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Hecate had brought a tray with a few items on them. Flowers, Shellfish, Strawberries, peanuts and other things. Her large cauldron was seated on it's burner, which was not lit, before her.
She was in a good enough mood. Things were going well in her personal life. She just needed to get used to certain things... that would come with time. She opened the classroom, and waited for her students to file in.
ooc: This class will stay open for at least 72 hours (probably more.) Also thanks to Antarctica! for taking the picture of the Potions Classroom for me at the WWoHP, and to Ameh for makin it into a pretty graphic!
Like a Domino ♥ Karma Kimalia ♥ ♥ Taco Bell ♥ Sorry for party rocking
One of Kimalia's favorite classes, and that was not because it was the Snake's biased talking. Nope, the sound of soft bubbles and potion brewing was very calming and relaxing even if the Dungeon was a little cold at times, the heat from the cauldron's made up for it.
Walking inside, Kimalia looked around to see some already entering, no biggie. Ah, there was Professor Lafay, she looked quite calm today, "Good day, Professor Lafay." Smiling kindly, though yes, Kimalia had disappointed her last term at the beginning feast, but that was in the past and now she was here to show her improvement in the subject and choice of behavior. Afterward, Kimalia walked to her usual seating area already ready to get busy.
Ravenpuff | Cap'n Crunch | Bedtime Queen | O Minion, My Minion
Keefer trod his way down to the cold gloom of the dungeons. It was always freezing down here, even in the heat of summer. He had no idea what to expect as he entered the classroom. Potions tended to be... an experience.
Noticing Lafay, he greeted her, but not too happily. She wouldn't like that. "Good day, Professor Lafay."
Selina walked down to the dungeons with a scowl on her face. It was time for Potions once again. The redhead had been so thrilled that the school year had moved along without the problem of Potions popping up, for a while she thought that the class would never take place, but, alas, it did. It was not that Selina hated Lafay, she was nice enough when she wanted to be, it was that Potions just hated Selina. That was not a joke. Every time she partook in this class SOMETHING went wrong. Even if Selina did the potion entirely correctly it never went right. Surely she was cursed or something.
As she walked inside the classroom she gave Professor Lafay a small nod and her best attempt at a smile in this dark and scary place, "Hello Professor." Then she made her way to her usual station and took out her supplies. Ugh.
Spike looked bleary eyed round the room as he stepped into the potions classroom. In many respects, he looked like he'd just woken up - and that was somewhat true. He really didn't find transfiguration to be the most interesting of subjects. Getting past Chapter 1 of last year's textbook with his eyes open was proving difficult.
With a yawn and a stretch, Spike found a desk in the middle of the room. "Good day Professor," he said politely as he sat down.
Ira walked in, pleased to see that she wasn't late for Potions. Oh it would surely be terrible to be late to Professor Lafay's class! Her face had a peculiar expression, a kind of mixture of a scowl and boredom and a teeny-tiny bit of fear of professor. Oh! She knew all about the rumors circulating, but was still wary and pretty sure that Professor was as cold as before.
"Hello Professor.. Good Morning!" she greeted the professor. And then she saw the flowers and strawberries et al on the front table. They seemed good. Wonder what they were going to brew this time.
*Everything I Know I Learned* *Adding Silently To The Noise*
Vlimia shivered a little as the Dungeons were colder than she had anticipated. Maybe once the burners for the cauldrons were lit it would be cozier. She walked down the hall until she came across a slightly ominous door with the words Potions Classroom on it. Opening the heavy wooden door with a creak, Vlim peered in. Oh good, there were other students there. She let out a sigh of relief and went in. "Good morning Proffesor!" Vlimia said brightly, going over to an empty chair. She took a moment to smooth her skirt, and then sat down. This lesson was going to be quite an experience.
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
POTIONS!!!!! Minerva sang in her head as she walked into the room. With a big smile on her face she walked up to Professor Lafay. "Hello Professor. Need any help passing anything out before class?" The faster they could get started with potions the happier Minnie would be. She found an empty table right in the front and she laid her bag down and waited to see if Professor Lafay needed her for anything.
Walking right behind Minerva as Justin...Ready for potions. " Good morning Professor Lafay." then quickly found a seat next to Minnie and sat down and took his potions textbook out and placed it on his desk.
Last edited by Devina Wellheart; 01-22-2012 at 07:00 PM.
Reason: misspelling fixed
There's some good in this world and it's worth fighting for| LOTR|Whovian|Sherlock Fan
Alyssa quickly entered the Potions classroom and was glad that the class hadn't started yet. She greeted the Professor who was standing at the door.
"Good morning, Professor Lafay. It is good to be back in your class. Once I find my seat, would you like me to assist with handing out any class material or help cleaning up after class? I know that Minerva has already volunteered but with two of us working together, we can get whatever you need us to do in less the time." Alyssa offered before finding a desk. She spotted Minnie seated at the desk and approached her. "Hi Minnie, mind if I sit next to you. I also asked the Professor if she needed any assistance too. I hope you don't mind." Alyssa smiled at Minnie as she sat down and waited for the Professor to signal to her or Minnie for assistance.
Hogwarts RPG Name: William Atticus MacGhilliseathenaich-Dwinkendorf IV
Second Year
James is my REAL name | Pokah Face | Scheming Marauder | True Marauder | Foster the People
Tired and sniffling from his usual allergies, William trudged through the drafty Dungeons and into the even colder potions classroom. Upon seeing Professor Lafay, he tried his best to place a smile on his face and greet her.
"Good morning, Professor Lafa-cough," he said, which was slightly cut off by a hard cough. He walked over to his desk, placed his cauldron on the unlit burner and pulled out his Potions book. Stowing his wand in his bag, he sat quietly, sniffing every once in a while, until the Professor began the class.
curly haired prefect - "sometimes I get angry!" - 30/90 - *chicken emoji* - probably @ Disney - I speak dog
Alex always felt weird walking into the potions classroom and seeing Lafay. He really shouldn't...after all, she wasn't really his concern anymore due to the recent developments with his actual father last year...but that didn't make it any less awkward as he walked in and saw her for the first time all term. SIGH. One of these days he'd get used to it...one of these days.
"Hello Professor Lafay," he said in a monotone voice, sitting down near the front and scanning the objects she had with her. What was she going to try and do this time, send them all into a sneezing fit?? He remembered how terrified he used to be of her during his first year...honestly, she still kind of scared him a bit, despite all the help she'd given him and Sierra as a sort of mediator when they nearly killed each other during their second year. He smiled at her politely as he took out his stuff and prepared for class.
I'm still standin'________________________________________ better than I ever did
Lookin' like a true survivor_________________________________feelin' like a little kid
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88
Alyssa quickly entered the Potions classroom and was glad that the class hadn't started yet. She greeted the Professor who was standing at the door.
"Good morning, Professor Lafay. It is good to be back in your class. Once I find my seat, would you like me to assist with handing out any class material or help cleaning up after class? I know that Minerva has already volunteered but with two of us working together, we can get whatever you need us to do in less the time." Alyssa offered before finding a desk. She spotted Minnie seated at the desk and approached her. "Hi Minnie, mind if I sit next to you. I also asked the Professor if she needed any assistance too. I hope you don't mind." Alyssa smiled at Minnie as she sat down and waited for the Professor to signal to her or Minnie for assistance.
Minerva looked at Alyssa then back towards the front. She wasn't going to get into any trouble for talking in potions so she just shook her head yes for her to sit next to her. Then Minnie slid a little closer to Justin to make room.
Cornelius somehow managed to find his way to the Potions classroom, surprised that he hadn't gotten lost in the rest of the dungeons and extremely grateful. This place was pretty creepy. Seemed like a proper place to make potions though, which sort of got the student excited for what the class would be like. He entered the classroom, trying to figure out the best place to sit and looking around for anyone he knew. Deciding to just claim the nearest seat towards the middle of the room, he set his book bag down before approaching the Professor to introduce himself. Didn't want to be rude, after all.
"Good morning, Professor Lafay," he greeted with a brief polite smile. "I just wanted to introduce myself, I'm Cornelius Rune, I'm new this year." He had decided early on that he would try to introduce himself to as many Professors as possible before he just nose dived into their classes, not wanting to be rude.
With this said, he gave a brief nod before returning to his seat, sure that she had other students to greet as well.
Wolfy | 1 of 4 Amigos! | ♥ Badger! | Slytherpuff | S. Snape Lover ♥ | Lil' Pup
Amethyst smiled as she entered her favorite classroom. She giggled as she saw Professor Lafay's face. "Good Day, Professor. I hope all is well with you." She nodded to her and took her rightful spot next to Minerva, Harvey, and Justin.
I'll miss my breath; there's no more left. ⚓.⚓.⚓______________________________I'll miss the sound of the wind up my back. ⚓.⚓.⚓___________The Depths have a number, they call you by name; fall asleep.
Davy Jones calls you, so fall asleep and dream.
Trencher for Life||Avril Lavigne|| Ni hen piao liang (You're very beautiful)
Violet walked nervously into the dungeons to learn potions. She's heard rumours that the teacher was especially strict in this class, but why should she be nervous. As Violet passed the teacher's desk, she said, "Hello, professor. Hope you are having a good day today?" Violet looked around the room, being careful not to bump into anything or risk losing house points. It gave her much pressure as she slowly sat down at one of the chairs.
w.a.m.s|♩♫♪♬|sour gummy snakes| "DNA doesn't make a family, Love does"
Originally Posted by GinevraWeasley
Vlimia shivered a little as the Dungeons were colder than she had anticipated. Maybe once the burners for the cauldrons were lit it would be cozier. She walked down the hall until she came across a slightly ominous door with the words Potions Classroom on it. Opening the heavy wooden door with a creak, Vlim peered in. Oh good, there were other students there. She let out a sigh of relief and went in. "Good morning Proffesor!" Vlimia said brightly, going over to an empty chair. She took a moment to smooth her skirt, and then sat down. This lesson was going to be quite an experience.
Cardigan walked into the potions classroom and took a deep breath.This place had a different kind if smell,but wouldn`t you expect that in a potions classroom?"Hello professor!"She called out to the potions professor before scoping out the room for anyone she knew.In an instant,she spotted Vlimia!Cardigan hurried over to her best friend.As she sat down,she said,with a grin,in a whisper,"Hey Vlimia!Rockin` that navy blue,aren`t you?"Navy blue was a good color,whereas green wasn`t enough.
Isabelle was so excited for the first potion class of the year. It was going to be ah-mazing. She couldn't wait, period. Potions was probably her favorite class so that meant that no matter what. It was going to be awesome. Plus the professor seemed to have gotten nicer since she had been engaged. "Hello Professor Lafay," she said cheerfully as she sat down at a desk near the front of the room. "How are you doing today!"
Professor Lafay looked angry. But Presley couldn't remember ever seeing her happy. "Hello Professor," Presley smiled anyway. You could never go wrong with a simple smile. She took her usual dead middle of the room seat and pulled out her things mentally checking them off as she did so. Potions book, parchment, quill, ink, notebook, pen, sweater. It was freezing down here! Or maybe Presley was getting sick. But those strawberries were looking pretty good. Presley hoped that they were going to use them in thier potions so that maybe she could sneakily eat one. As long as they weren't soaked in frog spawn already or something gross like that.
Finally, the first potion lesson and Kacie was sooooooo excited that she practically ran down to the potions classroom to get a good seat. She walked into the classroon and let out a happy sigh as she looked around. This was exactly were she wanted to be, minutes away from mixing her first potion.
"Hello Professor, she said politely, before she spotted her brother and headed in his direction.
SPOILER!!: Giddy
Originally Posted by Macavity
Oh the joy it was when Potions class was announced on the class board. Okay so while he had told Selina he didn't miss it because of Astronomy, it didn't mean Gideon himself wasn't excited about the lesson when it finally came. So with his cauldron in hand and his supplies safe in his sachel, he made his way down to the dungeons after breakfast ready to begin. He stepped inside the classroom and looked around briefly to take things in.
It was always good to gauge what mood the professor was in before class.
"Good day Professor Lafay," he greeted the woman with a polite nod as he spotted her waiting for the students to arrive. Gideon then made his way to the workstation in the middle of the classroom and set his belongings on top to prepare himself.
Kacie picked the seat in front of Gideon and placed her things down. She was happy to finally be able to put the potion kit, her father had given her to some use. There was one other thing she had in her possession and she slipped it from her bag at that moment, before turning to Gideon.
"Giddy look at what I got," She said grinning as she showed him the extra book she had. It was a black notebook with their fathers handwritting on the cover. To her and Gideon it was obvious what it was, one of their fathers potion journals.
Silvia made her way to the Potions classroom. It was colder and darker here than elsewhere in the castle, and she always got cold easily. "Hello professor," she said when she stepped into the classroom. Silvia quickly made her way to a seat. She wasn't particularly looking forward to potions, but it was a required class; and as it was her first lesson in the subject, she decided she would hold off judgement for now.
It was about time! Potions was usually always one of the first classes... weird! She smiled at Lafay or now greingoth apparently but just in case she was saying 'Proffeser' easier, nicer and no one got hurt, she then smiled at the ickle first years, especially those few children that only knew hogwarts was a real place at the beggining of the term! They were in for a real treat
But she still loved potions in fact it was probably her favourite class!
"Hello Proffeser," she wandered off for a seat preferebly in the front but really any would do..
Angelina was a bit excited, she hasn't really took potions before, even if she was a second year. It just didn't seem like the thing she would like to do, but this year she will try! She promised herself that for every class. Walking in she picked a table off to the side and sitting in an empty chair. Maybe she will see some people she knew, how knows, she didn't really want to be lonely the whole time.
As she was trying to settle in a little Angelina smiled a bit shy but at the professor- and her head of house and said, "Hello Professor Lafay."
Louise walked into the classroom sh waves at the teacher "hi it is good to be back, how are you and how is your love life going" she smiled she sat down in the middle, she took out her book and started to read
Eliza entered the classroom. She hadn't been to Potions yet, and was quite looking forward to it, plus I she was bad at it, the class was taught by her head of house, and really, she must like her house a bit more than the others, right? "Good day, Professor."