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The Tapestry Once referred to as "The Mysterious Tapestry", this wall hanging first came to notice during Draconia's tenure as Headmistress. The passageway which existed behind the tapestry has long since been sealed but, the tapestry continues to be a site of great interest to those familiar with its story or appreciate such textile arts. It also makes a convenient meeting place as there is no other tapestry as grand as this in the castle. |
Marilyn looked around, walking carefully to make sure no one was following her. She'd hoped the owl had been received...They needed to form a plan of attack on these unsuspecting underclassmen...and perhaps a few of their fellow Seventh Years. Pausing at the Tapestry, she sighed glancing down at her watch...She should be there any minute. |
She grinned when she saw the girl checking her watch by the tapestry." Not to worry..just fashionable late as usual." She winked and reached into her bag for ink, quill and parchment. |
:d Quote:
The Hogwarts Express had turned into a gossip haven..."Apparently, my housemate Caroline has lost a letter...but I think I know who has it..." She'd seen Carter with a folded, crumpled piece of paper...She needed to do some snooping..."Have you been hearing anything? Is their anyone on Cassie's List this term?" She smirked as she moved to also take out a notebook and quill. |
"I really like your leads...well I have heard some stuff but I'm wondering if it would be off limits since the guy involved happens to be one of my best friends...plus..you know about Josh and the heels right? That would be a fun article to write too.." She twirled her quill between her fingers and looked at Marilyn. Really, Jai would be so mad at her if she dished on some of the stuff he told her. |
SPOILER!!: Davvy_Wavvy Marilyn listened carefully, wondering who Cassie was having thoughts writing about...One of her best friends that was a guy...They'd never interacted that much outside of privacy. That's how they were able to stay so anonymous. "Well, that always a sensitive subject...Is this guy someone who stays mad for long periods of time?" Because everyone knew the saying..."Sometimes it's better to get forgiveness than it is permission..." Josh and heels? Marilyn smirked. "Oh, that's definitely getting an article...We'll actually need to hurry on that one since it's quickly coming up." Of course, they'd HAVE to take some photos...It was his own fault, really. Josh and his "Rawr"...and "I'm a Lion and not scared of anything" attitude. Poor boy. If he could just admit that girls were smarter and...more intelligent. "About this friend-boy...I actually have a similar situation..." She immediately thought of Rafe and his condition. Would that be tacky of her to put out there? Probably... |
She nodded at Marilyn. Yeah the first classes of the school term were less than a day away and Josh would most certainly be wearing those heels. He didn't worry either because he had a lot to choose from...so the choice was his to make. " I think I might be able to talk Treyen into letting me borrow one of the cameras for the yearbook that way we can take pictures ans share the memories with the rest of Hogwarts." She smirked. Cassie's attention was drawn from scribbling on her parchment back to the girl...she raised an eyebrow as she looked at her." Oh really? Well what are you going to do...?" |
SPOILER!!: Davvy_Wavvy Marilyn nodded. That was true enough...Sometimes things happened that were so severe, they couldn't be remedied. "I think we'll just focus on other stories before we turn to those..." She didn't ask her Hufflepuff comrade about who she was referring to...Marilyn thought that might have seemed a little rude. Cassie always had good connections when it came to the equipment they'd need. "That sounds great. Hey, if you're feeling it, we could save a really god shot for the yearbook." Now, that would be priceless. Marilyn could see it now. Josh would have to sign on his photo...He'd become a celebrity. She briefly wondered if they could ask for publishing rights... Yes, she knew she could tell Cassie about what was going on with Rafe. He was deciding to make it public knowledge, anyway..."It's Rafe...Um, I'm not sure if you've heard the news or not...but he's not entirely human...I mean, he's an ex-boyfriend, but I do care about him...I guess I just worry that he might be kicked out of school because of who he is." |
SPOILER!!: Cassie nodded, she would definitely talk to Marilyn about the whole Jai thing just not today, besides they had good stuff to go on already so no need to jump into that worm hole before time." I think I like how you think" She smiled at her and conjured them both desk sets, a small table and two chairs, that would do them just fine for now."I think we'll need to find somewhere to meet..somewhere we won't risk being overheard. " She grinned and nodded." Oh I'll be feeling it alright but I would have to talk to..Lexi.." She trailed off..that certainly would not be fun? The Puff and Gryffindor were certainly not each other's favourite person and that was putting it nicely. Who in their right mind would turn down Josh in heels anyways?....Then again she didn't figure the girl was in her right mind anyways. Oh..Ohhh..OHH..wow Alright so Rafe had mentioned the whole not being entirely human thing to her and she was pretty taken aback by it but what really shocked her was the fact that Marilyn and him used to date...this was good stuff for the paper...but it was also a tad scandalous and the scandals were not intended for the writers." I heard yeah..." she lowered her voice to a whisper now..."but I didn't know that you two dated...thats...wow," She fingered through her hair and looked at Marilyn. Yeah it was clear she was worried about the boy." The thing is they can't kick him out for being..you...know..Hogwarts has had a few pass through these walls..if they did it would be discrimination and would cast quite a bad light on the school." But if Rafe wanted to get the word out...they could help him with that..it's just they would need to do so in a positive way. |
About Rafe...Yea, Marilyn was a little surprised Cassie hadn't known they'd dated. It'd been the big scandal a few years back. The whole mess between Rafe, Carter, and herself would always remain at the forefront of her mind. It was interesting that her Hufflepuff friend thought they could spin this in a positive way. "You know how some people are able things that are different...They totally freak." It had been a concern when Rafe had mentioned he was going public. "I suppose we'll have to keep an eye on him...secretly, of course..." Tapping her chin with the quill, Marilyn sighed. "I'm wanting to do this first piece of Caroline..." Yes, it was mostly out of anger. The girl didn't know her place...and Marilyn was tired of playing nice. |
Cassie sighed and nodded. Yeah she knew how closed minded some people could be, especially those in the wizarding world. She thought the whole blood and half vs full and all that was over but clearly it lived on to some extent. rafe seemed to be an okay guy though and should be quite comfortable with telling people about him condition without fear of any negative repercussion. That was definitely not the case though."Yeah I suppose we do need to do that." She raised a perfectly arched eyebrow at Marilyn though and smirked."You still care about him don't you?" Yeah that was pretty obvious, even if marilyn decided to deny it. She pulled closer to Marilyn and twisted her hair up into a bun."Alright so do you want to start now. You know most of the details so you'll have to take the lead on this one." Though she definitely wanted lots of input of course. |
SPOILER!!: Davvy_Wavvy Marilyn peering down at her parchment for a moment, seemingly lost in thought. After a moment or so, she smirked. "Did you know that there's a student bulletin board in the Entrance Hall?" It would be the ideal place to post any stories...They might have to pay off a First Year to post them...or find any invisibility cloak...The Hogwarts castle walls had eyes... She sounded entirely too paranoid. Cassie was asking her further about Rafe...the truth of the matter was that she would ALWAYS care about him. He had been such an important part of her life for so long. He'd went out of his way to rescue her, which she'd just recently found out. He really had went to extraordinary lengths for her..."You know what, I don't think I'll ever stop caring about him..." And that was all that needed to be said about that... Flipping through her parchments til she came to fresh sheet, Marilyn dipped her quill. "If you have no pressing engagements, we can get started..." She hadn't known if Cassie would be busy later or not. As she'd mentioned earlier, they didn't interact much outside of total privacy... Quote:
Sarah leaned against the wall next to the old tapestry. She had never been one for patience, but she was too busy thinking to actually worry about lateness. Besides, she hadn't exactly provided a time in her owl. There were plenty of places, she was sure, that they could do this. But she wanted it to be the best ever. Some place quiet and hard to get to. Someplace they could personalize and make theirs for all of the seven years they would be at Hogwarts. ... And then they could pass it on to another generation once they left. Other kids deserved HQ's too. Yup. |
Eris was nearly skipping like a teen girl high on a love potion as the portraits on the walls passed by her quickly. Crumpled, do to her hand tightly closed around it, was the note Sarah had sent her asking for a meeting by the tapestry on the fourth floor. The way the letter was written of course, sent the young witch's mind whirling with excitement and questions as Sarah had never really specified anything in the letter, and the guessing game might nearly be as fun as whatever activity was planned as well. Skidding her heels against the corner of the fourth floor, Eris made her way into the room with the giant tapestry, which was wonderfully brilliant and wide. Not to mention filled with a bunch of event that Eris was sure she couldn't even describe properly. Eyes scanning down it though, she saw Sarah leaning against it and looking deep in thought. Creeping forward on tip toe for no real reason, Eris walked over to her friend with a warm smile, "Hey!" |
She tilted her head to the side and her grin took on a mischievous quality, "You'll never guess what I've just found! I was wandering around and I found this old room. It was totally creepy and weird, but I wanted to check it out anyway." she paused, and flashed another smile, "Turns out that there was a barrier blocking the entrance. But, it reminded me of something I've always wanted to do." She paused for dramatic effect. "I've always sort of wanted my own personal, like, Head Quarters." she finally admitted, ignoring how childish it sounded, "When I was younger I never had any friends who could stand my need to check out everything, so I always imagined that my room was my secret HQ and I would pretend that I was going on an adventure, since my friends couldn't tolerate my quests, and my brother considered himself too old for 'games'." A pause for breath... "But, now that you're my friend, and you're as adventurous as me... we should find a secret place here and make it our HQ we could make schemes there, and plans for adventures. We could record all of the places we find, maybe even make a map of the entire school. That way we'd never get caught doing pranks, or exploring places we aren't supposed to be." During all of the talking, she had been waving her arms about in her typical I'm on a roll way, but now she stopped and stared expectantly at her friends. "What do you think?" |
'Where would we record out adventures, though?" Eris asked, wanting every detail of this to go perfectly. But, really, Oh my Rowling!, A real hideout for them for plotting and planning. "Sarah. You are brilliant." She scoped the room as though looking at the first home she was going to move into and planning the furniture scheme. |
"We would write them down, maybe in code, or in a special ink that only showed up with a certain spell. Wouldn't want anyone to see our TOP SECRET files, would we?" she grinned mischievously, "I've scoped out a few places, too." Here. Here. Possibly here. And this isn't a possibility, but they may help us Yup, yup, yup. She had come prepared. |
She stared at Marilyn for a bit then nodded, Clearly she wouldn't be getting anything else out of the girl for now, so she let the topic rest...not forever though, Cassie was sure to bring it back up some other time."Alright, thats perfectly understandable.." When relationships end, you can't just turn your feelings off just like that. Cass shook her head. Nope her evening was quite free so she could spend the time getting their first article together. It seemed marilyn was a head of her though as she had been busy writing the article and not jotting down notes like Cassie was. She took the parchment as Marilyn handed it over and read it through. " It sounds good, but how come you haven't added the stuff about her and Jai?" |
"I'm going to add that...I wanted to make sure there was nothing you wanted to add first..." That was going to be such a bombshell. Marilyn had no doubts that Caroline was using Jai to get at Carter. She was a Slytherin, after all...and that was Slytherin-equs of her. Marilyn might have done such a thing years ago...but not anymore. |
Tap Tap Tap Tap Finally, she found a spot that she tapped multiple times. "Knew it." The witch smirked bending down to the floor and lifting one of the rocks that made up the foundation. She was strong, this was already known, and with a bit of pulling she lifted the stone up to see a nice crater before putting it back. Taking out the note Sarah had sent her, Eris scribbled down two words on the back. "Point Me" Placing it in the crater, she covered it. "There...one hidden awesome incantation down, 1 billion to go" |
It was a good idea to hide their files all over the school. For now, at least. While Sarah believed it to be bloody brilliant- as mentioned above- she also thought that it would get to be a right pain to track down a specific note. But who was she to criticize? It wasn't like she'd come up with any ideas. "I've been thinking," she continued, thinking back to the location of their HQ, "maybe we could do it in the student gardens because if we did our research on plants, we'd be able to cover whatever our little hideout is with plants that keep other people out... like guard flowers!" She was getting over excited again, "And then once we learn some spells- we should probably do some research on spells that would be of use, by the way- we could enchant our HQ so it's even more other-people-proof...!" Yes, she had been struck by inspiration. And it wasn't going away. |
"No, I don't want to add anything just yet, perhaps when you get to the part with Jai I'll have some to add." She certainly didn't want to hurt her friend though and would try as much as possible to not do that. |
SPOILER!!: Davvy_Wavvy Pulling the paper back towards her, Marilyn continued to write. Quote:
Gabe, oh Gabe, where fore art thou Gabe? Adrianna was looking down at a book as she walked, a talent she had acquired over the years of traveling. However, something colorful caught her eye and she looked up. A massive tapestry stretched from ceiling to floor, and Adrianna's eyes widened as she stared at it. "Whoa," she said, closing the book and moving over to study the tapestry. She trailed her fingers along and then, after a moment of inspiration, checked behind. The passage was blocked, but that was okay. The artwork was still awesome. "I wonder what your story is," she said, looking up at the rug. |
"Brilliant! Let's head over there now then..." the boyish witch practically rocked on the balls of her feet, never being the one able to pose still with the air of excitement and wanting to just run around observing everything she possibly could. It's probably going to be the death of her one day. She liked the idea of studying spells as well, "Mmm, were going to be the best witches this school has ever seen!" |
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