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Eat, drink, and be merry, O Snakes. Classes begin again tomorrow.
The glittering night sky is clear and visible through the enchanted ceiling, and the floating candles bedeck the entire hall in a warm golden light. All seems well with the world, aside from the empty plates still waiting for food to appear.
And what's this? The silverware is tarnished and askew, almost as if thrust on the table willy-nilly. Take a seat and search for a clean spoon while the Sorting Hat ceremony commences. The House Elves have done their clean up work quickly and effectively, and the silverware and dishes are now set to right.
♣ Heejin here | Did somebody say coffee & cakes? | cat lover ♣
Finally jonathan has arrived from the long ride to Hogwarts. He already unpacked and fixed his things before going down to the great hall for the welcoming feast.
Frankly, there were a lot of students, first year students. It was rd to keep an eye on who's new or who transferred back. But it is all fun.
Jonathan walked into the great hall again. Wow. It feels like he really never left school in the first place. Hogwarts just feels nice and he can't wait to sleep in his bed again and maybe mingle with friends in the common room.
He took a seat and started to pile his plate with the food on the table. Together of course with his favorute drink pumpkin juice. Yum. He started to eat and only realized that slytherin d both the head boy and girl this term. And kurumi is the prefect for gryffindor ths years. As well as the main event, owls. He can't still put that thought away.
♥ Socelyn | #Jeness | S W A G | ShortPerson&TallPerson | Nade ♥
Originally Posted by WeasleyGirl
Food please hurry! He was tired also,but what was wrong with him? He should be happy that he was in Hogwarts and there was not annoying sis around and no pygmy puffs. But since there was no food, there was no happiness. Simple.
He sighed and then heard a familiar voice...Jade. He turned around to face her "No, I'm waiting for my imaginary friends" he replied. He was not ready to tease her back, and even though he ate candy of the food trolley and that should have make him go hyper it didn't worked out.
"And what about you?" he asked "You saw me lonely and couldn't resist to sit down with me?" he winked. Well, maybe he had some energy to tease her a bit.
Jade couldn't help but smile a bit as he joked about waiting for his imaginary friends. She caught herself as she smiled and quickly turned it back to her normal expression. She would not smile, it would make her feel weak to even smile; especially at him. Even though she wanted to. She rolled her eyes as he teased her. "No actually, I just thought I would come over here to increase your popularity level just a bit." She said, thinking of something she had got earlier. She took her bag and rummaged through it, taking out three pieces of paper. She set them before Nikolas and crossed her arms. "I got three guy's numbers on the train and I didn't even have to ask like you would do." She winked.
Super Slytherin Buddy | | ⅓ She-Snake Trio | | a normal girl with normal knees
SPOILER!!: Destiny
Originally Posted by Destiny
Destiny slooowly raised an eyebrow.
Now, any other time, she probably wouldn't have believed that the other person's money was in their luggage. But this was Evelyn. Her best friend. A student of authority! She couldn't lie. And even if she was, they had to share the same dorm, she could go into her luggage and find the money herself.
Eying up the taffy that her friend pulled out of her pocket for a moment, Destiny gave her shoulders a shrug before holding the spoon back up to her mouth. "Well, as long as you're going to give it to me." She gave Evelyn a look. A look that clearly said 'you will give it to me whether I die or not'.
And it was time!
Taking a deep breath, imagining whatever that dirty stuff on the spoon was chocolate, she once again began sticking out her tongue. Closer, closer, closer, never taking her eyes off Evelyn.
Shuddering as her tongue came in contact with the spoon, Destiny pulled away and flung the spoon onto the table, a look of DISGUST on her face. Yuck. Yuck! YUCK!
"I have GRIME disease! GRIIIIIME DIIIIIISEAAAAAASE!" She needed a drink!
But the goblets were dirty!
"Yes, of course." she nodded, egging Destiny on. Doooo iiiit!
Evelyn leaned even CLOSER as she narrowed her eyes, looking at the distance of the spoon to her friend's mouth. Almost there. Almooooost there. EWWWW SHE DID IT!!
The seventh year ignored all the yelling that was going on around them, caused by something she had no interest in, and instead 'EWW'd' her friend as she laughed at the same time, watching her toss the spoon away.
"Hurry! Take a sip of your drink!" In that dirty goblet! ROFL!
Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese
Getting up from you previous spot at the Slytherin table, she was about to make her way over to Gryffindor when she stopped...
Had DESTINY really just done...what Marilyn thought she had??
Making her way over, the blonde began laughing. "Did you seriously just lick that spoon?!?!" Leave it to the Slytherin to do something totally nuts on the first day back...It made Marilyn wonder what it tasted like, though. It looked beyond awful...
Curiosity killed the cat...OR snake in this situation...
We live in cities you'll never see onscreen..._______________________________________________
So very pretty, and we sure know how to run things..._______________________________ Livin' in ruins of a palace, within our dreams...____________
We're on each other's team._____
The Harpy of Hogwarts | Dungeon Mistress | Bimba di Serpeverde
"WHAT IS GOING ON!" Hecate said loudly as she came to the table absolutely disgusted. She was not in a good mood. Things had happened during the summer that had affected the way she felt, and Hecate's wand was at the ready, in her hand...
... Would there be a Bar-b-que at the feast?
... maybe...
She felt a piece of something hit her. She had walked in the trajectory of the gum. What in Hades was it?! She looked down... Droobles gum? "Who threw this?" She said, looking in the direction...
... "Sierra?" She said her eyes going wide. Then she narrowed them angrily. "Miss Greingoth. You will be in my office the moment this feast is over. If you disobey me, expect to lose point and be prepared to meet me in detention... Am I making myself clear?"
... wait. "What is in your hair?" She looked around. She was going to demand heads.
It's a Bunbury tradition to cause drama at the feast... ;)
Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB
Originally Posted by Tommehbell
Harlow nodded, "Goblin silver from 1296." she said proudly. It had been part of her birthday presents from her uncle. "Oh she's the Minister of Magic in Ghana, but our family could make a large donation." They had the money to keep Hogwarts running till the armor rusted. She was sure if she told her dad about the nasty silverware he would transfer the money in the morning. A Riddle just didn't live like this.
She glanced at the Staff table and took in some of the simple robes of the teachers. Well, they were teachers weren't they. Were they supposed to be in Chanel robes with Jimmy Choo stilettos to teach? "Maybe they like to dress like that," she offered never wanting to say anything bad about someone.
Oh.My.Gawd!! That girl just spit in Tori's hand!!!
Harlow's head swam with disgust. That was so horrid Harlow was speechless while she rummaged in her bag for her spray bottle of GERMS BEGONE. "I've got some sanitizer and handkerchiefs," she told her finally pulling the items out of her bag and handing them over. "That was the most disgusting thing I've ever seen," she whispered. She didn't want to embarrass Tori by shouting.
"Wowww," Tori admired the silverware, again. "Goblin-made." Who knew goblins wasted their time with tiny, insignificant things like silverware? Tori had always thought they were too busy hoarding gold or opening bank accounts or making armor and swords and tiaras. Huh.
This was assuming that Harlow was telling the truth, of course, and not just spinning one tall tale after the other. Hmm. "Send the Minister my regards," Princess Tori dipped her head politely. "How lovely to have met another near-royal at school!" Tehee!
"Yeah no, no they don't. No one wants to look like a dustrag, trust me." Tori flipped her hair over one shoulder. She was just so confident in matters of style, with her silver Converse one stars and her carefully, creatively torn school skirt. Totes. "The Sorting Hat told me I had a great sense of style, so," she laughed, "I'm pretty sure even the professors would appreciate a nice pair of new shoes."
She was still wiping her hand on the napkins when Harlow, bless her little heart, seemed to take her side in this candy battle. "Thank you, oh thank you SO much," the ginger whispered back, pumping a load of sanitizer on her hands and rubbing them together. "I had no idea there were such people in the most noble house of Slytherin!"
*cue haughty sniffle*
Originally Posted by Anna Banana
For what was quite possibly the very first time in her life, Sierra Greingoth didn't snap back. She just sat there, staring at the wall and thinking hard about how life in general seemed to despise her lately. "I'm not pathetic," he half-heartedly said. ...and then she gasped as she felt the spit from her own mouth ooze down onto her head. "Lola Jones!!!!!" Sierra yelled out. "Lola, get down here this instant and bring your wand!"
Sierra couldn't see he spit, but she knew it was there. Oh, Merlin. Was the gum there, too?! "Lola?" she called again. "Get. It. Out." She gestured frantically toward the top of her head. She glared at the girl, and then...
...she reached into her pocket and pulled out a piece of Drooble's Best Blowing Gum. Then she threw the gum toward the girl. A second piece followed. Then a third, fourth, and finally fifth. "Take your stupid gum back, you selfish hag!" Then she drew in a deep breath and added to their ever-growing lie about the house elves. "...and there'll be dust plaguing our floors, couches, and curtains." She smirked and added, "I hear they're good laborers. Maybe even better than the elves."
"Ohmygawd she's calling IT!" Now Tori was not a cowardly snake, but she felt just a small tremble of fear strike her heart as the girl beside her SCREAMED for the evil cotton candy queen. "Good luck getting that one out, girl, shooooo," she eyed the pile of spitgum. "You were chomping down hard on my candy, werencha."
HA. How does THAT revenge taste, hmm? Tori was chuckling quietly to herself when she suddenly felt a little ping on her shoulder. Then another one, and another, and as she turned her head, she saw that the girl was throwing HER unwrapped Droobles at her. "WELL. That's not ALL my candy you stole, Thief," she snapped, collecting the pieces and tucking them all away in her purse, "but don't worry. I know where you sleep at night."
She sniffed loudly and turned away, but not before continuing their rumor with a good, "And they'll be uber-loyal to us, their proper masters, too. Mwahaha."
"WHAT IS GOING ON!" Hecate said loudly as she came to the table absolutely disgusted. She was not in a good mood. Things had happened during the summer that had affected the way she felt, and Hecate's wand was at the ready, in her hand...
... Would there be a Bar-b-que at the feast?
... maybe...
She felt a piece of something hit her. She had walked in the trajectory of the gum. What in Hades was it?! She looked down... Droobles gum? "Who threw this?" She said, looking in the direction...
... "Sierra?" She said her eyes going wide. Then she narrowed them angrily. "Miss Greingoth. You will be in my office the moment this feast is over. If you disobey me, expect to lose point and be prepared to meet me in detention... Am I making myself clear?"
... wait. "What is in your hair?" She looked around. She was going to demand heads.
But Tori's laugh quickly caught in her throat as she saw a professor get hit by one of HER pieces of gum.
"Excuse me, professor," the redhead said politely, picking up the unwrapped gum and tucking it away with the others. "But this girl here," who was apparently named Sierra, "stole a bunch of my candy on the train. So now she's just returning it."
Bit by bit. Spitwad by... well, whatever.
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________ __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
A blank expression appeared on his face as Dia went off on her own little rant, Matt wasn't quite sure what she was on about but he was sort of used to listening to strange rants since he did have to listen to Raven talking practically the entire summer but it was different this time around. "Actually I prefer to be called Matt, whenever I hear someone use my full first name.. I automatically think that I'm about to be in trouble for something which usually is the case." And there we go, of course that comment would need to be said although it didn't seem like he had a brain filter anymore since usually that would have been replaced with a comment that didn't seem like it was one of those recorded messages played back hundreds of times. Just don't start talking about things like Raven, seriously not everyone needs to know about her even if they already do somehow.
Ah so she did finally answer one of the questions that he was about to ask, well that just meant that he needed to find a new question to ask that wasn't about to sound completely stupid. "Your school disappeared? And there's plenty of pranksters around the hallowed halls of this school, I would know after spending the previous two terms here. The math, if you're wondering.. is not incorrect, I transferred to Hogwarts from Rygal Academy in Los Angeles back in my fourth year merely because well.. that I can't tell you." It wasn't so much that he couldn't tell Dia the whole story, it was more like that he didn't want anyone else knowing the truth to why he requested a transfer in the first place.
"That's actually something that I've been trying to figure out myself, I would say that it's some kind of conspiracy that the girls have taken over the school but alas even that idea seems rather foolish to me now. I have absolutely no problem having girls as friends, I would just rather talk to some other guys so things would seem a bit more normal." Of course the conspiracy idea would have to come up, it wasn't like he cared if people thought that was crazy for thinking that way since in all actuality; it could have been the truth.
Right the school disappearing...that was not something she should have brought up. But atleast she got to know he didn't like being called Mathew Stevenson - if she was ever mad at him she knew what to call him them.
Thinking of how to tell him how the school disappeared she completely stopped talking for a minute...when he said he went to Rygal she couldn't help but smile, he was a Pacific Ocean Wizard...amazing...the smell of the salt air would be breath taking right now. She could almost imagine the hot sweat smell of the sand, beach, and sun. Absolutely breath taking. While her mind basked in sunlight for a minute she restlessly began to flick her foot from side to side like a metronome.
"Don't worry - you don't have to say anything about why you left - and...well, the whole disappearing act thing with the Royal Academy in Sydney was well...um," she blushed slightly out of nerves. "I got expelled for a few different things going wrong...first things first - I'm horrid at potions - well I used to be...had to take a potions seminar class this summer before attending...and well, thing is I blew up the Potions lab." She looked down at a dirty fork and began to clean it as she spoke. "Also, I kind of was dared by a friend to try a new spell - disillusionment charms and everything" she admitted, chuckling. "and I did - it went spectacularly - but I miss-cast it...ended up making the entire school turn invisible."
By now she was laughing a bit realizing how silly her own embarassment was. "And - the thing that sealed it was - I didn't like the headmistress eh was...well wretched - her idea of detention was hanging the first years in a dungeon and letting pixies bite them. Evil, evil witch." It was true. Professor Hopskinth was evil. No questions about it. "Um - well...I despised her so much because she did that to my sister, so...I snuck into her office after hours miniaturized everything and hexed the door so when she entered she herself would shrink to its size...but when she leaves the room the spells supposed to fade off and she was supposed to be normal - and just feel woozy."
She was laughing even harder now. "Needless to say it didn't work. And she was the size of a goblin and got really mad...course she immediately thought it was me, and blamed me...and well she was right...but I got expelled." She shrugged. Hillarious story. Hillarious.
Looking up when someone who was obviously a Professor walked over and was yelling she couldn't help but gulp. Who was she? Was she evil? And what would she do if she heard her ask Matt who the heck she was. "Who is that?" she whispered over to Matt, quietly she hopped.
IT'S NOT AN ACT OF LOVE __________________________________________________ ___________ ____________
IF YOU MAKE HER ____________
Her attention was drawn to a very peculiar girl. She was actually carrying a top hat around. Harlow's eyebrow arched as she watched the girl sitting down on the bench like her bottom was made of glass.
This was the most entertaining thing she had seen all day. "Are you going to pull a rabbit out of there?" Harlow asked.
"Shhhhh shhhhhh," she cooed the top hat and started whispering a lullaby as she placed more pieces of bread in it. This was all perfectly normal for Lola until--OH NO! She'd been caught. Red-handed. Immediately, she lowered down the top hat and stared at the girl.
This very little child was the girl who she'd found at that quill shop during Diagon Alley, as she was searching for the right fluffy quills--this girl had the MOST MAGICAL one. There was much tense and jealousy coming from Lola, but of course, this child was so small! Questioning her hat even! AN INNOCENT MIND. Not to be corrupted. "Oh you silly girl, a rabbit? Like the muggles? I fancy them muggles, you know. But no no nooooo, it's merely a regular hat, you see," she said in a shaky tone, but managed to show the girl the hat, inside and out.
It was empty. No bread pieces whatsoever.
"It's a prop, my daaaaaaarling," she sang now with more confidence.
Originally Posted by Anna Banana
"Lola Jones!" Sierra exclaimed, making a show of herself being more-than-pleased to see the newest Captain at their table. Of course, Sierra knew to stay on Lola's good side from here on out. She had a reason to befriend Lola now, and that reason simply was 'you're the captain, and I want a spot on the team again'.
She paused and looked toward the girl, trying to figure out just what she was doing with that awful looking hat of hers. "Hey, Lola," she said, picking up a piece of silverware and dangling it in front of the girl's face, "I heard all the house elves passed away during the summer due to a freak accident with cookie poisoning." She put the fork back down, paused for dramatic effects, and then added, "Pass the word on."
...this should be fun to watch.
WAIT. HOOOOOOLD ON A MINUTE. There was something oddly fishy about the Great Hall. Something different from last year--was it the ceiling? no--was it the--OH LOOK AT THAT HORRIBLE SANITATION. Did they really want her to catch a a disease and suffer a slow, slow death? These meant germs! Germs meant death. And death meant to never ever hold hold her chance of becoming famous, well, not until the next lifetime.
What if the bread was dirty? She immediately stopped picking pieces of the bread, shooing the plate away.
She heard her name being called and she cocked her head to the left. "SIERRA GREINGOTH! OH," she breathed, "I CAN'T!" Lola and Sierra had no interaction whatsoever during the summer, though of course, occasional letters were sent. One particular about her new Captainship and for some odd reason, Sierra was much kinder and acted like the sweet chubby angel baby she wanted the girl to be.
But her moment of happiness turned into death.
"I heard all the house elves passed away during the summer due to a freak accident with cookie poisoning."
"I heard all the house elves passed away during the summer due to a freak accident with cookie poisoning."
No. No no no no no. THE HOUSE ELVES WERE DEAD. OH NO. Lola Jones befriended them last year (or so she thought). Her friends were dead. She had dead friends. HOUSE-ELVES EVEN. And what was that?! "COOKIE POISONING?" It was obvious that Lola was a fan of cookies. She'd worship them ever since she met her Master last year, Cookie Goddess, Kurumi Hollingberry. Master... LOLA JONES WAS A HOUSE-ELF HERSELF, SERVING FOREVER SERVITUDE TO MASTER KURUMI.
Lola Jones, the Last House-Elf. She was suddenly inspired to create a play based on that.
BUT NOT NOW. It was obviously her fault. The cookies--EVERYTHING. She suddenly grabbed a rusty fork and then pointed it towards her neck. "OH KILL ME NOW! I'm guilty! GUILTY!"
Originally Posted by Audux254
Eris leaned her head over in interest, shamelessly showing her childish intrigue with the silk hat the girl seemed to be...well...feeding? It was rather hard not to be, as it wasn't everyday you would see someone giving bread to an inanimate object.
"Erm...." Eris was about to say something, blinking her blue eyes twice before scooping a piece of bread off her own plate and holding it out to the hat in offering as though she was feeding a puppy from under the table. Forgetting that as weird as the witch feeding her hat may be, that a little witch feeding someone elses' may look even stranger.
Oh what was this?!
Lola suddenly stopped her act and slowly dropped down the fork. There was no need when there were such beautiful and kind children over the world. Ones that she needed to mother. She turned her head to this one and gasped. She was offering FOOD! Her OWN BREAD.
"Oh, why couldn't there be more children like you, m'darling?!" She took the bread pieces and put it in the hat. "He says thanks."
And then she pet the girl on the head.
Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl
Ohhhhhhhhh no. Here we go again. Tori winced at the sight of that... shoe-throwing, cotton-candy head-wearing Queen from the bouncy castle.
"Merlin's beard," Tori murmured to herself at the sight of the girl with the hat. "Please tell me you're not in Slytherin. PLEASE." And what was that badge she was wearing? Was she a person in POWER here?!
Lola opened her mouth. "YOU!"
"Oh PRAISE the Heavens for sending me here! A lost delinquent! Sent to me so I could somehow rid the evil within you..." Lola said with much dramatic emphasis as she proudly revealed her Slytherin green robes.
"You're a SLYTHERIN?"
She only nodded her head like a mother would, all understanding and wise. "This is a message, child. Accept it."
Originally Posted by Kimalia
It was her, the Lola Jones. That was enough to remove her previous attention. "Lola!" She waved at her smiling. "Nice hairdo, it's nice to see you without the shower cap on." Kimalia then almost missed one detail, a rather *shining* detail. One that was only visible last term on Aaron.. Kimalia squinted at the pin.. So the rumors were true. Kimalia then clapped her hands over her mouth to hide her silent squeal. Lola was now Quidditch Captain! "My! Big congrats Lola!" This was unreal to Kimalia, she had to calm herself down from the current visions of their house dominating once again.
"Kimalia!" Lola shouted with glee.
She of course, tried her best to appear flummoxed and shy from that last comment. Shower-caps were so last term and so much more things to await in this one. Lola grinned and ran her fingers through her hair, carefully trying to show off without looking too pompous. Kimalia had to see her BEAUTIFUL badge and of course, she did.
The fifth year Slytherin only smiled, basking in the congratulations.
"OH THAAAAANK YOU, M'DEAR. You will try out for Quidditch this year, yes?" Or else she would cry and have a nervous breakdown.
Originally Posted by Anna Banana
For what was quite possibly the very first time in her life, Sierra Greingoth didn't snap back. She just sat there, staring at the wall and thinking hard about how life in general seemed to despise her lately. "I'm not pathetic," he half-heartedly said. ...and then she gasped as she felt the spit from her own mouth ooze down onto her head. "Lola Jones!!!!!" Sierra yelled out. "Lola, get down here this instant and bring your wand!"
Sierra couldn't see he spit, but she knew it was there. Oh, Merlin. Was the gum there, too?! "Lola?" she called again. "Get. It. Out." She gestured frantically toward the top of her head. She glared at the girl, and then...
...she reached into her pocket and pulled out a piece of Drooble's Best Blowing Gum. Then she threw the gum toward the girl. A second piece followed. Then a third, fourth, and finally fifth. "Take your stupid gum back, you selfish hag!" Then she drew in a deep breath and added to their ever-growing lie about the house elves. "...and there'll be dust plaguing our floors, couches, and curtains." She smirked and added, "I hear they're good laborers. Maybe even better than the elves."
Somehow, Lola managed to hear her name being called out AGAIN. Was this the life of the famous? Being called and called and called and greeted and she was yet to be asked an autograph. Soon enough, she would. She turned to Sierra, only to witness the most disastrous scene in the Great Hall.
Alas, Professor Lafay had gotten there first and Lola only covered her mouth in disgust. She glanced at Tori with a 'You did it to me--NOW YOU DID IT TO MY BEST FRIEND' type of look. That gum was powerful. That gum broke her wig. But a friend can't let a friend walk in the Great Hall with that gum on her hair.
Lola quickly placed her silk magician top hat onto Sierra's head, covering the gum, and then stepped back and admired the beauty. "Don't touch it though, he bites." And then she continued glaring at the delinquent girl.
______________________________________________lola jones currently in america
Super Slytherin Buddy || ⅓ She-Snake Trio || 'I taste like chocolate and potatoes'
Originally Posted by Roselyn
"Yes, of course." she nodded, egging Destiny on. Doooo iiiit!
Evelyn leaned even CLOSER as she narrowed her eyes, looking at the distance of the spoon to her friend's mouth. Almost there. Almooooost there. EWWWW SHE DID IT!!
The seventh year ignored all the yelling that was going on around them, caused by something she had no interest in, and instead 'EWW'd' her friend as she laughed at the same time, watching her toss the spoon away.
"Hurry! Take a sip of your drink!" In that dirty goblet! ROFL!
Why had she done that!?
Now she was going to DIE! Or worse, her tongue was going to fall out! How would she ever be able to eat the start-of-term potatoes!? It wasn't important that this was her last start-of-term feast, she had plans of getting back into Hogwarts each year just for that reason. Or, maybe she could steal one of the house elves on her last day.
But, by the looks of the silverware, and the spoon she had just LICKED, it didn't seem there were any house elves in the castle.
And why was she thinking about THAT? She was DYING! She.. was not drinking out of that goblet of water. The flailing that she hadn't realized she had been doing stopped, and she stared, long and hard at Evelyn. Until she had a brilliant idea!
Pfft, all her ideas were brilliant!
"QUICK! Spray water in my mouth!" Destiny knew her friend had her wand, she had seen it. "Hurry!" Closing her eyes, she opened her mouth, waiting for the water.
Originally Posted by Miss Marilyn
Getting up from you previous spot at the Slytherin table, she was about to make her way over to Gryffindor when she stopped...
Had DESTINY really just done...what Marilyn thought she had??
Making her way over, the blonde began laughing. "Did you seriously just lick that spoon?!?!" Leave it to the Slytherin to do something totally nuts on the first day back...It made Marilyn wonder what it tasted like, though. It looked beyond awful...
Curiosity killed the cat...OR snake in this situation...
As she waited for the water that would SAVE her LIFE, Destiny peeked one of her eyes open when she heard the familiar voice of Marilyn. And if she wasn't about to die from licking the spoon the first time, she would have done it again just to show her that she had.
Only if Marilyn offered to give her a galleon, of course. And maybe she'd lick a plate instead. That spoon was gross.
Closing her eye shut once more, Destiny nodded her head and made a poor attempt of saying 'yes' in answer to her question. Water. Now, please!
____________ooh, ooh, she's the rough and the rowdiest kid________ ooh, ooh, and there's more where she lives_____
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Originally Posted by Droo
"WHAT IS GOING ON!" Hecate said loudly as she came to the table absolutely disgusted. She was not in a good mood. Things had happened during the summer that had affected the way she felt, and Hecate's wand was at the ready, in her hand...
... Would there be a Bar-b-que at the feast?
... maybe...
She felt a piece of something hit her. She had walked in the trajectory of the gum. What in Hades was it?! She looked down... Droobles gum? "Who threw this?" She said, looking in the direction...
... "Sierra?" She said her eyes going wide. Then she narrowed them angrily. "Miss Greingoth. You will be in my office the moment this feast is over. If you disobey me, expect to lose point and be prepared to meet me in detention... Am I making myself clear?"
... wait. "What is in your hair?" She looked around. She was going to demand heads.
...and just like that, an all-too-familiar voice reached Sierra's ears, and she promptly whirled around to face her Head of House. Something similar to a ton of bricks felt like it hit Sierra in the stomach, and she had to sit down quickly to keep the room from possibly spinning. She didn't dare look around her, because she feared if she did, she'd find all eyes on her or the situation going on around her. She simply nodded in understanding. Office. Detention. Why not? Everything else in her life had gone wrong...
She looked away and gave the other Slytherin girl (Had she even mentioned her name yet?) an intense glare. "It's spit and gum," Sierra said, answering Professor Lafay. "She dumped it in my hair." It was humiliating, really. "I just, ...I just want to go get it out."
Text Cut: BanaBatGirl
Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl
"Ohmygawd she's calling IT!" Now Tori was not a cowardly snake, but she felt just a small tremble of fear strike her heart as the girl beside her SCREAMED for the evil cotton candy queen. "Good luck getting that one out, girl, shooooo," she eyed the pile of spitgum. "You were chomping down hard on my candy, werencha."
HA. How does THAT revenge taste, hmm? Tori was chuckling quietly to herself when she suddenly felt a little ping on her shoulder. Then another one, and another, and as she turned her head, she saw that the girl was throwing HER unwrapped Droobles at her. "WELL. That's not ALL my candy you stole, Thief," she snapped, collecting the pieces and tucking them all away in her purse, "but don't worry. I know where you sleep at night."
She sniffed loudly and turned away, but not before continuing their rumor with a good, "And they'll be uber-loyal to us, their proper masters, too. Mwahaha."
But Tori's laugh quickly caught in her throat as she saw a professor get hit by one of HER pieces of gum.
"Excuse me, professor," the redhead said politely, picking up the unwrapped gum and tucking it away with the others. "But this girl here," who was apparently named Sierra, "stole a bunch of my candy on the train. So now she's just returning it."
Bit by bit. Spitwad by... well, whatever.
By this point, all Sierra could do was settle for the most intense of glares. Lafay had arrived, and because of that, Sierra was pretty much stuck between a rock and a hard place. There was so much she wanted to say to Candy Mountain Girl, but it'd have to wait until another day and time. "Likewise," she said, meaning she knew where the girl slept, as well.
...the tattle tale! Sierra's jaw dropped in shock as the girl proceeded to tattle on her for stealing candy--an act she actually had no proof on whatsoever. Had she seen Sierra take it? Nooo. All she knew was that she was missing candy, but whose to say one of the girl's friends from the train compartment hadn't taken it instead? Hmm? "...but she has no proof!" Sierra shot back. "She put her filthy hand on my chin and demanded I spit my gum out! So when I did, the spit from my mouth came with it, and then..."
Sierra paused and lowered her voice. Now school wasn't even working out for her. One hour into her return, and she was already facing an office visit and a threat of detention. "...she dumped the spit and gum in my hair."
Text Cut: highjinx
Originally Posted by highjinx
WAIT. HOOOOOOLD ON A MINUTE. There was something oddly fishy about the Great Hall. Something different from last year--was it the ceiling? no--was it the--OH LOOK AT THAT HORRIBLE SANITATION. Did they really want her to catch a a disease and suffer a slow, slow death? These meant germs! Germs meant death. And death meant to never ever hold hold her chance of becoming famous, well, not until the next lifetime.
What if the bread was dirty? She immediately stopped picking pieces of the bread, shooing the plate away.
She heard her name being called and she cocked her head to the left. "SIERRA GREINGOTH! OH," she breathed, "I CAN'T!" Lola and Sierra had no interaction whatsoever during the summer, though of course, occasional letters were sent. One particular about her new Captainship and for some odd reason, Sierra was much kinder and acted like the sweet chubby angel baby she wanted the girl to be.
But her moment of happiness turned into death.
"I heard all the house elves passed away during the summer due to a freak accident with cookie poisoning."
"I heard all the house elves passed away during the summer due to a freak accident with cookie poisoning."
No. No no no no no. THE HOUSE ELVES WERE DEAD. OH NO. Lola Jones befriended them last year (or so she thought). Her friends were dead. She had dead friends. HOUSE-ELVES EVEN. And what was that?! "COOKIE POISONING?" It was obvious that Lola was a fan of cookies. She'd worship them ever since she met her Master last year, Cookie Goddess, Kurumi Hollingberry. Master... LOLA JONES WAS A HOUSE-ELF HERSELF, SERVING FOREVER SERVITUDE TO MASTER KURUMI.
Lola Jones, the Last House-Elf. She was suddenly inspired to create a play based on that.
BUT NOT NOW. It was obviously her fault. The cookies--EVERYTHING. She suddenly grabbed a rusty fork and then pointed it towards her neck. "OH KILL ME NOW! I'm guilty! GUILTY!"
Somehow, Lola managed to hear her name being called out AGAIN. Was this the life of the famous? Being called and called and called and greeted and she was yet to be asked an autograph. Soon enough, she would. She turned to Sierra, only to witness the most disastrous scene in the Great Hall.
Alas, Professor Lafay had gotten there first and Lola only covered her mouth in disgust. She glanced at Tori with a 'You did it to me--NOW YOU DID IT TO MY BEST FRIEND' type of look. That gum was powerful. That gum broke her wig. But a friend can't let a friend walk in the Great Hall with that gum on her hair.
Lola quickly placed her silk magician top hat onto Sierra's head, covering the gum, and then stepped back and admired the beauty. "Don't touch it though, he bites." And then she continued glaring at the delinquent girl.
Things had gotten so out of control at the table that Sierra had barely heard most of what Lola had said to her. The first thing that really registered was the whole 'wait for me, darling' line. Sierra looked up just in time to feel a hat--a large, black, pitiful excuse of a hat--being shoved onto her head. "Ugh," Sierra said, reaching for the hat...
"HE?!" Sierra shrieked. "LOLA! What did you put in my hair?!"
"Shhhhh shhhhhh," she cooed the top hat and started whispering a lullaby as she placed more pieces of bread in it. This was all perfectly normal for Lola until--OH NO! She'd been caught. Red-handed. Immediately, she lowered down the top hat and stared at the girl.
This very little child was the girl who she'd found at that quill shop during Diagon Alley, as she was searching for the right fluffy quills--this girl had the MOST MAGICAL one. There was much tense and jealousy coming from Lola, but of course, this child was so small! Questioning her hat even! AN INNOCENT MIND. Not to be corrupted. "Oh you silly girl, a rabbit? Like the muggles? I fancy them muggles, you know. But no no nooooo, it's merely a regular hat, you see," she said in a shaky tone, but managed to show the girl the hat, inside and out.
It was empty. No bread pieces whatsoever.
"It's a prop, my daaaaaaarling," she sang now with more confidence.
She stared at the girl as she shouted Quill Girl at her. Harlow had no idea what that meant. "I'm Harlow," maybe she had Harlow confused with someone else.
She raised her eyebrow at the girl as she tried to tell Harlow it was just a regular hat. "Then why are you putting bread into it?" she asked. "A prop for what? Are you going to perform something?" she inquired. If so Harlow wanted to see.
Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl
"Wowww," Tori admired the silverware, again. "Goblin-made." Who knew goblins wasted their time with tiny, insignificant things like silverware? Tori had always thought they were too busy hoarding gold or opening bank accounts or making armor and swords and tiaras. Huh.
This was assuming that Harlow was telling the truth, of course, and not just spinning one tall tale after the other. Hmm. "Send the Minister my regards," Princess Tori dipped her head politely. "How lovely to have met another near-royal at school!" Tehee!
"Yeah no, no they don't. No one wants to look like a dustrag, trust me." Tori flipped her hair over one shoulder. She was just so confident in matters of style, with her silver Converse one stars and her carefully, creatively torn school skirt. Totes. "The Sorting Hat told me I had a great sense of style, so," she laughed, "I'm pretty sure even the professors would appreciate a nice pair of new shoes."
She was still wiping her hand on the napkins when Harlow, bless her little heart, seemed to take her side in this candy battle. "Thank you, oh thank you SO much," the ginger whispered back, pumping a load of sanitizer on her hands and rubbing them together. "I had no idea there were such people in the most noble house of Slytherin!"
*cue haughty sniffle*
"Ohmygawd she's calling IT!" Now Tori was not a cowardly snake, but she felt just a small tremble of fear strike her heart as the girl beside her SCREAMED for the evil cotton candy queen. "Good luck getting that one out, girl, shooooo," she eyed the pile of spitgum. "You were chomping down hard on my candy, werencha."
HA. How does THAT revenge taste, hmm? Tori was chuckling quietly to herself when she suddenly felt a little ping on her shoulder. Then another one, and another, and as she turned her head, she saw that the girl was throwing HER unwrapped Droobles at her. "WELL. That's not ALL my candy you stole, Thief," she snapped, collecting the pieces and tucking them all away in her purse, "but don't worry. I know where you sleep at night."
She sniffed loudly and turned away, but not before continuing their rumor with a good, "And they'll be uber-loyal to us, their proper masters, too. Mwahaha."
But Tori's laugh quickly caught in her throat as she saw a professor get hit by one of HER pieces of gum.
"Excuse me, professor," the redhead said politely, picking up the unwrapped gum and tucking it away with the others. "But this girl here," who was apparently named Sierra, "stole a bunch of my candy on the train. So now she's just returning it."
Bit by bit. Spitwad by... well, whatever.
Harlow nodded, "It was a birthday present from my uncle." Since Harlow was born on the day of his daughter's wedding.
She giggled. Harlow was closer to royalty than Tori was. Her aunt was the crown princess of Saudi Arabia, but Harlow never named dropped. It was disgustingly rude. "Of course. She will delighted to hear from you." Harlow said. Her grandmother loved people kissing up to her. "I'm pleased as punch to meet you too. There are some rather nasty people at Hogwarts, but I'm glad Slytherin has some nice people." she offered.
She had to concede that point. Even Harlow loved a new pair of shoes. "Maybe they could use a raise or something." she did know that a new set of clothes could make a person feel brand new.
She nodded furiously as Tori cleaned her hands and got rid of the germs. She couldn't believe that girl has spit into her hand! Who did that! Harlow would have died. Totally died if someone had spit at her let alone on her. "I can't believe she spit on you. I'm so sorry." she told her. She must feel so crusty right now. UGH!
Originally Posted by Anna Banana
For what was quite possibly the very first time in her life, Sierra Greingoth didn't snap back. She just sat there, staring at the wall and thinking hard about how life in general seemed to despise her lately. "I'm not pathetic," he half-heartedly said. ...and then she gasped as she felt the spit from her own mouth ooze down onto her head. "Lola Jones!!!!!" Sierra yelled out. "Lola, get down here this instant and bring your wand!"
Sierra couldn't see he spit, but she knew it was there. Oh, Merlin. Was the gum there, too?! "Lola?" she called again. "Get. It. Out." She gestured frantically toward the top of her head. She glared at the girl, and then...
...she reached into her pocket and pulled out a piece of Drooble's Best Blowing Gum. Then she threw the gum toward the girl. A second piece followed. Then a third, fourth, and finally fifth. "Take your stupid gum back, you selfish hag!" Then she drew in a deep breath and added to their ever-growing lie about the house elves. "...and there'll be dust plaguing our floors, couches, and curtains." She smirked and added, "I hear they're good laborers. Maybe even better than the elves."
Harlow caught one right between her eyes and they instantly watered. She nearly fell right off the bench into the floor. She squeaked and ducked before she got hit again. This was turning into a war zone.
Originally Posted by Droo
"WHAT IS GOING ON!" Hecate said loudly as she came to the table absolutely disgusted. She was not in a good mood. Things had happened during the summer that had affected the way she felt, and Hecate's wand was at the ready, in her hand...
... Would there be a Bar-b-que at the feast?
... maybe...
She felt a piece of something hit her. She had walked in the trajectory of the gum. What in Hades was it?! She looked down... Droobles gum? "Who threw this?" She said, looking in the direction...
... "Sierra?" She said her eyes going wide. Then she narrowed them angrily. "Miss Greingoth. You will be in my office the moment this feast is over. If you disobey me, expect to lose point and be prepared to meet me in detention... Am I making myself clear?"
... wait. "What is in your hair?" She looked around. She was going to demand heads.
Harlow trembled as one of the professor descended on the Slytherin table. Were they all in trouble for the gum throwing. Was she going to stuck them in the dungeons? She hid behind Tori to get away from the gaze of the Dragon Lady.....
♣♣To see a World in a Grain of Sand
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower♣♣
♣♣Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour♣♣
Last edited by Tommehbell; 09-02-2011 at 05:01 AM.
Reason: for my Dotticus!
"Maybe my mom wanted me belong to Ravenclaw but I'm not as clever as her." she said.
"Because my mom was the only Ravenclaw in my family."
"No Way!" Lana exclaimed. "Your mom was a Ravenclaw? Interesting!" That triggered a memory for Lana. Every person in her family had been a Slytherin. The only person who didn't get sorted into this house was her eldest brother about 8 years ago. Her other brother kept telling her how weird it was at home. However, she was too young to remember that.
"Was the rest of your family sorted into Slytherin?" she asked.
Excuse my sporadic absence.
Prongs' Chat Bandit // Chica Latina // Heir of the Marauder Legacy
Originally Posted by alchemist_18
"Oh, sure . Take your seat, please. I'm Raven Charlotte, welcome to Slytherin, Faina." Said Raven.
"How was your feeling belong to here? excited?"
Originally Posted by serpensortia
"No Way!" Lana exclaimed. "Your mom was a Ravenclaw? Interesting!" That triggered a memory for Lana. Every person in her family had been a Slytherin. The only person who didn't get sorted into this house was her eldest brother about 8 years ago. Her other brother kept telling her how weird it was at home. However, she was too young to remember that.
"Was the rest of your family sorted into Slytherin?" she asked.
Alex was overwhelmed she didn't know anybody in her house and also everybody looked older than her... that's when she accidentally heard a conversation and said excited "are you first years too? i'm so relieved! i couldn't find anyone my age" "do you mind if I sit with you too?"
She snakes! Head Snake! and everybody else who wants him
Ability is nothing without Opportunity | | Creativity is Intelligence having FUN
He didnt think it took him that long to get his stuff squared off at the dungeons but by the time Salander walked into the Great Hall everything was in full swing, he looked around grinning and amazed at all the new kids getting sorted, not to mention a whole lot of transferees from the looks of it.
Striding the length of the Slytherin table he finally spotted his fellow Head-Prefect person and plopped down next to them "Hello Ladies!" he crooned just as he glanced down at the dinnerware. Brows creased as he picked up a fork, all smudgy and bent. Then he glanced up and down the table. All the dinnerware were in the same state "Are we having a feast or is this Hogwarts' version of a garage sale? "
Then his head spun towards where Sierra was having a wonderful reunion with Lola.... with Harlow nearby and a redhead he hasnt seen before.
Then Lafay happened.
Instinctively he gulped. Was he supposed to do something? Like what? Oh! He knows... he's not laughing at Sierra and Lola. Thats progress right?
Is it just him or Hogwarts is a little rowdy this year?
++Tenacius ++🐦++ Salander++🐦++ Deo ++🐦++ Vickers ++🐦++ Huxley ++🐦+ Aquila++ Yeah thats what crazy is, when its broken you say theres nothing to fix++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++And you pray that everything will be okay, while you're making all the same mistakes
Finally jonathan has arrived from the long ride to Hogwarts. He already unpacked and fixed his things before going down to the great hall for the welcoming feast.
Frankly, there were a lot of students, first year students. It was rd to keep an eye on who's new or who transferred back. But it is all fun.
Jonathan walked into the great hall again. Wow. It feels like he really never left school in the first place. Hogwarts just feels nice and he can't wait to sleep in his bed again and maybe mingle with friends in the common room.
He took a seat and started to pile his plate with the food on the table. Together of course with his favorute drink pumpkin juice. Yum. He started to eat and only realized that slytherin d both the head boy and girl this term. And kurumi is the prefect for gryffindor ths years. As well as the main event, owls. He can't still put that thought away.
Samara headed into the great hall towards the Slytherin tables looking for an empty spot. She saw one next to a boy who appeared to be lost in the piles of food on his plate and chuckled quietly before slipping in next to him debating on what she wanted to eat
Like a Domino ♥ Karma Kimalia ♥ ♥ Taco Bell ♥ Sorry for party rocking
Originally Posted by highjinx
"Kimalia!" Lola shouted with glee.
She of course, tried her best to appear flummoxed and shy from that last comment. Shower-caps were so last term and so much more things to await in this one. Lola grinned and ran her fingers through her hair, carefully trying to show off without looking too pompous. Kimalia had to see her BEAUTIFUL badge and of course, she did.
The fifth year Slytherin only smiled, basking in the congratulations.
"OH THAAAAANK YOU, M'DEAR. You will try out for Quidditch this year, yes?" Or else she would cry and have a nervous breakdown.
"Of course!" Kimalia happily replied. Kimalia definitely intended to put her nearly purchased Oakshaft 2011 to further increase her skills this term. Though no one knew it, she inspired to have such modesty as Lola. How did she do it, manage to look her best and not flaunt it intentionally. She wished to find out.
Silently Kimalia watched the drama unfold between the gum with Sierra, an unfamiliar girl and now.. Lola. She didn't know what was happening between them all she saw was the other girl drop Sierra's gum on her head.. Ew. Poor Sierra would need to scourgify and hopefully not remove a part of her hair.. She did not know if the gum had a larger effect on hair than regular old muggle gum did. Kimalia had to do something though, she made to stand up only to see Professor Lafay storm in front of the scene with a very unhappy look.
Originally Posted by Anna Banana
By this point, all Sierra could do was settle for the most intense of glares. Lafay had arrived, and because of that, Sierra was pretty much stuck between a rock and a hard place. There was so much she wanted to say to Candy Mountain Girl, but it'd have to wait until another day and time. "Likewise," she said, meaning she knew where the girl slept, as well.
...the tattle tale! Sierra's jaw dropped in shock as the girl proceeded to tattle on her for stealing candy--an act she actually had no proof on whatsoever. Had she seen Sierra take it? Nooo. All she knew was that she was missing candy, but whose to say one of the girl's friends from the train compartment hadn't taken it instead? Hmm? "...but she has no proof!" Sierra shot back. "She put her filthy hand on my chin and demanded I spit my gum out! So when I did, the spit from my mouth came with it, and then..."
Sierra paused and lowered her voice. Now school wasn't even working out for her. One hour into her return, and she was already facing an office visit and a threat of detention. "...she dumped the spit and gum in my hair."
That was more than enough for Kimalia, someone had to make a stand. She was her teammate! Kimalia then stood up, shaking a little bit. "Professor Lafay," She knew eyes would be staring at her now, but she didn't care. "It's true, Sierra was merely giving back her gum when she dumped it on her head." Then Kimalia did something so unlike her, it was so unlike her she felt it would be the only way to save Sierra. "And the gum that hit you, was from me." Kimalia then took out remaining gum that she bough for herself on the train from her pocket. "See, I have her gum and was about to pass it to her when I well- missed." Kimalia smiled sheepishly in a guilty looking way.
♥Matella||Epic Canadian||Awesome Shipper|| Music Lover||Senators Fan||Kendrick♥
Originally Posted by McFeisty
Right the school disappearing...that was not something she should have brought up. But at least she got to know he didn't like being called Matthew Stevenson - if she was ever mad at him she knew what to call him them.
Thinking of how to tell him how the school disappeared she completely stopped talking for a minute...when he said he went to Rygal she couldn't help but smile, he was a Pacific Ocean Wizard...amazing...the smell of the salt air would be breath taking right now. She could almost imagine the hot sweat smell of the sand, beach, and sun. Absolutely breath taking. While her mind basked in sunlight for a minute she restlessly began to flick her foot from side to side like a metronome.
"Don't worry - you don't have to say anything about why you left - and...well, the whole disappearing act thing with the Royal Academy in Sydney was well...um," she blushed slightly out of nerves. "I got expelled for a few different things going wrong...first things first - I'm horrid at potions - well I used to be...had to take a potions seminar class this summer before attending...and well, thing is I blew up the Potions lab." She looked down at a dirty fork and began to clean it as she spoke. "Also, I kind of was dared by a friend to try a new spell - disillusionment charms and everything" she admitted, chuckling. "and I did - it went spectacularly - but I miss-cast it...ended up making the entire school turn invisible."
By now she was laughing a bit realizing how silly her own embarrassment was. "And - the thing that sealed it was - I didn't like the headmistress eh was...well wretched - her idea of detention was hanging the first years in a dungeon and letting pixies bite them. Evil, evil witch." It was true. Professor Hopskinth was evil. No questions about it. "Um - well...I despised her so much because she did that to my sister, so...I snuck into her office after hours miniaturized everything and hexed the door so when she entered she herself would shrink to its size...but when she leaves the room the spells supposed to fade off and she was supposed to be normal - and just feel woozy."
She was laughing even harder now. "Needless to say it didn't work. And she was the size of a goblin and got really mad...course she immediately thought it was me, and blamed me...and well she was right...but I got expelled." She shrugged. Hilarious story. Hilarious.
Looking up when someone who was obviously a Professor walked over and was yelling she couldn't help but gulp. Who was she? Was she evil? And what would she do if she heard her ask Matt who the heck she was. "Who is that?" she whispered over to Matt, quietly she hoped.
When Dia had admitted what had happened with her old school, Matt started to chuckle; he found that absolutely amusing since it was something he hadn't heard of happening before then again many people at his old school weren't so much interested in pranks and trouble as they were interested in making themselves look good which got annoying after awhile. "You blew up the potions lab? Whoa.." Needless to say, that was rather interesting; he could see another potions accident happening with her which could have been dangerous but maybe he could help her out even though potions weren't exactly his forte either. "Ah see, that definitely would have been something I would have enjoyed seeing. It's not everyday that a fifteen year old is capable of making an entire school just disappear into thin air, well so to speak."
When she continued to speak of the trouble that she had caused at her last school, he merely sat there and listened before deciding to say anything since he wasn't about to criticize what she had done before. "Well did you turn her back into regular size? I mean I would hate to hear that she was still miniaturized." It seemed like he didn't want to get on her bad side in any way since it definitely appeared that she had the capabilities to possibly have something bad happen to him.
Hearing Professor Lafay's voice sent a shiver down his spine, she definitely was the only woman that managed to scare him and for good reason too. "That, would be our Head of House and Potions Professor. Do not try to get on her bad side since she's never afraid to take away house points and give you a detention. If I were you, I'd tread lightly when you're around her." He wanted to make it perfectly clear to Dia that the professor wasn't one to be messed around with.
Super Slytherin Buddy | | ⅓ She-Snake Trio | | a normal girl with normal knees
SPOILER!!: Marilyn, Destiny, Salander, and Lafaaay!
Originally Posted by Miss Marilyn
Getting up from you previous spot at the Slytherin table, she was about to make her way over to Gryffindor when she stopped...
Had DESTINY really just done...what Marilyn thought she had??
Making her way over, the blonde began laughing. "Did you seriously just lick that spoon?!?!" Leave it to the Slytherin to do something totally nuts on the first day back...It made Marilyn wonder what it tasted like, though. It looked beyond awful...
Curiosity killed the cat...OR snake in this situation...
Originally Posted by Destiny
Why had she done that!?
Now she was going to DIE! Or worse, her tongue was going to fall out! How would she ever be able to eat the start-of-term potatoes!? It wasn't important that this was her last start-of-term feast, she had plans of getting back into Hogwarts each year just for that reason. Or, maybe she could steal one of the house elves on her last day.
But, by the looks of the silverware, and the spoon she had just LICKED, it didn't seem there were any house elves in the castle.
And why was she thinking about THAT? She was DYING! She.. was not drinking out of that goblet of water. The flailing that she hadn't realized she had been doing stopped, and she stared, long and hard at Evelyn. Until she had a brilliant idea!
Pfft, all her ideas were brilliant!
"QUICK! Spray water in my mouth!" Destiny knew her friend had her wand, she had seen it. "Hurry!" Closing her eyes, she opened her mouth, waiting for the water.
As she waited for the water that would SAVE her LIFE, Destiny peeked one of her eyes open when she heard the familiar voice of Marilyn. And if she wasn't about to die from licking the spoon the first time, she would have done it again just to show her that she had.
Only if Marilyn offered to give her a galleon, of course. And maybe she'd lick a plate instead. That spoon was gross.
Closing her eye shut once more, Destiny nodded her head and made a poor attempt of saying 'yes' in answer to her question. Water. Now, please!
Originally Posted by Steelsheen
He didnt think it took him that long to get his stuff squared off at the dungeons but by the time Salander walked into the Great Hall everything was in full swing, he looked around grinning and amazed at all the new kids getting sorted, not to mention a whole lot of transferees from the looks of it.
Striding the length of the Slytherin table he finally spotted his fellow Head-Prefect person and plopped down next to them "Hello Ladies!" he crooned just as he glanced down at the dinnerware. Brows creased as he picked up a fork, all smudgy and bent. Then he glanced up and down the table. All the dinnerware were in the same state "Are we having a feast or is this Hogwarts' version of a garage sale? "
Then his head spun towards where Sierra was having a wonderful reunion with Lola.... with Harlow nearby and a redhead he hasnt seen before.
Then Lafay happened.
Instinctively he gulped. Was he supposed to do something? Like what? Oh! He knows... he's not laughing at Sierra and Lola. Thats progress right?
Is it just him or Hogwarts is a little rowdy this year?
Originally Posted by Droo
"WHAT IS GOING ON!" Hecate said loudly as she came to the table absolutely disgusted. She was not in a good mood. Things had happened during the summer that had affected the way she felt, and Hecate's wand was at the ready, in her hand...
... Would there be a Bar-b-que at the feast?
... maybe...
She felt a piece of something hit her. She had walked in the trajectory of the gum. What in Hades was it?! She looked down... Droobles gum? "Who threw this?" She said, looking in the direction...
... "Sierra?" She said her eyes going wide. Then she narrowed them angrily. "Miss Greingoth. You will be in my office the moment this feast is over. If you disobey me, expect to lose point and be prepared to meet me in detention... Am I making myself clear?"
... wait. "What is in your hair?" She looked around. She was going to demand heads.
She really was trying her hardest not to laugh, but it was just too hard. Destiny was just...well, she was Destiny. She did weird things. Things that made one laugh.
Although, her laughter subsided when she had the oh so brilliant idea of spraying water in her mouth instead. Well that was not as funny! Besides, Destiny's mouth was germ infested now. She didn't want those germs on her wand.
"I don't..." She didn't want to. Marilyn happened to save her from doing so though as she thought of a different way to go about this. Slowly reaching towards her wand in her robes, Evelyn glanced up to the blond snake, before looking back to Destiny. Yes, yes she did lick that spoon. "Gross isn't it? Hold on."
Deciding to NOT use her wand, Evelyn grabbed her friend's goblet and held it to her friend's mouth. Mmmph, Salander. "Hey Salander." she muttered, concentrating more on slowly pouring the water from the dirty goblet into Destiny's open mouth. She better not spit it all over her if it tasted bad.
It was tough luck though that Lafay's loud question caused Evelyn to spill half the cup on Destiny.
When Dia had admitted what had happened with her old school, Matt started to chuckle; he found that absolutely amusing since it was something he hadn't heard of happening before then again many people at his old school weren't so much interested in pranks and trouble as they were interested in making themselves look good which got annoying after awhile. "You blew up the potions lab? Whoa.." Needless to say, that was rather interesting; he could see another potions accident happening with her which could have been dangerous but maybe he could help her out even though potions weren't exactly his forte either. "Ah see, that definitely would have been something I would have enjoyed seeing. It's not everyday that a fifteen year old is capable of making an entire school just disappear into thin air, well so to speak."
When she continued to speak of the trouble that she had caused at her last school, he merely sat there and listened before deciding to say anything since he wasn't about to criticize what she had done before. "Well did you turn her back into regular size? I mean I would hate to hear that she was still miniaturized." It seemed like he didn't want to get on her bad side in any way since it definitely appeared that she had the capabilities to possibly have something bad happen to him.
Hearing Professor Lafay's voice sent a shiver down his spine, she definitely was the only woman that managed to scare him and for good reason too. "That, would be our Head of House and Potions Professor. Do not try to get on her bad side since she's never afraid to take away house points and give you a detention. If I were you, I'd tread lightly when you're around her." He wanted to make it perfectly clear to Dia that the professor wasn't one to be messed around with.
"Yeah and thanks - maybe we could work on potions together sometimes...in a not-so-flamable setting." She chuckled. Flamable wasn't a good thing with her around. Things just never went her way...like she was cursed.
"Oh thanks - I'm better at charms than anything else Charms and Defense Against the Dark Arts - I can send out a quarter of a Potronus so far...it looks like a dog, but it could be a fox or something else thats four legged." She admitted. After all it was very vapourlike in shape.
"Oh - yeah she's back to normal." Dia admitted laughing a short nervous laugh. "I'd never leave anyone like that besides - it wasn't supposed to stick...i just didn't cast it right." She admitted with a chuckle. Well maybe she did it for a purpose but still, she'd never leave someone dwarfed in height.
She got the picture. Don't mess with Lafay - besides, the woman seemed to make her quake in her boots with the tone she had already been using. "So - don't even mess with the Potions Master is a given then." She smiled. "Hope I don't mess up a potion then." She chuckled nervously. She would she always did.
IT'S NOT AN ACT OF LOVE __________________________________________________ ___________ ____________
IF YOU MAKE HER ____________
Having been sorted into Slytherin, Boon walked along the long table until she finally found a seat with two empty seats beside it. She checked out the silverware for herself. She honestly couldn't figure out what everyone was going on about. Sure, she'd seen silverware polished for the holidays at home, but most of the time, surely, air and water had given the utensils a flat tarnished look. It wasn't "filthy" or "disgusting". "Big deal, you brought your own utensils, so did I, but there's really no need for it in this situation, you spoiled poodles," she thought to herself with a little grin.
All of a sudden the aroma of the food hit Boon with a whomp. She felt a little light-headed and caught herself just as the drool started to escape her mouth. She looked around to see if anyone had paid attention to the tiny girl with short, spiky white hair slurping the evidence of her now-raging appetite back into her face. Luckily, they seemed very busy still talking about themselves, and she turned her gaze back to the food. The FOOD!
If anyone sat next to her over the course of the next few minutes, she would never know. For the first time she could remember, she sent out a little prayer of gratitude to her absentee father for arranging for her to come to this magical, delicious place.
Alex was overwhelmed she didn't know anybody in her house and also everybody looked older than her... that's when she accidentally heard a conversation and said excited "are you first years too? i'm so relieved! i couldn't find anyone my age" "do you mind if I sit with you too?"
Melania noticed that someone stopped close by and she turned. Smiling she said "Yep! First year!" Melania was excited, too. Who wouldn't be their first year at school?
"Of course!" Melania told her happily. She scooted over to make some space, "Take a seat." She smiled.
"I'm Melania by the way. Well.. call me Lana," she said as she extended her hand.
Excuse my sporadic absence.
Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB
Originally Posted by highjinx
Lola opened her mouth. "YOU!"
"Oh PRAISE the Heavens for sending me here! A lost delinquent! Sent to me so I could somehow rid the evil within you..." Lola said with much dramatic emphasis as she proudly revealed her Slytherin green robes.
"You're a SLYTHERIN?"
She only nodded her head like a mother would, all understanding and wise. "This is a message, child. Accept it."
Somehow, Lola managed to hear her name being called out AGAIN. Was this the life of the famous? Being called and called and called and greeted and she was yet to be asked an autograph. Soon enough, she would. She turned to Sierra, only to witness the most disastrous scene in the Great Hall.
Alas, Professor Lafay had gotten there first and Lola only covered her mouth in disgust. She glanced at Tori with a 'You did it to me--NOW YOU DID IT TO MY BEST FRIEND' type of look. That gum was powerful. That gum broke her wig. But a friend can't let a friend walk in the Great Hall with that gum on her hair.
Lola quickly placed her silk magician top hat onto Sierra's head, covering the gum, and then stepped back and admired the beauty. "Don't touch it though, he bites." And then she continued glaring at the delinquent girl.
"I am a PRINCESS, not a lost delinquent, for THE LAST TIME." Tori was getting tired of this never-ending shouting match with this... girl who was CONVINCED she had the mothering gene. Merlin, it wasn't like Tori was a homeless chick needing a nest! REALLY.
She glanced down at her robes and then up at the crazy scene before her, shrugging. "Okay, I accept it. I love Slytherin, I do, even with the.... gross, gum-spitting thieves here."
Originally Posted by Anna Banana
...and just like that, an all-too-familiar voice reached Sierra's ears, and she promptly whirled around to face her Head of House. Something similar to a ton of bricks felt like it hit Sierra in the stomach, and she had to sit down quickly to keep the room from possibly spinning. She didn't dare look around her, because she feared if she did, she'd find all eyes on her or the situation going on around her. She simply nodded in understanding. Office. Detention. Why not? Everything else in her life had gone wrong...
She looked away and gave the other Slytherin girl (Had she even mentioned her name yet?) an intense glare. "It's spit and gum," Sierra said, answering Professor Lafay. "She dumped it in my hair." It was humiliating, really. "I just, ...I just want to go get it out."
By this point, all Sierra could do was settle for the most intense of glares. Lafay had arrived, and because of that, Sierra was pretty much stuck between a rock and a hard place. There was so much she wanted to say to Candy Mountain Girl, but it'd have to wait until another day and time. "Likewise," she said, meaning she knew where the girl slept, as well.
...the tattle tale! Sierra's jaw dropped in shock as the girl proceeded to tattle on her for stealing candy--an act she actually had no proof on whatsoever. Had she seen Sierra take it? Nooo. All she knew was that she was missing candy, but whose to say one of the girl's friends from the train compartment hadn't taken it instead? Hmm? "...but she has no proof!" Sierra shot back. "She put her filthy hand on my chin and demanded I spit my gum out! So when I did, the spit from my mouth came with it, and then..."
Sierra paused and lowered her voice. Now school wasn't even working out for her. One hour into her return, and she was already facing an office visit and a threat of detention. "...she dumped the spit and gum in my hair."
Things had gotten so out of control at the table that Sierra had barely heard most of what Lola had said to her. The first thing that really registered was the whole 'wait for me, darling' line. Sierra looked up just in time to feel a hat--a large, black, pitiful excuse of a hat--being shoved onto her head. "Ugh," Sierra said, reaching for the hat...
"HE?!" Sierra shrieked. "LOLA! What did you put in my hair?!"
"I did no such thing," Tori defended herself politely. "I am simply reclaiming my property, that I paid for, with my own money, and teaching Sierra a lesson at the same time. I do want to be a professor when I grow up, Professor, so you see, I am simply trying to learn here! That's all I came to Hogwarts to do!"
Victoria did have a tendency to get dramatic whenever she got upset. It was inherited.
Originally Posted by Tommehbell
Harlow nodded, "It was a birthday present from my uncle." Since Harlow was born on the day of his daughter's wedding.
She giggled. Harlow was closer to royalty than Tori was. Her aunt was the crown princess of Saudi Arabia, but Harlow never named dropped. It was disgustingly rude. "Of course. She will delighted to hear from you." Harlow said. Her grandmother loved people kissing up to her. "I'm pleased as punch to meet you too. There are some rather nasty people at Hogwarts, but I'm glad Slytherin has some nice people." she offered.
She had to concede that point. Even Harlow loved a new pair of shoes. "Maybe they could use a raise or something." she did know that a new set of clothes could make a person feel brand new.
She nodded furiously as Tori cleaned her hands and got rid of the germs. She couldn't believe that girl has spit into her hand! Who did that! Harlow would have died. Totally died if someone had spit at her let alone on her. "I can't believe she spit on you. I'm so sorry." she told her. She must feel so crusty right now. UGH!
"Oh yes, downright nasty people," Tori agreed in a low voice, rolling her eyes in the direction of the girl next to her. "Filthy people with disgusting habits."
Tut. "Thanks for the sympathy. And the hand sanitizer." Speaking of, Tori pumped some more out. Ugh. She needed a shower now too.
Originally Posted by Kimalia
That was more than enough for Kimalia, someone had to make a stand. She was her teammate! Kimalia then stood up, shaking a little bit. "Professor Lafay," She knew eyes would be staring at her now, but she didn't care. "It's true, Sierra was merely giving back her gum when she dumped it on her head." Then Kimalia did something so unlike her, it was so unlike her she felt it would be the only way to save Sierra. "And the gum that hit you, was from me." Kimalia then took out remaining gum that she bough for herself on the train from her pocket. "See, I have her gum and was about to pass it to her when I well- missed." Kimalia smiled sheepishly in a guilty looking way.
"She's lying!" Tori called out, pointing dramatically at Sierra's partner in crime. "Don't defend her! Are you a SLYTHERIN OR AREN'T YOU?!" REALLY.
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________ __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
The Harpy of Hogwarts | Dungeon Mistress | Bimba di Serpeverde
Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl
But Tori's laugh quickly caught in her throat as she saw a professor get hit by one of HER pieces of gum.
"Excuse me, professor," the redhead said politely, picking up the unwrapped gum and tucking it away with the others. "But this girl here," who was apparently named Sierra, "stole a bunch of my candy on the train. So now she's just returning it."
Bit by bit. Spitwad by... well, whatever.
Hecate glared back at the child. "What is your name?" She said narrowing her eyes at the girl. Sierra was returning the candy? By tossing it to her? The potions mistress hadn't bent to pick up the gum.
"Pick it up. Now." She commanded.
Originally Posted by highjinx
Alas, Professor Lafay had gotten there first and Lola only covered her mouth in disgust. She glanced at Tori with a 'You did it to me--NOW YOU DID IT TO MY BEST FRIEND' type of look. That gum was powerful. That gum broke her wig. But a friend can't let a friend walk in the Great Hall with that gum on her hair.
Lola quickly placed her silk magician top hat onto Sierra's head, covering the gum, and then stepped back and admired the beauty. "Don't touch it though, he bites." And then she continued glaring at the delinquent girl.
Merlin... The crazy one was here. "What bites? The hat?"
Originally Posted by Destiny
Why had she done that!?
Now she was going to DIE! Or worse, her tongue was going to fall out! How would she ever be able to eat the start-of-term potatoes!? It wasn't important that this was her last start-of-term feast, she had plans of getting back into Hogwarts each year just for that reason. Or, maybe she could steal one of the house elves on her last day.
But, by the looks of the silverware, and the spoon she had just LICKED, it didn't seem there were any house elves in the castle.
And why was she thinking about THAT? She was DYING! She.. was not drinking out of that goblet of water. The flailing that she hadn't realized she had been doing stopped, and she stared, long and hard at Evelyn. Until she had a brilliant idea!
Pfft, all her ideas were brilliant!
"QUICK! Spray water in my mouth!" Destiny knew her friend had her wand, she had seen it. "Hurry!" Closing her eyes, she opened her mouth, waiting for the water.
As she waited for the water that would SAVE her LIFE, Destiny peeked one of her eyes open when she heard the familiar voice of Marilyn. And if she wasn't about to die from licking the spoon the first time, she would have done it again just to show her that she had.
Only if Marilyn offered to give her a galleon, of course. And maybe she'd lick a plate instead. That spoon was gross.
Closing her eye shut once more, Destiny nodded her head and made a poor attempt of saying 'yes' in answer to her question. Water. Now, please!
Originally Posted by Roselyn
It was tough luck though that Lafay's loud question caused Evelyn to spill half the cup on Destiny.
"What is going on over there Flores? Shepard?" She said looking over at the girls. "Do I need to remind you of what it feels like to be on fire?" She threatened. Empty threat? Maybe...
Originally Posted by Anna Banana
...and just like that, an all-too-familiar voice reached Sierra's ears, and she promptly whirled around to face her Head of House. Something similar to a ton of bricks felt like it hit Sierra in the stomach, and she had to sit down quickly to keep the room from possibly spinning. She didn't dare look around her, because she feared if she did, she'd find all eyes on her or the situation going on around her. She simply nodded in understanding. Office. Detention. Why not? Everything else in her life had gone wrong...
She looked away and gave the other Slytherin girl (Had she even mentioned her name yet?) an intense glare. "It's spit and gum," Sierra said, answering Professor Lafay. "She dumped it in my hair." It was humiliating, really. "I just, ...I just want to go get it out."
By this point, all Sierra could do was settle for the most intense of glares. Lafay had arrived, and because of that, Sierra was pretty much stuck between a rock and a hard place. There was so much she wanted to say to Candy Mountain Girl, but it'd have to wait until another day and time. "Likewise," she said, meaning she knew where the girl slept, as well.
...the tattle tale! Sierra's jaw dropped in shock as the girl proceeded to tattle on her for stealing candy--an act she actually had no proof on whatsoever. Had she seen Sierra take it? Nooo. All she knew was that she was missing candy, but whose to say one of the girl's friends from the train compartment hadn't taken it instead? Hmm? "...but she has no proof!" Sierra shot back. "She put her filthy hand on my chin and demanded I spit my gum out! So when I did, the spit from my mouth came with it, and then..."
Sierra paused and lowered her voice. Now school wasn't even working out for her. One hour into her return, and she was already facing an office visit and a threat of detention. "...she dumped the spit and gum in my hair."
"I don't care what she made you do. Did you steal her candy?" She looked the girl up and down. She put it in Sierra's hair. Mmmmm....
Originally Posted by Tommehbell
Harlow caught one right between her eyes and they instantly watered. She nearly fell right off the bench into the floor. She squeaked and ducked before she got hit again. This was turning into a war zone.
Harlow trembled as one of the professor descended on the Slytherin table. Were they all in trouble for the gum throwing. Was she going to stuck them in the dungeons? She hid behind Tori to get away from the gaze of the Dragon Lady.....
She turned at the squeak. Firstie. Big hair... Merlin...
Originally Posted by Steelsheen
Then Lafay happened.
Instinctively he gulped. Was he supposed to do something? Like what? Oh! He knows... he's not laughing at Sierra and Lola. Thats progress right?
Is it just him or Hogwarts is a little rowdy this year?
"Salander. You are head boy... make sure the little big haired first year is alright." She ordered.
Originally Posted by Kimalia
That was more than enough for Kimalia, someone had to make a stand. She was her teammate! Kimalia then stood up, shaking a little bit. "Professor Lafay," She knew eyes would be staring at her now, but she didn't care. "It's true, Sierra was merely giving back her gum when she dumped it on her head." Then Kimalia did something so unlike her, it was so unlike her she felt it would be the only way to save Sierra. "And the gum that hit you, was from me." Kimalia then took out remaining gum that she bough for herself on the train from her pocket. "See, I have her gum and was about to pass it to her when I well- missed." Kimalia smiled sheepishly in a guilty looking way.
"So you were both tossing gum at the table? 'Returning' the stolen gum?" She asked the girl to clarify. Hecate was not happy.
Originally Posted by Mandana
Hearing Professor Lafay's voice sent a shiver down his spine, she definitely was the only woman that managed to scare him and for good reason too. "That, would be our Head of House and Potions Professor. Do not try to get on her bad side since she's never afraid to take away house points and give you a detention. If I were you, I'd tread lightly when you're around her." He wanted to make it perfectly clear to Dia that the professor wasn't one to be messed around with.
"And if I were you I would not talk about people behind their backs." She said hearing the boy describing her. Flattering as it may be, she wasn't going to let him just talk about her behind her back.
Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl
"She's lying!" Tori called out, pointing dramatically at Sierra's partner in crime. "Don't defend her! Are you a SLYTHERIN OR AREN'T YOU?!" REALLY.
"Do NOT raise your voice!!"
Her patience was dwindling. She was about to do something irrational.
BOOMBAYAH! | #PuedoPorquePiensoQuePuedo | Certified Blank and Random Person | Raventastic
Originally Posted by serpensortia
"No Way!" Lana exclaimed. "Your mom was a Ravenclaw? Interesting!" That triggered a memory for Lana. Every person in her family had been a Slytherin. The only person who didn't get sorted into this house was her eldest brother about 8 years ago. Her other brother kept telling her how weird it was at home. However, she was too young to remember that.
"Was the rest of your family sorted into Slytherin?" she asked.
"Hmm.. Most of. But my little brother will be in Hogwarts 2 years later. Maybe he will inherited my mom's brain." said Raven. Its a nice chat with Lana, a kind girl whom she met here, in Slytherin house table.
Originally Posted by Vick88
Alex was overwhelmed she didn't know anybody in her house and also everybody looked older than her... that's when she accidentally heard a conversation and said excited "are you first years too? i'm so relieved! i couldn't find anyone my age" "do you mind if I sit with you too?"
"Sure. Make yourself comfortable." Raven welcomed the boy and let him join her.
"Raven Charlotte, and you are?" she shook the boy's hand