counter-measure and then take one of the items on the table to see which you are now allergic to.
Alyssa listened as the Professor told them what to do next. She sat back and waited for the cauldron to cool. When the Professor told them that they could take a cupful and drink it, she first looked inside the cauldron and hoped that she had made the potion correctly. Picking up her cup and her wooden spoon, Alyssa dipped her spoon into the cauldron and scooped up the mixture, pouring it into the cup.
She tilted her cup sideways to look at the contents inside and hoped that it tasted good, but for some reason, she knew that it wouldn't. So she took a deep breath, and while holding her breath, lifted the cup to her lips and drank the contents of it. She quickly swallowed it and waited. After a minute or two, Alyssa checked to see whether she had grown anything unusual or whether her skin had changed color, and was glad that she was still normal and in one piece. Then she realized something, she hadn't noticed earlier. Her eyes were no longer watering and her nose was no longer itchy!! She was no longer suffering from her cat dander allergies
The Antillergen Potion worked...or at least, the one that she had brewed up following the instructions and directions of the Professor.
"Alright, take the ginger root and grate it directly over the cauldron. Then let simmer for about 5 minutes." She demonstrated, and then summoned reishi the mushroom showing it to the class.
"This red, heart shaped mushroom is called a reishi mushroom. It is nicknamed the mushroom of immortality because of its healing properties. Some muggles think it cures cancer, diabetes, liver problems... It depends on how it's used. Thinly slice all the mushrooms and add them to the cauldron. Take your wand and wave it over the cauldron with a fast strinking oblique motion and cast the spell." She said and once she was finished diffindoing them and adding them she performed the wand movement and cast "Sanum!"
Taking her ginger root she grated it carefully over her cauldron and watched it drop in slowly. After she was done she let it simmer for 5 minutes. Putting a timer on her wrist-watch for 5 minutes, she took out her book and read for the time waiting.
Once the 5 minutes where finally up she began cutting her mushroom in thin slices. *After she put them all in her cauldron.*
Picking up her wand she waved it over her cauldron fast while saying, "Sanum." there all done. She looked at her notes and checked off what she had, which was the last thing.
"Leave the cauldron to cool. The ones of your who are allergic now take a cupful and drink it, see if that works. Those who aren't. Can come here and retrieve a vial of this." She showed a potion that induced an allergy. Take the counter-measure and then take one of the items on the table to see which you are now allergic to.
Angelina got up to let her cauldron to cool, but now she was a big scared she wasn't allergic to anything! *Getting up she arrived at the potion and looked down at it. Slowly an picked it up and drank it. *She then grabbed left over goodies she took with her today, crackers.
Sophie frowned. She wasn't really allergic to any of those things that were on Professor Lafay's table. She was not even sure if she was allergic to an actual... "object" or whatever one would call it. She had allergic reactions when the weather changed, either from really cold to really hot or vice-versa. How could she test the potion if the weather was just cold all the time now?
Leaving her cauldron to cool, she raised her hand. "Professor, I don't think I'll be able to test if my potion works now, since the weather is not going to change for a while. Am I supposed to take this other potion as well then?"
||Delta Goodrem Lover || Emma Watson Lover | | RavenPuff || 1 of 4 Amigos ||
Text Cut: Professor
Originally Posted by Droo
"Leave the cauldron to cool. The ones of your who are allergic now take a cupful and drink it, see if that works. Those who aren't. Can come here and retrieve a vial of this." She showed a potion that induced an allergy. Take the counter-measure and then take one of the items on the table to see which you are now allergic to.
Harvey listened as the professor told them to let their cauldrons cool.. and that if you were allergic to try the potion if they werent they were to take a potion. It was supposed to give them an allergy to test their potions.. so Harvey nervousily went ipto the table and picked up a vial and looked at it.. he hated drinking potions ever since that Hate potion and he had drunk any potion since.. and he never wanted to.. but they were told they had to drink the potion... so slowly he drank and emptied the vial and walked upto the table he came across the flowers.. he picked them and smelled them he covered his nose and mouth with his arm and "A...A..A.AACCHOOO!!" he sneezed ... yep he was allergic to the flowers.. or thats the way it looked as his eyes were becoming puffy and watered and his nose tickled on the inside.. as soon as he put the flowers back on the table he felt a tiny bit better.. and then bringing them back made it worse.. so it was very possible he was allergic to the flowers..
"Leave the cauldron to cool. The ones of your who are allergic now take a cupful and drink it, see if that works. Those who aren't. Can come here and retrieve a vial of this." She showed a potion that induced an allergy. Take the counter-measure and then take one of the items on the table to see which you are now allergic to.
Right he had an allergy,so he took a cup of the potion and drank it.He waited for something but nothing happened.The first reaction that was actually positive made in Lafay's class.
"Leave the cauldron to cool. The ones of your who are allergic now take a cupful and drink it, see if that works. Those who aren't. Can come here and retrieve a vial of this." She showed a potion that induced an allergy. Take the counter-measure and then take one of the items on the table to see which you are now allergic to.
Kennedy stepped away from the cauldron and went to the front of the classroom. He was a bit adamant of drinking whatever was inside that vial...but it was his Head of House that was handing it out, so he went for it. He then went to the table to test out which of the items he was now allergic to.
He touched and smelled a few items and he had no reaction to it. Maybe he was...broken or something and that's why nothing worked? He sighed, but then a cool looking feather caught his attention...
He managed to cover his face with his robes when a sudden sneeze attacked him. Okay, he was allergic to something now...and his eyes were itchy. With a small grin he returned to his working area. Why was he grinning? Because he could try the potion he had just brewed now. Duh!
The Prefect had a sneezing fit and it took him a few minutes to regain his composure. He didn't like having allergies anymore. He took a sip of his potion and breathed in relief when his eyes didn't itch and the sneezing seized.
Aurora walked up to the front of the room and took a little of the allergy potion. She was not looking forward to this bit - allergies looked nasty. She looked at the tray of stuff and walked up to it. As soon as she touched the nuts she felt an itching in her fingers. She sneezed. And again. And again and again and again. She sneezed so much that her nose started bleeding. She held her robes to her nose as she took a cupful of her potion from her cauldron, still sneezing. Then she drank it quickly and her nose stopped tingling, the sneezing ceased and the itching in her fingers subsided. Her nose was still bleeding though... but she was used to that - it would stop eventually. That wasn't important right now - her potion had worked!
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 40,087
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
Looking up one last time, and sniffling quite a bit, Kurumi was a little relieved to know that there wasn't much longer until the lesson was over. So far, Lafay hadn't blown up at anyone, and Kurumi would really like to leave the lesson without that happening. The longer they were in here the high the probability became.
Leaning back for a bit, Kurumi waited for the contents of her cauldron to cool down. This was probably going to take awhile, so Kurumi got out of her seat and went to the front to pick up one of the more pollen infested looking flowers before returning to her desk and peering into her cauldron. Idly passing the flower in front of her nose, Kurumi began to sneeze again and her eyes watered. Ug...her potion better have been brewed properly...
Using a clean ladle, Kurumi made herself a cup of the solution and just stared at it for a moment. Maybe...she should test things using Jonathan's potion. He was much better at this than she was. Taking one last deep breath, Kurumi poured the contents of her cup into her mouth and swallowed. The texture from the papaya seeds was rather...unsavory.
Kurumi reached for the flower again and took a sniff. Her nose wrinkled a bit and her sinuses tingled. It had...sort of worked...
SPOILER!!: Kurumi's notes
Antillergen Potion
Uses: deaden one's allergic reactions for a year at a time
Five C's of Potion Making: Color, concentration, care, cleanliness, and content. Ingredients
10 drops Valerian root
10 drops Salamander Blood
2 dock leaves
1 Ashwinder Egg
4 sprigs Fluxweed
10 drops Murtlap Essence
2 sprigs Parsley
3 spoons Raw honey
5 Basil leaves
1 whole Papaya
1 Ginger Root
17 Reishi (mushroom of immortality)
Clean cauldron
Fill cauldron with water
light burner
Add the 10 drops of valerian root & salamander blood one at a time alternating between the two
Clean mortar and pestle
Crush dock leaves
break Ashwinder egg into the mortar with the crushed leaves
QUICKLY add fluxweed
add mixture to cauldron
add Murtlap Essence
stir eight times with a wooden stirrer counter-clockwise
crush parsley with hands and sprinkle in
using wooden spoon, add 3 spoonfuls of honey
slice basil leaves as thin as possible with silver knife
using the same silver knife stab slice the papaya and insert basil into the sliced area
add WHOLE papaya to cauldron
grate ginger root over cauldron
let simmer for 5 minutes
thinly slice reishi mushrooms and add to cauldron
wave wand over the cauldron with a fast strinking oblique motion and cast Sanum
allow contents to cool before drinking
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes